Holiday Homework of Class Vi PDF

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Class - VI

Please note the following:

 5 marks for the Holiday Home Work will be awarded to each student
in the internal assessment for Term I progress Report.
 Submission will be done when school reopens.

Wishing you all a very fruitful and enjoyable vacations. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!



Summer vacations are here. So, we are coming out with feeling like an Easter flower in bloom
rather than a cracked Easter egg!

1. Tab the talent of your child and let them be creative.

2. Keep at least half an hour a day for sharing experiences with your child.
3. Use holiday homework as an opportunity to spend quality time together.Let your child take the lead
and use his/her imagination,creativity and knowledge to do the assigned task.
4. Learning doesn’t stop when school is out.This rule came out of despiration.
5. Tell your child different stories regularly and encourage them to describe what they would do in a
similar situation.Here are few suggested titles which you can read with your child.
a. Lacey-the little mermaid fairy. d. I like myself
b. Panchatantra stories. e. Dolphins at the day break.
c. Giraffe can’t dance
6. Encourage your child to speak in english.Fix one hour in a day when you communicate with your
child only in English.
7. Set a goal for yourself and your child. Spend 1 hour each day reading and writing.Plan a certain
time that is convenient, perhaps right after the evening meal.
8. Develop self helpskills: Let your child dress and feed on their own.
9. Restrict his/her television watching, confining it to interesting children’s program, discovery channel
10. Make him/her understand the importance of cleaning his/her room .
11. Take good care of your health and hygiene.Avoid heavy and oily food and increase intake of fresh
food and water to keep yourself well hydrated and energetic.
12. Introduce them to fun-filled activity boxes - These activity boxes help the children to nurture their
creativity and imagination through art explorations, cooperative games, and challenging tasks.
13. Resources for talking to kids about COVID-19: The Child Study Center hosts educational webinars
throughout the year.In its latest webinar, Everyone is Anxious.Talking to your child about Nobel
CoronaVirus, discuss how to help children cope with COVID-19 and provide ideas by diagnosis and
evelopmental level.

Conclusion : It may not be easy for the parents to ban their children completely from
watching TV or playing games on their phones in one shot. However, they can induce
gradual changes by cutting down a few screen hours and introduce the above-mentioned
activities to their schedule.

Have a nice time!

1. Open the link and watch the video of the Novel (Robinson Crusoe) written by Daniel Defoe carefully
and then write a summary of the novel in about 120 words.

2. Write the meaning of the following words and find out their synonyms and antonyms. Present them
in your own way so that it'd look impressive. Arrange the words in alphabetical order as you find in
a dictionary.
a. terrified j. rely
b. aggressive k. protecting
c. coward l. rescued
d. miser m. outstanding
e. desire n. gigantic
f. notch o. hindered
g. wounded p. splendid
h. ample q. strive
i. abated r. ceased
3. Make it a practice at home to communicate in English.


1. Learn whatever we have done till now.

2. Do the given worksheet properly and neatly.


Q1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questionsthat follow.

Silk is an animal fibre obtained from silkworm. The fabric made from silk fibre is
lightweight, Soft and elastic. It keeps us warm in winter. The rearing of silkworms and
production of silk is called sericulture. Silkworms that feed on mulberry leaves give very
fine quality of silk fibre.
According to a Chinese legend, the empress Si- Lung-Chi was searching the cause for
the damaged leaves of mulberry trees growing in her garden, she found that white
worms were feeding on mulberry leaves. She noticed a covering over worms called
cocoon that were spun by themselves. Accidently, a cocoon fell into her hot cup of tea
and she saw small delicate fibres floating. This is how silk was discovered.
China is the largest producer of silk followed by Japan. In India, mulberry silk comes
from Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu.
I) Answer the following questions:
a. What is sericulture?
b. What was Si-Lung-Chi searching?
c. What is the use of silk?
d. In India, where does mulberry silk come from?
e. Find out two determiners from the given passage?
II) Fill in the blanks:

a. Silk is an _____________________________ fibre obtained from silkworm.

b. Silkworms feed on __________________.
c. The covering of silkworm spun by themselves is called___________________.
d. ___________________ is the largest producer of silk.
Q2. You are Raman/Ritika, the head boy/head girl of RNT International School, Agra. Your school
is organizing a tour to Mumbai. Draft a notice inviting students to join the tour. Put the notice in
the box.

