500 Grammar Based Conversation Questions

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How Questions

How well do you play video games?

How tall are your parents?

How tall are you?

How impatient are you?

How hard do you work in your classes?

How greedy are you?

How good is your mother’s cooking?

How mature/childish are you?

How big do you want your apartment to be when you get married?

How stylish are you?

How well can you play sports?

How close are you and your best friend?

How well do you dance?

How well do you sing?

Adjectives: ‘-ed’ and ‘-ing’
When was the last time you were terrified?

What is the most thrilling thing you have ever done?

What school subject is interesting?

What is one of the most exciting jobs you can think of? How about one of
the most boring jobs?

What is something relaxing you do when you are stressed?

Who is the most inspiring person alive today?

What makes you excited?

What makes you really bored?

When was the last time you were really surprised?

What food do you think is really disgusting?

What movie really captivated you?

Adverbs of Frequency
What is something you always do when you study for a test?

What is something you usually do in your free time?

Where do you often go in summer?

Where do you sometimes go with your friends?

What is something you never do around your parents?

What do you usually do in the morning to get ready?

What restaurants do you seldom eat at?

What is something you rarely eat during the winter?

What type of music do you normally listen to?

When do you generally get up?

Adverbs of Manner
How fast do you eat?

Do you think bus drivers and taxi drivers in your city drive well or badly?

Do you sing well?

Have you ever met someone who eats very loudly?

What is something that you do very cautiously?

Do you work hard at studying?

What is something you do quickly?

What is something you rarely do?

Have you ever accidently hit someone really hard or accidently pushed
someone down?

What is something that you have successfully completed?

Do you own anything that was poorly made?

What is something you really hate? How about something you really love?

What is something of yours that you have gladly given to another person?

What is something you can do easily?

Already, Ever, Yet
People have many goals in life. What are some goals you have already

What are some goals you want to accomplish, but haven’t accomplished

Have you ever done something that you were really proud of?

Have you ever done something really nice for someone else?

Think of some more have you ever questions to ask your partner.

What are some places you have already been to?

Where are some places you haven’t been to yet that you plan to go to
some day?

Is there something you are working on now, but haven’t finished yet?

What is an goal your country is working towards? What have they already
done to reach that goal? What haven’t they done yet?

Why don’t we have flying cars yet?

Which is worse for your health, smoking or drinking?

Which is harder, math or English?

Is it better to be rich and dumb or poor and smart?

Is it better to be rich and ugly or poor and beautiful/handsome?

Does technology make the world better or worse? Why?

Which game is more entertaining, Tetris or Angry Birds? Why?

Are you more creative now or when you were in elementary school?

Is it better to study English in class or online?

If you own a business is it more important to be good with numbers or be


Which is harder, math or English?

Do you want the development of new technology to go faster or slower?

Are you smarter than your parents?

Are some people luckier than others or do people make their own luck?

Is it better to go on a blind date with someone who is older or younger

than you?
Are iPhones as good as Android phones?

Are PC games as fun as console games?

Is watching a movie at home as good as watching it in the theatre?

Is (city in your country) as entertaining as (city in your country)?

Is (country’s food) as delicious as (country’s food)?

Is (singer/group) as talented as (singer/group)?

Is your cooking as good as your mother’s cooking?

Are books as entertaining as movies?

What is something that is as difficult to learn as math?

Are normal clothes as good as designer clothes?

Fixed Expressions (Idioms)
What are you supposed to do to get the job that you want?

What do you do when you are out of money?

How do you catch a beautiful girl/handsome guy’s eye?

What are you going to do when you get out of here?

What has your country’s president done to raise questions about his

Would you skip ahead to when you are older if you could?

Do you skip ahead of boring parts in books or movies?

Have you ever felt like you were out of luck?

What are you supposed to do to be happy?

What do you do to catch your friend’s eye when you see them?

Have you ever tried to catch your friend’s eye but realized too late that the
person wasn’t your friend?

For and Since and How Long
How long…

have you been alive?

have you had a cell phone?

have you been studying English?

do you plan on working?

do you want to live?

have you lived in your current house or apartment?

have you had an email address?

have you had your current hairstyle?

do you want to study English for?

have you been awake today?

