Energy of Feminine

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The book discusses concepts like succulence, conscious living, cultivating sexual energy, and caring for the yoni and breast.

Some of the techniques explained in the book include practices from Taoist qi gong, the six healing sounds, the Jade Egg exercises, and yoni massage.

According to the book, cultivating sexual energy can lead to self-healing, refining of energy, and the emergence of a sensual woman who lives in alignment with her chi.


The information presented in this book is based on the author’s personal experience as a Universal Tao In-
structor. It is for the purpose of education and for the empowerment of each woman to reclaim her divine
birthright: succulent bliss. The techniques explained are to be used with discretion and reader’s liability.
The author is not responsible or liable in any manner for any body sensations, experiences and possible
issues resulting from applying the techniques contained in this book. Success in these practices is directly
related to the amount of time dedicated to them.

Emergence of the Sensual Woman

Copyright © 2006 by Saida Désilets

Published by Jade Goddess Publishing

For inquires contact: Charles Cantrell, Ltd.

336 36th St, Suite 301
Bellingham, WA, 98225, USA

Editing by Shalene Takara and Charles Cantrell

Cover design by Bob Paltrow
Interior design by Shalene Takara
Photos by Charles Cantrell
Illustrations by Marina Fomchenko
Jade Goddess logo design by Bruce Stevens
Index by Betty Taylor

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise - without prior
permission in writing from the copyright holder except as provided by USA copyright law.

ISBN 0-9788654-0-5

Library of Congress Control Number: 2006932183

Printed in the United States of America.


Foreword xi
Preface xiii
How to Use This Book xv
Acknowledgments xvii
Introduction xix

5 ) & " 3 5  0 ' 4 6 $ $ 6 - & / 5  - * 7 * / (  1 ) * - 0 4 0 1 ) : 

1 The Art of Succulent Living 3
2 Succulence in a Barren World 11
3 Integrity and Power 27
4 Conscious Living 37
5 From Multi-Orgasm to Omni-Orgasm 59
6 Shiva and Shakti 73

5 ) & 4 " $ 3 & %  5 & " $ ) * / ( 4  0 '  5 ) & + " % &  ( 0 % % & 4 4
7 The Jade Goddess Foundation Practices 91
8 The Sexual Foundation Practices 115
9 The Core Jade Egg Practices 133
10 The Advanced Jade Egg Practices 163
11 Yoni and Breast Care 187
12 Ambrosia 219

Conclusion 235

Appendix A: Interviews with Women 239

Appendix B: Juicy Tips for Daily Inspiration 245
Appendix C: Quick Practice Guide 247
Appendix D: Resources 249

List of Illustrations 251

Glossary 255
Bibliography 259
Index 263

It is with joy in my heart that I write this foreword for Saida’s Emergence of the
Sensual Woman. Saida intrigues me with her innovative style of instructing the
female sexual practice and her embodiment of a very good quality of yin energy.
Her Jade Goddess teachings blend not only the powerful practices from the Uni-
versal Healing Tao system, it also brings in a version of the female sexual practice
that I have known was missing from the regular Taoist teachings. After extend-
ing an invitation for Saida to share her teachings at my Tao Garden Center in
Thailand, I also asked her to work intimately with Dr. Rachel Abrams and me as
a resource for our book, The Multi-Orgasmic Woman.
I believe Emergence of the Sensual Woman will be a unique and important
contribution to both the Taoist community and mainstream readers. This book
fuses both philosophical and technical concepts in an easy, thought-provoking
manner, inspiring readers to understand the Taoist way as a practical, life-en-
hancing path.
The Tao way is the balanced way and, as humanity now moves to bring into
balance the yin/feminine chi, this book shall be an essential resource for facilitat-
ing this global shift. As more women understand their power and live in harmo-
ny with their yin and yang chi, more balance and harmony will be felt within the
population as a whole. This book reveals a wealth of techniques expertly shared
not only in the words, but equally in Saida’s presence. She lives these teachings.
A teacher who embodies the powerful qualities of yin is a gift, and it is an honor
to have her as a representative of the Universal Tao system.

Mantak C h ia
Founder of the Universal Tao and Healing Tao System
June 2006

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Before investigating a new way of perceiving sexuality and sensuality, it may

be helpful to understand a little more about me and how I came to write Emer-
gence of the Sensual Woman. In 1999, I was introduced to the Taoist teachings.
Within a month of diligent practice, the results were so substantial that my dedi-
cation and exploration of qi gong (energy practice) and sexual energy became
fully ignited. These results are woven into the chapters of this book as they were
integral to my creation of the Art of Succulent Living and Jade Goddess teach-
ings—a deep exploration of the full potential of being a completely activated and
vibrantly succulent woman in the 21st century.
I did not wish to write just another sex or self-help book for women, but
rather to extend an invitation to the reader to move into herself, into the very
essence of the Feminine. Acknowledging that our DNA, the galaxies, and eve-
rything we call energy moves in a spiral, I chose my vision and words to reflect
this harmonious and natural non-linear pattern. As women, we are guides of
this spiral path, weaving our emotions, intuitions, intellect, sexuality and spirit
into all that we create, every day of our lives. Falling out of this rhythm results
in disease (be it mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual); thus, investing in our
return to a natural sense of integration and free-flowing sensuality can only be
for our greatest health and wealth.


This book is an invitation to each and every woman to ignite her own inner
wisdom, radiant passion, and erotic innocence. It is a work of love dedicated to
the light-hearted, fun, juicy, sacred aspects of sexual energy and its cultivation.
Whether this is your first time looking into these teachings or whether you have
already established a well-worn path, may this book act as a support tool for your
unique journey of self-discovery and self-cultivation.
Chapters one through six cover the Art of Succulent Living, a set of concepts
and beliefs used to expand our understanding of the world in which we live.
Chapters seven through twelve cover the technical practices of the Jade God-
dess teachings. If this is your first exposure to these teachings, it would be valu-
able to read these chapters a few times prior to doing the practices. If you are
an advanced practitioner, these chapters will serve as a review and assist you in
deepening your embodiment of these teachings. I also welcome male readers to
enter the secret world of the Feminine as guests, and I encourage them to view
the content with the understanding that it was written specifically as a woman’s
guide to cultivating her succulence.

“May the Divine Feminine awaken within you and may your path be blessed
with an abundance of succulence. Live life fully.”


I am delighted that you have chosen to embark on this journey with me. Together
we will explore the vast and powerful mysteries of our feminine essence. It takes
courage to redefine ourselves beyond the constructs of our current understand-
ing of what it means to be a woman. This path is one of compassion, acceptance
and growth. It is a tender moment when we step into ourselves and awaken our
erotic innocence. Let’s savor this experience by allowing it to unfold through let-
ting go of our expectations and opening ourselves to limitless possibilities. Now
let’s look at what lies ahead on our path to emerging as sensual women.

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When we choose to awaken our true nature as women, we realize that we
are in truth very much alive and connected to all of life. This realization as well
as the ability to surrender to our innate beauty as feminine expressions of the
Divine is part of living a succulent life. To live succulently means allowing our
life force to flow freely through us, making us supple, vibrant, inspired, inspiring,
and ecstatically alive.

