Review Article: Research Survey On Various MPPT Performance Issues To Improve The Solar PV System Efficiency

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Solar Energy

Volume 2016, Article ID 8012432, 20 pages

Review Article
Research Survey on Various MPPT Performance Issues to
Improve the Solar PV System Efficiency

B. Pakkiraiah and G. Durga Sukumar

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology and Research University,
Guntur 522213, India
Correspondence should be addressed to B. Pakkiraiah; [email protected]

Received 4 February 2016; Accepted 8 June 2016

Academic Editor: Sundaram Senthilarasu

Copyright © 2016 B. Pakkiraiah and G. D. Sukumar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Nowadays in order to meet the increase in power demands and to reduce the global warming, renewable energy sources based
system is used. Out of the various renewable energy sources, solar energy is the main alternative. But, compared to other sources,
the solar panel system converts only 30–40% of solar irradiation into electrical energy. In order to get maximum output from a PV
panel system, an extensive research has been underway for long time so as to access the performance of PV system and to investigate
the various issues related to the use of solar PV system effectively. This paper therefore presents different types of PV panel systems,
maximum power point tracking control algorithms, power electronic converters usage with control aspects, various controllers,
filters to reduce harmonic content, and usage of battery system for PV system. Attempts have been made to highlight the current
and future issues involved in the development of PV system with improved performance. A list of 185 research publications on this
is appended for reference.

1. Introduction of maximum power point technique algorithms such as

Incremental Conductance (INC) and Perturbation and
As the earth natural resources are decreasing day by day, to Observation (P&O) have been discussed [8–56].
meet the increase in the power demand, the power sector The output obtained from the MPPT controller contains
is looking at alternate energy resources. Due to usage of harmonics due to the closed loop tracking of sun light. This
renewable energy sources, the carbon content in the atmo-
can be eliminated by using the filter circuits. From this, the
sphere can be reduced by which global warming problem
obtained output is given to power electronic devices DC-
can be overcome. Out of various renewable sources, solar PV
DC converter and inverter. The various power electronic
system is leading nowadays due to its simple structure. The
various structure of PV panel system and its suitability for converters circuits and the control techniques are discussed
locations have been discussed [1–7]. The efficiency of the PV [57–66]. In this paper, the literature survey has been done
system can be increased by using power electronic devices on various aspects of the solar PV fed system drives. In
along with maximum power point controller. The extraction Section 2 the various types of PV panel systems which
of maximum available power from a photovoltaic module are available and their performances and suitability are
is done by Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller. The presented. The Maximum Power Point Tracking Controllers
efficiency of the photovoltaic system may be substantially and their performances have been discussed in Section 3.
increased by using maximum power point tracker (MPPT). Power electronic circuits and their controlling using various
Several algorithms are developed to track the maximum controlling techniques are reviewed in Section 4. The har-
power point efficiently. Most of the existing MPPT algorithms monic reduction of PV panel system using filter circuit is
suffer from the drawback of being slow tracking. Due to this, presented in Section 5. In Section 6 the battery and inverters
the utilization efficiency is reduced. The various methods are discussed. The concluding remarks are stated in Section 7.
2 Journal of Solar Energy

Boost The simple type of standalone PV system is a direct-coupled

Sensor converter
Ipv Vpv system. This operates only during sunlight hours and energy
DC will not be stored in battery system. Main application is
DC such as ventilation fans, water pumps, and small pumps for
solar thermal water heating systems [67]. Block diagram of a
direct-coupled PV system is as shown in Figure 3.
For the above direct-coupled PV system, several studies
such as continuous variations of solar radiation, quality of
Digital controller load matching, geographical location, climatic studies, degree
of utilization, and accurate sizing are investigated to various
Figure 1: Block diagram of PV generation systems. loads [68–72]. Cristaldi et al. [73] have observed the behavior
of the PV panel from a direct-coupled system with switched-
mode converter and MPP algorithm. They have compared V-I
2. Photovoltaic System characteristics of the panel with and without MPP algorithm.
The design methodology in this study is mainly based on
A photovoltaic (PV) system is solid state semiconductor the variation of solar radiation; due to this, the results could
devices which generates electricity when it is exposed to the not be safely applied over a period of time for specific input
light. The building of a solar panel is solar cell. A photovoltaic radiation time series. Another type of standalone PV system
module is formed by connecting many solar cells in series powering DC and AC loads with battery storage system [74]
and parallel. To get maximum output voltage, PV modules is as shown in Figure 4.
are connected in series and for obtaining maximum output One more form is PV hybrid systems which most com-
current they are connected in parallel. Solar PV power monly take the form of the photovoltaic systems combined
systems have been commercialized in many countries due with wind turbines or diesel generators mostly found in
to their merits such as long term benefits and maintenance- Canary Island [75]. The block diagram of PV hybrid system
free. The major challenge which lies in using the PV power is shown in Figure 5.
generation systems is to tackle the nonlinear characteristics PV panels are connected in series parallel combinations
of PV array. The PV characteristics depend on the level of to the inverter; the difference in panel voltages can cause
irradiance and temperature. PV array experiences different problems such as location of global MPP at different positions
irradiance levels due to passing clouds, neighbor buildings, under partially and fully shaded atmospheric conditions.
or trees. The block diagram of PV generation system is shown To overcome this, optimizers are installed on each panel.
in Figure 1. This allows them to work independently from one another,
Photovoltaic systems are mainly classified as per their optimizes energy output, and enables us to monitor the per-
functionality and operation of systems, component config- formance of each module. A standalone system incorporates
urations, and the equipment connected to electrical loads. a photovoltaic panel, regulator, energy storage system, and
They are mainly classified as grid connected and standalone load [76].
systems which are designed to provide DC and AC power Giral et al. [77] have explained the minimization of
service to operate with independence of the utility grid that shadow effect in a two-section module PV system by using
are connected with other energy sources and storage systems. active voltage sharing. It is observed that the active bypass
does not produce losses under nonshadow/matching con-
ditions. Siddique et al. [78] presented the loss analysis in
2.1. Grid Connected PV System. The grid connected PV the conventional AC configuration for large PV farms and
systems are designed to operate in parallel and connected proposed two DC collector grid configurations to increase the
with the electric utility grid system. They mainly consist of overall yield of plant with reducing the overall cost by making
inverter in order to convert array produced DC into AC it a potentially viable option to increase the energy yield and
power with voltage and power quality requirements of the revenue of the plant.
utility grid. A bidirectional interface made between the PV Yordanov et al. [79] have presented the analysis of series
system AC output circuits and electric utility network at on- resistance corrected load ideality factor between MPP open
site distribution panel or service entrance to allow AC power circuits for several types of crystalline-silicon technologies.
to either supply or feed back the grid when the PV system This analysis is made to study more about the PV device’s
output is greater than load demand [67]. The block diagram of performances. Han and Jia [80] have implemented the math-
a grid connected PV system is observed from given Figure 2. ematical model of photovoltaic cell and characteristics curves
PV system is capable of operating in grid connected of solar cell based on MPPT technologies with stable and
and standalone modes using multilevel inverter and boost accurate maximum power point by improving the control
converter for extracting maximum power and fed it to the precision. Here also a disturbance is based on four corners
utility grid and standalone system [3]. detecting module to delay; opening and closing character-
istics are observed. Ibrahim and Basir [81] have proposed
2.2. Standalone Photovoltaic Systems. These are mainly the multistage SVR algorithm to avoid outdoor irradiation
designed to operate independently of the electric utility grid and temperature. It consists of three stages of algorithm for
and designed size to supply certain DC or AC electric loads. irradiation, temperature, and voltage with incentive ambient
Journal of Solar Energy 3