Create your own “how long” questions.

Gerunds and Infinitives

What do you always avoid doing until the last minute?

What are some things you enjoy doing every day? How about every

Is there anything you have quit recently?

What do you miss most about your childhood?

What do you often discuss with your friends when you hang out with

What is something you are thinking of doing next year?


What is something you plan to do soon?

What is something you started to do, but didn’t finish?

Talk about a recent big decision you made. What did you decide?

Is there anything specific you would like to learn?

What are some of you hopes for the future?

Talk about some difficult choices you have made recently.

What do you want to do this coming break?

Gerunds or Infinitives

What is something you love doing, but don’t have enough time for?

Is there anything you have begun recently?

What type of personality traits do you hate?

What do you like to do on the weekend?

What is something you can’t stand doing?

Remembering to do things is sometimes hard. What is something you

have a hard time remembering?

What is something crazy you would like to try?

How Often Questions
How often do you order delivery food?

How often do you run?

How often do you eat junk food?

How often do you drink?

How often do you travel?

How often do you visit your family?

How often do you eat vegetables?

How often do you go to the dentist?

How often do you lift weights?

How often do you ride a bicycle?

How Questions
How well do you play video games?

How tall are your parents?

How tall are you?

How impatient are you?

How hard do you work in your classes?

How greedy are you?

How good is your mother’s cooking?

How mature/childish are you?

How big do you want your apartment to be when you get married?

How stylish are you?

How well can you play sports?

How close are you and your best friend?

How well do you dance?

How well do you sing?

Infinitives of Purpose
Finish this sentence with an infinitive of purpose:

I stole a car…

I got into a fight…

I walked to the store…

I went to a club…

I learned to play the guitar…

I ran from class to my house…

I pretended I was sick…

I yelled as loud as I could…

I jumped into a lake…

What do you do to impress the opposite sex?

What should someone do to lose weight?

What have you done to help your friends?

Fill in the blank:

Would you _______________ to get a million dollars?

Would you _______________ to marry the man/woman of your dreams?

Modals of Possibility Might Could
What are some new laws that your country’s government might pass?

What might cell phones be able to do in the future?

What are some things you might buy if you had more money?

What are some things your parents told you when you were young that
might not be true?

Do you think a woman could be president of your country?

Do you think you could be CEO of a large company?

What are some things you might do this weekend?

Do you think that news companies might not always tell the truth? Why or
why not?

Could China become the dominant superpower in the world?

What are some things that could improve your life?

Participial Adjectives
What kind of things do you find exciting?

When was the last time you were terrified?

Have you heard about any surprising news or gossip recently?

What is the most thrilling thing you have ever done?

What do you do when you are bored?

What would be the most satisfying job for you?

What is one of the most exciting jobs you can think of? How about one of
the most boring jobs?

Is there anybody who you know who is very exciting?

What is something that you find boring?

Can you think of an interesting political plan or invention that would help

Is there anyone who you think is inspiring?

Is there anything that you think is too frustrating to do?

Passive Voice
What is imported by your country?

What is exported by your country?

What do you think is the most popular luxury item in your country? Who
is it made by?

What do you think expensive perfume is made from?

Who are the best electronics made by?

Who are the most expensive cars made by?

What materials are your clothes or shoes made from?

Who are your favorite clothes made by?

Who are your favorite movies made by?

Who are the worst cars made by?

Where is your favorite fruit grown?

Who wrote your favorite book?

What company made your clothing?

What cell phone game is played most in your country?

Past Passive
What is the most important ancient monument in your country? What was
it used for?

What is your country’s most famous painting? Who was it painted by?

What is the most important ancient artifact in your country? What was it
used for?

What do you think the Nazca lines were used for?

What is your favorite painting? Who was it painted by?

How were the Pyramids built? Why were they built?

How many of the seven ancient wonders can you name? Who were they
built by?

What is the most amazing ancient monument? Who was it built by?

Do you know of any amazing ancient technologies? Who were they

invented by?

Why was the capital of your country built where it was?

Phrasal Verbs
How do you help out your friends and family?

What time do you usually get up? Do you wish you could get up earlier or

Have you ever been picked up by a crazy taxi driver?

Can you set up a computer?

