Analysis of Data From Pumping Tests in Leaky Aquifers: Vol. No

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Vol. 37, No.



Analysis of Data From Pumping Tests In Leaky Aquifers


A bstract—Graphical methods are outlined for determining the coefficients of transmissibility

storage, and leakage of an effectively infinite leaky artesian aquifer. The procedure is based
on the theory, developed by Hantush and Jacob, of the nonsteady flow toward a steadily dis­
charging well from an infinite leaky aquifer. Applications of these methods are illustrated by
treating data from the Roswell artesian basin in New Mexico.

Introduction—Based on the non-equilibrium for recovery, since shutdown; K is the modified


theory developed b y Theis [1935], several Bessel function of t h e second kind and of zero
methods h a v e been developed for determining the order; W(U, r/B) m a y be called the Veil function'
field values of the transmissibility a n d storage for leaky systems.
coefficients of non-leaky aquifers. N o t a b l e a m o n g T h e maximum drawdown or the steady-state
these are Theis' graphical method first described distribution of drawdown in the vicinity of such a
b y Jacob [1940], Theis* recovery m e t h o d first well is obtained from ( l b ) by letting t approach
described b y Wensel [1942], Jacob's generalized infinity. So
graphical methods [Cooper and Jacob, 1946],
Jacob's [1946a] m e t h o d for determining well loss, sm = (Q/2TT)Ko(r/B) 0
and Chow's [1952] graphical method. Jacob and
where s is the m a x i m u m drawdown or recover}'.
Lohman [1952] advanced the theory of non-steady m

flow to a well of constant drawdown and de­ I n addition to t h e storage and transmissibility
coefficient, a third formation constant appears m
veloped a graphical m e t h o d by which t h e forma­
treating problems in leaky systems. This constant
tion constant can b e determined from d a t a ob­
characterizes the ability of the semi-confining BED
tained from tests in such t y p e of flow.
to t r a n s m i t u p w a r d or downward leakage. Tk
T h e solution of non-steady distribution of draw­
constant is called 'leakance' or the leakage co­
down caused b y p u m p i n g a well a t a constant f
efficient, and is symbolized by K /b' [Hantusi;
rate from an effectively infinite and perfectly
and Jacob, 1955]. I n terms of the above notarial,
elastic aquifer of uniform thickness in which f
the leakage coefficient, or K'/b , is
leakage takes place in proportion to t h e drawdown
was obtained b y Hantush and Jacob [1955]. I t is K'/br
= T/&
expressed b y one of t h e following relations
T h e leakage coefficient, or 'leakance,' may k
s = (Q/±TT)
defined as t h e q u a n t i t y of flow t h a t crosses a unit
2 2
area of the interface between the main aquifer and
• (1/y) exp ( - y - r /4:B y) dy (la)
its semi-confining bed, if the difference between tic
head in the main aquifer and in that supplying
= (Q/47rr) ^ 2 £ ( r / i * )
leakage is u n i t y .
Based on t h e solution represented by (2), Jm
[1946b] described a method for obtaining W.
2 2
- j f ° ( V y ) exp ( - y - r / 4 £ y ) J dy (lb) values of T and B, a n d hence of K'/b'. The methoc
is a modification of Theis' graphical method. Ir.
= (Q/±wT)W(u,r/B) (lc) this case, however, the 'type curve' is a plot of tL-
function K (x) against x on logarithmic paper, anil
where u « r*S/4:Tt; q = (f/*B*)fu = Tt/SB*; Q

t h e observational d a t a (data on the steady dis­

and where 5 — drawdown (or recovery); Q = dis­
tribution of drawdown in the vicinity of a well or
charge of well; T = transmissibility coefficient;
a p u m p i n g center) are plotted on logarithmic papc
5 = storage coefficient; B = <\/Tb'/K' called t

of the same scale with r as abscissa and s ^

leakage factor [Hantush and Jacob, 1954]; K', b' are
the hydraulic conductivity and the thickness of ordinate.
t h e semi-confining bed through which leakage oc­ I t is the purpose of this paper to use (1) and u
curs; r = distance from center of well to a n y point in outlining graphical methods by which pumps*
in the field; and t « time since pumping began, or, test d a t a m a y be used in obtaining the field vales


i the formation constants, namely, the coefficients •—J ~

t * time at inflection point
i f storage, of transmissibility, and of leakage. (
' A )
ndj*slope « « lr,B)
S ; » d r a w d o w n « *• » 1
\ ji
P O I N T (Sj.t,)-
r / B

—j^j—^» e i K (r/B)
A graphical method based on the steady dis­

z !
tribution of drawdown in the vicinity of a steadily
T» 2 3Q ft-f/B 3s
i! Ii

(,O ! si

iischarging well is discussed below. „ 4T!,(r/2B) |


Theory—When r/B is small (r/B < 0.05), (2) I

*uy, for practical purposes, be approximated by ~ « Leokarvce « T / B *

!i 1
s - (2.3 <2/27rr)log (0.89 r/B) (4) ! Jl
m 10
1 1TIMEw !

Thus a plot of s against r on semi-logarithmic

FIG. 1. - Variation of drawdown with time
piper, with r on t h e logarithmic scale, will exhibit
due to a steadily discharging well
a straight-line relationship in the range where from an infinite leaky aquifer
r.'B is small. I n the range where r/B is large, the
pints fall on a curve that approaches the zero- derivative of 5 with respect to logw*, and solving
drawdown axis asymptotically. T h e slope of the for w.
straight portion of the curve, or As/Alogi f, is 0
(b) The slope of the curve nn at the inflection
equal to 2.3Q/2wT. T h e intercept r of this line 0 point is given by
m the zero-drawdown axis is given by B = 0.89ro.

Application—If d a t a from a pumping test are nn = (2.3Q/4TrT)e- (7)

plotted on semi-logarithmic paper and most of or
the points fall on a straight line (several points
are necessary t o establish this condition), the pro­ r - 2.3J3[log (2.3Q/4irr) - \og mi] I0 m (8)
cedure for computing T, B, and then the leakage which is obtained by substituting the value of
coefficient is as follows: (1) Construct t h e best-fit from (6) in (5)
straight line through the points which appear to (c) T h e drawdown at t h e inflection poing s»
fall on a straight line, and measure its slope
is given by
•As/AlogioO- (2) Compute T from the relation
F = 2.3Q/(27rAs/Alogior). (3) Select any point on Si = (Q/4*T)Ko(r/B) « (H)s m (9)
the line and note its coordinates ^ and r. Substitute
This is obtained as follows: I n equation ( l a ) , sub­
these values in (4) and solve for B or determine
stitute for u the value r/2B to obtain or
n% the intercept on the zero-drawdown axis, and
then compute B from the relation B - 0.89ro. Si/(Q/4TT)
4} Compute t h e leakage coefficient from (3).
K 2 2
= [ (!/>') exp ( ~ y - r /4J5 >') dy (10)

Theory—The theoretical graph of the drawdown And if the value of m from (6) is substituted for
j against the time / on semi-logarithmic paper with u in ( l b ) , then s - will he given also b yt

