Flood Hazard Map Generation of Bued-Angalacan River Watershed Using GIS Assisted Technique

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Flood Hazard Map Generation of Bued-Angalacan River

Watershed using GIS Assisted Technique

Alberto A. P., 1 Espino A. N., 2 Salvador N. C., 1 Raneses E. V., 1 Pueyo B. P., 1 Gavino J. T.1 and Genaro C. R.1
Institute for Climate Change and Environmental Management, Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija
3120, Philippines
Land and Water Resources Management Center, College of Engineering, Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz,
Nueva Ecija 3120, Philippines

Abstract: Flood is a natural hazard, and a natural process or phenomena occurring in the land that could be damaging
for human as well as for natural environment. The flood hazard maps display flood hazard information in a given area
which can be used in area development and management planning. The Geographic Information System (GIS) assisted
hazard mapping is fast and reliable technique that can give information with just a click of your fingertips. The spatial
analyst, integrated in GIS, was used in this study to develop a methodology for flood hazard mapping of Bued-
Angalacan River Watershed (BARW) as a support tool in identifying flood susceptible areas in the watershed. Thematic
maps such as elevation, slope, distance to river and land cover were used to generate the flood hazard map within the
watershed. The flood hazard map was created by weighting and ranking technique. Using the analytic hierarchal
process or AHP, the factors were weighted according to their relative importance to each other and to their expected
importance in causing floods. The generated flood hazard map was obtained by adding the weighted flood rankings of
all the factors. Based on the generated flood hazard map 37.07 percent of the BARW total area was susceptible to

Key words: Analytic Hierarchal Process, Geographic Information System, Spatial Analyst.

1. Introduction The province of Pangasinan in Philippines is one

highly prone area to flooding. Most of its
Flood is a natural hazard, and a natural process or
phenomena occurring in the land that could be
damaging for human as well as for natural
Corresponding author: Dr. Annie Melinda Paz-Albero.
environment. The extent of damage by flood can be
Email: [email protected]
directly influenced by human activities such as
urbanization and environmental degradation. Due to
are situated within downstream area of the Bued-
deforestation and other human intervention on the
Angalacan Watershed. During heavy rain, waters from
environment, negative effects have been resulted.
mountain part of watershed find its way down through
Philippines is a tropical country which often
streams and rivers and passes to the low lying
experiences tropical typhoons mostly during rainy
municipalities which resulted into heavy flooding.
season. Approximately 80 typhoons develop above
Yearly, the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and
tropical waters, of which 19 enter the Philippine area
Management Council (PDRRMC) reported that
and 6 to 9 make landfall annually [4].
hundreds of thousands of individuals were affected
due to flooding.
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The flood hazard maps display flood hazard occurrence of floods. The factors were weighted
information in a given area. These maps provide according to their relative importance to each other
information to assist local governments and land-use and to their expected importance in causing floods.
managers in the development and implementation of Using the Analytic Hierarchal Process (AHP)
land-use plans and in decision-making. The GIS technique the weighting factors were computed.
assisted hazard mapping is fast and reliable technique Among the four factors, elevation weighted the
that can give information with just a click of your highest with 56.38 percent, followed by slope with
fingertips. With this modern technology, it can reduce 26.34 percent, then by distance to river and land cover
the potential loss of life and property, enhance with 11.78 and 5.50 percent, respectively. For each
government operations and management, and create factor, the weighted hazard ranking was obtained by
possible plans to mitigate the hazard. multiplying its weight by the ranking value for the
The aim of the study was the generation of Bued- corresponding subfactor. The generated flood hazard
Angalacan River Watershed (BARW) flood hazard map was obtained by adding the weighted flood
map and identification of flood susceptible areas in rankings of all the factors:
the watershed using the spatial analyst integrated in ( E×56 . 38 ) + ( S×26 . 34 ) + ( D×11.78 ) + ( L×5. 50 )
Geographic Information System (GIS). FH= 5
2. Materials and Methods
in which: FH is flood hazard, E is elevation, L is land
This study was conducted in the provinces of La use, S is slope and D is distance to river , respectively.
Union, Benguet and Pangasinan, Philippines as Estimated area susceptible to flood were calculated
illustrated in Fig.1. Watershed boundary of Bued- using GIS and were classified at different hazard
Angalacan river were delineated using the Spatial levels. As presented in Table 1, five flood hazard
Analyst Tools of ArcGIS. classifications were created: values greater than 87
percent was categorized as very high, 74-87 percent as
high, 61-73 percent as moderate, 47-60 percent as
low, and less than 47 percent as very low.

