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C-9 Math PNCF Race Cbse

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1. In the given figure ABCD is a parallelogram then area of AFB is:


A 4 cm B
(A) 16 cm2 (B) 8 cm2 (C) 6 cm2 (D) 4 cm2
2. A regular polygon drawn with 35 diagonals. Its interior angle will be:
(A) 154° (B) 164° (C) 144° (D) None of these
3. If D is the mid point of side BC of ABC , P and Q are two points lying respectively on the sides AB and
BC such that DP is parallel to QA. Prove that ar  BQP   . ar  ABC 
4. In figure, ABCDE is a pentagon. A line through B parallel to AC meets DC produced at F. Prove that:

(A) ar  ACB  = ar  ACF  (B) ar (AEDF) = ar (ABCDE)
5. In figure ABC and BDE are two equilateral triangles such that D is the mid-point of BC. If AE intersects
BC at F, show that ar  BDE   ar  ABC 


6. Q R

In figure PSDA is a parallelogram. Points Q and R are taken on PS such that PQ = QR = RS and
PA || QB || RC. Prove that ar (PQE) = ar (CFD).

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The area of parallelogram ABCD is 90 cm2. Then find area of BEF
(A) 90 cm2 (B) 60 cm2 (C) 45 cm2 (D) 30 cm2
8. ABCD is a parallelogram in which BC is produced to E such that CE = BC. AE intersects CD at F. If ar
 DFB  3cm 2 , find the area of the parallelogram ABCD.
(A) 3 cm2 (B) 6 cm2 (C) 9 cm2 (D) 12 cm2
9. ABCD is a trapezium with parallel sides AB = a cm and DC = b cm. E and F are mid-points of sides
AD and BC respectively. Find the ratio of area of ABFE to the area of CDEF.

3a  b a  3b
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 3 (C) (D)
a  3b 3a  b
10. Find the area of parallelogram ABCD in below given figure

OF = 3 cm
OA = 5 cm

OD  18 cm
(A) 42 cm2 (B) 21 cm2 (C) 36 cm2 (D) 48 cm2
11. ABCD is a parallelogram. E is a point on BA such that BE = 2EA and F is a point on DC such that
DF = 2FC, then AECF is a parallelogram whose area is equal to
(A) (1/2) × area of parallelogram ABCD. (B) area of parallelogram ABCD.
(C) (1/3) × area of parallelogram ABCD. (D) 2 × area of parallelogram ABCD.
12. If a parallelogram with area P, a rectangle with area R and a triangle with area T, all are constructed on the
same base and all have the same altitude, then the true statement is
(A) P = R (B) T = R (C) P = T (D) P + T = R
13. ABCD is a parallelogram. The diagonals AC and BD intersect at a point O. If E, F, G and H are the
midpoints of AO, DO, CO and BO respectively, then the ratio of (EF + FG + GH + HE) to
(AD + DC + CB + BA) is
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 3 (D) 1 : 4
14. ABCD is a parallelogram with AB || DC. AX is the perpendicular from A on DC and CY is the perpendicular
from C on AD. If AB = 16 cm, AX = 8 cm, CY = 10 cm then find AD.

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15. ABCD is a parallelogram with AB || DC and P is any point inside. If the area of ABCD is 120 sq cm, then
find the sum of the areas of  PAB and  PCD.

16. AD is a median of triangle ABC and M is the mid point of AD. If the area of  BMD is 3.5 sq cm, then
find the area of  ABC.
17. Prove that any straight line drawn from the vertex of a triangle, is bisected by the straight line joining the
middle points of the two sides of the triangle.

18. ABCD is a trapezium with AB || CD and angle BCD = twice the angle DAB. If DC = a and BC = b, find the
length of AB.
19. ABCD is a parallelogram. AB and AD are produced to P and Q respectively such that BP = AB and
DQ = AD. Prove that P, C, Q lie on a straight line.
20. In the given figure E is the mid point of BC and D is the mid point of AE. PEDB and QEDC are
parallelograms then show are ( EPB)  area (EQC)  area ( ABC)

Q. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2 2
ANS. C C C D C A B A B 12.8 cm 60 cm 14 cm 14 sq. cm. a + b

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1. Find the area of a triangle whose sides are 7 cm, 8 cm and 9 cm and radius of circumscribing circle is 6
(A) 21 cm2 (B) 7 3 cm 2 (C) 42 cm2 (D) 21 2 cm 2
2. In a triangle ABC, AD is a median. A point P lies on AD such that ratio of AP : PD is 3 : 2. Find the area
of PCD if area of ABC is 40 cm2.
(A) 16 cm2 (B) 8 cm2 (C) 10 cm2 (D) 20 cm2
3. ABCD is a parallelogram. X & Y are mid-point on side BC and CD. Prove that area of AXY   area
of parallelogram.
4. In a ABC , D, E and F are mid-points on BC, AC and AB respectively. If area of ABC is 56 cm2 then
find area of quadrilateral BDEF.
(A) 14 cm2 (B) 21 cm2 (C) 28 cm2 (D) 42 cm2
5. In the figure given below. D and L are mid-points of BC and AD. If area of ABL  x  area of ABC .
Then find x.


1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
2 3 4
6. In a parallelogram ABCD, L is a mid-point of side CD. If area of ALCB is 72 cm2, then find of ACD .
(A) 24 cm2 (B) 48 cm2 (C) 72 cm2 (D) Cannot be determined
7. In following figure, area of parallelogram ABCD is:

(A) AB  BM (B) BC  BN (C) DC  DL (D) All of these
8. ABCD is a trapezium such that AB || CD. AC and BD intersect at O. Prove that area of AOD is equal to
area of BOC .
9. D C


X, Y are mid-points of AD and BC, CD = 40 cm and AB = 60 cm. Find XY and prove that DCYX is a
trapezium. Also prove that area of DCYX = area of XYBA.

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10. In ABC , P and Q are mid-points of sides AB and BC respectively. If area of ABC  80 cm 2 then area
of QRC if R is mid-point of AP.
(A) 10 cm2 (B) 20 cm2 (C) 30 cm2 (D) 40 cm2




In above figure ACDE is a parallelogram, BC = CD and area of triangle ABC is 80cm2. If F is the mid-
point on side AB, then find area of BFD .
(A) 40 cm2 (B) 20 cm2 (C) 80 cm2 (D) Data insufficient


In above figure ABDE is a parallelogram. EF  BD, AB  BC  BD, EF  3 cm and FD = 4 cm. Find
the area of BCD .
(A) 30 cm2 (B) 25 cm2 (C) 20 cm2 (D) 15 cm2
13. In given figure, PQRS is a ||gm. The sides of this ||gm are given by SP = (2x – 4) cm, PQ = (3y + 5) cm,
1 
QR   x  8  cm and RS = (y + 12) cm, then the perimeter of the ||gm PQRS is
2 

S (y + 12)cm. R

(2x – 4)cm. 1 
 2 x  8  cm
 
P (3y + 5)cm. Q

(A) 55 cm (B) 60 cm (C) 65 cm (D) None of these

14. In Fig., BM and DN are both perpendiculars to the segments AC and BM = DN. Prove that AC bisects BD,

15. Which of the following statement are true (T) and which are false ( F ) ?
(i) In a parallelogram, the diagonals are equal.
(ii) In a parallelogram, the diagonals bisect each other.
(iii) In a parallelogram, the diagonals intersect each other at right angles.
(iv) In any quadrilateral, if a pair of opposite sides is equal, it is a parallelogram.
16. The area of a rhombus is 36 cm2. If one diagonal is double, then the length of bigger diagonal is
(A) 6 cm (B) 12 cm (C) 16 cm (D) 36 cm

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17. In the following figure, the area of the shaded portion is

(A) 85 cm2 (B) 420 cm2 (C) 750 cm2 (D) 1500 cm2

18. In the figure AD = DB, BE  1 EC and CF  1 AF . If the area of ABC  120cm 2 , the area (in cm2) of
2 3
DEF is



(A) 21 (B) 35 (C) 40 (D) 45

19.  ABCD is trapeziu, AB || DC. Diagonals of trapezium intersect to each other at point O;
A(  AOD)  3 sq.cm.
A( COD)  12 sq.cm.
10 m

20 m
 (ABCD)  ........
(A) 27 sq. cm (B) 45 sq. cm (C) 36 sq. cm (D) 18 sq. cm
20. In the diagram ABCD is a rectangle with AE = EF = FB, the ratio of the areas of triangle CEF and that of
rectangle ABCD is

(A) 1 : 6 (B) 1 : 8 (C) 1 : 9 (D) 1 : 10

1. A 2. B 3. 4. C 5. 6. B 7.
8. 9. 50 10. A 11. C 12. D 13. A 14.
15. (i)F (ii)T (iii)F (iv)F 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. A

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1. In the figure, if O is the centre of the circle, then value of x is

(1) 15o (2) 30o

(3) 45o (4) 60 o

2. If a regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle of radius r, then its perimeter is
(1) 3 r (2) 6 r (3) 9 r (4) 12 r
3. In the given circle with centre ‘O’, the midpoints of two equal chords
AB & CD are K & L respectively. If OLK  25o . Then LKB  ?

(1) 125o (2) 115o

(3) 105o (4) 90o

4. In the figure if QPR  67 o and SPR  72o and RP is a diameter of

the circle, then QRS is equal to

(1) 18o (2) 23o

(3) 41o (4) 67 o

5. Two circles of radii 20cm and 37cm intersect in A and B. If O1 and O 2 are their centres and AB = 24cm,
then the distance O1O 2 is equal to

(1) 44cm (2) 51cm (3) 40.5cm (4) 45cm

6. In the figure, PQ is a chord of a circle with centre O and PT is the tangent at P such that QPT  70o .

Then the measure of PRQ is equal to

(1) 135o (2) 150o

(3) 120o (4) 110o

7. In the adjoining figure, TP and TQ are the two tangents to a circle with
centre O. If POQ  110o , then PTQ is

(1) 60 o (2) 70 o

(3) 80o (4) 90o

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8. In the adjoining figure, if  and m are two tangents and AB is a
chord making an angle of 60 o with the tangent  , then the angle
between  and m is

(1) 45o (2) 30o

(3) 60 o (4) 90o

9. In the adjacent figure, if AOC  110 o , then the value of D and B
(1) 55o ,125o (2) 55o ,110o

(3) 110o , 25o (4) 125o ,55o

10. In the diagram, O is the centre of the circle and D, E and F are mid points
of AB, BO and OA respectively. If DEF  30o , then ACB is

(1) 30o (2) 60 o

(3) 90o (4) 120o

11. Two circles intersect in A and B. Quadrilateral PCBA and ABDE are
inscribed in these circles such that PAE and CBD are line segments. If
P  95o and C  40o . Find the value of z.

(1) 65o (2) 105o

(3) 95o (4) 85o

12. C  O, r1  and C  O, r2  are two concentric circles with r1  r2 . AB is a chord of C  O, r1  touching C  O, r2 

at C then

(1) AB  r1 (2) AB  r2 (3) AC  BC (4) AB  r1  r2

13. In figure ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral and

ADC  80 , ACD  50 , then CBD is :
o o

(1) 60 o (2) 130o

(3) 50o (4) 40 o

14. In the figure, APB is formed by three tangents to the
circle with centre O. If APB  40 o , then the measure
of BOA is

(1) 50o (2) 55o

(3) 60 o (4) 70 o

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15. In the figure, O is the centre of the circle then the value of
2x  y  z is

(1) 400o (2) 390o

(3) 360o (4) 300o

16. In the figure, BC is a chord of the circle with centre O and A is a point
on the minor arc BC. Then, BAC  OBC is equal to

(1) 30o (2) 60 o

(3) 80o (4) 90o

17. In the given figure find the value of x.

18. In the given figure, AC is the diameter of the circle. ED  AC ,

CBE  65o , the DEC is

(1) 35o (2) 25o

(3) 65o (4) 30o

19. In figure, O is the centre of the circle, then :

(1) x  y  z  180o (2) z  2x  y (3) y  z  x (4) z  x  y

20. In the given figure if O is the center of a circle and PQ is a diameter. If  ROS= 50°, then find  RTS.

Q. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
ANS. 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 3 1 2 4 3 3 4 2 4 x = 20° 2 4 65°

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1. In the given figure, ABCD is a cyclic

quadrilateral whose side AB is a diameter of the
circle through A, B and C . If  ADC=1300, find
 CAB.

(1) 2r(1+ 3 ) (2) 2r(2+ 3 )

(3) r(1+ 5 ) (4) 2r+ 3

5. In the figure given below (not drawn to scale),
A, B and C are three points on a circle with
(1) 400 (2) 500 centre O. The chord BA is extended to a point T
(3) 300 (4) 1300 such that CT becomes a tangent to the circle at
2. PBA and PDC are two secants. AD is the point C. If  ATC=300 and  ACT=500, then
diameter of the circle with centre at O.  A=400, the angle  BOA is:
 P=20 . Find the measure of  DBC

(1) 300 (2) 450

(3) 500 (4) 400 (1) 1000 (2) 1500
(3) 800
3. In the given figure, O is the centre of a circle. If (4) Cannot be determined
 AOD=1400 and  CAB=500, what is  EDB?
6. In the figure below, the rectangle at the corner
measures 10 cm × 20 cm. The corner A of the
rectangle is also a point on the circumference of
the circle. What is the radius of the circle in cm?

