Manual HPOD 100 K

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C, X, Ku High-Powered Outdoor Amplifier

Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number MN/HPOD.IOM
Revision 2
C, X, Ku High-Powered Outdoor Amplifier
Installation and Operation Manual
Comtech EF Data is an ISO 9001
Registered Company

Part Number MN/HPOD.IOM

HPOD Revision 2

HPOD Revision 2

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• Information on upgrading or returning a product

A Customer Support representative may be reached at:

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Attention: Customer Support Department
2114 West 7th Street
Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA

480.333.2200 (Main Comtech EF Data Number)

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480.333.2161 FAX

To return a Comtech EF Data product (in-warranty and out-of-warranty) for repair or replacement:

• Contact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department. Be prepared to supply the
Customer Support representative with the model number, serial number, and a description of
the problem.

• Request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from the Comtech EF Data
Customer Support representative.

• Pack the product in its original shipping carton/packaging to ensure that the product is not
damaged during shipping.

• Ship the product back to Comtech EF Data. (Shipping charges should be prepaid.)

For Online Customer Support:

An RMA number request can be requested electronically by contacting the Customer Support
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Click on the “RMA Request Form” hyperlink, then fill out the form completely before sending.

Click on “Return Material Authorization” for detailed instructions on our return procedures.

Send e-mail to the Customer Support Department at [email protected].

For information regarding this product’s warranty policy, refer to page xi.

HPOD Revision 2

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................ 1–1

1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................1–1

1.2 Field Replaceable Power Supply ......................................................................................................................1–2

1.3 The Solid-State Advantage................................................................................................................................1–2

1.4 Functional Description ......................................................................................................................................1–2

1.5 Built-In Redundancy Controller ......................................................................................................................1–2

1.6 Option Free ........................................................................................................................................................1–3

1.7 Phase Combining ...............................................................................................................................................1–3

1.8 Optional “Smart BUC” Functionality .............................................................................................................1–3

1.9 Featured Packed ................................................................................................................................................1–3

1.10 Specifications....................................................................................................................................................1–4

CHAPTER 2. SYSTEM OPERATION ...................................................................... 2–1

2.1 Interface Connectors .........................................................................................................................................2–1

2.2 Turning On the SSPA........................................................................................................................................2–6

CHAPTER 3. THEORY OF OPERATION ................................................................ 3–1

3.1 SSPA Block Diagram.........................................................................................................................................3–1

3.2 SSPA Module .....................................................................................................................................................3–3

3.3 Cooling System...................................................................................................................................................3–3

3.4 Monitor and Control (M&C)............................................................................................................................3–3

3.5 Power Supply .....................................................................................................................................................3–4

3.6 Block Up Converter Input Option ...................................................................................................................3–4

HPOD Revision 2

CHAPTER 4. CUSTOMER COMMANDS ................................................................ 4–1

4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................4–1

4.2 RF Input Level ...................................................................................................................................................4–1

4.3 Attenuator Control ............................................................................................................................................4–1

4.4 Mute Control......................................................................................................................................................4–1

4.5 Faults ..................................................................................................................................................................4–2

4.6 Power Detector...................................................................................................................................................4–2

4.7 Some Common Commands...............................................................................................................................4–3

4.8 Remote Control Protocol and Structure..........................................................................................................4–3

4.9 RS-485.................................................................................................................................................................4–3

4.10 RS-485 (full duplex) summary: ......................................................................................................................4–4

4.11 RS-232...............................................................................................................................................................4–4

4.12 Basic Protocol...................................................................................................................................................4–4

4.13 Packet Structure ..............................................................................................................................................4–5

4.7 Remote Commands............................................................................................................................................4–8

CHAPTER 5. MAINTENANCE................................................................................. 5–1

5.1 Power Supply Removal .....................................................................................................................................5–1

5.2 Fan Removal ......................................................................................................................................................5–3

5.3 Scheduled Maintenance.....................................................................................................................................5–5

5.4 Dimensional Envelope .......................................................................................................................................5–5

APPENDIX A. ASSEMBLY KITS.............................................................................A–1

A.1 Redundant Switch Kits....................................................................................................................................A–1

APPENDIX B REDUNDANCY .................................................................................B–1

B.1 Redundancy Operation.................................................................................................................................... B–1

B.2 1:1 Mode ........................................................................................................................................................... B–1

HPOD Revision 2

B.3 1:2 Mode ........................................................................................................................................................... B–2

APPENDIX C. 1:1 HPOD SERIES REDUNDANCY TEST.......................................C–1

C.1 Connection........................................................................................................................................................C–1

C.2 Operation..........................................................................................................................................................C–2

HPOD Revision 2


This manual provides installation and operation information for the Comtech EF Data
HPOD. This is a technical document intended for earth station engineers, technicians,
and operators responsible for the operation and maintenance of the HPOD.



CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury. CAUTION may also be used to
CAUTION indicate other unsafe practices or risks of property damage.

WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not

avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

IMPORTANT indicates a statement that is associated with the task

being performed.

Metric conversion information is located on the inside back cover of this manual. This
information is provided to assist the operator in cross-referencing English to Metric conversions.

Other product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.


Comments and suggestions regarding the content and design of this manual will be appreciated.
To submit comments, please contact:

Comtech EF Data Technical Publications Department: [email protected]

This equipment has been designed to minimize exposure of personnel to hazards.

HPOD Revision 2

The operators and technicians must:

• Know how to work around, with and on high voltage equipment.
• Exercise every precaution to ensure personnel safety.
• Exercise extreme care when working near high voltages.
• Be familiar with the warnings presented in this manual.

A Neutral Fusing - Double pole/ neutral fusing used on the prime

power supply input.


Comtech EF Data has become familiar with the varying quality of the
AC power grid around the world. The following offers some
installation guidelines that should help ensure a reliable installation.

• Surge suppression: High voltage surges can cause failure of the power supply. These
surges are typically caused by circuit switching on the main AC power grid, erratic
generator operation, and also by lightning strikes. While the HPOD does have built in
surge suppression, if the unit will be installed in a location with questionable power grid
quality, Comtech EF Data recommends installation of additional power
conditioning/surge suppression at the power junction box.

• Grounding: The HPOD provides a grounding terminal. This is provided to allow the
user to ground the HPOD to the antenna’s grounding network. All components installed
at the antenna should be grounded to a common grounding point at the antenna.

• Electrical welding: If welding needs to take place at the antenna, disconnect all cables
from the HPOD except for the ground wire. Cap all RF connections with terminations.
This will prevent damage to the input/output circuitry of the HPOD.

• Lightning: Lightning strikes on or around the antenna will generate extremely high
voltages on all cables connected to the HPOD. Depending on the severity of the strike,
the HPOD’s internal surge protection combined with the recommended external
suppression may protect the HPOD’s power supply. However, if the installation will be
in an area with a high probability of lightning strikes, Comtech EF Data recommends the
installation of surge suppression on the RF and IF cables. One source of these
suppressors is PolyPhaser (

For further information, contact Comtech EF Data, Customer Support Department.

HPOD Revision 2

Comtech EF Data products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a
period of two years from the date of shipment. During the warranty period, Comtech EF Data
will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be defective.

For equipment under warranty, the owner is responsible for freight to Comtech EF Data and all
related customs, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. Comtech EF Data is responsible for the freight
charges only for return of the equipment from the factory to the owner. Comtech EF Data will
return the equipment by the same method (i.e., Air, Express, Surface) as the equipment was sent
to Comtech EF Data.

All equipment returned for warranty repair must have a valid RMA number issued prior to return
and be marked clearly on the return packaging. Comtech EF Data strongly recommends all
equipment be returned in its original packaging.

Comtech EF Data Corporation’s obligations under this warranty are limited to repair or
replacement of failed parts, and the return shipment to the buyer of the repaired or replaced parts.

