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Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment-an Ophthalmologic Emergency

Article  in  Deutsches Ärzteblatt International · January 2014

DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2014.0012 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Nicolas Feltgen Peter Walter

Universitätsmedizin Göttingen RWTH Aachen University


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Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment—an

Ophthalmologic Emergency
Nicolas Feltgen, Peter Walter

etinal detachment is the term used to describe de-

Background: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is the
R tachment of the neurosensory retina from the
underlying membrane, the retinal pigment epithelium.
most common retinological emergency threatening vision, The separation of the two layers takes place within the
with an incidence of 1 in 10 000 persons per year, corre- fissure formed by the invagination of the optic cup (e1).
sponding to about 8000 new cases in Germany annually.
Three forms of retinal detachment are distinguished:
Without treatment, blindness in the affected eye may
● The most frequent is the rhegmatogenous form of
detachment, in which a retinal tear allows lique-
Method: Selective review of the literature. fied vitreous humor to penetrate under the retina
Results: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment typically (Figure 1).
presents with the perception of light flashes, floaters, or a ● In the far less common tractional form, the retina
“dark curtain.” In most cases, the retinal tear is a conse- is pulled away from the substrate by cord-like
quence of degeneration of the vitreous body. Epidemi- scars, e.g., fibrosing proliferation membranes in
ologic studies have identified myopia and prior cataract diabetic retinopathy.
surgery as the main risk factors. Persons in the sixth and ● Much less frequent again is exudative retinal de-
seventh decades of life are most commonly affected. tachment; where the underlying cause is a barrier
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is an emergency, and dysfunction, for example in the case of intraocular
all patients should be seen by an ophthalmologist on the tumors or exudative vascular diseases.
same day that symptoms arise. The treatment consists of The most common cause of rhegmatogenous retinal
scleral buckle, removal of the vitreous body (vitrectomy), detachment is degeneration of the vitreous body. The
or a combination of the two. Anatomical success rates are vitreous is made up almost entirely (98%) of water and
in the range of 85% to 90%. Vitrectomy is followed by lens is stabilized by collagen fibrils that extend into the
opacification in more than 70% of cases. The earlier the superficial (internal) layers of the retina (1, e2). Physio-
patient is seen by an ophthalmologist, the greater the logical degeneration of this vitreous scaffold has been
chance that the macula is still attached, so that visual demonstrated as early as the first few years of life (e3,
acuity can be preserved. e4). In the course of time the collagen fibrils harden,
Conclusion: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is among sometimes leading to perception of the mobile dots and
the main emergency indications in ophthalmology. In all threads known as muscae volitantes or “floaters” (e1).
such cases, an ophthalmologist must be consulted at The progressive loss of elasticity eventually results in
once. separation of the vitreous from the retina (Figure 2a).
This process is described as “posterior vitreous detach-
►Cite this as:
ment.” In this context, the risk that a tear will arise in
Feltgen N, Walter P: Rhegmatogenous retinal detach-
the retina is most acute when the vitreous body is still
ment—an ophthalmologic emergency. Dtsch Arztebl Int
attached to the retina at one or more points and its
2014; 111(1–2): 12–22. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2014.0012
weight exerts traction (Figure 2b). Because the vitreous
usually begins to separate from the retina at the
posterior pole of the eye, extending to the so-called

Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Göttingen:

Prof. Dr. med. Feltgen
Department of Ophthalmology, RWTH Aachen: Prof. Dr. med. Walter
Retinal detachment is the term used to
describe separation of the neurosensory retina
from the underlying membrane, the retinal
pigment epithelium.

12 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(1–2): 12−22


equator, the tension on the retina is particularly strong FIGURE 1

in this region. The equator marks the transition of the
central to the peripheral retina (Figures 1, 2a, 3) and is
the point where the retina is at its thinnest (0.18 mm
versus 0.23 mm at the center) (e5), which explains the
predilection for tension-related holes in the retina
(Figures 1, 3, 4). Every fifth patient with posterior
vitreous detachment develops a retinal hole (e6).
The incidence of rhegmatogenous retinal detach-
ment in the general population in Europe is ca. 1 in
10 000, corresponding to around 8000 new cases each
year in Germany (2, e7, e8). The danger is greatest in
the age range 55 to 70 years. The risk of retinal detach-
ment in the second eye is between 3.5% and 5.8% in
the first year and 9% to 10% within 4 years; existing
detachment in one eye is therefore the most frequent
risk factor (2). There are typical risk factors that in-
crease the danger of rhegmatogenous retinal detach-
ment, principal among them shortsightedness, cataract
surgery, and trauma. The higher incidence of retinal de-
tachment in patients with these risk factors is attributed
to points of particularly strong adhesion between the
vitreous body and the retina (2).

