Intelligent Automation and AI: Deliver What Matters To Your Procurement Function!

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At a glance
Powered by AI
The key takeaways are that procurement functions are looking to leverage AI, automation and RPA to go beyond basic spend analysis and drive better business outcomes through guided savings, risk mitigation and compliance.

Procurement functions are looking to emerge as more strategic business partners. They want to leverage AI and automation to understand and enforce contracts for savings, risk management and compliance beyond just cost and quality focus.

Some benefits of AI and automation in procurement include automated procure-to-pay processes, digitized standard processes, and leveraging tools and disruptive technologies to drive better business outcomes.

Intelligent Automation

and AI
Deliver what matters to your
procurement function!

Srivatsan Abhishek
B Tammina
Solution Consultant, Solution Consultant,
Nia AssistEdge

Setting the context…

Shifting gears in

Unleash Insights driven

actionable decisions –
insights – both Guided savings,
strategic and Risk mitigation,
operational and compliance

2 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Procurement on the verge of change

• Procurement must emerge from the

shadows as a key business enabler
and a strategic function

• Procurement functions are looking

beyond basic spend analysis to
leverage the power of AI and
Automation for Guided Savings,
Risk mitigation and compliance

• Increased focus on RPA is linked

to ROI and scaling of the
RPA application
(Deloitte CPO Survey 2018)

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AI and Automation in Procurement
According to Global JAGGAER Digital Procurement Survey 2019

• 40% of organizations have automated procure-to-pay (P2P) processes

• 50% of procurement professionals rate their digital knowledge
as up-to-date or excellent
• 54% have digitized standard procurement processes

What should CPOs be thinking about?

• What business disruptors are impacting us most?
• How can we look beyond the sole focus on cost and quality, and in to
understanding/enforcing contracts for savings, risk and compliance ?
• How can my procurement function use external insights, tools and
disruptive technologies to drive better business outcomes?
AI and Automation to addresses the above to optimize the
procurement function

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Enterprise Automation and AI


Agile, Hyper-Productive, Consistent, Scalable

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Quick survey

How far along are you with AI/Automation plans for your procurement function?
• I want to get started immediately
• Trailing and Initial stages(PoC)
• Production
• Scaling
• Not yet
• Start immediately
• Near term

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Nia Contracts Analysis

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Enterprises operate under increasingly complex contracts that require review
by experts (Legal, Finance etc.), who are in short supply

Changing regulation, Legal experts –

Increasing number of nature of partnerships, required for review
contracts as nature of employment; and approval of all
enterprises outsource, Contracts are contracts, are costly
partner, expand, grow increasingly more (2-5x) and in short
complex supply

8 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Traditional processes for analyzing and managing contracts is resulting in
loss of revenue, productivity, and increased risk

Loss of Lost value &

Cost Productivity Risk

per year 3 – 4 week Value lost per

cycles deal

Revenue lost due to Typical Contract review Due to inefficient

inefficiencies in and approval are contracting
contract analysis & effort intensive

9 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Leverage Machine Learning, and Automation for digitizing and analyzing
contracts for savings, risk mitigation and compliance
Machine Learning
Based Deterministic Predictive Cognitive
Contract Analysis Automation Automation Automation
• Contract digitization, • Rule based contract • Supplier risk evaluation • Automated renewals based
extraction, validation renewals/extensions/ • Macro economic incident on historical decisions
• Workflows to ingest, closeout modeling • Automated contract/pricing
extract, sanitize, enrich • Contract status alerts & • Contract risk modeling updates
• Insights, Reports, & periodic communications • Financial viability modeling • Automated Supplier ratings
Dashboards • Supplier Survey • Contract outage impact based on feedback,
administration analysis performance, pricing, and
• User survey administration • Supplier bid analysis, other relevant factors.
• Contract renewal focus scenario modeling
• Supplier / Contract • User feedback analytics
performance reviews • Social data, data analytics
• Contract Managed by for fraud and ethics
Business violation detection
• Contract usage analytics
• Demand prediction