AC loads

PV array Inverter/power Distribution

conditioner panel


Figure 2: Block diagram of grid connected PV system.

PV array DC load PV array DC load

Figure 3: Block diagram of direct-coupled PV system.

Rectifier Battery Inverter

PV array DC load
Engine generator, wind
AC load
turbine, or grid backup

Battery Inverter
Figure 5: Block diagram of PV hybrid system.

AC load
(GA) methods. The appearance of multipeak output curves
of partial shading in PV arrays is common, where the
Figure 4: Standalone PV system with battery storage powering DC development of an algorithm for accurately tracking the true
and AC loads. MPPs of the complex and nonlinear output curves is crucial.
Wu et al. [121] say that the MPPT regulates the output
obtained from the PV system and provides that output to
temperature variations. Here the incorporation of partial the DC converter and inverter. If the PV output voltage is
shading effect of PV arrays is not carried out. higher than MPP, then the power transferred to the load or
network is increased. Piegari and Rizzo [122] have discussed
3. Maximum Power Point Tracking the MPPT techniques for different applications for different
individual systems. The MPPT efficiency varies depending on
Maximum power point tracking control technique is used cell temperature and fill factor. Azli et al. [123] propose the
mainly to extract maximum capable power of the PV modules MPPT performance which improves with the temperature
with respective solar irradiance and temperature at partic- of the PV system; the 4% of the efficiency is affected by the
ular instant of time by Maximum Power Point Tracking variations of the fill factor with the climatic conditions and
Controller. A number of algorithms are developed to track features of geographic region. Tauseef and Nowicki [124] have
the maximum power point efficiently. Most of the existing presented the modeling of MPPT with buck converter with
MPPT algorithms suffer from the drawback of being slow oscillations less than 0.5% in the output power. Also the PV
tracking, due to which the utilization efficiency is reduced. cell with two-diode model for MPPT controller relies on the
There are several types of MPPT control techniques to fact that the ratio of 𝑉mpp /𝑉oc does not strongly depend on
improve the solar energy efficiency such as Incremental the environmental conditions.
Conductance (INC) [8–35], Hill Climbing or Perturbation Mattavelli et al. [125] have implemented the single chip
and Observation (P&O) [36–56], Artificial Neural Network IC circuit for MPPT to interface the PV panel with batteries
(ANN) with back propagation technique [82–97], Fuzzy and inverters to utility grid and the transient response of
Logic Controller Intelligent Control (FLCIC) with DC-DC the system has been verified with the step DC voltage
converter [33, 98–111], Particle Swarm Optimization [112– to check the MPPT response for PV short-circuit current
120], Open Circuit Voltage Control (OCVC), Short-Circuit variations. Al-Bahadili et al. [126] discuss the computer
Current Control (SCCC), feedback of power variation with simulation to evaluate the performance of MPPT algorithm
voltage technique, feedback of power variation with current for PV energy system to carry different PV technologies and
technique, single input fuzzy controller for tracking MPP, also to demonstrate an excellent and flexible environment
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), and Genetic Algorithm for studying various PV solar cells operating at different
4 Journal of Solar Energy


Measure and hold the load

voltage and current

Calculate the dI and dV values

No Yes
dV = 0?

Yes dI I Yes
=− dI = 0?
dV V

No No

Yes dI I No No Is Yes
>− dI > 0?
dV V

Decrease Increase Increase Decrease

duty cycle duty cycle duty cycle duty cycle


Figure 6: Flowchart of IC algorithms for MPPT.

environments of irradiance and temperature. Wu et al. [127] for an adaptive voltage step changes based on the slope of the
have proposed the MPPT method performances to the MPPT PV curve. To get changes in voltage step value from the PV
structure and cost in the common insolation condition is curve acceleration and deceleration factors are applied in the
to reach the efficiency of 98% of the real maximum output next iteration steps. The adaptive voltage step change enables
power. Ropp and Gonzalez [128] have discussed the aspects the PV system to quickly track the environment condition
of PV inverters accuracy consisting of detection behavior variations. In this way more solar energy can be harvested
and the action of maximum power point tracker response from the PV energy systems. It is easy to implement since it
to grid voltage and frequency fluctuations introduced by does not require knowledge of I-V characteristics of specific
the PV array. Brando et al. [129] have explained the sensor PV panels and the parameters are easy to tune [8–16]. The
less control of H bridge multilevel converter for MPPT in MPP is tracked by searching the peak of the P-V curve. This
grid connected PV systems to deliver maximum power for algorithm uses the instantaneous conductance I/V and dI/dV
variations of incident irradiations on PV arrays with the H for MPPT. Using these two values, the algorithm determines
bridge 5-level converter to reduce the current oscillations up the location of the operating point of the PV module in the
to 1% though the voltage slope changes. Khan and Hossain P-V curve showing that the PV module operates at the MPP
[130] have explained the implementation of MPP algorithm along with left and right sides of the MPP in the P-V curve
in an 8-bit microcontroller to generate optimized real time [17–22]. Flow chart of the algorithm is as shown in Figure 6.
code in C. Liu et al. [19] presented the variable step size INC algo-
Kadri et al. [131] have discussed the voltage control MPPT rithm to increase the tracking speed of the MPPT controller.
to reduce the power losses caused by dynamic tracking errors Incremental Conductance method determines the radiation
under rapid weather changing conditions. Also the grid direction to do voltage changing under rapidly changing
current components for reflecting the power grid side and condition; in addition, it also calculates the MPP. Thus,
the signal error of a PI outer voltage regulation reflect the oscillation problem of P&O algorithm around MPP would
change in power by the irradiation variation for identifying have been eliminated. For uniform radiation condition, there
the correct direction of MPP. Thao and Uchida [132] have is no significant difference between the efficiencies of these
proposed a method to the controller for PV 1-phase grid con- two methods [24, 25]. Incremental Conductance method was
nected system with rated power 1 kW for great performances determined to operate with more efficiency under randomly
in seeking the MPP of the PV array which regulates the DC generated conditions [26]. However, the cost of INC method
link voltage and also reaches unity power factor even if the is high due to requirements of high sampling compliance and
solar irradiance and temperature vary abruptly. speed control as a result of complex structure. Classically,
INC method is the mostly used technique as a part in Hill
3.1. Incremental Conductance (INC) Based MPPT Techniques. Climbing algorithm, but it has the drawback in decision
The techniques are proposed to obtain MPP operating point making as the speed increases in proportion to the step
Journal of Solar Energy 5

