Esl Conversation Topic

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Follow these three easy tips and

you will soon be having great English conversations!

English Conversation Tip 1: Start with simple "yes or no" type questions until
you find something that is interesting to both you and your conversation partner.
Then continue the conversation using "open-ended" questions that encourage
your partner to talk more.

English Conversation Tip 2: Listen carefully to your partner so that you can
ask good "follow-up" questions. Example: You ask your partner if she likes
movies and she says that she loves comedies. You can follow up by asking why
she likes comedies, or ask which comedies she has really enjoyed the most.

English Conversation Tip 3: When answering questions, don't always give the
simplest answers. Try to say more. Even if your answer is "no", think of a
related topic to which you can answer "yes". For example, if someone asks you,
"Do you like to travel?", you can answer that you don't like it very much, then
briefly explain why, then talk about what you prefer to do instead of travelling.

English Conversation Topic 1

Talking about adventure in English

Conversation Starters
Life can sometimes be rather boring. We need more adventure, whether real or
in our imaginations! Discuss adventures using the English questions below. You
might need to use conditional verbs for questions 4 or 5.
1. Do you like to watch adventure movies?

2. Do you consider yourself to be an adventurous person?

3. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?

4. Would you say that learning English is a kind of adventure?

5. Could you say that life is a kind of adventure?

Discussion Questions
Use the questions below to have deeper conversations on the topic. Be sure to
use conditional verb tenses in English when you are talking about things that are
not quite real!
1. If you had a great adventure, who would you like to have it with?

2. Do you think your idea of adventure is the same as your parents� ideas and
your grandparents� ideas?

3. Which of these things should be part of an adventure - danger, romance,

travel, discovery, or treasure? Can you think of any other things?

4. Where would you like to go for an adventure � a jungle, a desert, a small

island or a city?

How to Control a Conversation in English

The key to controlling a conversation is using questions well. Good students
know how to ask the right question at the right time. After reading this article,
you will be able to start conversations easily and keep the conversation going
smoothly even when you don't understand everything.

The best way to begin a conversation is by using "yes / no" questions. The goal
is to find some common topics of interest, so that your conversation is enjoyable
for both partners. Think about a topic that interests you, and which you think
might interest your conversation partner. Use "yes / no" questions to find out if
your new friend is interested in the same thing. For example, if you like a
particular kind of music, you could ask questions such as these:

Do you like blues music?

Have you ever listened to B.B. King?

Do you know where I can listen to live music?

Are you interested in jazz?

Any question starting with "Do", "Did", "Are", "Is", "Can", "Will", or "Have"
can be a good start to a converstaion. However, such questions are just the
beginning. You must listen for your partner's answer, then "follow-up" with a
more specific question, usually using "what", "when", "where", "who" or
"why". So, if your partner says that he or she does like the blues, you can then
ask, "Whose music do you like?". If your partner does NOT like blues, then you
might ask something like, "What kind of music do you like?". You must always
have a "follow-up" question ready. If not, the conversation could come to a
quick end.

Now, as the conversation moves along, you might have some communication
problems. What should you do then? Again, asking the right question is very
important. Here are some key questions that you MUST use whenever you have

Could you repeat that please?

More informally, we can ask, "What did you say?". Often with friends we might
only say "What?". Even if you use informal language, you can make it polite by
starting with "Excuse me" or "Pardon me".
Could you speak more slowly please?

This is obviously a good question, but don't use it too often. If you really have
trouble understanding somebody, you might think about buying some good
cassettes and working to improve your listening comprehension skills. DVDs
and VCDs are also good practice for advanced students.

How do you spell blah blah blah?

Maybe you know the word, but you've only seen it in writing. If you hear the
spelling, you might understand.

What does blah blah blah mean?

If you can't catch the word exactly, you can say "that" instead of the word.
(Don't really say "blah blah blah"! That's just a "filler"!)

Do you mean to say blah blah blah?

If you think you understand, but you're not sure, you can repeat your partner's
idea in different words. Then you will know from his or her response whether
you were right or not. If instead you just say, "I don't think I understand", then
the conversation will come to a stop.

Paraphrasing During a Conversation

In English Conversation Skill 3, we explained how to control a conversation. By

using questions skillfully, you can keep a conversation flowing smoothly.
However, what happens when you forget a word? Many times, when a student
can't remember a word, the conversation comes to a sudden stop as he or she
seeks the right word. This is totally unnecessary. All you need to do when you
are stuck is to paraphrase, that is, you need to use other, simpler words to
explain your meaning.