Table 1 Flood hazard classification [3]

Classification Percentage Range (%)

Very Low < 47
Low 47 – 60
Moderate 60 – 73
High 73 – 87
Fig. 1 Bued-Angalacan River Watershed study site map Very High > 87

Using GIS software (ArcMap) the flood hazard 3. Results and Discussion
maps were developed. Thematic maps such as
The Bued-Angalacan River Watershed (BARW) is
elevation, slope, distance to river and land cover were
located at the municipalities of Sison, Dagupan City,
used to generate the flood hazard map within the
San Fabian, Pozzorubio, San Jacinto, Mangaldan,
watershed. The flood hazard map was created by
Mapandan, Manaoag, Laoac, Urdaneta City,
weighting and ranking technique. This technique is a
Binalonan, Rosario, Santo Tomas, Pugo, Tuba, Itogon
numerical system based on biophysical factors which
and Baguio City in the provinces of Pangasinan, La
are directly or indirectly correlated with the

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Union and Benguet. It has a catch basin area of 61,

262 hectares.

3.1 Elevation

The elevation of an area within the watershed is

very significant factor in relation to the occurrence of
flood. Normally, water flows from higher elevation
(high areas) to lower elevation (low lying areas). Low
lying areas were commonly become a catchment basin
of running waters. Therefore, low lying areas may
flood quickly before it reaches to the higher areas and
more susceptible to flooding. Using the DEM (Digital
Elevation Model) and the classification tool of Fig. 3 Generated elevation factor map
ArcGIS, the elevation and elevation factor maps were
generated. Elevation classes within the watershed are
<50, 50-100, 100-150, 150-200, 200-250 and >250 3.2 Slope
masl (meters above sea level). Each elevation classes
were reclassified into six weighted ranks. Slope is another factor to consider to the
Reclassification are based to the relative importance occurrence of flood within the watershed. Slope
of each classes in causing floods. The generated influences the effect of rainfall to surface streamflow.
elevation map and elevation factor map are shown in A smooth/flat slope surface that allows the water to
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. flow quickly is not desirable and causes flooding,
whereas a higher surface roughness can slow down
the flood response and is desirable. Steeper slopes are
more susceptible to surface runoff, while flat terrains
are susceptible to flooding [1].

Fig. 2 Generated elevation map

Fig. 4 Generated slope map

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Fig. 5 Generated slope factor map

The slope map was generated using the analyzed Fig. 7 Generated distance to river factor map
surface DEM and the spatial analysts’ tool of ArcGIS
software. Slope classes in angle (degree) within the Distances were buffered to 0 – 500, 500 – 1,000,
watershed are 0-3, 3-8, 8-18, 18-30 and >30. Each 1,100 – 1,500, 1,500 – 2,500 and >2,500 meters from
slope classes were reclassified into five weighted digitized major river using the ArcGIS tools. Buffered
ranks. The generated slope map and slope factor map distances were considered distance to river classes.
are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. Each distance to river classes were reclassified into six
weighted ranks. The generated distance to river map
3.3 Distance to river and distance to river factor map are shown in Fig. 6
and Fig. 7.
One common type of flooding which occur is
during a heavy rainfall and the water level rises and 3.4 Land cover
overflow from the river banks. Depending on its
distances from the river, low lying areas adjacent to Since land cover factor weighted lowest from the
the river are usually susceptible to flooding. four flood rankings, its impact is significant on the
occurrence of flood within the watershed. Primarily,
land cover affects the infiltration and storage capacity
of soil, thus, it influences the surface runoff. A land
cover with thick canopy has the ability to decrease the
volume of runoff whereas land cover with
impermeable surface such as built-ups has low water
absorption capacity which could result into surface
flooding. Researcher [2] cited that changes in land-
use, such as conversion of forest land into cropland or
grazing land, and urbanization, can increase surface
runoff and flooding.