size of the error. However, higher error step size reduces DC/DC converter to the load. But here the operating point
the efficiency of MPPT and direction errors under rapid of PV array oscillates around the MPP with causing of power
atmospheric changes in [27]. One of the major difficulties loss.
implementing the INC method is the selection of the fixed
voltage change step size for simultaneously satisfying the 3.2. Perturbation and Observation Based MPPT Algorithm.
tracking speed and maintaining the MPP. A large step size The Perturbation and Observation MPPT algorithm is easy to
of the voltage change helps the system rapidly approach the implement; it works based on the PV array which is perturbed
MPPs. On the other hand, this large value generally induces of a radiation of direction. If the power drained from the
persisting oscillations around the MPP if no other special array increases, the operating point varies towards the MPP
countermeasures were taken. The issues using a small step which in turn suits therefore the working voltage in the
size of voltage change are the opposite. similar direction. If the power drained from the PV array
Liu et al. [28] have presented an improved Incremental decreases, the operating point varies away from the MPP,
Conductance (INC) algorithm which uses variable voltage and thus the direction of the working voltage perturbation
step size to estimate the trade-off between the dynamic has to be overturned [36–39]. A disadvantage of P&O MPPT
responses and trade-off between the dynamic response and method is at steady state. The operating point oscillates in
steady state oscillation with respect to size of the step. This the region of the MPP giving rise to the waste of energy. A
reduces the oscillations and improves the converter energy number of improvements of the P&O algorithm have been
efficiency of PVPS and also the design issues of the variable deliberate in order to decrease the oscillations in steady state,
step size parameters are discussed. Yusof et al. [29] have but this slows down the speed of response of the algorithm
developed algorithm using C-programming such that having during the atmospheric changes. Go et al. [40] discuss power
ability to withstand parameter variation such as temperature oscillations in P&O algorithm that the array terminal voltage
variations and variable voltage from the battery. This method perturbed every MPPT cycle. Liu et al. [41] have proposed
gives very good boosting capability from PV source to the solution of decoupling the PV power fluctuations caused
load by the 𝑉MPPT simulation. by the Hill Climbing P&O process from the variations of
Murtaza et al. [30] have explained the comparison the irradiance to solve the oscillation problem. In this the
between four basic MPPT techniques under steady as well incremental change in power ΔP is measured. If the ΔP value
as environmental varying conditions with the MATLAB is positive, the operating voltage is increased to get MPP; if the
model. Out of these methods, INC gives the good dynamic value of ΔP is negative, the direction of voltage adjustment is
performances with respect to change in weather conditions. reversed and operating point in trying to make it is the closest
And it is found that the INC is complex for implementation to MPP [42]. The flow chart algorithm is shown in Figure 7.
with two sensors as far as the efficiency and power losses However, the applications of analog circuits using P&O
are concerned. Keyrouz and Georges [31] have implemented algorithm are presented in [43]. Al-Amoudi and Zhang [44]
the multidimensional MPPT in PV systems under dynam- have proposed a variable step size that gradually moves
ically changing weather conditions based on fusion of two towards MPP. But this method is not adaptive because
algorithms. Wolfs and Li [32] explained the MPPT based the steps are varied in predetermined way. A model based
Incremental Conductance method to meet the MPP of the approach is given by Zhang et al. [45] to measure the PV
solar cell output voltage and the converter duty ratio without array temperature and irradiance. In the specific set of irra-
current sensor. By comparing Hill Climbing or Perturbation diance and temperature measurements, a DC voltage value is
and Observation and Incremental Conductance methods, predicted so that PV array can deliver maximum output. A
the cell voltage is perturbed for every MPPT cycle and also variable perturbation is proposed in [46]; in this four-power
cell output power is calculated. To overcome the oscillations range adopted, a specific perturbation value is used in each
in Incremental Conductance method, perturb-and-observe range, but it changes continuously in a real time. Therefore,
based MPPT algorithm is used. A triple junction solar cell this method is not fully adaptive. Fast tracking is obtained
model is established in simulation process to validate a using larger step size due to this greater oscillations are
tracking theoretical performance analysis. obtained in [47, 48], where converter duty ratio is perturbed
Adly et al. [33] have tested the Incremental Conductance instead of array voltage or current.
for the PV models under fast changing environmental con- Petrone et al. [49] discussed a multivariable P&O MPPT
ditions by using DC-DC converter as isolation stage through technique for single stage PV inverter. Though it performs
the load connected PV at the required maximum power point well, the need for controlling more than one variable
voltage. 15% energy extraction losses can be saved. Yu et increases the complexity of the operation. Jung et al. [50]
al. [34] discussed dependency of MPP on temperature and have proposed the improved Perturbation and Observation
solar isolation. In this different MPPT control methods to method with adaptive algorithm to adjust the reference
draw maximum power from solar array such as the constant voltage step size and hysteresis in constant or slowly varying
voltage control, Incremental Conductance conditions two- atmospheric conditions to reduce the PV output power up to
mode MPPT control algorithm. Al Nabulsi et al. [35] have 5% compared to the traditional P&O in the unsettled weather
presented Hill Climbing using Incremental Conductance for conditions.
tracking maximum power point to get maximum output Suganya and Carolin Mabel [51] have modeled and
power of a PV panel. Here the optimum duty cycle results analyzed the photovoltaic system based on Perturbation and
in maximum power delivered from the PV panel through Observation MPPT method to maximize the PV array output
6 Journal of Solar Energy


Sample V(n), I(n)

dP = P(n) − P(n − 1)
dV = V(n) − V(n − 1)

dP = 0


Yes No
dP > 0

Yes No No Yes
dV > 0 dV < 0

Vref = Vref − dV Vref = Vref + dV Vref = Vref + dV Vref = Vref − dV


Figure 7: Flow chart of Perturbation and Observation method.

