Goc Marina Aug 08 2018

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COMPETENCE 1 Transmit and Receive information using GMDSS subsystem and equipment and fulfilling the
functional requirements of GMDSS (GOC)

1. What is mean by term radio silence?

a) Stations not directly involved with the on-going Distress communications may not transmit on
the Distress frequency or channel.
b) Stations remaining off the air to safeguard proprietary information.
c) Two three-minute silent periods, at 15 and 45 minutes after the hour that provide a transmitting
"window" for distressed vessels to transmit Distress alerts using J3E.
d) Communications on a Distress frequency or channel is banned for 24 hours following the
cessation of the Distress traffic

2. How should the signal from a Search and Rescue Radar Transponder appear on a radar display?
a) A series of dashes.
b) A series of spirals all originating from the range and bearing of the SART.
c) A series of 12 equally spaced dots.
d) A series of twenty dashes.

3. How should the signal from an (AIS-SART’s) Search and Rescue Transmitter appear on AIS?
a) An eight identical position report messages .
b) A series of dashes.
c) A series of spirals all originating from the range and bearing of the SART.
d) A series of twenty dashes.

4. How is "radio silence" imposed?

a) By the On Scene Coordinator (OSC).
b) By the Coast Earth Station (CES) controlling the distress communications on that frequency.
c) By the nearest Public Correspondence Coast Station.
d) By the vessel first responding to the distress call.

5. How are normal working conditions restored on a narrow band direct printing (NBDP) frequency on
which radio silence had been imposed?
a) The RCC that imposed the radio silence must transmit an NBDP message stating "SILENCE
b) The CES that imposed the radio silence must transmit a NBDP message stating "SILENCE
c) The Public Correspondence Station (PCS) that imposed the radio silence must transmit a narrow
band direct printing message on the distress frequency stating "SILENCE FINI".
d) The High Seas Service (HSS) that imposed the radio silence must transmit a narrow band direct
printing message on the distress frequency stating "SILENCE FINI".

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
6. How are normal working conditions restored after radio silence has been imposed?
a) The Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) that imposed the radio silence must transmit a voice
message on the distress frequency stating "SEELONCE FEENEE".
b) The Coast Earth Station (CES) that imposed the radio silence must transmit a voice message on
the distress frequency stating "SILENCE FINI".
c) The Public Correspondence Station (PCS) that imposed the radio silence must transmit a voice
message on the distress frequency stating "SILENCE FINI".
d) None of the above.

7. Who may initiate a message indicating that distress traffic has finished?
a) The relay ship or shore station
b) The Rescue Coordination Center controlling a search and rescue operation
c) The vessel in distress
d) No message is required; when no distress traffic has been observed for a minimum of fifteen
minutes, it may be assumed that the radio silence imposed has been lifted.

8. In-charge of distress traffic during SAR operations when all participating ships are merchant marine
a) On scene commander (OSC)
b) Rescue Coordination Center (RCC)
c) Coordinator Surface Search (CSS)
d) Local User Terminal (LUT)

9. You are the first vessel to arrive at the scene of a distress. Due to the volume of traffic on the radio, you
are an unable to communicate with the vessel in distress. What action should you take?
a) Broadcast “ Seelonce Distress “.
b) Broadcast “ Charlie Quebec-Mayday Quiet”.
c) Switch to Flag Hoists.
d) Key the microphone three times in quick succession.

10. An RCC or RSC may pass information to OSC or CSS in a standard format called?

11. Several merchant ships arriving at the scene of a distress incident, one of them must assume the duties of
the Coordination Surface Search (CSS) which of the following statement is TRUE?
a) The CSS must be established by mutual agreement between the ship concerned.
b) CSS duties are always assumed by passenger vessels, or tankers in that order of precedence.
c) A tank vessel should never be assigned CSS duties unless only tank vessels are present.
d) The first vessel to arrive at a distress incident is designated as CSS.

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
12. Which of the following frequencies have NOT been designated for “On-scene” communications in the
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System?
a) VHF Ch-16.
b) MF radiotelephony on 2182 kHz.
c) SITOR (NBDP) on 2182.0 kHz.
d) None of these.

13. Which of the following steps should be taken, if possible, when the vessel must be abandoned because
of a distress situation?
a) Alert the U.S. Coast Guard by using the survival craft's portable INMARSAT unit.
b) Program the SART and EPIRB to transmit the vessel's location and situation.
c) Place the SART and EPIRB in the "on" position and secure them to the survival craft.
d) No additional steps are needed as the SART and EPIRB will both automatically float free and
operate properly.

14. What causes the SART to begin a transmission?

a) When activated manually, it begins radiating immediately.
b) It is either manually or water activated before radiating.
c) After being activated either manually or automatically the SART responds to radar interrogation.
d) It begins radiating only when keyed by the operator.

15. What stations may transmit on the frequencies in which distress traffic is taking place?
a) All stations for which silence was imposed by the Rescue Coordination Center or station
appointed to coordinate search and rescue activities.
b) All stations which are aware of a distress traffic.
c) Any station not itself in distress.
d) Any station in distress.

16. What stations may NOT transmit on the frequencies in which distress traffic is taking place?
e) Any stations for which silence was imposed by the RCC during SAR.
f) All stations which are aware of a distress traffic.
g) Any station not itself in distress.
h) Any station in distress.

17. Coastal warning type D in the EGC Safetynet service refers to:
a) Meteorological forecast
b) Search and Rescue Operation
c) Meteorological warning
d) NAVTEX message

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
18. What is the system being used when a vessel in the vicinity and the aircraft conducting the search and
a) Search and Rescue Coordination System
b) General radio communication
c) Bridge-to-bridge communication
d) On-scene communication

19. MSI Delta means:

a) Navigational Warnings
b) Meteorological Warnings
c) Ice Reports
d) Search and Rescue Information

20. With respect to Distress communications the MAIN function of the On Scene Co-ordinator (OSC) is to:
a) recover and switch off the EPIRB
b) deploy a SART to assist in homing
c) fix the position of the casualty using an EPIRB
d) Maintain communication with all Search and Rescue (SAR) facilities

21. What indication is given to the personnel of survival craft of the approach of another vessel?
a) The SART will provide a visual or audible indication of interrogation by a 3-cm radar.
b) The Satellite EPIRB will emit an audible signal.
c) The VHF portable radio will emit an audible alarm signal on 156.525 MHz.
d) The VHF portable will provide a visual indication.

22. Which equipment on the bridge is used for locating a SART?

a) 3cm (9GHz radar)
b) 10cm (3GHz radar)
c) Radio direction finder
d) Radar direction finder

23. While approaching towards a distress site you hear the message PRU-DONCE over the radio
telephone. What will you do?
a) Use that frequency only restricted working communication
b) Shift your radio guard to the working frequency that will be
c) Advise the sender of your course, speed, position, and ETA at the distress site
d) Resume base course and speed because the distress is terminated

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
24. Which statement is true regarding distress communications under GMDSS?
a) Distress communications by NBDP should be in the ARQ mode when in communications with the
Coast Guard or other coast stations.
b) The Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) is responsible for controlling a search and rescue operation
and will also coordinate the distress traffic relating to the incident.
c) The Rescue Coordination Center may appoint another station to coordinate distress traffic relating to
the incident.
d) All of these.

25. The frequency band used as downlink frequency from the satellite to SES is the:
a) 1525.0 - 1545.0 MHZ (1.5GHZ )
b) 6425.0 - 6443.0 MHZ ( 6GHZ )
c) 3600.0 - 3623.0 MHZ ( 4 GHZ )
d) 1626.5 - 1646.5 MHZ (1.6 GHZ)

26. The frequency band used as uplink frequency from SES to the satellite is the:
a) 6425.0 - 6443.0 MHZ ( 6GHZ )
b) 3600.0 - 3623.0 MHZ ( 4 GHZ )
c) 1626.5 - 1646.5 MHZ (1.6 GHZ)
d) 1525.0 - 1545.0 MHZ (1.5GHZ )

27. Which of the following satellite systems is of particular importance to search and rescue missions under
c) NASA/Arienne.

28. A DSC call for public correspondence may be repeated on the same or another DSC channel, if no
acknowledgement is received within 5 min. Further call attempts should be delayed at least ____ if
acknowledgement is still not received?
a) 10 minutes
b) 15 minutes
c) 20 minutes
d) 30 minutes

29. Which is the key part of the search and rescue system under GMDSS?
a) COSPAS/SARSAT satellites.
b) AMSAT satellites.
c) NASA satellites.
d) US Space Agency satellites.

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
30. You are making a ship-to-shore public correspondence call and the coast station does not reply to your
VHF DSC call after a second time, how long must you wait before calling again?
a) 3 minutes
b) 5 minutes
c) 10 minutes
d) 15 minutes

31. The SART operates correctly when interrogated by navigational radars with an antenna height of 15
meters at a distance of at least…
a) 5 nautical miles
b) 8 nautical miles
c) 10 nautical miles
d) 15 nautical miles

32. When making a DSC public correspondence call, how long would you wait before attempting to make a
second call with a station which does not answer?
a) 3 minutes
b) 5 minutes
c) 10 minutes
d) 15 minutes

33. A polarization of a radio wave is determined by a:

a) position of the aerial
b) length of the aerial
c) width of the aerial
d) height of the aerial

34. A VHF transmission range is mainly determined by:

a) the height of the aerial
b) the right position of the squelch-adjustment
c) the weather condition
d) all of the options

35. What is the most common type of antenna for GMDSS MF-HF?
a) Horizontally polarized whip antenna.
b) Long wire antenna.
c) Vertically polarized whip antenna
d) None of the above.

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
36. Why is an antenna tuner required for MF-HF transmissions?
a) The length of the physically-fixed antenna must be electrically matched to the intended
frequency of operation.
b) The antenna tuner calculates the proper spectrum band for the operator to use.
c) To ensure transmissions are restricted to legal marine frequencies.
d) The antenna tuner indicates whether the ionosphere is ready to reflect a transmission properly

37. A vertical quarter wave antenna with a good ground connection will:
a) Radiate omni-directionally.
b) Radiate directionally due to being grounded.
c) Not function due to being grounded.
d) Only be used in Satellite communications.

38. What is the purpose or function of the antenna coupler?

a) All of these answers are functions of the antenna coupler.
b) Electrically matching the antenna system to the transmit frequency.
c) Changing the overall wavelength of the antenna system (in addition to the fixed length whip.
d) Enabling maximum transmitted on the band chosen by the operator.