(1) 700 (2) 400

(3) 600 (4) 500
4. P, Q, S, and R are points on the circumference
of a circle of radius r, such that PQR is an
equilateral triangle and PS is a diameter of the (1) 10 cm (2) 40 cm
circle. What is the perimeter of the quadrilateral (3) 50 cm (4) None of these

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7. Given below is a circle with centre O and four 11. O is the center of the bigger circle. CO is
points P,Q,R and S on the circle. If the chords perpendicular to AB. The smaller circle is the
SQ and PR intersect each other at O and the in-circle of the triangle OBC. The ratio of the
radius of the bigger circle to that of the smaller
radius of the circle is 8  3 cm, find area (in
circle is:
sq.cm) of  PSQ


120° O


(1)108 3 (2) 54 3
12. 2 parallel chords 24 cm, and 10 cm, are on same
(3) 81 3 (4) 96 3 side of the circle, center O. If the distance
between the chords is 7 cm, calculate the radius
8. In the given diagram CT is tangent at C, making of the circle.
an angle of  /4 with CD. O is the centre of the
circle. CD = 10 cm. What is the perimeter of the
shaded region (  AOC) approximately?

A r B


13. In the figure shown, I is the in-centre of triangle

XYZ. When XI is produced it meets the
circumference of the circle at W. The values of
x and y are:
9. The radius of the incircle of a  is 4 cm and the X
segments into which one side is divided by the
point of contact are 6 cm and 8 cm, then the 500

length of the shortest side of the  is:

(1) 12 cm (2) 15 cm y 700
(3) 13 cm (4) 14 cm x

10. From the plate in the shape of an equilateral

triangle, 3 symmetrical sectors of circle are cut
as shown. What fraction of the plate is wasted? W

14. ABC is a triangle, AB is tangent to the circle

and O is the centre of the circle. What is the
m  COD ?

25 O


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15. CDE is a tangent to the circle at the point D. O is 18. C is the center of the bigger semi-circle. AC and
the center of the circle. The measure of BCD is: BC are the diameters of the other two smaller
semi-circles. The full circle shown touches the
two smaller semi-circles externally and the bigger
A semi-circle internally. If AC = 6 cm, the radius
O of the full circle (in cm) is:
16. BE is tangent to the circle with center at O. AC
is parallel to BE. The measure of CAO is: A B
19. PC is tangent to the circle with center at O and
radius 10 cm. OP = 11 cm and AB = 4 cm. The
length of PB is:
17 In the figure O is the centre of the circumcircle
of  ABC. Tangents at A and C intersects at D.
Calculate  BAC. 20. In the adjoining figure, PQ is a diameter of the
circle whose centre is O. Given  ROS = 420,
calculate  RTS.

80 P

O 42


1. 1 2. 1 3. 4 4. 1 5. 1 6. 1 7. 4

25 
8. 9. 3 10. 1 11. 2 2 12. 13
2 2 3
13. y=30°, x=25° 14. 35° 15. 44° 16. 40° 17. 60°
18. r=2 19. 7 20. 69°

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1. Distance between point (0, –1) and (8, 3) is

(1) 4 5 (2) 6 5 (3) 8 5 (4) None

2. If points (0, 4) (4, 0) and (5, p) are collinear than value of p is?
(1) –1 (2) 7 (3) 6 (4) 4
3. Which of the following is solution of x + 7y = 0 ?
(1) (0, 7) (2) (7, 0) (3) (0, 0) (4) (0, –7)
4. The ratio in which x axis divides line joining (2, 4) and (3, –7) is
(1) 4 : 7 (2) 7 : 4 (3) 2 : 3 (4) 5 : 7
5. The ratio in which y axis divides line joining (3, 5) and (–5, 8) is
(1) 5 : 8 (2) 3 : 5 (3) 1 : 4 (4) None
6. Points (7, 10), (–2, 5) and (3, –4) are vertices of
(1) equilateral triangle (2) isosceles triangle
(3) right angle triangle (4) isosceles right angled triangle
7. If the point A (6, 1), B(8, 2), C(9, 4) and D(P, 3) are vertices of parallelogram taken in order then p is?
(1) 6 (2) 7 (3) –1 (4) 2
8. Two vertices of triangle are (3, –5) and (–7, 4) if its centroid is (2, –1) third vertex is
(1) (10, –2) (2) (2, 10) (3) (–10, –2) (4) None
9. Equation of line joining (–1, 3) and (4, –2) is

(1) x  y  2  0 (2) x  y  2  0 (3) x  y  2  0 (4) None

10. A point has coordinates (x, y) its distance from x axis is

(1) |x| (2) |y| (3) x2  y2 (4) None

11. The distance of A(x, y) from origin is

(1) x2  y2 (2) |x| (3) |y| (4) None

12. Relation between x and y such that (x, y) is equidistant from (7, 1) and (3, 5) is
(1) x + y = 2 (2) x – y = 2 (3) x = 2y (4) y = 2x

 3 
13. Area of triangle formed by P   ,3  , Q  6, 2  , R  3, 4  in square unit is
 2 

(1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 4

14. If the coordinates of a point are of same sign then the point lies in which quadrant?
(1) First (2) Third (3) Either (1) or (2) (4) Second or Fourth

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15. x intercept of line 2x + 3y = 6 is
(1) 2 (2) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5
16. Find the point P(x, y), if its distance from (–3, 0) & (3, 0) in 4 units individually:

(1) (0, 5) (2) (0,  5) (3) (0,  7) (4) (1, 0)

17. The point of the y-axis which is equidistant from A(–5, –2) and B (3, 2) is:
(1) (–4, 0) (2) (0, –2) (3) (–2, 0) (4) (0, –4)
18. If two vertices of an isosceles triangle are (2, 0) and (2, 5) and length of the equal sides is 3, then the third
vertex is :

 11 5   14 7 
(1) (2, 6) & (–5, 3) (2) (8, 3) & (51 1) (3)  2  2 , 2  (4)  3  2 , 2 
   

19. If the point (0, 2) is equidistant from the points (3, k) and (k, 5), then the value of k is :
(1) 0 (2) 2 (3) –2 (4) None of these
20. If the distance between the points (a, 2) and (3, 4) be 8 the a = a

(1) 2  3 15 (2) 2  3 15 (3) 2  3 15 (4) 3  2 15

Q. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
ANS. 1 1 3 1 2 4 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 4 4

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1. If vertices of a triangle are (a, 1), (b, 3) and (4, c) then centroid of triangle will lie on x axis if
(1) a + c = –4 (2) a + b = –4 (3) c = –4 (4) b + c = –4
a a 3
2. The points (0, 0) and (a, 0) and  ,  are vertices of
2 2 
(1) Isosceles triangle (2) Equilateral triangle (3) Scalene triangle (4) None
3. If the points (0, 0), (2,2 3) and (p, q) be the vertices of equilateral triangle then (p, q) =
(1) (0, 4) (2) (4, 4) (3) (4, 0) (4) (5, 0)
4. The ratio in which P(1, 2) divides the line segment joining A(–2, 1) and B(7, 4) is
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 3 : 2 (3) 3 : 4 (4) 1 : 3

 kc  la kd  lb 
5. The points (a, b), (c, d) and  ,
 kl k  l 
(1) vertices of an equilateral triangle (2) vertices of an isosceles triangle
(2) vertices of a right angled triangle (4) collinear
6. A is a point on x-axis with abscissa –8 and B is a point on y axis with ordinate 15. Distance between AB
(1) 13 units (2) 15 units (3) 17 units (4) 23 units
7. If x + 3y = 100, where x and y are positive integers, the number of pairs satisfying equation is
(1) 100 (2) 97 (3) 34 (4) None
8. If centroid of triangle is (3, 1) is one of vertices is (0, –3) then length of the median is
15 10
(1) 5 (2) (3) 15 (4)
2 3
9. If the points (7, K), (–2, 3) and (–1, –5) are collinear then K is
(1) 15 (2) (3) 69 (4) –69
10. If the distance between the points A(–3, 4) and B(x, 7) is 5 units then x is
(1) –1 or 7 (2) 1 or –7 (3) 5 or – 3 (4) –5 or 3
x y
11. The graph of   1 meet the Y - axis at the point
3 5
(1) (0, 5) (2) (0, 3) (3) (0, –5) (4) (0, –3)
12. The reflection of the point P (2, 3) in y - axis is
(1) (–2, 3) (2) (2, –3) (3) (2, 3) (4) (–2, –3)
13. Determine the quadrants in which the following points lie
(i) A(1, 1) (ii) B(2,4) (iii) C(–3, –10) (iv) D(–1, 2)
(v) E(1, –1) (vi) F(–2, –4) (vii) G(–3, 10) (viii) H(1, –2)
14. Find the length of intercepts on axes made by the line 5x + 3y – 15 = 0.

15. Plot the following points in a Cartesian plane: (–2, 4), (3, –1), (–1, 0), (1, 2) & (–3, –5)
16. Value of ‘a’, when the distance between the points (3, a) and (4, 1) is 10 is :
(A) 4 or –2 (B) 2 or 4 (C) 6 or 2 (D) None

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

17. In the rectangle shown, the value of a–b is :

C(a, 13)

(5, 5) B (15, b)
A (9,2)

(A) –3 (B) –1 (C) 3 (D) 1

18. In the diagram PQR is an isoscles triangle and QR = 5 units.


P(–2, 0) O R(4,0)

The coordinates of Q are :

(A) (1, 5) (B) (3, 4) (C) (2, 4) (D) (1, 4)
19. The points A(–4, –1), B(–2, –4), C (4, 0) and D(2, 3) are the vertices of :
(A) Parallelogram (B) Rectangle (C) Rhombus (D) None of these
20. The three points (–2, 2), (8, –2) and (–4, –3) are the vectices of:
(A) An isosceles triangle (B) An equilateral triangle
(C) A right angled triangle (D) None of these

1. 3 2. 2 3. 3 4. 1 5. 4 6. 3 7. 3
8. 2 9. 4 10. 2 11. 1 12. 1 13. (i)1st (ii) 1st (iii) 3rd
(iv) 2nd (v) 4th (vi) 3rd (vii) 2nd (viii) 4th 14. 3, 5 15.
16. A 17. D 18. D 19. B 20. C

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2


1. The area of a triangle whose sides are 150 cm, 120 cm and 200 cm is :
(1) 8066.56 cm2 (2) 9066.56 cm2 (3) 8966.56 cm2 (4) 9966.56 cm2
2. The perimeter of a triangular field is 240 m. If two of its sides are 78 m and 50 m, then the length of the
perpendicular on the side of length 50 cm from the opposite vertex is :
(1) 88.8 m (2) 67.2 m (3) 100.8 m (4) 110.8 m
3. The lengths of the sides of a triangle are 5 cm, 9 cm and 10 cm. Then length of perpendicular from the
opposite vertex to the sides whose length is 10 cm is :

6 6 6 6
(1) 14 (2) 13 (3) 10 (4) 11
5 5 5 5

4. The perimeter of a triangular field is 240 m and its sides are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. Then the area of the
triangle is :
(1) 2000 m2 (2) 2200 m2 (3) 2400 m2 (4) 2600 m2

5. Sides of an equilateral triangle with area of 9 3 cm 2 is:

(1) 4 cm (2) 5 cm (3) 6 cm (4) 8 cm

6. The sides of a quadrilateral field, taken in order are 26m, 27m, 7m and 24m respectively. The angle

contained by the last two sides is a right angle. Find its area.  Take 14  3.751

7. A triangular park has sides, 120 m, 80 m and 50 m. A gardner has to put a fence all around it and also
plant grass inside. How much area does he need to plant? Find the cost of fencing it with barbed wire at
the rate Rs. 20/m leaving a space 3m wide for a gate on one side.
8. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 32 cm. The ratio of one of the equal sides to its base is 3:2. Find
the area of triangle.
9. A triangle and parallelogram have the same base and the same area. If the sides of the triangle are 26 cm,
28 cm and 28 cm and the parallelogram stands on the base 28 cm, find the height of the parallelogram.
10. The sides of a triangle are 10 cm, 24 cm and 26 cm. Find its area and the longest altitude.
11. Given an isosceles trapezium ABCD in order with AB = 6, CD = 12 and area 36 sq. units. Length of the
side BC is:
(A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 4.5 (D) 5.55
12. The length of the side of a rhombus is 10 units and its diagonals differ by 4. The area of the rhombus is:
(A) 108 (B) 96 (C) 84 (D) 48

13. The side length of trapezium are 4

3, 4 3, 4 3 and 2  4 3 . Its area in the ratio of two relatively prme
positive integers, m and n. The value of (m+n) is equal to :
(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 9 (D) 13

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

14. A rectangle is inscribed in a square creating four isosceles right triangle. If the total area of these four
triangles is 200. The length of the diagonal of the rectangle is :

(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 25

15. The cost of levelling a rectangular ground at Rs. 1.25 per sq. metre is Rs. 900. If the length of the ground
is 30 metres, then the width is :
(A) 330 metres (B) 34 metres (C) 24 metres (D) 18 metres
16. A rectangular lawn 60 metres by 40 metres has two roads each 5 metres wide running in the middle of it,
one parallel to length and the other parallel to breadth. The cost of gravelling the roads at 60 paise per sq.
metre is :
(A) Rs. 300 (B) Rs. 280 (C) Rs. 285 (D) Rs. 250
17. A child draws the figure of an aeroplane as given. Here the wings EDCF and AGHB are parallelograms,
the tail ADK is an isosceles triangle, the cockpit BLC is a semi-circle and the portion ABCD is a square.
Let FP  CD & HQ  AB, BA = 6 cms, KD = 5 cms FP = HQ = 2 cms. The area of the figure is : [  =



