Marketing Assignment

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Name: Hashmi Hareshbhai Sutariya

Subject name: Marketing management

Roll no: 33 MBA – semester (2) Division : A

Institute name: S.K Patel institute of management

Question-1: Content Marketing Tactics and trends prevailing

 A marketing plan is a written document that summarizes what the marketer has learned
about the marketplace and indicates how the firm plans to reach its marketing objectives.
It contains tactical guidelines for the marketing programs and financial allocations over the
planning period. it’s one of the most important outputs of the marketing process. The
tactics of content marketing are following:

Incorporate storytelling: Though a little dramatic, a compelling story can work wonders for your
brand. A good narrative can help you to connect with your audiences seamlessly. And since every other
business has their story, that shouldn’t be difficult to implement. After all, businesses don’t spend
money frivolously. To attract them, you need to show them something valuable, something ‘wow’.

Every business will invest in your company for one specific reason — to make a profit. Either you’ll help
them to save money, or you’ll build new ways to earn more profit. So, it’s okay to be creative; after all,
content is a way of telling stories to people.

Including facts and think tactically: You need to verify each information at your end before adding
that in your content. That’s because the content you present before your customers directly affects your
brand. So, instead of trusting whatever you see on other sites, it’s better to verify that at your end.
Although the results are relative here, meaning, the chances are high of getting different results, but
that’s how we become experts.

Update the current content: There is no perfect time to reevaluate your content marketing tactics if
things are not going in the right direction. For instance, if you are indulging in publishing articles for
quite some time, then maybe it’s a great time to bring our content into a new content marketing

To successfully implement that, you first need to be sure about the type of content that can bring in
more sales and leads for you. And while talking about the type of content, it is not only about the
format, but also about the topics that can bring in consistent results.

like: Brand Naming: Ideas, Strategy and Process

In short, if your existing content fits in the new marketing strategy, then it’s excellent, else you need to
redesign it accordingly.

Emphasis on the core values: Core values are the basic yet essential aspects for humans as well as for
business. These building blocks help to frame the behavior and choice of actions of a person and his

For instance, if you are planning to develop a product for your target audience, then you’ll research a lot
to deliver the best to them if you’re acting as per your core values. So, include your values in your
content marketing tactics, the way Google and Buffer does. And when we start to articulate the values
in our content, we’ll bridge the gap between our content and our customers. In short, we’ll be able to
create successful content.

Explore different mediums: Just because your customers tend to enjoy photos, videos or blogs
doesn’t mean that you should stop experimenting with your content.

It would help if you tried to explore different content marketing tactics to attract customers. For
instance, you can try the latest technological advancements similar to what a reputed IT firm named
Hexagonal did. The company used Augmented Reality to showcase its annual report to investors.

Give your audience a behind the scenes experience: Pre-selling your content/product is a robust
way to attract loyal customers. For instance, if you are planning to release a new post, then give your
audience insights about it before publishing your article. These behind the scenes moments will create
more curiosity among your fans and will also help you to cultivate trust for your brand among your
target audience. This type of pre-selling is vital as it helps to engage your target audiences and indirectly
helps to increase your brand value.

Check our competitor’s frequently: Checking our competitors is an essential aspect of a content
marketing strategy these days. To be at the top of the competition, we need to carefully analyse our
competitors, i.e. what they are doing and how are they doing it?

And when the research is conducted correctly and integrated into your content marketing strategy, then
it can improve and transform other vital aspects of your business.

 As the global economy struggles to correct itself, and social-media marketing becomes a
strategic imperative, small businesses will have exciting opportunities to expand in new
directions this year.

The need for trust, value and brand transparency, among other trends from last year, are just
as important today. But the current shift to geo-targeting, mobile marketing and online
reputation management require that small businesses modify their plans to surpass
Here are 10 marketing trends that small businesses should incorporate now to be positioned
for success from the start.

1. Building reliable brand advocates. The idea that you need tens of thousands of Twitter
followers, blog subscribers, LinkedIn connections and Facebook friends to build your
business via social media is dead. Quality connections with those who are loyal to the
business and the brand are far more helpful to spread your message than large groups
of connections who disappear after the first interaction.
2. Excelling in one area rather than being all things to all people. This will be a year for
small businesses to focus on their unique niches and position themselves as the
definitive source for information, products and services related to the specific places in
the markets where they operate.
3. Creating quality content as a viable marketing tool.- Social media marketing and
content marketing go hand-in-hand, and this is the year businesses will create useful
content that adds value to the online conversation and to people's lives. The Web is a
cluttered place. Amazing content is essential to break through the noise.
4. Moving more marketing dollars to social media. Statistics show that large and small
companies are shifting budget dollars to social media and other digital marketing
initiatives and away from print and radio advertising. Consumers spend more time
online than ever and to reach them and stay competitive, small businesses need to have
a presence on the social Web.
5. Tracking brand reputations on the social Web in greater detail. Social media has given
consumers a large platform to voice their opinions, and small-business owners are
realizing the importance of actively monitoring their reputation on the Web. With
dashboards and social media aggregators like Hoot suite and Superfast, it's easier than
ever for small businesses to develop, nurture and track their stature online .
6. Increase in branded online experiences to meet diverse consumer needs. Simply having
a Twitter account or Facebook page isn't enough this year. Small businesses must
surround consumers with branded online destinations such as a blog, LinkedIn profile,
YouTube channel, Flicker profile and so on. Consumers can then pick and choose how
they want to interact with your brand. Of course, quality trumps quantity, so extending
a brand across the social Web must be done strategically to maximize opportunities
without compromising content and communications.
7. Pursuing mobile marketing. There is absolutely no doubt this is the year of mobile
marketing. While still in its infancy, it is the marketing imperative of the future. With
mobile advertising, branded mobile apps and mobile marketing apps like Foursquare,
consumers will expect businesses to have a mobile presence in 2011.
8. Geo-targeting and localized marketing will become a top priority. Local discount
websites like Group on and local review sites like Yelp make it easy for consumers to
find deals and reviews about businesses in their neighborhoods and beyond. Creating
targeted, local marketing campaigns using these popular tools will become the norm
this year.
9. Accepting that silo marketing is ineffective. Offline, online and mobile marketing
initiatives create an opportunity to lead consumers from one message to another by
integrating those strategies. You can drive a significantly higher return on investment by
cross-promoting branded online destinations, discounts, contests and events.
10. Co-marketing to boost returns and lower marketing costs. The economy is still
struggling, which means small businesses can benefit from economies of scale by
partnering with complementary businesses to develop co-marketing programs in 2011.
Promotional partnerships not only lead to reduced costs but also can lead to increased
exposure to new audiences.
11. Globalizing: increasing efforts to 'think global' and 'act local';