power by tracking the MPP continuously. It improved the changing environmental conditions for both steady and
MPPT algorithm under the same irradiation condition. Rad- transient instants with reducing the training set usually;
wan and Orabi [52] discussed optimizing of P&O algorithm a three-layer RBF NN is adopted for implementing the
parameters to get the dynamic behavior of the PV system. MPPT. Ciabattoni et al. [82] have presented the home energy
Here also some drawbacks are observed, about the oscil- management system using neural network which monitors
lations of the operating point around the MPP. Practically, the home loads, forecasts photovoltaic production and home
the nonideality of the DC-DC converter is considered for consumption, and influences the users on their energy choice.
customizing the P&O MPPT algorithm parameters in order Jiang et al. [83] have implemented the two-stage MPPT to
to avoid the instability of the algorithm. improve nonuniform irradiance on the PV modules. In this
Chen et al. [53] have proposed the biological swam chas- solar array model, a blocking diode is connected in series to
ing PV MPPT algorithm to improve the MPPT performance. PV string to prevent reverse current flow from load; a bypass
On comparing with a typical P&O algorithm the efficiency of diode is also used to improve the power capture and prevent
the MPPT is improved to 12.19% in the transient state. Wang hotspots.
et al. [54] have proposed the PV model based mathematical Lee et al. [84] have presented the ANN based MPPT
models of photovoltaic array on the basis of P&O method. 2-stage method for maximum power point; this algorithm
In this the characteristics of photovoltaic arrays are analyzed. independent of time dependency and trade property due to
Razali and Rahim [55] present the experimental works on a this MPP can be tracked without time increment through
standalone solar system with P&O MPPT algorithm. PV characteristics changes. Sheraz and Abido [85] overcome
Guo et al. [56] have analyzed the equivalent model of the problem of nonlinear characteristics of PV array with
PV cells based on Real Time Digital Simulation (RTDS) and rapidly changing irradiation and temperature using Differ-
study the output characteristics of PV cells. In this control
ential Evolution (DE) and ANN along with conventional
of 3-phase PWM inverter controls the output active and
MPPT to track the maximum power point. Phan et al. [86]
reactive power with maintaining of DC bus voltage to a
have implemented the ANN based MPPT and Incremental
limited reference value.
Conductance method for searching maximum power point
3.3. Artificial Neural Network Based MPPT Techniques. In based using feedback voltage and current without PV array
this technique, a multilayered feedback neural network with characteristics. This method solves the time dependence and
back propagation trained network is used. A two-stage off- trade-off as tracking time is very fast. Experimental valuation
line trained Artificial Neural Network based MPPT with two is carried out using dSpace 1104.
cascaded ANNs estimates the temperature and irradiance Xu et al. [87] have presented a new ANN based MPPT
levels from the PV array voltage and current signals. This algorithm by using the traditional Incremental Conductance
technique gives the better performance even under rapidly using sensors to get better performance. Compared with the
Journal of Solar Energy 7



PV system

Supervised Output
learning law ∑ layer (k)

layer (j)

layer (i)

Figure 8: ANN based MPPT.

Incremental Conductance and the P&O controller, it is much Yamauchi [94] has proposed the MPPT using a limited
faster to the sudden change of the weather combinations. To general regression neural network (LGRNN) for testing of
evaluate the effectiveness of the training network, the mean two series connected solar panels if one of the panels is under
square error is introduced to give the better performance and shading condition. The LGRNN is used for learning each
accuracy of the network. Jie and Ziran [88] have implemented panel output at instances with a limited memory capacity.
the 2-level neural network-genetic algorithm to estimate bat- Anitha and Prabha [95] have presented Artificial Neural
tery power influencing factors as light intensity, temperature, Network based MPPT controller for the PV system in order
and battery junction temperature. Maximum power point of to overcome the drawback of slow, wrong tracking and to
photovoltaic system can be controlled online with the use of operate it at maximum point and reduce oscillations during
transform technology of semiconductor memory. rapidly changing weather conditions. In this and with the help
Durgadevi et al. [89] studied V-I and P-V characteristics of boost converter, inverters are used to provide maximum
of PV cell with ANFIS model and empirical model for various output voltage to the load. Here back propagation feed
temperature and illumination ageing effects of equipment. forward trained networks are introduced to overcome the
In this, when compared to empirical model, ANFIS model nonlinearity of PV arrays.
gives better results. Elobaid et al. [90] have proposed the Yong et al. [96] have presented the ANN based MPPT
two-stage Artificial Neural Network based MPPT to estimate control to track the MPP at different weather and irradiance.
the temperature and irradiance levels from array voltage and This network is used to overcome slow tracking speed, more
current signals in order to determine the optimum peak output oscillations, and power oscillations. Ramaprabha et
operating point. This technique gives the better performance al. [97] have discussed the 3-layered ANN with back prop-
even under rapidly changing environmental conditions for agation algorithm based MPPT for boost converter for stan-
both steady and transient instants. Jiang et al. [91] have dalone PV system to minimize the long term system losses
proposed the two-diode PV array model to improve the and to increase the conversion efficiency. Even under variable
accuracy under low irradiance and to reduce computational temperature it gives optimum output voltage. Multilayered
time and irradiance. feed forward neural network based MPPT algorithm flow
Zhang et al. [92] have presented the recurrent neural net- chart is shown in Figure 8.
work model trained by a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
for solar radiation monitoring and controlling and to predict 3.4. Fuzzy Logic Controller Based MPPT Techniques. Fuzzy
accurately the solar radiation of standalone systems and of logic control is a convenient way to map an input space
hybrid power systems. Chiu et al. [93] have presented the to output space. Fuzzy logic uses fuzzy set theory, in
ANN based for piecewise line segments (PLS) to approximate which a variable is a member of one or more sets, with
the maximum power point locus. It is of high speed, low- a specified degree of membership. A fuzzy logic controller
complexity MPPT technique. In this, a separate high speed basically includes three blocks named fuzzification, inference,
voltage is applied to regulate the PV panel output voltage and and defuzzification. Afghoul et al. [98] have implemented
to follow the emulated MPP locus (EML), a good response the hybrid adaptive neurofuzzy inference system to find
due to sudden changes of irradiance levels, and helps to operating point near the MPP. Sreekumar and Benny [99]
improve the tracking efficiency. This method is simple and have implemented fuzzy logic to obtain maximum MPP
achieves the good static and dynamic tracking. operating voltage fluctuations using Mamdani method. This
8 Journal of Solar Energy