(A) 86.14 cm2 (B) 87.25 cm2 (C) 84.63 cm2 (D) 91.56 cm2
18. The area of a rhombus is 28 cm2 and one of its diagonals in 4 cm. Its perimeter is :\

(A) 4 53 (B) 36 cm (C) 2 53 (D) 53 cm

19. The area of a trapezium shaped field is 960 m2 the distance between two parallel sides is 30 m and one of
the parallel side is 20 m. Find the length of other parallel side.
(A) 44 m (B) 22 m (C) 88 m (D) 11 m
20. Area of triangle ABC whose sides are 24 m, 40 m and 32 m, is:
(A) 96 m2 (B) 384 m2 (C) 43 m2 (D) 192 m2

1. 3 2. 2 3. 1 4. 3 5. 3 6. 376.57 m2

13 615
7. 375 15, 4940 8. 32 2 9. 10. 120 , 24 11. B
12. B 13. D 14. C 15. C 16. C 17. A 18. A
19. A 20. B

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1. The largest of the altitudes of the triangle with sides 13 cm, 14 cm and 15 cm is :
(1) 12 (2) 11.2 (3) 11.9 (4) 12.9
2. Which of the following could be the sides of triangle?
(1) 2, 4, 8 (2) 3, 6, 10 (3) 3, 8, 14 (4) 5, 6, 7
3. The area of quadrilateral ABCD whose sides are 9 m, 12 m, 28 m and 15 m respectively and the angle
between the first two sides is a right angle is :
(1) 27  9 29 cm 2 (2) 54  14 29 cm 2 (3) 63  8 29 cm 2 (4) None of these
4. A triangle has sides 35 cm, 54 cm and 61 cm. It’s area is :
(1) 939.14 cm2 (2) 839.14 cm2 (3) 739.14 cm2 (4) 639.14 cm2
5. Area of an isosceles triangle with base as ‘a’ and its equal sides of length ‘x’ is:

1 1 a2 1 a2
(1) a x2  a2 (2) a x2  (3) a x2  (4) None of these
2 2 2 2 4
6. Area of a square whose diagonal is of length ‘d’ is :

1 1 2
(1) d2 (2) (2d)2 (3) (3d)2 (4) d
2 2
7. In the figure, the ratio of AD to DC is 3 to 2. If area of ABC is 40 cm2. What is the area of  BDC?

(1) 16 cm2 (2) 24 cm2 (3) 30 cm2 (4) 36 cm2
8. Find the area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 25cm, 13cm and other sides are 15cm and 15cm.
9. At the 3 sides of right triangle are integers and one side has a length 11 units. Area of the triangle in
square units lies between
(A) 1 and 100 (B) 100 and 200 (C) 200 and 300 (D) More than 300
10. In the figure given PM = 10 cm, MN = 15 cm and PN = 17 cm. Also QM = QX and XR = RN. Perimeter
of the  PQR is :



(A) 32 (B) 27 (C) 25 (D) 21

11. A triangle EFG is inscribed in a unit square ABCD with E on AB, F on DA, G on CD such that AE = DF
= CG = 1/3. The area of the triangle EFG is
5 1 5 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
18 3 9 9

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12. A triangle of area 9 y cm2 has been drawn such that its area is equal to the area of an equilateral triangle
of side 6 cm. Then, the value of y is :

(A) 2 cm (B) 3 cm (C) 2 cm (D) 3 cm

13. A plot of land is in the shape of a right angled isosceles triangles. The length of the hypotenuse is
50 2 m . The cost of fencing it at Rs. 3 per metre will be :
(A) less than Rs. 300 (B) less than Rs. 400 (C) more than Rs. 300 (D) more than Rs. 600
14. The perimeter of an isoscelers triangle is equal to 14 cm, the lateral side is to the base in the ratio 5:4. The
area of the triangle is :

1 3
(A) 21 cm2 (B) 21 cm2 (C) 21 cm 2 (D) 2 21 cm 2
2 2
15. In a trapezium ABCD with bases AB and CD, where AB = 52, BC = 12, CD = 39 and DA = 5. The area of
the trapezium ABCD, is:
(A) 182 (B) 195 (C) 210 (D) 260
16. The length of sides of triangle are integers and its perimeter is 14. How many such distinct triangles are
(A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 3
17. The area of a rhombus is 36 cm2. If one diagonal is double of second, then the length of bigger diagonal
is -
(A) 6 cm (B) 12 cm (C) 16 cm (D) 36 cm

1. 4 2. 4 3. 2 4. 1 5. 3

6. 4 7. 1 8. 57 21 cm 9. D 10. B

11. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. C

16. C 17. B

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1. Solve for x & y.

(a) x + 3y = 7 ; 3x + y = 5 (b) 2x + 3y = 31 ; 5x – 3y = 18
(c) x + y = P ; 3x – 7y = Q
2. Which for following pair of equation if solution is possible or not.
(a) 2x + 3y = 7 ; x + 2y = 4 (b) 3x + 4y = 14 ; 6x + 8y = 21
(c) 4x + 3y = 7 ; 8x + 6y = 14
3. Pair of linear equations 2x + 5y = 15 and 4x + ky = 31 have no solutions. Find value of K.
4. Pair of linear equations x + 2y = 17 and ax + 4y = 30 have unique intergral solution. Find least possible
natural value of a.
5. Pair of linear equations x + 7y = 20 and 2x + 14y = K have infinitely many solution. Find K.
6. What is area of quadrilateral | x | + | y | = 4?
7. ab is a 2 digit number another number is formed by reversing digits if sum of these number is 99 and
difference of digit is 3, find the number.
8. A person has 100 coins in denomination of 1 & 5. He had total 140. Find no. of coins of 5
9. In a triangle ABC, B = C and A is twice the sum of other two angles. Find all angles of the triangle.
10. 5 years ago. Ram’s father age was 6 times of his age. 5 years hence, sum of their ages will be 55. Find
current age of Ram.
11. A milk vendor sells 1 litre milk using a Jar. But this jar actually holds 950 ml instead 1 litre. If one day,
he sells total of 10 litres of milk (actual amount) than how much amount of milk he sold using the jar.
12. If 4x + py = – 8 and 2x + 2y + 2 = 0 has unique solution find p.

5 1 6 3
13. Solve for x and y:   2,   1.
x 1 y  2 x 1 y  2

14. A trains crossses a 100 m platform in 20 secs and a pole in 15 secs. Find length and speed of the train.
15. Solve for x and y : 2x + 3y = 8; 4x + 6y = 7.


9P  Q PQ
1. (a) x = 1; y = 2; (b) x = 7; y = 17/3; (c) x= ;y=
10 10
2. (a) solution possible; (b) not possible; (c) solution possible
3. k = 10 4. a=1 5. k = 40
6. 32 square units 7. 63 or 36 8. 10 coins
9. ÐA = 120°; ÐB = 30°; ÐC = 30° 10. 10 years
11. 10-5 l 12. p¹4 13. x = 4; y = 5
14. length = 300 m ; speed - 20 m/s 15. No solutions

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1. A train running at the speed of 20 m/s crosses a pole in 24 sec less than the time it requires to cross a
platform thrice its length at the same speed. What is the length of the train?
(1) 150 m (2) 200 m (3) 180 m (4) 160 m
2. A person travels from P to Q at a speed of 40 km/hr and returns by increasing his speed by 50%. What is
his average speed for both the trips?
(1) 44 Km/hr (2) 46 Km/hr (3) 48 Km/hr (4) 50 Km/hr
3. Robert is travelling on his cycle and has calculated to reach point A at 2 P.M. if he travels at 10 kmph, he
will reach there at 12 noon if he travels at 15 kmph. At what speed must he travel to reach A at 1 P.M.?
(1) 9 Km/hr (2) 10 Km/hr (3) 11 Km/hr (4) 12 Km/hr
4. A man in a train notices that he can count maximum 41 telephone posts in one minute. If they are known
to be 50 metres apart, then at what speed is the train travelling?
(1) 60 Km/hr (2) 100 Km/hr (3) 110 Km/hr (4) 120 Km/hr
5. A bus without stopping travels at an average speed of 60 km/hr and with stoppages at an average speed
of 40 km/hr. What is the total time taken by the bus for stoppages on a route of length 300km?
(1) 4 Hrs (2) 3 Hrs (3) 2.5 Hrs (4) 3.5 Hrs
6. Karan and Arjun run a 100-meter race, where Karan beats Arjun by 10 metres. To do a favour to Arjun,
Karan starts 10 metres behind the starting line in a second 100 metre race. They both run at their earlier
speeds. Which of the following is true in connection with the second race?
(1) Karan and Arjun reach the finishing line simultaneously
(2) Arjun beats Karan by 1 metre
(3) Arjun beats Karan by 11 metres
(4) Karan beats Arjun by 1 metre
7. Two boys begin together to write out a booklet containing 535 lines. The first boy starts with the first line,
writing at the rate of 100 lines an hour; and the second starts with the last line then writes line 534 and so
on, backward proceeding at the rate of 50 lines an hour. At what line will they meet?
(1) 356 (2) 277 (3) 357 (4) 267
8. A hostel has provision for 800 men for 42 days at the rate of 2 kg per day per man. For how many days
will the provision last for 600 men at the rate of 4 kg per day per man?
(1) 28 (2) 29 (3) 30 (4) 27
9. x men can do a work in 120 days. If there were 20 men less, the work would have taken 60 days more.
What is the value of x?
(1) 60 (2) 40 (3) 50 (4) 70
10. A, B and C can do a work in 10 days, 12 days and 15 days respectively. If they contract a work for
Rs. 360/-, find B's share is how much more than C's?
(1) 32 (2) 18 (3) 24 (4) 48
11. Pipe A can fill a tank in 6 hours. Due to a leak at the bottom it takes 9 hours to fill the tank. In what time
the leak alone can empty the full tank?
(1) 16 hours (2) 15 hours (3) 18 hours (4) 17 hours

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

12. The average salary of all the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8000. The average salary of 7 technicians is
Rs. 12000 and the average salary of the rest is Rs. 6000. The total number of workers in the workshop is :
(1) 20 (2) 21 (3) 23 (4) 24
13. The average weight of 8 person increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them
weighing 65 kg. What might be the weight of the new person?
(1) 70 Kgs (2) 75 Kgs (3) 80 Kgs (4) 85 Kgs
14. Ajay and Vijay have some marbles with them. Ajay told Vijay "if you give me 'x' marbles, both of us will
have equal number of marbles". Vijay then told Ajay "if you give me twice as many marbles, I will have
30 more marbles than you would". Find 'x'?
(1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) 8
15. A bag contains equal number of Rs. 5, Rs. 2 and Re. 1 coins. If the total amount in the bag is Rs. 1152,
find the number of coins of each kind?
(1) 432 (2) 288 (3) 144 (4) 72
16. A man purchased 15 pens, 12 books, 10 pencils and 5 erasers. The cost of each pen is Rs. 36, each book
is Rs. 45, each pencil is Rs. 8, and the cost of each eraser is Rs. 40 less than the combined costs of pen
and pencil. Find the total amount spent?
(1) Rs. 1100 (2) Rs. 1120 (3) Rs. 1180 (4) Rs.1160
17. On Independence Day, bananas to be distributed equally among the children in a school so that each
child would get two bananas. On the particular day 360 children were absent and as a result each child
got two extra bananas. Find the actual number of children in the school?
(1) 600 (2) 620 (3) 500 (4) 720
18. Two merchants sell, each an article for Rs.1000. If Merchant A computes his profit on cost price, while
Merchant B computes his profit on selling price, they end up making profits of 25% respectively. By how
much is the profit made by Merchant B greater than that of Merchant A?
(1) Rs.66.67 (2) Rs.50 (3) Rs.125 (4) Rs.200
19. If apples are bought at the rate of 30 for a rupee, how many apples must be sold for a Rupee so as to gain
(1) 28 (2) 25 (3) 20 (4) 22
20. A trader buys goods at a 19% discount on the label price. If he wants to make a profit of 20% after
allowing a discount of 10%, by what % should his marked price be greater than the original label price?
(1) +8% (2) –3.8% (3) +33.33% (4) None of these

Q. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
ANS. 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 1 1 3 3 2 4 2 3 3 4 2 2 1