Do you talk your friends into doing bad things?

—Is there anything you turned down but now regret it?

—What is the best or worst thing your friends talked you into?

What do you leave out when you talk to your parents about your life?

How often do you borrow money? Do you always pay it back?

Have any of your friends borrowed money and not paid you back?

How often do you get together with your high school or elementary school


Have you ever blown anything up? What was it and how did it happen?

Have you ever had to take care of someone or something (sibling, pet,

babysitting, etc.)? Did you enjoy it?

What is your favorite place to eat out at?

Do you know anyone who dropped out of high school or university?

Is there anyone you don’t get along with? Who and why?

How do you pick out the clothes you are going to buy?  How about the clothes
you are going to wear for the day?
Is there anything you need to cut down on?

What is something that you always put off until another day?

Have you ever run into a celebrity?

When do you usually wake up?  When would you prefer to wake up?

If you could do something over in your life, what would you do over?

What do you leave out when you talk to your parents about your life?

How often do you borrow money? Do you always pay it back?

Have any of your friends borrowed money and not paid you back?

How often do you get together with your high school or elementary school


How do you help out your friends and family?

What time do you usually get up? Do you wish you could get up earlier or
Present Continuous
What are you doing this year to improve yourself?

What do you think your best friend is doing right now?

Are you reading any interesting books these days? Which ones?

What TV shows are you watching now?

Think of your favorite celebrity. What do you think they are doing right

Who are you hanging out with a lot these days?

What projects are you working on this week?

What are you studying these days?

Show your partner a picture on your phone. Describe what is happening

in the photo.

What is your favorite sports team? How are they doing this season?
Present Perfect
Ask your group if they have seen some of your favorite movies.

Have you ever drastically changed your hair style or clothing style in a
short time?

Have you ever shot a gun?

Have you ever ridden an animal?

Where have you traveled?

What sports have you played? 

Where is the best place you have ever been?

What’s the craziest thing you have ever done?

Have you ever screamed at someone in public?

Who is the greatest person you have ever met?

How long have you studied English?

What have you done a lot this week?

What is the most exciting thing you have ever done?

What have you done too many times?

Ask your group two or three interesting “Have you ever…?” questions

Have you ever:

been in a fist fight?

been on TV?
driven or rode in a sports car?

eaten anything really strange?

fallen down stairs?

fallen asleep and when you woke up you didn’t know where you were?

forgotten an important birthday?

walked into something when you were texting?

dialed your country’s emergency number?

given a public speech?

built a snowman?

fallen asleep while talking on the phone?

tried riding a skateboard?

started laughing when no one else is laughing because you thought of

something funny?

been swimming where you couldn’t touch the bottom?

woken up and not been able to move?

gone skiing?

gotten a horrible haircut?

received a gift you hated?

played a joke on a friend?

fallen in front of a large group of people?

had a déjà vu experience?

slept someplace strange?

worked a job you hated?

Try to find something you have done that none of your group members
has done.
Present Perfect Continuous
What kinds movies have you been watching recently? Would you
recommend any?

Have you followed any TV series for a really long time?

What new TV series have you been watching that you would recommend?

What are some of your favorite books, newspapers or magazines that you
have been reading lately?

Are there any blogs that you have been following?

Are you a member of any clubs or groups? How long have you been a
member of that club or group?

Have you found any good restaurants in this area that you have been
eating at recently?

What have you been doing with your free time recently?

Have you been getting enough exercise?

What has been happening in the news lately?

Present Unreal Conditional/Second
If you could have any super power, what would it be?

What would you do if you could speak English perfectly?

If you won the lottery, what would you buy?

If you could change one thing about your past, what would you change?

If you could travel to an uninhabited planet, would you?

Where would you like to go if you won a free plane ticket?

If you could have one futuristic device, what would it be?

If you could learn one skill, what would it be?

Who would you like to go on a date with if you could choose anyone?

Would you choose to be the king/queen of a small country? What would

you do if you became the kind/queen?

What would you do if you knew this was your last day to be alive?
When you go shopping what do you usually buy?

Talk about the quantity of each thing you buy.

Can you ever have too much money?

What is something you have too much of?

How much free time do you have?

How many planets do you think have life on them?

What is something that you government spends too much money on?

