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Thèse annexe présentée en vue de

l'obtention du grade d'agrégé de
l'enseignement supérieur.





Artificial neural networks (ANN) are parallel algorithms. Their inherent parallelism
makes them particularly suited to parallel VLSI implementations, i.e. the
development of dedicated circuits or architectures that are able to perform many
operations in parallel. As ANN involve similar operations to be performed in
parallel, it is particularly easy to develop dedicated parallel architectures: most of
them are based on the repetition of identical devices, each of them performing one
of the operations.

Parallel architectures for ANN are justified by the fact that most ANN learning
algorithms involve a high computational load. Who never waited days (of
computing time) for the learning of a Multi-Layer Perceptron does not know what
neural networks are! Since the early beginning of the neural networks research,
one has naturally been tempted to develop specialised machines, in order to lighten
the computational load.

Another nice feature of ANN is that most algorithms mainly involve simple
operations. Indeed, those algorithms with biological inspiration naturally use the
same type of operations as found in biological cells. For example, early algorithms
based on McCullogh and Pitts model of the neuron mostly use sum-of-products. Of
course, there are exceptions: it is not because pseudo-inverse of matrices may be
found in "neural" algorithms that we could expect our brain to perform large matrix

Inherent parallelism, simplicity of operations and high computational load are the
reasons why VLSI implementations of ANN became so popular. Since the mid 80s,
many attempts have bee made towards the realisation of VLSI circuits, or larger
machines, suited to the simulation of ANN. The development of VLSI circuits
implementing large numbers of operations in parallel is interesting on the point of
view of the circuit designer: as large number of cells have to be integrated, one
must carefully optimise them. Furthermore, connectivity, transmission of
information, and maximisation of the use of resources are interesting problems
generated by such circuits. But are parallel implementations really needed for the
user of neural technology? Are computational power requirements still a
challenge? Are there other reasons to develop specific architectures? The
following paragraphs try to answer to these questions, and emphasise on the rapid
VLSI implementations of artificial neural networks 4

evolution of this research area.

Since the early developments of specific VLSI implementations of ANN, there has
been a long debate concerning the respective advantages and drawbacks of
analog and/or digital circuits. We do not intend to enter here this debate.
Everybody now acknowledges that both issues are of interest, in different situations
though. We limit ourselves here to a rough list of advantages of both issues, to set
the basis for the following discussion.

Analog implementations rely on the fact that ANN involve simple operations. As
many of these operations are non-linear, simple analog cells using a few transistors
only are able to implement them efficiently. The required precision of ANN
algorithms is usually limited and compatible with analog computations. As simple
cells can be developed, integrating a large number of these cells in parallel is
possible, leading to a high number of operations per second (MIPS). Moreover,
real-world signals being analog, these implementations are able to process the
incoming signals directly, without the need for convertors, filters, etc.

Digital implementations do not permit parallelism to the same extent. While it is

typical to find hundreds or thousands of analog cells working in parallel on a chip,
digital cells, being much complex hence much larger, are limited in number to a few
tens usually. Nevertheless, digital cells are more flexible, programmable, and thus
may be developed for a wider range of applications. Concerning the speed of
operations, there is no general rule differentiating analog and digital ones.
Nevertheless, reminding that the number of MIPS is modulated by the degree of
parallelism, digital implementations are less advantageous on this point.

Following the evolution of the specific domain of neural network hardware is rather
easy. Unlike may other branches of the neural network field, there exists one main
conference (MicroNeuro) dealing with this topic. Other papers may of course be
found in most neural network conferences and journals, but the vast majority of
essential works are presented at least to MicroNeuro.

Looking to the evolution of the MicroNeuro conference is thus informative. In 1990

(first conference), most presentations concern ideas on how parallel
implementations could be realized. Some circuits are presented, but never concern
an application realized to the end. In fact, almost none of the papers speaks about
VLSI implementations of artificial neural networks 5

In the next conferences, some emphasis is put on an interesting aspect of the field.
It becomes clear that despite the adequacy of ANN to parallel implementations,
some restrictions exist concerning the precision required in the algorithms. On the
point of view of the circuits, analog ones are inherently limited in precision, and
digital ones require a compromise between precision and complexity (hence size).
Interesting works then concern the development of algorithmic methods that are
designed to cope with the restrictions of hardware implementations: at equal
performances, one prefers algorithms with a lower need for precision.

