Pharmacy MCQs Practice Test 4
Pharmacy MCQs Practice Test 4
Pharmacy MCQs Practice Test 4
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Competitive Exams: Pharmacy MCQs (Practice_Test 4 of 29)
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a. Autoclaves
c. Gas sterilizers
d. Oxygen masks
a. Isomerization
b. Epimerization
c. Tautomeriation
d. caramelization
a. Seal coating
b. Polishing
c. Sub-coating
d. Syrup coating
4. One of the following diluent may discolour in the presence of amine containing drugs:
a. Avicel
b. DCP
c. Lactose
d. Talc
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a. Liposomes
b. Niosomes
c. Nanoparticles
d. a and b both
a. Ethyl cellulose
b. Polyethylene
c. Polyamide
a. Haemolysis
c. Gram-staining
d. Zeihl-nelson staining
a. H-antigens
b. 0-antigens
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c. V-antigens
d. K-antigens
11. Colchicine when treated with 70 % H2SO4 or HCL gives following colour …
a. Red colour
b. Blue colour
c. Green colour
d. yellow colour
a. Herpathite test
b. Thaleoquin test
c. Rosequin test
a. Glycosides
b. Volatile oils
c. Alkaloids
d. Tannins
a. Glycosides
b. Volatile oils
c. Alkaloids
d. Tannins
a. Tryptophan
b. Glutathione
c. Riboflavin
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d. Vit. B12
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