I plotted in the logarithmic scale as in Figure 1,

/(Q/4*T) - IKdrfB)
1ms the following properties: Si

The slope m a t any point is given by

- (1/y) exp ( - y - r*/ABPy) dy (11)
a = As/Alogio2 «= (2.3Q/4TT)
exp ( - « - r / 4 F ^ ) (5) From (10) and (11), the relation in (9) is immedi­
ately established.
Eq. (5) is obtained b y differentiating (1) with
(d) the relation between the drawdown a n d the
respect to l o g ^ .
slope of the curve a t the inflection point is given by
The curve h a s an inflection point a t which the
following relations hold f(r/B) « rIB
e Ko{r/B) - 2 , 3 s /mi
t (12)
(a) = r\S/4Tti = r/2B (6)
U i
which is obtained by solving simultaneously (7)
there the subscript i pertains to values of the and (9) for f{r/B).
variables at the inflection point. T h e above rela­ (e) The curve is symmetrical with respect t o
tion is obtained by equating to zero the second the inflection point and the drawdowns a t the

1 i i p . i p . i i i i i p . i i i p . i pp.p.p.p. mmm i

1 mmm.% i i i i i i i i i i mmm mmm i

1 lllliillil lllllllsll liilliisll lipiipii |

} immm mmmn i i i i i i i i i i iiiiiiiiii i


llililiiSi i i i i i i i i i i IIIIIIIIII H i i l i ]
2 = 222S3i55 8 S S 3 S 5 5 3 S S S S ^ S S S S S 5533335533 S

1 I I I I I I I I I I HSiSSlill i i S i l i i l i i i i l l H H H
1 I i i i i i i i i i l u m p s i i H i i p i i mmm%
I mmm mm 1111111111 mmm
S mmm mmm mmm umm
iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiffl
X Z-ZZZZSZ™*: S o S R ^ S ^ S ? ;


1 mmm mmm iiiiiiiiii HIM

I iiiiiiiiii l l l l i i l l i l iiiiiiiiii ffilffii
I !!!!!!!!!? 181111111 lllliillil lllilili
3 iiiiiiiiis i i i i i i i i i i iiiiiiiiii mm
i l l l l l l l l l l l l l i i l l i l l l l l i i l l i l IIIIIIIIII
o - c ^ ^ ^ S S : gsSSSSSSSg; g o S S S S S S S S
1 C5 > 3 3. 1 14? 3.7739 7 467* 7 '.'.4'. O.SO T.6487 1 .5741 . S5V«5
51 I 0523 3.CKM5 3 2564 7 44V1 2.5773 51 1.6653 .9081 1.5122 .5478 173
52 1.0534 3.0752 3.2393 2.4306 2,5604 52 1.6820 .8921 1.5006 .5362 .9019
53 1.0544 3.0562 3.2226 2.4126 2.5440 53 1.6989 .8766 1.4892 .8919
54 1.0555 3.0376 3.2062 2.3^48 2.5278 54 1.7160 .8614 1,4781 .8820
55 1 0565 3.01 >4 3.1901 2.3775 2.5120 55 1.7333 .8466 1.4673 .8725
56 1.0576 3.0015 3.1744 2 3604 2.4964 56 1.7507 .8321 1.4567 .8631
57 1.0587 2.9839 3.1589 2.3437 2.4811 57 1.7683 .8180 1.4464 .4830 .8541
58 1.0597 2.9666 3.1437 2.3273 2.4663 58 1.7860 .8042 1.4363 .4732 .8451
r .7907 1.4264 .8365
5. 1.0608 2.9496 3.1288 2.3111 2.45J6 59 1.8040 .4637

0.060 1.0618 2.9329 3.1142 2.2953 2.4371 0.60 1.8221 .7775 1.4167 .4544 .8280
61 1.0629 2.9165 3.0999 2.2797 2.4230 61 1.8404 .7646 1.4073 .4454 .8197
62 1.0640 2.9003 3.0B58 2.2645 2.4092 62 1.8589 .7520 1.3980 .4366 .8116
63 1.0650 2.8844 3.0719 2.2494 2.3956 63 1.8776 .7397 1.3889 .4280 .8036
64 1.0661 2.3688 3.0584 2.2346 2.3822 64 1.8965 .7277 1.3800 ,4197 .7960
65 1.0672 2.8534 3.0450 2.2201 2.3691 65 1.9155 .7159 1.3713 .4115 .7882
66 1.0682 2.8382 3.0319 2.2058 2.3562 66 1.9348 .7043 1.3627 .4036 .7809
67 1.0693 2.8233 3.0189 2.1917 2.3434 67 1.9542 .6930 1.3543 .3959 .7737
1.0704 2.8086 3.0062 2.1779 2.3310 68 1.9739 .6820 1.3461 .3883 .7665
2.7941 2.9937 2.1643 2.3188 69 1.9937 .6711 1.3380 .3810 .7596
69 1.0714

0.070 1.0725 2.7798 2.9814 2.1508 2.3067 0.70 2.0138 .6605 1.3301 .3738 .7528 3
71 1.0736 2.7657 2.9693 2.1376 2.2949 71 2.0340 .6501 1.3223 .3668 .7461 Q
72 1.0747 2.7519 2.9573 2.1246 2.2832 72 2.0544 .6399 1.3147 .3599 .7394
73 1.0757 2.7382 2.9455 2.1118 2.2717 73 2.0751 .6300 1.3072 .3532 .7329
74 1.0768 2.7247 2.9340 2.0991 2.2603 74 2.0959 .6202 1.2998 .3467 .7266 cn
1.0779 2.7114 2.9226 2.0867 2.2492 75 2.1170 .6106 1.2926 .3403 .7204
76 1.0790 2.6983 2.9113 2.0744 2.2381 76 2.1383 .6012 1.2855 .3341 .7144
77 1.0800 2.6853 2.9002 2.0623 2.2273 77 2.1598 5920 1.2785 .3280 .7084
1.0811 2.6726 2.8894 2.0503 2.2165 78 2.1815 .5829 1.2716 .3221 .7027
1.0822 2.6599 2.8786 2.0386 2.2062 79 2.2034 .5740 1.2649 .3163 .6969
o.oso 1.0833 2.6475 2.8680 2.0269 2.1957 0.80 2.2255 .5653 1.2582 .3106 .6912
81 1.0844 2.6352 2.8575 2.0155 2.1856 81 2.2479 .5568 1.2517 .3050 .6856 >
82 1.0855 2.6231 2.8472 2.0042 2.1754 82 2.2705 .5484 1.2452 .2996 .6802
83 1.0865 2.6111 2.8370 1.9930 2.1655 83 2.2933 .5402 1.2389 .2943 .6749
B4 1.0876 2.5992 2.8270 1.9820 2.1557 84 2.3164 .5321 1.2326 .2891 .6697
85 1.08S7 2.5875 2.8171 1.9711 2.1460 85 2.3397 .5242 1.2265 .2840 .6644
86 1.0898 2.5759 2.8073 1.9604 2.1364 86 2.3632 .5165 1.2205 .2790 .6593 a
87 1.0909 2.5645 2.7976 1.9498 2.1270 87 2.3869 .5088 1.2145 .2742 .6545
88 1.0920 2.5532 2.7881 1.9393 2.1176 88 2.4109 .5013 1.2086 .2694 .6495
2.5421 2.7787 1.9290 2.1086 89 2.4351 .4940 1.2029 .2647 .6446 in
89 1.0931

