Del Rosario Integrated School

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Department of Education

Region III
Division of City of San Fernando
Del Rosario, City of San Fernando (P)


SY 2020 - 2021
NAME: __________________________________ SCORE: _______________
SECTION: ________________________ DATE: _______________

Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the best answer in the blank provided for each item.
____1. Which statement is true?
A. The square of a binomial is also a binomial.
B. The product of a sum and difference of two terms is a binomial.
C. The product of a binomial and a trinomial is the square of a trinomial.
D. The terms of the cube of a binomial are all positive.
____2. What should be multiplied to (2x – 5) to get 4x2 – 25?
A. 2x + 5 B. 2x – 5 C. 4x2 + 10x + 25 D. 4x2 – 10x + 25
____3. Which of the following is a perfect square trinomial?
A. x2 + 10xy + 100y2 B. x2 - 10xy + 100y2 C. x2 – 20xy + 100 D. x2 – 20xy + 100y2
____4. Factor x2 – 16x + 15
A. (x + 5) (x – 3) B. (x – 5) (x – 3) C. (x + 15) (x + 1) D. (x – 15) (x – 1)
____5. The area of a rectangular garden is (12x2 – 8x – 15) m2, what are its dimensions?
A. (3x – 5) m by (4x + 3) m C. (6x – 3) m by (2x – 5) m
B. (6x + 5) m by (2x – 3) m D. (12x – 15) m by (x + 1) m
____6. Liza factored the expression 15x2y3 + 10x4y + 5xy as 5xy (3xy2 + 2x3). Did Liza factor it correctly?
A. No, because 5xy is not the common factor.
B. Yes, because the last term is cancelled out.
C. Yes, there exists a common factor on all terms.
D. No, because the last term when factored is 1 and should not be omitted.
____7. Anne squared the expression 3x + 4y as 9x2 + 16y2, which of the following statement is correct with the answer of
your classmate?
A. The answer is correct because to square a binomial distribute the exponent.
B. The answer is wrong because the product of squaring a binomial is a trinomial.
C. The answer is correct because the product of squaring a binomial is another binomial.
D. The answer is wrong because to square a binomial is to multiply the expression by 2.
____8. A tree is supported by a wire anchored in the ground 5 feet from its base. The wire is 1 foot longer than the height
that it reaches on the tree. Find the length of the wire
A. 11 ft B. 12 ft C. 13 ft D. 14 ft
____9. The number of shirts sold by the shopkeeper is given by the expression 3 x−5. The price per shirt is given by the
expression 2 x+1 . Find the total amount of revenue earned by the shopkeeper by selling the shirts.
A. 6 x 2−7 x−5 C. 6 x 2+ 7 x−5
B. 6 x 2+ 7 x+5 D. 6 x 2−7 x +5
____10. Which of the following expressions is a rational algebraic expression?
x 3 c −3 a−b
A. B. C. 4 y−2 + z−3 D.
√3 y √(a+1)0 b+ a
x2 −9 x−14
____11. Simplify ?
x 2+ 2 x−8
x−7 x +7 x−4
A. B. C. D.
x+4 x−4 x +7
____12. The distance covered by a bike is given by the expression 2 x2 +6 x−20 .The time taken by the bike to cover
this distance is given by the expression  x−2. What is the speed of the bike?
A. 2 x+5 B. 2 x−5 C. 2 x+10 D. 2 x−10
3 −x−10
____13. When a rational algebraic expression is subtracted from , the result is 2 . What is the other rational
x−5 x −5 x
algebraic expression?
x 2 x −2
A. B. C. D.
4 x x−5 x−5
a2−9 a2−8 a+16
____14. Find the product of and .
a2 +a−20 3 a−9
a a2−1 a2−7 a+12 a2−1
A. B. C. D. 2
a−1 1−a 3 a+15 a −a+1
a + 4 a+ 4 a+5
____15. What is the product of 2 and 2 ?
2 a −a−10 a +2 a
a+ 5 a+5 a2 +7 a+ 10 a2−2 a−10
A. 2 B. C. D.
2 a −5 a 2 a−5 2 a2−a−10 2 a2 +a−10
____16. Ruth can paint a room in two hours, and her sister Esther can paint the same room in four hours. How long would it take
them to paint the room if they worked together?
1 1
A. 1 hours B. 1 hours C. 2 hours D. 2 hours
3 3
x−2 x +2
____17. Perform the indicated operation: − .
3 2
A. x +5 B. x +1 C. x−6 D. −x−10
n −9 n−10 n+3
____18. Which of the following is the quotient of and ?
n+ 1 n+10
n2−100 n2 +100 n2 +20 n−100 n2−20 n+100
A. B. C. D.
n+ 3 n+3 n+3 n+3
____19. Andrei can complete his school project in x hours. What part of the job can be completed by Angelo after 3 hours?
3 x
A. x +3 B. x−3 C. D.
x 3
____20. If Rose Ann (Andrei's groupmate in number 19), can do the project in three hours, which expressions below
represents the rate of Andrei and Rose Ann working together?
1 1 1 1
A. 3+ x B. x−3 C. − D. +
3 x 3 x
____21. Which of the following is true about the points in Figure 1?
A. J is located in Quadrant III.
B. C is located in Quadant II.
C. B is located in Quadrant IV.
D. G is located in Quadrant III.
____22. Determine the slope of the line 3 x+ y=7.
1 −1
A. 3 B. −3 C. D.
3 3
____23. Which of the following is not a linear equation?
A. x=0 C. x + y=6
B. y=2 x D. x 2−5 x+ 6=0
____24. What is the slope of (−4 , 7) and (−6 ,−4 )?
11 −10 −11 10
A. B. C. D.
2 3 2 3
____25. What is the slope of the given graph below?

