Culture Shock PDF
Culture Shock PDF
Culture Shock PDF
Culture Shock
Walton Burns
Proficiency level
Content area
60 minutes
1. Warm Up
Write the proverb, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”
TESOL Resource Center – Resource Templates and Guidelines
Ask students what they think it means. Take suggestions until students start to slow down or
have guessed the meaning. Confirm that it means when you live in another country or culture,
you should follow the rules of that country or culture. Ask a few students if they agree or
disagree and why.
Now introduce the discussion questions by asking students about how they greet people in
their culture. Encourage them to be specific about what behaviors they use. Do they shake
hands? Kiss on the cheek? Bow?
If students don't introduce the idea themselves, ask them in what situations they might greet
people differently. How do they greet a friend? A family member? A boss? An old person?
2. Pair Work
Now break the students into small groups and hand out the discussion questions. This lesson
works best if the groups are multicultural so students are learning from each other. Ask them
to discuss in their group these behaviors and whether they think they are normal, rude,
polite, impolite or strange (i.e. they rarely happen). Remind them to think about context. Are
their situations where they always do these things or never do them?
3. Wrap Up
Once the groups have discussed the questions, ask the class as a whole what the most
interesting things they have learned from each other are. Ask if there are any points that they
disagreed on strongly and why that might be. Are there regional differences perhaps?
Extension or Follow up
As a follow-up, you can use lessons from the Peace Corps workbook, Building Bridges
Students can also do a survey of their friends and family to find out what kind of behavior
they view as marking someone as a rude or impolite person and what kinds of behavior they
find shows that someone is a polite person.
Building Bridges:
Useful links
Building Bridges:
TESOL Resource Center – Resource Templates and Guidelines
In my country it is normal/polite/impolite/rude/strange:
3. To take someone out to dinner (pay for dinner) for his birthday or when he gets a promotion
6. To spit in public
8. To ask people their ethnicity or nationality when you meet them for the first time
9. To sing in public
10. For women in the family to make important decisions like which school to send children to, how to spend
money, etc…
13. To give gifts to teachers, doctors, government officials, bosses for students to wear suits or dresses or
formal clothing
15. To ask guests to leave when it gets late or if you are busy
17. To disagree with older people or people who are more powerful than you
19. To get promoted to a much higher position than your family or friends