Learning goals
After reading this article, the reader should be able to:
● Interpret the possible symptoms of retinal detach-
● Name the treatment options
● Observe the rules of aftercare and recognize the
typical postoperative features.

Literature review Schematic diagram of an eye. The anatomical structures are

We searched PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Reg- marked by color and/or an arrow. a) Normal eye with intact
istry using the terms “retinal detachment,” “rhegmato- vitreous body. b) Eye with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Vit-
genous retinal detachment,” “scleral buckling,” “vitrec- reous traction causes a tear in the retina through which fluid enters
the subretinal space, resulting in detachment
tomy,” and “risk factors” and then made a represen-
tative (in our view) selection of the publications

Myopia genous retinal detachment were myopic (e12, e13).

Shortsightedness of up to –3 diopters (D) quadruples Myopia is a particularly relevant risk factor because it
the risk of retinal detachment, and myopia of more than is increasingly more common among children (4, e14);
–3 D increases the danger of detachment tenfold. every third European adult is now shortsighted (e14).
Myopia also leads to earlier vitreous liquefaction,
which explains why retinal detachment generally Previous surgery
occurs earlier in shortsighted patients than in those Another risk factor for rhegmatogenous retinal detach-
without refraction defects (3, e8–e11). In various study ment is operative insertion of an artificial lens. Cataract
groups, around 50% of all patients with rhegmato- surgery accelerates liquefaction of the vitreous humor,

Incidence Myopia
The incidence of rhegmatogenous retinal detach- Shortsightedness of up to –3 diopters (D)
ment in the general population in Europe is ca. 1 quadruples the risk of retinal detachment, and
in 10 000, corresponding to around 8000 new myopia of more than –3 D increases the danger of
cases each year in Germany. The danger is detachment tenfold.
greatest in the age range 55 to 70 years.

Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(1–2): 12−22 13


explaining the higher incidence of detachment. Six

years after cataract surgery the risk of detachment is
sevenfold, and the danger grows as the postoperative
interval increases (e15). The risk of suffering rhegma-
togenous retinal detachment after an uncomplicated
cataract operation is approximately 1/1000 (2). Around
30% of patients with retinal detachment have a history
of cataract surgery (3, 5–7, e16, e17). Some 650 000
cataract operations are carried out each year in Ger-
many (8). Recent findings suggest that demographic
developments will lead to an increase in the proportion
of those with such surgery among patients with retinal
detachment (8). However, the considerable technical
advances in cataract surgery in the past few years make
it difficult to predict future effects. The increased risk
of retinal detachment should be explained to cataract
patients before operation, but it should not be a reason
for abandoning surgery that is otherwise indicated.

a Trauma
The sudden acceleration of the vitreous body in blunt
Figure 2a: Macroscopic view of an eyeball opened at both sides. C, ocular trauma may lead to extensive tearing of the
Cornea; V vitreous body; E, equator; *, lens (loss of translucency due retina around the base of the vitreous far out in the
to fixation process); arrows: margin of anteriorly displaced vitreous periphery; alternatively, small holes may arise in the
(source: Prof. Peter Meyer, Kantonsspital Basel, Switzerland) fundus of the eye. The rate of traumatic retinal detach-
ment is comparatively low, at 0.2/10 000 (2).
Ophthalmologists are often asked whether pregnant
women with myopia or retinal detachment can be
advised to give birth naturally or whether a cesarean
section would be preferable. There is now a clear
answer to this question: Provided the retina is currently
attached, neither shortsightedness nor a history of rheg-
matogenous retinal detachment speaks against natural
childbirth (9, e18).
A subject of ongoing investigation is whether oral
intake of fluoroquinolones (particularly ciprofloxacin)
leads to increased incidence of retinal detachment. In a
Canadian database study, the rate of detachment during
drug intake was 5 times higher than in a control group
(10). Over the course of the 8-year observation period
(from 2000 to 2007), a cohort of almost a million
persons was evaluated. A total of 4384 experienced a
retinal detachment during this time. The proportion of
b persons who had taken fluoroquinolones was 3.3% in
the detachment group versus 0.6% in the control group
Figure 2b: Macroscopic view of an eye with vitreous traction on the
retina that has not produced a retinal hole. White arrow: vitreous (n = 43 840). This possible effect is explained by accel-
traction strand; black arrow: point of adhesion of vitreous to retina; erated vitreous liquefaction with subsequent retinal
*, retinal vessel (source: Prof. Peter Meyer, Kantonsspital Basel, tearing. No prospective studies on this topic have
Switzerland). been published. To date, the data do not justify a