Limitations of Warranty

The warranty does not apply to any part of a product that has been installed, altered, repaired, or
misused in any way that, in the opinion of Comtech EF Data Corporation, would affect the
reliability or detracts from the performance of any part of the product, or is damaged as the result
of use in a way or with equipment that had not been previously approved by Comtech EF Data

The warranty does not apply to any product or parts thereof where the serial number or the serial
number of any of its parts has been altered, defaced, or removed.

The warranty does not cover damage or loss incurred in transportation of the product.

The warranty does not cover replacement or repair necessitated by loss or damage from any
cause beyond the control of Comtech EF Data Corporation, such as lightning or other natural and
weather related events or wartime environments.

The warranty does not cover any labor involved in the removal and or reinstallation of warranted
equipment or parts on site, or any labor required to diagnose the necessity for repair or

HPOD Revision 2

The warranty excludes any responsibility by Comtech EF Data Corporation for incidental or
consequential damages arising from the use of the equipment or products, or for any inability to
use them either separate from or in combination with any other equipment or products.

A fixed charge established for each product will be imposed for all equipment returned for
warranty repair where Comtech EF Data Corporation cannot identify the cause of the reported

Exclusive Remedies

Comtech EF Data Corporation’s warranty, as stated is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed,
implied, or statutory, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The
buyer shall pass on to any purchaser, lessee, or other user of Comtech EF Data Corporation’s
products, the aforementioned warranty, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Comtech EF Data
Corporation from any claims or liability of such purchaser, lessee, or user based upon allegations
that the buyer, its agents, or employees have made additional warranties or representations as to
product preference or use.

The remedies provided herein are the buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. Comtech EF Data
shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether
based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.


The High-Power Outdoor (HPOD) Solid-State Power Amplifier (SSPA) shown in Figure
1-1 delivers its rated power, guaranteed, at the 1 dB compression point, to the transmit
waveguide flange. It provides a cost effective, more reliable replacement for TWT
amplifiers in satellite communications.

Figure 1-1. HPOD SSPA

HPOD Revision 2


Recognizing that the MTBF limiting factor for almost all electronic equipment is the
power supply, the HPOD provides for easy field replacement. Simply disconnect the AC
mains, release the captive fasteners, and remove the supply from the SSPA module.


Each HPOD SSPA is constructed with highly reliable GaAs FETs. With third order
intermodulation products from 4 to 6 dB better than TWT ratings, the CEFD unit replaces
TWTs with saturated power levels of up to twice the HPOD’s rated output. The HPOD
SSPAs also provide an MTBF that is 4 to 5 times greater than the typical TWT MTBF.


Each HPOD consists of a CEFD SSPA module with the Monitor/Control Processor
(MCP), a field replaceable power supply, and a field replaceable fan assembly. The
amplifier features a Comtech EF Data low loss combining technique and MCP based
temperature versus gain compensation.


Each Comtech EF Data HPOD has the ability to function as a 1+1 (one backup for one
primary) and 1+2 (one backup for two primary) redundant controller in the backup mode.
The optional redundancy configuration is implemented by attaching a ganged
waveguide/coax transfer switch(es) to the input and output connectors of the amplifiers
with a combination coaxial cable and waveguide kit. When the backup SSPA is
commanded into the controller mode, it monitors the online SSPA(s) for faults. A faulted
online unit may be disconnected and replaced without affecting the online power

HPOD Revision 2


Comtech EF Data’s HPOD series of SSPAs come equipped with useful features that
other manufacturers offer as options. Included in the base price are temperature
compensation, sample ports, power monitor, field replaceable power factor corrected
supply, and full remote monitor and control capabilities.

Higher power is available through the use of CEFD 1:1 and 1:2 phase combining kits.


Comtech EF Data’s phase-combined systems allow the outputs of two amplifiers to be

summed together. A “normal” 1:1 system using 300W amplifiers provides 300W of
output power (the offline unit’s capabilities are unusable). The same amplifiers in a 1:1
phase-combined system will provide 600W of output power in normal operation, and a
“soft failure” state of 300W. If no degradation on failure can be accommodated, a third
amplifier can be added to form a 1:2 phase-combined system.


Comtech EF Data’s unique approach to L-Band/RF frequency conversions eliminates DC

and 10 MHz from the input coax. This simplifies redundant and multi-carrier operation.
It offers full 13.75 to 14.5 GHz Ku coverage and supports industry standard FSK
modem/BUC communications. The optional BUC can lock to an external or internal
reference oscillator.


Comtech EF Data’s HPOD SSPAs come equipped with useful features such as:
temperature compensation, sample ports, power monitor, field-replaceable power factor
corrected supply, and full remote monitor and control capabilities.

HPOD Revision 2


Second Harmonic C- and X-Band
Output -60 dB dBc max @ 1 dB below rated
Frequency C-Band X-Band Ku-Band output
5.850 to 7.9 to 14.0 to Optional BUC
6.425 GHz 8.4 GHz 14.5 GHz LO Leakage -20 dBm
13.75 to Note: P1dB over all temp/frequencies, Psat typ.
14.5 GHz
(Optional) Input
Available Power: Outputs C-Band X-Band KU-Band Impedance 50Ω
P1dB (Psat), Watts 200(250) 175(200) 80(100) Noise Figure 8 dB typical, 10 dB maximum @ maximum
(See Note) 250(300) 200(250) 100(125) gain (15 dB for HPOD Ku-Band)
350(400) 282(350) with BUC option 25 dB
Phase Combined Systems VSWR 1.25:1 Maximum
P1dB (Psat ), Watts 400(500) 350(400) 160(200) with BUC option 1.50:1 Maximum
(See Note) 500(600) 400(500) 200(250) Connector Type N
700(800) 550(700)
Mute -60 dBc
Impedance 50Ω Sample Ports
VSWR 1.25:1 Maximum Output Sample Type N, 50Ω, -40 dBc nominal
Connector C-Band X-Band Ku-Band Input Sample Type N, 50Ω, -20 dBc nominal
CPR-137G CPR-112G WR75G
Waveguide Waveguide Waveguide
Remote Control
Com Port RS-485 or RS-232
Linear C- and X-Band Ku-Band Alarms
70 dB min, 75 dB 65 dB min, 70 dB Summary Fault Form C
typical typical
Adjust 20 dB in 0,25 dB steps
Full Band ± 1.0 dB Environmental
with BUC option ± 1.5 dB Operating Temp. -40° to +55°C (-40° to 131°F)
Per 40 MHz ± 0.25 dB Non-Operating Temp. -50° to +75°C (-58° to 167°F)
with BUC option ± 0.30 dB Operating Humidity 0 to 100% condensing
-40 to +55°C ± 1.0 dB Altitude 10,000 ft above sea level (derated 2°C/ 1000
with BUC option ± 1.5 dB ft AMSL)
Third Order Intermodulation
Products -30 dBc typical, -25 dBc max @ Power Requirements
3 dB total back-off from rated P1dB C- and X-Band Ku-Band
(two tones, ∆f = 1 MHz) 180 to 264 VAC, 180 to 264 VAC,
47 to 63 Hz 47 to 63 Hz
AM to PM Conversion
2° typical, 3.5° maximum at rated output Physical
Dimensions 26.77L x 17.88W x 11.49H inches
(67.99L x 45.41W x 29.18H cm)
Group Delay (per 40 MHz) Weight 75 lbs (34 kg) nominal
Linear ± 0.03 ns/MHz
Parabolic ± 0.003 ns/MHz2
Ripple ± 1.0 ns peak to peak Available Options
Optional BUC

This section contains instructions for operating the HPOD outdoor SSPA. The primary
customer interface to the HPOD is via the Remote Communications port. This section
defines in detail the customer interface.


Figure 2-1. Interface Connectors


The RF Input connector is a type N female. Typical input levels (-30 dBm) depend on
desired output power and unit attenuation. To prevent damage to the SSPA, RF input
levels should not exceed +15 dBm.