10 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Nia Contract Analysis
• Digitization of contracts and Precise sentence #BuiltOnAI
abstraction of critical information extraction from solution
Extraction &
Trigger automated alerts – any clauses
Nia CA Platform

especially renewals
Future proof
Precise table technology stack
Contract • Contract review and risk analysis extraction of
Risk & automation any kind
Clause • Integration and support for User Friendly
Variance contracting playbooks and Easy to Use
Location attribute

based extraction FOOTER

Propagates Self-
Contract • Intelligent Intent Based Search
Intelligence • Integration of contract to analytics Contract
Nia CA Benefits

& Analytics and to buying system comparison

redlining MSA SOW Rapid
to assess risks Deployment
Tracking • Automate Capture contractual
Compliance obligations and monitor compliance
Natural language
& Revenue • Automate audits and quality checks Fetch ABC SoW
On-Premise or
Leakage to plug revenue leakage Cloud

11 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Illustrative Approach – Professional Services Contracts
Clauses Terms
• Supplier Info • Who is the Supplier?
− V0017
• Execution of SOW • What is the Tax-ID?
− 23fwefe
• What is the Effective Date?
− 01/01/2019
• What is the Expiration Date?
− 07/18/2021

Contractual provisions/clauses and its surgical abstractions,

terms, can be extracted with precise sentences in main or its
sub clause

• What Clauses/Terms exist in my existing legacy contracts • How do we identify clause variances in 3rd party contracts
• How can we create a Master Clause/Term Repository, with • How can we search for specific Clauses/Terms in specific
Fallbacks contracts
• How do we assess Risk in contracts • How do we identify what types of contracts to migrate ?

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Screen Sample 1

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Screen Sample 2

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Nia Contracts Analysis – Customer Stories

15 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

DEMYSTIFYING vendor contracts for one of the
largest Japanese conglomerate

Motivation Solution

One of the largest multi-national conglomerate Infosys Nia Legal solution ingested vendor contracts
company headquartered in Japan deals with spanning various topics and legal entities to create a
Benefits tons of vendor contracts (buyer suppliers) and neural network based knowledge model which in
spend considerable effort and time in reviewing turn enabled identifying and comparing the
these contract documents. Their value chain variations in wording for these topics, across
Reduced legal costs and manual efforts integration division spends months of time and vendors (buyers, suppliers) for all the associated
effort dealing with these contracts throughout contracts. Also based on the entities extracted a risk
the year right from drafting stage to identification solution is developed and deployed. A
negotiations to approval to reposition. They end user interface summarizing the entire contract
Improved Staff Productivity
need to summarize these contracts by extracting as well as providing the capability to compare 2 or
business critical information like obligations, more contracts was provided saving the team
warranty, compliance, timeframes and so on as significant effort and money.
Early Risk identification and mitigation well as identify risks in each of the contract

Legal Bandwidth used for more

productive work
16 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited External Confidential
Evolution of AI based contract analysis in the enterprise – Use cases


Benefits &


Real estate Revenues

Evolution of AI based contract analysis in the enterprise – Use cases
Large US Financial Services Provider
Nia CA ingested tens of thousands of Procurement contracts to analyze clauses and terms for a
variety of risks including Legal, Business, Financial, Compliance etc. Nia also provided analytics on
risky contracts, clauses and terms. The organization could then focus on contracts with highest
risks. Nia CA saved enormous amount of money and time to provide accurate risk analysis


Benefits &


Real estate Revenues

Evolution of AI based contract analysis in the enterprise – Use cases
Large US Financial Services Provider
Nia CA ingested tens of thousands of Procurement contracts to analyze clauses and terms for a
variety of risks including Legal, Business, Financial, Compliance etc. Nia also provided analytics on
risky contracts, clauses and terms. The organization could then focus on contracts with highest
risks. Nia CA saved enormous amount of money and time to provide accurate risk analysis