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Whether we are venturing into this world for the first time, or we have al-
ready carved a path in the realm of sacred sexuality, this book invites us into
our feminine essence. Embracing our sexual/sensual nature, opening our heart,
radiating out love without fear, and choosing to be a conscious creator of our life
is the Art of Succulent Living in action.

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Some aspects of this book will feel like they have always been a part of what
we know and while others may feel foreign. I have made a special effort to include
and share intimate stories in a candid way to invite a space of deep authenticity
and truth—a space where true healing and learning can occur. When we create a
space of openness, acceptance, genuine trust, and curiosity without making any-
thing right or wrong, good or bad, we invite ourselves to experience new levels
of self-understanding, self-love, and self-acceptance.

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“What happens when I do all these things, and I change in ways I am not
familiar with and attempt to live in the real world?” This is a common question
often left unanswered by most of the schools that teach the sacred teachings of
sexual energy cultivation. Therefore, I have dedicated the first half of the book
to addressing this phenomenon, incorporating both accounts from my personal

experience and the observations of thousands of people in workshops and semi-
nars worldwide.

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The Art of Succulent Living isn’t just theory or philosophy. It also contains
practices designed to cultivate aliveness in every part of our being. These prac-
tices, that I call the Jade Goddess teachings, are a combination of practices that
have been passed down through thousands of years as well as my own innovative
techniques. While some practices appear nonsexual-sensual or simplistic in na-
ture, the foundation practices lead to revitalizing and balancing the entire person
(body-mind-spirit). Once a strong, clear base is formed, we are free to expand our
sexual/sensual experience to its limitless possibilities.

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Alive sexuality and sensuality move us from an era when women were sup-
pressed, controlled or diminished in some way, to a new era where men and
women live together in exalted harmony. This new time embraces the gift of al-
lowing the Masculine and Feminine energies to exist in harmony both inwardly
and outwardly. When our inner and outer realities become more tangibly one,
our yin and yang harmoniously function and express themselves throughout
our existence.

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Let’s now begin this magnificent journey into ourselves, into the understand-
ing of who we really are through thought-provoking concepts and easy, fun, prac-
tical, and transformative techniques. At this point, I want to remind each woman
that she already knows all of this and to fully trust her own inner wisdom and
guidance above anything written herein. I am simply a guide along the way.

With deepest respect,

Saida Désilets
Maui, Hawaii, July 2006

W e live in a world that is barren of succulence, a modern world de-
signed to suck us dry. As youth, we begin our lives plump and vital. Yet
just a few years later, many of us have grown into weary, drained, joyless adults.
Up until this moment, we have had two choices for defining our feminine es‑
sence: being considered a slut or frigid. Between these two extremes, however,
exists the succulent world of the sensual woman. This world is rich with vibrant,
confident, sexually open, magnetic, conscious, and radiant women. In this world,
the Feminine has the power to enchant and to heal.
How often do we encounter a succulent, sensual woman? Up until now not
very often, simply because it has not been safe for us to express our succulence
and sensuality. The world we currently live in greets the feminine essence with
bitterness, hostility and violence. It is scary to be juicy. To become our sensual
selves and embrace our fullness as women, we must realize that who we are will
create reverberations in this dry world. How can we not? When rains fall on a
barren dessert, the excitement of freshness and new life stirs the dust from the
ground and creates a commotion. Similarly, as sensual women entering a space
that is barren of life, we excite a reaction. Whether the reaction is positive or
negative depends on the environment we are in. As sensual women, we recognize
these reactions as natural and through our grace, ease, and joy, we embrace all
responses to our aliveness.

The Art of Succulent Living

The Art of Succulent Living is having the awareness and the capacity to live life
in such a way that each moment serves to bring greater joy, ease, and vitality to
us as women. It is what brings about our true emergence as sensual women. The
art of living a succulent life is our choice to create moment-to-moment opportu-
nities that lead to a sense of greater peace, radiance and personal empowerment.
It is the ability to choose love, to choose life, and to choose freedom regardless
of current conditions. Maintaining an attitude that makes our life as delightful
and aware as possible is just one aspect of this art, and just like any art, succulent
living incorporates a set of practices and philosophies that aid us in accessing our
own innate creativity and unique expression. The philosophies and practices in
this book are designed to give us an understanding of our innate feminine es-
sence and provide the skills necessary to develop our own art, to be the master of
our own true sensual selves, and to allow our sensual selves to emerge. Thus, liv-
ing as sensual women is an act of renewing our faith and trust in ourselves while
cultivating those aspects of our bodies, minds, and spirits which are life‑giving.

The Art of Succulent Living 5

As sensual women practicing this art, we see each and every moment as an op-
portunity, rich with beauty, vitality, and the possibility to embrace what is.

Accessing Succulence Through Sensuality

Sensuality is how we perceive the world through our sense of taste, touch, sight,
sound, and smell. The more sensual we are, the more enjoyment we are able to
derive from the things we are sensing. Succulence arises from our sexual energy
and vitality. In order to become more succulent we must become more sensually
aware through our heightened senses. Emerging as sensual women naturally oc-
curs as a result of practicing the Art of Succulent Living. This involves accessing
and refining our senses, increasing our capacity to experience pleasure, and in
turn, awakening our sexuality through transforming these sensations into vital-
ity and succulence.
Many of us walk through life merely experiencing “the same-old, same-old”.
This is because our senses are underdeveloped and we see life through the lens of
“life is bland, boring, or mundane”. On the other hand, as sensual women with
awakened sensual selves (or essences), we perceive the world through a lens of
heightened and developed sensuality. It is this part that allows us to experience
the fullness and abundance of our own sensuality and to live succulent lives.

The Different Aspects of the Art of Succulent Living

Every art is multi-faceted. To master an art, well-rounded training in all its fac-
ets is essential. For example, training as a dancer requires knowledge not only of
dance techniques, but also anatomy, nutrition, music, dance history and cultiva-
tion of one’s own unique creative expression. Similarly, the harmonious blending
of the Art of Succulent Living principles with the practices of the Jade Goddess
teachings encompass an array of concepts which include:
' living in the world as sensual women
' understanding and managing our power with integrity
' living with more conscious awareness
' creating more effective and meaningful interactions with
our communities.
Discovering a wealth of physical practices based on the Jade Goddess teachings
which include:
' the potential of Omni-Orgasm
' dynamics of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies

' sexual qi gong for changing one’s sexual/sensual
' sexual anatomy
' sexual reflexology
' the phenomenon of female ejaculation (ambrosia)
Without a thorough understanding of how the cultivation of sexual energy works
within our modern-day reality, its practical value would be next to nothing. This
is why the Jade Goddess approach is two-fold, balancing the physical practice
with grounded philosophy.

