Revamped Electric Eenergy Meter Against Higher Utility Prices
Revamped Electric Eenergy Meter Against Higher Utility Prices
Revamped Electric Eenergy Meter Against Higher Utility Prices
Abstract: Due to an increase in home appliances, the demand for electricity has much increased in recent years. Many
people are clueless about the energy consumed by various electric appliances. An electric energy meter has the ability
to measure the total amount of energy consumed by home appliances and in business areas. The revamped electric
energy meter is a microcontroller-based electronic circuit which facilitates the consumer to set the limit of units for
home appliances according to his budget. The proposed energy meter facilitates the user to recharge the balance in
meter or to set the number of units according to his requirement;once the half of total balance or units is consumed,
the meter will start alerting the user about the current status of billing and unit consumption through SMS and voice
module. The modified energy meter mainly aims at the middle-class and lower-class families to bring their electricity
bill down with the help of power consumption alert system. It also helps the Government as it helps in reducing the
power consumption and can reduce unusual power usage. The proposed electric energy meter also facilitates to monitor
the meter reading through SMS alert every thirty days.
Keywords: Energy meter, Arduino MEGA2560, GSM module, SMS alert, energy consumption
c 2019 The Author(s). Published by KKG Publications. This is an Open Access article distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 .
Khan, A. et al. / International Journal of Technology and Engineering Studies 5(4) 2019 122
supply will cut-off automatically, but before the supply only [6]. Furthermore, these systems require manual in-
cut-off, it will alert the consumer through SMS and loud- terference by meter reader for consumed electricity, and
speaker and also through display LCD. It is important to there are high chances of human error in the observation
note that the amount to be set by the consumer is virtual. of meter readings. The proposed energy meter is used
to monitor and alert the consumer of their power usage
A. Problem Statement through SMS alert as well as on loudspeaker and can also
The revamped electric energy meter has a number alert the consumer through email and on the website, but
of advantages over the electromechanical and digital me- that will require major amendment in the circuit diagram
ters. Certain disadvantages of the previous system are like instead of Arduino, we shall use Raspberry pi mod-
given below: ule. In our system, we have covered all the drawbacks
• Consumers face meter reading errors. of existing system. Our proposed energy meter is based
• It requires the team of Power Supplier Company on Arduino MEGA2560 but it can also be built through
for meter readings. a microcontroller (ATmega328). Once the set limit is
• No precaution about the wastage of power is taken. reached, it will alert the consumer about his billing status
and will also announce through a loudspeaker so that a
II. LITERATURE SURVEY consumer who is unable to read the message can also be
Following research has been concluded from our aware of his billing status.
studies. In Smart Energy Alert System, they design a
circuit which helps the consumer in taking care of the
electrical energy consumption, in order to minimize the
power utilization.
In GSM-based energy meter, user is informed
about his power consumption status. This system will The following graph shows the maximum usage of
inform the consumer about their usage rate via SMS; electricity in Pakistan during the various months of the
once the maximum set value is reached, power is cut off year. During summer, the power consumption is at the
[5]. This system gives the alert to the consumer via SMS maximum rate.
meter is continuously given to the Arduino MEGA2560, uously reads the data from Arduino Mega and displays
and Arduino is consistently monitoring the energy con- data according to the instructions from Arduino or micro-
sumption by the load. When the set limit is reached, controller [7]. This project is powered by external power
Arduino produces a signal which is given to the GSM supply or by stepping down voltage from supply and
module and speaker. GSM module receives a signal from converting to DC supply. The energy meter consistently
Arduino mega and then sends an SMS (Short Message sends pulses to the Arduino when the load is connected
Service) alert to the user about his current status of bal- with it. The impulse ratio can be found by the following
ance or units.[5] LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) contin- relation:
Pulse rate o f the energy meter × load in watts × duration o f load in seconds)
Pulse rate =
(1000 × 3600)
duino directly with the relay. So, ULN2003 IC or relay nected with (7,6,5,4,3,2) pins of Arduino for the utilized
driver is used for relay connection with the Arduino for energy and current balance status [9, 10].
switching (ON/OFF instructions). A display LCD is con-
E. Circuit Diagram
to the manufacturing company for the current price of similar to mobile phones for communication with the net-
electricity on per unit or technicians are to be trained to work. In our proposed energy meter, the GSM module
resolve this issue. SIM card inserted in the GSM module is used for sending or receiving SMS alert (to or from)
must have balance for communication with the consumer. customers. The GSM module sends the current status of
the consumed balance or units to the consumer around
VII. DESCRIPTION any corner of the world; the only requirement is that the
A. Single Phase Energy Meter SIM inserted in the GSM module should have balance for
Energy meter calculates the amount of electric en- communicating with the consumer.
ergy used in the residential homes, in the business area or
any industry. In electric energy meter installed at homes
or business premises for billing purposes, Kilowatt hour
(KWH) is the most common type of energy meter being
D. Relay
A relay is used for switching purpose; a relay is
used where it is necessary to control a circuit. In our
Fig. 4. Single phase energy meter
proposed energy meter, a relay is used in order to switch
on and switch off the power supply. Once the set limit
B. Arduino MEGA2560 of units or balance is reached, the relay will cut off the
The Arduino MEGA2560 is a 54 digital pins (for supply from the load. We have used Arduino relay mod-
input or output) ATmega2560 microcontroller-based de- ule because it is easier to interface with Arduino than an
vice. It has 16 analogue inputs. It can be empowered ordinary electronic relay.
with either AC or DC power supply or can also be con-
nected with laptop or PC through USB cable. Arduino
MEGA2560 is the main part of the proposed project. In
place of Arduino MEGA2560, we can also use Arduino
UNO but keeping in a view the memory storage, Arduino
MEGA2560 is suitable because Arduino UNO can store
less data.
E. Optocoupler
Optocoupler (4N35) is used in our proposed energy
Fig. 5. Arduino MEGA2560
meter for detecting pulses coming from the energy meter.
The reason for using optocoupler is that the output of
C. GSM Module LED of the energy meter is analogue in nature, but we
GSM is used for mobile communication in most are working on the digital area of the Arduino. There-
of the countries. The GSM module requires a SIM card fore, 4N35 optocoupler is used which takes the output of
Khan, A. et al. / International Journal of Technology and Engineering Studies 5(4) 2019 126
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