In the early 90s, most papers pretend to increase the speed of processing for
neural network algorithms, but few quantify the gain with respect to a pure
sequential simulation on a conventional computer! There is a balance between the
number of papers dealing with analog and digital implementations; pulse-stream
based computations are also used. Some exotic papers can also be found
(quantum devices for ANN, etc.). The first papers about neurocomputers may be
found (by neurocomputers, we mean complete boards or computers where the core
implements a parallel neural algorithm, but that also deals with the handling of
inputs and outputs, the programmability issues, etc.; most neurocomputers are
based on digital circuits).

In the mid 90s, one may find the first papers dealing with applications of the
implementations. Most of the applications concern computer vision (velocity
sensors, motion detection, filtering, scene segmentation, etc.). The parallelism of
visions systems coupled with the possibilities of ANN in this domain makes them
the first candidate for parallel implementations.

After the mid 90s, other specific applications appear, as very fast detection systems
in high-energy physics experiments. What is interesting to mention is that, as the
developments concern specific applications rather than generic solutions, analog
circuits are more and more used. This is in accordance with the fact that digital
implementations are more flexible, thus more generic, while analog ones may be
designed to be more powerful in specific cases.

Another interesting fact is that acceleration is no more the first objective. In many
applications, the portability of the system implemented is the main goal, making the
device more DGDSWHG to the application, even when it is not more SRZHUIXO than a
simulation on a standard PC.

Despite this evolution towards more specific applications, there is no doubt that a
majority of developments in this domain are still motivated by the challenge of the
design, rather than by the expected use of the device.

Are parallel architectures really needed to implement neural networks? This is the
VLSI implementations of artificial neural networks 6

important question; we will try to give some answer in the next paragraphs.

Even for inherently parallel algorithms, it must be clear that parallel

implementations are not an advantage in itself. What can be an advantage is the
resulting increase in performances generated by the use of parallel algorithms, or
the portability, or the possibility to handle input signals without conversion and
filtering, etc. The advantages of parallelism are subject to the possibility of
efficiently using the computing cells working in parallel; but many typical neural
network, like associative memories, Multi-Layer Perceptrons, Radial-Basis Function
Networks, Self-Organizing Maps, etc., fit this condition.

"Chip-in-a-loop" is sometimes used in parallel implementations of neural networks.

"Chip-in-a-loop" means that the parameters of the neural network are adapted
through a learning realized on the chip, with the same components that will
calculate the outputs of the network in a subsequent use. The advantage of the
"chip-in-a-loop" feature is that possible imperfections of components or deviations
of their nominal characteristics may be compensated to some extent. "Chip-in-a-
loop" may thus be nicely used with analog circuits, the inherent precision of analog
components being usually limited. Again, "chip-in-a-loop" is not an advantage in
itself, but its consequences on the performances of the computation may be

While we already mentioned other possible advantages of parallel implementations,

speed increase is usually cited as the main one. Nevertheless, as stated in the
previous section, very few authors take the risk of comparing the speed of
simulation obtained on a dedicated architecture, with respect to the speed of the
same simulation on a conventional computer. The reason is simple: the technology
of standard computers evolves so fast that any comparison would be obsolete
within a few months. The drama is here. Any dedicated implementation takes
months or years to develop, and makes use of a technology that is in general one
step behind the current technology used for standard processors; volumes of
fabrication are the reason for the use of "old" technologies for dedicated circuits
(note that "old" usually means a few months or one year…).

Also programmable components may be an interesting alternative to dedicated

circuits. Powerful signal processors now exist that may be used to simulate neural
networks; programmable FPGA and other similar components are possible
alternatives too. There are two strong arguments in favour of these programmable
components. First, they are cheap, compared to the huge costs of dedicated
electronic realisations (in particular of integrated circuits) and immediately available
(they do not need long fabrication delays). Secondly, these commercial chips are
designed with all facilities concerning their inputs and outputs. As already
mentioned, inputs-outputs are often neglected in research prototypes of integrated
circuits, leading sometimes to tremendous difficulties to use a powerful device!