HPOD Revision 2
System Operation


The RF Output connector is a waveguide interface. The flange is described below
according to the frequency range of the unit.

Table 2-1. Waveguide Output Flange

Unit Frequency Band Waveguide Flange

Ku WR75G

For safety reasons, never look directly into the waveguide output..



Before applying DC power to the unit, make sure the waveguide output of the
amplifier is properly loaded or terminated. Failure to do so could lead to
equipment damage and excessive RF radiation levels.

The power connection for the optional –48V DC supply is located on the power supply
itself. A cap (CEFD PN HW/CAP-5015) is provided with the supply that must be
installed on the AC Power Connector(J3) located on the amplifier.

The prime power input requirements are

• -36 to -72 VDC

• Careful consideration must be given to the choice of input wiring

because of the current draw requirements of the HPOD. Wire that is 8
AWG or larger will be required for most installations.
• The total power required from the prime power supply depends on the
model used. Please refer to the respective data sheets.

HPOD Revision 2
System Operation

The DC prime power input connector, J10, is a 4-pin circular connector. A mating
connector (CA3106E2222SB, CEFD PN CN/CA3106E2222SB) is provided. The pin-out
specifications for J10 and its mate are contained in the table below.

Table 2-2. Connector J10 Pinout

Pin Description
A V+
B No Connect
C No Connect
D V-
Mating connector: CA3106E2222SB, CEFD PN CN/CA3106E2222SB


Before applying AC power to the unit, make sure the waveguide output of the
amplifier is properly loaded or terminated. Failure to do so could lead to
equipment damage and excessive RF radiation levels.

The prime power input requirements are

• 180-264 VAC

• 47 to 63 Hz
• The power supply is power factor corrected. The total power required
from the prime power supply depends on the model used. Please refer
to the respective data sheets.

The AC prime power input connector, J3, is a 3 pin circular connector, type CA3102E20-
19PB FMLB A. The ground pin A, is of the first make, last break type. A mating
connector (CA3106E20-19SB) is provided. The pin-out specifications for J3 and it’s
mate are contained in the table below.
Table 2-3. Connector J3 Pinout

Pin Description
A Ground
B L2
C L1

HPOD Revision 2
System Operation


The Redundant Loop Connector J4 is located near the waveguide output and is only
utilized in configurations where the SSPA controls waveguide switching. In alternate
configurations, such as “chain switching”, another system block or external M&C
controls the waveguide switching. In this case, the connector remains unused and the
protective cap should be left attached. The pin-out specification is shown in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4. Connector J4 Pinout

Pin Name
N RED_1_1
P RED_1_2

HPOD Revision 2
System Operation



The COM 1/ Discrete Control connector J6 is the primary input for controlling and
monitoring the SSPA. It is a 19-pin circular connector, type MS3112E14-19S. The pin-
out specification is contained in Table 2-5.

Mating connector: ITT: KPT06J14-19P or MS3116J14-19P.

Table 2-5. Connector J6 Pinout

Pin Name Description

A RS485_+RX
B RS485_-RX
C RS485_+TX
D RS485_-TX
E RS232_RD
F Analog_Pwr_Mon Reserved for future use
G RS232_TD
H Aux_In Auxiliary fault input, software enabled. When enabled, pin must be grounded
to unmute SSPA
J Aux_Out Not for customer use
L SumFLT_NO Open when faulted, else tied to Pin K.
M SumFLT_NC When faulted, tied to Pin K, else open.
P ONLINE_Status Not for customer use
R +24V Not for customer use
S Mute Control SSPA will be muted if this pin is grounded
T Minor_FLT_COM Reserved for future use
U Minor_FLT_NO Reserved for future use
V Minor_FLT_NC Reserved for future use


The Input sample port connector is a type N female. It provides a nominal –20 dB
sample of the input signal. A calibration label is provided near the connector that shows
the actual coupling values vs. frequency.

HPOD Revision 2
System Operation


The Output sample port connector is a type N female. It provides a nominal -40 dB
sample of the output signal. A calibration label is provided near the connector that shows
the actual coupling values vs. frequency.


The SSPA does not contain a ‘Power On/Off’ switch. The SSPA is powered ON by
connecting the J3 AC Power connector to the appropriate prime power source. The Mute
or Transmit status of the SSPA will automatically come up in the last stored state (factory
default = Transmit on, not muted).

Never turn the unit ON without proper waveguide termination on the

J2 “RF OUTPUT” port. Individuals can be exposed to dangerously
WARNING high electromagnetic levels.

Figure 2-2. Outdoor Unit

This section provides an overview of the Theory of Operation of the unit. Included are a
basic block diagram and an explanation of the functions of each of the major systems.


A block diagram of the SSPA is shown on the following page in Figure 3-1. The major
components of the unit are:
• SSPA Module
• Cooling System
• Monitor and Control (M&C)
• Power Supply (Power Factor Corrected and Removable/Field Replaceable)

HPOD Revision 2
Theory of Operation MN/HPOD.IOM




-5V 10V COMP -5V 10V

10V B

& MONITOR Interlock -5.8V +5.8V 15V




10V A 10V B Interlock 24V -5.8V +5.8V 15V


Figure 3-1. SSPA Block Diagram

HPOD Revision 2
Theory of Operation MN/HPOD.IOM

3.2 SSPA Module

The amplifier module performs the core function of the unit. An isolator is at the RF
input to ensure good VSWR. The RF signal then passes through an input sample port
and on to an electronically controlled attenuator that adjusts the overall attenuation
according to the user input. After some amplification, a second attenuator is
automatically controlled via a look-up table to maintain the amplifier gain at a constant
level over temperature variations.

The RF signal is then amplified by a multi-stage design that utilizes proprietary

combining techniques to meet the rated power requirements. The output circuitry
contains a coupler to provide a sampled signal for monitoring purposes. A power
detector circuit also is included and the reading can be accessed via remote
communication. A high power circulator and load is located at the output to provide
good VSWR and protection from external mismatch.

3.3 Cooling System

The SSPA unit contains a robust heat sink and thermal design to maintain a low operating
temperature. Two temperature controlled fans, which are monitored by the M&C board,
draw cool outside air in across the power supply and specialized heat sink and exhaust
the warmer air out the bottom of the unit. The amplifier module temperature is
monitored, and if for any reason the amplifier temperature exceeds a safe preset limit, the
amplifier module supply is shut down to protect the unit from thermal failure.

3.4 Monitor and Control (M&C)

The unit includes a microprocessor based system that provides monitoring and control of
the essential parameters of the unit. The user interfaces with the unit through the M&C
system via the remote control/discrete communications port. The unit is capable of either
RS-232 or RS-485 remote communication. A discrete mute control and relay status
output is also available. The M&C system monitors the fan speed, unit temperature, all
power supply voltages, power transistor currents, output power, etc. Should a critical
monitored parameter fail, the unit will mute the RF signal and report a fault. The details
of the fault can be accessed via remote communication.

The M&C is also capable of acting as a controller in certain 1:1 or 1:2 redundant systems.
When configured as the back-up SSPA in such a system, it communicates with the other
SSPA(s) and toggles the waveguide switches as necessary.

HPOD Revision 2
Theory of Operation MN/HPOD.IOM


The SSPA features a removable power supply which is also power factor corrected. It
connects to the main chassis via a specialized connector capable of the required high
current. It supplies several voltages necessary for the unit to operate. The 10V output is
capable of 2000W and supplies current to the power transistors in the RF amplifier
module via two paths, or cables (10V A and 10V B). The output status of this power
supply is controlled by circuitry within the RF module. If the RF module does not have
the –5V supply for any reason, it will not allow the 10V power supply to turn on. This
protects the power transistors within the RF module from failure due to improper power
supply sequencing. The +24V output powers the cooling fans and is the source of power
for waveguide switching when the SSPA is used in redundant configurations. The +5
and +15 voltages are used to operate the M&C board and other overhead functions.


