Work and Human Development

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The new concept of work was launched by UNDP is play an important role in enhances
human development in the new era, when the concept of human development is not just
focused on income, the goals of human development has been extended to human well-being.
How organizations work has changed over the years thanks to the change of technology, but
the economy and society still have many issues that need to be addressed. The development
of human for a long time has been a trade-off with the destruction of the environment. Step
into a new era, the development of science and technology has opened up a new path for
humanity, where people do not damage the planet and themselves.

Definition of Work

As defined by the Human Development Report (2015), job is a paid work related to the
production of goods and services provides to the needs of society. A job will provide income
for an individual, thus, an individual can address the basic needs of his own and his family.
Work is broader meaning than a job. While the concept of the job focuses on the economic
value, the work has included the concept of job and also emphasized the well-being of
workers in both present and future. Work can be monetary or non-monetary, tangible or

Some typical tasks of work which is not included in the concept of the job are Care work,
Voluntary work, and Creative work. The purpose of this work is not monetary yet to
emphasize the value of the social function. This work brings the psychological satisfaction
and well-being to the people.

Thus, work not only help people get income to increase the quality of life and economic
security but also help people develop their capabilities, provides an opportunity to become
healthier and access to education. However, not every work would always increase in human
development, some work could even lead to the destruction of human development such as
forms of child Labour , forced Labour and trafficked workers (UNDP, 2015).

The relationship between work and human development can be understood better thanks to
the concept of livelihood. "A livelihood comprises the Capabilities, assets (including both
material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living" (Chambers &
Conway, 1991). As we can see, work includes the activities necessary for social life, improve
the Capabilities and build human assets. Whereby man can raise living standards, have better

health as well as access to better education. In other words, the strategy for enhancing human
development is Improve livelihood through work.

Work changed in last century

For over 30 years, human has entered a new era of networking and information technology,
there are five major trends have drastically changed work and workplace. First, the
organization started using more outsourcing strategy, which brings many benefits for
organizations to reduce costs, increase productivity, as well as the knowledge workforce
which is sometimes hard to find in internally or locally. This trend has developed towards
globalization and the resulting interdependence. Second, there is the appearance of the "social
collaboration tools" which allows expansion of social cooperation. Currently, the technology
for communication, information storage, management, sharing of data, and the social network
is becoming more popular, it improves work efficiency in the cooperation process. But it is
also the consequence of making people become busier than ever, the technology has brought
work to every corner of human life. Third, the coming shortage of skilled workers due to
population aging and young people tend to choose jobs with flexibility and take advantage of
the technology instead of sitting at desks in an organization. Thus the organization will have
to consider the use of older workers in their organization. Fourth, the need for increased
flexible working, with the support of information technology, the task of work can be
finished without having to be present at workplace, so today's workers tend to find jobs with
high flexibility which they can choose the time to work, how to work and where to work in
order to achieve both efficiency and personal comfort. Finally, elements of sustainable
development are increasingly focused. Customers, employees, and government are gradually
awareness and emphasize the impact on the environment and social responsibility of the
organization activities. Organizations have to face with higher requirements of the society,
not only in terms of quantity and quality of products but also a responsibility to the
environment and society (Ouye, 2011).

These trends led to a change in salary as well as the productivity of the labor market. The
new requirements for the work, new business and organization model, affecting the
distribution of the workforce in the industry sectors due to the shift of labor demand (UNDP,

Information technology has led to a tendency to work more flexibly, through which women
will have more opportunities to express their capability as well as their creativity. For

example, thanks to the freedom to choose the time, place and way of working, women could
actively adjust the time to be able to take care of small children and also could finish the task
of job, thereby they will not be fired or quit job during pregnancy or when the child is too
young (Ouye, 2011). They can also earn extra income at home by e-trading or provide online
services such as marketing, education (UNDP, 2015).

This is the time for knowledge workers because they have the ability to leverage technology
which will give them the ability to create and capture value. in contrast, that have contributed
to the pressure on workers with normal skills, their work will likely be replaced by computers
or robots in the future. This has led to differences in the distribution wages, knowledge
workers wages are increasing, while the wages of unskilled workers are in the downturn, this
could negatively impact the towards enhancing human development (UNDP, 2015).

Imbalances between paid and unpaid work

The lack of gender balance in the allocation of time engaged in paid and unpaid work still
continues. According to statistics, 59% of work is paid work and the remaining is unpaid
work (41%). However, men's participation in paid work twice as women (38% versus 21%),
while women perform longer three times compare with men in unpaid work (31% and 10%
respectively). Although in most countries women work more than men (52% against 48%
respectively), they are subject to disadvantages in both paid work and unpaid work (UNDP,

As time spends for unpaid work of women increased, they are less inclined to participate in
the labor market. The women who spent 5 hours a day to do the unpaid work, there are only
50% would participate in the paid work labor force. If the time spends for unpaid work
reduced to 3 hours that this proportion will increase to 60%. In addition, the high level of
inequity in the sharing of unpaid work is popular in poor countries and developing countries,
for economic reasons, women in the family are forced to work outside the home to earn extra
income. Because of limited time for paid work and social bias about the role and capacities of
women, so they tend to accept part-time jobs or other informal work with low wages and no
social welfare. Also, in case they have a good job, in countries where women spend doubled
time in unpaid work than men, women usually only get about 65% compared with the wages
of men in the same job (Ferrant & Nowacka, 2014).