−1 1
A. B. 2 C. D. −2
2 2

____26. What is the slope of the line of the equation 2x + 8y = 10?

−1 1
A. B. C. −4 D. 4
4 4
____27. What is the equation of the line passing through the points (2,3) and (4,6)?
2 3 2 2
A. y= x B. y= x C. y= x +3 D. y= x −3
3 2 3 3
_____28. What is the the equation of the line passing through the points (5, 1) and (1, 3)?
−1 7 1 7 7 7
A. y= x+ B. y= x + C. y=2 x + D. y=−2 x +
2 2 2 2 2 2
_____29. Which of the following linear equations represents the graph?
A. y= x −3
B. y= x +3
C. y= x−3
D. y= x+3

_____30. What is the graph of the given linear equation y= x +2?
A. C.

B. D.

_____31. What is the standard form of y= x −5?
A. 5 x+ y=−5 B. −5 x+ y=−5 C. 5 x+ 2 y =−10 D. −5 x+ 2 y =−10
_____32. Which of the following linear equation represents the graph?
A. y=−3 x −2
B. y=3 x +2
C. y= x +2
D. y= x −2

_____33. Which equation describes the equation whose y-intercept is 3 and whose graph has slope 5?
A. y  3x  5 B. y  5x  3 C. y  3x  5 D. y  5x  3

_____34. What are the y-intercept and slope of the linear equation shown?
A. m = ,b=4
B. m = , b = −¿4
C. m = , b = −¿4
D. m = , b = 4

_____35. Which equation describes the line with a slope of 2 that contains the point 4,  3?
A. y−4=2(x +3) C. y +3=2( x−4 )
B. 2 ( y−3 ) =x+ 4 D. 2 ( y+ 4 )=x +3
______36. Which of the following is a system of linear equations in two variables?
A. 2 x−7 y=8 B. C. D. 4 x+1=8

______37. Which of the following statements is true for the system 2x – y = −3 and y = 4x – 1?
A. (2, 7) is a solution of one equation but not the other, so it is  a solution of the system
B. (2, 7) is a solution of one equation but not the other, so it is not a solution of the system
C. (2, 7) is a solution of both equations, so it is a solution of the system
D. (2, 7) is not a solution of either equation, so it is not a solution to the system

______38. Which equation describes the line with slope 5 that contains the point (2, 4)?
A. y=5 x−22 B. y=5 x−2 C. y=5 x +4 D. y=5 x +14
______39. Which of the following represents dependent equations and consistent systems (infinite solutions)?
A. B. C. D.

_____40. Which of the following graph describes the solution of the system of linear equations below?

A. C.

B. D.

______41. Which of the following two lines represents the pair of equations 6 x−3 y +10=0and 2 x− y +9=0 graphically?
A. Coinciding C. Intersecting at exactly one point
B. Parallel D. Intersecting at exactly two points
______42. How many solutions do we have in the pair of equations x +2 y +5=0 and −3 x−6 y +1=0?
A. a unique solution C. exactly two solutions
B. infinitely many solutions D. no solution
______43. Loisa says that the system 3 x+ y=2 and 2 y=15−6 x has no solution. Which of the following reasons would support
her statement?
I. The graph of the system of equations show parallel lines.
II. The graph of the system of equations shows intersecting lines.
III. The two lines as described by the equations in the system have the same slope.
A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III D. I, II, and III
______44. What is the solution of the system of linear equations ?
A. ( 2 , 4 ) B. (−2 , 4 ) C. ( 2 ,−4 ) D. (−2 ,−4)
______45. Which of the following is the solution of the sytem of equations?
A. (−1 ,−10 ) C. ( 4 ,19 )
B. (−17 ,−8 ) D. (−8 ,−17 )
______46. For which system is (-3, 5) the solution?
A. B. C. D.

_____47. What is the solution to the system graphed?

A. (2 ,−1) C. (−1 , 2)
B. (1 ,−2) D. (−2,1)

_____48. At the basketball court,four hot dogs and three bags of candy cost Php 135. Twelve hot dogs and nine bags of
candy cost Php 405. What does hot dog cost?
A. Php 10 B. Php 15 C. Php 20 D. Php 25

_____49. . Holy Angel University is selling ticket to its U-days Concert. Adult tickets cost Php 150 and student tickets cost
Php 100. 85 tickets were sold in one day and the school earned Php 10000. How many adult and tickets were sold?
A. 30 adult tickets and 55 students tickets C. 50 adult tickets and 35 student tickets
B. 40 adult tickets and 45 students tickets D. 60 adult tickets and 25 student tickets
_____50. Your teacher announced a 50-point math quiz for tomorrow. The quiz will have 15 questions with some questions worth four
points each and some three points each. How many questions are there for four points each?
A. 3 B. 5 C. 8 D. 10

Prepared by: Noted:

Judith V. Cueva Marisa F. Waniwan

Mathematics Teacher

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