The HPOD amplifier, when delivered from the factory with an internal Block Up
Converter (BUC) translates an L-Band input carrier to the desired output frequency (C-,
X-, or Ku-). LO frequencies are as follows:

BUC-4000 C, X, Ku, Ka

Band Frequency LO Frequency Inverting

C-Band 5850 to 6650 MHz 4900 MHz No
X-Band 7900 to 8400 MHz 6950 MHz No
Ku-Band-W 13.75 to 14.50 GHz 12.800 GHz No

The same Ku-Band BUC is installed independent of amplifier bandwidth. Therefore, the
“standard,” 14.0 to 14.5 GHz HPOD has an L-Band frequency range of 1200 to 1700
MHz which translates up to 14.0 to 14.5 GHz, while the “Extended,” 13.75 to 14.5 GHz
HPOD translates L-Band frequencies from 950 to 1700 MHz up to 13.75 to 14.5 GHz.

Unlike most BUCs, no DC bias voltage should be provided on the center conductor of the
L-Band coax.

In addition, the BUC version of the HPOD is available with an internal 10 MHz
reference. As, such, no 10 MHz reference is required on the center conductor of the L-
Band coax. If a reference is provided on the coax, the internal reference will detect and
lock to it.


This section describes the operating features of the SSPA. A few key parameters and
procedures are summarized, followed by detailed instructions of remote control
communication commands.


The required RF input level to reach the full rated output power of the SSPA is
determined by the individual amplifier maximum gain and power rating. For example, if
the test data of an SSPA rated for 250W (54 dBm) indicated a gain of 75 dB, then a
signal of :
54dBm – 75 dB = -21 dBm
would approximately give the rated output power. Increasing input power beyond this
level would result in an output signal with increasingly higher levels of distortion. Of
course, if the SSPA attenuation control is utilized, a higher level input signal level can be
accommodated. The maximum input level should never exceed 15dBm, or permanent
damage to the unit may occur.


The SSPA gain can be attenuated over a 30 dB range by exercising the “ATT” command.
The details for the format of this command are found later in this section.


The amplifier may be muted via software or discrete control. Exercising the MUT=1
command will “software” mute the unit. The amplifier also may be “hardware” muted by
pulling Pin S on the Com 1 / Discrete control connector (J6) to ground (see Chapter 1).
The Mute command provides over 75 dB of RF on/off isolation.

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

However, the Mute command only turns off the first few low power stages of the
amplifier, the high power stages remain on. By allowing the higher power transistors to
stay on, the amplifier remains in more thermally stable state should the mute condition be
removed. If the user desires to completely turn off the bias to the entire amplifier
(perhaps to conserve energy in a redundant system), both the MUT=1 and AMP=0
commands should be executed.
For normal transmit operation, MUT=0 and AMP=1 are required.

The M&C system monitors certain key functions of the SSPA for proper operation.
Should any of these parameters exceed predetermined limits, the M&C system will
declare a fault. The conditions that trigger a fault are:
• Any power supply more than ± 10% outside its nominal value
• Either fan less than 25% of maximum speed
• I2C internal bus communications fault
• Thermal Shutdown - A temperature fault is indicated if the unit is ≥ +95°C. This
creates a summary fault and will cause the unit to mute itself and switch to the
back-up unit (if in a redundant system). However, the 10V supply to the FET
transistors will remain on until the unit reaches the thermal shutdown temperature
of ≥ 100°C. For protection reasons, the unit will shut down the 10V supply to the
power transistors at temperatures ≥ 100°C.


A power detector is provided to monitor the output power. It has a useful range of over
20 dB, referenced to the unit’s rated P1dB point, and its value can be read by exercising
the “RMS” command. The test data supplied with each unit gives an indication of the
excellent accuracy and flatness of the power monitor over the frequency band of

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM


A few of the most common commands and queries are listed below. Full details for each
of these are listed at the end of this section.
• RMS = Retrieve Maintenance Status. Displays voltages, fan speeds, Heatsink
temperature, output power monitor reading, etc.
• RCS = Retrieve Configuration Status. Displays current attenuation, mute,
amplifier, online, etc. status.
• RAS = Retrieve Alarm Status. Displays current alarm or fault status.


This section describes the protocol and message command set for remote monitor and
control of the SSPA product.
The electrical interface is either an RS-485 multi-drop bus (for the control of many
devices) or an RS-232 connection (for the control of a single device), and data is
transmitted in asynchronous serial form, using ASCII characters. Control and status
information is transmitted in packets of variable length in accordance with the structure
and protocol defined in later sections.

4.9 RS-485
For applications where multiple devices are to be monitored and controlled, a full-duplex
(4-wire) RS-485 is preferred. Half-duplex (2-wire) RS-485 is possible, but is not
In full-duplex RS-485 communication there are two separate, isolated, independent,
differential-mode twisted pairs, each handling serial data in different directions. It is
assumed that there is a ‘controller’ device (a PC or dumb terminal), which transmits data,
in a broadcast mode, via one of the pairs. Many ‘target’ devices are connected to this
pair, which all simultaneously receive data from the controller. The controller is the only
device with a line-driver connected to this pair; the target devices only have line-
receivers connected.
In the other direction, on the other pair, each target has a tri-stateable line driver
connected, and the controller has a line-receiver connected. All the line drivers are held in
high-impedance mode until one (and only one) target transmits back to the controller.

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Each target has a unique address, and each time the controller transmits, in a framed
‘packet’ of data, the address of the intended recipient target is included. All of the targets
receive the packet, but only one (the intended) will reply. The target enables its output
line driver, and transmits its return data packet back to the controller in the other direction
on the physically separate pair.


Two differential pairs one pair for controller to target, one pair for target to controller.
Controller-to-target pair has one line driver (controller), and all targets have line-receivers.
Target-to-controller pair has one line receiver (controller), and all targets have tri-state

4.11 RS-232
This is a much simpler configuration in which the controller device is connected directly
to the target via a two-wire-plus-ground connection. Controller-to-target data is carried,
via RS-232 electrical levels on one conductor, and target-to-controller data is carried in
the other direction on the other conductor.


Whether in RS-232 or RS-485 mode, all data is transmitted as asynchronous serial
characters, suitable for transmission and reception by a UART. The asynchronous
character format is fixed at 8N1 (8 data bits, No parity, and 1 stop bit). Only two baud
rates are supported: 9600 baud and 19200 baud.
All data is transmitted in framed packets. The host controller is assumed to be a PC or
ASCII dumb terminal, which is in charge of the process of monitor and control. The
controller is the only device that is permitted to initiate, at will, the transmission of data.
Targets are only permitted to transmit when they have been specifically instructed to do
so by the controller.
All bytes within a packet are printable ASCII characters, less than ASCII code 127. In
this context, the Carriage Return and Line Feed characters are considered printable.
All messages from controller to target require a response (with one exception). This will
be either to return data that has been requested by the controller, or to acknowledge
reception of an instruction to change the configuration of the target. The exception to this
is when the controller broadcasts a message (such as Set time/date) using Address 0,
when the target is set to RS-485 mode.

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM


Start of Packet Target Address Instruction Code Optional End of Packet
Address De-limiter Code Qualifier Arguments
< / = or ? Carriage
ASCII code 60 ASCII code 47 ASCII code Return
61 or 63 ASCII code 13
(1 character) (4 characters) (1 character) (3 characters) (1 character) (n characters)
(1 character)
Example: <0412/MUT=1{CR}
Start of Packet Target Address Instruction Code Qualifier Optional End of Packet
Address De-limiter Code Arguments
> / =, ?, !, or * Carriage Return,
ASCII ASCII ASCII code 61, Line Feed
code 62 code 47 63, 33 or 42 (From 0 to n ASCII code 13,10
(1 character) (4 characters) (1 character) (3 characters) (1 character) characters) (2 characters)
Example: >0412/MUT=1{CR}{LF}
Each of the components of the packet is now explained.