Speed can remain an attractive feature in so-called QHXURFRPSXWHUV, i.e. complete

systems (usually extension boards or full computers) that integrate a powerful
VLSI implementations of artificial neural networks 7

computing device, but also handle all issues concerning input-outputs and
programming. Nevertheless, it appears that such systems have few applications.
Many such neurocomputers have been developed in the early and mid 90s by
commercial companies. Most of the big manufacturers in computing equipment
(Intel, Siemens, etc.) developed original solutions at large cost. Without
generalizing, one can say that most of these research and development
programmes are abandoned, due to the lack of commercial feedback. Again, the
tremendous increase in performances of conventional computers does not help.

But if speed of parallel implementations is no more an advantage in most

applications, then what is looked for? The answer is undoubtedly portability. Many
industrial applications require (or prefer) a single component to perform a specific
task, rather than a whole computer (large, heavy, difficult to maintain without crash,
etc.). Simplicity of use is certainly a keyword that severely contrasts with complex
softwares installed on generic computers. There is thus a need for simple, small
and easy-to-use components, performing specific tasks, in our case the simulation
of artificial neural networks. To give an example, one of the first applications we
had the opportunity to come across is the development of small, stand-alone
meteorological stations, disseminated in the Swiss mountains. Meteorological
prediction in Switzerland is crucial. Moreover, the landscape makes that many
measurement points are necessary; it is impossible to have all of them complex
and attended. Stand-alone automatic systems were then developed, including
circuits implementing neural networks for the processing of the data.

Beside a few exceptions (parallel coprocessors and stand-alone programmable
chips), most of the current attempts to design and fabricate hardware for neural
networks concern application-oriented systems. The main reason for this is that
speed increase is no more the primary goal of implementations, but rather the
compactness, portability, and ability to process signals without the excessive use of

For these reasons, the tendency is to integrate as much as possible the computing
devices with analog circuits. Although analog circuits have many advantages over
digital ones in the context of neural network implementations, there is no doubt that
programming and reconfiguration according to the needs of applications are much
more difficult than with digital circuits. Analog implementations are thus naturally
closer from the applications, and therefore application-dependent.

On the other side, more and more neural network techniques concern some kind of
signal processing. An example of this trend is the study of Independent
Component Analysis (ICA). Signal processing applications are more favourable to
implementations, because of the nature itself of the data to process. Currently
developed applications of signal processing by neural networks concern electronic
VLSI implementations of artificial neural networks 8

noses, spectrometers, or more traditionally speech processing.

What is clear is that the old-fashioned concept of "developing a nice

implementation, and then look for possible use" is over. We strongly advocate the
development of application-specific implementations, in order to reach portable,
stand-alone easy-to-use systems. The developments have of course to follow the
needs of the applications. Naturally, such developments are long and costly, and
thus restricted to specific either large-scale either with high added value

The reason for this tendency is the "full integration" concept. The interest of
developing specific circuits that must still be surrounded by a lot of annex devices is
low. An interesting concept is for example to integrate a full electronic nose into a
single circuit (or into a few ones), including the sensors, the processing of the
signals, etc. Such fully integrated systems with sensors are commonly called VPDUW
VHQVRUV. Smart sensors integrate signal sensing, handling (amplification, filtering)
and processing (classification, source separation, etc.). As an example, some
Independent Component Analysis algorithms are well suited to analog
implementations. We are convinced that this is one of the future possible trends in
VLSI implementations of neural networks.

Classification algorithms at the output of sensor systems are another possible

trend. This could be applied for example to spectrometers, optical recognition
systems, speech analyzers, etc.

To summarize our view, we are convinced that the next few years will confirm an
important evolution in the field of neural network implementations. The future is to
application-dependent systems, making it possible to integrate the whole
application on one or few components; for most applications, in particular those
related to sensors and signal processing, analog solutions seem to have
determining advantages. This is why we think that the domain of VLSI
implementations of neural networks will slowly break up, leading to a situation
where the possibility to implement algorithms into silicon will be viewed as a tool
rather than a discipline. Rather than a negative view, we think that taking more into
account the needs of real applications is advantageous for a prosperous future of
this fascinating research area.

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