method tracks the maximum power rapidly compared to ANFIS controller outputs the crisp value of maximum power,
conventional algorithm. Adly et al. [33] have compared the where this power is calculated by the multiplication algorithm
Incremental Conductance and fuzzy MPPT techniques for of sensed voltage and current; the error in power is processed
the PV model under fast changing environmental conditions. through PI controller by giving its output to the PWM which
Here DC-DC converter is used as isolation stage for a load blocks DC-DC converter to adjust the operating PV module.
connected PV module. Mellit et al. [100] predicted the daily Kulaksiz and Aydoğdu [108] have presented ANFIS con-
total solar radiation data from sunshine duration and ambient troller for a PV system, in order to control DC-DC buck
temperature based on ANFIS model. Here mean relative converter by providing the duty cycle for the DC-DC buck
error (MRE) produces very accurate estimation between converter. Cigdem et al. [109] have presented the sliding
the actual and predicted data without exceeding of 1%. mode control to overcome the drawbacks of long conver-
Hossain et al. [101] have proposed the intelligent method gence process in case of uncertainties and disturbances. In
for maximum power point tracking of a PV system under this it tunes ANN and FNN algorithms online. Chiu and
variable temperature and insolation conditions. In order to Ouyang [110] have developed a Sugeno fuzzy MPPT method
overcome nonlinearity characteristics of PV cell fuzzy logic for PV system. Here maximum power voltage-based control
control implemented, the duty cycle for the converter is (MPV) direct maximum power (DMP) are used to control the
calculated based on fuzzy logic control algorithm. Nabulsi et output PV voltage to the reference PV voltage Vref from MPP
al. [102] have made a comparison between two controllers decision maker and to control the power slope. Subiyanto
as Hill Climbing, two input fuzzy controllers, and single et al. [111] proposed fuzzy logic controller to overcome the
input fuzzy controller for tracking maximum power point. draw backs of nonlinearity of PV output due to changes in
The basic idea behind these MPPT techniques is to find temperature and irradiation.
the optimum duty cycle that results in maximum power
delivered from the PV panel through DC/DC converter 3.5. Particle Swarm Optimization Based MPPT Algorithm for
to the load. In this Hill Climbing method controls of the PV System. This algorithm is used to reduce the steady state
operating point of PV array that oscillates around the MPP oscillation to practically zero once the maximum power point
with causing of power loss, fuzzy with 2 inputs, requires more is located. Furthermore, it has ability to track the MPP for
calculation with 𝑁 ∗ 𝑁 rules in addition to two inputs and the extreme environmental conditions like large fluctuations
output gains but single input fuzzy controller is implemented of insolation and partial shading condition. The MPP tracker
with least settling time, acceptable oscillations around MPP. based on Particle Swarm Optimization for photovoltaic mod-
Hadjammar and Bouchafaa [103] have introduced the fuzzy ule arrays is capable of tracking global MPPs of multipeak
logic based MPPT to extract the maximum power and to characteristic curves where the fixed values were adopted
feed a three-level Neural Point Clamped (NPC) VSI from the for weighing within the algorithm, the tracking performance
photovoltaic system, where this gives the larger number of lacked robustness, causing low success rates when tracking
levels of output waveforms with lower dV/dT, less harmonic the global MPPs. Though the MPPs were tracked successfully,
distortion, and lower switching frequencies. In this multilevel the dynamic response speed is low. The IPSO based MPPT
inverter with grid connected PV system using MPPT extracts controller algorithm for various environmental conditions
maximum power, controls active and regulate the reactive like fully shaded conditions and partially shaded conditions
power injected into the grid. to find new global MPP with reinitialization of particles can
Mellit and Kalogirou [104] have presented ANFIS mod- be observed [112]. The IPSO based flow chart algorithm is
eling of photovoltaic power supply systems under variable shown in Figure 9.
climatic conditions, variable radiation, temperature, and The PSO has simple structure, easy implementation, and
humidity. Wang et al. [105] have presented the PV plug in fast computation capability. It is able to locate the MPP for
hybrid electric vehicles power supply system as the energy any type of P-V curve regardless of environmental variations
storage by replacing the battery and treating as power source and also to track the PV system as the search space of the
for the intelligent community by using of hierarchical fuzzy PSO reduced and the time required for the convergence can
control with reducing the number of fuzzy rules. Here HFC be greatly reduced. Interestingly the searching speed through
maintains the output power and reliability of grid from load adaptive learning factors and inertia weight were not satisfied
fluctuations. Chin et al. [106] have discussed the optimization by the researchers [113–116] because of the linearity in line
of PV system under partially shaded conditions with the with increasing iteration numbers which were adopted for
P&O algorithm to overcome a low accuracy fuzzy logic the weighing of the PSO formulas. The IPSO based MPPT
algorithm which has been implemented to obtain faster MPP can be used to predict the I-V and P-V characteristics curves
control and more stable output power under transient and during partial shading condition also to evolve and ratify
steady state conditions. The tracking and settling time with the photovoltaic system design encompassing the power
FMPPT is very low compared to P&O algorithm and also converter and MPPT controller [117–119]. Miyatake et al.
to conventional MPPT. Thus, FMPPT gives better efficiency. [120] presented the power loss due to partial sharing and
Iqbal et al. [107] have presented the maximum power with fast minimization by dividing the PV system into number of
response in the available solar irradiance and temperature. small arrays which enables its control by its own converter
Here MPPT are used for the voltage adjustments of PV for each array. If the number of modules increases, then the
modules by changing duty ratio of boost converter which characteristics are under uneven insolation; if one module is
is used for calculation of solar irradiance and temperature. fully illuminated and the other one is partially shaded, then
Journal of Solar Energy 9




Determine the duty cycle to Update particle’s

the converter according to the velocity and
position of the particle position

Measure Vpv (i) Sort particle’s

and Ipv (i) position

Calculate the power

Ppv (i) = Vpv (i) × Ipv (i)
Convergence No Next iteration
criteria met? t=t+1

Better individual Yes Update Pbest , i

fness value? Yes

Output the duty

No cycle of gbest

Better global
Update gbest
fness value? Yes Shading
No changed?