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2


1. A is twice as efficient as B and can complete a job 30 days before B. In how many days they can
complete the job together?
(1) 25 days (2) days (3) 20 days (4) None of these
2. A tank can be filled in 20 minutes. There is a leakage which can empty it in 60 minutes. In how many
minutes can tank be filled?
(1) 30 Minutes (2) 40 Minutes (3) 20 Minutes (4) 35 Minutes
3. A and B together can finish a work in 30 days. They worked together for 20 days and then B left. After
another 20 days, A finished the remaining work. In how many days A alone can finish the work?
(1) 40 days (2) 90 days (3) 30 days (4) 60 days
4. Eight men and six boys can do a work in eleven days, and nine men and twelve boys can do the work in
nine days. In how many days can six men and thirty boys together do the work?
(1) 11 (2) 8 (3) 10 (4) 9
5. A machine P can print one lakh books in 8 hours, machine Q can print the same number of books in 10
hours while machine R can print them in 12 hours. All the machines are started at 9 A.M. while machine
P is closed at 11 A.M. and the remaining two machines complete work. Approximately at what time will
the work (to print one lakh books) be finished?
5 5
(1) 1:05 PM (2) 1:00 PM (3) 1:10 PM (4) None of these
11 11
6. A boat covers a distance of 30 km downstream in 2 hour while it takes 6 hour to cover the same distance
upstream. What is the speed of the boat in km/hr?
(1) 5 (2) 7.5 (3) 10 (4) 12
7. A boy is running at a speed of P km/hr to cover a distance of 1km but due to the slippery ground, his
speed is reduced by Q km/hr (P > Q). If he takes R hours to cover the distance then,
(1) 1/R = (P – Q) (2) R = (P – Q) (3) 1/R = (P + Q) (4) R = (P + Q)
8. X and Y start walking towards each other at 10 am at speeds of 3 km/hr and 4 km/hr respectively. They
were initially 17.5 km apart. At what time do they meet?
(1) 2:30 PM (2) 11:30 PM (3) 1:30 PM (4) 12:30 PM
9. A monkey tries to ascend a 14 m high greased pole. He ascends 2 m in first minute and slips 1 m in next
minute. If he continues to ascend in this fashion, how long does he take to reach the top?
(1) 26 Min (2) 24 Min (3) 22 Min (4) 25 Min
10. Walking at 3/4 of his usual pace, a man reaches his office 20 minute late. Find his usual time?
(1) 2 Hrs (2) 1 Hr (3) 3 Hrs (4) 1.5 Hrs
11. Find the average of all numbers between 6 and 34 which are divisible by 5
(1) 15 (2) 20 (3) 25 (4) 30
12. A library has an average of 510 visitors on Sundays and 240 on other day. The average number of
visitors in a month of 30 days starting with Sunday is
(1) 280 (2) 285 (3) 290 (4) 276

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13. Average of five numbers is 27. If one number is excluded the average becomes 25. The excluded
number is
(1) 35 (2) 45 (3) 55 (4) 65
14. A dealer offers a cash discount of 20% and still makes a profit of 20%, when he further allows 16 articles
to a dozen to a particularly sticky bargainer. How much per cent above the cost price were his wares
(1) 100% (2) 80% (3)75% (4) 66%
15. If a merchant offers a discount of 40% on the marked price of his goods and thus ends up selling at cost
price, what was the % mark up?
(1) 28.57% (2) 40% (3) 66.66% (4) 58.33%
16. A merchant marks his goods in such a way that the profit on sale of 50 articles is equal to the selling price
of 25 articles. What is his profit margin?
(1) 25% (2) 50% (3) 100% (4) 66.67%

1 1 1
17. Ram, Sham and Suresh start business investing in the ratio 2 : 3 : 6 . The time for which each of them

invested their money was in the ratio 8:6:12 respectively. If they get profit of Rs.18000 from the business,
then how much share of profit will Ram get?
(1) Rs.4000 (2) Rs.6000 (3) Rs.8000 (4) Rs. 9000
18. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a college is 7:8. If the percentage increase in the number of
boys and girls be 20% and 10% respectively, what will be the new ratio?
(1) 8 : 9 (2) 17 : 18 (3) 21 : 22 (4) Cannot be determined
19. A bag contains 50 paisa, 20 paisa and 10 paisa coins in the ratio 5:3:1.If the total amount in the bag is
640 Rs. Find the difference in the amounts contributed by 50 paisa and 20 paisa coins.
(1) Rs.300 (2) Rs.400 (3) Rs.380 (4) None of these
20. Find the total positive integral solutions for the equation 4x + 5y=100.
(1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) None of these

Q. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
ANS. 3 1 4 4 1 3 1 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 4 3 3 1

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1. In figure if AB || CD || EF, PQ || RS, RQD  25 0 and CQP  60 0 , then QRS is equal to

C 0
25 D
60 Q

(a) 850 (b) 1350 (c) 1450 (d) 1100
2. If one angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the other two angles, then the triangle is
(a) An isosceles triangle (b) An obtuse triangle (c) An equilateral triangle (d) A right triangle
3. An exterior angle of a triangle is 1050 and its two interior opposite angles are equal. Each of these equal
angle is :
0 0 0
1 1 1
(a) 37 (b) 52 (c) 72 (d) 75°
2 2 2
4. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 5 : 3 : 7 the triangle is
(a) Acute Angle (b) Obtuse angled (c) Right angled (d) An isosceles
5. A C
P 80
G 120

Find x in above figure

(a) 20° (b) 30° (c) 40° (d) 100°
6. A E B
0 z
C x D
Find y :
(a) 70° (b) 60° (c) 50° (d) 80°
7. B D
67 C 23

Find x :
(a) 900 (b) 440 (c) 460 (d) None of these
8. A G B
F (x+10)0
Find x . 0

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9. P Q
30 155

Find x :
(a) 300 (b) 250 (c) 350 (d) 400


Find x.
11. If two complementary angles are in the ratio 7 : 11, find the supplement of the bigger angle.
x l

P z

In the above figure, find the value of z, if x is two third of y which is complement of 450.
13. If x0 is the measure of an angle which is equal to its complement and y0 is the measure of an angle which
is equal to its supplement, then 0 is :
(a) 1 (b) (c) 2 (d) 3

30 x

If AB || CD, and EF || BD, then find x.

15. Two complimentary angles are in the ratio 2 : 3. Find supplementary of their complementary angles.
16. In the adjoining figure AB || CD and PQ, QR intersects AB and CD both at E, F and G, H respectively.
Given that mPEB  80, mQHD  120 and mPQR  x  , find the value of x:

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2

17. In the above figure, PT is the bisector of  QPR in  PQR and PS  QR. Find the vlaue of x.

18. In Figure, PQ || R S ,  PAB = 70° and  ACS = 100°. Determine  ABC ,  BAC and  CAQ.

19. In the Fig. AMN, APQ, QRM and PRN are all straight lines. The value of    is.

55° 125° 

(a) 70° (b) 55° (c) 90° (d) 75°

20. In the given figure QP || ML. Find the value of x.

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (a)
8. 120° 9. (b) 10. 135° 11. 125° 12. 75° 13. (b) 14. 30°
15. 126°/144° 16. 20° 17. x = 10°18. 70°, 30°, 80° 19. (a) 20. 30°

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1. Which of the following two shapes can be joined together to form a semi-circle?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (c) and (d) (2) (b) and (a) (3) (b) and (c) (4) (a) and (d)
2. The value of the supplement of the complement of 3° is :
(1) 93° (2) 9° (3) 87° (4) none of these
3. Which of the following is false for a triangle?
(1) Each angle is equal to 60° (2) Two angles are right angles
(2) One angle is obtuse angle (4) Two angles are acute angles
4. If AB and CD are parallel, find the value of angle x.

(a) 120° (2) 50° (3) 60° (4) 70°

5. If AB and CD are parallel, find the value of angle x.

(1) 65° (2) 125° (3) 115° (4) 105°

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

6. If AD and BD are bisectors of  CAB and  CBA respectively, find sum of angle x and y.

(1) 43° (2) 40° (3) 31° (4) 48°

7. If AB and CD are parallel, find the value of x+y.

(1) 80° (2) 90° (3) 120° (4) 100°

Fill in the blanks

8. If OD is perpendicular to AB, and  DOC = 50°, (  BOC –  AOC). = _______.

9. If AB and CD are parallel, value of angle x is _______.

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2

10. If AB and PQ are parallel, Value of angle Z is _______.

11. If AB and DE are parallel, find the value of  ACB.

12. Find the angle between

(a) West and South-West : ______.
(b) South-East and North-West : ______.
(c) North-West and West : ______.
(d) West and South : ______.
13. The angle between minute and hour hands is ______, when clock shows 1:00 O'clock ?

Check True/False
14. The sum of all the angles at a point is 360°.
(a) True (b) False
15. A triangle can have two obtuse angles.
(a) True (b) False
16. In the diagram if ABC and PQR are equilateral. The CXY equals

(A) 35° (B) 40° (C) 45° (D) 50°

17. In the figure shown, BEA  100 . Point F is chosen inside DBEA so that line FA bisects EAB and line
FB bisects EBA . The measure of BFA , is :

(A) 140° (B) 145° (C) 150° (D) 155°

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18. The altitudes of triangle are 12, 15 and 20 units. The largest angle in the triangle is :
(A) 75° (B) 90° (C) 120° (D) 135°

19. Lines PS, QT and RU intersect at a common point O, as shown P is joined to Q, R to S and T to U, to form
triangles. The value of P  Q  R  S  T  U is :

(A) 270° (B) 360° (C) 450° (D) 540°

20. Triangle ABC is isosceles with AB = AC. The measure of angle BAD is 30° and AD = AE. The measure
of angle EDC, is :

(A) 5° (B) 10° (C) 15° (D) 20°


1. (2) 2. (1) 3. (2) 4. (3) 5. (3) 6. (2) 7. (4)

8. 100° 9. 70° 10. 264 11. 90° 12. (a) 45° (b) 180° (c) 45°

(d) 90° 13. 30° 14. True 15. False 16. B 17. A 18. B

19. B 20. C

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 4


24  4  162 11. Arrange the following surds in descending order

1. If  1 , find the value of n.
82  2 n 6
17, 2, 12 25, 3
2. Simplify :
What is the value of 42x 2 , if 16    64 
2 x 3 x 3
12. ?
25 125  64
(A) (B) (A) 64 (B) 256
16 9 80 36
(C) 32 (D) 512
3. Prove that 2n – m = 1 for expression
7 3 3th 4th
a  b  a
3 3 m
13 A boy read of a book on one day and
 2  4  n 8 5
b  a  b of the remaining on another day. If there were
4. Find a & b for following 30 pages unread, how may pages did the book
2 3 contain?
ab 3  (A) 220 (B) 240
2 3
(C) 270 (D) None of these
23 7 14. Choose the rational number which does not lie
5. If 510.237 = 5A + B + 
C D 2 1
Find A + B + C + D. between rational numbers  and 
1 5

6. Find the value of 3  2 1 3

2 (A)  (B) 
1 4 10
2 3 7
5 (C) (D) 
10 20

7. The value of 3 3 3 3........ upto infinity, is 4 17 6

15. Represent , and  on the same number
11 11 11
(A) 3 (B) 3 3 line.

(C) 3 (D) 9 2 3
16. Find six rational number between and .
5 4
5 3
8. If = 47 a + 3 b then find the value of a 17. Find number of natural number solutions of x+y = 8
74 3
+ b. 18. A rational number between 2 and 3 is
(A) 28 (B) 27 (A) 1.414 (B) 1.8
(C) 1 (D) 29
(C) 1.732 (D) 1.734
9. Sum of 4 63  5 7  8 28 is
19. Descending order of 21/ 2 , 31/3 , & 51/5 is
(A) 28 (B) 7 (A) 51/5  31/3  21/ 2 (B) 21/2  31/3  51/5
(C) 14 (D) 21 (C) 21/2  51/5  31/3 (D) 31/3  21/ 2  51/5
2n  2n 1 20. Which of the following number has rational
10. The value of is equal to:
2n 1  2n square root ?
(A) 1.5 (B) 2/3 (A) 0.4 (B) 0.09
(C) 2 (D) 4 (C) 0.9 (D) 0.025

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

Decimal form of rational numbers can be classified In a classroom activity on real numbers, the students
into two types. have to pick a number card from a pile and frame
 Let x be a rational number whose decimal question on it if it is not a rational number for the rest
expansion terminates. Then x can be expressed in of the class. The number cards picked up by first 5
p students and their questions on the numbers for the
the form q , where p and q are co-prime and the rest of the class are as shown below. Answer them
prime factorisation of q is of the form 2n.5 m, where
n, m are non-negative integers and vice-versa. 26. Suraj picked up 8 and his question was - Which
of the following is true about 8 ?
 Let x  be a rational number, such that the (a) It is a natural number
prime factorisation of q is not of the form 2n5m, (b) It is an irrational number
where n and m are non-negative integers. Then x (c) It is a rational number
has a non-terminating repeating decimal expansion. (d) None of these
21. Which of the following rational numbers have a 27. Shreya picked up 'BONUS' and her question was
terminating decimal expansion ? - Which of the following is not irrational?
(A) 125/441 (B) 77/210 (a) 3  4 5 (b) 7 6
(D) 129  2  5  7 
2 2 2
(C) 15/1600
(c) 2  2 9 (D) 4 11  6
22. 23 /  2  5
3 2
 28. Ananya picked up 15  10 and her question was -
(A) 0.575 (B) 0.115
15  10 is _____ number..
(C) 0.92 (D) 1.15
(a) a natural (b) an irrational
23. 441 /  22  57  7 2  is a ______ decimal. (c) a whole (d) a rational
(A) terminating 1
(B) recurring 29. Suman picked up and her question was –
(C) non-terminating and non-recurring 5
(D) None of these 1
24. For which of the following value(s) of p, is ________ number..
251 /  23  p 2  is a non-terminating recurring (a) a whole (b) a rational
decimal? (c) an irrational (d) a natural
(A) 3 (B) 7 30. Preethi picked up 6 and her question was - Which
(C) 15 (D) All of these of the following is not irrational?
25. 241 /  25  53  is a ______ decimal.
(a) 15 + 3 6 (b) 24  9
(A) terminating (B) recurring
(c) 5 150 (d) None of these
(C) non-terminating (D) None of these