39. What advantage does a vertical whip have over a long wire?
a) It radiates equally well in all directions.
b) It radiates directionally for better propagation.
c) It radiates a strong signal vertically.
d) It radiates more signal fore and aft.

40. Which of the following statements about a VHF vertical antenna is true?
a) The longer a VHF antenna the greater the signal gain.
b) The radiation pattern is a cardioid.
c) Maximum radiation is directly overhead.
d) The radiation pattern is a figure eight.

41. A VHF transmission range is mainly determined by:

a) the height of the aerial
b) the power output
c) the weather condition
d) both a) and b)

42. What statement is true regarding the additional equipment carriage requirement imposed for the survival
craft of vessels over 500 gross tons?
a) Additional carriage of two radio equipped lifeboats aft.
b) A second radar transponder is required.
c) Four additional portable VHF radios are required.
d) The ability to communicate in all modes with any shore station.

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
43. What is the joint International Satellite-Aided SAR system?
b) IMO

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
COMPETENCE 1 Transmit and Receive information using GMDSS subsystem and equipment and fulfilling the
functional requirements of GMDSS (GOC)

1. What action should you take after sending a false distress alert on VHF?
a) Send a DSC cancellation message on Ch-70.
b) Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-16.
c) Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-13.
d) Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-22A.

2. What action should you take after sending a false distress alert on MF?
a) Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on 2187.5 kHz.
b) Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on 2174.5 kHz.
c) Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on 2182.0 kHz.
d) Send another DSC alert and follow on with voice on 2182.0 kHz.

3. When a false distress alert is detected during transmission on MFDSC YOU should?
a) Switch off transmitter immediately switch equipment on set equipment to channel 1.6 and make
broadcast to ALL. STATION cancelling the false alert.
b) Switch off transmitter immediately switch equipment on, set equipment to 2182 khs and make
broadcast to all station cancelling the false alert
c) Switch off transmitter immediately switch equipment on, tune equipment to all HF RT distress
frequency and make broadcast to all station cancelling the false alert .
d) Switch off transmitter immediately switch equipment on prepare cancellation message on
Inmarsat terminal and prepare cancellation message on Inmarsat terminal and transmit message
to nearest CES

4. What action should you take after sending a false distress alert on MF?
a) Send another DSC alert on 2187.5 kHz. and follow on with voice on 2187.5 kHz.
b) No action is necessary.
c) Send a DSC alert on all 7 DSC frequencies and follow on voice on 2174.5 kHz.
d) Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on 2182.0 kHz.

5. What action should you take after sending a false distress alert on 8 MHz?
a) Make an "ALL SHIPS" call on all 5 H.F. telex channels canceling the alert.
b) Make an "ALL SHIPS" call on 8291.0 kHz canceling the alert.
c) Make a "MAYDAY" call on 8414.5 kHz canceling the alert.
d) Make an "URGENT" call on 8614.0 kHz canceling the alert.

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
6. What action should you take after sending a false distress alert on 12577.0 kHz?
a) No action is necessary.
b) Make an "ALL SHIPS" call on all 5 H.F. telex frequencies canceling the alert.
c) Make an "ALL SHIPS" call on the associated 12 MHz J3E frequency canceling the alert.
d) Send a message to the nearest RCC via Inmarsat canceling the alert.

7. What action should you take after sending a false distress alert on Inmarsat-C?
a) Press the "Distress Hot Keys” then press the "cancel" key.
b) Select "Transmit" menu and send a cancel message via the CES used for the distress alert.
c) Both of the above.
d) None of the above.

8. IMO resolution A814919) embodies guidelines for avoiding?

a) Avoiding interference
b) False distress alert
c) Avoiding usage of vhf when communicating with another station during navigation
d) Avoiding unnecessary search and rescue operations

9. Which of the following statements concerning testing and maintenance of SARTs is true?
a) An at-sea GMDSS maintainer is not able to test a SART as it is hermetically sealed.
b) Testing a SART should be performed only in controlled environment as a test signal may be
misinterpreted as a genuine distress situation.
c) A SART's battery must be replaced within ninety (90) days after the expiration date imprinted on
the unit.
d) All of the above.

10. What does the DSC control unit do if the GMDSS Radio Operator fails to insert updated information
when initiating a DSC distress alert?
a) It will abort the transmission and set off an audible alarm that must be manually reset.
b) It will initiate the DSC distress alert but, as no information will be transmitted, rescue personnel
will not be able to identify the vessel, its position, or its situation.
c) It will initiate the DSC distress alert, and default information will automatically be transmitted.
d) It will initiate the DSC distress alert, but any station receiving it will have to establish contact
with the distressed vessel to determine its identity, position, and situation.

11. When attempting to contact other vessels on Channel 16:

a) Limit calling to 30 seconds.
b) If no answer is received, wait 2 minutes before calling vessel again.
c) Channel 16 is used for emergency calls only.
d) Limit calling to 30 seconds and if no answer is received, wait 2 minutes before calling vessel

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
12. Which of the following channels and modes should be used when initiating a distress alert transmission?
a) Ch-6 DSC.
b) Ch-6 Radiotelephony.
c) Ch-13 Radiotelephony and Ch-16 DSC.
d) Ch-70 DSC.

13. The best way to test the Inmarsat-C terminal is?

a) Send a message to a shore terminal and wait for confirmation
b) Send message to another ship terminal
c) Compose and send a brief message to your own Inmarsat-C terminal
d) If the send lights flashes proper operation has been confirmed

14. Testing of two-tone radiotelephone alarm signal should be made.

a) 2182 Khz into an artificial antenna
b) On 2182 Khz and must be heard clearly under normal conditions at a range of 150 nautical miles.
c) On any frequency other than 2182 Khz into an artificial antenna
d) This should never be used expect under emergency condition

15. Which action is the most appropriate action for a GMDSS radio Operator to take in a distress situation
where immediate help is needed, but the vessel is not sinking nor need to be abandoned?
a) Transmit distress call by HF/MF/VHF DSC or Inmarsat
b) Transmit distress call by activating the radiotelegraph automatic alarm signal
c) Notify the RCC (Rescue Coordination Center) through VHF FM on Channel 13
d) Switch off EPIRB and SART manually

16. A DSC Distress Alert is received. What action should be taken?

a) Silence the alarm
b) Review the incoming message information.
c) Acknowledge by DSC
d) Both a) and b)

17. A DSC Distress Alert is received. What action should be taken?

a) Advise the Master.
b) Transmit a DSC acknowledgement.
c) Call the nearest Coast Guard Station.
d) No action is necessary.

18. The action to be taken after sending a false Inmarsat-C Distress Alert is to:
a) Send a cancellation message, to all stations, on Ch16
b) Send a cancellation message, to all stations, on 2182kHz
c) Send a cancellation message, to the RCC, using the same LES
d) Switch off the equipment only after contacting a Coast Station/RCC

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
19. The action to be taken after sending a false Distress Alert on 8414.5kHz, indicating J3E, is to:
a) Reset the DSC controller and send a cancellation message, to all stations, on Ch16/2182 kHz
b) Reset the DSC controller and send a cancellation message, on the 8MHz voice distress frequency
c) Switch off the equipment only after contacting a Coast Station/RCC
d) Reset the DSC controller and send a cancellation message, to all stations, on 2187.5 kHz

20. The action to be taken after sending a false Distress Alert on VHF Ch70 is to:
a) Reset the DSC controller and send a cancellation message, to all stations, on Ch16
b) Reset the DSC controller and send a cancellation message, to all stations, on 2182kHz
c) Reset the DSC controller and send a cancellation message, to all stations, on 2187.5kHz
d) Switch off the equipment only after contacting a Coast Station/RCC

21. The action to be taken after sending a false Distress Alert on 2187.5kHz, indicating J3E, is to:
a) Reset the DSC controller and send a cancellation message, to all stations, on 2182kHz
b) Reset the DSC controller and send a cancellation message, to all stations, on Ch16
c) Switch off the equipment only after contacting a Coast Station/RCC
d) Reset the DSC controller and send a cancellation message, to all stations, on 2177kHz

22. The action to be taken after sending a false Distress Alert by EPIRB is to:
a) Send a cancellation message, to all stations, on 2182kHz
b) Contact the appropriate RCC and cancel the alert
c) Send a cancellation message, to all stations, on Ch16
d) Send a cancellation message, to the RCC, using the same LES

23. If a GMDSS Radio Operator initiates a DSC distress transmission but does not insert a message, what
a) The transmission is aborted and an alarm sounds to indicate this data must be provided by the
b) The transmission is not initiated and "ERROR" is indicated on the display readout.
c) The transmission will be made with "default" information provided automatically.
d) The receiving station will poll the DSC unit of the vessel in distress to download the necessary

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
COMPETENCE 1 Transmit and Receive information using GMDSS subsystem and equipment
and fulfilling the functional requirements of GMDSS (GOC)

1. The “Y” line in AMVER is ____

a) Used for any English language amplifying commends or remarks the vessel may wish to send
AMVER regarding its current voyage
b) Used to request relay of the AMVER report to certain other ship reporting system
c) Information line
d) Estimated average speed

2. Which characters are sent by the ship station by when opening HF Telex, to indicate a desire to send
message to AMVER?
a) OPR+
b) AMV+
c) HELP+
d) MSG+

3. The “X” line in AMVER report ?

a) Used to request relay of the AMVER report to certain other ship reporting system
b) Currrent coastal radio station or satellite
c) Used for any English language amplifying commends or remarks the vessel may wish to send
AMVER regarding its current voyage
d) Vessel name and call sign

4. How should port of departure eg. Liverpool, UK (53-25N, 003-00W) be written when preparing an
AMVER report?
a) J/LIVERPOOL, UK/53-25N/003-00W//
b) L/LIVERPOOL, UK/53-25N/003-00W//
c) M/LIVERPOOL, UK/53-25N/003-00W//
d) G/LIVERPOOL, UK/5325N/00300W//

5. AUSREP is an acronym for:

a) Australian Radio Reporting System
b) Australian Ship Reporting System
c) Australian vessel reporting System
d) Australian Vessel rescue reporting System

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
6. AMVER is an acronym for:
a) American Vessel Assistance Rescue System
b) Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System
c) Automated Vessel Assistance Rescue System
d) Automatic Mutual-Assistance Rescue System

7. How should longitude 116 deg. 24.3W be written when preparing an AMVER report?
a) 116°24.3W
b) 11624W
c) 116.4W
d) 116W

8. When rendering position reports in the INMARSAT system, the two digit- code to use is:
a) 43
b) 42
c) 41
d) 51

9. What is the Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System?

a) A voluntary organization of mariners who maintain radio watch on 500khz 2182khz and
b) An international system operated by the US Coast guard providing coordination of search and
rescue efforts.
Communications Commission and US Coast guard to assist ships in distress.
d) A satellite based distress and safety alerting program operated by the U.S Guard

10. JASREP is an acronym for:

a) Japanese Ship Reporting System
b) Japanese Vessel Reporting Sysem
c) Japanese Radio Reporting System
d) Japan Ship Reporting System

11. How should date and time for 1200 (GMT) on the 20th be written when preparing JASREP report?
a) 1200UTC20
b) 20TH1200Z
c) 201200UTC
d) 201200Z

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
12. You ship is participating in the AMVER reporting system which of the following report your arrival at
your destination?