Risk after cataract surgery Myopia and childbirth

Six years after cataract surgery the risk of de- Provided the retina is currently attached, neither
tachment is sevenfold, and the danger grows as shortsightedness nor a history of rhegmatogenous
the postoperative interval increases. retinal detachment speaks against natural child-

14 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(1–2): 12−22


recommendation to avoid taking fluoroquinolones,

even in patients with recognized risk factors for retinal
detachment; however, patients should be advised of the
potential dangers.

Clinical findings and examination

Most patients report abnormal visual phenomena
before the actual detachment of the retina. These can
take the form of newly occurring opacities described as
cobwebs or threads, sometimes as a swarm of midges.
Occasionally the patient perceives flashes of light that
can be provoked by changing the direction of gaze.
Sometimes the patient has difficulty determining which
eye is affected. If the retina then becomes detached, the
patient perceives a light to dark gray shadow; in rare
cases the shadow is completely black. In contrast to
vitreous opacity, this shadow does not move when the
direction of gaze changes. If the retinal detachment ex-
tends to the optic fovea or the visual axis is occluded,
considerable worsening of vision ensues. Occasionally Figure 3: Sketch of fundus in detachment with a superotemporal
vascular tears result in vitreous hemorrhages, again U-shaped hole. The arrows indicate the margin of detachment. Blue,
leading to impairment of vision. Examination of the area of detachment; red, attached retina; E, equator, Ora, ora serra-
background of the eye (funduscopy) takes in the entire ta; M, macula; P, papilla; *, U-shaped hole exposing the choroid
retina from the posterior pole to the ora serrata. A de- membrane under the retina
tachment is recognized by the dune-like appearance
and mobility of the retina, and the hole responsible for
the detachment can often be discerned (Figures 3, 4).
The hole may be more difficult to find, however, (e24–e27). Several different procedures are now avail-
particularly after cataract operations; in ca. 5% to 20% able and can be used singly or in combination: laser
of patients with retinal detachment following cataract coagulation or cryocoagulation for scar induction and
surgery the very small and peripherally located holes scleral buckling or vitrectomy to close the holes.
are overlooked preoperatively (e19, e20). In laser coagulation the laser light enters the eye via
Attentive patients usually notice the visual symp- the pupil. The laser energy is absorbed in the retinal
toms very quickly, but do not always recognize their pigment epithelium, leading to heat (ca. 60 °C) and
importance or attach much urgency to them. Most pa- coagulation necrosis (e28, e29). Cryocoagulation
tients present with a detached macula and therefore involves freezing of the eyeball all the way from the
have an unfavorable prognosis from the outset (11–13, outside to the retina by application of a cryo probe (ca.
e21). It has been estimated that between 50% and 70% –80 °C). Both procedures are followed after a few days
of patients present too late because they did not recog- by formation of a scar, but only if the retina is in contact
nize the typical symptoms of detachment; this is inde- with the underlying retinal pigment epithelium. There-
pendent of educational level (e22, e23). It is therefore fore, scar induction by either laser coagulation or
especially important to ensure that high-risk patients cryocoagulation is effective only for prevention of de-
are informed accordingly. tachment in a still-attached retina; both forms of coagu-
lation are pointless if detachment has already occurred.
Treatment options The procedures employed for surgical management
Typically, retinal detachment is treated by mechanical of retinal detachment are scleral buckling and vitrec-
and scar-induced sealing of all holes in the retina. Jules tomy. Here too laser coagulation or cryocoagulation is
Gonin was the first to recognize that hole closure forms used for hole closure, but only after surgery to repair
an essential part of the treatment of retinal detachment the detachment. Data for both of these surgical options

First symptoms Funduscopy

Most patients report abnormal visual phenomena A detachment is recognized by the dune-like
before the actual detachment of the retina. These appearance and mobility of the retina, and the
can take the form of newly occurring opacities hole responsible for the detachment can often be
described as cobwebs or threads. discerned.

Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(1–2): 12−22 15


Vitrectomy begins with the removal of the vitreous
humor causing the retinal detachment, followed by dis-
placement of the subretinal fluid by means of a heavy
tamponade (perfluorodecalin or perfluorocarbon) and
scarring of the retina by laser coagulation or cryo-
coagulation. The vitreous is then replaced by a tampon-
ade (Figure 6), which holds the retina against the
underlying retinal pigment epithelium until a firm scar
has formed around the retinal hole. A mixture of air and
gas or a silicone oil tamponade can be chosen for this
purpose. The air/gas mixture is usually chosen in
simpler situations (e.g., when the hole is at the top of
the eyeball). The advantage of the air/gas tamponade is
that it is absorbed and thus does not require removal.
The disadvantage is that the mixture expands postoper-
Figure 4: Retinal detachment with two U-shaped holes. H, Retinal
atively (due to warming and uptake of nitrogen from
hole; F, covering flap; *, bridging artery stabilizing the flap at its
apex; arrows, hole margins the blood), with the danger of pressure decompen-
sation, so the patient should avoid changes in alti-
tude—not only flights but also mountain crossings.
Furthermore, air/gas mixtures result in a massive
are available from recent prospective randomized clini- change in refraction of ca. –50 D (e36). The gases most
cal trials. frequently used are sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), per-
fluoroethane (C2F6), and perfluoropropane (C3F8).
Scleral buckling How long the gas remains in the eye depends on which
After precise localization of all retinal breaks and gas is chosen, how much of it is injected, and on the in-
marking of the sclera, the holes are treated with cryo- traocular pressure. On average the gases remain in the
pexy for scar induction. The traction exerted on the eye for between 14 days (SF6) and 2 months (C3F8)
holes by the vitreous body is then reduced by a foam (19, e37).
sponge sutured to the sclera (14) (Figure 5). In complicated situations silicone oil can be used as
In certain configurations of retinal holes or in the tamponade. The advantage of oil is that the tamponade
presence of multiple breaks, a silicone band can be placed is stable, without expansion, while the disadvantage is
around the whole eyeball; this is known as encircling the necessity for surgical removal. Moreover, oil causes
band. When the buckling has abolished the traction effect a change in refraction of around +6 D, leading to
on the holes, the retinal pigment epithelium absorbs the blurred vision. Reattachment rates of 85% to 90% are
subretinal fluid and the retina becomes reattached in the also reported for vitrectomy (1, 5, 11, 13, 16, 17, 20,
space of a few days. Depending on the situation, a single e30–e32). The frequent complications are cataract in
scleral buckling procedure achieves reattachment rates the first year after surgery (77% [13]) and unintentional
of ca. 85% to 90% (11, 13, 15–17, e30–e32). A frequent creation of retinal holes during surgery (up to 17%
complication of scleral buckling procedures is [21]). Rare complications include bleeding into the
deformation of the eyeball with changes in refraction. In vitreous humor, in around 1% of cases (22), and inflam-
practice this is a problem only with cerclage, hardly ever mation of the inner eye, even endophthalmitis, although
occurring with a sponge (e33, e34). Double vision and eye the latter is very rare indeed (<0.01%) (22). The techni-
movement problems are each reported in around 15% of cal advances in minimally invasive trocar-guided
cases early after operation (18). Occasionally the sponge vitrectomy (Figure 6) have had no effect on the
becomes infected (0.3% [e35]) or migrates into the eyeball endophthalmitis rate (e38–e40), but have reduced the
(<0.01% [14]). In the vast majority of cases the symptoms rate of iatrogenic retinal holes by a factor of 4 (21, e41).
recede after a few days or weeks, so that neither sponges Nevertheless, the classic method continues to be used
nor cerclages are removed. in parallel with the minimally invasive technique

Surgical management Vitrectomy

The procedures employed for surgical manage- Vitrectomy begins with the removal of the vitreous
ment of retinal detachment are scleral buckling humor causing the retinal detachment, followed
and vitrectomy. Laser coagulation or cryocoagu- by displacement of the subretinal fluid by means
lation is used for hole closure. of a heavy tamponade and scarring of the retina
by laser coagulation or cryocoagulation. The
vitreous is then replaced by a tamponade.