Risk Large US Railroad operator
Nia CA ingested all labor contract agreements to create a
knowledge model that captured rules, exceptions and
Benefits & resolutions. The model responded to incoming queries and
Policies provided resolution to exceptions based on skills, availability,
compliance rules etc. captured from the labor contracts. A
conversational interface provided responses to natural
language queries

Real estate Revenues

Evolution of AI based contract analysis in the enterprise – Use cases
Large US Financial Services Provider
Nia CA ingested tens of thousands of Procurement contracts to analyze clauses and terms for a
variety of risks including Legal, Business, Financial, Compliance etc. Nia also provided analytics on
risky contracts, clauses and terms. The organization could then focus on contracts with highest
risks. Nia CA saved enormous amount of money and time to provide accurate risk analysis

Risk Large US Railroad operator
Nia CA ingested all labor contract agreements to create a
knowledge model that captured rules, exceptions and
Benefits & resolutions. The model responded to incoming queries and
Policies provided resolution to exceptions based on skills, availability,
compliance rules etc. captured from the labor contracts. A
conversational interface provided responses to natural
language queries
Large US Telecom provider
Nia CA ingested contracts that had complex billing terms for
a variety of services, and provided configuration rules for
Real estate Revenues Billing system. Nia CA used a 100+ layer Deep Learning
network to analyze document structure, extract tables and
associate billing terms. This resulted in faster onboarding of
clients and more accurate billing

Evolution of AI based contract analysis in the enterprise – Use cases
Large US Financial Services Provider
Nia CA ingested tens of thousands of Procurement contracts to analyze clauses and terms for a
variety of risks including Legal, Business, Financial, Compliance etc. Nia also provided analytics on
risky contracts, clauses and terms. The organization could then focus on contracts with highest
risks. Nia CA saved enormous amount of money and time to provide accurate risk analysis

Risk Large US Railroad operator
Nia CA ingested all labor contract agreements to create a
knowledge model that captured rules, exceptions and
Benefits & resolutions. The model responded to incoming queries and
Policies provided resolution to exceptions based on skills, availability,
compliance rules etc. captured from the labor contracts. A
conversational interface provided responses to natural
language queries
Large US Telecom provider
Nia CA ingested contracts that had complex billing terms for
a variety of services, and provided configuration rules for
Real estate Revenues Billing system. Nia CA used a 100+ layer Deep Learning
network to analyze document structure, extract tables and
associate billing terms. This resulted in faster onboarding of
clients and more accurate billing


Large Singapore Financial Institution

Nia CA built a ML model that captured key clauses, inter-relations using semantic modelling, contentious clauses, risk
levels and guidelines. Using this model, end user could simply ingest a new contract like an NDA, and the system would
advise on the risks percentage, contentious clauses, valid clauses, exceptions and so on. This saved a lot of manual
effort, increased productivity and allowed the legal bandwidth to be used for more productive, higher order work
Evolution of AI based contract analysis in the enterprise – Use cases
Large US Financial Services Provider
Nia CA ingested tens of thousands of Procurement contracts to analyze clauses and terms for a
variety of risks including Legal, Business, Financial, Compliance etc. Nia also provided analytics on
risky contracts, clauses and terms. The organization could then focus on contracts with highest
risks. Nia CA saved enormous amount of money and time to provide accurate risk analysis

Risk Large US Railroad operator
Nia CA ingested all labor contract agreements to create a
knowledge model that captured rules, exceptions and
Benefits & resolutions. The model responded to incoming queries and
Policies provided resolution to exceptions based on skills, availability,
compliance rules etc. captured from the labor contracts. A
conversational interface provided responses to natural
language queries
Large US Telecom provider
Nia CA ingested contracts that had complex billing terms for
Large US Telecom provider
a variety of services, and provided configuration rules for
Nia CA ingested tens of thousands of real estate contracts
connected to assets in the Wireless business for compliance
Real estate Revenues Billing system. Nia CA used a 100+ layer Deep Learning
network to analyze document structure, extract tables and
and minimize revenue leakage
associate billing terms. This resulted in faster onboarding of
clients and more accurate billing