13. When a ship has been overdue at destination or it failed to make an expected or safety report?

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
COMPETENCE 1 Transmit and Receive information using GMDSS subsystem and equipment
and fulfilling the functional requirements of GMDSS (GOC)

1. Concept of EMS(Emergency Medical Services) in emergency situation:

a) Coordinated radio medical communication between the ship and appropriate medical authorities
b) Sending urgency message to the coast station
c) Sending safety message to alert all ships
d) Sending distress call to the RCC

2. Concept of EMS(Emergency Medical Services) in emergency situation:

e) Sending Medical Advice
f) Sending urgency message to the coast station
g) Sending safety message to alert all ships
h) Sending distress call to the RCC

3. In Inmarsat operation what is the two- digit code which corresponds to medical advice :
a) 41
b) 42
c) 38
d) 32

4. Radio medical advice is available as :

a) Free of charge to ships of all nationalities
b) Chargeable per word
c) Minimum of 10 words as chargeable
d) All of the above

5. Which of the following maintenance functions is not the responsibility of the GMDSS Radio
a) Visual inspection of equipment, including the antenna and associated components.
b) Perform on-the-air verification checks.
c) Perform scheduled testing of the battery's charged condition.
d) Aligning the power output stage for maximum power.

6. Which of the following service or maintenance functions may NOT be performed by the holder of a
GMDSS Radio Operator License?
a) Reset tripped circuit breakers or replace defective fuses.
b) Routine battery maintenance if used as part of the GMDSS station.
c) Any adjustments or maintenance that may affect the proper operation of the station.
d) Replacement of consumable items such as paper, ribbons, etc.
***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO
Date: AUG. 08, 2018
7. The following are the safety measure to be taken during handling storage battery in substation except
a) Do not allow the battery to stand idle for long time.
b) Do not bring a flame inside the room.
c) Do not generate a spark inside the room.
d) Wear plash proof goggles, rubber gloves, while working with the battery.

8. A frequent maintenance is the basis for a reliable working condition of the battery, when working on
batteries, effective safety precautions must be taken except for;
a) Avoid over-discharging below 2.1 Volts for any cell
b) Ensure electrolyte level is maintained, but do not overfill, 1 cm above plates is adequate
c) Keep cells top clean and dry, check ventilation holes, tighten terminals and coat with Vaseline
d) Charge the batteries for more than specified.

9. A treatment aimed at preventing the death or further damage to health of an ill or injured person
perceived to be in a life-threatening condition:
a) Hospital confinement
b) General check-up
c) First aid
d) Outpatient confinement

10. What are the Radiofrequency radiation that generate energy via water molecules results in rapid
heating through an object?
a) Microwave radiation
b) Radioactive radiation
c) X-radiation and gamma radiation
d) Thermal radiation

11. In inmarsat operation what is the two-digit code which corresponds to medical assistance.
a) 42
b) 32
c) 38
d) 41

12. Two important data/factors needed before a DOCTOR will visit a ship at sea to further examine the
patient/crew aboard:
a) Sailing Plan
b) Position report
c) E.T.A.
d) All of the above

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
13. At the first onset of illness of the crew at sea, the medical services, as provided by law is mandatory,
regardless, of ship’s nationality, the master of the ship must immediately send a Radio Medical
Advice to the shore authorities, for the purpose of:
a) Complying the regulation
b) Inhibit himself from any complaint
c) To save life of the crew
d) None of the above

14. What is the most important component of a Radio Medical advice message which serves as a
consultation guide for the Physician to visualize the patient’s actual health condition:
a) Radio medical consultation form (P18)
b) Radio medical advice
c) Radio medical assistance
d) Radio medical Insurance form

15. If a seafarer is inflicted with serious illness onboard and need immediate hospitalization ashore what
category of urgency message the Master will send ashore :
a) Distress message
b) Urgency message
c) Routine message
d) Medical assistance/medical evacuation

16. In an instance, where a seafarer is contracted with a dreaded disease onboard, where ,a Second
Officer is acting as a doctor, and he does not know what specific medicine to be given, what category
of urgency message the Master will send ashore :
a) Email message
b) Medical assistance
c) Medical advice message
d) Urgency message

17. In the event that a life of a seafarer is in imminent danger and in the brink of death, due to serious
illness, which, priority of message the master will transmit:
a) Distress message
b) Urgency message
c) Safety message
d) Radio medical advice

18. The vessel, most likely, is carrying what type of medical Kit :
a) Type A
b) Type B
c) Type C
d) Type D

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
19. In an emergency, the vessel carrying a “Patient” onboard, without delay, must communicate
immediately to what specific/appropriate authorities ashore:
a) RCC
b) Coast Earth Station
d) RCC with affiliated hospital as mandated by administration

20. On the first communication of the vessel seeking a medical advice what document is primarily
needed by the hospital before giving final treatment to the patient:
a) Radio Medical Consultation Form
b) Radio Medical Advice
c) Radio Pratique
d) Emergency Medical Message

21. What is a “Radio Medical Consultation” means :

a) Admitting patients in hospital
b) Admitting patients from any sector
c) Outpatients from hospital
d) 24 hours –a- day- free radio communication service for all ships seeking medical advice while at

22. In GMDSS Radio medical services is designed for the following incidents:
a) Seafarers who are sick onboard ship
b) Persons who are sick ashore
c) Persons who are sick in their home
d) Patients who are sick in the hospital

23. Medical advice by radio may be obtained in one of two ways :

a) From a shore station, link to a hospital.
b) From another ship carrying a doctor
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

24. Radio Medical Support System (RMSS) is available to all ships at sea for:
a) 24 hrs
b) 16 hrs
c) 12 hrs
d) 8 hrs

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25. Transmission of medical advice, before it is transmitted, is approved by :
a) Medical doctor on board
b) S.S.O.
c) Master
d) Second officer

26. In case, the Radio Officer onboard has no complete reference/addresses of the accredited hospitals
ashore authorized for admission of crew-patient from the ship, he must send the radio medical advice
message to the:
a) Any RCC in the area
d) Network coordination station

27. After the vessel has reported/transmitted the complete Radio Medical Communication containing the
crew/patient’s general symptom, the hospital ashore will dispatch, what expertise/specialization of a
doctor to the ship:
a) Doctor specialized in a certain field
b) Doctor specialized according to patient’s illness
c) General internal medicine physician
d) Pediatric expertise physician

28. E.M.S. begins with:

a) Emergency medical incident detection onboard
b) Emergency situation at sea
c) Sending medical evacuation to the shore
d) All of the above

29. What institution is responsible in establishing the EMS

c) IMO
d) Administration

30. For the purpose of INFORMATION SECURITY of all personal data taken or gathered from all
patients onboard ship worldwide medical authorities develop a DATABASE to keep all records in
stringent confidentiality into a computer system. The program is called:

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31. Statistically, most medicines used onboard the vessel contained properties to cure certain illnesses,
such as:
a) Cholesterol
b) High blood
c) Hypertension
d) Analgesic and antibiotic properties

32. Radio Medical Consultation Services is provided by law based on a recommendation adopted at the
general conference of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in the year:
a) 1992
b) 1966
c) 1958
d) 1912

33. Sending medical advice using INMARSAT, while the vessel is in Japanese territorial waters what is
the recipient affiliated hospital providing the free services:
a) Tokyo General Hospital
b) Kobe General Hospital
c) Osaka General Hospital
d) Yokohama Seamen’s Insurance Hospital

34. The correct DSC Call category to be used prior to requesting a Medical Evacuation is:
a) Pan Pan
b) Mayday
c) Distress
d) Urgency

35. What are the type of electromagnetic radiation with enough energy to ionized biological matter.?
a) X-radiation and gamma radiation
b) Chemical reactive radiation
c) Radioactive radiation
d) Thermal radiation

36. What type of radiation are VHF and UHF radio signals?
a) Gamma radiation
b) Ionizing radiation
c) Alpha radiation
d) Non-ionizing radiation

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
COMPETENCE 1 Transmit and Receive information using GMDSS subsystem and equipment
and fulfilling the functional requirements of GMDSS (GOC)

1. When the GMDSS Radio Operator on watch hears "SECURITE" spoken three times, he can expect to
receive the following information:
a) Message containing information concerning navigational warnings.
b) Safety of vessel or person is in jeopardy.
c) Vessel in need of immediate assistance.
d) Coast Station Traffic list.

2. How should the number "2" be pronounced when spoken on the radiotelephone?

3. How should the letter "D" be pronounced when spoken on the radiotelephone?
c) DOG

4. The Radiotelephone Safety signal is:

a) "Securite" repeated 3 times.
b) "Safety Safety Safety".
c) "Pan Pan" repeated 3 times.
d) "Securite Securite" repeated 3 times.

5. How should the letter "I" be pronounced when spoken on the radiotelephone?
c) I EE

6. If the Watch Officer hears "PAN PAN" spoken 3 times it means:

a) A navigation or important meteorological warning should follow.
b) The station is preparing to transmit an URGENT message possibly concerning the safety of a
mobile unit or person.
c) A Mobile unit is in need of immediate assistance.
d) None of the above.
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7. The Radiotelephone Safety signal is:
a) "Securite" repeated 3 times.
b) "Safety Safety Safety".
c) "Pan Pan" repeated 3 times.
d) "Securite Securite" repeated 3 times.

8. How should the number "7" be pronounced when spoken on the radiotelephone?

9. The radiotelephone distress message consist of :

a) MAYDAY spoken three times, call sign and name of vessel in distress.
b) Particulars of its position, latitude and longitude, and other information which might facilitate
rescue, such as length, color and type of vessel, number of persons on board.
c) Nature of distress and kind of assistance desired.
d) All of these.