16 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(1–2): 12−22


because no firm conclusions can yet be drawn with

regard to benefits and drawbacks.
The operations can be performed with the patient
under retrobulbar local anesthesia or general
anesthesia, although the latter is preferable particularly
for scleral buckling. It is important to note that nitrous
oxide anesthesia must be avoided if an air/gas mixture
is being used for internal tamponade, as otherwise the
intraocular pressure rises so high that blindness can
result (19, e42, e43).

Aftercare and postoperative features

There is no rigid scheme for postoperative care that can
be applied to every patient. In the first few weeks after
operation the patient is examined by an ophthalmol-
ogist at short intervals, the frequency depending on the
findings. The most important period is the first 6
weeks, during which most complications occur. One
significant complication after surgical interventions is
scarring of the retina. In proliferative vitreoretinopathy Figure 5: Sponge under double hole. Owing to cryocoagulation the
(PVR) fibrotic membranes form on, under, or within edge of the hole is whiter than the rest of the retina. From this per-
the retina, leading to hardening and mechanical spective the sponge, sutured externally onto the sclera, can be seen
shortening of the retina and elevation from the sclera indirectly as a concavity of the retina
(e1). Regardless of the procedure used, PVR occurs in
around 15% of cases and is more pronounced in
younger patients and in those with more advanced
disease (with literature reports varying from 7% to on peripheral retinal degeneration, which has tradition-
55%) (Table) (13, e44, e45). ally been seen as a risk factor for detachment. The prin-
In a PVR reaction the typical symptoms of “flashes cipal representative of this group of changes is lattice
of light and smoke signals,” the correlate of vertical vit- degeneration, which is found in around 7% of the nor-
reous traction on the retina, are absent. Should the PVR mal population but in up to 46% of patients with retinal
reaction detach the retina close to the fovea, however detachment (2, 23, 24, e47). The likelihood that detach-
the patient again describes a renewed shadow and loss ment will develop from asymptomatic lattice degener-
of vision (e46). ation is less than 1%, however, so general prophylactic
In the postoperative phase patients are restricted in laser coagulation is currently not recommended—ex-
their activities by local symptoms (swelling, reddening, cept in the presence of risk factors that favor detach-
pain), impaired visual acuity with tamponade, and by ment (status post trauma, detachment in the other eye,
the necessity of using eye drops. The transitory (tam- family history of detachment) (25). Nevertheless, a
ponade) or persisting (injury of the macula or optic Cochrane Review published in 2012 underlined the low
nerve) loss of spatial vision leads to problems for many evidence level of the available data and the difficulty of
patients in the first few weeks, particularly with near formulating reliable recommendations (e48).
work. This should be considered and discussed during In contrast, holes found in a symptomatic patient whose
the rehabilitation period. retina is still attached but who is at increased risk of de-
tachment should be treated by laser coagulation according
Stage-appropriate treatment and study findings to the published recommendations (25, e49, e50).
Changes or rhegmatogenous retinal hole without detachment
An incidentally discovered retinal hole without detach- Rhegmatogenous retinal hole with detachment
ment does not always require treatment. There is no The surgical management of retinal detachment has
consensus regarding interpretation of the available data changed considerably in recent years. While most

Disadvantage of air/gas mixture in vitrectomy Postoperative period

Pressure decompensation should be avoided. In the first few weeks after operation the patient
Patients should not make any journeys that is examined by an ophthalmologist at short inter-
involve changes in altitude—particularly flights vals, the frequency depending on the findings. The
but also mountain crossings. most important period is the first 6 weeks, during
which most complications occur.

Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(1–2): 12−22 17


patients used to be treated by scleral buckling, vitrectomy

now predominates (26, 27, e51–e53). Comparative
studies have shown that both methods remain valid and
each has clear indications, but also that they can be
carried out simultaneously or successively (13, 16, 26,
28–30, e52). Apart from the surgeon’s personal experi-
ence with the two types of operation, the choice of
procedure depends principally on the precise findings
in the individual patient (24). In the following simple
situation, buckling is preferable to vitrectomy:
● Eye with native lens (phakic), no previous surgery
(14–17, 31–33, e54)
● Hole clearly discernible, not too large (12, 34)
● No or only slight PVR reaction (12, 16, 34)
a ● Good view of site.
This is the case in almost half of all patients with
retinal detachment (5). One quarter of patients,
however, exhibit complicating factors at the time of
presentation (5); in such cases vitrectomy is superior to
buckling procedures (e55). Thanks to a prospective
randomized European trial (SPR Study), we now have
robust data to resolve the question of the best treatment
for the remaining patients following cataract surgery:
In most patients with retinal detachment after intraocu-
lar lens insertion (so-called pseudophakic detachment),
vitrectomy is superior to scleral buckling or cerclage
(13, 35). In eyes with the native lens, however, buck-
ling procedures obtained better results with regard to
the rate of reoperation (e31). Therefore, the lens status
b influences the choice of operation. The Table shows the
most important anatomical and functional parameters
Figure 6: Vitrectomy in retinal detachment. of the prospective randomized trials published to date,
a) External view of eye with three access ports. divided by lens status (31).
1: Ports for vitrectome and light; 2: port for intraocular fluid. An important question—and a common reason for
b) Intraocular view. The retina is reattached; in the center a black litigation—is the timing of surgical intervention. This is
fluid (perfluorodecalin) has been poured in to help keep the retina always critical in patients with retinal detachment, be-
adjacent to the underlying membrane. The white arrows mark the
cause the longer the photoreceptors are separated from
margin of the bubble of intraocular fluid; the black arrow indicates
the retinal hole the retinal pigment epithelium, the greater the structural
alterations in the retina and the potential functional im-
pairments. The mean final visual acuity of patients
whose macula was still attached at the time of operation
corresponds approximately to the preoperative value,
but those with macular detachment attain a mean acuity
of only 0.1 to 0.2 (39). This is too low to read normal
newspaper text (which requires acuity of ca. 0.5).
Therefore, progression of detachment to the macula
must be prevented. The available literature offers little
information from which conclusions can be drawn re-
garding the speed of progression of retinal detachment

Rhegmatogenous retinal hole without Rhegmatogenous retinal hole with

detachment detachment
An incidentally discovered retinal hole without While most patients used to be treated by scleral
detachment does not always require treatment. buckling, vitrectomy now predominates. Studies
show that both methods remain valid and each
has clear indications.

18 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(1–2): 12−22



The principal anatomical and functional parameters of the prospective randomized trials published to date. Divided according to lens status

Author Number Surgical Follow-up Primary attachment Final attachment Vision stabilized or Postoperative PVR
Year of patients procedure (months) rate (vitrectomy/ rate (vitrectomy/ improved (vitrectomy/ (vitrectomy/ buckling
Design (n) (vitrectomy/ buckling in% [p]) buckling in% [p]) buckling in% [p]) in% [p])
Lens status: phakic
Azad (36)
2007 61 30/31 6 80/81 [0.95] 100/100 97/94 [0.57] 10/0 [0.07]
Koriyama (37)
2007 46 23/23 36 91/91 [1.0] 100/100 100/91 [0.15] 9/4 [0.55]
Heimann (13)
2007 415 207/209 12 64/64 [0.99] 97/97 [0.98] 75/88 [0.001]* 16/12 [0.25]
Lens status: pseudophakic/aphakic
Ahmadieh (28)
2005 225 99/126 6 63/68 [0.38] 92/85 [0.11] 65/67 [0.75] 35/29 [0.34]
Sharma (38)
2005 50 25/25 6 84/76 [0.48] 100/100 96/96 [1.0] 4/20 [0.08]
Brazitikos (29)
2005 150 75/75 12 95/83 [0.02]** 99/95 [0.17] 97/95 [0.41] 4/5.3 [0.7]
Heimann (13)
2007 265 132/133 12 72/53 [0.002]** 96/93 [0.43] 86/81 [0.26] 15/23 [0.12]

The principal anatomical and functional parameters of published prospective randomized studies according to Sun et al. (31).
Top: phakic patients; bottom: pseudophakic/aphakic patients.
Blue (*): significant difference in favor of buckling procedures; red (**) significant difference in favor of vitrectomy.
RCT = randomized controlled trial; PVR = proliferative vitreoretinopathy

