A Theoritical Approach On Solar Based UPS Monitoring System Nitte Ieee
A Theoritical Approach On Solar Based UPS Monitoring System Nitte Ieee
A Theoritical Approach On Solar Based UPS Monitoring System Nitte Ieee
In telecommunications establishments or
computer centers, a power failure could be
disastrous. The necessity of providing an un- Utilit y Inverte Transfer
y charge r switch
interruptible power supply is increasingly
seen as essential. UPS provides Batter
uninterrupted power and can offer protection
from power corruption problems. In
specifying an UPS, several features have to logic &
be considered. The quality of the incoming
power supply, the ambient conditions in
which the UPS will have to operate and the
The function of the battery/charger is to
load and power backup duration all present
convert the input A.C. power, usually utility
problems which must be solved before
power, to regulated and filtered DC power
installing an UPS. In our work we are trying
that charges the battery and provides input
to increase the UPS battery backup and
power to the inverter section. The battery’s
lifetime by incorporating few of the features
function is to provide DC input power to the
to the existing UPS system. Features
inverter section when the AC input is not
considered for the implementation includes
available to the battery/charger section. The
over voltage protection, short circuit
inverter section will receive the DC input
protection, overload protection, deep
from either the battery/charger or battery
discharge protection and trickle charging.
section and convert to a regulated AC output
Along with these features, in order to use the
that is transmitted to the load or to a static
vastly available solar energy, we are using
switch. The function of the static switch,
this energy to charge the battery.
when incorporated into the configuration, is
UPS SYSTEM to transfer the load without interruption from
An UPS is composed of four basic sections, the inverter output to an alternate A.C.
battery/charger, battery, inverter, and static power in case the inverter section fails or
switch. overloads.
2. Reverse Transfer Configuration: Here
the commercial line feeds the battery
charger / rectifier which in turn feed the
There are basically two configuration
load. When the mains AC fail, the battery
through which UPS operates.
bank supplies the current to the inverter and
1. Forward Transfer Configuration: In hence the inverter continues to feed the load.
this configuration, the UPS is basically used The main advantage of this configuration is
as a hot standby. In normal mode of that the load always receives the power from
operation, the transfer switch connects the the inverter. This is capable of delivering
load to the commercial AC line. The clean power with minimum harmonic
rectifier has to supply only the no load distortion. Therefore, critical loads can be
current to the inverter and it should maintain used in this configuration. This feature
the battery bank in a floating condition. makes it the most widely used configuration.
When the commercial AC line develops a
problem, then the transfer switch
1. Battery/Charger
immediately switches the load to the
inverter. The inverter gets its input drive The battery/charger section is a full-wave
from the battery bank. When the type rectifier and usually a phase-controlled
commercial line is resumed, the transfer SCR circuit combined with a regulator to
switch transfers the load back to it. Now the provide voltage and current control of its
battery charger / rectifier get the power from DC output. Over-current protection for the
the mains and supply the no load current to battery/charger should include both overload
the inverter, charging the battery bank. This and short circuit considerations. This starts
is called recovery mode of operation. The with the protective device on the AC input.
main disadvantage of this forward transfer Battery/Charger Diagram
configuration is that the load continues to
get the power directly from the commercial Circuit Input Bridge
Breaker Xfmr rectifier
AC line most of the time. Hence all the
problems of AC commercial line will be
passed on to the load. Therefore only those and
loads which can tolerate power line control