What a few ways to save a lot of money?

How much money do you spend on clothes?

How many friends is too many?

How much time do you spend on a computer?

What is something that you can never have too much of?
Real Conditional – Future
What will/can/might/ happen…

… if you get into a fight?

… if you get arrested?

… if we don’t stop polluting?

… if the world’s population keeps increasing?

… if computers become more intelligent than humans?

…if you learn to speak English perfectly?

What will/can/might you do…

…if you can’t get to sleep tonight?

…if your computer dies?

… if you don’t graduate?

…if a burglar breaks into your house while you are sleeping?

…if a beautiful girl/handsome guy gives you their number?

Real Conditional – Present
If your friend forgets your birthday, what do you do?

If you see a homeless person on the street, do you give them money?
Why or why not?

If your friend lies to you and you find out, what do you do?

If you fail an important test, what do you do?

If you get a great grade on an important test, what do you do?

If you forget your friend’s/girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s birthday, what do you


What do you do if you get a cold?

What do you do if you need money?

If you don’t practice English, what happens?

If you get money for your birthday, what do you spend it on?

Ask your partner or group some present real conditional questions.

Should and Shouldn’t
What are some things you should do when you first meet your
boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s parents? How about things you shouldn’t do?

What are some things you should do to improve your English?

What should you do to be popular?

What should politicians do to make your country a better place? What

should ordinary people do?

What should people do to be happy?

Should scientists try to make machines that can think by themselves and
have emotions?

What should you do in an earthquake?

What should you do when a typhoon hits?

Think of one major problem facing your country. What should be done to
fix it?

What is one huge problem with the world? What should be done to fix it?

I want to make a lot of money, give me some advice.

I just saw a man steal a woman’s purse, what should I do?

I just cut myself really badly, what should I do?

I want to be healthier, give me some advice.

I don’t know what I want to do in the future, what should I do?

I just saw a UFO, give me some advice.

What three pieces of advice you will give your children?

What foods should people eat a lot of to be healthy?

What advice can you give me to improve my cooking?

What foreign restaurant do you recommend? What dish should I get?

Are there any restaurants near here I really should stay away from?

Are there any coffee shops or bars you can recommend?

Simple Past
Tell me about your last vacation. Where did you go? What did you do?

What did you do for you last birthday?

Who was your first crush?

What was the last really difficult thing you had to do?

Who did you meet last week?

Tell me about what you did for the last 24 hours.

When was the last time you were really excited about something?

Tell me about where you lived as a child.

When was the last time you went to an amusement park? How was it?

What was the best meal you ate recently?

How did you come here?

When was the last time you went to a movie theater? What did you see?

Talk about the last time you were really scared.

Tell me about your best or worst school teacher.

What tech problems annoyed you recently?

What was your first TV like?

What are some events in the past that made you who you are?

What bands were popular when you were young?

When was the last time you were shocked?

What chores did you have to do when you were young?

Where did you hang out with your friends last? What did you do?

Who were some of your favorite sports stars in the past?

What did they play?

Why were they your favorite?

Name some of your country’s famous sports stars of the past.

Why were they famous?

What was your best memory from when you were a child?

What is your earliest memory?

Which was better for you: elementary school, junior high school or high
school?  Why?

Did you study hard in high school?

What kinds of food did you eat when you were a child? Do you eat the
same things now?

What was your country like when you were a child?

Do you think the past was better than the present? Why or why not?

What were some of the benefits of living in the past?

Talk about your country’s past (100 years ago), how was the past different
from the present:





Recreation (free time activities)

Simple Present
What are some activities you like to do?

What are some good habits that you have?

What are some things you do every day?

Do you have any bad habits?

What is something you should do every day but don’t?

What is something you eat almost every day?

What do you do at your job?

What is your morning routine? How about your evening routine?

Is there anything you do only once a year?

What is something you do about once every month?

What is the strangest fact you know?

What do you do in your free time?

What is the best way to energize yourself when you are tired?

Who is the most dependable person you know?

Do you find it hard to pay attention in your classes?

What are you particularly good at?

What are some of your predictions for this year?

How can you improve your accuracy when speaking English?

What do you do for amusement on rainy days?

What books stimulate your mind?