(e56, e57). Many different parameters play a part: A de- for the detachment, thus facilitating surgical interven-
tachment in the upper half of the eye with a large tion (e57). If the macula is already detached, an
U-shaped hole typically behaves more aggressively operation in the next few days can be arranged (40).
than a detachment in the lower hemisphere with small
holes and a largely attached vitreous, as is often found,
for example, in young shortsighted patients. Recent Perspective
studies indicate that the surgical management of retinal With the aim of further improving the operative man-
detachment can be planned according to the individual agement of retinal detachment, an ongoing multicenter
situation (e.g., anticoagulation), considering that prospective randomized trial at German retinal surgery
emergency management is associated with a higher rate centers, supported by a competence network for
of complications (39, 40, e57). In many cases flattening clinical studies in retinology (retina.net; in German), is
of the detached retina can be achieved by strict posi- investigating whether a combination of scleral buckling
tioning of the patient on the side of the hole responsible procedures and vitrectomy can yield a better outcome

Choice of procedure Timing of surgery

In most patients with retinal detachment after The timing of surgical intervention is critical in
intraocular lens insertion (so-called pseudophakic patients with retinal detachment, because the
detachment), vitrectomy is superior to scleral longer the photoreceptors are separated from the
buckling. retinal pigment epithelium, the greater the
structural alterations in the retina.

Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(1–2): 12−22 19


than vitrectomy alone in the difficult group of patients 15. De la Rúa ER, Pastor JC, Fernández I, Sanabria MR, García-Arumí J,
with retinal detachment following cataract surgery. The Martínez-Castillo V, et al.: Non-complicated retinal detachment
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British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 378–82.
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Improvement of the initial situation

In many cases flattening of the detached retina
can be achieved by strict positioning of the pa-
tient on the side of the hole responsible for the
detachment, thus facilitating surgical intervention.

20 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(1–2): 12−22


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2011; 249: 1129–36. Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas Feltgen
35. Heimann H, Hellmich M, Bornfeld N, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Hilgers RD, Robert-Koch-Str. 40
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Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(1–2): 12−22 21


Please answer the following questions to participate in our certified Continuing Medical Education
program. Only one answer is possible per question. Please select the answer that is most appropriate.

Question 1 Question 6
What is the incidence of rhegmatogenous retinal What symptoms may point to impending retinal
detachment in the general population? detachment?
a) 1/1 000 000 a) Flashes of light and “smoke signals”
b) 1/100 000 b) Pain
c) 1/10 000 c) Vertigo
d) 1/1 000 d) Double vision
e) 1/100 e) Distorted vision

Question 2 Question 7
At what age do patients typically suffer a How is retinal detachment usually diagnosed?
rhegmatogenous retinal detachment? a) Computed tomography
a) 15 to 30 years b) High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging
b) 35 to 50 years c) Funduscopy
c) 55 to 70 years d) Skull X-ray
d) 75 to 90 years e) Optical coherence tomography
e) 95 to 105 years
Question 8
What is the typical treatment after diagnosis of
Question 3
rhegmatogenous retinal detachment?
What is the principal cause of rhegmatogenous
a) Observation and monitoring
retinal detachment?
b) Lateral positioning of the head and rest
a) Glaucoma
c) Exercise therapy and reading
b) Posterior vitreous detachment
d) Scleral buckling procedures and/or vitrectomy
c) Cataract
e) Systemic administration of fluoroquinolones
d) Corneal clouding
e) Pregnancy
Question 9
What is most likely to lead to early detection of a retinal
Question 4 detachment?
What is the most common ophthalmologic risk a) Monthly ophthalmologic examination
factor? b) Three-monthly ophthalmologic examination
a) Myopia c) Prophylactic lasering of all retinal degenerations
b) Herpes dendritica d) Regular wearing of visual aids (glasses, contact lenses)
c) Keratoconus e) Information of the patient about the symptoms of retinal
d) Iritis detachment
e) Retinal perfusion disorder
Question 10
Question 5 What is the mean visual acuity after rhegmatogenous retinal
What is the most frequent risk factor if one eye detachment with macular involvement (on the standard
is already affected? decimal scale, where 1.0 represents the mean full acuity)?
a) Amyloidosis a) Blindness to 0.1
b) Viral infection b) 0.1 to 0.2
c) Herpes zoster c) 0.3 to 0.4
d) Fibromyalgia rheumatica d) 0.6 to 0.8
e) Known retinal detachment in the other eye e) 1.0

22 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2014; 111(1–2): 12−22



Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment—an

Ophthalmologic Emergency
Nicolas Feltgen, Peter Walter

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