0.090 1.0942 2.5310 2.7694 1.9187 2.0994 0.90 2.4596 .4867 1.1972 .2602 .6400
91 1.0953 2.5201 2.7602 1.9087 2.0906 91 2.4843 .4796 1.1916 .2557 .6352
92 1.0964 2.5093 2.7511 1.8987 2.0818 92 2.5093 .4727 1.1860 .2513 .6306
93 1.0975 2.4986 2.7421 1.8888 2.0729 93 2.5345 .4658 1.1806 .2470 .6260
94 1.0986 2.4881 2.7333 1.8791 2.0643 94 2.5600 .4591 1.1752 .2429 .6218
1.0997 2.4776 2.7246 1.8695 2.0558 95 2.5857 .4524 1.1699 .2387 .6172
1.1008 2.4673 2.7159 1.8599 2.0473 96 2.6117 .4459 1.1647 .2347 .6130
97 1.1019 2.4571 2.7074 1.8505 2.0390 97 2.6379 .4396 1.1595 .2308 .6088
1.8412 2.0307 98 2.6645 .4333 1.1544 .2269 .6046
98 1.1030 2.4470 2.6989
1.8320 2.0227 99 2.6912 .4271 1.1494 .2231 .6004
99 1.1041 2.4370 2.6906
1.8229 2.0147 1.00 2.7183 .4210 1.1445 .2194 .5964
0.100 1.1052 2.4271 2.6823

times /j and h , if h h = t?, is related b y 2

' (1/y) exp [~y - r /4:B*y] dy
s = s - Si (13) o
2 m

This is obtained as follows: T h e relation = / (l/;y) exp ( - y - r 7 4 £ ^ i t

h *2 - tf (14) and of the Bessel function W(o, r/B) = 2K (r/B\ 9

implies t h a t For r/B > 0.1, values of W(u, r/B) for (r/2B) <
u < oo were found b y first calculating values
2 2
U l u = u? » f / 4 #
2 (15) the integrand and t h e n using numerical integration
If one calculates S\ from ( l a ) , and Si from ( l b ) , Values of the function for o < u < r/2B were
in which t h e equivalent of u% from (15) is substi­ then obtained b y t h e reciprocal relation. Fer
tuted for u, then (13) is easily obtained. r/B < 0.2, values of the function for o < « <
I n the p a r t of the curve where it approaches r/lB were obtained from the series expansion
asymptotically the maximum drawdown, or in [Hantush and Jacob, 1955, Eq. (13)] of the func­
tion, and the values for u > r/2B from the recipro­
t h e portion where u <K (fi/^B^/u (which is ob­
cal relation. I t is probable that several of the
tained after a sufficiently long time has elapsed),
tabulated values are in error by one unit in the
the slope a t a n y point m a y be approximated by
fourth decimal, b u t very few may be in error by
m « (2.3 Q/4TT)e- (16) more t h a n two units in the fourth decimal.
Application—Depending on the data collected
from a pumping test, one of the following pro­
q = Tt/SB 2
(16a) cedures m a y be followed in calculating the forma­
tion constants.
and the drawdown b y One observation well—If the period of the test is
long enough so t h a t t h e maximum drawdown can
s « s m - (Q/4*T)W(q) (17) be extrapolated, t h e procedure is as follows: (1)
where W(q) is the exponential integral —Ei( — q) Construct the time-drawdown curve from the
observational d a t a on semi-logarithmic paper
which is known as the 'well function' in ground­
(time in any convenient unit, being on the
water hydrology.
logarithmic scale). (2) Extrapolate the value of
T h e above two approximations are easily estab­
the maximum drawdown s . (3) Compute st from
lished by obtaining the asymptotic expressions of m

E q . (9), or Si = (§)s . (4) T h e value s on tk

the righthand side of (5) and ( l b ) as u becomes m {

curve locates t h e inflection point. (5) Read tk

very small.
value U , or the time, a t the inflection point. (6)
From (16) and (17), the following relation is
Find t h e slope rm of the curve at the inflection
readily obtained
point. Usually this can be closely approximated by
f(q) - *W(q) - 2.3 (s m - s)/m (18) the slope of t h e straight portion of the curve on
which t h e inflection point lies. (7) Substitute tk
Tables of functions—In order to apply t h e above information obtained in Steps (3) and (6) in Eq.
theory in determining t h e formation constants, (12) and interpolate for r/B from the Table of
tables for t h e functions e*Ko(x), e W(x), and the function e K r/h
(r/B) in Table 1. (8) Knowiig

W(u, r/B) a r e necessary. T h e first two functions r/B and r, calculate B. (9) Knowing Q, Si, m,
are constructed from already tabulated values of and r/B, calculate T from either Eq. (7) or (f).
the component functions; their values, together (10) Knowing T, U , r, and r/B, calculate 5 from
with the values of the component functions, are E q . (6). (11) Knowing T and B, calculate tie
given in T a b l e 1. For values of the argument less 'leakance,' or t h e leakage coefficient K'/V, im
than t a b u l a t e d (x < .01), the functions m a y b e the relation K'/V « T/&.
approximated respectively by Theoretically, when the calculated coefficients
are used in conjunction with E q . (1) and with
e*K*(x) « K (x) 0 « - 2 . 3 logio (0.89*) (19) assigned values of /, the calculated drawdowns
x should fall on the observed curve. This, however
e W(x) ~W(x) « - 2 . 3 logio (1.78*) (20)
usually is not true for the early portion of tk
T h e third function, or W(u, r/B), is tabulated in observed curve, because generally the constants
Table 2. I n constructing this table, use has been vary in the early stages of pumping. During tk
made of t h e reciprocal formula latter p a r t of the test, or as time increases, t k

TABLE 2 - Values of the function = W(u, r/B) = f ( _ - t*/4B*y) dy


0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.01

OO 14.0474 12.6611 11.8502 11.2748 10.8286 10.4640 10.1557 9.8887 9.6532 9.4425

j»100Qt 13.2383 13.0031 12.4417 11.8153 11.2711 10.8283 10.4640 10.1557 9.8887
12.5451 12.4240 12.1013 11.6716 11.2259 10.8174 10.4619 10.1554 9.8886 9.6532
300003 12.1397 12.0581 11.8322 11.5098 11.1462 10.7849 10.4509 10.1523 9.8879 9,6530 9.4425
,F§0004 11,8520 11.7905 11.6168 11.3597 11.0555 10.7374 10.4291 10.1436 9.8849 9.6521 9.4422
300005 11.6289 11.5795 11.4384 11.2248 10.9642 10.6822 10.3993 10.1290 9.8786 9.6496 9.4413