10. Which of the following situations would normally use the Safety priority?
a) Loss of 5 containers with lashing gear over the side.
b) Treatment of crewmember breaking a leg in a cargo hold.
c) A fire in the generator flat/spaces.
d) Answers a) and b) are both possible.

11. If you are in urgent need of helicopter, which signal code could you send?
a) BR
b) BS
c) BT1
d) BZ

12. How should the letter "R" be pronounced when spoken on the radio telephone?
b) B.AR AH
d) D.AR EE

13. How should the letter "V" be pronounced when spoken on the radiotelephone?
d) VEE

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14. How should the number "1" be pronounced when spoken on the radiotelephone?
a) OO-NO

15. How should the number "3" be pronounced when spoken on the radiotelephone

16. The single-letter signal for man overboard is:

a) “ X ”
b) “ V ”
c) “ O “
d) “ B “

17. What is the single letter signal used when you wish to communicate with another vessel?
a) K
b) Y
c) L
d) Z

18. Which of the Two-Letter signals are the most commonly used as “I require immediate assistance”?
a) CD
b) AL
c) AN
d) FR

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
COMPETENCE 1 Transmit and Receive information using GMDSS subsystem and equipment
and fulfilling the functional requirements of GMDSS (GOC)

1. Being specific is the opposite meaning of ____.

a) Overall
b) General
c) Common
d) Group

2. One of this is not a Radio Equipment.

a) Skillet
b) Cutter
c) Hammer
d) Runner

3.Our ship sailed the world ____the best crew from the Philippines.
a) Come
b) With
c) of
d) include

4.The word FORE is the opposite of ____.

a) Port
b) Starboard
c) Upward
d) AFT

5.The bridge deck surface was so _____that it took us more than a day to clean.
a) Dusty
b) Shinny
c) Rusty
d) Dirty

6. Hands signal also means…


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7. _____you do if you see a man overboard?
c) WHO

8. This _____ the safest way or link going to the ships accommodation?

9. Chief Officer would not allow you to enter ____Permit.


10.When you see a vessel raise a flag J what will you do?
a) Keep clear because the ship is big
b) Keep clear because the ship is on fire
c) Keep clear because the ship is aground
d) Keep clear because the ship is not in command

11.What is the meaning of letter K?

a) I wish to communicate with you
b) I like to communicate with you
c) I don’t like to communicate to you
d) I want to talk to you by radio

12.OVER means the work is done.


13. Working on the Radar antenna means ____.

a) Working radar aloft
b) Not fixing the antenna
c) Working the radio
d) Working the mast

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14. On the note of Radar says, “ man is working aloft” means?
a) Someone working on radar mast
b) Working on the antenna
c) Working on the satellite
d) Working on the radio

15. Altering course to Starboard?


16. Altering course to Port?


17. Make a voice communication on VHF____not on Ch. 13 or Ch. 06 in radiotelephony.

a) CH. 12
b) CH. 13
c) CH. 08
d) CH. 16

18. They will resume discharge:


19. 2356.3 Hrs.


20. Unique:

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21. . Normal:

22. Future:

23. Break

24. Opposite of sincere

a) Artificial
b) Feigned
c) insincere
d) All of the above

25. To be used to announce a distress message


26. To be used to announce an urgency message


27. To be used to announce a safety message


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28. Opposite of exactly :
a) Inaccurate
b) Indefinite
c) wrong and doubtful
d) Any of the above

29. Meaning of Exactly:

a) All answer is correct
b) Accurate
c) definitely
d) correct

30. Reconstruct the sentence correctly? commence Ship at 1400H loading….

a) Commence loading ship at 1400H
b) At 1400H ship commence loading
c) Ship commence loading at 1400H
d) None is correct

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
COMPETENCE 2 Provide Radio Services in Emergencies (GOC)

1. Which action should the GMDSS radio operator take in a distress situation when embarking in survival
a) Switch on EPIRB and SART immediately and leave on.
b) EPIRB and SART switched on manually prior to embarking; remain aboard vessel in distress.
c) Notify RCC (Rescue Coordination Center) through VHF DSC in portable equipment.
d) Communicate via Inmarsat-C from the survival craft.

2. What equipment is used to provide the means for locating a survival craft or mother ship in distress?
b) RDF

3. What can be defined as Radio Transmissions intended to facilitate the finding of a mobile unit in distress
of the location of survivors?
a) Alerting Signal
b) Radiowave propagation
c) Locating Signal
d) 0.44 second burst from the EPIRB

4. What can be defined as Radio Transmissions intended to facilitate the finding of a mobile unit in distress
of the location of survivors?
a) Homing Signal
b) Distress Signal
c) Locating Signal
d) Satellite Signal

5. When will the float-free Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon be activated after abandoning
a) Immediately after floating free
b) When manually activated
c) Automatic Operation
d) When out of the bracket

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
6. When should the emergency position indicating radio beacon be activated after abandoning the vessel?
a) Only when another vessel is in sight
b) It will automatically start to transmit when the EPIRB is out of the bracket and deployed into
c) Only if you flash with water
d) Immediately

7. If a ships sinks, what device is designed to float free of the mother ship, is turned on automatically and
transmit a distress signal?
a) EPIRB on 121.5 MHz/243 MHz or 406.025 MHz.
b) EPIRB on 2182 kHz and 405.025 kHz.
c) Bridge-to-bridge transmitter on 2182 kHz.
d) Auto alarm keyer on any frequency.

8. Which device provides the main means in the GMDSS for locating ships in distress, or their survival
a) Radio Direction Finder.
b) Satellite EPIRBs.
d) VHF homing device.

9. What part of a satellite EPIRB may function as a visual aid to rescue vessels?
a) A 121.5 MHz emergency transmitter in a satellite EPIRB.
b) Strobe light.
c) 406 MHz signal from a satellite EPIRB.
d) Loud beeping tone emitted by the unit once activated.

10. Which of the following EPIRBs is most likely to be used to transmit a distress alert signal?
a) S-Band EPIRBs.
b) 406 MHz EPIRBs.
c) Class A EPIRBs.
d) 121.5/243 MHz EPIRBs.

11. What information is transmitted by a 406 MHz EPIRB alert?

a) Vessel position and nature of distress.
b) A unique Hexadecimal I.D. number.
c) Vessel name and identification.
d) None of the above.

12. What is the quickest method of transmitting a DSC distress alert?

a) Press the “Distress Hot Key”.
b) Make a “MAYDAY” call on Ch-70.
c) Make a “MAYDAY” call on Ch-16.
d) Select “Distress” priority from the menu.
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13. Which equipment may not be utilized to provide locating signals in GMDSS?
a) SART’s signal from Float-Free transponder
b) 406 EPIRB
c) Loran C or GPS signal
d) Satellite or Float-Free EPIRB’s , 9 Ghz signal SART’s

14. Which equipment may NOT be utilize to provide locating signal in GMDSS?
a) Float-Free EPIRB
b) 3 Ghz signals of radar transponder
c) Both choices are correct
d) Neither choices is correct

15. What is an example of a locating signal?

1. SSB Phone traffic
2. Ship to shore transmission
3. Loran C
4. A float- free EPIRB

16. How can SART’s effective range be maximized?

a) The SART should be placed in water immediately upon activation.
b) The SART should be held as high as possible.
c) Switch the SART into the "high" power position.
d) If possible, the SART should be mounted horizontally so that its signal matches that of the
searching radar signal.

17. In a lifeboat or liferaft, what is a method of maximizing the effectiveness of an SART?

a) Place the SART into the sea as soon as possible to begin transmitting.
b) Hold or mount the unit as high as possible.
c) Extend the length of the transmitting antenna.
d) Replace the internal battery with the AC power adapter.

18. Why must the SART be mounted as high as possible in the survival craft?
a) To increase the range
b) To be seen better on the radar
c) Because it increases the power
d) So that it will not get wet

19. The mechanism that allows a Float-free EPIRB is;

a) Hydraulic Release Mechanism
b) Spring Release Mechanism
c) Hydrostatic Release Mechanism
d) Air Release Mechanism

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20. Which piece of required GMDSS equipment is the primary source of transmitting locating signals?
a) Radio Direction Finder (RDF).
b) An EPIRB transmitting on 406 MHz.
c) Survival Craft Transceiver.
d) A SART transmitting on 406 MHz.

21. Which communication functions must all vessels be capable of performing under GMDSS as defined by
international maritime organization?
a) Ship to ship alerting
b) Ship to shore alerting
c) Shore to Ship alerting
d) Distress alerting to and from vessels, search and rescue coordination, on-scene communication,
signals for locating, maritime safety information, general and bridge-to-bridge communications

22. What is the meaning of the term SART?

a) The U.S. Coast Guard Coordinated Search and Rescue Team
c) The Search and Rescue Team coordinated by a National Rescue Coordination Center (RCC)
d) Search and Rescue Radar Transponder

23. Equipment which can be utilized to provide locating signals in GMDSS?

a) Loran C, or GPS signals
b) Radio Direction Finder

24. SARSAT stands for:

a) Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking
b) Coast Earth Station Search and Rescue Aided Tracking
c) Committee on Search and Rescue Aided Tracking
d) Search and Rescue Satellite Alternating Tracking

25. What may be used as a homing signal by the search and rescue vessels in the immediate vicinity of the
ship in distress?
a) Flare gun.
b) Strobe Light.
c) A 121.5 MHz emergency transmitter in a satellite EPIRB.
d) 406 MHz signal from a satellite EPIRB.

26. What equipment is used in or near the survival craft?

a) Navtex.
b) Fathometer.
c) Cospas-Sarsat.
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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
27. Which of the following would best be used for visual detection of a distressed vessel?
a) A 9-GHz SART's beacon.
b) An EPIRB's strobe light.
c) A 121.5-MHz EPIRB beacon.
d) A 406-MHz EPIRB beacon.

28. The GMDSS role performed by EPIRB is as?

a) primary method of alerting
b) to send MMSI number
c) Secondary means of distress alerting
d) to participate in SAR operation

29. Which statement is NOT true regarding the SART?

a) Responds to interrogations by a vessel's X-Band radar.
b) This is a 6 GHz transponder capable of being received by a vessel's X-band navigational radar
c) This is a 9 GHz transponder capable of being received by another vessel's X-band navigational
radar system.
d) Transmits a distinctive signal for easy recognition.

