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Weather Systems For Precipitation

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When we measure daily precipitation we measure to the nearest hundredth of an inch you may have

noticed that your rain gage has both an outer and inner cylinder when water falls into the outer cylinder
it would be extremely difficult to measure the depth with accuracy the inner tube acts as a magnifier by
squeezing the water into this smaller diameter inner tube it stretches the measurement out in order to
see the depth to the nearest hundredth of an inch one inch in the outer cylinder will fill up your inner
tube all the way to the top where it says 1.00 inch looking closely at your inner tube you will notice a
small notch at the top this is for overflow or when it rains more than one inch the water level may be
over the one-inch mark where there are no marks to measure you may have to give the cylinder a little
shake to get the water line down to an inch or below where you will be able to measure accurately
when you receive more than one inch of rain you will need to pour your first inch out and then use the
funnel to pour the additional amount into your inner tube writing it down each time until you have
measured the entire amount you are training animation called how to measure extreme rain fall to learn
more to ensure an accurate measurement please do not round also make sure to put your decimal point
in the correct spot as it will make a huge difference the most common measurement you will take will
be zero point zero but don't be fooled a measurement of zero is just as important as any other
measurement zeros help us keep track of droughts and forecast water supplies and sometimes the radar
and satellites can fool meteorologists into thinking that rain is falling. When you have enough water in
your inner cylinder to take a measurement you may find that it looks like it has a small curve or a
thickness to it this is called the meniscus always measure from the bottom of the meniscus to ensure an
accurate measurement once you've got a measurement record it in the report.

Precipitation is all the forms of water that reaches earth from atmosphere like rain, snow, frost, hail and
dew. Rain and snow contribute t to the maximum part of water from precipitation. Rain can be defined
by its water drop size and its velocity. The atmosphere must have moisture to precipitation to occur also
by enough nuclei to aid condensation, suitable weather condition for condensation of water vapour and
products of condensation must reach earth.

Weather systems for precipitation

Front: Interface between two distinct air masses, ascending warm air cools adiabatically and forms

Cyclone: They are large low-pressure region with circular wind motion. Is commonly know as Cyclone in
India, Hurricane in USA, and typhoon in South East Asia. Area extent of about 100.200 km in diameter.
Wind are anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere.

Anticyclones: Regions of high pressure, weather is usually calm in center. Clockwise wind in northern
hemisphere, winds of moderate speed, clouds and precipitation prevails at the outer edges.

Convective precipitation: Packet of air rises due to localized heating. Air from cooler surrounding flows
to take up its place setting up convective cell. Warm air rises cool down and form precipitation. Area
extent is small about 10 km.

Orographic precipitation: Moist air masses lifted to higher altitudes due to presence of mountain barrier.
Undergo cooling, condensation, and precipitation.

Measurement of precipitation
Expressed in terms of the depth to which rainfall water would stand on an area if all the rain is collected
on it. It is collected and measured in a rain gauge, Other terms are pluviometer, ombrometer and
hyetometer. It consists of a cylindrical-vessel assembly kept in the open to collect rain. Classified into
non-recording gauges and recording gauges.

Non recording Rain Gauge

Symons gauge is commonly used in India. It consists of a circular collecting area of 12.7 cm diameter and
height 30.5 cm. The rainfall is measured everyday at 8:30 am and is records as the rainfall of that day.
Can also measure snowfall.

Recording Rain Gauges

Recording gauges produces a continuous plot of rainfall against time. Provides data of intensity and
duration of rainfall for hydrological analysis.

Tipping-Bucket Type: A 30.5 cm size rain gauge. Buckets are balanced such that when 0.25 mm of rainfall
collects in one bucket, it tips and bring the other one in position.

Weighing-Bucket Type: Plot of accumulated rainfall against the elapsed time.

Natural-syphon type: Also called as float rain gauge. Adopted as standard rain gauge in India. Give plot
of mass curve of rainfall.

Telemetering rain gauges: Gather rainfall data from mountainous regions and inaccessible places.

There are two types of precipitation, extreme and mean precipitation.

Rainfall hyetograph: chart or graph shows rainfall distribution as a function of time.

Volume duration frequency graph: The volume is the amount of precipitation over a storm duration.
Reported as a depth, which is uniform over the watershed. Duration is the length of time over which the
storm event occurs. Frequency is the length of time between storms of the same volume and duration.

Exceedance probability: probability that an event having a specific volume and duration will be
exceeded in one period.

Intensity duration frequency: Intensity is the rate of rainfall recorded.

Missing rainfall Method

Areal Average

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