Do like the traditional music of your country?

What is a humorous TV show you like to watch?

Who is the best looking celebrity in your country? How about the worst
looking celebrity?

Who is the craziest famous person you know about?

What restaurant has the most delicious food you have ever eaten?

What is the best song ever?

Who is the greatest baseball player?

Who is the most skilled soccer player?

Who is the most creative celebrity in your country? Why?

Where is the best place to buy handmade things in your country? Have
you bought anything there?

What is the most difficult thing about studying English?

What is the strangest product you have ever seen?

Who is the most creative person you know?

Where is the best place to go in your country for a vacation?

Who was the most important inventor in history?

When is the happiest time of a person’s life?

What is the most disgusting food you have ever eaten?

What is the saddest movie you have seen?

What country is the best to live in? Why?

What is the most exciting game you have ever played?

Too Enough
Have you ever eaten too much food?

What age is old enough to serve in the military?

What age is old enough to buy cigarettes and alcohol? Is the Korean
government’s age limits too low or too high?

Have you ever felt like you were not smart enough to do something?

Have you ever felt like you were too smart to do something?

How much is too much money? Is it possible to have too much money?

Do you think designer brand name products are too expensive? (Gucci,
Armani, LV, etc)

How about brand name products, are they too expensive? (Samsung,
Sony, LG)

Do you think that your country’s big corporations are too big, big enough,
or not big enough?

Have you ever been too afraid to do something?

Do you get enough exercise?

Many people think that they never have enough stuff. Why do you think
this is?

What do you never have enough of?

What do you have too much of?

Used To
What is a food that you used to hate but now you like?

Who used to be your hero when you were young?

Did you use to have a pet?

Did you use to get good grades in high school?

What used to be your favorite game to play?

Where did you used to play when you were a child?

How often did you used to get in trouble when you were younger?

What was your country like when you were a child?

Do you think the past was better than the present? Why or why not?

What were some of the benefits of living in the past?

Talk about your country’s past (100 years ago), how was the past different
from the present:






Recreation (free time activities)

When will you graduate?

How will you use English in the future?

Will humans ever meet aliens? What will the meeting be like?

What kind sci-fi movie will the future be like? (The Matrix, Terminator, i-
Robot, Minority Report etc.)

Will the Pacific Garbage Patch ever be cleaned up? Will it keep growing?

Do you think houses will be more environmentally friendly in the future?

Where will we get our energy when we run out of oil?

How will India and China affect the environment in the future?

What will happen if we keep polluting the environment?

Will the climate keep changing or go back to normal?

Will science find a solution to the environmental problems we have? What

kind of solution will it be?

What will you do this weekend?

Do you want to get married? When will you get married?

Will you have children?

What will life be like when you are 40?

Will computers ever take over the world?

Will we be able to add machines to our body to improve it in the future?

How will fashion change in the future?

After you graduate will you go for a higher degree like an M.A. or a Ph.D?

What kind of music will your children listen to?

When will humans live on another planet?

What will you do after this class?

What will you do after you finish university?

What will you do before you get married?

After your children grow up what will you do?

Where will you move after you finish university?

What kind of neighborhood will you live in when you get older?

What will cities be like 50 years from now? Think about how these will
change (make two or three predictions for each):








What other things will change about life in the future?

How will electronics be different?

In 50 years there are projected to be 10 billion people on the earth. How

will that affect the future?

How will medicine and health care change in the future?

China’s and India’s populations and economies are growing quickly, what
do you think China and India will be like in 50 years?

How do you think you will change in the future?

Where will you be and what will you be doing in 10 years?

What is something that will happen in the future that you are looking
forward to?

How will you change the world?

Would rather
Would you rather live in Argentina or live abroad?

Would you rather be smart or beautiful / handsome?

Would you rather be poor and happy or rich and unhappy?

Would you rather marry someone plain with a good personality or

someone beautiful without much personality?

If war broke out in your country would you rather flee the country or fight?

Would you rather be rich or famous?

If you had to lose one of your senses(sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste)
which would you rather lose?

Would you rather marry a rich celebrity or a rich CEO?

Would you rather have a brand new Mac or PC?

Would you rather take a trip to a new country or get a new TV?

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