30. Which statement is NOT true regarding the SART?

a) Responds to interrogations by a vessel's X-Band radar.
b) Transmits on the 9 GHz band reserved for navigational radar.
c) Operates in conjunction with a vessel's S-Band radar.
d) Transmits a distinctive code for easy recognition.

31. A distress signal:

a) consists of 5 or more short blasts of the fog signal apparatus
b) consists of the raising and lowering of a large white flag
c) may be used individually or in conjunction with other distress signals
d) is used to indicate doubt about another vessel's intentions

32. All of the following are recognized distress signals under the Navigation Rules EXCEPT:
a) a green star signal
b) orange-colored smoke
c) red flares
d) the repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arms

33. An aircraft has indicated that he wants you to change course and follow him. You cannot comply
because of an emergency on board.What signal should you make?
a) Fire a red flare at night or a red smoke signal by day
b) Send the Morse signal "N“ by flashing light
c) Make a round turn (360 degrees) and resume course
d) Make an "S" turn (hard right then hard left) and resume course
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34. At sea red rocket signals are seen. This is not reported by radio. You have to begin the distress alert
procedure via VHF with the term:
d) None of the above

35. Distress alert initiated for other than an appropriate test, by communications equipment intended for
alerting, when no distress situation actually exists.
a) False alarm
b) False alert
c) False Sequence
d) False Relay

36. Distress received from any source, including communications equipment intended for alerting, when no
distress situation actually exists, and a notification of distress should not have resulted.
a) False alert
b) False alarm
c) False Sequence
d) False Relay

37. During a training exercise a submarine indicating that a torpedo has been fired will send up smoke from
a float. The smoke's color will be:
a) black
b) red
c) orange
d) yellow

38. How should signal flares be used after you have abandoned ship and are adrift in a liferaft?
a) Immediately use all the signals at once.
b) Use all the signals during the first night.
c) Employ a signal every hour after abandoning ship until they are gone.
d) Use them only when you are aware of a ship or plane in the area.

39. By day, the signal meaning, "This is the best place to land" is a:
a) vertical motion of a red flag
b) vertical motion of a white flag or the arms
c) white smoke signal
d) white star rocket

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
40. How is a distress priority message ordinarily initiated on board the vessel?
a) By dialing the correct code on the telephone remote unit.
b) By pressing one or more dedicated "distress key/s" on the equipment.
c) By contacting the CES operator, and announcing a distress condition is in existence.
d) By contacting the CES operator using the radiotelephone distress procedure "Mayday... etc.

41. What equipment is programmed to initiate transmission of distress alerts and calls to individual
a) Navtex.
b) GPS.
c) DSC controller.
d) Scanning Watch Receiver.

42. Which of the following satellite systems is of particular importance to search and rescue missions under
b) NASA/Arienne.

43. Which is the key part of the search and rescue system under GMDSS?
a) AMSAT satellites.
b) NASA satellites.
c) US Space Agency satellites.
d) COSPAS/SARSAT satellites.

44. What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received?
a) No action is necessary, as the DSC control unit will automatically switch to the NBDP follow-on
communications frequency.
b) The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the radiotelephone frequency that is
associated with frequency band on which the distress alert was received.
c) The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on VHF channel 70.
d) The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the NBDP frequency that is
associated with frequency band on which the distress alert was received.

45. In all cases, the transmit frequency of a MF/HF console DSC distress alert:
a) Will go out first on 2187.5 kHz.
b) Will go out on 8 MHz and 2 MHz and one other DSC distress frequency.
c) It depends upon operator DSC Call set up entries.
d) None of the above.

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46. What is the proper procedure to be followed upon receipt of a distress alert transmitted by use of Digital
Selective Calling techniques?
a) Set watch on the DSC alerting frequency in the band of frequencies the alert was received.
b) Set watch on the radiotelephone distress and safety frequency associated with the distress and
safety calling frequency on which the distress alert was received.
c) Set a continuous watch on VHF-FM Channel 13, 16 and DSC on Channel 70.
d) Ship stations equipped with narrow-band direct-printing equipment should respond to the
distress alert as soon as practicable by this means.

47. DSC is used primarily to:

a) Receive weather warnings, navigational notices and other marine safety information.
b) Provide routine communications with the ship owner.
c) Transmit and receive distress, urgent and safety alerts to and from other ships and shore stations
via radio.
d) Report ship's position to search-and-rescue authorities via satellite.

48. Equipment for radiotelephony use in survival craft stations under GMDSS must have what capability?
a) Operation on Ch-16.
b) Operation on 457.525 MHz.
c) Operation on 121.5 MHz.
d) Any one of these.

49. Equipment for radiotelephony use in survival craft stations under GMDSS must have what
a) Operation on Ch-16.
b) Watertight.
c) Permanently-affixed antenna.
d) All of these.

50. Which of the following has been designated for “On-scene” communications in GMDSS?
a) Ch-24
b) Ch-2182
c) Ch-70
d) Ch-16 on VHF radiotelephone and 2174.5 kHz using MF SITOR.

51. Which of the following channels is designated as the VHF follow-on communications channel and is
required in all portable survival craft equipment?
a) Ch-6
b) Ch-13
c) Ch-16
d) Ch-70

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52. For “On-scene” communications, vessels in distress and SAR Aircraft should use?
a) VHF Ch-70, 4125 kHz J3E, 5680 kHz J3E
b) VHF Ch-16, 4125 kHz J3E, 3023 kHz J3E
c) VHF Ch-16, 4125 kHz F1B, 3023 kHz J3E
d) None of the above.

53. The phases of emergency at sea established for classifying incidents and determining the actions to be
taken are the following EXCEPT:
a) uncertainty phase
b) alert phase
c) distress phase
d) critical phase

54. When positive information is received that a ship or a person on board is in grave and imminent danger
and in need of immediate assistance, the emergency phase declared is:
a) uncertainty phase
b) alert phase
c) distress phase
d) critical phase

55. When a ship has been reported overdue at destination or it has failed to make an expected position or
safety report, the emergency phase declared is:
a) uncertainty phase
b) alert phase
c) distress phase
d) critical phase

56. When there is apprehension regarding the safety of a ship or the persons on board or information has
been received indicating that the operational efficiency of a ship is impaired but not to the extent that a
distress situation is likely, the emergency phase declared is:
a) uncertainty phase
b) alert phase
c) distress phase
d) critical phase

57. “On-scene" communications would best be represented by?

a) NBDP on 2174.5khz
b) Sending DSC alert on VHF Ch-70.
c) Using Inmarsat-C "hot-key" function.
d) None of the above.

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
58. You have abandoned ship and after two days in a liferaft you can see an aircraft near the horizon
apparently carrying out a search pattern. You should __________.
a) Use visual distress signals in conjunction with the EPIRB
b) Use the voice transmission capability of the EPIRB to guide the aircraft to your raft
c) Switch the EPIRB to the homing signal mode
d) Turn on the strobe light on the top of the EPIRB

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
COMPETENCE 2 Provide Radio Services in Emergencies (GOC)

1. Channel 70 for digital selective calling for Distress, Safety and Calling frequency operate at:
a) 158.526 MHz
b) 156.526 MHz
c) 157.526 MHz
d) 159.526 MHz

2.What is the channel used for distress call such as fire on board?.
a) Channel 16
b) Channel 70
c) Channel 13
d) Channel 69

3.What is priority will you use in sending your message by fax, if your ship in or fire?
a) Urgent
b) Safety
c) Distress
d) Emergency

4.Which statement concerning GMDSS distress alerts, such as fire on board is TRUE?
a) Information contained in a distress alerts includes the name and position of the
distressed vessel, and may include additional information such as nature of distress and
what kind of assistance that may be required.
b) Ship to shore distress alerts are used to alert other ships in port of navigational hazards.
c) Ship-to-ship distress alerts are used to alert other ships in the vicinity of navigational hazards and
bad weather.
d) The vessel nearest to the emergency must notify the Coast Guard before leaving the vicinity.

5.What is usually the first step for a GMDSS Radio Operator to take when initiating a distress priority
message, such as fire onboard, via INMARSAT?
a) By dialing the correct code on the telephone remote unit.
b) By pressing a "Distress Button" or "Distress Hot Key(s)" on the equipment.
c) By contacting the CES operator and announcing a distress condition is in existence.
d) By contacting the CES operator using the radiotelephone distress procedure "Mayday"... etc.

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
6.In the event of fire onboard why is it important to transmit MAYDAY or PAN PAN signals, even if not in
a) To alerts possible future distress call.
b) To warn the other ship involved in the collision.
c) To attract attention of the rescuer
d) To alert the coast guards

7.When will be the float-free Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon be activated after abandoning
ship due to fire onboard?
a) When manually activated
b) Automatic Operation
c) When out of the bracket
d) Immediately after floating free

8.You are approaching another vessel and see that she has a signal flag J hoisted. What should you do?
a) Keep well clear of the vessel because she is on fire and has dangerous cargo onboard or she is
leaking dangerous cargo.
b) Approach the vessel and give assistance
c) Try to communicate the vessel
d) No action to be done

9.A vessel is on fire and require immediate assistance. The VHF call starts with:
a) “MAYDAY” spoken 3 times
b) MAYDAY (3x)
c) PAN PAN PAN (3x)
d) SECURITE (3x)

10.The VHF radiotelephone calling, safety, distress, frequency is ________.

a) 156.300 MHz (Channel 06)
b) 156.650 MHz (Channel 13)
c) 156.800 MHz (Channel 16)
d) 156.525 MHz (Channel 70)

11.You should send a DSC- message because of a fire on board and assistance by other ships required have to
choice the category?
a) Urgency
b) Safety
c) Emergency
d) Distress

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
12.Which statement concerning Distress Alert such as fire on board is true?
a) To request immediate assistance to ship owner and coast guard
b) A distress maybe use to alert other vessel and authorities in port
c) To alert the rescuers
d) To contact the RCC immediately

13.What is the spoken emergency signal for a distress signal over a VHF radio?
a) “MAYDAY “ MAYDAY” spoken 3 times
b) “SOS” spoken 3 times
c) “MAYDAY” spoken 3 times
d) “SOS” “SOS” spoken 3 times

14.Which of the following channels and modes should be used when initiating a distress alert transmission?
a) Ch-6 DSC.
b) Ch-6 Radiotelephony.
c) Ch-13 Radiotelephony and Ch-16 DSC.
d) Ch-70 DSC.