Q3. Fill in the blanks with correct determiners:

a)They were bored because there was _____________ to do. (little/a few)

b) We invited _____________ (few/a few) friends to our house for a barbecue.

c) Sally didn’t take _____________ (many/ a little ) photos when she went on holiday.

d) The teacher gave ______________ (every/each) of the students a piece of chalk .

e) I like many of her songs, but ____________ (some/all) of them are not sogood.

f) _____________ (All/ A few) mmy friends wished me on my birthday.

g) The new job isn’t ____________ ( many/much) different from the old one.

h) I like _____________ (all/ every) teacher of my school.

i)_____________ (The/A) book you mentioned is out of stock.

j) I dislike _____________ (a/the/an) fellow in black suit.

k) _________________ (The most/Most/Most of) people want a new system.

Note: Do the given work in your notebook carefully.



Do the Practice Assignment of Ch 1 &2. (in separate notebook for Holidays H.W.)
Do Activities 1, 2 and 3 in Practical File.
Write and learn tables 1 to 20. (in notebook for Holidays H.W.)

Q1. Fill in the blanks:

a. The place value of 9 in 47619365 is

b. The sum of two place values of 7 in 670076 is
c. The place value of is always zero.
d. The predecessor of 80000 is
e. Rounding off 79,532 to the nearest thousands =
f. ( 3 + 4) + 6 = 3 + (4 + 6). The statement shows that addition of whole numbers is ____________
g. ___________ is the multiplicative identity for the whole numbers.
h. 57×103=(57x_______)+(57x________)

Q2. Arrange the following numbers in Descending and Ascending order:

1097010, 1091070, 1097100, 1091700, 1091007

Q3. A packet can hold 144 screws. How many packets are required to pack 3845952 screws?
Q4. Estimate by using general rule: 5684 -456

Q5. Write the Roman numerals for the following Hindu Arabic numerals:

Hindu Arabic numeral Numeral






Q6. Insert commas suitably and write the numerals in words according to Indian System of Numeration:

a. 66200066

b. 944423678

Q7. A merchant had Rs. 88,592 with her. She placed an order for purchasing 50 radio sets at Rs.1100 each.
How much money will remain with her after the purchase?

Q8. The number of students in each class of a school is 25. The fee paid by each student is Rs 800 per month. If
there are 40 classes in a school, what is the total fee collection in a month?

Q9. Find the product using Distributive Property:

1. 736 × 103
2. 91624 × 159 - 91624 ×59

Q10. Jai eats from a hotel which charges Rs 55 for lunch and Rs 45 for dinner. Find the money he has to pay for
six days.
Q11. A student multiplied 1234 by 32 instead of multiplying by 23. By how much was his answer greater than
the correct answer?
Q12. Find the product by suitable rearrangement:

a. 3×125×9× 8
b. 4×272×50
Q13.Find the sum by suitable re – arrangement:

a. 425 + 1326 + 575 + 674

b. 685 + 840 + 315
Q14. Give a rough estimate ( by rounding off to nearest hundreds) and also a closer estimate ( by
rounding off to nearest tens):

1 468 + 243 + 5416

2 9471 - 596

Q15. To stitch a shirt 2 m 25 cm cloth is needed. Out of 30 m cloth, how many shirts can be stitched and how
much cloth will remain
Q16. Population of a city was 2, 46, 972 in the year 2010. In the year 2012, it was found to be increased by 25,
650. What was the population of the city in 2012?
Q17. Find the difference between the greatest and the least number that can be formed using the digits 9,3,
1, 5, 6 each only once.
Q 18. Fill in the blanks:
a) 1 gram = milligram
b) 1 metre = centimetre
c) 1 kilogram = gram

Answer Key

1. a) 9000 b) 70070 c) 0 d) 79999 e) 80,000 f) Associative

1h) 100, 3
2 Ascending order : 1091007, 1091070, 1091700, 1097010, 1097100
Descending order: 1097100, 1097010, 1091700, 1091070, 1091007
3.26708 packets

3 174 – CLXXIV , 242 – CCXLII , 408 – CDVIII , 99 – XCIX , 139 – CXXXIX

3 a) 6, 62, 00, 066
Six crore sixty two lakh sixty- six
b) 94, 44, 23, 678
ninety four crore forty four lakh twenty three thousand six hundred
seventy eight
4 Rs 33592
4 Rs 800000
9. a) 75808 b) 9162400
10. Rs 600
11. 11106
12. a) 27000 b) 54400
13. a) 3000 b) 1840
14.a) 6100, 6130 b) 8900, 8870
15.13 shirts can be stitched, 1 cm cloth will remain
5 2, 72, 622
5 82, 962
18. a) 1000 b) 100 c) 1000
1. Make a chart on ‘ Classification of Triangles’ :
a) On the basis of sides
b) On the basis of angles

( Reference Chapter 5- Understanding Elementary Shapes) (

use colourful paper, colours, sketch pens etc.)