Question-2 comparative analysis of traditional media tools –India.

            In traditional marketing, we use specific tools which hit very large audiences. These

1.Television Radio 2.Newspapers 3.Magazines 4 .Direct Mail 5.Trade Shows

Dimension Technological tools Traditional tools

Advertising Provide information in response to Push and sell uniform message
specific customer inquires. to all customer
Targeting Identify and respond to specific Market segmentation
customer behaviors and
Promotion and Individually tailored to customer Same for all customers
discounts offered
Distribution channels Direct or through intermediaries; Through intermediaries
customers' choice chosen by the seller
Pricing of products or Negotiated with each customer Set by the seller for all
services customers
New product features Created in response to customer Determined by the seller based
demands on research and development
Measurement used to Customer retention; total value of Market share; profit
manage the customer the individual customer
relationship relationship

 The pricing of a product can be based on the cost of the process of getting the product to the
market. While a business does eMarketing it has a better prospect of saving costs and therefore
feasibility to have lower prices. Internet based marketing sites not only save on cost spent on storing
the product, but also uses cheap mode of communication like email. Competition is very tough as
the competitors are a click away while a potential consumer is searching for information on the
 Since payments for purchase are done by credit card mostly, there can be some security issues that
cause problems for internet buyers. For instance a consumer would feel safer in the physical store
where they can have more control over the payment process; whereas purchasing online they
would be taking a risk while giving the credit card details.


 In conventional, customary & traditional marketing, companies have the opportunities to decorate
the stores in order to create a specific atmosphere that can attract consumers. Some attractive tools
to create that atmosphere can be music, colors, etc, but through eMarketing it is almost not possible
to create a real sensation since a website is just a virtual image.
 The atmosphere of the store mentioned above is very important for sales of the goods & services.
For instance if you see an unorganized store just filled up with some clothes you hardly feel tempted
to go in and look for anything. The way the store is decorated provides a message about the
business and its style. While one thinks about this, one can realize the importance of the physical
existence of the store. Think for instance how the business could offer the same atmosphere
through their website. For instance we can consider H&M. They try to create the same atmosphere
on their website as they have in their real stores. Despite this, the experience of stepping into the
store is differs from clicking on computer while shopping.
 Internet helps companies to be reachable at any time, regardless of openings hours that physical
stores require. Also a website has a wider reach as compared to a locality based store with a
physical address.


 When it comes to endorsement and promotion, speed in getting the message across varies in
traditional and internet marketing. Speed of getting the message of advertisement, news or any type
of information to consumers is very quick through Internet. This is a very important in the
competitive world of business.
 Additionally, difference between endorsement and promotion by Internet is the durability of the
marketing message the marketer wants to communicate with the consumers. In conventional,
customary & traditional manner, the message would receive attention during a limited amount of
time like in case of advertisements aired on TV or sent out in newspapers and pamphlets. On the
other hand, the marketer's message to the consumers can exist for longer duration on the
business's website and it is easily reached and handy to the consumers 24/7.

 Product is the most significant component of marketing. Whenever consumer purchases a product,
he/she likes to see the product physically. This is feasible in the case of conventional, customary &
traditional marketing. However in eMarketing it is not feasible to get the actual touch of the
product. Instead they can only see an implicit image of the product. Not being able to reach and feel
the product physically, can be worrisome for the consumer and have an effect on his/her purchasing
decision. However, eMarketing websites offers a wider. range of goods & services which are easily
available, as compared to physical stores. Stores have to deal with issues of cost and space unlike
eMarketing websites.
 One of the main aspects is how online services delivered to customers. In online, the more difficult
to provide face-to-face contact facility to consumers whereas in the case of physical store it is
consumer is face to face with the seller. The consumer can get a quicker response in physical store
than the online store. Online business can provide facilities like email, chat option, FAQ etc to
remain responsive to their consumers.
 One issue that can affect the consumers' choice of purchase is the warranty of the good. This
provides comfort to consumers, both in customary & traditional marketing and eMarketing but most
importantly it provides the safe and sound feeling to those purchasing online. The consumer who
cannot see and touch the product while purchasing it would feel more safe and sound knowing that
there is a warranty on the product and this would make the choice of purchase easier and less risky.

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