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▪ Popsicle Sticks/ barbeque sticks/ pasta ▪ Cardboard (13 x 16 inches) for base
▪ Glue stick ▪ Clay (different colors)
▪ Glue gun/ candle

1. Select a bridge in the Philippines that connects one town to another that uses triangular trusses.
2. Make sure materials needed are ready.
3. Lay out the sticks/ pasta in the cardboard just like your chosen bridge as shown in the picture.
4. Finish the miniature using all the materials. You may add other elements using the clay.


Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Appearance Extremely aesthetic in Overall, an attractive Limited aesthetics
design (shapes, bridge (shapes, (shapes, patterns, Not aesthetically
patterns, etc.) patterns, etc.) etc.) pleasing

All construction is clean Tidy work most of the Design and use of Work is sloppy
and attractive. time. glue is messy at throughout.
Visually appealing. Visually appealing. Design is unattractive
Some visual appeal. and/or plain.
Structure Bridge designed with Bridge designed with Bridge with limited Bridge with no real
excellent creativity. good creativity. creative design. design.

Spans 10 inches. Spans less than 10 Spans less than 7 Does not meet span
inches. inches. length.
Contains 100% of the
components of their type Contains 75% of the Contains 50% of the Does not contain all
of Bridge. components of their components of their the components of
type of Bridge. type of Bridge. their type of Bridge.
Excellent use of
materials. Good use of Limited use of Did not maximize
materials. materials. use of materials.
Durability Bridge design was Truss Bridge design Bridge design could Truss Bridge design
strong and sturdy. It held held potato weighs hold medium could not hold even a
potato weighs between 5 less than 5 and 10 tomatoes (the ones small amount of
and 10 ounces (0.31 lbs ounces (0.31 lbs – you find at a grocery weight (rocks)/ or a
– 0.61. lbs or 140-285 0.61. lbs or 140-285 store) weigh from 4 to small potato.
grams) grams) 8 ounces.
Time bound Submitted on or before Submitted after the Submitted 3 days Did not submit and
the due date and were due date and were after the due date and failed to display
displayed during the displayed during the were displayed during the
culminating activity. culminating activity. during the culminating activity.
culminating activity.
Blueprint Bridge blueprint matches Bridge blueprint Bridge design Bridge design does
- sketch the design of the finished mostly matches the somewhat matches not match the design
- pre-writing product. design of the finished the design of the of the blueprint and
description If any changes were product. blueprint. changes were not
made during building, If any changes were If any changes were explained.
they were thoroughly made during building, made during building,
explained upon they were sufficiently they were explained a
reflection. explained upon little upon reflection.
Teamwork/Cooperative Group members work Some of the group Few members of the No members
altogether. member’s work. group work/ collaborate with the
collaborate. group.
Total 24 18 12 6

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