How did the Jade Goddess and

the Art of Succulent Living Teachings begin?
Before we begin tending to the gentle emergence of our sensual selves, it is help-
ful for us to first understand how these teachings originated and what their mod-
ern-day applications are. That said, let’s briefly take a look at the history of this
lineage before we embark.
Ancient Taoists were both scientists and artists who explored the vast poten-
tial of the body and all its energetic attributes. After thousands of years investi-
gating human nature, they discovered that the key to a long, healthy life resided
in the cultivation of their sexual essence. This led them to create the Taoist way
or what we currently know as Taoist sexual qi gong. As a modern Taoist, Man-
tak Chia explains, “Ancient Taoist sages believed we were born to be immortal.
We become mortal by draining ourselves of chi through engaging in excessive
sexual activity, indulging in negative emotions, and depending only on material
sources to supply our life force.” These ancient Taoists teachings, however, were
not available to the general public as they were considered to be very potent and
powerful—too powerful for the average person. Thus, sexual qi gong remained a
well-kept secret, reserved solely for royalty and the lineage holders that inher-
ited the tradition.
In the 1970s, something occurred which had not happened before. Master Yi
Eng authorized his student, Mantak Chia, to bring these teachings to the West.
Master Chia agreed and continued to investigate and develop the Taoist practices
through his understanding of Chinese medicine and the use of Western scientific
research. In 1979, he brought these teachings to the United States and created
the Universal Tao System, a blend of ancient Taoist wisdom and modern medical
research, giving us all access to this ancient wisdom.

The Art of Succulent Living 7

With both increased sales in female sexual qi gong literature and in the attend-
ance in female sexual qi gong seminars, it has become evident that this sexual
practice is rising in popularity as more and more women are drawn to exploring
their sexuality through this respected and natural system of the Universal Tao.
Mantak Chia, a Taoist master, along with Dr. Rachel Abrams, a Western medical
doctor, produced a valuable book: The Multi-Orgasmic Woman. Together they
interwove the Taoist wisdom with current Western medical research to produce
a thorough resource for women desiring to explore the women’s Taoist practice
of sexual energy cultivation. They found that women who work with the Jade 
Egg (an egg-shaped piece of Jade used for exercising and harmonizing the female
sexual organs) and the other practices found in this book could lessen or elimi-
nate PMS and menopausal symptoms, aid in fertility and cancer prevention (of
the breasts and genitals), and stimulate a much wider range of orgasmic experi-
ences. According to Dr. Abrams, “In my personal and professional experience,
Taoist sexual practices are the most powerful techniques for sexual healing and
transformation that I have encountered. ”
Keeping in harmony with Chia’s and Abram’s work, this book not only uses
the ancient wisdom of the Taoist sexual qi gong practices, but it also contributes
to the lineage by deepening and expanding the Jade Egg practice.
The Jade Goddess is the name of the women’s sexual teachings I developed
using the Jade Egg. The Art of Succulent Living philosophy accompanies these
teachings to serve as guidance for how to live with the changes that occur when
practicing these sacred teachings. While this approach to teaching ancient Taoist
practices may be considered modern, I have chosen to retain some Taoist words
to describe different qualities of our sensual energy in order to expand both our
understanding of our sensual selves and our vocabulary to describe it. I have
also included a glossary at the back of this book clarifying the pronunciation and
meaning of these Taoist words.
The Jade Goddess teachings address every aspect of our Feminine, including:
' the physical: improving pelvic health, tone and suppleness
' the emotional: healing wounds of past trauma
' the mental: accessing limiting beliefs and replacing them
with life‑enhancing ones
' the spiritual: connecting with the Divine Feminine essence.
Through many years of sharing with women the Jade Goddess teachings and the
Art of Succulent Living, I have acquired an intimate understanding of women,
their sensual natures, and how powerfully transformative these practices truly

are. Within my classes, I have successfully instructed doctors, nurses, psycholo-
gists, counselors, PhD’s, teachers, authors, mothers and women of all ages, back-
grounds and experience. The core sentiment from all my students has been grati-
tude for the new understanding and experience of their sexual/sensual selves as
it is integrated into their daily lives.

Developing Our Sensual Self and Awakening Our Life Force (Jing)
To effectively express our sensual self and understand how these ancient practic-
es work, we need to understand how to awaken our innate life force (also known
as Jing). Jing is found in our kidneys and is responsible for our natural libido and
orgasmic experiences. All Taoist practices, including the Jade Goddess teachings,
focus on nurturing our Jing for better health, longevity and greater orgasmic
experience. As stated by Mantak Chia, “The kidneys store our sexual and ener-
getic essences and purify the blood. The kidney center is called the Door of Life
because it is also the center of Prenatal Chi, our inborn vitality.”
Jing refers both to the inherited or prenatal chi (the energy created when the
sperm and egg meet to form a human being) and acquired Jing (the energy taken
in through air, food and positive life experience). This life force is the vitality that
animates life in our body. Without it, we say that a person is deceased. Accessing
and cultivating our Jing energy is one of the core Jade Goddess teachings. Sexual
qi gong teaches us to conserve our original Jing while activating, cultivating and
circulating our acquired Jing. This way, we can become more alive and sensual,
while accelerating our evolution as human beings and attaining higher levels of
The Jade Goddess teachings cultivate Jing initially through the Taoist founda-
tional practices. These practices (discussed in Chapter 7) are the essential ground-
work we use to access and integrate succulence into our daily life. In addition,
they also provide us with greater understanding and mastery of all our internal
energies. By understanding how this life force works, we can direct it in crea-
tive ways to consciously increase vitality rather than deplete it. This ability to
increase vitality, pleasure, ease and radiance within us is all part of the practice of
the Art of Succulent Living.
The wondrous mystery and exploration of our bliss and ecstasy are not
a passing fancy. They are our natural birthright as women. Through combining
our knowledge with practical techniques, we embody our sensuality with the
courage to live in a world that may not yet fully accept the Feminine. Now is the
time for us to emerge as sensual women.

The Art of Succulent Living 9

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The Jade Goddess Foundation Practices

Techniques to Awaken and
Hone Our Energetic System

The journey begins

with one small step
that’s all it takes to create
a new resonance
Along the way
each step so precious
so huge and perfect
Mindfully I walk
stepping lightly upon the Earth
leaving no mark
other than a gentle sigh
as my toes massage
the skin of our Mother
All too soon
the steps shall transform
into the beats
of my wings
as I lift off
into the wild expanse
of the boundless heavens

Introduction to the Foundation Practices 95

The Warm-Up Practices 97
The Micro-Cosmic Orbit Theory 99
The Micro-Cosmic Orbit Practice 102
Storing the Chi 106
The Inner Smile Theory 106
The Inner Smile Practice 107
The Six Healing Sounds Theory 110
The Six Healing Sounds Practice 111
I n Part One, we explored the Art of Succulent Living, a philosophy that
touches many aspects of our life. We explored what it is like to live as sen-
sual women in a barren world, the relationship between integrity and power,
the philosophy of conscious living, the expanded experience of multi-orgasms
and omni-orgasms, and our relationship with the Masculine/Shiva. Now we are
ready to explore the Jade Goddess foundation practices, the practical application
of the philosophy. The roots of these practices come from a Taoist lineage that is
thousands of years old, yet their application in the present remains as powerful
as ever, as they prepare the body-mind-spirit to exist on a higher frequency of
vitality, bliss and peace. They are essential for our emergence as sensual women.