JMO06 11.4465 11.4053 11.2866 11.1040 10.8764 10.6240 10.3640 10.1094 9.8686 9.6450 9.4394
06OQO7 11.2924 11,2570 11.1545 10.9951 10.7933 10.5652 10.3255 10.0862 9.8555 9.6382 9.4361
000008 11.1589 11.1279 11.0377 10.8962 10.7151 10.5072 10.2854 10.0602 9.8398 9.6292 9.4313
,«J009 11.0411 11.0135 10,9330 10.8059 10.6416 10.4508 10.2446 10.0324 9.8219 9.6182 9.4251

jeoci 10.9357 10.9109 10.8382 10.7228 10.5725 10.3963 10.2038 10,0034 9.8024 9.6059 9.4176
30002 10.2426 10.2301 10.1932 10.1332 10.0522 9,9530 9.8386 9.7126 9.5781 9.4383 9.2961
.30003 9.8371 9.8288 9.8041 9.7635 9.7081 9.6392 9.5583 9.4671 9.3674 9.2611 9.1499
J0OW 9.5495 9.5432 9.5246 9.4940 9.4520 9.3992 9.3366 9.2653 9.1863 9.1009 9.0102
.10005 9.3263 9.3213 9.3064 9.2818 9.2480 9.2052 9.1542 9.0957 9.0304 8.9591 8.8827

.|Q0@6 9.1440 9.1398 9.1274 9.1069 9.0785 9.0426 8.9996 8.9500 8.8943 8.8332 8.7673
30007 8.9899 8.9863 8.9756 8.9580 8.9336 8.9027 8.8654 8.8224 8.7739 8.7204 8.6625
,10008 8.8563 8.8532 8.8439 8.8284 8.8070 8.7798 8.7470 8.7090 8.6661 8.6186 8.5669
J0OO9 8.7386 8.7358 8.7275 8.7138 8.6947 8.6703 8.6411 8.6071 8.5686 8.5258 8.4792

.800? 8.6332 8.6308 8.6233 8.6109 8.5937 8.5717 8.5453 8.5145 8.4796 8.4407 8.3983
.00C2 7.9402 7.9390 7.9352 7.9290 7.9203 7.9092 7.8958 7.8800 7.8619 7.8416 7.8192
,3003 7.5348 7.5340 7.5315 7.5274 7.5216 7.5141 7.5051 7.4945 7.4823 7.4686 7.4534
7.2472 7.2466 7.2447 7.2416 7.2373 7.2317
.m 7.0242 7.0237 7.0222 7.0197 7.0163 7.0118
7.2249 7.2169 7.2078 7.1974 7.1859
m 7.0063 6.9999 6,9926 6.9843 6.9750

m 6.8420 6.8416 6.8403 6.8383 6.8353 6.8316 6.8271 6.8218 6.8156 6.8086 6.8009
.3007 6.6879 6.6876 6.6865 6.6848 6.6823 6.6790 6.6752 6.6706 6.6653 6.6594 6.6527
.BD08 6.5545 6.5542 6.5532 6.5517 6.5495 6.5467 6.5433 6.5393 6.5347 6.5295 6.5237
.0009 6.4368 6.4365 6.4357 6.4344 6.4324 6.4299 6.4269 6.4233 6.4192 6.4146 6.4094

S01 6.3315 6.3313 6.3305 6.3293 6.3276 6.3253 6.3226 6.3194 6.3157 6.3115 6.3069
J02 5.6394 5.6393 5.6389 5.6383 5.6374 5.6363 5.6350 5.6334 5.6315 5.6294 5.6271
303 5.2349 5.2348 5.2346 5.2342 5.2336 5.2329 5.2320 5.2310 5.2297 5.2283 5.2267
.304 4.9482 4.9482 4.9480 4.9477 4.9472 4.9467 4.9460 4.9453 4.9443 4.9433 4.9421
.305 4.7261 4.7260 4.7259 4.7256 4.7253 4.7249 4.7244 4.7237 4.7230 4,7222 4.7212

856 4.5448 4.5448 4.5447 4.5444 4.5441 4.5438 4.5433 4.5428 4.5422 4.5415 4.5407
.80? 4.3916 4.3916 4.3915 4.3913 4.3910 4.3908 4.3904 4.3899 4.3894 4.3888 4.3882
4.2591 4.2590 4.2590 4.2588 4.2586 4.2583 4.2580 4.2576 4.2572 4.2567 4.256!
,009 4.1423 4.1423 4.1422 4.1420 4.1418 4.1416 4.1413 4.1410 4.1406 4.1401 4.1396

,31 4.0379 4.0379 4.0378 4.0377 4.0375 4.0373 4.0371 4.0368 4.0364 4.0360 4.0356
,:2 3.3547 3.3547 3.3547 3.3546 3.3545 3.3544 3,3543 3.3542 3.3540 3.3538 3.3536
S3 2.9591 2.9591 2.9591 2.9590 2.9590 2.9589 2.9589 2.9588 2.9587 2.9585 2.9584
.34 2.6813 2.6812 2.6812 2.6812 2.6812 2.6811 2.6810 2.6810 2.6809 2.6808 2.6807
.05 2.4679 2.4679 2.4679 2.4679 2.4678 2.4678 2.4678 2.4677 2.4676 2.4676 2.4675

.26 2.2953 2.2953 2.2953 2.2953 2.2?52 2.2952 2.2952 2.2952 2.295! 2.2950 2.2950
57 2.1508 2.1508 2.1508 2.1508 2.1508 2,1508 2.1507 2.1507 2.1507 2.1506 2.1506
.OB 2.0269 2.0269 2.0269 2.0269 2.0269 2.0269 2.0269 2.0268 2.0268 2.0268 2.0267
M 1.9187 1.9187 1.9187 1.9187 1.9187 1.9187 1.9187 1,9186 1.9186 1.9186 1.9185

J 1.8229 1.8229 1.8229 1.8229 1.8229 1.8229 1.8229 1.8228 1.8228 1.8228 1.8227
,2 1.2227 1.2226 1,2226 1.2226 1.2226 1.2226 1.2226 1.2226 1.2226 1.2226 1,2226
,3 0.9057 0.9057 0.9057 0.9057 0.9057 0.9057 0.9057 0.9057 0.9056 0.9056 0.9056
,4 7024 7024 7024 7024 7024 7024 7024 7024 7024 7024 7024
.S 5598 5598 5598 5598 5598 5598 5598 5598 5598 5598 5598

J 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544 4544
J 3738 3738 3738 3738 3738 3738 3738 3738 3738 3738 3738
I 3106 3106 3106 3106 3106 3106 3106 3106 3106 3106 3106
.* 2602 2602 2602 2602 2602 2602 2602 2602 2602 2602 2602

10 0.2194 0.2194 0,2194 0.2194 0.2194 0.2194 0.2194 0.2194 0.2194 0.2194 0.2194
29 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489
30 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130
4.0 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38
5.0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

*.0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
t.0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2
TABLE 2 - Values of the function = W (u, r/B) = / (1/y) exp (-y - r /4B y) dy (continued)

0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.09 0.095 0.10
0.01 0.015 0.02

7.2471 6.9394 6.6731 6.4363 6.2285 6.0388 5.8658 5.7067 5.5596 5.4228 5.2950 5.1750 5.0620 4.9553 4.8541
0 9.4425 8.6319 8.0569 7.6111