Imagine you are talking to someone from another country. He does not speak
Chinese, so you cannot explain in your mother tongue. You have forgotten the
word "impossible". Maybe you say "intentional" or "imperfect" by mistake, and
your partner doesn't understand you. How can you paraphrase the idea? You
might say, "I mean, when something cannot be done, or there's no way to do
something". You might give an example. "We can fly in an airplane, but there's
no way we can fly by using our arms, right?". I think your partner can guess that
you mean "impossible".
Let's practice with some easy words. How could you paraphrase the words
below in the simplest, most direct way? Think about each word before looking
at my answers.

banana ..... camera ..... run ..... hello ..... tomorrow

Here's how I would explain these words:

1. banana: it's a long yellow fruit, often eaten by monkeys.

2. camera: it's a little machine for taking pictures.
3. run: we can walk slowly, but if we are in a hurry, we can pick our feet up and
move very fast.
4. hello: it's the first thing we say when we see someone; the opposite is "good-
5. tomorrow: this is the day before today; it's the opposite of "yesterday".

Do you get the idea? Now practice with a friend using some of the words below.

apple ..... orange ..... cat ..... elephant ..... yesterday ..... France ..... Australia

sing ..... read ..... hungry ..... thirsty ..... white ..... father ..... sad

happy ..... ice cream ..... wine ..... paper ..... television

laugh ..... sleep ..... yes ..... eat ..... stars ..... meat

You can practice with a friend anytime by thinking of your own words. Here are
some things to keep in mind when you try to paraphrase:

1. Start with a broad, general description. Don't be too specific at first.

2. If your conversation partner does not understand immediately, give more then
one clue.
3. Use examples or opposites to communicate. Do whatever it takes to
communicate successfully.

Paraphrasing not only helps you to keep the conversation going, it is also a good
learning technique. Often when you paraphrase, the person you are talking to
will tell you what the correct word is. You can increase your vocabulary quite
quickly by speaking often and using paraphrase when appropriate.
ESL Conversation Questions - Easy Introduction Questions
By Steven Saunders,

Thank you to "tododude" for contributing :)

What's your name? How old are you?

Where do you come from? How tall are you?

Are you married? Where do you live?

Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Do you have any children?

What do you do in your spare time? What sports do you like?

Do you have a car? What's your religion?

What's your favourite film? What's your dream for the future?

What's your job? Do you have any pets?

Do you have any brothers or

What kind of music do you like?

How many people live in your

Free Question

Do you want a
Do you like me?

Do you think I am
Free Question
ESL Conversation Questions - What if..?
By Steven Saunders

If you won a million dollars, what

If you were told that you were
would you do with it? How much
going to die tomorrow, what would
would you give to family and
you do today?

if you worked in a bank and a

if you were asked to give a speech
bank robber came in with a gun?
in front of two thousand people,
What if he only had a baseball
would you do it?

if you went skinny dipping and a

if your son stole your car, would
stranger saw you, what would you
you report it to the police?

if you saw a colleague stealing at if you could go to the moon, would

work, would you report them? you go?

If you were walking through the You were invited to friends house
forest and you saw a tiger, what for dinner and they served your
would you do? least favourite food?

if you found a wallet with one
if you could live anywhere in the
thousand dollars in it and an I.D.
world, where would you live?

if you bumped your car into

if you could go anywhere in the
another persons and nobody saw
world for a holiday, where would
you do it, would you leave your
you go??
contact details or just drive off?

if you had the chance to ask god a

if you were president, what would
single question, what would you
you change about your country?
ask Him?

if you were lost in the jungle with if a stranger came up to you in the
no way to call for help? street and told you that their child
was very sick and needed a
thousand dollars for the operation,
would you give it to them?

if Your doctor had just told you

if your mobile phone fell into the
that you had a month to live, how
would you use the time left?

If a classmate asked you for the

If someones' underwear was answer to a question during an
showing, would you tell them? exam while the teacher was not
looking, what would you do

ESL Conversation Questions - Age

By Steven Saunders

What do you think are the main

Do you think that young people
differences between the youth of
"have it too easy"?
today and the older generation?

A common complaint from the

younger generation is that old
Why should we respect our elders?
people complain too much. Do you

In your country, at what age is

What age do you think is the best
somebody considered to be an
to be? Why?

At what age do people in your

Woman usually live longer than
country retire? Do you think that
men do, why do you think this is?
this is a fair age?

Some people think that the youth Do younger people in your country
of today are spoilt. What do you usually give up their seat on a train
think? or bus for an older person?

Do you think that younger people In some countries it is traditional

today, have less family values? for retirees to go and live with
their children. Is it the same in
your country?

At what age are people permitted

to drink alcohol in your country?
Define middle aged.
What other age restrictions exist in
your country?

At what age do people usually

What do you plan to do when you
graduate from university in your

At what age do children start going Does ageism exist in your country?
to school in your country? In what ways?

In most countries, politicians are

At what age do people usually get middle aged and older. Is this true
married and have children in your for your country? Do you think
country? that younger politicians could do a
better job?

ESL Conversation Questions - Love and Relationships

By Steven Saunders

Are you married? Describe your perfect man/woman.