Large Singapore Financial Institution

Nia CA built a ML model that captured key clauses, inter-relations using semantic modelling, contentious clauses, risk
levels and guidelines. Using this model, end user could simply ingest a new contract like an NDA, and the system would
advise on the risks percentage, contentious clauses, valid clauses, exceptions and so on. This saved a lot of manual
effort, increased productivity and allowed the legal bandwidth to be used for more productive, higher order work
Evolution of AI based contract analysis in the enterprise – Use cases
Large US Financial Services Provider
Nia CA ingested tens of thousands of Procurement contracts to analyze clauses and terms for a
variety of risks including Legal, Business, Financial, Compliance etc. Nia also provided analytics on
risky contracts, clauses and terms. The organization could then focus on contracts with highest
risks. Nia CA saved enormous amount of money and time to provide accurate risk analysis

Risk Large US Railroad operator
Large US Health Insurer Nia CA ingested all labor contract agreements to create a
Nia CA ingested all Health Plan documents and provided a knowledge model that captured rules, exceptions and
natural language benefits search capability so clients can get Benefits & resolutions. The model responded to incoming queries and
consistent and accurate responses to their benefits queries Policies provided resolution to exceptions based on skills, availability,
regarding In/out of network benefits, Co-payment and co- compliance rules etc. captured from the labor contracts. A
insurance and other similar benefits conversational interface provided responses to natural
language queries
Large US Telecom provider
Nia CA ingested contracts that had complex billing terms for
Large US Telecom provider
a variety of services, and provided configuration rules for
Nia CA ingested tens of thousands of real estate contracts
connected to assets in the Wireless business for compliance
Real estate Revenues Billing system. Nia CA used a 100+ layer Deep Learning
network to analyze document structure, extract tables and
and minimize revenue leakage
associate billing terms. This resulted in faster onboarding of
clients and more accurate billing


Large Singapore Financial Institution

Nia CA built a ML model that captured key clauses, inter-relations using semantic modelling, contentious clauses, risk
levels and guidelines. Using this model, end user could simply ingest a new contract like an NDA, and the system would
advise on the risks percentage, contentious clauses, valid clauses, exceptions and so on. This saved a lot of manual
effort, increased productivity and allowed the legal bandwidth to be used for more productive, higher order work
AssistEdge RPA

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The Convergence


Agile, Hyper-Productive, Consistent, Scalable

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Evolution to RPA will enable Enterprises to be more Agile

Knowledge Maturity
Rule Based Data Driven
Process Decision
Automation Making
& self-learn

Deterministic Human Empowered

Automation Automation

Future of RPA is a unified workforce exploring new horizon of possibilities

26 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Key components for successful procurement automation

Document Approval
digitization workflows

Control and

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Challenge Statement

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3-way Invoice Matching | Global Retailer

Order placed delivered

1 3
2 4

Purchase Delivery
Retail Business with order issued Ordering goods from Receipt Goods are supplied to
turnover of >$6B 2000 vendors Received over 60 warehouses

Vendors submit 3 documents
Purchase order + Delivery Receipt + Invoice

Challenge for Retail Business – Do a 3-way match between these documents,

determine % of payment to be made (based on quality, quantity of goods) & process

29 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Challenge with Submitted Documents

Tax Invoice, BoS, Receipt Delivery Receipt, PO, Challan, Damage Notes, Bills

• Most digital copies had multiple documents included in one copy
• Scanned documents making data extraction a challenge
• Handwritten documents which affects automation %
Human-Intervention Challenges