Controller to Target: This is the character ‘<’ (ASCII code 60)
Target to Controller: This is the character ‘>’ (ASCII code 62)
Because this is used to provide a reliable indication of the start of packet, these two
characters may not appear anywhere else within the body of the message.

4.13.2 ADDRESS
Up to 9,999 devices can be uniquely addressed. In both RS-232 and RS-485 applications,
the permissible range of values is 1 to 9999. It is programmed into a target unit using the
remote control port.

The controller sends a packet with the address of a target - the destination of
the packet. When the target responds, the address used is the same
address, to indicate to the controller the source of the packet. The controller
does not have its own address.

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM


This is a three-character alphabetic sequence that identifies the subject of the message.
Wherever possible, the instruction codes have been chosen to have some significance.
This aids in the readability of the message, should it be displayed in its raw ASCII form.
Upper case and lower case alphabetic characters may be used (A-Z, and a-z).


This is a single character that further qualifies the preceding instruction code.
Code Qualifiers obey the following rules:
1. From Controller to Target, the only permitted values are:
= (ASCII code 61)
? (ASCII code 63)
They have these meanings:
The ‘=’ code (controller to target) is used as the assignment operator, and is used to
indicate that the parameter defined by the preceding byte should be set to the value
of the argument(s) which follow it.
For example, in a message from controller to target, MUT=1 would mean ‘enable
the mute function’.
The ‘?’ code (controller to target) is used as the query operator, and is used to
indicate that the target should return the current value of the parameter defined by
the preceding byte.
For example, in a message from controller to target, MUT? denotes ‘return the
current state of the mute function’.
2. From Target to Controller, the only permitted values are:
= (ASCII code 61)
? (ASCII code 63)
! (ASCII code 33)
* (ASCII code 42)
# (ASCII code 35)

They have these meanings:

The ‘=’ code (target to controller) is used in two ways:
First, if the controller has sent a query code to a target (for example MUT?, meaning
‘is mute enabled or disabled?’), the target would respond with MUT=x, where x
represents the state in question, 1 being ‘enable’ and 0 being disable.

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Second, if the controller sends an instruction to set a parameter to a particular value,

and, providing the value sent in the argument is valid, then the target will
acknowledge the message by replying with MUT= (with no message arguments).
The ‘?’ code (target to controller) is only used as follows:
If the controller sends an instruction to set a parameter to a particular value, and, if
the value sent in the argument is not valid, then the target will acknowledge the
message by replying (for example) with MUT? (with no message arguments). This
indicates that there was an error in the message sent by the controller.
The ‘*’ code (target to controller) is only used as follows:
If the controller sends an instruction to set a parameter to a particular value, and, if
the value sent in the argument is valid, however the target is in the wrong mode (e.g.,
standby mode in redundancy configuration) that it will not permit that particular
parameter to be changed at that time, then the target will acknowledge the message by
replying (for example) with MUT* (with no message arguments).
The ‘!’ code (target to controller) is only used as follows:
If the controller sends an instruction code which the target does not recognize, then
the target will acknowledge the message by echoing the invalid instruction, followed
by the ! character with. Example: XYZ!
The ‘#’ code (target to controller) is only used as follows:
If the controller sends an instruction code which the target cannot currently perform
because of hardware resource issues, then the target will acknowledge the message by
echoing the invalid instruction, followed by the # character. This response can only
occur if the operator sends two or more ‘hardware configuration’ type commands
without allowing adequate time between commands for the hardware to be
configured. For example, if the operator issued commands to change both the
frequency and the attenuation with less than 100 milliseconds between commands,
and if this response is returned, then the command has not been accepted and the
operator must resend the command.


Arguments are not required for all messages. Arguments are ASCII codes for the
characters 0 to 9 (ASCII 48 to 57), period (ASCII 46) and comma (ASCII 44).


Controller to Target: This is the ‘Carriage Return’ character (ASCII code 13)
Target to Controller: This is the two-character sequence ‘Carriage Return’, ‘Line Feed’.
(ASCII code 13, and code 10.)
Both indicate the valid termination of a packet.

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM


Attenuation, 4–9 Retrieve Alarm Status, 4–15

Auto Fault Recovery, 4–9 Retrieve Configuration Status, 4–16
Auxiliary Mute Enable, 4–9 Retrieve Equipment Type, 4–16
Retrieve Firmware Number, 4–16
Circuit Identification, 4–10 Retrieve Maintenance Status, 4–17
Clear All Stored Alarms, 4–10 Retrieve next 5 unread Stored Alarms, 4–18
Concise Alarm Status, 4–11 Retrieve Number of unread, 4–18
Concise Configuration Status, 4–11 Retrieve Utility Status, 4–19
Concise Maintenance Status, 4–12
Concise RF Power FET Current Status, 4–12 RF Power Amplifier State, 4–19
Concise Utility Status, 4–13 RF Power FET Current status, 4–19

Mute State, 4–13 Serial Number, 4–20

Set RTC (Real-Time-Clock) Date, 4–20
Online Status, 4–13 Set RTC Time, 4–20
Summary Fault Status, 4–20
Redundancy State, 4–13
Reference Oscillator Tuning, 4–14 Terminal Status change, 4–21
Remote Address, 4–14
Remote Baud Rate, 4–14

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Attenuation ATT= 5 bytes, Command or Query. ATT= (message ok) ATT? ATT=xx.xx
numerical Valid attenuation level, in dB, at 0.25-dB step size ATT? (Received ok, but
as factory default. invalid arguments (Same format as
found) command
Example: ATT=12.25’cr’ ATT* (message ok, but arguments)
not permitted in current
Auto Fault AFR= 1 byte, Command or Query. AFR = (message ok) AFR? AFR=x
Recovery value of 0, 1 The SSPA output will automatically be muted in AFR? (received ok, but
the event of detected fault. If auto fault recovery is invalid arguments (same format as
enabled, it will cause the output to go active (un- found) command
mute) if all faults are cleared. If disabled, the AFR* (message ok, but arguments)
output will remain muted even if all faults are not permitted in current
cleared. mode)

Example: <1/AFR=1’cr’
Auxiliary Mute AUX= 1 byte Command or Query AUX= (message ok) AUX? AUX=x
Enable value of 0,1 Enables or disables the auxiliary mute mode. AUX? (received ok, but
0=Disabled invalid arguments (same format as
1=Enabled found) command
AUX* (message ok, but arguments)
Example (AUX Mute Enabled): AUX=1’cr’ not permitted in current
Note: When enabled, Pin H of the J6 COMM 1
connector must be grounded to UN-MUTE unit.
Otherwise, unit will be muted, and if a mute query
is given (MUT?) the response will be MUT=2 to
indicate a hardware controlled mute is present.

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Circuit CID= 24 bytes, Command or Query CID= (message ok) CID? CID=x…x
Identification alpha-numeric CID is a user-defined string of data that may be CID? (received ok, but
used to identify or name the unit or station. The invalid arguments (see description
CID is a 24-byte field of data that is entered as one found) for details of
line, but it will be read back from the unit as two arguments)
12-byte lines of data.

<1/CID= Station #001--HPOD #01--’cr’

Station #001’cr’
--HPOD #01--’cr’’lf’
Clear All Stored CAA= None Command only CAA= (message ok) N/A N/A
Alarms Instructs the slave to clear all Stored Events
This command takes no arguments.