Finish this sentence: At what age do couples usually get

married in your country?
Love is __________

How do you feel about Is sex before marriage acceptable

homosexuality? in your country?

How do you feel about

Are arranged marriages common
relationships where there is an age
in your country? How do you feel
difference between the man and
about arranged marriages?
the woman?
Would you ever go out with
Is marriage important to you?
somebody that was ten years older
Why? Why not?
than you? If not, why not?

Is it culturally acceptable to live At what age are men and women

with a partner before marriage in allowed to get married in your
your country? country?

What is the age of sexual consent

Are you a romantic?
in your country?

What's the difference between

"Love makes the world go round."
loving somebody and being in love
Is this sentence true or false?
with somebody?

What is the most romantic thing What is the most romantic thing
somebody has done for you? you have done for somebody else?

ESL Conversation Questions - Pets and Animals

By Steven Saunders

Do you have any pets? Tell us Do you have a dog? If so, do you
about them. allow your dog to sit on the sofa?

Are vets expensive in your Are there animal rights groups in

country? your country?

Do you own any unusual pets? Do What is your favorite animal?

you know anybody that does? Why?

What would you do if you saw

If you could be any animal, which
somebody beating up an animal in
one would you be?
the street?

What animals do you think are to What wild animals can be seen in
most scariest? your country?

Some animal rights groups think What do you think about animal
that livestock should not be testing?
transported long distances while
they are still alive. What do you

Can you name some extinct

animals? What effect do you think Do you think that people who
the extinction of certain animals abuse animals should be punished?
will have on us and the way we live If so, in what way?
our lives?

Are there any animals that you are

Have you ever ridden a horse?
afraid of?

Is there any kind of meat that you What do you think about people
would not eat? that eat dog meat?

Have you ever been bitten by an What do you think about wearing
animal? animal furs?

ESL Conversation Questions - Music

By Steven Saunders

What is your favourite type of

How many cd's do you have?

Who is your favourite

Who is your favourite singer?

How often do you buy new music? Do you own any old vinyl records?

Do you agree or disagree with this

Have you ever downloaded any sentence? "Downloading free
MP3's from the internet? Did you MP3's from the internet is wrong
have to pay for them? because it takes money away from
the original artists."

Have you ever been to a live Do you think that music stars earn
concert? If so, tell us about it. too much?

Does certain music bring Do you play any musical

instruments? If so, which ones?
memories to your mind? If so,
How do they make you feel when
which ones and why?
you play them?

Is Karaoke popular in your

Do you like Heavy metal?
country? Can you sing?

Have you ever played in a band?

ESL Conversation Questions - Would you ever...?

By Steven Saunders

Would you ever cheat on your

Would you ever adopt a child?

Would you ever "take a bullet" for Would you ever slap someone for
someone else? something they said?

Would you ever go skinny Would you ever lie to your

dipping? partner?

Would you ever give money to a Would you ever donate money to a
beggar? charity?

Would you ever marry someone

Would you ever eat raw meat?
your parents didn't approve of?

Would you ever consider having

Would you ever donate blood?
cosmetic surgery?

Would you ever consider doing a

Would you ever steal anything?
dangerous job?

Would you ever do a bungee

Would you ever join the army?

Would you ever date somebody ten Would you ever date somebody ten
years older than you? years younger than you?

Would you ever complain in a

Would you ever do a parachute
restaurant if the food didn't taste

Would you ever give your life to Would you ever eat a grass
save another's? hopper?

ESL Conversation Questions - Favourites/Favorites

By Steven Saunders

What is your favourite wild What's your favourite colour?

animal? Have you ever Why?
seen/touched one?

What is your favourite computer What is your favourite book? Who

game? How often do you play it? was it written by?

What is your favourite country Where is your favourite place?

apart from your own? Why? What do you do there?

What is your favourite food?

Who is your favourite artist? Have What's your favourite western
you seen any of the artist's work? food?

What is your favourite leisure Who is your favourite person?

activity? How many times a week What do they do?
do you do it?

What is your favourite TV Who is you favourite footballer?

programme? What's it about? Which team does he play for?
Where is your favourite What is your favourite day of the
restaurant? What type of food week? What do you normaly do on
does it serve? this day?

Who is your favourite band? What is your favourite sport? How

Where do they come from? often do you play?

Free Question Free Question

To the teacher: These ESL Conversation Questions are are written in British
English. If your students are learning American English you will have to
explain to the the reason for the different spellings i.e. Favourite = Favorite
Football = Soccer Colour = Color etc. You may want to spend some time
eliciting some extra differences between British and American English.

ESL Conversation Questions - School Life

By Steven Saunders and users of ESL Junction

What is your favourite subject? What subjects are you best at?

What foreign languages do you

What subjects are you worst at?

Who is your favourite teacher?