Sent for manual


Invoices that failed 3-way Domain

invoice matching process Experts

• Very minimal success % in end to end invoice processing
• Lot of manual interaction required leading to resource
delays and human errors

32 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

AI - RPA Enabled Process Automation

Data Extraction Hand over to RPA to

perform final steps
from Complex docs
Using AI & Advanced

Threshold % of 100%
Perform Process
RPA, Apply Automation
rules Learn from
decisions made
by experts Conditional
Decision Making
SME or Domain
expert involvement
Our Solution

34 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

AssistEdge RPA enabled 100% process automation

Data Extraction
from Complex docs
Using AssistEdge
Computer Vision &
Advanced OCR Process related
100% established &
Process savings
Conditional Automation delivered
Decision Making
Using AssistEdge
Decision Workbench

Our client was able to automate this process end to end using
AssistEdge, including data extraction and conditional decision making

35 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

AI computer vision to understand the documents better

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Intuitive workflow design leveraging multiple technologies

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Exception and Approval management

38 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

AssistEdge RPA enabled 100% process automation

Data Extraction
from Complex docs
Using AssistEdge
Computer Vision &
Advanced OCR Process related
100% established &
Process savings
Conditional Automation delivered
Decision Making
Using AssistEdge
Decision Workbench

Our client was able to automate this process end to end using
AssistEdge, including data extraction and conditional decision making

39 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Conditional Decision Making

Invoices with 95%

confidence level cleared for
straight through automation
Sent to & invoice processing

Analyses invoices based on

Invoices that failed 3-way vendor history, invoice amount,
invoice matching process reason for mismatch etc.

Decision Workbench
learns from
Remaining were routed to
domain experts with
recommendations from
With AssistEdge Decision Model,
With existing model only 18%
70% invoices were processed
invoices were processed
without human intervention
Key KPIs improved

3 days
Invoice processing time
15 days

Invoice processing cost

Invoice processing w/o 18%

Human intervention 70%

After AssistEdge Before AssistEdge

We are enabling Enterprises achieve a state of being hyper-productive,

agile, consistent and scalable, through a unified coordinated workforce
41 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited
AssistEdge RPA
Discover Automate Orchestrate

Process Mining & Robotic Process Attended Cognitive Bot

Discovery Automation (Un-attended) Automation Automation Central
• Device Monitoring • Deterministic rule based • On-Demand Automation • Interactive Chat-bots • Unified Digital
and Analytics process Automation • Unified Dashboard • Predictive Automation Workforce Management
• Discover • Cognitive automation Exception/Fall out • Cognitive Services for • Bot Aggregation
automation leveraging the ecosystem management AI, ML • Process Orchestration
opportunities • Seamless integration
across technologies

Holistic Suite for Complete Automation Journey

42 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

AssistEdge for Procurement
AssistEdge is an RPA software tool that allows employees to configure, capture and
interpret existing Jaggaer applications for processing transactions, manipulating
data, and triggering responses, that would otherwise have been done manually

RPA Contract Management using AI and RPA

• Supply On-Boarding and Supply Management • Initial Supplier Contract Ingestion, extraction,
• Contract Management digitization, and semantic modeling
• Spend Analysis • Initial Supplier Contract Review and Auditing
• Category Management
• Supplier Contract Score carding
• Purchase Order Creation
• Compliance Review
• PO and Invoice Process (3-Way Match)
• Supplier Contract Maintenance
• Accounts Payable
• Supplier Renewal Monitoring and Alerting
• Vendor Master Data Management
• Report Generation and Creation • Advanced Risk Assessment and Modeling
• Score-carding • Supplier Contract Usage Analytics
• Data Migration and Data Management

43 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

AssistEdge example on an e-Procurement platform –
Massive Document Validation

• Suppliers are asked to upload standard documentation on the platform,

and (optionally) fill in a document validity expiration date
• Uploaded documents need to be validated against
− Document format
▪ Is it the right document?
▪ Is it a native or scanned pdf file?
− Company name correctness
− Expiration date correctness
• Outcome of the validation is saved filling in or updating the proper fields
• Typical documents involved in the process: Legal, Financial etc.,
Are you ready to unlock AI and Automation for your procurement function?