Example: <1/CAA=’cr’

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Concise Alarm N/A 25 bytes, Query only. N/A CAS? CAS=x….x
Status alpha-numeric Used to Query the Alarm status of the unit,
response is comma delimited. (see description
for details of
Example: CMS=a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j,k,I,m’cr’’lf’ arguments)

where: a thru k = 0 or 1, 0 = OK 1 = FT
a = +24V Power Supply
b = +15V Power Supply
c = +10V-A Power Supply
d = +10V-B Power Supply
e = +7.5V Power Supply
f = +5V Power Supply
g = -5V Power Supply
h = Fan#1 State
i = Fan#2 State
j = Heatsink Temp
k = Shutdown
l = llC Status
m=Forward Power Alarm

Concise N/A 24 bytes, Query only. N/A CCS? CCS=x….x

Configuration alpha-numeric Used to query the summarized version of RCS.
Status (see description
Example: CCS=aaaaa,b,c,d,e-e,fffff,g,‘cr’ for details of
aaaaa = attenuation in dB
b = RF power amplifier state
c = mute state, 0 = un-muted, 1 = muted
d = online status
e-e = redundancy state and mode
fffff = gain offset in dB
g = AFR

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Concise N/A 84 bytes, Query only. N/A CMS? CMS=x….x
Maintenance alpha-numeric Used to Query the Maintenance status of the unit
Status in a concise format. The response is comma (see description
delimited. for details of
Example: CMS=aaa.a,bbb.b,ccc.c,ddd.d,eee.e,

aaa.a = +24V Power Supply
bbb.b = +15V Power Supply
ccc.c = +10V-1 Power Supply
ddd.d = +10V-2 Power Supply
eee.e = +7.5V Power Supply
fff.f = +5V Power Supply
ggg.g = -5V Power Supply
hhh.h = Fan #1 speed (in percent)
iii.i = Fan #2 speed (in percent)
jjj.j = Amplifier temperature in deg. C
kkk.k = Amplifier 10V1
lll.l = Amplifier 10V2
mmm.m=Forward RF output power, in dBm

Note: nnn.n will appear for Ref Voltage if

Reference Oscillator Module is installed.

Concise RF N/A variable length Query only N/A CFS? CFS=x…..x

Power FET depending on Concise version of RFS.
Current Status the number of
Example: CFS=xxx,xxx,x.x,x.x,……….,x.x, (see description
FETs installed in
of RFS. Note
the amplifier
that each
argument is
separated by a

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Concise Utility N/A 11 bytes, Query only. N/A CUS? CUS=x….x
Status alpha-numeric Used to Query the Maintenance status of the unit,
response is comma delimited. (see description
for details of
Example: CUS=aaaa,bbbb,ccc,’cr’’lf’ arguments)

aaaa = Remote Unit Address
bbbb = Remote Baud Rate

Mute State MUT= 1 byte, Command or Query. MUT= (message ok) MUT? MUT=x
value of 0,1 Mute the unit, where: MUT? (received ok, but
0 = Disabled invalid arguments (same format as
1 = Enabled found) command
2 = Unit muted due to discrete control lines. Query MUT* (message ok, but arguments)
response only. not permitted in current
Example: MUT=1’cr’
Online Status ONL= 1 byte, Command or Query. ONL= (message ok) ONL? ONL=x
value of 0, 1 Online status (applies only to redundancy), where: ONL? (Received ok,
0 = Disabled but invalid arguments
1 = Enabled found)
ONL* (message ok, but
Example: <1/ONL=1’cr’ not permitted in current
>0001/ONL=’cr’’lf’ mode)
Redundancy RED= 1 byte, Command or Query RED= (message ok) RED? RED =x
State value of 0, 1, 2 Turns ON or OFF the redundancy state, where: RED? (received ok, but
0 = Off invalid arguments
1 = 1:1 Redundancy found)
2 = 1:2 Redundancy RED * (message ok,
but not permitted in
Example: <1/RED=1’cr’ current mode)

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Reference REF= 3 bytes, Command or Query REF= (message ok) REF? REF=xxx
Oscillator Tuning numeric Adjusts the reference oscillator tuning voltage by REF? (received ok, but
sending a DAC value in the following format: invalid arguments (same format as
REF=xxx. found) command
REF* (message ok, but arguments)
Where xxx is a numeric value from 0 to 255, and not permitted in current
the default value is set to 87. mode)

Example: <1/REF=87’cr’

Note: This command sets the DAC value, but the

actual Reference Oscillator tuning voltage can be
monitored using the RMS command.
Remote Address SPA= 4 bytes, Command or Query. SPA= (message ok) SPA? SPA=xxxx
numeric Set Physical Address-between 0001 to 9999. SPA? (received ok, but (same format as
Resolution 0001 invalid arguments command
found) arguments)
Example: SPA=0412’cr’

Remote Baud SBR= 4 bytes, Command or Query. SBR= (message ok) SBR? SBR=xxxx
Rate alpha-numeric Set remote baud rate as follows: SBR? (received ok, but
9600 = 9600 baud invalid arguments (same format as
19K2 = 19200 baud found) command
Example: SBR=9600’cr’

Note: When changing baud rates remotely the

response to the command will be returned using
the same baud rate as that used to send the

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Retrieve Alarm N/A 117 bytes, Query only. N/A RAS? RAS=x….x
Status alpha-numeric Used to Query the Alarm status of the unit.
(see description
Example: <1/RAS=’cr’ for details of
>0001/RAS=’cr’ arguments)

Note: BUC=XX, and REF=XX will appear

in the list if the BUC, and reference
oscillator are installed.

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Retrieve N/A 45 bytes, Query only. N/A RCS? RCS=x….x
Configuration alpha-numeric Used to Query the configuration status of the unit
Status Example: RCS=’cr’ (see description
ATT=12.75’cr’ for details of
AMP=1’cr’ arguments)

ATT= attenuation in dB
AMP= RF power amplifier state, 0=OFF, 1=ON
MUT=RF mute state, 0=un-muted, 1=muted
ONL=Online status for redundancy
RED=Redundancy state and mode,
states: 0=OFF, 1=ON,
modes: 0 = auto, 1 = manual
GOF=Gain Offset in dB
AFR= auto fault recovery, 0=manual, 1=auto

Retrieve N/A 22 bytes, Query only. N/A RET? RET=x….x

Equipment Type alpha-numeric The unit returns a string indicating the Model
Number and the version of the MnC firmware (see description
installed in the unit. for details of
Example: <1/RET?’cr’
>0001/RET=CPA-300 VER: 1.0.3’cr’’lf’
Retrieve N/A Query only N/A FRW? FRW=x…x
Firmware Returns the firmware type loaded into the unit.
Number Note: the RET? Query returns the MnC firmware (see description
revision. for details of
Example: <1/FRW?’cr’
MnC =FW12522’cr’

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Retrieve N/A 168 bytes, Query only. N/A RMS? RMS=x….x
Maintenance alpha- numeric Used to Query the maintenance status of the unit
Status (see description
Example:<1/RMS?’cr’ for details of
>0001/RMS=’cr’ arguments)
RVPWR=02.0’cr’’If’ (optional)

*Note: REFV will appear if REF OSC module is


HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Retrieve next 5 N/A 145 bytes, Query only. N/A LNA?
unread Stored alpha-numeric The unit returns the five oldest stored events in the
Alarms alarm log, and if there are no events in the log the (see description
unit will reply with LNA*. All events that are read for details of
from the log are also automatically removed from arguments)
the log.

Reply format:

YYYYYYYYYY ZZ mmddyy hhmmss’cr’

YYYYYYYYYY ZZ mmddyy hhmmss’cr’
YYYYYYYYYY ZZ mmddyy hhmmss’cr’
YYYYYYYYYY ZZ mmddyy hhmmss’cr’
YYYYYYYYYY ZZ mmddyy hhmmss’cr’’lf’

YYYYYYYYYY is the fault description.
ZZ is one of the event types listed below:
FT = Fault
OK = Clear
IF = Information
The rest of the string is a date / time stamp.