How to Use This Portion of the Book

This portion of the book is designed to be a self-teaching manual to facilitate the
learning and practice of powerful techniques that have been proven to aid in the
emergence of our sensual selves. It is important to read through this part of the
book slowly, one technique at a time, taking the time to absorb and practice each
technique before moving on to the next. If we are already experienced with this
material, there is a page guide at the beginning of each chapter to facilitate our
navigation through the material. All the exercises are described in full, some with
images. There is also additional information in italics to indicate what is happen-
ing to us when we do each particular exercise.
I encourage everyone to master the foundation practices before taking on
more sexual practices. This will ensure our success in the cultivation of our most
potent chi, our sexual energy. Do not feel obliged to read each practice chapter
from start to finish. Pacing ourselves, we will experience a gradual, yet powerful

Introduction to the Foundation Practices

The foundation practices embody a combination of meditation and conscious
movements that serve as tools for sensual women. Whether we are seeking bet-
ter health and a balanced lifestyle or a more profound activation and experience
of our own sexual energy these practices, while seemingly simple, are in fact very
A common misunderstanding that people sometimes have about sexual
teachings is that explicit sexual acts equate sexual cultivation. An average person
with little or no formal sexual education and a desire to understand sexuality will

The Jade Goddess Foundation Practices 95

often quickly jump right to the obvious juicy stuff (aroused practice) and may
have little patience or knowledge of the non-juicy stuff (un‑aroused practice). As
sensual women, we understand that sexual energy is an innate part of our being.
By the simple practice of moving energy in a non-sexual manner, we can experi-
ence profound positive shifts in our sexual experiences.

Questions: Have you ever thought of ways in which you might be able to cultivate
your sexual energy? In what ways do you think a non-sexual practice
might enhance your sexual energy?

Why Practice Something Non-Sexual

if Sexual Enhancement is Desired?

From my experiences of teaching the Art of Succulent Living, I have observed

that those who do not have a foundation tend to have less success with sexual
practices. Of course, this is not the case for everyone. But I have observed that
women who are very ecstatic with their sexual energy yet do not have a strong
foundation tend to experience a pattern of imbalance that manifests itself in a
variety of forms, from physical illness to premature aging to psychological and
spiritual issues. Often, we can reduce or eliminate these symptoms by strength-
ening the body and its energy systems using the following basic foundation prac-

The Three Foundation Practices:

Opening and Protecting the Body During Sexual Practice
The foundation consists of three practices:
' The Micro-Cosmic Orbit
' The Inner Smile
' The Six Healing Sounds
Initially, these practices focus on cleansing, purifying and strengthening the
body by releasing trapped heat and gases, transforming negative emotions, and
literally reprogramming the way our nervous system receives input. The foun-
dation practices also energize and revitalize our body by helping it to digest large
amounts of sexual and other energy, circulating this potent energy throughout
the rest of our body (not just our genitals) and storing this energy so it doesn’t
get lost. The Taoist masters view chi as the key to attaining good health and be-
lieve that good health enables us to condense and transfer more chi to a higher
grade of energy.

Question: What images come to mind when you think about moving your own
energy to heal, balance and enhance your body?

For those of us interested in living succulently, these practices will give us the
foundation we need to handle higher volumes of orgasmic energy/chi. Practic-
ing with sexual energy without the foundation practices is like building a house
without grounding wires and a solid foundation. It leaves us vulnerable to short
circuits and electrical fires, and if we add more floors (higher inner alchemy prac-
tices), the whole structure may even collapse. These basic foundation practices
rewire our body and clear both potential and existing blockages so that we can
enjoy the fruits of our practice.

The Warm-Up Practices

Before doing the three foundation practices (the micro-cosmic orbit, the inner
smile, and the six healing sounds), it is good for us to warm up our body and
bring our awareness fully into the present moment. When our body is warmed
up and our awareness is centered in present time, our ability to perform the
practices increase. Repeat each of the following warm-up exercises three or more
times, while keeping in mind that the more we do the exercises, the more results
we receive.


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The Jade Goddess Foundation Practices 97

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'JH 41 */"- $ 03% # 3&"5 )* /(


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) 03 4 &#"$ ,3*%*/(

All spinal warm-ups will induce a para-sympathetic or relaxation response in

our body. These movements encourage the flow of spinal fluid and activate our
cranial and sacral pumps. They help to release excess tension along our spine and

in our back, enabling us to have better access to the subtle chi movements in our
body. Removing blockages in our body will further facilitate the movement of
our chi/energy.

Questions: How do you feel after releasing the tension from your spine? How do
you see relaxation serving you in your sexual practice?

Beginning the Foundation Practices

Let’s now begin the Jade Goddess foundation practices. As with all qi gong energy
practice, the results will be equal to the time and energy we invest in them. The
first foundation practice is not really a technique so much as it is an attitude. It
is the attitude of completely honoring ourselves as sensual women: beautiful,
succulent representatives of the Divine Feminine energy. All other techniques
stem from this core attitude. To increase the depth of our understanding, the
three foundation practices are presented here with theory first, followed by their
practical application.

Foundation Practice One: The Micro-Cosmic Orbit Theory

The first foundation practice is called the micro-cosmic orbit. The micro-cosmic
orbit is the major path through which energy moves in our body. We all have this
orbit; however, it is not fully activated in most of us. Consider our orbit like a
super highway and our sexual chi as a fancy sports car. If the highway is covered
with roadblocks and debris, we can still get to where we are going, but only if we
slow down and take side roads. Before opening our micro-cosmic orbit, however,
we will not be able to use our energy (car) to its full potential, and we will not
be able to benefit fully from this pathway. When we open and clear this orbit or
super highway, we can move our chi (fancy sports car) a lot more efficiently and
effectively. In essence, the micro-cosmic orbit practice is simply placing the tip of
our tongue on the roof of our mouth. There are a few different points along the
palate where we can place our tongue. I recommend starting with the place that
feels the most comfortable.


The Jade Goddess Foundation Practices 99

As a result of this practice, we may notice a shift in our energy. In general, the
entire body may experience a harmonizing effect.

Shifting Gears
When we become more adept at sensing energy, we can start to move our tongue
along our palate until we find a place where we sense some kind of sensation.
When we do, we may experience tingling, warmth or electricity, or even taste
a metallic flavor. There are typically three main areas of the palate where the
tongue is placed. The lung access point is found just behind the teeth and is re-
sponsible for moving our energy to the surface of our skin. The heart access
point is found on the hard palate and is responsible for moving our energy into
our muscles. The kidney access point is found where the hard and soft palate
meet. This is the most desirable point to place our tongue, as it moves the energy
deeper into the bones and directly connects us to the crystal palace (the master
glands). When the energy is being transformed properly, a flow of very sweet
nectar (liquid) will fill our mouth. See Fig. 7.7.