5 5
1. 8 2. (A) (B) 3. DIY 4. a = 7, b = 4
12 3

5. 1210 6. 7. A 8. A 9. B

10. D 11. 6
17  3 4  2  12 25 12. B 13. B

14. C 15. DIY 16. DIY 17. (7) 18. C

19. D 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. A
24. D 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. B
29. C 30. D

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2


1. The value oc x satisfying 184x 3  (54 2)3x  4 is 7. The value of the expression

(A) 2 (B) 6 
34  24 2  4  3 2 
(C) 3 (D 4
(A) 2 (B) -2
2. Find the value of
(C) 3 (D) 4

 8. If 22008  22007  22006  22005  k  22005 then find

 1 1 1
   the value of k is equal to
  6 5   5 4   4 3  (A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5

1 1 
  
 3 2   
2 1 
 9. abc is a three digit number. ab, bc, ca are two
digit numbers determine all three digits numbers
abc such that abc = ab + bc + ca
3. If X  3 2 2 find the value of
2  x 2  x 2  . 1 1 1
10. If 2 x  3y  6 z , then     is equal to:
x y z
(A) 24 (B) 24 2
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 48 (D) 96 2
3 1
(C) (D) 
2 2
4. 11 11 11......4 terms 
11. The square root of (2722 – 1282) is
(A) 16
115 (B) 16
11 (A) 144 (B) 200
(C) 240 (D) 256
(C) 16
1114 (D) 16
12. If x  a  a 2  1 , express a in terms of x.
3x  1  3x  6
5. Find x if 7
3x  1  3x  6 3 1 3 1
13. If a  and b  then find the value
3 1 3 1
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 5 (D) 7 of a2 + ab + b2

6. If p1 and p2 are two odd prime numbers such 1

14. If a  8  60 , then a is
that p1 > p2 then p12 - p22 is: a
(A) an even number
5 3 3 53 3
(B) an odd number (A) (B)
2 2
(C) an odd prime number
5 3 3 5 3
(C) (D)
(D) a prime number 2 2

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

 1 
15. If 12  12  12  ......  ? 18. If x  3  2 2 , then the value of  x   is
 x
(A) 12 (B) 2 3 (A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 4 (D) 3 (C) 2 2 (D) 3 3

16. 10  24  60  40 is equal to 1
19. Find the value of x, if 84x 3 
32 x  2
(A) 2 3 5
1 1
(B) 5 3 7 (A) (B)
17 17
(C) 1  2  7 3 3
(C) (D)
17 17
(D) 5 3 7
20. If 2048  2x , 2187  3y and
5  2 6   
x 2 1 x 2 1
17.  5 2 6 =10, then x is :
3125  5z then value of x + y – z is :
(A) 2 (B)  2 (A) 1 (B) 9

(C) 0 (D) All of the above (C) 13 (D) 23

1. B 2. 6  1 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. A
x2  1
8. B 9. 198 10. A 11. C 12. a 13. 15
14. B 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. C

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2


1. If x 4  1  1297 and y4  1  2400 , then

10. x x2
2 x 3x
3 x3
6 x4 10
9x 
y  x  _________ .
2 2

(A) 10 (B) 25 (A) 18 (B) 54

(C) 13 (D) 43 (C) 24 (D) 36

   
9 6
2. Find solution of 3 34  4 2  54 11. 6
52 6 3
3  2  ________ .

(A) 0 (B) 2
3. If 13  x 10  8  5 , then what is the value
of x? (C) 1 (D) 2
(A) -5 (B) -6 y
 8 
If 4     10 then what is the relation
x z
(C) -4 (D) -2 12.
4. Find the Rationalization factor (R.F) of  1000 
between x, y & z given that they are non-zero real
33  4 35 . numbers?
5. Simplify:
1 1 1
(A)   0
 1  1 1  1 1  2x 3y z
 p  q  p  q    1  1  1  1    pq 
1 1 1 2

 p q  p q 
1 1 1
(B)  
(A)  pq 
(B) -1 2x y z

(C)   pq  1 1 1
(D) 1
(C)  
x 3y z
6. If a p  b q  c r  abc , then pqr = _________ .
1 1 1
(A) p q  q r
2 2
(B) pq  qr  pr (D)  
2x 3y z
(C)  pq  qr  rp  (D) pq  qr  rp 

13. If x y  y x & x 2  y where x and y are distinct

7. If a  17  16 and b  16  15 then positive real number, then find the value of x +
(A) a < b (B) a > b 2y is
(C) a = b (D) None of these (A) 8 (B) 3
(C) 10 (D) 12
8.  15  2 56   
6 3

7  2 2  ______ .
14. Find the sum of all possible value of x satisfying
(A) 0 (B) 1 |x – 3| = 5
(C) -1 (D) 2 (A) 8 (B) –2
(C) 6 (D) –10
9. If x y
3  5  10125 , then 12xy = _______ .
15. Given 3  1.7321 , find the value of the
(A) 1 (B) following surd, correct to three decimal places.

1 3 1 3 1 4  3
(C) 2 (D)  
2 3 1 3 1 4  3

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

a 2  b2  a a 2  b2  b 1 1
16. Simplify:  20. If A , B ,
a b b
2 2
a a b
2 2 74 3 2 19  5 3

17. Find the 100th root of 10

10 

1 , then which of the following is true?
52 6
a  2b  a  2b (A) A < B < C
18. If x  , prove that bx2 – ax +
a  2b  a  2b (B) B > A > C
b = 0.
(C) A < C < B

 1 
(D) C > B > A
a   a   x
 b  b a 
19. If p q
   then what is x ?
 1  1 b
b   b  
 a  a

1. C 2. 7290000 3. C 4. 2 7 5 5. B 6. B
7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. C 12. D

b 10 

13. C 14. C 15. 6.527 16.   17. 10 18. DIY

19. x=p+q 20. B

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2


If q  x   x  2 x , find

(i) q(0) (ii) q(1) (iii) q(2)

2. Find the zeroes of the polynomial x  9 x  18 .
(A) 2, 16 (B) 3, 6 (C) 2, 3 (D) None of these

3. Find the remainder when p(x) = x 2  5 x  6 , is divided by x – 2.

(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 12

4. If x 3  2 x 2  ax  b has factors x + 1 and x – 1, find a and b.

(A) –1, –2 (B) 1, 2 (C) 0, 1 (D) –2, –3

5. Find the remainder when 4 x 2  8 x  3 is divided by 2x + 1.

(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 12

6. Factorise the quadratic polynomial 3 x 2  11x  8 .

7. Use factor theory to determine whether (x – 2) is a factor of f(x) = 3x2 –18x + 24.
8. Factorise

x 3  6 x 2  11x  6 .

Evaluate without directly multiplying 15   4   11 .

3 3 3

10. Factorise

 x  y 3   y  z 3   z  x 3 .
11. If a   4 , find the values of

2 1 3 1 4 1
(i) a  (ii) a  (iii) a 
a2 a3 a4

12. If a  b  16 , and ab = 32, find the value of a2  b2 .

13. Simplify :

2a2  3a  2 .
14. Show that 1 is a zero of the polynomial x 4  2 x 3  3 x 2  5 x  1 .
15. Evaluate following using identities;

(i) 98  102 (ii) 463  293  173 (iii) 993 (iv) 1023

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

16. If x  y  4, then the value of x 3  y3  12xy  64 will be
(A) 0 (B) 128 (C) 64 (D) –64

 a 2  5ab a 2  b2 
17. 
The value of  a 2  6ab  5b 2 a 2  ab  is :
 

a 1
(A) –1 (B) (C) (D) 1
b a

(a  b) 2 (b  c) 2 (c  a) 2
18. Evaluate : (b  c)(c  a)  (a  b) (c  a)  (a  b)(b  c) .

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

a b
If (a  b )  (a  b ) then  
2 2 3 3 3 2
b a

2 3 5 6
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 2 6 5

x 3  y 3
20. 
x 3 y 1  (xy) 2  y 3 x 1

1 1 1 1
(A) x + y (B) y – x (C) x  y (D) x  y

1. (i) 0 (ii) 3 (iii) 8 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (B)
6. (3x + 8)(x + 1) 7. Yes 8. (x – 1)(x – 2)(x – 3) 9. 1980

10. 3  x  y  y  z  z  x  11. (i) 14 (ii) 52 (iii) 194 12. 192

13.  a  2  2 a 1  14. Yes 15. (i) 9996 (ii) 68034 (iii) 970299
(iv) 1061208 16. A 17. D 18. D 19. A 20. B

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2


1. 2 is a polynomial of degree :
(A) 2 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D)
2. If 4x 4  3x 3  3x 2  x  7 is divided by 1 – 2x then remainder will be :

57 59 55 55
(A) (B)  (C) (D) 
8 8 8 8
3. Find the factors of the polynomial
P(x) = x3 + 6x2 + 11 x + 6
4. Find HCF of (x2 – 4) and (x2 – 5x + 6).
5. Factorise following :
(a) x8 + x4 + 1 (b) 81p4 – 64q4
6. A polynomial of degree 4 with leading coefficient as 1 is to be find if P(1) = P(3) = P(5) = 0 and
P(4) = 6. Find P(x).
7. The HCF of the polynomials 12a 3b4 c2 , 18a 4 b3c3 and 24a 6 b 2 c 4 is ________ .

(A) 12a 3 b 2 c 2 (B) 6a 6 b 4 c 4 (C) 6a 3 b 2 c2 (D) 48a 6 b 4 c 4

8. Find remainder when P(x) = x300 is divided by (x – 1)
9. Find zeroes of the polynomial
P(x) = x4 + 8x3 + 22x2 + 24x + 9
10. Find LCM of (x5 + 32) & (x2 + 4x + 4)
11. Let p be a root of the equaiton x2 + 2x + 6 = 0.
Then the value of (p + 2) (p + 3) (p + 4) (p + 5) is :
(a) 51 (b) –51 (c) –126 (d) 126
12. Let R1 and R2 are the remainders when the polynomials x + 2x – 5ax – 7 and x3 + ax2 – 12x + 6 are
3 2

divided by x + 1 and x – 2 respectively. If 2R1 + R2 = 6, find the value of a.

1 1 1 1
13. Find the value of x in x    
1 2 2  3 3  4 99  100
14. If (x – 2) is a factor of (x – 1 )5 – (2x + 3k)2, then find the value of k
15. By remainder theorem, find the remainder when p(x) is divided by g(x).

p(x) = x3 – 6x2 + 2x – 4, g(x) = 1 – x.

16. If x = is a zero of the polynomial f(x) = 2x 3 – 11x 2 + kx – 20, find the remainder when

9kx 4
 4x 3  3x  1 is divided by x + 2.

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

17. If the polynomial P(x)  2x 4  x 3  5x 2  x  1 is divided by the polynomial Q(x)  x 2  x then the
remainder is a linear polynomial R(x) = ax + b. Then (a+b) equals :
(A) –2 (B) –1 (C) 1 (D) 2
18. The polynomial P(x)  x  4x  5x  8 is :
4 3

(A) divisible by (x+2) but not divisible by (x+1)

(B) divisible by (x+1) as well as (x+2)
(C) divisible by (x+1) but not divisible by (x+2)
(D) neither divisible by (x+1) nor by (x+2)
19. The value of k for which x + k is factor of x 3  kx 2  2x  k  4 is :

4 6
(A) –5 (B) 2 (C)  (D)
3 7
n2 2
 2mn 2
20. The square root of x m  xn  x n is
(D) x 2  m  n 
(A) x m  n (B) x  m  n 2 (C) x  m  n  /2
21. Direction: In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason
(R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion: Degree of a zero polynomial is not defined.
Reason: Degree of a non-zero constant polynomial is 0
(A) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(B) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(C) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(D) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
22. Direction: In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason
(R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion: The sum and product of the zeros of a quadratic polynomial are  and 1/4 respectively.
Then the quadratic polynomial is 4x2 + x + 1.
Reason : The quadratic polynomial whose sum and product of zeros are given is x 2 –(sum of zeros)
x + product of zeros.
(A) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(B) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(C) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(D) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

1. B 2. B 3. (x + 1)(x + 2)(x + 3) 4. (x – 2)

5. (a) (x4 + x2 + 1) (x4 – x 2 + 1) (b) (9p2 + 8q2)(3p + 2 2 q)(3p – 2 2 q)

6. (x – 1)(x – 3)(x – 5)(x – 6) 7. C 8. 1 9. –1, –1, –3, –3

10. (x + 2)2(x4 – 2x3 + 4x2 – 8x + 16) 11. C 12. a=2 13.

5 136
14. , 1 15. 16. 53 17. A 18. C
3 27
19. C 20. D 21. B 22. A

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2


1. The author of the book “The Book of games of chance” based on probability theory is
(1) J. Cardon (2) R.S. Woodwards (3) P.S. Laplace (4) P.D. Pherma
2. A bag contains 20 balls out of which x are black. If 10 more black balls are put in the box, the probability of
drawing a black
(1) 0 (2) 5 (3) 10 (4) 40
3. The probability of getting a number greater than 2 by throwing a fair dice is:
(1) 2/3 (2) 1/3 (3) 1 (4) 3/5
4. What is the probability of getting two heads in four tosses of a coin?