Let’s get you started

• Talk to our AI/Automation Experts
• Engage in a one week free Rapid
• See you at Jaggaer Rev 2019!

[email protected]

45 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Audience Survey
• Do you want to explore Contracts Analysis further? (Yes/No)
• Which of the following processes in procurement would you
like to automate?
− Supply On-Boarding and Supply Management
− Contract Management
− Spend Analysis
− Category Management
− Purchase Order Creation
− PO and Invoice Process (3-Way Match)
− Accounts Payable
− Vendor Master Data Management
− Report Generation and Creation
− Score-carding
• Which topic was most relevant to your plans
− (Contracts Analysis / RPA / Jaggaer Integration)

46 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited (a fully owned Infosys subsidiary), Bangalore, India. All
Rights Reserved. This documentation is the sole property of EdgeVerve Systems Limited
(“EdgeVerve”). EdgeVerve believes the information in this document or page is accurate as of its
publication date; such information is subject to change without notice. EdgeVerve acknowledges
the proprietary rights of other companies to the trademarks, product names and such other
intellectual property rights mentioned in this document. This document is not for general
distribution and is meant for use solely by the person or entity that it has been specifically issued
to and can be used for the sole purpose it is intended to be used for as communicated by
EdgeVerve in writing. Except as expressly permitted by EdgeVerve in writing, neither this
documentation nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, printing, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of EdgeVerve and/ or any named intellectual
property rights holders under this document.


48 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Albie – The Cognitive Engine
Predicts failures, SLA breach
& dynamically scales bots
Enables Bot

To identify process Insights for Leverages cognitive
redesign opportunities Albie services on tap

Observe, Pre & Post

Learns from Albie Workbench, Learns & Processing for Helps enrich cognitive
to resolve & reduce errors Solves Cognitive services outcome
problems Services
Enables creation of business KPI reports

49 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Demo video – NIA Contracts Analysis within the Jaggaer platform

50 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Technological change dominates business thinking

Top CXOs on what will have greatest impact on their business in next 12 months

38% 31% 16% 15%

Technological Economics Policies Competition


Market forces have made transformation a permanent state of being

Forrester report on State of Digital Transformation

51 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

How can RPA enable procurement functions to be more Agile?

52 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Initial benefits of RPA

85% 76% 83%

Customers feel RPA has Customers actually see an Customers feel with RPA they
provided agility in improvement in CX are well placed to scale
responding to customers their business

In a recent study, Enterprises who have begun their RPA journey have seen
improvements in form of Better CX and Agility in responding to Business

53 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

AssistEdge RPA 18.0 – In summary

Scalability Security Intelligent Innovative

Increase Automation GDPR ready Albie, the cognitive engine 18+ Patent Assets
Footprint & counting
Automate applications AssistEdge RPA is now Albie observes, learns and Around Bot orchestration,
in Citrix, VDI GDPR ready helps solve business problems performance prediction & AI

Automate in your language Integrated with Smart Resource Innovation around Exception
of choice CyberArk Management Management
Multi-lingual support for e.g. AssistEdge is integrated with Predictive alerts around bot Intelligence to learn from
Japanese Spanish, French CyberArk secure Credential performance & SLA failures exceptions & automate them

Dynamically scale Bots as per OpenID and Albie Decision Pre and Post processing
business needs SAML compliant Workbench Cognitive services
Scale no. of bots dynamically AssistEdge enables secure Seamlessly unifies Human- Working with cognitive services
for increased bot reliability authentication with SAML, OIDC Digital worker to improve their outcome

Enabling enterprises realize the full potential of automation

By offering Scalability | Security | Intelligence | Innovation
54 ©2019 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

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