Pharmacy MCQs Practice Test 4

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Competitive Exams: Pharmacy MCQs (Practice_Test 4 of 29)

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1. HEPA filters are widely used in …

a. Autoclaves

b. Laminar air flow hoods

c. Gas sterilizers

d. Oxygen masks

2. Inversion sucrose in syrup due to heat is known as …

a. Isomerization

b. Epimerization

c. Tautomeriation

d. caramelization

3. carnauba wax is used in the following step of sugar coating of tablet:

a. Seal coating

b. Polishing

c. Sub-coating

d. Syrup coating

4. One of the following diluent may discolour in the presence of amine containing drugs:

a. Avicel

b. DCP

c. Lactose

d. Talc

5. Cam tracks are used in tablet formulation for …

a. Feeding the granules

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b. Fixing the shape

c. Compressing the granules

d. Guiding the movement of punches

6. Non-ionic surfactant vesicles relates to …

a. Liposomes

b. Niosomes

c. Nanoparticles

d. a and b both

7. Water insoluble coating materials used for microencapsulation include …

a. Ethyl cellulose

b. Polyethylene

c. Polyamide

d. All of the above

8. Schedule U1 tends for …

a. Manufacturing and analytical records of drugs

b. Manufacturing and analytical records of cosmetics

c. Standards for patent or proprietary medicines

d. List of drugs marketed under generic name only

9. The test which is useful for the identification of M. Tuberculosis …

a. Haemolysis

b. Fermentation with sugar

c. Gram-staining

d. Zeihl-nelson staining

10. The following type of antigen associated with capsules …

a. H-antigens

b. 0-antigens

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c. V-antigens

d. K-antigens

11. Colchicine when treated with 70 % H2SO4 or HCL gives following colour …

a. Red colour

b. Blue colour

c. Green colour

d. yellow colour

12. Quinine gives following positive test …

a. Herpathite test

b. Thaleoquin test

c. Rosequin test

d. All of the above

13. Schilber reagent is used for the detection of …

a. Glycosides

b. Volatile oils

c. Alkaloids

d. Tannins

14. Noller test is used for the detection of …

a. Glycosides

b. Volatile oils

c. Alkaloids

d. Tannins

15. Vit. Requirement for microorganism Sytreptococcus pyogenes is …

a. Tryptophan

b. Glutathione

c. Riboflavin

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d. Vit. B12

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