When this nectar begins to flow, a few things can occur in our body: one, our
body’s craving for sweets diminishes, and two, our body rejuvenates and regen-
erates itself.
Mantak Chia emphasizes that, “the saliva is considered a precious fluid in
Taoism. It has been called the Long Life Wine or Jade Fluid.” The more saliva we
produce, the better our health will be. Also, Taoists understood that the closer to
the teeth we move our tongue, the closer to the surface of our skin our chi will
move, the closer to the soft palate (kidney point), the deeper into our body our
chi will move. Where we choose to hold our tongue is guided by how we feel and
how much saliva we are able to produce.
The other important part of this practice is rooting the feet into Mother
Earth. The kidneys and their meridian system are activated through key points:


one, touching our tongue to the kidney point on the palate, and two, being aware
of the kidney point on the balls of our the feet (called the Kidney-1 or K-1, or
the bubbling springs point, see Fig. 7.8). Rooting occurs when our K-l points are
activated by massage, and then through focused awareness of the feet resting on
the ground. This is important because the kidneys rule the sexual (Jing) chi in the
body, as Mantak Chia confirms, “we believe
the kidneys store part of the Original Chi.
They also store sexual energy.”
Another important reason for having
our tongue on the kidney point of our pal-
ate is that this helps to keep our body cool.
This is particularly important because our
body generates a lot of heat when doing qi
,JEOFZ gong practice, more so when we are doing
our aroused sexual practice. During qi gong
practice having our tongue up on our palate
helps us to move the chi from the surface of
our body into deeper parts of our body, as we are activating our kidneys which
rule the deeper parts of our body.
By using the micro-cosmic orbit to circulate our aroused sexual energy
through our body, we not only rejuvenate our body, we also prevent possible im-
balances known as the Kundalini syndrome. The Universal Tao (Mantak Chia’s
organization) describes Kundalini syndrome through its symptoms: “Symptoms
of Kundalini syndrome: complications that arise because of energy congestion in
the head include: sudden baldness, headaches, ringing in the ears, seeing flashing
lights, and psychosis.”
Important note: We can prevent Kundalini syndrome by practicing the foun-
dation practices described in this book.

Questions: Based on what you have just learned about the micro-cosmic orbit,
how is this method safer than basic meditation for moving orgasmic
energy? How has your view of meditation changed now that you un-
derstand its relationship to sexual energy?

Harmonizing Yin and Yang

The union of the yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) channels (or the front
and back channels respectively) is achieved when our tongue is placed on the
roof of our mouth (see Fig. 7.9 on the next page). This circuit enables us to move
the hot and cold energies throughout the body, removing excess energy from
over-heated areas and organs, and redirecting it to areas which are in need of

The Jade Goddess Foundation Practices 101

more energy. This in turn
creates a greater sense of
harmony and balance in QJUVJUBSZHMBOE

our body’s organs and tis-

sues. Performing the sexual
practices without opening
the micro-cosmic orbit can
lead to problems as the raw,
throughout the body and
lodge itself in the organs, tissues or bones creating imbalances. We must always
make sure that we refine our sexual energy and give it a direction in which to
move. This is very important if we are to fully benefit from our sexual practice.
Important note: Why do we have to refine our sexual energy? Sexual energy
is like raw fuel. When it moves up our spine, it becomes refined into a subtler
energy that can be used by our brain.
The wonderful advantage to this practice is that it teaches us how to move
and direct this energy anywhere in our body, allowing us to benefit from its
healing or orgasmic effects. Advanced practices use the orbit for doing energy
exchange and for healing others.

Foundation Practice One: The Micro-Cosmic Orbit Practice

Now that we understand why the micro-cosmic orbit is an essential part of sexual
practice, let’s do this practice. We will begin with a pre-meditation warm-up:


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The Jade Goddess Foundation Practices 103









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We may experience tingling, warmth or other sensations indicating the move-

ment of energy through our orbit, or we may feel nothing at all. We must not


be attached to experiencing these sensations in our meditation as some never
happen and some are temporary. However, we will know our orbit is activated
when we feel more harmonized, balanced and energized, either in the moment
or throughout our day.

Helpful Hints for Successful Practice


Safety tip: Having our tongue on the roof of our mouth will act like a ground-
ing wire and ensures that our energy is moving properly. Some of us experience
headaches when moving energy through the orbit. This is due to chi staying in
our head. If this happens, we can simply focus on our navel and brush our hands
down the front of our body. This helps our chi move back down our front line to
our navel.

Jade Goddess Orbit Practice

As we do all the practices presented in this book and as we journey deeper into
the cultivation of our succulent life, we can remember to keep our tongue lightly
touching the roof of our mouth at all times. The more we do this, the more our
chi will be able to circulate. This is a very important point to remember, especially
when we feel a lot of energy being generated in our body and our yoni.

Questions: Were you able to feel energy moving in the orbit? If you did not feel
any energy, have you noticed a change in your overall wellness after
practicing this meditation over a period of time and what are those

The Jade Goddess Foundation Practices 105

Storing the Chi
The following step, storing the chi, is the most important step in all the practices
and it allows us to fully benefit from the practices.
Breathing into our navel center, we visualize a lasso or spiral of energy mov-
ing counterclockwise around our navel. We continue to breathe normally and
smile down to our navel as we spiral three,
nine or thirty-six times counterclockwise.
Then we reverse the spiral, three, nine, or
twenty-four times clockwise. Once we are
done spiraling, we imagine the collected
chi moving into our cauldron, which is
located at the secondary navel chakra or
1.5 inches below the navel and a few inch-
es inside our body. We form our energy
into a pearl and leave it there for future
use (see Fig. 7.11).
Spiraling counterclockwise will draw
in the chi/energy from all parts of our
body, while spiraling clockwise will con- 'JH
dense the chi/energy into a smaller and
smaller ball of light or a pearl. This is the most important part of our practice.
Like a rechargeable battery that doesn’t keep its charge, even after twelve hours
of recharging, our body does not benefit from our practice if we do not make a
habit of storing our chi.

Foundation Practice Two: The Inner Smile Theory

The inner smile meditation is the second of the foundation practices and is equal-
ly important for the exploration of our sexual potential. As women we typically
know more about the outer world than our own body, and often trust experts
(such as doctors, therapists and scientists) to tell us what is going on internally
after only a five to ten minute examination. How can these professionals really
know what is going on inside of us? They can only give a professional and intui-
tive guess. By relying on these experts, we have come to lack the ability to know
ourselves from the inside out. The Jade Goddess teachings help us to get back in
touch with our inner wisdom. From this place of knowing our innermost selves,
we can collaborate with health professionals in the goal of maintaining our vi-
brant health.


Questions: How well do you know your body and all its organs and systems?
What is the value in accessing this knowledge?

The inner smile helps us to build a strong relationship with our physical body
and increases our ability to understand its language. This simple practice of
smiling inwardly to ourselves is actually designed to create a mind-body con-
nection to our internal organs and chi. The inner smile also cultivates our ability
to redirect our senses inwardly which increases sensitivity and awareness of the
subtle movements of energy within our body. In turn, this helps us to develop an
ultra-sensitivity to our body’s orgasmic activity.
The ability to direct chi enables us as sensual women to move our orgasm
from our genitals to any part of our body that needs healing or activation. That
said, just smiling inwardly is one of the simplest and most powerful meditations
I’ve come across. The ability to internally transform energy is one of the most
important skills for cultivating renewed aliveness in our lives. By making a regu-
lar practice of converting external stimulus into internal vitality, we will be well
on our way to emerging as vibrant, sensual women.
The inner smile makes us more receptive, more aware, and thus more capable
of expanding our experiences. The more relaxed and receptive we are, the greater
our pleasure and experience will be.