Unpaid work plays an important role in both economic activity and well-being of individuals
and society. However, when the woman has to take responsibility for all then it becomes a
burden for women and limits their choices as well as their ability to participate in activities
that can bring more satisfaction and happiness for themselves. Therefore, either in terms of
economics or humanities, it is important to quickly reduce imbalances in the sharing of time
between men and women engaged in unpaid work.

Inequity for women in both paid work and unpaid work reflects local values, traditions and
historical society in gender roles. Inequity has been happening in practice, the solutions need
to be comprehensive and not just come from an isolating specific aspect. First, in the family,
it is important to reduce the time spent on unpaid work and enhance the sharing of care work
between men and women. Next, the legislation and policies can expand opportunities for
women to engage in paid work and also eliminate issues affect the outcome of women work
such as the harassment at the workplace, unfair wages, advancement opportunities. Finally,
efforts to change social norms about the bias of gender role at work both in the public sector
and the private sector, empowering women so that women can hold the senior management
positions or engage in decision-making in important events (UNDP, 2015).

Relationship between work, human development and sustainable development

The definition of work is the activities which expand well-being for people in both the
present and the future (UNDP, 2015).While, the goal of sustainable development which is to
bring a sustainable society well-being, not only for the present generation but also for future
generations (Naik & Bagalkoti, 2015). It is clear that human development and Sustainable
development have the same ultimate goal and therefore close relationships with each other.

The key concept link human development center associated vs Sustainable development is
the sustainable work.

“Sustainable work promotes human development while reducing and eliminating

negative side effects and unintended consequences. It is critical not only for
sustaining the planet but also for ensuring work for future generations” [ CITATION
UND151 \l 1033 ]

The objectives of sustainable development are included in the three main objectives of human
development that are improving the standard of living, health and education for the people
which increasing the capability and choice for people. In particular, the 8th goal of

sustainable development (Promote sustained, inclusive and Sustainable Economic growth,
full and productive employment, and decent work for all) is the direct implication for
Sustainable work. In fact, most of the objectives of sustainable development are focused on
the negative implications for human development (UNDP, 2015).

Sustainable development creates favorable conditions for human development, and reverse
the process of human development through the strengthening of health, education and income
increased the ability for people to move to sustainable work. The relationship between
sustainable development and human development is the interactive relationship with each
other. Therefore, sustainable development is really integral to human development and
human development can not be sustained without a sustainable development.

To enhancing this relationship, it is important to focus on expanding Sustainable work by

implement three parallel change (UNDP, 2015): first, it is necessary to stop or reduce the
work that impact to the natural environment, such as pollution of water, air or create
greenhouse gasses. Second, some work needs to change the way of work activity, for
example, agriculture is one of the important sectors can not be replaced, but the agricultural
sector has a major impact on natural environment and ecology of the area. Thus, the changes
in agricultural production methods are extremely important in order to not affect future
generations. Finally, thanks to the development of science and technology, some work that
provides solutions for sustainable development was created and growing rapidly. The future
of the economy is expected to be "green Economy" where opportunities for decent work
including social and inclusion (ILO, 2012), such as recycling, renewable energy, and green

By the process of work termination, transformation and creation, the number of sustainability
work are increased and limit works that have negative impact on human well-being. It
provides a good condition environment for human development, not only for the present but
also benefit for the future generations.


Definition of work play an important role in shaping the activities towards enhances human
development and sustainable work is the central concept for new development which not only
for the present but also for the generations future. Resolve inequity in paid work and unpaid
work would liberate women, that is a major step forward in human development. In addition,

scientific and technological changes led the creation number of work that helps people
increase their capability and creativity. New industries and new production methods enable
better protection of the environment, can avoid the negative impact on future generations, but
also create work for Sustainable future generations.


Naik & Bagalkoti. (2015). Human Development and Sustainable Development: A Search for
Integrated Path of Development. Golden Research Thoughts, 4(9).

Chambers & Conway. (1991). Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21st Century.
Retrieved from Institute of Development Studies:

Ferrant, & Nowacka, P. &. (2014). Unpaid Care Work: The missing link in the analysis of gender gaps
in labour outcomes. OECD Development Centre.

ILO. (2012). Working towards sustainable development: opportunities for decent work and social
inclusion in a green economy. Switzerland: ILO.

Ouye. (2011). Five Trends that are Dramatically Changing Work and the Workplace. Retrieved May
2016, from Knoll:

UNDP. (2015). Human Development Report 2015: Work for Human Development. New York: UNDP.

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