1 3 1 3
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 8 4 16

5. A die is thrown twice. The probability that 5 will not come up either of the time is

35 25 1 11
(1) (2) (3) (4)
36 36 36 36

6. A die is thrown twice. The probability of the sum being odd, is

1 1 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 3 4 6

7. Two fair die are thrown. The probability the sum of the numbers appearing is 6 is:

1 5 1 5
(1) (2) (3) (4)
6 6 36 36

8. From a pack of playing cards all cards whose numbers are multiple of 3 are removed. A card is now drawn at
random. Then the probability that the card drawn is an even number is red card :

10 1 1 3
(1) (2) (3) (4)
52 4 5 13

9. From the natural number 1 to 19, a number is chosen randomly, the probability that the number is a prime number

8 7 6 5
(1) (2) (3) (4)
19 19 19 19

10. In a 400 m running race, there are ‘n’ competitors and they are numbered at randon. Find the probability that
Sujata, numbered 12, will get 6th rank in the race>

1 1 n 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
6 n 1 n n

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11. A number is selected at random from first 50 natural numbers. The probability that selected number is a multiple of
3 or 4 is :

12 14 14 8
(1) (2) (3) (4)
25 25 50 25
12. The probability that a leap year selected will have 53 sundays is :

1 2 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) 0
7 7 7
13. Two fair dice the thrown together. The probabillity that the number 5 does not appear on any of them is:

1 5 11 25
(1) (2) (3) (4)
36 36 36 36
14. Two coins are tossed simultaneously. What is the probability or getting at least one head.

1 1 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) 1
4 2 4
15. Two dice are rolled, find the probability that the sum is
(1) equal to 1 (2) equal to 4 (3) less than 13
16. A jar contains 3 red marbles, 7 green marbles and 10 white marbles. If a marble is drawn from the jar at
random, what is the probability that this marble is white?

1 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) None of these
20 10 2

17. Bag contain 10 back and 20 white balls, one ball is drawn at random. What is the probability that ball is

1 4 2
(1) 1 (2) (3) (4)
3 3 3

18. What is the probability of getting at least one six in a single throw of three unbiased dice?

19. What is the probability that a two digit number selected at random will be a multiple of '3' and not a
multiple of '5'?
(1) 4/15 (2) 2/15 (3) 1/15 (4) 2/45
20. Two dice are tossed. The probability that the total score is a prime number is:
1 5 1 7
(1) (2) (3) (4)
6 12 2 9

1. 1 2. 2 3. 1 4. 2 5. 2 6. 1 7. 4
8. 3 9. 1 10. 4 11. 1 12. 2 13. 4 14. 3
15. (1) 0 (2) 1/12 (3) 1 16. 3 17. 4 18. 2 19. 1 20. 2

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2


1. Find the probability of selecting a black card or a 6 from a deck of 52 cards.

17 7 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
52 13 4 2
2. Two cards are drawn from the pack of 52 cards. Find the probability that both are diamonds or both are

14 467 83
(1) (2) (3) (4) None of these
663 2652 2652
3. What is the probability of drawing a king and a queen consecutively from a deck of 52 cards, without

4 4 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
663 13 104 52
4. A coin is tossed twice. What is the probability of getting two consecutive tails?
(1) 1/2 (2) 1/3 (3) 1/4 (4) 1
5. What is the probability of getting a 2 or a 5 when a die is rolled?
(1) 1/2 (2) 1/3 (3) 1/4 (4) 1/6
6. What is the probability of getting a sum of 7 when two dice are thrown?
(1) 1/2 (2) 2/3 (3) 1/4 (4) 1/6
7. Three dice are rolled together. What is the probability as getting at least one '4'?
(1) 43/216 (2) 1/72 (3) 7/36 (4) 91/216
8. What is the probability of the occurrence of a number that is odd or less than 5 when a fair die is rolled?
(1) 1 (2) 1/2 (3) 5/6 (4) Not Possible
9. When two dice are rolled, find the probability of getting a greater number on the first die than the one on
the second, given that the sum should equal 8.
(1) 1/6 (2) 2/5 (3) 1/18 (4) 5/36
10. A die is rolled thrice. What is the probability that the sum of the rolls is atleast 5?

212 5 5 1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
216 36 6 6
11. Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that the number obtained on one of the dice is
multiple of number obtained on the other dice?

11 7 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) None of these
18 18 2
12. A box contains 4 chocobars and 4 ice creams. Tom eats 3 of them, by randomly choosing. What is the
probability of choosing 2 chocobars and 1 icecream?

1 2 1 3
(1) (2) (3) (4)
5 3 7 7

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13. A pack contains 4 blue, 2 red and 3 black pens. If a pen is drawn at random from the pack, replaced and
the process repeated 2 more times, what is the probability of drawing 2 blue pens and 1 black pen?

16 2 16 16
(1) (2) (3) (4)
27 9 81 243
14. A pack contains 4 blue, 2 red and 3 black pens. If 2 pens are drawn at random from the pack, NOT
replaced and then another pen is drawn. What is the probability of drawing 2 blue pens and 1 black pen?

2 1 9 1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
9 3 36 14
15. A problem is given to three persons P, Q, R whose respective chances of solving it are 2/7, 4/7, 4/9
respectively. What is the probability that the problem is solved?
16. Find the probability that a leap year has 53 Sundays.
17. Two fair dice are rolled together. The probability that the difference of numbers appearing is 1 will be

5 7 5 7
(1) (2) (3) (4)
6 36 18 14
18. Two coins are tossed simultaneously, the probability of getting at least one head is :

3 1 2 3
(1) (2) (3) (4)
4 2 3 5
19. A card is drawn from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards. The probability that card is a red ace is

1 1 3 1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
13 26 52 2
20. From a pack of 52 playing cards, face club cards are removed. The remaining cards are well shuffled and
a card is drawn at random. Find the probability that the card drawn is a heart card.

1 13 3 49
(1) (2) (3) (4)
4 49 52 52

1. 2 2. 4 3. 1 4. 3 5. 2 6. 4 7. 4
8. 3 9. 3 10. 1 11. 1 12. 4 13. 3 14. 4

122 2
15. 16. 17. 1 18. 4 19. 3 20. 1
147 7

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1. In the given figure, PQRS is a parallelogram. PO and QO respectively the bisectors of  P and  Q. Line
LOM is drawn parallel to PQ. Then PL is equal to

(1) PQ (2) QR (3) QM (4) OQ

2. Two diagonals of a parallelogram are qual then it is
(1) quadrilateral (2) a rectangle (3) a rhombus (4) a trapezium
3. Two diagonals of parallelogram are equal and perpendicular to each other then it is
(1) rectangle (2) rhombus (3) trapezium (4) square

4. ABCD is a rhombus with ABC  56, then ACD will be

(1) 56° (2) 124° (3) 62° (4) 34°

5. One interior angle of a regular polygon is 165°, then the number of sides of the polygon is:
(1) 15 (2) 25 (3) 24 (4) 18
6. In figure, ABCD is a parallelogram then the value of x is

(1) 25° (2) 60° (3) 75° (4) 45°
7. PQRS is a parallelogram and M, N are the mid-points of PQ and RS respectively. Which of the following
is not true?




(1) RM trisects QS (2) PN trisects QS (3)  PSN ~  QMR (4) MS is parallel to QN

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8. ABCD is quadrilateral, If AC and BD are its diagonals then the
(1) sum of the squares of the sides of the quadrilateral is equal to the sum of the squares of its diagonals.
(2) perimeter of the quadrilateral is equal to the sum of the diagonals.
(3) perimeter of the quadrilateral is less than the sum of the diagonals.
(4) perimeter of the quadrilateral is greater than the sum of the diagonals.
9. The ratio of a side and a diagonal of a square is

(1) 1: 2 (2) 3 : 2 (3) 2 :1 (4) 2 :3

10. Area of the quadrilateral ABCD whose diagonal AC = 15 cm and sides AB = 7 cm, BC = 12 cm,
CD = 12 cm and DA = 9 cm is
(1) 25.9 cm2 (2) 29.3 cm2 (3) 95.2 cm2 (4) 92.5 cm2
11. In a given figure is trapazium ABCD if AB || CD, then value of x is :


2 2
+5 5

29 8 1
(1) (2) (3) 20 (4)
8 29 20
12. The lengths of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 5 cm and 3.5 cm. One of its diagonals is 6.5 cm
long. Area of the parallelogram is

(1) 13 10 cm 2 (2) 23 5 cm 2 (3) 10 5 cm 2 (4) 10 3 cm 2

13. Area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 55 cm, 40 cm and non-parallel sides are 20 cm and 25 cm
respectively is
(1) 590 cm2 (2) 950 cm2 (3) 595 cm2 (4) 940 cm2
14. Find the measure of each angle of a parallelogram, if one of its angles is 30° less than twice the smallest
(1) 60°, 100°, 90°, 20 (2) 80°, 40°, 120°, 90° (3) 100°, 90°, 90°, 80° (4) 70°, 110°, 70°, 110°
15. The figure ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB || DC and E is the mid-point of BC. AE produced meets
DC produced at F. Prove that (i) AB = CF (ii) DF = DC + AB .

16. An obtuse angle of a rhombus is greater than twice the acute angle by 30°. Find the measure of each a
(A) 50° (B) 130° (C) 80° (D) 60°

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17. ABCD is rhombus and P, Q, S are respectively mid points of sides AB, BC, CD, DA. Then RSP
(A) 120° (B) 90° (C) 60° (D) 30°
18. If the angle bisectors of DAB and CBA of any quadrilateral ABCD intersects at the point P, then find



(A) C  D (B) C  B (C) A  B (D) A  D

19. The side of rhombus is 10 cm. The smaller diagonal is of the greater diagonal. Find the length of
greater diagonal :

(A) 6 10 cm (B) 10 6 cm (C) 6 5 cm (D) 5 6 cm

20. Sides AB and CD of a quadrilateral. ABCD are extended as in figure. Then a + b is equal to

b C

x a

(A) x+2y (B) x–y (C) x+y (D)) 2x+y

1. 3 2. 2 3. 4 4. 3 5. 3 6. 4 7. 3
8. 4 9. 1 10. 3 11. 3 12. 4 13. 2 14. 4
15. D.I.Y 16. 2 17. 2 18. 1 19. 1 20. 3

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 3


1. Consider the following statements:

I. The orthocenter of a right angled triangle is the vertex containing right angle.
II. The circumcenter of a right angled triangle is the mid-point of its hypotenuse.
III. The centroid of a right angled triangle lies in the interior of the triangle.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(1) I and II (2) Neither I nor II (3) II and III (4) All I, II, III are correct
2. Consider the following statements:
I. The centroid of an obtuse angled triangle lies in the interior of the triangle.
II. Orthocentre of an abtuse angled triangle lies in the exterior of the triangle.
III. Circumcentre of an obtuse angled triangle lies in the exterior of the triangle.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(1) I and II (2) neither I nor II (3) II and III (4) All I, II, III are correct
3. In  ABC, XY is parallel to AC and divides the triangle into the two parts of equal area. Then the

2 1 2 2
(1) (2) X Y
2 2

2 2 2 1
(3) (4)
2 2 A C

4. In a triangle ABC, AB = AC. Points D and E are on the sides BC and AC respectively such that AD = AE.
If BAD  30 , then the measure of EDC is
(1) 10° (2) 15° (3) 20° (4) 25°
5. ABCD is quadrilateral whose diagonals intersect each other at the point O such that OA = OB = OD. If
OAB  30 , then the measures of ODA is
(1) 30° (2) 45° (3) 60° (4) 90°
6. If P is a point inside the scalene triangle ABC such that APB, BPC and CPA have the same area then
P must be
(1) in centre of  ABC (2) circumcentre of  ABC
(3) centroid of  ABC (4) orthocentre of  ABC
7. If the segment joining the midpoint of the consecutive side of quadrilateral ABCD form a rectangle then
ABCD must be
(1) rhombus (2) square (3) kite (4) all of these
8. In a quadrilateral ABCD, if AB || CD, D  2B, AD  b and CD  a, then the side AB is of length

(1)  2b (2) a  2b (3) 2a  b (4) a  b
9. If x denotes an angle between any two lines of symmetry of a regular hexagon, then the minimum value
of x is
(1) 30° (2) 45° (3) 60° (4) 90°

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

10. Which of the following statements holds always?
(1) Every rectangle is a square. (2) Every parallelogram is a trapezium
(3) Every rhombus is a square (4) Every parallelogram is a rectangle
11. If angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2 : 4 : 9, then the difference of the two smaller exterior angles of the
triangle is
(1) 24° (2) 30° (3) 44° (4) 60°
12. If the angles A, B, C and D of a quadrilateral ABCD in the same order are in the ratio 3 : 7 : 6 : 4, then
ABCD is a
(1) parallelogram (2) rhombus (3) trapezium (4) kite
13. In ABC, AB  AC, P and Q are points on AC and AB respectively such that BC = BP = PQ = AQ. Then,
AQP is equal to (use   180)