Example: <1/LNA?’cr’
LOG CLR IF 175503 052307’cr’
FAN #1 FT 175504 052307’cr’
OVR TMP FT 175504 052307’cr’
FAN #1 OK 175504 052307’cr’
IIC BUS FT 175504 052307’cr’’lf’
Retrieve Number N/A 2 bytes, Query only. N/A TNA? TNA=xx
of unread numeric, Returns the number of stored events, which
Stored Alarms 00 to 99 remain unread in the alarm log. A maximum of 99 (see description
events may be stored in the alarm log. for details of
Example reply: <1/TNA? ’cr’

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Retrieve Utility N/A 27 bytes, Query only. N/A RUS? RUS=x….x
Status alpha- numeric Used to Query the utility status of the unit
Example: RUS=’cr’ (see description
ADR=0001’cr’ for details of
BDR=9600’cr’ arguments)

RF Power AMP= 1 byte, Command or Query AMP= (message ok) AMP? AMP=x
Amplifier State value of 0, 1 Turns ON or OFF the RF power amplifiers. AMP? (received ok, but
0 = Off invalid arguments (same format as
1 = On found) command
AMP* (message ok, but arguments)
Example: AMP=1’cr’ not permitted in current
RF Power FET N/A variable length Query only N/A RFS? RFS=x….x
Current status depending on Used to display all the FET currents.
the number of
(see description
FETs installed in
Example: <1/RFS? ’cr’ of arguments)
the amplifier

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Serial Number N/A 9 bytes, Query only. N/A RSN? RSN=xxxxxxxxx
numeric, Used to Query the unit’s 9 digit serial number in (see description
000000000 to the form of RSN=xxxxxxxxx. Where: xxxxxxxxx is for details of
999999999 the unit’s 9-digit serial number. arguments)

Example: <1/RSN?’cr’
Set RTC (Real- DAT= 6 bytes, Command or Query. DAT= (message ok) DAT? DAT=xxxxxx
Time-Clock) Date numeric A command in the form mmddyy, where; dd = day DAT? (received ok, but
of the month, between 01 and 31, mm = month of invalid arguments (same format as
the year, between 01 and 12 and yy = year, found) command
between 00 and 96 (2000 to 2096) DAT* (message ok, but arguments)
not permitted in current
Example (date = April 24, 2003): mode)
Set RTC Time TIM= 6 bytes, Command or Query. TIM = (message ok) TIM? TIM=xxxxxx
numeric A command in the form hhmmss, indicating the TIM? (received ok, but
time from midnight, where hh = hours, between 00 invalid arguments (same format as
and 23; mm = minutes, between 00 and 59, and ss found) command
= seconds, between 00 and 59 TIM * (message ok, but arguments)
not permitted in current
Example (time = 23 hours, 12 minutes and 59 mode)
seconds since midnight.):
Summary Fault N/A 1 byte, Query only. N/A SFS? SFS=x
Status value of 0,1 Indicates the condition of the summary fault relay
where: (see description
0 = Not Faulted (SumFLT_COM J6 pin K is for details of
connected to SumFLT_NO J6 pin L, and arguments)
SumFLT_NC J6 pin M is open)

1 = Faulted (SumFLT_COM J6 pin K is connected

to SumFLT_NC J6 pin M, and SumFLT_NO J6 pin
L is open)

Example: <1/SFS?

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM

Command Arguments for Query Response to

(Instruction Description of arguments Response to
Parameter Type Command or (Instruction query
Code and (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric Command
Response to Code and (Target to
codes, that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Query qualifier) controller)
Terminal Status N/A 1 byte, Query only. N/A TSC? TSC=x
change value of 0,1 Indicates if there has been a change in the
terminal status since the last time the command (see description
was given. A value of 0 indicates no status for details of
change, and a value of 1 indicates there has been arguments)
a terminal status change.

Example: <1/TSC?’cr’

HPOD Revision 1
Customer Commands MN/HPOD.IOM


Chapter 5. Maintenance


CEFD’s HPOD series of outdoor SSPAs features field-replaceable power supply modules.

To remove the supply:

Step Procedure
1 Disconnect power from the SSPA
2 Loosen the four captive fasteners as indicated in Figure 5-1.
Note: Be certain to use an appropriate screwdriver, such as the one provided with the
SSPA, to avoid damaging the fasteners.
3 The supply can now be pulled from the SSPA.

The SSPA/power supply interconnection is waterproof only when the supply

and SSPA are mated. When exposed, the connection is only water resistant.
Neither the SSPA nor the power supply should not be left exposed to the
IMPORTANT elements unless mated.

To install the supply:

Step Procedure
1 Visually inspect the exposed SSPA heat sink for any debris/ blockage. Clean as
2 Visually inspect both the SSPA and power supply connector for damage/cleanliness.
Correct/clean as required.
3 Inspect the gasket for damage. Replace as required
4 Place supply on SSPA, ensuring the guide pins and connection are properly aligned.
Gently press to engage the connector.
5 Tighten the four captive fasteners as indicated in Figure 5-1.
Note: Be certain to use an appropriate screwdriver, such as the one provided with the
SSPA, to avoid damaging the fasteners.

HPOD Revision 2
Maintenance MN/HPOD.IOM

Loosen 4 captive screws to

replace power supply

Figure 5-1. Power Supply Replacement

HPOD Revision 2
Maintenance MN/HPOD.IOM


The fans utilized by the HPOD are designed for long life even in a harsh environment. They
are still mechanical devices subject to wear and may need replacement after several years. In
dusty environments, their removal facilitates clearing the heat sink of accumulated dust.

To remove the fan assembly:

Step Procedure
1 Disconnect power from the SSPA
2 Loosen the six captive fasteners as indicated in Figure 5-2.
3 Note: Be certain to use an appropriate screwdriver, such as the one provided with the
SSPA, to avoid damaging the fasteners.
4 Remove the fan assembly far enough to gain access to the two circular fan connectors.
5 Disconnect the circular fan connectors and remove the assembly.

(6) Captive Fasteners

(2) Circular Fan Connectors

Figure 5-2. Fan Removal

HPOD Revision 2
Maintenance MN/HPOD.IOM

To install the fan assembly:

Step Procedure
1 Visually inspect the exposed SSPA heat sink for any debris/blockage.
Clean as required
2 Connect the fan assembly’s circular connectors to the SSPA
3 Place assembly on SSPA, ensuring proper alignment of the fasteners without any
cable /fan interference.
4 Tighten the six captive fasteners as indicated in Figure 5-2.
Note: Be certain to use an appropriate screwdriver, such as the one provided with the
SSPA, to avoid damaging the fasteners.

Figure 5-3. Fan Installation

HPOD Revision 2
Maintenance MN/HPOD.IOM


Once a year (or sooner depending on environmental conditions), the SSPA heat sink should
be cleaned.
To perform this maintenance:

Step Procedure
1 Disconnect power from the SSPA
2 Remove the fan assembly as previously described
3 Remove the power supply as previously described
4 Using compressed air, blow through the SSPA heat sink to remove any foreign object
accumulation that may be obstructing airflow.
5 Also using compressed air, clear the heat sink portions of the power supply.
6 Reinstall the supply and fan assembly.



.75 24.35

Figure 5-4a. Dimensional Envelope

HPOD Revision 2
Maintenance MN/HPOD.IOM





13.38 10.97

Figure 5-4b. Dimensional Envelope



8.94 FLANGE 8.94





Figure 5-4c. Dimensional Envelope

HPOD Revision 2
Maintenance MN/HPOD.IOM




Ku-Band: 1.88
C-Band: 1.25

Figure 5-5. Dimensional Clearance for Redundant Units.

HPOD Revision 2
Maintenance MN/HPOD.IOM




The following figures and parts lists represent the phase combiner 1:1 redundant switch kits.

