Prakash 2A Assignment1

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Durga Devi Saraf Institute of Management Studies

Location: MUMBAI
Group: 2A


Q1. What is the main objective of digital marketing?

The main objective of digital marketing is to increase the leads and conversion of your products
and services by doing several tasks which comes under DM like SEO, SMO, PPC, content
marketing, Affiliate marketing, E mail marketing and many more.

Q2. Provide the 5 differences between Traditional marketing and digital marketing
There are a few variations in the cost of traditional marketing and digital marketing. As business
advertisements on TV and radio, print ads in daily newspapers and magazines and other such
media ads cost a lot while online social media ads are very affordable. Along these lines,
traditional marketing spends an enormous cost to hold the advertisement running under the plan.
Internet marketing can likewise cost, however, there are several Digital marketing techniques
that are free.
2.Ongoing result:
In traditional marketing, we need to wait for weeks or sometimes months to see an improving
result in the business. Traditional marketing contains Print media (newspaper and magazines ads,
newsletters, brochures and other printed material)
- Broadcast media (like TV and radio ads)
- Direct mail (including fliers, postcards, catalogs)
- Telemarketing
Digital marketing includes marketing efforts anchored on electronics devices just like:
- Websites
- Social networking sites
- Content marketing
- Banner Ads

3.Little Interaction:
One of the biggest and the most obvious limitations of digital marketing is that there is little or
no interaction between the customers and the medium used for marketing.
Traditional marketing is a one-way street where a business is able to broadcast or provide
information to their target audience about its product or service.

4.Poor Campaign Measurement:

When executing a traditional marketing strategy, it is essential to know how effective it is to
ensure you’re not investing in the wrong direction. When you launch an online marketing
campaign, you can effortlessly identify where you are going wrong and if it is successful or not.
This alone makes digital marketing much better than its traditional counterpart.
5.Ease of Measuring Results:
When you give away brochures, distribute fliers or advertise in magazines, you don’t know how
far your marketing is going to be successful. Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing lets
you measure results.

Q3. What are the pros and cons of push and pull marketing?

Push marketing:
With push marketing, you can reach out wider audiences and sell your products as you create ads
that every age group can see. This type of marketing can acknowledge your customers about the
product and service you have. Imagine making a big billboard ad for your product so many
people can get to know to what you offer and get interested.
To hold such launching ad and event, you often have to spend a lot of money for the marketing
purposes. Not to mention, there is a chance that there will be spam issues if you display your ads
everywhere. This kind of issue can make your potential customer doubt about the product you
Pull marketing
This type of marketing is considered as ‘cost-effective’ because usually the customers already
know the product they want to buy. Therefore, you don’t need to create big advertisement to
promote your product. Also, the ability of recognizing customer’s profile is better than push
marketing as you can build better customer engagement. By targeting the advertisement to
specific customer, you can sell your product more.
The only downside of this marketing is that you cannot reach broad customers because you
already have the target market so your products might not be appealing for those outside the

Q4. What are Keywords in Digital Marketing?

The words which are used to search about something on search engines are the keywords.
For example, If a consumer types “buy books” in Google search box, then the keyword or key
phrase is “buy books”. On the basis of searched keywords, Google will display the search results.
Keywords form the basis for the digital marketing campaigns and are not just restricted to Search
Engine Optimization. They are the building blocks for your digital marketing and a very
important On-Page SEO factor.

Q5. Explain how digital marketing has evolved from 4P's to 4E's
1.From Price to Exchange:
Until recently, the price was driven by the production cost of a product or service, by its scarcity,
or a prevision on how these two elements could evolve in the future. Today, boundaries get
blurrier every day between the actual cost of a good, the cost of ownership, and the cost of use of
the same good.

2.From Product to Experience:

Today’s consumers don’t expect just to be sold a product or a service. Luxury retail and aircraft
carriers have understood that time ago. This is now expanding to more mainstream areas and has
become primary in services.
That experience helps them relate to the brand and feel emotionally about company or product.
An event that offers an exciting or immersive experience with the brand is the perfect
opportunity to gain a loyal customer, and a great deal of brand exposure.
3.From Place to Everywhere:
As we are entering the era of immediateness, brands need to be able to capture, anticipate and
drive customers mood, or will to consume, anywhere, at any time. And be able to respond to it
on the spot.
Having a physical storefront is no longer enough to be successful. Modern marketing mandates
an omnichannel strategy that lets consumers conveniently reach you where they’re at, whether
that’s a physical location or online through social media, your website, or other channels.

4.From Promotion to Evangelism:

While traditional advertising still has its place, the way to reach customer has been totally
transformed. Brand advocacy and customer evangelists have crucial to provide customers the
needed trust and value to engage with the brand. Content marketing has become a must to
proactively engage customers to get in contact with brands.

Q6. Explain the 6 elements of digital marketing strategy
Ans : 1.An engaging website :To keep people interested and engaged on your site, you need to
implement a custom design that reflects your brand and makes it easy for people to find the
information they need.
2. Search Engine Optimisation :
Search engine optimisation (SEO) increases your brand’s online visibility through successful
search marketing. You need to use on-page optimisation techniques and keyword strategies to
get your brand in front of the people interested in your products.
3.Email Marketing : Email Marketing
Email is a great and most effective way to keep in touch with your customers and talk about your
services/products. Through emails you can showcase your services, Talk about new offers or
resolve customers’ issues.
4.Content Marketing : Quality content is a key component of content marketing. Quality content
allows you to target keywords related to your business and address searchers’ questions, which
in turn helps you achieve higher rankings.
5.Social Media : Social media has become a significant source of interaction between consumers
and their favorite brand. The result is that consumers expect your brand to interact with them in a
medium where the consumer controls every aspect of the conversation; the timing, the channel,
and the content.
6.Pay per check :With pay-per-click advertisements the cost of advertising is determined by the
number of clicks your ad receives.

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