.000003 9.4425
.000004 9.4422
.000005 9.4413

.000006 9.4394
.000007 9,436! 8.6319
.000008 9.4313 8.6318
.000009 9.4251 8.6316

.00001 9.4176 8.6313 8.0569

.00002 9.2961 8.6152 8.0558 7.6111 7.2471
.00003 9.1499 8.5737 8.0483 7.6101 7.2470
.00004 9.0102 8.5168 8.0320 7.6069 7.2465 6.9394 6.6731
.00005 8.8827 8.4533 8.0080 7.6000 7.2450 6.9391 6.6730

.00006 8.7673 8.3880 7.9786 7.5894 7.2419 6.9384 6.6729 6.4383

.00007 8.6625 8.3233 7.9456 7.5754 7.2371 6.9370 6.6726 6.4382 6.2285
.00008 8.5669 8.2603 7.9105 7.5589 7.2305 6.9347 6.6719 6.4381 6.2284
.00009 8.4792 8.1996 7.8743 7.5402 7.2222 6.9316 6.6709 6.4378 6.2283

7.5199 7.2122 6.9273 6.6693 6.4372 6.2282 6.0388 5.8658 5.7067 5.5596 5.4228 5.2950
.0001 8.3983 8.1414 7.8375
7.2898 7.0685 6.8439 6.6242 6.4143 6.2173 6.0338 5.8637 5.7059 5.5593 5.4227 5.2949 5.U50 5.0620 4.9553
.0002 7.8192 7.6780 7.4972
7.0759 6.9068 6.7276 6.5444 6.3623 6.1848 6.0145 5.8527 5.6999 5.5562 5.4212 5.2942 5.1747 5.0619 4.9552 4.854]
.0003 7.4534 7.3562 7.2281
6.8929 6.7567 6.6088 6.4538 6.2955 6.1373 5.9818 5.8309 5.6860 5.5476 5.4160 5.2912 5.1730 5.06J0 4,9547 4.8539
.0004 7.1859 7.1119 7.0128
6.7357 6.6219 6.4964 6.3626 6.2236 6.0821 5.9406 5.8011 5.6648 5.5330 5.4062 5.2848 5.1689 5.0585 4.9532 4.8530
.0005 6.9750 6.9152 6.8346

6.682B 6.5988 6.5011 6.3923 6.2748 6.1512 6.0239 5.8948 5.7658 5.6383 5.5134 5.3921 5.2749 5.1621 5.0539 4.9502 4.8510
.0006 6.8009 6.750B
6.5508 6.4777 6.3923 6.2962 6.1917 6.0807 5.9652 5.S468 5.7274 5.6081 5.4902 5.3745 5.2618 5.1526 5.0471 4.9454 4.8478
.0007 6.6527 6.6096
6-4340 6.3695 6.2935 6.2076 6.1136 6.0129 5-9073 5.7982 5.6873 5.5755 5.4642 5.3542 5,2461 5.1406 £.0381 1 4.9388 4.8430
.0008 6.5237 6.4858
6.3294 6.2716 6.2032 6.1256 6.04O1 5.9481 5.8509 5.75O0 5.6465 5.5416 5.4364 5.3317 5.1 2 6 6 S.0ST3 J4 . 9 3 0 6 4.0368
0009 & .4094 6 3757
.001 6.3069 6-2765 6.2347 6.1823 6.1202 6.0494 5.9711 5.8864 5.7965 5.7026 5,6058 5.5071 5.4075 S.3078 5.3087 5-1109 5.0133 4.9208 4.em
,002 5.6271 5.61 IB 5.5907 5.5638 5.5314 5.4939 5.4516 5.4047 5.3538 5.2991 5.2411 5.1803 5.1170 5.0517 4.9848 4.9166 4.8475 4.7778 4.7079
.003 5,2267 5.2166 5.2025 5.1845 5.1627 5.1373 5.1084 5.0762 5.0408 5.0025 4.9615 4.91B0 4.8722 4.8243 4 7746 4.7234 4.6707 4.6169 4.5622
.004 4.9421 4.9345 4.9240 4.9105 4.8941 4.8749 4.8530 4.8286 4.8016 4,7722 4.7406 4.7068 4.6710 4.6335 4.5942 4.5533 4.5111 4.4676 4.4230
-005 4.7212 4,7152 4.7068 4.6960 4.6829 4.6675 4.6499 4.6302 4.6084 4.5846 4,5590 4.5314 4.5022 4.4713 4.4389 4.4050 4.3699 4.3335 4.2960

.006 4.5407 4.5357 4.5287 4.5197 4.5088 4.4960 4.4814 4.4649 4.4467 4.4267 4.4051 4.3819 4.3573 4.3311 4.3036 4.2747 4.2446 4,2134 4.1812
.007 4.3882 4.3839 4.3779 4.3702 4.3609 4.3500 4.3374 4.3233 4.3077 4.2905 4.2719 4.2518 4.2305 4.2078 4.1839 4.1588 4.1326 4.1053 4.0771
.008 4.2561 4.2524 4.2471 4.2404 4.2323 4.2228 4.2118 4.1994 4.1857 4.1707 4.1544 4.1368 4.1180 4.0980 4.0769 4.0547 4.0315 4.0073 3.9822
.009 4.1396 4.1363 4.1317 4.1258 4.1186 4.1101 4.1004 4.0894 4.0772 4.0638 4.0493 4.0336 4.0169 3.9991 3.9802 3.9603 3.9395 3.9178 3.8952

.01 4.0356 4.0326 4.0285 4.0231 4.0167 4.0091 4.0003 3.9905 3.9795 3.9675 3.9544 3.9403 3.9252 3.9091 3.8920 3.8741 3.8552 3.8356 3.8150
.02 3.3536 3.3521 3.3502 3.3476 3.3444 3.3408 3.3365 3.3317 3.3264 3.3205 3.3141 3.3071 3.2997 3.2917 3.2832 3.2742 3.2647 3.2547 3.2442
.03 2.9584 2.9575 2.9562 2.9545 2.9523 2.9501 2.9474 2.9444 2.9409 2.9370 2.9329 2.9284 2.9235 2.9183 2.9127 2.9069 2.9007 2.8941 2.8873
.04 2.6807 2.6800 2.6791 2.6779 2.6765 2.6747 2.6727 2.6705 2.6680 2.6652 2.6622 2.6589 2.6553 2.6515 2.6475 2.6432 2.6386 2.6338 2.6288
.05 2.4675 2.4670 2.4662 2.4653 2.4642 2.4628 2.4613 2.4595 2.4576 2.4554 2.4531 2.4505 2.4478 2.4448 2.4416 2.4383 2.4347 2.4310 2.4271
.06 2.2950 2.2945 2.2940 2.2932 2.2923 2.2912 2.2900 2.2885 2.2870 2.2852 2.2833 2.2812 2.2790 2.2766 2.2740 2.2713 2.2684 2.2654 2.2622 S
.07 2.1506 2.1502 2.1497 2.1491 2.1483 2.1474 2.1464 2.1452 2.1439 2.1424 2.1408 2.1391 2.1372 2.1352 2.1331 2.1308 2.1284 2.1258 2.1232
.08 2.0267 2.0264 2.0260 2.0255 2.0248 2.0240 2.0231 2.0221 2.0210 2.0198 2.0184 2.0169 2.0153 2.0136 2.0118 2.0099 2.0078 2.0056 2.0034
1.9154 1.9136 1.9125 1.9114 1.9101 1.9087 1.9072 1.9056 1.9040 1.9022 1.9003 1.8983 12!
'.09 1.9185 1.9183 1.9179 1.9174 1.9169 1.9162 1.9146
.1 1.8227 1.8225 1.8222 1.8218 1.8213 1.8207 1.8200 1.8193 1.8184 1.8175 1.8164 1.8153 1.8141 1.8128 1.8114 1.8099 1.8084 1.8067 1.8050
1.2205 1,2201 1.2196 1.2192 1.2186 1.2181 1.2175 1.2168 1.2162 1.2155 00
.2 1.2226 1.2225 1.2224 1.2222 1.2220 1.2218 1.2215 1.2212 1.2209
.3 0.9056 0.9056 0.9055 0.9054 0.9053 0.9052 0.9050 0.9049 0.9047 0.9045 0.9043 0.9040 0.9038 0.9035 0.9032 0.9029 0.9025 0.9022 0.9018 3
.4 7024 7023 7023 7022 7022 7021 7020 7019 7018 7016 7015 7014 7012 7010 7008 7006 7004 7002 7000
.5 5598 5597 5597 5597 5596 5596 5595 5594 5594 5593 5592 5591 5590 5588 5587 5586 5584 5583 5581