15.How is a distress message, such a fire onboard normally initiated through Inmarsat?
a) Pressing a distress key on the equipment
b) Transmit distress alert by any means
c) Send DSC manually
d) Send alert automatically

16.If your vessel is equipped with a SSB radio, what frequency would you use to initiate a distress call such as
fire onboard?
a) 2174.5 KHz
b) 2177.0 KHz
c) 2182.0 KHz
d) 2189.5 KHz

17.The Radiotelephone Urgency signal is:

a) Mayday
b) Pan Pan
c) Securite
d) Seelonce Feenee

18.What is the Internationally recognized “ URGENCY” signal?

a) The letters “TTT” transmitted three times by radiotelegraphy.
b) Three oral repetitions of the word “safety” sent before the call.
c) The word “PAN PAN” spoken three times before the urgent call.
d) The pronouncement of the word “Mayday”.

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
19.Which of the following watches must a compulsory vessel maintain when sailing in Sea Area A1?
a) A continuous DSC watch on 8414.5 kHz plus one other HF DSC frequency.
b) A continuous DSC watch on 2187.5 kHz.
c) A continuous DSC watch on Ch-16.
d) A continuous DSC watch on Ch-70.

20.Which of the following are the MF/HF DSC Distress watch frequencies
a) 2177.5, 4210.0, 6314.0, 8416.5 12579.0, 16806.5
b) 2182.0, 4125.0, 6215.0, 8291.0, 12290.0, 16420.0
c) 2187.5, 4207.5, 6312.0, 8414.5, 12577.0, 16804.5
d) 2174.5, 4177.5, 6268.0, 8376.5, 12520.0, 16695.0

21.What is the proper format for a distress follow on voice transmission? (3x is three times),
a) All Ships 3x this is Ship's Name/Call Sign 3x Mayday Position.
b) Mayday 3x this is Ship's Name/Call Sign 3x Distress category.
c) Both of the above.
d) None of the above.

22.What information should be included in a distress follow on voice transmission?

a) Ship's Name and Call Sign.
b) Ship's position.
c) Ship's MMSI number.
d) All of the above.

23.What are the operation of emergency equipment & application of emergency procedures?
a) Distress signal
b) Routine signal
c) Safety Signal
d) Urgency Signal

24.The correct DSC Alert category to be used when your own vessel is in grave and imminent danger is:
a) Distress
b) Urgency
c) Mayday
d) Pan Pan

25.The correct DSC Alert, Call or Announcement to be used before sending a Distress Message on behalf of
another vessel is:
b) Distress Alert Relay
c) Distress
d) Urgency

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
COMPETENCE 2 Provide Radio Services in Emergencies (GOC)

1. What frequency should be used to send a distress call?

a) Whatever frequency has the best chance of communicating the distress message
b) 2182 kHz
c) Only frequencies that are within your operating privileges
d) Only frequencies used by police, fire or emergency medical services

2. What is meant by CW?

a) Continuous Working (channel)
b) Continuous Wave (Morse code)
c) Continuous Watch (i.e. shore station)
d) Cohesive Wave

3. If the Watch Officer hears "PAN PAN" spoken 3 times it means:

a) A navigation or important meteorological warning should follow.
b) The station is preparing to transmit an URGENT message possibly concerning the safety of a
mobile unit or person.
c) A Mobile unit is in need of immediate assistance.
d) None of the above.

4. DSC is used primarily to ___________.

a) Receive weather warnings, navigational notices and other marine safety information.
b) Provide routine communications with the ship owner.
c) Transmit and receive distress, urgent and safety alerts to and from other ships and shore stations
via radio.
d) Report ship's position to search-and-rescue authorities via satellite.

5. What is a practical way to avoid harmful interference on an appreciately clear frequency before calling
CQ on CW or phone?
a) Send "QRL?" on CW, followed by your call sign; or, if using phone, ask if the frequency is in
use, followed by your call sign
b) Listen for 2 minutes before calling CQ
c) Send the letter "V" in Morse code several times and listen for a response or say "test" several
times and listen for a response
d) Send "QSY" on CW or if using phone, announce "the frequency is in use", then give your call
and listen for a response

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
6. There are no signals or static heard in the receiver of the SSB transceiver, although a loud noise is heard
if the volume control is advanced all the way up, what is the possible cause?
a) The antenna or feedline has been damaged.
b) The antenna switch has been transferred to the test position.
c) A defective receiver.
d) Any of these.

7. The urgent priority should be used for __________.

a) Messages concerning the Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS).
b) Messages detailing important navigational warnings.
c) Messages containing information concerning the safety of a mobile unit or person.
d) Messages concerning On-scene communications.

8. Which of the following situations would normally use the Urgency priority?
a) Scenarios concerning the Safety of navigation or important meteorological warnings.
b) A crewmember over the side.
c) A serious medical situation involving a crewmember.
d) Both a and b

9. Which action is the most appropriate action for a GMDSS radio Operator to take in a distress situation
where immediate help is needed, but the vessel is not sinking nor needs to be abandoned?
a) Switch off EPIRB and SART manually.
b) Transmit distress call by HF/MF/VHF DSC or Inmarsat.
c) Notify the RCC (Rescue Coordination Center) through VHF FM on channel 13.
d) Transmit distress call by activating the radiotelegraph automatic alarm signal.

10. What does a SART signal sound or look like?

a) It transmits "SOS" and the vessel's name and position in slow speed Morse Code.
b) It will appear on a radar unit's PPI as a line of dots radiating outward with the innermost dot
indicating the SART's position.
c) It will appear on a radar unit's PPI as a line of dots radiating outward with the outermost dot
indicating the SART's position.
d) None of the above.

11. GMDSS vessels equipped for A2, A3 or A4 must maintain a continuous DSC watch on 2187.5 kHz.
a) Only in areas beyond Inmarsat coverage.
b) Only outside of areas covered by VHF-DSC.
c) When directed to do so by a cognizant rescue authority.
d) At all times when underway.

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
12. Which of the following situations would normally use the urgency priority?
a) Leaking oil from a minor tank fracture.
b) Treatment of crewmember breaking a leg in a cargo hold.
c) A fire in the generator flat/spaces.
d) Answers a) and b) are both possible.

13. Which of the following situations would normally use the Urgency priority?
a) A crewmember over the side.
b) A serious medical situation involving a crewmember.
c) A cargo shift or weather situation considered to be of greater hazard than would justify a
SAFETY priority designation.
d) Answers b) and c).

14. What is the fundamental concept of the GMDSS?

a) It is intended to automate and improve emergency communications in the maritime industry.
b) It is intended to automate and improve existing digital selective calling procedures and
c) It is intended to provide more effective but lower cost commercial communications.
d) It is intended to provide compulsory vessels with a collision avoidance system when they are
operating in waters that are also occupied by non-compulsory vessels.

15. As in the event of partial satellite equipment breakdown, On Scene communications are usually initiated
using what equipment?
a) EPIRB on 121.5 MHz
b) SART on 9 GHz
c) VHF on Ch-16
d) VHF on Ch-70

16. If a vessel is engaged in local trade and at no point in its voyage travels outside the range of a VHF
shore station with continuous DSC alerting then the vessel is operating in what area?
a) Sea area A1
b) Coastal and international zones
c) Inland and coastal waters
d) Sea areas A1 and A2

17. In partial breakdown, GMDSS-equipped ships will be required to perform which of the following
communications functions?
a) Distress alerting, MSI, SAR and on-scene communications & receipt of satellite alerts from other vessels.
b) SAR and on-scene communications, Bridge-to-Bridge and general radio communications, MSI and relay
of satellite alerts from other vessels.
c) Bridge-to-Bridge and general radio communications, RDF of EPIRB homing signals, Distress alerting
and MSI.
d) Transmit distress alerts, SAR and on-scene communications, MSI, Bridge-to-Bridge and general radio
***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO
Date: AUG. 08, 2018
18. Which of the frequency is allocated as the GMDSS Digital Selective Calling Frequency?
a) 157.525 KHz
b) 2182 KHz
c) 156.300 KHz
d) 156.525 MHz

19. In the event of breakdown, the following are required GMDSS functions for vessels?
a) Transmit and receive locating signals, general communications and SAR communications.
b) Transmit and receive general communications, transmit Distress Alerts by at least one means,
c) Transmit and receive locating signals, send MSI to other ships via EGC, Bridge-to-Bridge
d) Transmit and receive SAR communications, transmit Distress Alerts by at least one means,
Bridge-to-Bridge communications.

20. In the event of partial breakdown of communication facilities. What action(s) should be taken when
abandoning ship?
a) Send a VHF-DSC Distress alert on Ch-16 before going to the boats.
b) Activate the EPIRB and leave it secured to the mounting bracket.
c) Take EPIRB, SART and SCT units to the survival craft and use as circumstances dictate.
d) Once in the survival craft – activate the EPIRB and send a VHF-DSC Distress alert on

21. In case of terrestrial communication breakdown, which of the following satellite systems is of particular
& dedicated importance to search and rescue missions under GMDSS?
b) Inmarsat
c) GPS
d) Iridium

22. In case of equipment breakdown, which piece of required GMDSS equipment is the primary source of
transmitting locating signals?
a) Radio Direction Finder (RDF).
b) Survival Craft Transceiver.
c) An EPIRB transmitting on 406 MHz.
d) A SART transmitting on 406 MHz

23. When in standby mode, the SART battery should last up to…
a) 8 hours
b) 24 hours
c) 48 hours
d) 96 hours

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
24. What is the term which refers to the supply of electrical energy required to supply radio
installation on every ship for the purpose of conducting distress and safety
radiocommunications in the event of failure of the ship’s main and emergency sources of
electrical power?
a) 110 volts primary supply
b) 220 volts primary supply
c) Reserve source of energy (or battery)
d) Secondary power supply

25. The SART is required to have a sufficient battery capacity to operate in the stand-by mode for what
period of time?
a) Eight hours
b) Forty eight hours
c) Four days
d) Three days

26. As a secondary method of alerting, what names are used to prevent the reception of unwanted broadcast
s by vessel’s utilizing the NAVTEX system?
a) Select all stations
b) Select all types of messages
c) Contact the NAVTEX coordinator
d) Programming the receiver to reject unwanted broadcasts

27. In the event of equipment breakdown, how long should the battery of the SART last when in Transpond
a) 4 hours
b) 6 hours
c) 8 hours
d) 10 hours

28. In partial breakdown of equipment, to maximize the effectiveness of VHF communications is by…
a) Appropriate setting of the transmitter power, selecting an appropriate channel & adjustment of
squelch for maximum receiver sensitivity.
b) The adjustment of squelch for maximum receiver sensitivity, setting transmitter power to 1W &
selecting an appropriate channel.
c) Selecting an appropriate channel, adjustment of squelch for minimum receiver sensitivity & setting
transmitter power to 1W.
d) Selecting an appropriate channel, adjustment of squelch for minimum receiver sensitivity, setting
transmitter power to 25W.