2. Write down the formula related to ‘Perimeter’ and ‘Area’ of Rectangle and Square and find out

area and perimeter of door and window of your room. ( On A3 size sheet)

( Reference Chapter -10 Mensuration)

 Activity -1 : Food Habits
To identify the Food Habits of different animals and construct a food chain to show interrelationship.

 Activity-2
To find out the Nutrients presents in different packed food.
1. Collect 3 to 4 packed items.
2. Make a list of Nutrients found in them.
3. Found the amount of each of the nutrients present in them.
4. Note down your observations.
5. From your observations, which food is good for health and which is not?

 Find out the name of food items of various states of our country and mark on the map of India.
 Collect different types of fibers at your home for example silk, wool and paste them in your notebook.
Collect the information of animals from which these fibers are obtained.
 Do the revision of all the chapters done in the note book.
Mandatory for all - Globalization has changed the way of living of people since independence. With the help of
your parents and friends ,prepare a project file to show these changes on following parameters.
Transportation, communication, technology, tourism, health and education.
Must begin the project by including the following parameters (minimum sheets 20):
 Cover page includes – project title, student information, school and academic year .
 List of content with page number.
 Certificate page
 Acknowledgement ( giving credit to those who helped you in this project)
 Project overview ( brief idea about the project )
 Content sheet ( 10 to 12 with relevant photographs OR maps)
 Conclusion
 Bibliography ( the book you read and the website you visited for the project )
 Prepare a Model to Illustrate the motions of Earth –
Rotation- (roll no. 1 to 15 )
Revolution - (roll no. 16 onwards )
 Prepare complete syllabus for Periodic Assessment I .

Q1. Make a beautiful Wall hanging on French numbers from 1 to 10 and Desk calendar.

Students whose name starts from “A to M” have to attempt the above question.

Q2. Prepare an attractive Scrapbook with the help of the given topics:
 French Alphabet with pronunciation.
 French Salutations like Good morning, Thank you, Bye etc.
 French Days of the Week.
 French Months of the Year.

Students whose name starts from “N to Z” have to attempt the above question.


 Try to show your creativity by using waste materials like newspaper, cover of old books and
notebooks etc.
 In case stationary material is not available, children can maintain the soft copy of the work
through MS- OFFICE (word documents) then later on print out of the same can be submitted.

Q3. Revise all the given Notes thoroughly.

Q4. Solve the given Revision sheet in your French notebook.



1. Solve the given questions in your French notebook.

2. For main headings/questions use Black pen and for solution use Blue pen.

3. Watch the video with the help of attached URL for understanding the questions. URL is attached
at the end of the sheet.
Q1. Write down the Numbers in French.

Example: Five- cinq

Q2. Write down the Number name in French from 1 -20.

Q3. Write down the Days of the Week in French.

Q4. Write down the Months of the Year in French.

Q5. Write down the given Salutations in French.

Good morning Hello

Good afternoon Good night

NOTE: Watch the video with the help of attached URL for understanding the Holiday Homework and
Revision sheet.

Q1. Learn chapter 1 and chapter 2.

Q2. ACTIVITY : Draw the given table in MS-Excel.

a. Calculate Total by using Autosum .
b. On the basis of Total, Find Result as pass or fail.
Take printout of it and paste it in your computer notebook

Q3. Paste five input and four output devices pictures in computer notebook and label it.
Q4. Make a list of 7 storage devices and write the types of memory – Primary / Secondary in tabular format.
1. Read the newspaper daily,update yourself with the current affairs and write at least four main
news headlines weekly(From 1st June ,2020 to 20th June, 2020) and paste the pictures (if available) in
the G.K. notebook under the heading:-
a. National News and(Roll NO 1 to 15)
b. International News (Roll NO 16 onwards)
2. Research, Frame and write at least five questions with their answers about the Indian Heritage for
the following States related to any of the four topics mentioned below:-
a) States-Telangana and Uttar Pradesh (Roll NO 1 to 15)
b) States- Assam and Gujarat (Roll NO 16 onwards)
TOPICSare :-
a. Area
b. Population
c. Festivals
d. Dance and Music
e. Language
f. Tradition
g. Culture
h. Agriculture
i. Historical monuments
j. Flora and Fauna
k. Religion
3.Revise the syllabus which has been covered in the months of April,2020 and May,2020.
**NOTE-Holiday home work of G.K. is to be done in the G.K. notebook

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