4544 4544 4543 4543 4543 4542 4542 4542 4541 4540 4540 4539 4538 4537 4536 4535 4534 4533 4532
.7 3738 3738 3737 3737 3737 3737 3736 3736 3735 3735 3734 3734 3733 3733 3732 3732 3731 3730 3729 W
.8 3106 3106 3106 3106 3105 3105 3105 3105 3104 3104 3104 3103 3103 3102 3102 3101 3101 3100 3100
.9 2602 2602 2602 2602 2601 2601 2601 2601 2601 2600 2600 2600 2599 2599 2599 2598 2598 2597 2597 >
0.2194 0.2194 0.2194 0.2194 0.2193 0.2193 0.2193 0.2193 0.2193 0.2193 0.2192 0.2192 0.2192 0.2191 0.2191 0.2191 0.2191 0.2190 0.2190 (O
2.0 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 489 - 489 488 488
130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 g
4.0 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38
5.0 11 It 11 11 II 11 11 II 11 11 11 1) 11 11 11 11 11 11 II
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
6.0 4 4
\ 1
7.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 z
TABLE 2 - Values of the function = W (u, r/B) = / (1/y) exp (—y — r /4B y) dy (continued)

0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.0
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
u \
2.2291 2.0258 1.8488 1,6931 1.5550 1.4317 1,3210 1.2212 1.1307 1.04S5 0,9735 0.9049 0.8420
0 4.8541 4.0601 3.5054 3.0830 2,7449 2.4654

.0003 4.8541
.0004 4.8539
.0005 4.8530

.0006 4.8510 4.0601

.0007 4.8478 4.0600
.0008 4.8430 4.0599
.0009 4.8368 4.0598

.001 4.8292 4.0595 3.5054

.002 4.7079 4.0435 3.5043 3.0830 2,7449
.003 4.5622 4.0092 3.4969 3.0821 2.7448
.004 4.4230 3.9551 3.4806 3.0788 2.7444 2.4654 2.229J
.005 4.2960 3.8821 3.4567 3.0719 2.7428 2.4651 2.2290

.006 4.1812 3.8384 3.4274 3.0614 2.7398 2.4644 2.2289 2.0258

.007 4.0771 3.7529 3.3947 3.0476 2.7350 2.4630 2.2286 2.0257
.008 3.9822 3.6903 3.3598 3.0311 2.7284 2.4608 2.2279 2.0256 1.848S
.009 3.8952 3.6302 3.3239 3.0126 2.7202 2.4576 2.2269 2.0253 1.8487

3.2875 2.9925 2.7104 2.4534 2.2253 2.0246 1.8486 1.6931 1.5550 1.4317 1.3210 1.2212 1.1307 1.0485
.01 3.8150 3.5725
2.5688 2.3713 2.1809 2.0023 1.8379 1.6883 1.5530 1.4309 1.3207 1.2210 1.1306 1.0484 0.9735 0.9049
.02 3.2442 3.1158 2.9521 2.7658
2.4110 2.2576 2.1031 1.9515 1.8062 1.6695 1.5423 1.4251 1.3177 1.2195 1.1299 1.0481 9733 9048 0.8420
.03 2.8873 2.8017 2.6896 2.5571
2.3802 2.2661 2.1431 2.0155 1.8869 1.7603 1.6379 1.5213 1.4117 1.3094 1.2146 1.1270 1.0465 9724 9044 8418
.04 2.6288 2.5655 2.4816
Z2299 2.1371 2.0356 1.9283 1.8181 1.7075 1.5985 1.4927 1.3914 1.2955 1.2052 1.1210 1.0426 9700 9029 8409
.05 2.4271 2.3776 2.3110

1.8452 1.7497 1.6524 1.5551 1.4593 1.3663 1.2770 1.1919 1.1116 1.0362 9657 9001 8391
.06 2.2622 2.2218 2.1673 2.1002 2.0227 1.9369
1.7673 1.6P35 1.5973 1.5101 1.4232 1.3380 1.2551 1.1754 1.0993 1.0272 9593 8956 8360
.07 2.1232 2.0894 2.0435 1.9867 1.9206 1.8469
1.6947 1.6206 1.5436 1.4650 1.3860 1.3078 1.2310 1.1564 1.0847 1.0161 9510 8895 8316
.08 2.0034 1.9745 1.9351 1.6861 1.8290 1.7646
1.6272 1.5609 1.4918 1.4206 1.3486 1.2766 1.2054 1.1358 1.0682 1.0032 9411 8819 8259
.09 1.8983 1.8732 1.8389 1.7961 1.7460 1.6892

1.5644 1.5048 1.4422 1.3774 1.3115 1.2451 1.1791 1.1140 1,0505 0.9890 0.9297 0.8730 0.8190
.1 1.8050 1.7829 1.7527 1.7149 1.6704 1.6198
1.1145 1.0879 1.0592 1.0286 0.9964 0.9629 0.9284 0.8932 0.8575 8216 7857 7501 7148
.2 1.2155 1.2066 1.1944 1.1789 1.1602 1.1387
0.8457 0.8306 0.8142 0.7964 7775 7577 7369 7154 6932 6706 6476 6244 6010
.3 0.9018 0.8969 0.8902 0.8817 0.8713 0.8593
6551 6446 6332 6209 6080 5943 5801 5653 5501 5345 5186 5024
.4 7000 6969 6927 6874 6809 6733 6647
5278 5206 5128 5044 4955 4860 4761 4658 4550 4440 4326 4210
.5 5581 5561 5532 5496 5453 5402 5344