Foundation Practice Two: The Inner Smile Practice

Our power to deepen our capacity for intimacy through the practice of the in-
ner smile is an essential part of our sexual cultivation. There are a few different
stages to this practice that can be done either separately or together.


" $ 5* 7"5*/( 0 63(-" /%4



The Jade Goddess Foundation Practices 107


Abrams, Rachel Carlton M.D. and Mantak Chia. The Multi–Orgasmic Woman.
Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, 2005.
Avinasha, Bodhi and Sunyata Saraswati. Jewel in the Lotus, The Tantric Path to
Higher Consciousness. Fairfield, Iowa: SunStar Publishing Ltd, 1987.
Baroody, Theodore A. N.D., D.C., Ph.D. Alkalize or Die. Waynesville, North
Carolina: Holographic Health Press, 2002.
Chalker, Rebecca. The Clitoral Truth. New York, New York: Seven Stories Press,
Chang, Dr. Stephen T. The Great Tao. San Francisco, California: Tao Publishing,
Chang, Dr. Stephen T. The Tao of Sexology, The Book of Infinite Wisdom. San
Francisco, California: Tao Publishing, 1986.
Chia, Mantak and Maneewan Chia. Awaken Healing Light of the Tao. Hunting-
ton, New York: Healing Tao Books, 1993.
Chia, Mantak and Maneewan Chia. Healing Love through the Tao, Cultivating
Female Sexual Energy. Chiang Mai, Thailand: IHT Publications, 1986.
Cutler, Dr.Winnifred. Athena Institute, Chester Springs, PA, July 2006. (accessed July 2006)
Dawkins, Richard. The Selfish Gene. New York, New York: Oxford University
Press, 1976.
Douglas, Nik and Penny Slinger. Sexual Secrets, The Alchemy of Ecstasy. Ro-
chester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International, 1979.
DVA. “You and Your Prostate, Function of the Prostate Gland.” Australian Gov-
ernment Department of Veterans’ Affairs, 2001.
dia/publicat/2001/prostate/ch1.htm (accessed July 2006)
Élysa enr. “Consultation, A Condition called “Vulvodynia.” Department of
Sexology at the Université du Québec.
english/9811e/qa0224-0206m.htm (accessed July 2006)
Faletra, Peter. “Male and Female.” Department of Energy United States of Amer-
ica. (accessed
July 2006)
House, Random. Unabridged Dictionary. New York, New York: Random House,
1993, Inc.
Jarrett, Lonny S. Nourishing Destiny. Stockbridge, Massachusetts: Spirit Path
Press, 1998.

Kaplan, Hilary. “Tampons, an unpublicized health hazard.” Yale Daily News Pub-
lishing Company, April 9, 1999. Yale University. http://www.yaledailynews.
com/article.asp?AID=1366 (accessed July 2006)
Kaufman, Barry Neil. To Love Is To Be Happy With. New York: Ballantine Pub-
lishing Group, 1977.
King, Francis. Tantra for Westerners, A Practical Guide to the Way of Action.
New York, New York: Destiny Books, 1986.
Klein, Dr Laura Cousino and researcher Shelley Taylor. “Women & Friendship.”
Oregon State University.
enandfriendship.php (accessed July 2006)
Ladas, Alice Kahn, Beverly Whipple, and John D. Perry. The G-spot and Other
Discoveries about Human Sexuality. New York, New York: Dell Publishing,
Lee, Bruce. Wing Chun, Jun Fan, Jeet Kune Do, JF/JKD. (accessed July 2006)
Lin, Newman Kunti, Ph.D., PE. “Female Ejaculation.” Lin Institute. (accessed July 2006)
Oleson, Terry, PhD, and William S. Flocco. “Randomized Controlled Study of
Premenstrual Symptoms Treated with Ear, Hand, and Foot Reflexology.” Ob-
stetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 82, #6, December 1993. American Academy
of Reflexology.
dResearch.html (accessed July 2006)
Pacholyk, Andrew, MS, L.Ac. “Crystal Dictionary of Metaphysical Meanings,
Jade.” (accessed July 2006)
Physicians, Board Certified. “Definition of Orgasm.” Webster’s New World™
Medical Dictionary, First and Second Editions, January, 2003. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
(accessed July 2006)
Piquemal, M., M.D., prepared by Christine Issel, “Global Effect of Reflexology
on Blood Flow Research Study.” ICR Newsletter, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 2006,
page 18-19.
(accessed July 2006)
Santamaria, Dr. F. Cabello. 2001. “Female Ejaculation: Research Contrary to
BBFC Ruling.” Quoted in Louise Achille and Catherine Wilkinson, Feminists
Against Censorship. (ac-
cessed July 2006)
Schubach, Dr. G. Ed.D, A.C.S. “The G-’Spot’ Controversy, The G-’Crest’ and
Female Ejaculation, The Experiment.” 1997.

experiment-5.htm (accessed July 2006)
Singer, J., and I. Singer. “Types of Female Orgasm.” In J. LoPiccolo and L. LoPic-
colo, eds., Handbook of Sex Therapy. New York, New York: Plenum Press,
1978. (accessed July 2006)
Webster’s 2. New Riverside University Dictionary. Boston, Massachusetts: Riv-
erside Publishing Co., 1984.

Further Acknowledgments

The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Marina Fomchenko for her
fabulous illustrations.

For more information about Marina Fomchenko, Illustrator:

For comments and assistance, the author would like to thank Tannia Hecht.