What is the most difficult subject?

How many days a week do you go

What is the easiest subject?
to school?

How much homework do you have

How do you get to school?
to do?

Do you want to go to university?

What do you want to be when you
Which university do you want to
grow up?
go to?

What time do you start school? What time do you finish school?

Do you have school dinners? What

Who is your best friend at school?
are they like?
What is your happiest school life
How often do you have exams?

When you were at school, did your

what is your worst school life
school provide a cooked lunch?
Did you like it?

When you were at school, what job

Describe your perfect teacher.
did you want in the future?

How much homework did you

Free Question
have to do in high school?

ESL Conversation Questions - Politics

By Steven Saunders

Who is the current leader of your What are the strongest political
country? parties in your country?

Do you believe in democracy? Did you vote in the last election?

How often do you have elections in What are your views on

your country? communism?

Are there any women politicians in What is the average age of

your country? politicians in your country?

Where are your houses of Are women allowed to vote in your

parliament? country?

How old do you have be to vote in What do you think about

your country? politicians?

Who did you vote for in the last What makes a good leader?

Who is your favourite past Would you like to have so much

government official? responsibility as a politician?

Do you think the current official is What would you do if you could
run the country for a
popular with the people? Why/why
day/week/month/year/term of

What qualities do you think are

Why do you think it's important to
most important for a leading
government official?

At what age do you think people

Should voting be compulsory?
should be able to vote?

Who should be allowed to vote? Free Question

ESL Conversation Questions - Money

By Steven Saunders

If you had to choose between

wealth and no love; and love with What are you saving your money
no wealth which one would you for?
choose? Why?

"money makes the world go

Can money buy love? Why? Why
round." Do you agree? Why? Why

If you won the lottery, or some

What's the average salary in your other type competition, and won
country? lots of money, what would you do
with it?

What's the most expensive thing How much money have you spent
that you have ever bought? today? What did you spend it on?

Do you ever give money to charity? Is it possible to be rich, even if you

If so, how often and how much? do not have lots of money?

Have you ever given money to a

How important is money to you?

Have you ever been in debt? Which is more important, Love or


How much money did you spend FREE

yesterday? QUESTION

ESL Conversation Questions - Work and Employment

By Steven Saunders

Where do you work and what is How long do you plan to continue
your current position? working where you are?

How many days a week do you

Do you have to work overtime? If
normally have to work? Is this
so, how often?
usual in your country?

How important is promotion to

Do you like your job? Why? Why
you? When was the last time you
were promoted?

What jobs in your country are What would be your dream job?
considered to be good jobs? Why? Why?

When you were a child, what job

Have you ever been fired from a
did you want to have when you
job? When? Why?
were older? Why?

How do you feel about your boss?

Have you ever been unemployed?
How do you think he/she feels
How long for?
about you?

Where do you see yourself being in Have you ever failed a job
five years? Ten years? interview? Do you know why?

Would you describe yourself as a What do you think, is the worst

workaholic? job in the world?

ESL Conversation Questions - Work and Employment

Is obesity a problem in your

Do you like fast food?
What is your favourite food? What is your favourite drink?

What is your favourite type of

What is your favourite dessert?

What is the most disgusting food Would you ever eat live maggots?
you have ever had to eat? What about if I gave you $1000?

Which foods are good for you? Which foods make you fat?

Do people in your country eat dog? Which country do you think has
Do you? the strangest eating habits?

Can you cook? Do you like cooking?

What would you do if you you

were invited to dinner but you
What is you favorite dish?
didn't like the food? Would you eat
the food regardless?

Could you ever be vegetarian? Could you ever be vegan?

What foods are traditionally eaten

Which food could you NEVER
at: births / weddings / funerals in
give up?
your country?

Have you ever eaten something

What is the best meal you have
and then had to spit it out again?
ever eaten and where was it?
What was it?

What is the worst meal you have What's your favourite cuisine
ever eaten and where was it? (Chinese/Thai etc...)?

What is your favourite drink,

Have you ever used food for
alcoholic (if appropriate in your
something other than eating?
culture) and non-alcholic?
ESL Conversation Questions - Television and Radio
By Steven Saunders and the users of ESL Junction.

Do you think TV can be What is your favourite radio

educational? Why? Why not? station?

What is you favourite television Do you listen to the radio? How

station? often?

what is your favourite television How often do you watch

program? television?

Should there be more programs

In your opinion, is TV too explicit
directed towards children or young
at times?

Which type of shows do you Why are talk shows/game shows so

normally watch? popular?

Which do you prefer games shows

Why do you watch TV?
or talk shows?

Do you think that children watch

When do you watch the most TV?
too much television?

At what time do you think it is At what time do you think it is

suitable to show programs of a suitable to show programs of a
sexual nature? violent nature?

How many televisions and radios

do you have in your home? What Free Question
about your car?

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