2 3 4 5
(1) (2) (3) (4)
7 7 7 7
14. Which is not correct about rectangle EFGH ?
(1)  E =  F =  G =  H = 90° (2) EG = FH
(3) EF = GH and HE = FG (4) EG and FH are  bisectors.
15. Two opposite angles of a parallelogram are (3x – 2)° and (63 – 2x)°. then the largest angles of the
parallelogram is
(1) 143° (2) 137° (3) 121° (4) 117°
16. In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, X and Y are the mid-points of AB and CD respectively. If
the area of the rectangle BCYX = 36 sq. cm, then the area of the  ABC is equal to (in sq. cm)



(1) 9 (2) 10 (3) 36 (4) 72

17. Find the measure of all the angles of a parallelogram, if one angle of the adjacent angles is 20° less than
thrice the smallest angle
18. ABCD is a rectangle with  ABD = 50°. Determine  DOA where O is the point of intersection of

1. 4 2. 4 3. 2 4. 2 5. 3 6. 3 7. 4
8. 4 9. 3 10. 2 11. 4 12. 3 13. 4 14. 4
15. 1 16. 3 17. 50°, 130°, 50°, 130° 18. 100°

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1. The abscissa of the point of intersection of the less than type and of the more than type cumulative
frequency curves of a grouped data gives its
(1) mean (2) median (3) mode (4) all the three above
2. The mean of 11 numbers is 35. If the mean of first 6 numbers is 32 and that of last 6 numbers is 37, then
the 6th number is equal to
(1) 28 (2) 29 (3) 31 (4) None of these
3. Construction of a cumulative frequency table is useful in determining the
(1) mean (2) median (3) mode (4) All three measures
4. If number 6, 8, 2x-5, 2x-1, 15, 17, 20 and 22 are in ascending order and its median is 14 then the value
of x will be
(1) 14 (2) 7 (3) 8 (4) 12
5. In a frequency distribution, the mid value of a class is 10 and the width of the class is 6. The lower limit
of the class is
(1) 6 (2) 7 (3) 8 (4) 12

1 1
6. If the mean of x and is M, then the mean of x 2 and 2 is :
x x

(1) M 2 (2) (3) 2M 2  1 (4) 2M 2  1

7. If the mean of the observation x, x  3, x  5, x  7 and x  10 is 9, the mean of the last three observation is

1 2 1 2
(1) 10 (2) 10 (3) 11 (4) 11
3 3 3 3
8. The premodal class and postmodal class rectangles have same height. If the modal class is 40-60, then
what is mode ?
(1) 40 (2) 60 (3) 100 (4) 50
9. The mean of 20 observation is 5. If each observation is multiplied by 2, then new mean of the resulting
observations is
(1) 7 (2) 10 (3) 20 (4) 40
10. Which of the following is a false statement ?
(1) Median can be determined graphically. (2) Mean can be determined from the graph.
(3) Mean cannot be determined by inspection. (4) Mode can be determined graphically.
11. Find the value of p. if the mean of the following distribution is 7.5.

x 3 5 7 9 11 13
f 6 8 15 p 8 4
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4

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12. The average weight (in kg) of all the students in a class equals the number of students in the class. The
increase in the average weight when a teacher to 21 kg is included equals the decreases in average
weight when a student of 19kg is included. The strength of the class is
(1) 15 (2) 10 (3) 20 (4) 17
13. In a test of 50 marks, 16 students got the following marks :
48, 38, 49, 37, 43, 50, 37, 42, 48, 44, 47, 48, 45, 40, 46, 42
The mean, median and mode of the marks are respectively,
(1) 43.5, 45.5, 48 (2) 44, 45.5, 48 (3) 43.5, 44.5, 48 (4) 44, 44.5, 48
14. The median and mode of a frequency distribution are 525 and 500 then mean of same frequency distribution is
(1) 75 (2) 107.5 (3) 527.5 (4) 537.5

x x x x x x
15. If the median of , , , x, , , is 8, then the value of x is _________ .
7 5 6 4 3 2
(1) 8 (2) 24 (3) 32 (4) 48
16. Four times the arithmetic mean of x and 10 is 70, then what is value of x ?
(1) 65 (2) 25 (3) 50 (4) 35
17. The mean of n numbers x1, x2, .... xn is M. If x1 is replaced by 'a', the few mean is :

nM  x1  a M  x1  a nM  a  x1
(1) (2) (3) (4) None of these
n n n

18. Which of the following is correct for the given data 55, 38, 69, 24, 89?
(1) median = mode (2) mean = mod (3) mean = median (4) None of these
19. The mean of n numbers is M. If 1 is added to the first number, 2 is added to second number, .... n is added
to the nth number then the new mean is:

n 1 n
(1) M  (2) M  (3) M + n (4) None of these
2 2

20. Median of 4, 5, 10, 6, 7, 14, 9 and 15 will be :

(1) 6 (2) 7 (3) 8 (4) 9

Answer Key
1. 2 2. 3 3. 2 4. 2 5. 2 6. 3 7. 3
8. 1 9. 4 10. 2 11. 3 12. 2 13. 4 14. 4
15. 3 16. 2 17. 1 18. 3 19. 1 20. 3

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2

1. On the basis of following features identify the correct central tendency.
I. It is denoted by x

x i
II. It is equal to i 1
for n observations
(1) median (2) mean (3) mode (4) variance
2. On the basis of following features identify the correct central tendency.
I. It is the middle most or the central value of variate in a set of observations.
n n 
II. It is the mean of th and   1 th observations, when the number of observation is even.
2 2 
(1) Mean (2) Median (3) Mode (4) Variance
3. On the basis of following features identify the correct graph.
I. It is called cumulative frequency curve.
II. It is represented with the help of cumulative frequency distribution.
III. It is a graph plotted by the upper limits of class intervals on x-axis and their corresponding cumulative
frequencies on the y-axis.
(1) Bar graph (2) Histogram (3) Ogive (4) Frequency polygon
4. Which of the following is correct relation between mean, median and mode?
(1) Median  Mode  (Mean  Mode) (2) Mean  Mode  3 (Median  Mode)
3 2
(3) Mean – Mode = 3(Mean – Median) (4) Mean  Mode = 3(Mean + Median)
5. The mean of 5 observation is 15. If the mean of first three observations is 14 and last three observations
is 17, then the third observation is :
(1) 18 (2) 19 (3) 17 (4) 20
6. The mean of fifteen different natural numbers is 13. The maximum value for the second largest of these
numbers is
(1) 46 (2) 51 (3) 52 (4) 53
7. If the number 28, 25, 20, 19, 15, x, 10, 7, 6, 3 are in decreasing order and their median is 13, then the
mean is
(1) 14.4 (2) 15.4 (3) 16.4 (4) 14.6
8. If 12, 15, 17, 18, x+2, x+4, 25, 30, 31, 32 are in ascending order and median of the observation is 22,
then value of x is:
(1) 20 (2) 19 (3) 22 (4) 23
9. Mean of 9 observations was found to be 35. Later on, it was detected that an observation 80 was misread
as 8. The correct mean is:
(1) 43 (2) 42 (3) 44 (4) 45
10. The mean of a group of eleven consecutive natural numbers is m. What will be the percentage change in
the mean when next six consecutive natural numbers are included in the group?
m m 300
(1) m% (2) % (3) % (4) %
3 300 m

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11. The mean of the median, the mode and the range of the following data:
84, 56, 39, 45, 54, 39, 56, 54, 84, 21, 77, 56 is
(1) 55 (2) 56 (3) 58 (4) 63
12. Mean of all the factors of 18 is
(1) 4.25 (2) 5.0 (3) 6.5 (4) 7.6
13. The mean marks of boys and girls in an examination are 60 and 65 respectively. If the mean marks of the
students in that examination is 62, then the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls is
(1) 2 : 3 (2) 3 : 2 (3) 122 : 127 (4) 5 : 62

14. If the mean of three numbers a, b and c is 3, then 3

(7 abc ) (7bc a )(7c a b ) equals

1 2
(1) 7 3 (2) 7 3 (3) 72 (4) 73

15. For the data (2,9, x  6, 2 x  3,5,10,15) if mean is 7, then x is

1 1 1
(1) 1 (2) (3) (4)
2 3 4
16. If the number 13, 15, 17, 18 and n are arranged is ascending order and their arithmetic mean and median
are equal then value of n will be :
(1) 27 (2) 22 (3) 28 (4) None fo these
17. The average marks scored by Ajay in certain number of tests is 84. He second 100 marks in his last test,
his average score of all these tests is 86, then the total no. of tests he appeared is
(1) 8 (2) 7 (3) 9 (4) 10
18. The median of first 12 prime numbers is
(1) 13 (2) 14 (3) 15 (4) 17
19. If the arithmetic mean of 8 observations is 100 and that of 6 observations is 80, then the combined mean
of all the 15 observations will be :
(1) 100 (2) 80 (3) 90 (4) 92
20. On 13 consecutive days the number of persons booked for violating speed limit of 40 km/hr. were as
follow 59, 52, 58, 61, 68, 57, 62, 50, 55, 62, 53, 54, 51
(1) 61 (2) 52 (3) 55 (4) 57

1. 2 2. 2 3. 4 4. 3 5. 1 6. 2 7. 1
8. 2 9. 1 10. 4 11. 3 12. 3 13. 2 14. 4
15. 3 16. 2 17. 2 18. 3 19. 4 20. 4

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2

1. If the radius of a right circular cylinder, open at both the ends, is decreased by 25% and the height of the
cylinder is increased by 25% then the surface area of the cylinder, thus formed
(1) Remains unaltered (2) Is increased by 25%
(3) Is decreased by 25% (4) Is decreased by 6.25%
2. Two volumes of a book are resting side by side in order on a bookshelf with Vol. I left of the Vol. II. Cover
of each book is 0.5cm thick and each book without its cover is 2.25cm thick. A bookworm eats its way
directly from page 1 Vol. I to the last page Vol. II. It will travel
(1) 5.5 cm (2) 4.75cm (3) 3.25 cm (4) 1.0cm
3. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 10cm and radius of inscribed circle is 1cm. The perimeter of the
triangle is
(1) 15cm (2) 22cm (3) 24cm (4) 18cm
4. The area of a circle inscribed in an equilateral triangle is 48 square units. The perimeter of the triangle
is _______ units.
(1) 24 (2) 32 (3) 36 (4) 72
5. The edge of a cube is doubled then the percentage increase in the volume of cube is
(1) 100% (2) 500% (3) 300% (4) 700%
6. The diameter of a garden roller is 1.4m, and 2m Long. How much area will it cover in 5 revolutions ?
(1) 44m 2 (2) 140m 2 (3) 440m 2 (4) 220m 2
7. Side of a cube is increased by 50%, then what percent increase will be in the area of the vertical faces of
the cube ?
(1) 125% (2) 150% (3) 100% (4) 50%
8. A chess-board contains 64 equal squares and the area of each square is 6.25cm 2 . A border (inside)
round the board is 2cm. wide. The length of the chess-board is ......
(1) 8cm (2) 24cm (3) 12cm (4) 16cm
9. A conical tent is 12m high and radius of its base is 9m. What is the cost of canvas required to make the
tent, if the cost of 1m2 canvas is Rs. 14 ?
(1) Rs. 5840 (2) Rs. 5940 (3) Rs. 4950 (4) Rs. 5960
10. A hollow spherical ball whose inner radius is 4cm is full of water. Half of the water is transferred to a
conical cup and it completely filled the cup. If the height of the cup is 2cm, then the radius of the base of
cone, in cm is
(1) 4 (2) 8 (3) 8 (4) 16
11. In figure ABC is an equilateral triangle of side 8cm. Area of shaded region is :

(1) 32 
8 2
cm (2) 32 
16 2
cm  
(3) 16 3  8 cm 2  
(4) 32 3  16 cm 2

12. Four circular cardboard pieces, each of radious 7cm, are placed in such a way that each piece touches the
two other pieces. The area of the space enclosed by the four pieces is
(1) 21cm 2 (2) 42cm 2 (3) 84cm 2 (4) 168cm 2

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

13. Area of a rhombus whose one side is 13cm and one of the diagonals is 10cm is
(1) 36cm 2 (2) 52cm 2 (3) 60cm 2 (4) 120cm 2
14. In the figure, the area of square ABCD is 4cm2 and E is mid point of AB, F, G, H and K are the mid points
of DE, CF, DG and CH respectively. The area of KDC is

1 2 1 2 1 1
(1) cm (2) cm (3) cm 2 (4) cm 2
4 8 16 32
15. A solid spherical ball is prepared by melting a cone and cylinder having the same height and same base
radius equal to r. Then the radius of the sphere is
(1) h (2) 2h (3) h (4) 4h
16. On increasing each of the radius of the base and the height of a cone by 20% its volume will be increased by ____.
(1) 20% (2) 40% (3) 72.2% (4) 72.8%
17. A cylindrical pencil of diameter 1.2cm has one of its ends sharpened into a conical shape of height
1.4cm. The volume of the material removed is (in cub. cms).....
(1) 4.224 (2) 1.056 (3) 10.56 (4) 42.24
18. AB and CD are two parallel chords of a circle such that AB = 10 cm and CD = 24 cm. If the chords are on
the opposite sides of the centre and the distance between them is 17 cm, the radius of the circle is
(A) 14 cm (B) 10 cm (C) 13 cm (D) 15 cm
19. ABC is an equilateral triangle, we have BD  EG  DF  DE  EC , then the ratio of the area of the
shaded portion to area of ABC is