4364 4317 4266 4210 4150 4086 4018 3946 3871 3793 3712 3629 3543
.6 4532 4518 4498 4472 4441 4405
3606 3572 3534 3493 3449 3401 3351 3297 3242 3183 3123 3060 2996
.7 3729 3719 3704 3685 3663 3636
3008 2982 2953 2922 2889 2853 2815 2774 2732 2687 2641 2592 2543
.8 3100 3092 3081 3067 3050 3030
2544 2527 2507 2485 2461 2436 2408 2378 2347 2314 2280 2244 2207 2168
.9 2597 259! 2583 2572 2559

0.2171 0.2161 0.2149 0.2135 0.2120 0.2103 0.2085 0.2065 0.2043 0.2020 0.1995 0.1970 0.1943 0\9U 0.1885 0.1855 |
1.0 0.2190 0.2186 0.2179
487 486 485 484 462 480 477 475 473 470 467 463 460 456 452 448 444
2.0 488 488 125 124 123 123 122 1
3.0 130 130 130 130 130 130 129 129 128 128 127 127 126 125
38 38 38 38 38 38 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 36 36 I 36 36 f
4.0 38
5.0 11 11 11 11 n 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 "
f 1, 1
"1 "1 / I
1j m 1
/n 1 I I <> ° " 1*
• u • / •• / " . r L

TABLE 2 - Values of the function = I F (u, r/B) « f (l/ )

y exp ( - y - r-/4J?~y) dy (concluded)

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

3 0.8420 0.4276 0.2278 0.1247 0.0695 0.0392 0.0223 O.0128 0.0074. 0.0025 0.0008 0.0003 0.0001

* 8391
f 8360 0.4276
Ji 8316 4275
if 8259 4274

} 0.8190 0.4271 0.2278

I 7148 4135 2268 0.1247 0.0695
J 6010 3812 2211 1240 694
A 5024 3411 2096 1217 691 0.0392
5 4210 3007 1944 1174 681 390 0.0223
i 3543 2630 1774 1112 664 386 222 0.0128
3 2996 2292 1602 1040 639 379 221 127
J 2543 1994 1436 961 607 368 218 127 0.0074
I 2168 1734 1231 881 572 354 213 125 73

II 0.1855 0.1509 0.1139 0.0803 0.0534 0.0338 0.0207 0.0123 0.0073 0.0025
21 444 394 335 271 210 156 112 77 51 21 G.Q008 0.0003
II 122 112 100 86 71 57 45 34 25 12 6 2
AS 36 34 31 27 24 20 16 13 10 6 3 2 0.0001
5,1 11 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 1 0
4.8 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 ? 1 1 0
7J 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1
1,3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

•oefficients usually tend to attain their uniform Example—Figure 2 shows time-drawdown curve
allies. Consequently, the latter p a r t of the ob­ obtained from pumping test d a t a carried out on
servation curve generally is more dependable in the Moutrays farm in the Roswell artesian basin,
k analysis. Direct computation in E q . (1) for New Mexico. T h e curve shown was obtained after
kwdowns in the latter p a r t of the test should the necessary adjustment for t h e general recovery
compare fairly with observed values. T h u s the of water levels t h a t was observed to take place
wt step is: (12) Use t h e coefficients calculated before and during the pumping test. Before start­
above for direct computation in E q . (1) or (Table ing the test, the well had been flowing a t a small
2) for observed points on the straight portion of rate during a period of about 30 minutes. T h e
ie observed curve a n d for points on t h e latter part constant drawdow n observed in the well during
I the curve. T h e calculated drawdowns should t h a t period was two feet, which was probably
plot close to the curve in those portions. attained within the first 20 minutes after the well
Sometimes the extrapolated value of s is either m
started flowing. A few minutes after starting t h e
m~ or under-estimated, or/and the slope of the test, this observation well stopped flowing, and
straight portion of the curve (which sometimes may a t the end of ten minutes after the start, the
k passed through the observation points in water level in the well had dropped an additional
several ways) is drawn either flatter or steeper 2.15 ft. The observed drawdowns during the early
dan necessary. I n such cases the calculated p a r t of the test (probably during t h e first 40 min­
drawdowns necessarily will deviate from the utes after starting the test) were undoubtedly
observed curve. T h e next step is to adjust the affected by the recovery of the water levels clue
extrapolation of s , or the slope, or both, at the
to the cessation of the flow from the well. T h e
election point. T h e amount of adjustment is curve shown in Figure 2 was not adjusted for this
inferred from the amounts and direction of the effect. Consequently, the early portion of the
deviations of the calculated values of drawdown curve (probably within the first 40 minutes) does
J'rom those observed. Then the above steps are not represent the drawdown effected by the
•peated. With a little experience only one trial pumped well.
w be needed to arrive at a satisfactory answer. The discharge of the pumped well was 3 . 3 3 cfs,

o 258002 = 1.35 X 1O-1Q sec.-I; and from Eq

Jll1ll1~lcJ lJJJ11
S = 0.0205 X 4 X 0.09 X 117 X 6O/100Y _
0.000046. . -
I'--- -'-OBSERVED CURVE More than one observation well-If there is more
~\J than one we~, the above procedure may be applied

z I lJ1lllJION POINT I, to each well mdependently, provided the m~~g "";'" •

d rawdown can be extrapolated for each of the

~IO ")~_(~':9-y FT, 1,:1 MIN,lf I
wells observed. The coefficients obtained from til

i ~ ! 111,!1
oCt I analysis of data from each well are then I'reigiJt~

1 to obtain their mean values in the vicinitv of I~


! il! :~IIII
well field. . J.e

I Ir-lIIItj~l!k"",,'

""" 1III The following method can be used, provided

that at least two wells are observed and if U:t
straight portion of the semi-logarithmic draw.
down-time curves are fully developed. The ~(lo
100 1000 10,000
TIME, MINUTES cedure follows: (1) Construct the semi-logarithmk
FIG. 2. - Time-drawdown curve for Moutrays time-drawdown curves for all observation wells.
farm drawdown pumping test, Roswell (2) Find the values of the slope mi of the straight
artesian basin, New Mexico portion of the curve for each well. (3) On semi.
logarithmic paper plot distance versus slope (the
and its distance from the pumped well was 1060 ft. slope being on the logarithmic scale), and cr!1).
From Figure 2, Sm is estimated as 19.5 ft. Thus struct the best-fit straight line through the plotted
Si = (i)sm = 9.75 ft. The inflection point is then points. The equation of this straight line is gh'el
located on the curve by the point (9.75, 117), by Eq. (8) above. (4) Find the slope of this line.
that is, ti = 117 min. The slope of the straight which is the change in r divided by the correspono.
portion of the curve on which the inflection point ing change in loglomi. (5) Calculate B from the
lies is measured as 6.5. Then from Eq. (12), relation B = 0.434(6.r /6.log1011li). (6) Find the
eT/BKoCr/B) = 2.3 X 9.75/6.5 = 3.45. For this value of mi when r is zero, designated by (111;)0. (,)
yalue of the function, Table 1 gives r /B = 0.041 Calculate T from the relation T = 2.3 Q/41C(lIIih.
and eTI B = 1.042. Hence B = 1060 /0.041 ~ 25800 (8) Knowing T and B, compute the leakance as i:J
it.; fromEq. (7), T = 1.3 X 3.33/411' X 6.5 X 1.042 the previous method. (9) Knowing Q, r, T, and B.
0.09 ft2 /sec; the leakance, or K'/b' = 0.09/ compute Si in each observation well from Eq.