All particle Next particle
evaluated No i=i+1


Figure 9: Flowchart of IPSO based MPPT algorithm.

current generated by the first one is more than the second one. tracking capability where a high frequency DC-DC converter
During this excess, current will flow through bypass diode is used.
with existing of two MPPs. Huusari and Suntio [59] have proposed the distributed
maximum power point tracking in order to overcome the
effect of shading used to reduce the output power. Each
4. MPPT Controller with DC-DC Converters PV module is connected by a DC-DC converter to extract
Chin et al. [57] presented a DC-DC converter to transfer maximum power where its output is connected to the
maximum power from the solar PV module to the load. grid connected inverter. They also discussed the terminal
This is achieved by module by changing the duty cycle constraints, topological constraints, and dynamic constraints
to get maximum output voltage. Luo and Han [60] have
of a converter so that the load impedance is varied and
studied the MPPT with MCU control system in a grid
matched at the point of peak power with the source. Spiazzi
connected photovoltaic generation system by introducing
et al. [58] have discussed ripple correlation control (RCC)
DC-DC conversion techniques. Patel and Shireen [61] give an
technique on correlation existing between PV panel power,
analysis of the PV module characteristics and determination
voltage, and current ripples and can exploit the AC signals of short-circuit current to get converging maximum power
caused by switching action of the converter. It is mainly point tracking control. It is observed by connecting the DC-
used to equilibrium point in case of nonsinusoidal and to DC converter between the PV source and the load with
analyze the simple effects of reactive parasitic components pulse width modulation control of the converter. In this, the
like panel shunts capacitance and series inductance. Finally short-circuit current, open circuit voltage, and load voltage
it is observed that the combined effects of reactive parasitic at MPP are determined. Here the boost converter is turned to
components can lead to the unacceptable errors in the MPP ensure the operation of PV array at its maximum power point
10 Journal of Solar Energy

regardless of atmospheric conditions and load variations. Tre- ripples, and harmonic content through the special structured
jos et al. [62] have presented the DC link voltage oscillation interleaved boost converter to increase the converter effi-
compensations in grid connected PV systems based on three ciency. A study of prototype hardware also took place with
different DC/DC converters such as Cuk converters, SEPIC DSP based controlled PV emulator, to make operating point
converters, and Zeta converters. These high order converters always at maximum power point. Nousiainen and Suntio
are suitable for reducing the current ripple injected in the PV [141] presented the dynamic analysis of the converter with the
array and load. 1-phase grid connected inverter applications by considering
Koutroulis et al. [63] have proposed low power consump- the dynamic properties of the PV generator. In this, the
tion MPPT for battery charging consisting of a high efficiency converter gives the automatic high power decoupling that
DC/DC buck type converter. A microcontroller based unit eliminates the ripple at twice the grid frequency at the output.
is used to control the DC/DC converter directly from the Akhtar and Ikkurti [142] present the controller design for
PV array output power. Liang et al. [64] have introduced a maximum power extraction from photovoltaic system using
switching capacitor buck-boost DC/DC converter to process phase modulated full bridge topology boost converter. In
the energy operated by PV module. Cupertino et al. [65] order to boost up the PV panel voltage pulse width modula-
have presented the control in a maximum power tracker tion boost converters are used. LC filter is connected to the
boost converter for a grid connected photovoltaic system output in order to filter the harmonic components. Mum-
using two topologies. This active power injected in the grid madi et al. [143] described the performance of PV system
is close to generated value besides the control of the inverter which mainly depends on type of power converter, tracking
which reduces the harmonic distortion. Pan et al. [66] have methodology, and nature of filters employed. Here, authors
proposed the MPPT strategy to charge the photovoltaic also explained the buck-boost topologies for the MPPT with
system. This charging needs PV array, DC/DC controller, and connection of the capacitor filter, single stage LC filter, and
battery. As the output characteristics of PV array vary with the multistage filters to minimize the electromagnetic noise
the change in solar radiation, ambient temperature due to in the pulsating source current waveform. Liang et al. [144]
this constant voltage and constant current are not suitable have introduced a switching capacitor buck-boost DC/DC
for PV charging system. Here DC/DC converter is used to converter to process the small portion of energy operated
track the output current and adjusts the perturbation step to by PV module to perform MPPT control. This converter is
achieve fast accurate tracking. In the charging management, in parallel with the unregulated switching capacitor resonant
an optimal charging strategy integrates MPPT charging converter to step up the voltage. To reduce the high frequency
with variable intermittent current charging to increase the current ripple filter capacitors are used. The ZVS turn-on and
battery’s charging acceptance and level of state of charge. ZCS turn-off of all switches in switching capacitor converter
are obtained with the help of small auxiliary inductance
5. Reduction of Harmonics (Laux).
Tummuru et al. [145] have presented a fourth-order front
Jain and Agarwal [133] proposed that the voltage obtained end boost converter topology with single sensor MPPT for
from a PV system is low, and a DC-DC boost converter PV applications. It provides higher voltage gains with less
is necessary to generate a regulated higher DC voltage. A duty ratio, less voltage stresses on switching devices, and
voltage source inverter interfaces the PV module with the the converter voltage reverse recovery problem. To over-
standalone application to provide an AC output voltage come this, the converter is operated at continuous current
without transformer. For lower generating systems, the con- mode (CCM), and also fourth-order coupled inverter boost
ventional pulse width modulated inverter is used because of converter is introduced with MPPT algorithm having less
simple and easy control mechanism [134]. PWM inverters duty cycle. Brando et al. [146] have proposed the sensor
usually involve fast switching of semiconductor switches less control of H bridge multilevel converter for MPPT
due to which high frequency noise gets generated. Also all in grid connected PV systems to deliver maximum power.
PWM methods inherently generate harmonics that originate Boonmee and Kumsuwan [147] overcome the drawbacks like
from the high 𝑑𝑉/𝑑𝑡 and 𝑑𝐼/𝑑𝑡 semiconductor switching complexity, sensor requirement, speeds of convergence, cost
transients [135]. These drawbacks result in distorted output, range of effectiveness, and implementation hardware.
and traditionally passive filters have been used to remove the He et al. [148] calculated the time due to control delay
harmonics from the line current. These filters improve the to overcome the fast parallel computation and learning
power factor of the system [136, 137], but the passive filters capability of RBF Neural Network which is used. The control
have many drawbacks such as tuning problems and series signal for the hybrid cascaded multilevel inverter with the
and parallel resonance [138]. Typical shunt and series active modulation methods in multilevel inverters can be classified
filter topologies along with passive filters are proposed to according to switching frequency. Methods that work with
provide high quality power for a PV system [139]. The passive high switching frequencies have many commutations for the
filter design is carried out with LC, LCL, and LLCC filter power semiconductors in one period of the fundamental out-
topologies. The work evaluates the total harmonic distortion put voltage. A very popular method in industrial applications
using each passive and a comparison is done with respect to is the classic carrier-based sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) that
power quality improvement. uses the phase-shifting technique to reduce the harmonics
Khoucha et al. [140] stated that the main objective of this in the load voltage; another interesting alternative is the
is to minimize the inductor size, capacitor current/voltage SVM strategy, which has been used in three-level inverters.
Journal of Solar Energy 11