For more information about Tannia Hecht, MA, Pubic Hair Care, Esthetic Educa-


1-2-3 Bliss! Jade Egg practices, 169–170 emotional blockages to, 110
5-button remote, 153–156 bliss-gasms, 142
5-buttons, 168 blockages, 32
emotional, 110
A-frame orgasm. See G-spot releasing, 124, 127
Abrams, Dr. Rachel, 31, 184 boundaries, 34
The Multi-Orgasmic Woman, 8 breasts, caring for. See also specific organs
activating your glands, 107 estrogen production, 215
adrenals: nipple massage, 213 finishing practice massage, 216
advanced erotic string. See also string massage before egg exercises, 145
events nipple (endocrine) massage, 212–215
ajna, 103, 107 spiral massage, 214–215
aldosterone hormone, 224, 230 breathing
ambrosia, 62, 171, 219–233 ovarian, 122
activating the waters, 228–231 spinal cord, 98
benefits and challenges, 232 buttons of bliss, 152–156
controversy over, 221
erotic fingerprint, 223 C-7 energy point, 103
fluid secreted, 224, 227 Cabello, Dr. Santamaria, research, 227
Three Sacred Waters, 224, 226, 231 cauldron. See chi, storing
anatomy, female. See yoni cervix, 128–129, 178
anger, 32 3rd gate, 230–231
anus, 145 3rd water, 225–226
aphrodisiac, 194 chakras
aromatherapy, 203–204 crown, 154
aroused sexual energy, 184. See also sexual navel, 106
energy sex, 149
art of screwing, 160–161 throat, 124
Art of Succulent Living, 20, 47. See also Chalker, Rebecca, The Clitoral Truth, 224
choices; orgasm; relationships; Shakti; Chang, Stephen, 226
Shiva channels of energy, 5, 32, 156
awareness, 39 chi. See also Jade Egg, Jade Goddess teach-
exchanging love, 83 ings
freedom to choose, 56 ball, 102–104
living in the present, 54 breast massage, 214
micro-cosmic orbit, 50 compassion, 29–33
practicing, 24 condensing, 106
responsibility for self, 85–86 drinking, 119
results of, 30 earth, 120
gaining additional, 224
bai hui, 103 heart, 47
balance, 33 inner energy, 22
and hormones, 46 love, 44, 46, 48
Baroody, Dr. Theodore A, research, 227 orgasm, 232
bartholin’s glands, 140, 225 orgasmic chi, 61
biofeedback, 144 original, 9, 101
bliss. See also 1-2-3 Bliss; buttons of bliss ovarian, 122, 124, 212

prenatal, 9 Divine Masculine, 7, 13, 82. See also Shiva
sexual (jing), 30, 50, 125, 126–127 DNA, 45
stagnant, 32 door of life, 9
storing, 106, 180 doubt, 47, 127
Chia, Mantak, 124, 233. See also Jing
compassion, 31–33 egg
kidneys, 9 jade. See Jade Egg
The Multi-Orgasmic Woman, 8 obsidian, 138–139
saliva, 100 pushing pelvic exercise, 150
and Taoist practices, 7 egg-static (esctatic) play, 168–169
choices, 48–49, 55 ego, 31–32, 183
fear-based, 41, 42, 57 ejaculate
integrated, 40 coitus, 21
life-enhancing, 23 controversy, 221
life-giving, 55, 57 female, 224, 227. See Three Sacred Wa-
love-based, 15, 42 ters
sexual, 56 male, 200–202
solo-cultivation, 46 empowering self
Chopra, Deepak, 69 through decisions made, 23
climax. See orgasm through Masculine energy, 76
clitoral/pineal connection, 154 energizer breathing, 158
clitoral system, 142 energy. See also chi; sexual energy
Clitoral Truth,The, Rebecca Chalker, 142 empowering self, 23, 76
clitoris, 192, 223, 247 sexual patterns, 80
first gate, 226 enlightenment, emotional blockages to, 32,
pineal connection, 154–155, 229 110
cobra strength and suppleness, 157–160 envy, 32
coitus, 21, 61 epicenter, 226, 230
compassion, 31–33, 43, 47, 85, 109 erotic fingerprint, 223
compassion chi, 29, 31–33 erotogenic spots, 230
conscious living, 39. See also choices, rela- esctatic squat, 174
tionships eye power and chi, 181–182
and awareness, 40
and cultivating compassion, 31 Faletra, Peter, research, 227
crane neck practices, 97 fear, 32, 47
creating harmony, 31 of ending relationship, 51
crown chakra, 154 and responsibility for self, 85–86
crown energy point, 103 transforming, 42
crystal palace. See master glands female genitals, 33, 145. See also yoni
cultivation Feminine, 8–9, 80. See also sisterhood
dual, 175 Divine Masculine, 13
heart chi and hormones, 211–212 healing, 86
solo, 46 fertility, 8
cum-passion exercise, 147 figure eight meditation, 129–130, 215
Flocco, William S., research, 126
dancing dolphin, 159 fluids released during orgasm, 224, 226–
Dawkins, Richard, The Selfish Gene, 45 227
Divine Feminine, 7. See also Feminine; flying goddess, 159–160
Shakti foundain of youth. See sexual energy
energy, 13 Foundation practices

aroused practice, 96, 184 and yin energy, 31
inner smile, 106–111 intuition. See yin
micro-cosmic orbit, 99, 102–105
six healing sounds, 111–113 Jade Egg, 46. See also Jade Goddess teach-
unaroused practice, 96 ings
front to back clapping, 177–178 advanced exercises, 169–171
Art of Succulent Living, 8
G-crest, 173. See also G-spot awareness of, 182
G-spot, 224, 226 benefits, 139–141
2nd gate, 230 bliss-gasms, 142
string events, 173 cleansing our yoni, 167–168
and the urethral sponge, 206–207, 224 cum-passion exercise, 147
gate of life and death, 145 description of, 138
gates, 226 ego in teaching, 31–32, 183
genital breathing, 119, 125 ending practice, 180–184
good vibrations, 179 heart-yoni connection, 146
grab and dance, 170–171 micro-cosmic orbit, 47
groin stretch, 149 and pain, 183
grounding to earth, 120 practice with, 8
preparation for, 144
headaches, 105 process-oriented practice, 143
healing recipes, 204–206 seated exercises, 167–169
heart, 33, 45. See also compassion and sexual energy, 140
breast massage, 213–214 side effecs of, 184
chi, 47, 234 standing exercises, 176–180
healing sounds, 111 technique, 144–161
imperial fire, 47 yin time, 180
reflex zone, 127 Jade Goddess orbit practice, 105
hormones Jade Goddess teachings, 6–9. See also am-
aldosterone, 224, 230 brosia; Jade Egg; specific exercises; yoni
oxytocin, 15 art of screwing, 160–161
solo cultivation, 46 and awareness, 39
horse stance, 124, 176–178 buttons of bliss, 152–153
horseback riding, 98 cobra strength and suppleness, 151–
hui yin. See perineum 160
eye power and chi, 181–182
imbalance in sexuality, 77, 101, 193 jade myth, 138
imperial fire, 47 jade pillow energy point, 103
incontinence, 229, 231–232 jealousy, 32
inner guidance, 22 Jing, 9, 125, 225. See also chi
inner smile, 32, 54
practice with, 107–109 K-1 (kidney) energy point, 119
theory, 106 Kaplan, Hilary, research, 196
integated power, 31 kidney
integrity, 35. See also power breast massage, 213–214
and compassion, 27 breathing, 120
identifying personal, 29–30 healing sounds, 111
living in alignment, 31, 34 kidney points, 100–101
and teaching sexuality, 183 packing, 122
and truth, 29 reflex zone, 127