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
29. As a secondary method of alerting, SART is to be used for locating. What signals will be displayed in
3cm x-band radar if the distance is in between 0-0.5 nm?
a) Range of search craft at approximately 1 nm dots change to wide arcs.
b) SART showing 12 dot blip code bearing approximately 060 degrees.
c) SART showing more than 12 dot blips code
d) Wide arcs change to concentric circles as the SART is closed.

30. In partial breakdown, GMDSS-equipped ships will be required to perform which of the following
communications functions?
a) Distress alerting, MSI, SAR and on-scene communications & receipt of satellite alerts from other vessels.
b) SAR and on-scene communications, Bridge-to-Bridge and general radio communications, MSI and relay
of satellite alerts from other vessels.
c) Bridge-to-Bridge and general radio communications, RDF of EPIRB homing signals, Distress alerting and
d) Transmit distress alerts, SAR and on-scene communications, MSI, Bridge-to-Bridge and general radio

31. In the event of breakdown, the following are required GMDSS functions for vessels?
a) Transmit and receive locating signals, general communications and SAR communications.
b) Transmit and receive general communications, transmit Distress Alerts by at least one means,
c) Transmit and receive locating signals, send MSI to other ships via EGC, Bridge-to-Bridge
d) Transmit and receive SAR communications, transmit Distress Alerts by at least one means,
Bridge-to-Bridge communications.

32. Under GMDSS, a compulsory VHF-DSC radiotelephone installation must be tested at what minimum
intervals at sea?
a) Annually, by a representative of the FCC.
b) Daily
c) At the annual SOLAS inspection.
d) Monthly

33. What is the requirement for emergency and reserve power in GMDSS radio installations?
a. Compulsory ships must have emergency and reserve power sources for radio
b. An emergency power source for radio communications is not required if a vessel has proper
reserve power (batteries).
c. A reserve power source is not required for radio communications.
d. Only one of the above is required if a vessel is equipped with a second 406 EPIRB as a backup
means of sending a Distress alert.

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
34. Which statement is NOT true regarding the requirements of survival craft portable two-way VHF
radiotelephone equipment?
a) Operation on Ch-16
b) Antenna must be permanently-affixed.
c) Simplex (single frequency) voice communications only.
d) Effective radiated power should be a minimum of 2.0 Watts.

35. What are the main points of sending distress message following distress signals?
a) Identification of the vessel in distress
b) Weather condition in the immediate area of the ship
c) Number of crew and passengers
d) Navigational hazards

36. According to the standard marine navigational vocabulary, the message marker which indicates that the
following message informs other traffic participants about danger is?
a) Alerting
b) Messaging
c) Transmitting
d) Warning

37. What is the frequency of a medium size vessel’s whistle have?

a) 70 and 200 Hz
b) 80 and 200 Hz
c) 90 and 200 Hz
d) 100 and 200 Hz

38. The fundamental frequency of the whistle for a vessel 200 meters or more in length must be between;
a) 70 and 200 Hz
b) 80 and 200 Hz
c) 90 and 200 Hz
d) 100 and 200 Hz

39. In case of full breakdown for a vessels of less than 75 meters, what is the whiste frequency which will
give a relatively shrill tone?
a) 150 and 700 Hz
b) 200 and 700 Hz
c) 250 and 700 Hz
d) 300 and 700 Hz

40. For a intermediate size of vessel, what will be the whistle frequency required?
a) 110-350 Hz
b) 110-450 Hz
c) 130-350 Hz
d) 130-450 Hz

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
COMPETENCE 2 Provide Radio Services in Emergencies (GOC)

1) Batteries should not be topped-up:

a) Whilst on charge
b) During idle
c) During discharge
d) Whilst in use

2. It is recommended that eye protection, gloves, etc. be worn when a person is carrying out maintenance
on batteries.
a) Coverall and Jacket
b) Skin protection and face
c) Colored eyed protection,gloves and apron
d) Eye protection, gloves, and “APRON”

3. The electrolyte in battery cells contains ______, it is sufficiently concentrated, particularly just after
charging to damages eyes, skin or clothes if split or splashed, immediate and prolonged application of
running water is recommended to minimize its effect:
a) Alcohol denature
b) Acetone
c) sulfuric acid
d) Hydrochloride

4. There are two hazards associated with lead acid batteries that ship operators should be aware of:
a) Risk of explosion and risk of chemical burns
b) Risk of fire and explosion
c) Risk of suffocation and poison
d) Risk of collision and breakdown

5. A-B-C first aid procedure in dealing electrical shock stands for?

a) Air, Breath, Circulatory
b) Air, Breaking, Circulating
c) Airway, Bathing, Circulation
d) Airway, Breathing, Circulation

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
6. During the chemical process in battery charging the highly explosive mixture produced during the
chemical process may form highly explosive mixture:
a) When exposed to naked flame, fire, a lighted cigarette or spark.
b) Mixture to carbon oxide
c) Exposed to heat, smoke and chemical reaction
d) Flammable mixture

7. Extreme care should be made when using _____tool:

a) Metal
b) Plastic
c) Wood
d) Iron plate

8. If vessel is at anchor or moored, the ships station may communicate station or limited stations maybe
a) Is permitted providing the minimum practicable transmitting power is used.
b) With high power setting
c) Is allowed only at anchorage
d) At all times

9. As a result of the chemical process occurring within the cells of battery during charging, what gas is
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) hydrogen
d) acetylene

10. Ship station license authorize the use of radio equipment aboard vessels:
a) Specifies the call sign of the station
b) Only at sea/inland waters.
c) Specifies the frequencies to be used.
d) At all times

11. Due to the risk of explosion, radio transmissions when a vessel during loading fuel, or when discharging
or loading dangerous or any flammable cargo.
a) Must be done
b) Must be perform
c) Must not be made
d) To be done at all times

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
12. When topping up the battery cells of Lead Acid Battery, _______has to be used to avoid introducing any
extraneous chemicals into the electrolyte, which could block the chemistry of the charging/discharging
a) Battery solution
b) Electrolyte
c) Dilute electrolyte
d) Distilled or demineralised water

13. What is the primary functions of seamen’s insurance law under article III :
a) To provide radio medical consultation by seamen’s insurance radio medical center
b) To provide medical check- up to seafarer before joining vessel
c) To provide medical check-up to all persons
d) To provide medical assistance free of charge

14. What year seamen’s insurance law started:

a) Feb 1, 1992
b) Feb 1, 1999
c) April 1, 1963
d) Feb 1, 1995

15. Enumerate the basic vital signs of the patient if he/she is still alive:
a) Pulse
b) Breathing
c) Body temperature/Blood pressure
d) All of the above

16. Medical kits carried by ships are classified into how many types:
a) 6
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

17. What NOT to do when giving first aid:

a) Do not give first aid if you have doubts about your ability
b) Do not enter an enclosed space unless you are sure it is safe
c) Do not remove the person without checking body condition
d) All of the above

18. Basic life support restores two vital functions. It uses an ABC sequence of actions to ensure an open:

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
19. The purpose of CPR is to restore the patient’s:
c) To open airway
d) To lower cholesterol level

20. In administering CPR one rescuer should apply chest compression per minute:
a) 50
b) 60
c) 100
d) 30

21. Relative to question no.32, two rescuer should apply chest compression per minute:
a) 50
b) 60
c) 100
d) 30

22. Relative to question no. 32,how many rescue breath must be applied to the patient to restore his breathing:
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2– every 15 chest compression
d) 5

23. Relative to question no. 33, how many rescue breath must be applied to the patient to restore his
a) 1- every 5 chest compression
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2

24. What part of an injured person the rescuer would take a pulse:

25. CHOKING is the result of an obstruction in what part of the body:

b) EAR

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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
26. BLEEDING is the result of damage to what part of the body:

27. In the EMS system, how many “key-points” communications are required for essential and effective
EMS communication:
a) 3
b) 10
c) 7
d) 5

28. The radio communication equipment may operate either from the ship’s DC or AC mains supply (often
stepped down to 24 V DC), or from 24 V DC supplied by a bank of batteries. As a preventive measures,
what do you call for the system that ensures batteries will automatically take over when mains supply
a) Boost charging system
b) Float charging system
c) Dummy charging system
d) Fast charging system

29. In the event of breakdown, reserve sources of energy should be adequate for at least how hours for the
conduction of operation, complying with SOLAS Ch. 11-1/42 or 43 and Ch. IV/13.2.1 and 13.2.2, as
a) One hour or six hours
b) Two hours or seven hours
c) Three hours or eight hours
d) Four hours or nine hours

30. The measurement for battery capacity, at a temperature of 20°C is ampere-hour (AH).
That means, that theoretically a battery of cells, in a good condition, rated at 140 AH can deliver 10
amperes for how many hours of operations?
a) 5 hours
b) 10 hours
c) 15 hours
d) 20 hours

31. In case of breakdown, the batteries should be charged at least in a minimum charging time with the
value of the average of the charging current should measure 10% of value of the battery’s capacity?
a) 5 hours
b) 10 hours
c) 15 hours
d) 20 hours
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Date: AUG. 08, 2018
32. What are the voltage requirement mainly used for reserve source of energy in case of power failure from the main
a) 12 volts AC
b) 12 volts DC
c) 24 volts AC
d) 24 volts DC

33. Which of the primary battery has a characteristic that the cells consist of a zinc cover as the negative
a) Lead Acid Batteries
b) Lithium Batteries
c) Nickle-Cadmium Batteries
d) Zinc Carbon Cell Batteries

34. Marine lead batteries have an approximate lifetime of…

a) 2 years
b) 3 years
c) 4 years
d) 5 years

35. As a preventive measures, the following rules to be obeyed during operation, control and emergency
lighting service of the storage battery, except for...?
a) Do not allow the battery to stand idle for long time this may cause inactivation of the battery cells.
b) Do not charge the battery with very high rate of current because high rate of charging causes high
temperature rise and excessive gassing resulting in heavy loss of water and sometime overflowing of
electrolyte from the battery cells.
c) After every complete discharge, the battery should be immediately charged before returning it to its
regular floating service. Otherwise there may be a chance of deposition of sulphate film on the
d) The specific gravity of the electrolyte may be permanently increased due to ageing effects.