Methods that work with low switching frequencies generally Cavallaro et al. [161] have discussed the use of photo-
perform one or two commutations of the power semicon- voltaic system for smart photovoltaic UPS system suitable
ductors during one cycle of the output voltages, generating for domestic applications, the application of utility interactive
a staircase waveform. Representatives of this family are the photovoltaic power generation system UPS [162]. Multilevel
multilevel selective harmonic elimination and the space- inverter topologies for standalone photovoltaic systems with
vector control (SVC) [149–151]. their suitabilities for standalone applications were discussed
[164]. A single phase grid connected system for photovoltaic
6. Usage of Battery and Inverter Systems modules has DC-DC or DC-AC converter to avoid DC
current injection problem by Kang et al. [164]. These are of
Inverter is a power electronic device that converts DC to AC. power electronic configurations, single stage and double stage
Inverter is essential for a photovoltaic system designed to be conversion. In the double stage conversion for a PV system,
as a grid tied or off grid. the first stage is a DC-DC converter and the second stage is
a DC-AC inverter. The function of DC-DC converter is to
6.1. Grid Tied Inverters. These solar panels are usually wired facilitate the maximum power point tracking of the PV array
in series to produce very high voltages, usually between and to produce the appropriate DC voltage for the DC-AC
200 and 600 volts using Cu wire but nowadays it became a inverter. The function of inverter is to generate three-phase
significant expense due to rise in the price of copper. Grid tied sinusoidal voltages or currents to transfer the power to the
inverters are designed to take as input the high DC voltages grid in a connected solar PV system or the load in standalone
that are common in the systems. They are also designed such system [165, 166].
that if the grid goes down for any reason, the will turn off The single stage is having higher efficiency; however,
the supply from the solar panels at the utility because the side most complex method is required. The currents for the
should not get shocked. industry for high power applications in three-phase and
single stage PV energy systems by using a voltage source
6.2. Standalone Inverters. They are designed for off grid conversion were discussed [168]. One of the major concerns
systems. They are designed to receive power both from the of solar and wind energy systems is their unpredictable and
solar panels and from the battery backup system. Off grid fluctuating nature. Grid connected renewable energy systems
inverters usually have a number of features designed to with battery energy storage can overcome this concern. This
optimize the performance of your battery system. In addition, is also can increase the flexibility of power system control
they are designed to work with lower voltages given that the and raise the overall availability of the system. Usually, a
batteries are usually operating between 12 and 48 volts. converter is required to control the charging and discharging
of the battery storage system required for DC-AC power
6.3. Grid Tied Inverters with Battery Backup. They are used conversion; thus, a three-phase PV system connected to
in hybrid systems which are tied but also have battery banks battery storage will require two converters [168].
as backup when the grids ever go down. They tend to have Battery energy storage systems can be built with low
features which are found in both grid tied and off the grid or high charging systems. High voltage batteries consist of
inverters [152]. The PV system architecture can be categorized many batteries connected in series. The drawback is that the
into three basic classes: central inverter, string or multistring string fails if one battery cell’s impedance becomes highly
inverter, and module integrated converter. Although the ohmic due to a fault. Depending on the batteries technology, a
central inverter can operate at high efficiency with only one battery monitoring system and optionally a battery balancing
DC/AC power conversion stage, this structure has some system are necessary to operate the battery reliably [169].
disadvantages such that each module may not operate at its As exceptions to these Zebra batteries, if one cell fails, the
maximum power point which results in less energy harvested; Zebra battery becomes of low ohmic and can conduct the full
additional losses are introduced by string diodes and junction current [170].
box and single point of failure and mismatch of each string of Low voltage batteries require a voltage boost for the
PV panel affects the PV array efficiency greatly [153–156]. medium voltage grid connection, which is achieved by special
The PV stations make use of smart PV inverters as power electronic topologies [171, 172]. The application of grid
proposed by Seal [157]. This allows coordinating the regulated support with EV batteries requires the combination of both.
voltage on distribution system [158, 159]. Based on knowledge High load functions and continuous operation over many
from shunt capacitor placement and distributed generated years are challenging requirements from a reliability and life
placement, better voltage regulation can be attained. When time perspective. Therefore, the number of allowed cycles
the energy storage is placed and used to provide voltage over time has a remarkable influence on cost and life time of
regulation, this places a constraint on when it can be charged such a system [173–175].
and discharged. This constraint must be taken into account
when scheduling the energy storage. Basically a highly 7. Issues/Challenges of PV System
efficient reliable modular battery storage system (HERMES)
is an ongoing research to develop for a flexible energy Although solar energy is an infinite energy source derived
storage system [160]. Various methods have been presented from the environment, its supply is intermittent; yet its avail-
to provide continuous power supply to consumers such as ability is less than predictable and is outside human control as
uninterruptible power supply and battery system. compared to conventional power plants. Continuous research
12 Journal of Solar Energy