Fig. 6 Generated distance to river map

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Using the Analytic Hierarchal Process (AHP)

technique, weighting and ranking values for factors
and subfactors of elevation, slope, distance to major
rivers and land cover maps were computed. The
generated flood hazard map of BARW is shown in
Fig. 10.
Based on the output of the derived flood hazard
map of BARW, 37.07 percent of the total area is
susceptible to flooding, which are categorized as high
and very high (Table 2). The areas that were identified
susceptible to flooding within BARW are the
municipalities of Mangaldan, Mapandan, San Jacinto,
Fig. 8 Generated land cover map Manoag, Laoac and Cities of Dagupan and Urdaneta.
Also, 8.97 percent of Sison, 83.84 percent of San
Fabian, 55.46 percent of Pozzorubio and 76.01
percent of Binalonan are susceptible to flooding.

Fig. 9 Generated land cover factor map

Watershed land cover were classified through Fig. 10 The generated flood hazard map of Bued-Angalacan
analyzed digitization process using the latest River Watershed
downloaded google satellite images loaded to the
ArcGIS program. Land cover classes within the Table 2 Flood hazard affected area within Bued-Angalacan
watershed are brushland, built-up, closed canopy, River Watershed
cultivated area, eroded area, grassland, inland water, Category Area (ha) Percent (%)
open area, tree plantation and perennial, open canopy Very Low 26,511 43.28
and riverbed. Each land cover classes were Low 4,245 6.93
reclassified into five weighted ranks. The generated Moderate 7,796 12.72
land cover map and land cover factor map are shown High 16,095 26.27
in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9. Very High 6,615 10.80
Total 61,262 100.00
3.5 Flood hazard

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management. Also, this method can be adopted to

Municipalities within the watershed that falls in other watershed areas for fast and reliable flood
areas susceptible to flooding based on a high and very hazard map generation.
high flood hazard category were validated. Actual
interview and actual flood experience (Fig. 11) to the References
local community within the flood hazard
municipalities were done. Also, other related articles [1] Ajin, R. S., Krishnamurthy, R. R., Jayaprakash,
and news literatures were used as reference of M., and Vinod, P. G. 2013. Flood hazard
validation. assessment of Vamanapuram River Basin,
Based on the validation, almost of the Kerala, India:An approach using Remote Sensing
municipalities which are susceptible to flood can often & GIS techniques. Accessed April 18, 2016.
experience flooding during rainy season and when http://pelagiaresearchlibrary.com/advances-in-
there is an intense or torrential rainfall bolstered by applied-science/vol4-iss3/AASR-2013-4-3-263-
tropical storm and monsoon rain. Also, these 274.pdf. (Electronic Journal)
municipalities are low lying areas, urban situated
places and near from the riverbank.

[2] Chow, V. T., Maidment, D. R. & Mays, L. W.

1988. Applied Hydrology. McGraw-Hill, New
York. Accessed April 20, 2016.
Fig. 11 Flood validation at the municipality of Mangaldan, ge&q&f=false. (Electronic Book Web Preview)
[3] Tanavud, C., Yongchalermchai, C., Bennui, A.,
4. Conclusion Densreeserekul, O. 2004. Assessment of flood
risk in Hat Yai Municipality, Southern Thailand,
The GIS assisted flood hazard maps which used an using GIS. Journal of Natural Disaster Science,
Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) provide a Volume 26, Number 1, 2004, pp1-14 (Journal)
systematic approach for assessing and integrating all
factors necessary for generation of flood hazard maps. [4] Wingard J and Brandlin A. 2013. Philippines: A
The resulted maps provide reliable information on the country prone to natural disasters. Accessed
areas susceptible to flood within the watershed based April 20, 2016.
on the validation. http://www.dw.com/en/philippines-a-country-
The GIS assisted flood hazard mapping method prone-to-natural-disasters/a-17217404. (website)
can create an easily readable and rapidly accessible
maps which facilitate the decision makers to identify
the flood susceptible areas for managing resources
efficiently and sustainability as well as in disaster risk

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