36. What system that is based in computer who save or keep a record of all crewmembers who seek medical

37. When measured directly above given point, solar radiation in the ionosphere is lowest or lesser
minimum during what time?
a) At night
b) At sunlight
c) At Noon
d) Sunrise or Night
***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO
Date: AUG. 08, 2018
38. When measured directly above given point, solar radiation in the ionosphere is minimum during
what time?
a) At sunlight
b) At night
c) At Noon
d) At sunset

39. When measured directly above given point, solar radiation in the ionosphere is the greatest or maximum
during what time?
a) At night
b) At sunlight
c) At sunrise
d) At Noon

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
COMPETENCE 1 Transmit and Receive information using GMDSS subsystem and equipment
and fulfilling the functional requirements of GMDSS (GOC)

1. What is the fundamental concept of the GMDSS?

a) It is intended to automate and improve emergency communications in the maritime industry.
b) It is intended to automate and improve existing digital selective calling procedures and techniques.
c) It is intended to provide more effective but lower cost commercial communications.
d) It is intended to provide compulsory vessels with a collision avoidance system when they are operating
in waters that are also occupied by non-compulsory vessels.

2.The primary purpose of the GMDSS is?

a) Allow more effective control of SAR situations by vessels.
b) Provide additional shipboard systems for more effective company communications.
c) Automate and improve emergency communications for the world's shipping industry.
d) Effective and inexpensive communications.

3.What is the basic concept of GMDSS?

a) Search and rescue authorities ashore can be alerted to a distress situation.
b) Shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress will be rapidly alerted.
c) Shoreside authorities and vessels can assist in a coordinated SAR operation with minimum delay.
d) All of these.

4.GMDSS is primarily a system based on?

a) Ship-to-ship distress communications using MF or HF radiotelephony.
b) VHF digital selective calling from ship to shore.
c) Distress, urgency and safety communications carried out by the use of narrow-band direct printing
d) The linking of search and rescue authorities ashore with shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in
distress or in need of assistance.

5.What is the responsibility of vessels under GMDSS?

a) Vessels over 300 gross tons may be required to render assistance if such assistance does not adversely
affect their port schedule.
b) Only that vessel, regardless of size, closest to a vessel in distress, is required to render assistance.
c) Every ship is able to perform those communications functions that are essential for the safety of the ship
itself and of other ships.
d) Vessels operating under GMDSS, outside of areas effectively serviced by shoreside authorities,
operating in sea areas A2, and A4 may be required to render assistance in distress situations.

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
6. GMDSS is required for which of the following?
a) All vessels capable of international voyages.
b) Vessels operating outside of the range of VHF coastal radio stations.
c) SOLAS Convention ships of 300 gross tonnage or more.
d) Coastal vessels of less than 300 gross tons.

7.What equipment is associated with the land or terrestrial systems?

c) Inmarsat-C.
d) GPS.

8.What equipment is associated with the space systems?

b) Inmarsat-C.
c) Navtex.
d) SART.

9.Which satellite system promulgate Maritime Safety Information?

b) Inmarsat-C SafetyNET.
d) Inmarsat-M SES.

10.The MMSI number plan is used in all of the following in GMDSS except?
a) VHFDSC, MFDSC, HFDSC and radio telex
b) Inmarsat-C
c) Inmarsat and COSPAS/SARSAT EPIRBs

11.What means are used to prevent the reception of unwanted broadcasts by vessels utilizing the NAVTEX
a) Operating the receiver only during daytime hours.
b) Programming the receiver to reject unwanted broadcasts.
c) Coordinating reception with published broadcast schedules.
d) Automatic receiver de-sensitization during night hours.

12.Which of the following systems is most likely to be subject to fading or static interference?
b) Inmarsat.
c) Digital Selective Calling on channel 70.

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
13.Which system is most likely to be affected by atmospheric disturbances?
a) MF/HF radiotelephony.
c) Inmarsat.
d) SafetyNET

14.Which of the following systems is least likely to be subject to fading or static interference?
b) Inmarsat.
c) MF-HF DSC Controller.

15.Which system is least likely to be affected by atmospheric disturbances?

b) Inmarsat.

16.Which system has the least effective radius of operation?


17.What is the term which refers to the supply of electrical energy required to supply radio installations on
every ship for the purpose of conducting distress and safety radio-communications in the event of failure
of the ship's main and emergency sources of electrical power?
a) Emergency power.
b) Reserve source of energy.
c) Ship's emergency diesel generator.
d) Ship's standby generator.

18.Which of the following is the primary frequency that is used exclusively for NAVTEX broadcasts
a) 518 kHz
b) 2187.5 kHz
c) 4209.5 kHz
d) VHF channel 16 when the vessel is sailing in Sea Area A1, and 2187.5 kHz when in Sea Area

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
19.What is false about HF communication?
a) used for long range communication
b) can be reflected by the ionosphere
c) not affected by time of day
d) can be used as alternative for Inmarsat communication

20.The transmission speed of a DSC call on the VHF band is…

a) 600 bauds
b) 1200 bauds
c) 1600 bauds
d) 2400 bauds

21.The NAVTEX message which ensures that the system is functioning normally is type?
a) A
b) B
c) Z
d) G

22. What is the fundamental concept of the GMDSS?

a) to repel piracy attacks
b) it is intended to automate and improve emergency communication in maritime industry
c) to increase participation in ship reporting system
d) to transport more cargoes effectively

23. DSC relays of Distress Alerts by vessels:

a) Should be done for all Distress Alerts.
b) Should be transmitted to ships involved in Distress Alert.
c) Should be avoided, however after repeated alerts should be relayed to a Coast Station nearest the
distress incident.
d) Are the best means to provide for a relay of Distress communications

24. What is the meaning of “Reserve Source of Energy?”

a) The supply of electrical energy sufficient to operate the radio installations for the purpose of
conducting distress and safety communications in the event of failure of the ship’s main and
emergency sources of electrical power.
b) High caloric value items for lifeboat, per SOLAS regulations.
c) Diesel fuel stored for the purpose of operating the powered survival craft for a period of equal to
or exceeding the U.S.C.G and SOLAS equipment.
d) None of these

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
25.A Faraway SART indicated by a series of dots on the radar display is approximately
a) 5 nautical miles
b) 4 nautical miles
c) 3 nautical miles
d) 2 nautical miles

26. What is the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)?
a) A new system to increase participation in ship reporting system
b) an automated ship-to-shore distress alerting system using satellite and advanced terrestrial
communications systems
c) A new system to transport more cargoes effectively
d) A new system to repel piracy attacks

27.Which communication functions must all vessels be capable of performing under GMDSS as defined by
international maritime organization?
a) Ship to ship alerting
b) Ship to shore alerting
c) Shore to Ship alerting
d) Distress alerting to and from vessels, search and rescue coordination, on-scene communication,
signals for locating, maritime safety information, general and bridge-to-bridge communications

28.Which statement is not true regarding SART?

a) Operates in conjunction with a vessel S-Band radar
b) Once it has been placed in the “ON” position, a SART will begin transmitting immediately upon
detecting that it is the water
c) This is 9 GHZ transponder capable of being received by another vessels X-band navigational
radar system
d) Both a & b

29.The best way to test the MF-HF NBDP system is?

a) Make a radiotelephone call to a Coast Station.
b) Initiates an ARQ call to demonstrate that the transmitter and antenna are working.
c) Initiate an FEC call to demonstrate that the transmitter and antenna are working.
d) Initiate an ARQ call to a Coast Station and wait for the automatic exchange of answerbacks.

30.The type of batteries most commonly used on board ships as source of backup power is the?
a) lithium battery
b) acid battery
c) lead battery
d) rechargeable battery

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
31.What is proper procedure to be followed upon receipt of a distress alert transmitted by use a digital
selective calling techniques?
a) set watch on the radio telephone distress and safety frequency associated with distress and safety
calling frequency on which the DISTRESS alert was received
b) Send distress relay alert at once
c) Inform RCC immediately
d) Inform the Master of the vessel

32.When two 12-volt batteries with an individual capacity of 100 Ah are coupled in parallel, the result will
be a battery with a total voltage and capacity of?
a) 12-volt and 100 Ah respectively
b) 12-volt and 200 Ah respectively
c) 24-volt and 100 Ah respectively
d) 24-volt and 200 Ah respectively

33.When two 12-volt batteries with an individual capacity of 100 Amperes-hours (Ah) are coupled in series,
the result will be a battery with a total voltage and capacity of?
a) 12 volt and 100 ah respectively
b) 12 Volt and 200 Ah respectively
c) 24 volt and 100 ah respectively
d) 24 volt and 200 ah respectively

34..A MF/HF DSC Distress call:

a) Will send the minimal necessary information using the "Distress Button" or "Distress Hot Key"
b) Contains all the information normally of interest in on-scene Distress communications.
c) Will send a more detailed Distress format if time permits and operator data entries are correctly
d) Both a) & c) are true.

35.Repetition of a DSC Distress call is normally automatic if not acknowledged after a delay of:
a) 1 - 2 minutes.
b) 2- 5 minutes.
c) 3.5 - 4.5 minutes.
d) Not at all.

36.DSC relays of Distress Alerts by vessels:

a) Should be avoided, however after repeated alerts, should be relayed to a Coast Station nearest the
Distress incident.
b) Should be done for all Distress Alerts.
c) Should be transmitted to ships involved in Distress traffic.
d) Are the best means to provide for a relay of Distress communications.

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018
37.The frequency band used as uplink frequency from CES to the satellite is the:
a) 1525.0 - 1545.0 MHZ (1.5GHZ )
b) 6425.0 - 6443.0 MHZ ( 6GHZ )
c) 3600.0 - 3623.0 MHZ ( 4 GHZ )
d) 1626.5 - 1646.5 MHZ (1.6 GHZ)

38.The frequency band used as downlink frequency from Satellite to the CES is the:
a) 1525.0 - 1545.0 MHZ (1.5GHZ )
b) 6425.0 - 6443.0 MHZ ( 6GHZ )
c) 3600.0 - 3623.0 MHZ ( 4 GHZ )
d) 1626.5 - 1646.5 MHZ (1.6 GHZ)

***Updated by: 2/M LINO A. ARRIESGADO

Date: AUG. 08, 2018

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