and development are going on to meet the challenges per- will require knowledge of the application and modeling tools
taining to solar power generation, namely, high initial cost, to accurately simulate the operating conditions and cost
variability, requirement of space for PV panel installation, effects of a PV storage system used in that application.
and less efficient energy conversion to name a few. The energy storage can keep the plant output within
Solar power is not always available where and when required range by drawing power from the storage device
needed. Unlike conventional sources of electric power, solar when cloud moves in and cuts off some of the plant output
resources are not dispatchable; the power output cannot after it passes. This can be done in the case of inverters for the
be controlled. Daily and seasonal effects and limited pre- startup or for the defocusing trackers. The power electronics
dictability result in intermittent generation. This poses many and control strategies are required for ensuring all parts of
challenges for the grid integration. Some of these challenges grid connected distribution sources and storage system work.
are given below as [176–182]. Energy storage is becoming more appealing in smart grids.
It can be used for frequency regulation, voltage regulation,
7.1. Intermittent Generation. The intermittent nature of solar capacity firming, and islanding operation in microgrids apart
resource and limited dispatchability require grid operators to from ramping.
maintain additional spinning reserves.
Accurate hourly and subhourly solar generation forecast- (i) Peak Saving. PV system requires providing all the required
ing are required to allow for unit commitment and spinning power above with a threshold value. If the PV system is not
reserves, scheduling, and dispatch. available then the required adequate energy is supplied or
provided by the energy storage system to fill the energy gap.
7.2. Transmission System Issue. Large scale solar plants Thus reliability of PV storage is a key element. To implement
(100 MW and above) may be located in places distant from peak saving, the system controller must be able to dispatch
any existing transmission lines. Planning for transmission power from the storage system if PV system is unavailable to
expansion to support increasing level of solar generation in meet the load.
dispersed areas is essential to the growth of the solar power
sector. Planning and system studies are required to determine (ii) Load Shifting. Many peak loads occur late in the day,
seasonal requirements for upregulation, downregulation, and after the peak for PV generation has passed. Storage can
ramping capacities. Long term resource adequacy issues also be combined with PV system to reduce demand for utility
need to be addressed. The interconnection protocols and power during late-day, higher rate times by charging a storage
standards may need to be modified to address greater level system with PV generated energy early in the day, or to
of power factor control and low voltage ride to mitigate any support a load later in the day.
transient stability issues.
(iii) Demand Response. While both residential and com-
7.3. Distribution System Issues. The increasing penetration of mercial PV storage systems have the inherent capability to
institutional and residential solar generation imposes chal- manage demand response requirements, control systems are
lenges on the existing distribution infrastructure. Grid opera- capable of reacting to demand response to be developed.
tors are facing shifts in peak demand, load pattern resulting in
a scenario wherein generators are being called upon to ramp (iv) Outage Protection. Smart grids insulate end users from
up their output more than before and for which they may have loss of power or failure of one part of the energy network. This
not been designed [176]. New control strategies to enhance is ensured by intelligent distribution topologies for the flow of
the distribution automation, microgrid capabilities, voltage, changes in real time to meet the goals of better delivery, cheap
and volt-ampere reactive (VAR) power managements are to generation, cheap distribution, and anticipating, detecting,
be improved. Integration of renewable energy into the smart and responding to system problems and automatically avoid-
grid with innovative energy storage is the key to smooth this ing or mitigating the various kinds of power disruptions.
variability which partially alleviates some of these challenges
and achieves greater reliability in delivery. Future energy (v) Grid Power Quality Control. Power quality ensures
sustainability depends heavily on how the renewable energy constant voltage, phase angle adjustment, and removal of
problem is addressed in the next few decades. extraneous harmonic content from the electric grid. The
common problem is voltage sag in which the UPS can supply
7.4. Integrating Energy Storage. Although an excellent style the energy needed to return the voltage to the desired level.
in Electric Energy storage is a well-established practice, its UPS functions can be added to PV storage system in the
use in PV systems is usually for standalone systems. As the power conditioning system by designing it to handle high
percentage share of PV generated energy is increasing in power applications including necessary control functions.
the total energy basket, it is necessary to integrate energy
storage with PV-grid tied systems. The integration will add
value to utilities and customers through improved reliability
8. Advantages and Disadvantages of
enhanced power supply and economic delivery of electricity. Solar PV System
The applications most likely to benefit from PV storage and 8.1. Advantages
integrating it with grid are peak shaving, load shifting, micro-
grids, outage protection, and demand responds [179]. Design- (i) Although the feed-in tariff has changed quite a bit
ing optimized systems based on existing storage technologies since it was introduced, solar PV systems are still
Journal of Solar Energy 13

a great investment because they substantially lower algorithms encouraged the domestic generation of power
your electric bill [183]. using solar panels. The available MPPT techniques based on
(ii) The price of solar panels has gone down by 45 percent the number of control variables involved, types of control
or more, which makes the entire system much more strategies, circuitry, and applications are possibly useful for
affordable [183]. selecting an MPPT technique for a particular application
for grid tied or standalone mode of operations. This review
(iii) Solar PV systems operate differently than solar ther- has included many recent hybrid MPPT techniques along
mal ones. Solar PV system actually generates free with their benefits for mismatched conditions such as partial
electricity while solar thermal systems heat up your shading, nonuniformity of PV panel temperatures, and dust
water [183]. effects.
(iv) Solar photovoltaic systems require daylight and so It is observed that Perturbation and Observation and
will work in days when the sun is not shining. All Incremental Conductance methods are simple and used by
you need is light to create energy, so although the many researches, but they have the slow tracking and low
effectiveness of the solar PV array will be less when utilization efficiency. To overcome the drawbacks, fuzzy and
the sun is covered by clouds, it will still generate some neural network techniques are used in the present days by
electricity [183]. which the efficiency is increased. To boost up the voltage var-
ious DC-DC converters are used along with battery storage
(v) Utilizing solar power helps lower your electric bills
systems in order to store the excessive energy from solar PV
because you are generating some of the electricity you
panel. The DC link voltage oscillations in the grid connected
use. Some systems can generate as much as 40 percent
PV system can be obtained by using Cuk converters, SEPIC
of the electricity you use on an annual basis [183].
converters, and Zeta converters with reducing current ripple
(vi) There is very little maintenance involved in owning a injected in the PV array and load. The harmonic content is
solar PV system. Just make sure that you purchase the reduced from the output of DC-DC converters using the filter
system from a company with a solid reputation so that circuits. The passive filters as LC, LCL, and LLCC are used for
you know you are buying quality panels and a good harmonic distortion as well as to improve the power quality.
aftercare service [183]. Filter capacitors are used to reduce high frequency current
(vii) The feed-in tariff is designed to increase the amount of ripple.
solar power being utilized in the UK, but it also makes This DC is again fed to the inverter for converting the DC
the installation of solar PV systems look even more to AC with various PWM techniques. These PWM inverter
attractive to home and business owners [183]. techniques yield the better AC outputs which are used to
connect the grid interconnections and standalone AC loads.
(viii) By using green energy instead of fossil fuels, you Multilevel inverters with sinusoidal PWM and SVM are used
are doing what you can to protect the environment. to reduce the harmonics in the load voltage even in low
Our world’s fossil fuel reserves are rapidly decreasing, switching frequency. Grid tied inverters with battery backup
so we will have to find alternative fuels soon. Solar are preferred in hybrid systems for backup even if the grid
PV panels provide a green way to produce electricity goes down for both grid tied and off grid systems.
10. Future Scope
8.2. Disadvantages
The work that had been carried out by the researchers,
(i) Solar PV panels are more expensive than panels the designing of MPPT controller, should be extended by
designed for solar thermal energy. However, they do a tracking larger number of input parameters which are varying
lot more for your home or business than solar thermal with respect to the time such as parameters variations
panels do, and there are some incentives and grants to of the system. In order to get accurate MPPT point, the
help pay for them [183]. recent mathematical algorithms such as Z-infinity algorithms
should be implemented. The work that has been carried out
(ii) You need an adequate roof space to display your solar to the DC-DC converter is limited only by considering high
PV panels. The larger the panel covering the more the switching frequency.
electricity generated [183]. But the output voltage THD values are not improved
(iii) Solar PV panels may not be a viable green energy much so that the research should be carried out in this
option for your home or business if you have a area; a filter circuits configuration should be improved. For
predominantly north or east facing roof or if tall the inverter circuits, the grid tied inverters are having the
buildings and/or trees place your roof in the shade problem that if the grid fails, the customer will not get any
during the day [183]. supply even though there is power generation from the PV
system. This should be considered as a serious problem and
9. Conclusion the research should be carried out in this area.
The use of solar energy is essential for providing solutions to
the environmental problems and also energy demand. The Competing Interests
vast development to improve the efficiency by the MPPT The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
14 Journal of Solar Energy

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in Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on Photovoltaic
Specialists, pp. 1707–1710, September 2000.
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