Klein, Dr. Laura Cousino, and oxytocin, 15 slaying the red dragon, 195
kundalini prayer, 157–159 micro-cosmic orbit, 46, 99, 102–105. See
kundalini syndrome, 101 also specific exercises
golden ball, 102–104
labia, outer, 145, 192, 222 and Kundalini syndrone, 101
lao gung, 119, 212 theory and practice, 86
left and right activation, 152 mid-eyebrow energy point, 103, 107
left and right channels, 155 mistrust, 32
licking the mighty ice cream cone, 158– monogamy, 84
159 moon-care options, 196–197
life force energy, 192. See also jing moon-time, 120, 195
Lin, Newman Kunti, research, 226, 228 mound of Venus, 145
liver multi-orgasm, 65–66. See also orgasm
breast massage, 213–214
healing sounds, 111 navel, 103. See also specific reflex zones
reflex zone, 127 center, 144
living in the present, 54, 63 chakra, 106, 124
logic. See yang negative emotions, 208, 210
love clearing, 110–111, 140
definition, 52 transforming, 16, 54, 96
exchanging, 44–47, 53, 80–81 nei gong, 144
muscle, 145 nipple, 210, 213, 215
sexual chi alignment, 30 no hand clapping, 177
vibrations, 47
lungs ocytocin, 39
breast massage, 213–214 Oleson, Terry, research, 126
healing sounds, 111 omni-orgasm, 65–70
reflex zone, 127 beyond multi-orgasm, 59
lust, 44–46, 48 definition, 65, 66
opening the qua/groin, 160
manifesting thoughts, 19, 43 orgasm, 21, 61–65, 232. See also multi-or-
masculine, healing, 86 gasm; omni-orgasm
massage bliss-gasms, 142
after massage techniques, 215–216 energy patterns, 80, 139
breast, 212–214 and incompatible partners, 204
master glands, 65, 100–102, 157–158, 212 pursuit of, 48–49, 62–64
meditations orgasmic chi, 61, 63, 102–104, 156
channeling sexual energy, 32 ovarian
inner smile, 106–110 breathing, 122
moaning, 149 compression, 122–124
pink pearl, 129–130 palace, 122
pre-meditation warm-up, 102 ovaries
meng mein, 103 locating, 121
menopause and nipple massage, 213
characteristics, 8
power stage, 208–209 Pacholyk, Andrew, research, 138
uniqueness, 208–210 pai hui energy point, 103
menstruation, 120 palate, discovering, 99–100
moon-care options, 196–197 pancreas, and nipple massage, 213
moon-time, 120, 195 pearl of bliss. See clitoris

pectoral toning, 214 scan, non-judgmental, 126
pelvic exercises, 149–152 self-acceptance, 16, 22
pelvic floor muscles, 232 and succulence, 30
pelvic power exercises, 149–152 self-healing, 126–127
perineum, 145. See also micro-cosmic or- and sacred yoni meditations, 129–130
bit self-hugging, 169
pheromones, 194 self-love, 16. See also love
Piquemal, Dr., research, 126 self-massage, 181
PMS, 8, 120, 195 Selfish Gene, The, Richard Dawkins, 45
polygamy, 84 sensual woman, 5–9, 14–15, 18, 24, 67
power, 34–35. See also integrity sexual bonding, 50, 51–52
ability to act, 30–31, 43 sexual chi and love chi alignment, 30
ability to say ‘no’, 40 sexual energy. See also Jade Egg; The
and awareness, 37 Multi-Orgasmic Woman
and compassion, 27, 85 ambrosia, 232–233
eye power and chi, 181–182 arousal, 184
identifying personal, 31 centering, 14
integrated, 31 cultivation of, 8
living in alignment, 34 practice warm up, 119–125
menopausal, 208–209 refining, 102
unconscious, 43 solar plexus, 32
and yang energy, 31 unaroused, 119
practices, warm-up, 97–98 sexual exchange, 56
pre-ovarian breathing, 122 sexual palace, 103
prenatal chi, 9 Shakti, 8, 75–77, 81–82, 86
procreative urges, 44 Shiva, 75–77, 86
pubic hair, styling of, 199–200 cultivating the yin expression, 78
ego, 81–82
qi gong. See Mantak Chia exchanging love, 80–81
qua, 145 Shubach, Dr. Gary, 232
aldosterone hormone, 224
recipes, healing, 104–206 G-crest, 173
reclaim the screw, 160–161 G-spot, 224
reflex zones, 127–129 sipping, Jade Egg exercises, 147–148, 168
reflexology, 126–127 sisterhood, 15–17
relationships, 43. See also sisterhood six healing sounds, 54, 107
beginning sexual, 43, 49 practice, 86, 111–113
choosing, 55 and sexual reflexology, 127–129
ending exercise, 51–52 theory, 86
with men, 13 transforming negative emotions, 110–
non-judgmental, 16–17 111
with other women, 15 slaying the red dragon, 195
releasing others, 53 smile, inner. See inner smile
supporting your partner, 79 solar plexus, 103. See also anger, envy, fear,
responsibility for self, 85–86 mistrust, jealousy
rock around the pelvic clock, 150–151 sexual energy, 32
rocking into the earth, 151 solo-cultivation, 46
sounds. See six healing sounds
sacral pump energy point, 98 spinal cord breathing, 98
sacred shimmy, 179–180 spinal release with pulsing, 151–152

spine, 154 urges, 44
spine sideways jiggle, 98 urine. See incontinence
spiral dance, 80, 168–169
spleen vagina reflex zones, 127–129, 225
breast massage, 213–214 vestibulitis, 207
healing sounds, 111 vibrations, 179
reflex zone, 127 virginity, 21
squatting exercises, 174–175 visualizing, 107–111. See also inner smile;
stagnation, 33. See also blockages Jade Goddess teachings; micro-cosmic
standing orbit
spirals, 177 vital life force, 192
suction, 178–179 voicing our sexual needs, 49, 81–82
thrusts, 176–177 vulvodynia, 207
storing the chi, 106, 180
strength and suppleness, 149 warm-up practices, 97–98, 119–125
stress Waters, Three Sacred, 224, 226–227, 231
and emotions, 111 wholeness of self, 80
and oxytocin, 15 windshield wiper, 153
string events, 171–174
strumming for bliss, 173 yang, 76
succulence, 11, 30, 37 channels of energy, 103
Succulent living, Art of, 5–9, 30–31, 39, 57, co-existence with yin, 17
85 yeast infections, 205
sunning, 202 yin, 33, 76
channels of energy, 103
T-11 energy point, 103 co-existnce with yang, 17
tailbone/spine, 154 honoring the feminine, 77–78
tan tien energy point, 144 orgasm, 228
Taoist qi gong, 7–8, 66, 224 time, 180
Taylor, Shelley, research, 15 yoni
Three Foundation practices, 96–113. See anatomy, 193
also inner smile; micro-cosmic orbit; six aromatherapy, 203–204
healing sounds caring for, 191–211
Three Sacred Waters, 224, 226–227, 231 cleanliness, 206
throat, 103, 124 cleansing, 167–168
thymus gland, 103, 213 definition, 191
thyroid, 212 ejaculate, male, 200–202
tongue essences, 193–194
discovering palate, 99–100 G-spot, 224, 226, 230
micro-cosmic orbit, 46, 105 healing recipes, 204–206
toxins, cleansing of, 210 incompatible partners, 204
triple warmer and healing sounds, 111 moon-care options, 196–197
tug of love, 172–173 pheromones, 194
turtle neck, 98 power to transmute sexual chi, 215
reclaiming, 192
unconditional love, 214 sacred meditations, 129–131
Universal Tao System, 101
up and down clapping, 178
upward draw, 125
urethral sponge, 173, 206–207, 224


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