Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Systems

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Vapour absorption refrigeration systems (VARS) belong to the class of vapour compression refrigeration
system (VCRS).
 However, unlike VCRS, the required input 20 absorption systems is mainly in the form of low grade
thermal energy – heated operated systems.
 These systems are widely used in various refrigeration and air conditioning applications.
 Since absorption refrigeration systems runs on low grade thermal energy, they are preffered when low
grade energy such as waste heat or solar energy is available.
 Since conventional absorption systems use natural refrigerants such as waster or ammonia they are
environment friendly.
 It is similar to VCRS except the compression process.
 Mechanical compression in VCRS.
 Thermal compression in VARS.

 Work input required to pump liquid solution is much less than the work required for compressing a
vapour. Therefore the mechanical energy required to operate absorption refrigeration system is much less
than that required to operate a compression system. And solution pump work is often negligible compared
to the generator heat input.
Qe Q
(COP)AS   e
Qg  WP Qg
Since VARS uses low grade energy as input COP of VARS is generally much smaller than COP of
But we preferred VARS because mechanical energy is more expensive than thermal energy.
Maximum COP of ideal Absorption refrigeration system.
For simple absorption refrigeration system operating with three temperature level, the COP will be
maximum when the system is totally reversible – ideal VARS.
And COP of ideal VARS can be obtained by applying first and second laws of thermodynamics.

From 1st law of thermodynamics

Qe + Qg – Qg+c + WP = 0
  dQ   dW
From 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Stotal  ( S)sys  ( S)surr  0
= Reversible process > Irreversible process
( S)sys  0
because working fluid is undergoing.

Cyclic process
Stotal  ( S)surr  0
Q e Q g Qa  c
( S)surr     0
Te Tg T0 
 T  Te   Tg  To  WP
 Q e  o   Qg   0
 To Te  To 
  TgTe 
 Tg  To   To  Te 
 Qg  Q  WP
 Tg   e  Te 
 
Neglecting pump work
Qe  Te   Tg  To 
  
Qg   To  Te   Tg 
 Tg  To   Te 
(COP)VARS   
 Tg   To  Te 
 
Tg – Generator temp (highest in circuit)
To – Heat sink temp.
Te – Evaporator temp. (lowest circuit)

Interesting Face
Maximum COP or VARS (ideal system) is given by
Q T T   T 
g o e 
(COP)ideal VARS  e   
Qg  T  T T 
 g  o c
 (H.E)  (ref )
carnot (COP) carnot

(COP)ideal VARS  (COP)carnot  carnot

Thus an ideal VARS can be treated as a combination of carnot heat engine and carnot refrigerator.

combine  E  (COP)R
Three temp rufrig equation system can be spilt into two, two temp system.
Thus COP of an ideal VARS increases as
1. Evaporator temp. increases
2. Generator temp. increases
3. Heat sink temp. decreases
(Condenser + absorber)
Properties of refrigerant absorbent mixtures
 The solution used in absorption refrigerant systems may be considered as a homogenous binary
mixture of refrigerant and absorbent.
 Properties of binary solution are evaluated from pressure – temperature composition data.
 Refrigerant – absorbent pair must be completely miscible both in liquid as well as vapour phases.
 Composition of the solution can be expressed either in mass fraction or in mole traction.

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