4 7 5 6
(1) (2) (3) (4)
11 9 12 7
20. PQRS is trapezium. QR  9cm, PQS  90o , PQ  5cm and area  QRS   cm 2 . Find the area of
2 3
the trapezium

 
(1) 7.5  13.5 3 cm 2    
(2) 15  13.5 3 cm 2 (3) 11.25  13.5 3 cm 2 (4) 27 3cm 2

1. 4 2. 1 3. 2 4. 4 5. 4 6. 1 7. 1
8. 2 9. 2 10. 3 11. 3 12. 2 13. 4 14. 2
15. 1 16. 4 17. 3 18. 3 19. 2 20. 3
Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2
1. A petrol tank is a cylinder of base diameter 21cm and length 18cm fitted with conical ends each of the
axis length 9cm. Determine the capacity of the tank ?
(1) 8136 cm3 (2) 8163 cm3 (3) 8316 cm3 (4) 8631 cm3
2. A circular metallic sheet is divided into two parts in such a way that each part can be folded into a cone.
If the ratio of their curved surface areas is 1 : 2, the ratio of their volumes is :
(1) 1 : 8 (2) 1: 16 (3) 1: 10 (4) 2 : 3
3. If a solid of one shape is converted to another, then the surface area of the new solid is :
(1) remains same (2) increases (3) decreases (4) can’t say
4. In figure, area of the shaded region is :    22 / 7 

(1) 77cm 2 (2) 154cm 2

(3) 38.5cm 2 (4) 90cm 2

5. From each corner of a square of side 4cm; a quadrant of a circle of radius 1cm is cut and also a circle of
diameter 2cm is cut as shown in the figure. Then the area of the remaining portion of the square is :
66 2 68 2
(1) cm (2) cm
7 7
64 2 62 2
(3) cm (4) cm
7 7
6. In the given figure, ABCD is a square then the area of shaded region is :

(1) 192 cm2 (2) 168 cm2

(3) 148 cm2 (4) 128 cm2

7. The parallel sides of a trapezium are 24cm and 20cm. The distance between them is 7cm. Find the radius
of a circle whose area is equal to the area of the trapezium :
(1) 7cm (2) 14cm (3) 9cm (4) 28cm
8. A circle is inscribed in a square and the square is circumscribed by another circle. What is the ratio of the
areas of the inner circle to the outer circle ?
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 1: 2 (3) 2 : 4 (4) 1: 3
9. A solid sphere is cut into identical pieces by three mutually perpendicular planes passing through its centre.
Increase in total surface area of all the pieces with respect to the total surface area of the original sphere is :
(1) 250% (2) 175% (3) 150% (4) 125%
10. Volumes of two spheres are in the ratio 125 : 64. The ratio of their surface areas will be :
(1) 5 : 4 (2) 25 : 16 (3) 16 : 25 (4) 125 : 64
11. Three circular wires are attached in series such that, if one wire is rotated, other two also get rotated. If the
diameter of a wire is 4/5 times that of immediate left wire and the left most wire rotates at the speed of 32
revolutions per minute, then the number of revolutions made by right most wire per minute will be -
(1) 40 (2) 49 (3) 50 (4) 60

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

12. The area of a square, if the sum of its diagonals is 100cm, is :
(1) 5000cm 2 (2) 125cm 2 (3) 100 2cm 2 (4) 1250cm 2
13. A calf is tied a rope of length 12m at a corner of a rectangular field of the dimensions 35m  25m . If the
length of the rope is increased to 23m, then the additional grassy area in which the calf can graze is:
 22 
 Take   
 7 
(1) 280.0m 2 (2) 300.0m 2 (3) 302.5m 2 (4) 312.5m 2
14. In the given figure, a semicircle with centre O is drawn on AB. The ratio of the larger shaded area to the
smaller shaded area is :

4  2 3 4  3 3
(1) (2)
2  2 3 3  3 3

4  3 3 3  2 3
(3) (4)
2  3 3 2  2 3
15. The sum of the area of two circles, which touch each other externally is 153 . If the sum of their radii is
15, then ratio of the areas of smaller to the large circle is :
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 1 : 4 (3) 1 : 6 (4) 1 : 5
16. Let  be the length of each equal side of an isosceles triangle. If the length of each equal side is doubled,
keeping its height unchanged, then the difference of the squares of bases of the new triangle and the
given triangle is :
(1) 0 (2) 4 2 (3) 9 2 (4) 12 2
17. If Anish is moving along the boundary of a triangular field of sides 35m, 53m and 66m and you are
moving along the boundary of a circular field whose area is double the area of the triangular field, then
 22 
the radius of the circular field is :  Take   
 7 
(1) 14 3m (2) 3 14m (3) 28 3m (4) 7 3m
18. The area of a semi-circle is 308m 2 . The perimeter of the semi-circle is :
(1) 44m (2) 72m (3) 58m (4) 88m
19. In the figure, PQSO is a trapezium in which PQ  OS , POS  135o
and OSQ  90o . Points P, Q and R lie on a circle with centre O and
radius 12cm. The area of the shaded part, in cm2, is :
2 5
(1) 61 (2) 61
7 7
5 2
(3) 73 (4) 73
7 7
20 20 circular plates each of radius 14 cm and thickness 2 cm are placed above the other to form a cylindrical
solid. The total surface area will be :
(1) 2992 cm2 (2) 3520 cm2 (3) 4752 cm2 (4) 24640 cm2

1. 3 2. 1 3. 4 4. 3 5. 2 6. 4 7. 1
8. 2 9. 3 10. 2 11. 3 13. 4 14. 3 15. 2
16. 4 17. 1 18. 2 19. 20.

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2

1. ABC  A ' B ' C ', m  C  3x  40 and m  C '  2x  10 . Find m  C .
(1) 15 (2) 30 (3) 50 (4) 90

2. Given: AC bisects BAD and BCD . Which of the following methods can be used to prove
ABC  ADC ?


(1) Side-Angle-Side (SAS)
(2) Angle-Side-Angle (ASA)
(3) Angle-Angle-Side (AAS)
(4) There is insufficient information to determine if the triangles are congruent.
3. In triangle ABC, m  A = 48°, and m  C = 24°. What type of triangle is triangle ABC ?
(1) Acute (2) Right (3) Obtuse (4) Isosceles
4. Two sides of an isosceles triangle measure 3 and 7. Which of the following could be the measure of the
third side?
(1) 9 (2) 7 (3) 5 (4) 3

5. In the diagram, AC  DC  DB . If the m  ACD = 48, find the m  B.

? B


(1) 24° (2) 33° (3) 48° (4) 66°
6. The diagram below shows a right triangle with representations for two angles. What is the value of x?
x + 20

2x + 10

(1) 15 (2) 20 (3) 24 (4) 30

7. The midpoints of the sides of triangle ABC are labeled D, E and F. If the perimeter of triangle DEF is 24,
the perimeter of triangle ABC.
(1) 48 (2) 72 (3) 96 (4) 120

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

8. In the diagram at the right, the angles are represented as shown. Find the m  DBC.
D 2
x +1

2 3x + 6
2x + 2x + 1
(1) 25° (2) 125° (3) 155° (4) 158°
9. The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle measures eight times the measure of a base angle. Find the
measure of a base angle.
(1) 18° (2) 24° (3) 36° (4) 43°
10. In triangle ABC, m  A = 60 and m  B = 40. Which side of triangle ABC is the longest?
(1) AC (2) AB (3) BC (4) BC  AB
11. Which of the following lengths are the sides of a right triangle?
(1) 2.4, 3.2, 4 (2) 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 (3) 3.1, 4.2, 4.8 (4) All of the above.
12. Given: AB  DE and A  D . Which of the following methods can be used to prove that
ABC  DEC ?

(1) Side-Angle-Side (SAS)
(2) Angle-Side-Angle (ASA)
(3) Side-Side-Side (SSS)
(4) There is insufficient information to determine if the triangles are congruent.
13. In triangle ABC,  A is obtuse. Which statement is true about the sum of the measures of  B and  C?
(1) m  B + m  C = 90 (2) m  B + m  C > 90
(3) m  B + m  C < 90 (4) m  B + m < C = 180
14. The legs of a right triangle measure 8 and 15. If a leg and hypotenuse of another right triangle are 8 and
17 respectively, these two right triangles are congruent.
(1) TRUE (2) FALSE
15. In the accompanying diagram, triangle ABC is similar to triangle DEF, AC = 6, AB = BC = 12, and
DF = 8. Find the perimeter of triangle DEF.

12 12

A 6 C D 8 F
(1) 32 (2) 36 (3) 40 (4) 60

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2

16. In the accompanying diagram, BA  BC and m  x  117 . Find m  y .

A C y

(1) 117 (2) 110 (3) 63 (4) 27

17. EF || GH but AB  CD . W & Z are supplementary angle, find x + y?


(1) 140° (2) 220° (3) 180° (4) 270°

18. In an equilateral triangle, a circle is inscribed. If length of one side of triangle is 3cm then radius of the
circle is?

(1) 3 cm (2) 2 3 cm (3) cm (4) Can’t say
19. In an isosceles right angle triangle ABC a circle in inscribed in it. Radius of the circle will be if triangle
right angled at B;-
AC AB2  BC2 AC2 AB  BC  AC
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 4 4 2
20. A right angle triangle is inscribed in a circle. Its circumcentre would lie
(1) Inside the triangle (2) Outside the triangle
(3) On one of the sides of triangle (4) It does not exist in this triangle

1. 3 2. 2 3. 3 4. 2 5. 2 6. 2 7. 1
8. 3 9. 1 10. 2 11. 1 12. 4 13. 3 14. 1
15. 3 16. 3 17. 3 18. 3 19. 1 20. 3

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 3


1. In the following figure, AD = 5.6 cm, AE = (x+1) cm, AB = 8.4 cm and EC = (x –1 ) cm, find AC. Given
that DE || BC.


2. In the following figure,  ABC is right angled at C, and M is the mid-point of hypotenuse AB. If AC =
32 cm and BC = 60 cm, then find CM.

(1) 32 cm (2) 30 cm (3) 17 cm (4) 34
3. In the following figure, ABC is an equilateral triangle. DE is parallel to BC and equal to half the length of
BC. If AD + EC + CB = 24 cm, then what is the perimeter of triangle ADE?


(1) 12 cm (2) 16 cm (3) 18 cm (4) Cannot be determined
4. In the following figure,  PQR is right angled at R and S is the mid-point of hypotenuse PQ. If RS = 25
cm and PR = 48 cm then find QR.

(1) 7 cm (2) 25 cm (3) 14 cm (4) Cannot be determined
5. In the following figure, AD bisects BAC . If BAD  45 and ABC is inscribed in a circle, then
which of the following is the longest?

(1) AB (2) AD (3) AC (4) BC

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 1

6. In the given figure, DEF is a triangle. If DF is the longest side and EF is the shortest side, then which of
the following is true?

(1)  E  D  F (2) D  F  E (3) D  E  F (4) None of these
7. If BC : CD = 2 : 3, AE : EC = 3:4 and BC : AE = 2:3, then find the ratio of the area of  ECD to the area
of  AEB . A

(1) 2 : 1 (2) 2 : 3 (3) 3 : 5 (4) 4 : 3
8. In the given figure, AC is the median as well as altitude to BD. In  ACE , AD is the median to CE.
Which of the following is true?

(1) AB + CD > AE (2) AB + BC = AE (3) AB + DE < AE (4) None of these
9. Prove that in a triangle, centroid divides the median from a vertex to the opposite side in 2:1.
10. In the following figure, AX : XB = 1 : 2 and AY : YC = 2 : 1 and area of  AXY is 20. Find the area of
 ABC .

11. In the given figure RA || ET, find ST.
R 6.37


8.19 T

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 2

12. In the given figure DR is perpendicular to OP. Find area of DUO .
4.0 10.0 3.75


13. Find HD.

9 D


14. In the diagram below, OL is perpendicular to DX. Find OX.


L O 13


15. In the diagram, QR is perpendicular to BD. Find QD.




16. The sides of a triangle with positive area have lengths 4, 6 and x. The sides of a second triangle with
positive area have length 4, 6 and y. The smallest positive number that is not the possible velue of |x–y|
is (x and y are integers) :
(A) 2 (B) 6 (C) 6 (D) 8

17. The sides of a triangle are in the rato 4 : 6 : 11. Which of the following words best described the triangle?
(A) obtuse (B) isosceles (C) acute (D) impossible

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 3

18. The number of triangles with any three of the lengths 1, 4, 6 and 8 cm, are :
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 0

19. The perimeter of a triangle is :

(A) greater than the sum of its altitudes (B) less than the sum of its altitudes
(C) equal to the sum of its altitudes (D) none of these

20. In the given diagram B  C  65 and D  30 , then the true statement is :

65° 65° 30°


(A) BC = CA (B) CA > CD (C) BD > AD (D) AC = AD

1. 6 2. (4) 3. (3) 4. (3) 5. (4) 6. (2) 7. (4)
8. (1) 9. DIY 10. 90 11. 9.1 12. 84 13. 11 14. 7.09
15. 9 16. D 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. C

Your Hard Work Leads to Strong Foundation 4

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