° <=-
r--:: ~ r-.",
~I ~ ~.
L1.. ~~ r\
z '\:,\ 1\
m;= 1.69
3: '\ \
o \~ r = 4'fiOIIIII
mj = 1.76--- I r=2800 FT
ri2j4111111 1'1'111111
100 1,000 10,000
FIG. 3. -Time-drawdown curves for Wortman farm pumping test, Roswell artesian basin, New l\feKico
i f l Knowing Si in each well, locate the inflection 1.0
p i t and read k . (11) Knowing T> r, r/B, and U !

preach well, calculate .S b y Eq. (6). (12) T h e mean

•,f the values obtained in Step 11 is considered to >< •T , t = !>0M J)
• approximately the average storage coefficient
)e I
/ - 5 m »!.26 F T
v the well field. 1 I
Example — Semi - logarithmic time - drawdown , ^
jarves for three observation wells constructed 1.4 ! ! i
;om data obtained from a pumping test carried
10 100 1,000
mi on the F . W o r t m a n farm in the Orchard Park
FIG. 5. - Time-drawdown curve for Berrendo
area of the Roswell artesian basin, New Mexico,
pumping test, Roswell artesian basin,
•re shown in Figure 3. T h e rate of discharge of New Mexico
•be pumped well was 1.2 cfs. T h e distances r from
center of the pumped well to the three ob­ tain cases, such as when the transmissibility and
servation wells are 2420, 2800, and 4000 feet. leakage coefficients are relatively very high, t h e
From Figure 3, the approximate slopes #z- of the t
maximum drawdowns caused by a pumping well
straight portions of t h e three curves are respec­ are attained within a relatively short period of
tively 1.76, 1.75, and 1.69. Figure 4 shows the pumping. In such cases, leakage m a y affect the
best-fit straight line through the points r, m flow immediately, so that more than 50 pet of the
dotted on semi-logarithmic paper. From Figure 4, maximum drawdown is developed within a few
Af/AlogioWi » 78500, and (w*)o = 1.9. Thus, minutes after the beginning of pumping, in which
5 = 0.434 X 78500 = 34100 ft; T - 2.3 X 1.2/ case most of the points collected from a pumping
k X 1.9 = 0.116 ft /sec; and the leakance, K'/b' test fall beyond the inflection point. Consequently,
2 1 0
= 0.116/341OO - 1 X 1 0 " sec"" . T h e average 1 the time-drawdown curve forms t h a t portion of
alue of S is computed as in Table 3. the curve that approaches the maximum draw­
When more than 50 pet of the maximum drawdown down asymptotically. If a sufficient number of
is developed in a few minutes of pumping—In cer- observation wells is not available to apply success­
fully the method based on steady distribution of
I i — i —
drawdown, a method by which it is possible to
obtain apparent values of the formation constants
4,000 at any instant during pumping is outlined as
A r / c y c l e = 78,5 OO
follows: (1) Construct the semi-logarithmic time-
(m,) *l.90
0 drawdown curve from the observed data and
estimate the maximum drawdown s . (2) On t h em

plotted curve, choose any arbitrary point and note

\ i
the coordinate values / and 5 . (3) Draw a tangent
to the curve at the chosen point and measure the
slope m of the tangent, which is equal toA^/Alogiol.
T o construct a proper tangent may appear to be
LO 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 50 difficult, but with a little practice the difficulty is
removed. (4) Knowing s , s, and m, compute t h e

FIG. 4. - Distance-slope curve for Wortman value of the function f(q) from (18) and find t h e
farm pumping test, Roswell Artesian q
corresponding values of q, e , and W(q) from
basin, New Mexico Table 1. (5) Compute T from either (16) or (17).
(6) Knowing T and s , compute K (r/B)
m from
TABLE 3 - Computations for S as described in Steps
Eq. (9) and find the corresponding value of (r/B)
9-12 above
from Table 1 or Eq. (19). (7) Knowing r and r/B,
fell r Si H from 5 from compute the value of B. (8) Knowing T and B,
r/B from
Table 1. Eq. (S>) Fig. 3 Eq. (6)
compute the leakance K'/b' from the relation
K'/b' - 775*. (9) Knowing /, T, B, and the value
ft ft min
! of q, compute S from Eq. (16a).
2420 0.071 2.766 2.28 93 0.0000157
2 2800 0.082 2.623 2.16 95 0.0000138 Example—Figure 5 shows the time-drawdown
3 4000 0.117 2.273 1.87 92 0.0000094 curve observed in the Berrendo recorder well in t h e
Roswell artesian basin during two pumping tests
Average value of S 0.000013 carried out at different times for approximately

the same discharge of t h e p u m p e d well. T h e dis­ 62 X 100 X 3.3 X 10-«/144 = 7.1 X KTI If tht
charge was 3.33 cfs, and t h e distance of the recorder storage coefficient is 1.55 X 10~ (as obtained in

well from t h e pumped well is 130 ft. the last example), t h e n yba is 0.84 X i0~ L 5

7 2
From Figure 5, s — 1.26 ft. A point P is chosen
m a = 2 X 1 0 - in /lb.
on t h e curve, whose coordinates are found to b e Acknowledgment—The author is indebted to C
t = 50 minutes and s = 1.23 ft. A tangent a t R . Cassity of t h e N e w Mexico Institute of MiniiF
point P is constructed; its measured slope = and Technology for preparations of Tables 1
As/cycle = 0 . 1 1 . 2, a n d t o R . Crawford, field engineer of the Pecos
B y E q . (18), f(q) - 0.626. From T a b l e 1, Valley Conservancy District, for his help in makiBg
W(q) = 0.247, - 2.534, a n d q = 0.93. Hence, b y the p u m p i n g tests noted in t h e Roswell artesian
E q . (16), T = 2.3 X 3.33/4TT X 0.11 X 2.534 - basin.
2.19 ft /sec; or b y E q . (17), T = 3.33 X 0.247/4TT REFERENCES
(1.26 - 1.23) = 2.18 ft /sec. B y E q . (9), JST (r/B)
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= 1.26 X 2 X x X 2.19/3.33 = 5.2. B y E q . (19), bility and storage coefficients from pumping test?
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T h e leakance is K'/V = 2.19/21300 = 4.82 X 10~ 9
sec~ . B y E q . (16a) 5 = 4.82 X 10~ X 50 X 9 COOPER, H. H . , JR., AND C . E. JACOB, A generalized
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.60/0.93 = 0.0000155.
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T h e aquifer which is penetrated by the wells on Amer. Geophys. Union, 2 7 , 526, 1946.
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T h e effective porosity (specific yield) of the outcrop flow in an infinite leaky aquifer, Tram. Awm.
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5 = dyb((3 + a/6) THEIS, C. V . , The relation between the lowering of
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6 2
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T h e product 0y5/3 gives t h e fraction of storage College of Engineering, Baghdad, Iraq, formerly at
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yba gives t h e fraction derived from compression of
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