• Figure A-1. Redundant 1:1 ODPA C-Band Assembly Kit, P//N KT/11799

• Figure A-2. Redundant 1:1 ODPA X-Band Assembly Kit, Pl/ KT/11387

• Figure A-3. Redundant 1:1 Ku-Band Kit, PL KT/11936-1

• Figure A-4. Redundant 1:1 HPOD Ku-Band Switch/Waveguide Kit, PL KT/12337-1

• Figure A-5. Redundant 1:1 HPOD Mounting Kit, PL KT/12200-1

• Figure A-6. Redundant 1:1 HPOD C-Band Switch/Waveguide Kit, PL KT/12201-1

• Figure A-7. Unistrut Mount HPOD Mounting Kit, PL KT/12300-1

• Figure A-8. Redundant HPOD Top Assembly Mounting Kit, PL KT/12240-1

• Figure A-9. Universal Pole Mounting Kit, PL/12319-1

• Figure A-10. Typical 1:1 Switch and Mounting Kit

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Table A-1. Parts List for Redundant 1:1 ODPA C-Band Assembly Kit P/N KT/11799-1

Item Part No. Description Qty.

1 SW/WGS+28V137SC Waveguide, CPR137, 28V, Sealed 3 Form C Relay 1
2 FP/BR11798-1 Bracket, Switch and Load Mounting 1
3 FP/WG11796-1 Waveguide, Left, CPRG-137, SSPA, C-Band 1
4 FP/WG11797-1 Waveguide, Right, CPRG-137, SSPA, C-Band 1
-5 Not Used
6 FP/WG11801-1 Waveguide, Straight, CPRG-137 2
7 RF/C-TERM1000W Termination, Load, 1000 Watt, CPRG-137 1
8 RF/CG-137-40-N Crossguide, WR137, 40 dB, Type N Female 1
-9 Not Used
10 GA/CPR-137-R-H-C Gasket, D Shape, CPR-137, Half Thickness, 4
11 GA/CPR137-R-F-C Gasket, Round, CPR137, Full Thickness, 4
-12 thru -19 Not Used
20 HW/1/4-20X5/8SHCS Screw, SS 40
21 HW/1/4-FLT Washer, Flat 40
22 HW/1/4-SPLIT Washer, Split 40
23 HW/10-32X1/2SH Screw, Cap 32
24 HW/10-32X7/8SHCS Screw, SS 16
25 HW/10-FLT Washer, Flat 48
26 HW-10-SPLIT Washer, Split 48
-27 thru-29 Not Used
-30 SW/WG2AGS Switch, CPR229 1
-31 RF/CG-229-40-NRV Crossguide, WR137 1
-32 RF/ADP-CPR229-N Adapter, Waveguide 1
-33 FP/WG11800-1 Waveguide, E Bend 2
-34 thru –99 Not Used
-100 RF/N-TERM50M1 RF, 50Ω N Male 2
- Item not illustrated.

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

26 16X
23 2
26 8X 23
25 26
10 3X 4X
5X 11 25

26 8X
8X 26
25 23
26 16X

25 8X

Figure A-1. Redundant 1:1 ODPA C-Band Assembly Kit, P/N KT/11799

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Table A-2. Parts List for Redundant 1:1 ODPA X-Band Assembly Kit P/N KT/11387(-1)

Item Part No. Description Qty.

-1 Not Used
-2 Not Used
3 RF/CG-112/137INN Crossguide Coupler, 40 dB, Type N Connector, 1
4 FP/WG11671-1 Waveguide, 1:1 Filter to TX 1
5 SW/WG-HAGS Switch, WR112G, +24V, Sealed, Standard Thread, 2
Cold Temperature Rating
-6 Not Used
7 FP/WG11305-1 Waveguide, 90 Degree H-Bend Transition 2
8 FP/WG11301-1 Waveguide, 90 Degree, CPRG-112 2
9 FP/WG11308-1 Waveguide, 90 Degree, H-Bend, CPRG-112 3
-10 Not Used
11 RF/X-TERM850W Termination, Load, 850 Watt, CPRG112, with 1
Crossguide Coupler, 40 dB
-12 Not Used
13 GA/CPR112-R-F-C Gasket, Round, CPR112, Full Thickness, 14
-14 thru –19 Not Used
20 HW/8-32HEXNUT Nut, Hex 8-32 A/R
21 HW/8-FLT Washer, Flat S.S. A/R
22 HW/8-SPLIT Washer, Split S.S. A/R
23 HW/8-32X1/2SHCS Screw, Socket Cap A/R
24 HW/8-32X7/8SHCS Screw, Socket Head Cap, S.S. A/R
25 HW/SEM632X3/8PH Screw, Square Cone Pan Head Phillips S.S. A/R
-26 thru -30 Not Used
31 RF/ADAP-112-N Adapter, CPRG112 to "N" 1
32 RF/CG-112/137INN Coupler, Crossguide 40 dB N Type Connector 1
-33 thru -54 Not Used
55 RF/N-TERM50M1 RF, 50Ω 1Watt. DC-8 GHz, Type N Male 4
- Item not Illustrated.
A/R = Use as Required

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

7 2X
22 16X
21 52
13 2X 23
22 4X
8X 53
13 25

8X 22
21 8 2X
13 23
22 32X
13 4X

21 16X 8X
2X 9
23 20
32X 22 32 13
21 23 8X

4X 13 22
22 8X
2X 30
51 21
23 13
8X 22 4X

Figure A-2. Redundant 1:1 ODPA X-Band Assembly Kit, P/N KT/11387

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Table A-3. Parts List for Redundant 1:1 Ku-Band Kit, P/N KT/11936-1

Item Part No. Description Qty.

1 SW/WGS+28V-75SB Switch, +28VDC 1
2 FP/WG11825-1 Waveguide, Straight 1
3 FP/WG11935-1 Waveguide, Right 1
4 FP/WG11934-1 Waveguide, Left 1
5 FP/BR11933-1 Bracket, Switch 1
6 FP/BR11424-1 Bracket, Mounting 4
7 FP/BR11931-1 Bracket, Unistrut 3
8 FP/BR11932-1 Bracket, Unistrut 2
-9 GA/WR75-R-F-C Gasket, Full Thickness 2
10 GA/WR75-R-H-C Gasket, Half Thickness 6
11 RF/TERM75/350W Waveguide, Termination 1
-12 Not Used
-13 Not Used
-14 Not Used
-15 Not Used
-16 Not Used
-17 Not Used
-18 Not Used
-19 Not Used
20 HW/1/4SPRINGNUT Nut, Channel 2
21 HW/3/8SPRINGNUT Nut, Spring 14
22 HW1/4-20X5/8SHCS Screw 1/4-20 x 5/8 SHCS, SS 2
23 HW/1/4-SPLIT Washer, Lock 2
24 HW/1/4-FLT Washer, Flat 2
25 HW/38-16X1BLT Bolt, Hex Head 38
26 HW/3/8-SPLIT Washer, Lock 38
27 HW/3/8-FLT Washer, Flat 38
-28 Not Used
29 HW/3/8-16HEXNUT Nut, Hex 24
30 HW/6-32X3/4SHCS Screw, Socket Head 4
31 HW/6-32X5/8SHCS Screw, Socket, Head 8
32 HW/6-SPLIT Washer, Lock 28
33 HW/6-FLT Washer, Flat 32
34 HW/6-32HEXNUT Nut, Hex 4
35 HW/6-32X1/2SHCS Screw, Socket Head 16
- Item Not Illustrated.

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM


6X 26
4 31
4X 10 5
31 4X 32

32 33 35
33 32 4X
33 7 3X
1 22 20 2X
35 23 2X 21 14X

12X 32 2X 10 24




4X 6 4X
4X 33
26 32X

Figure A-3. Redundant 1:1 Ku-Band Kit, P/N KT/11936-1

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Table A-4. Parts List for Redundant 1:1 HPOD Ku-Band Switch/Waveguide Kit, PL KT/12337-1

Item Part No. Description Qty.

1 SW/WGS+28V-75SB Switch, Waveguide 1
2 RF/TERM75/350W Waveguide, Termination 1
3 FP/BR12338-1 Bracket, Mounting (RHOS) 1
4 FP/WG11934-1 Waveguide, Left 1
5 FP/WG11935-1 Waveguide, Right 1
6 HW/3/8SPRINGNUT Springnut 2
7 HW/3/8-FLT Washer, Flat 2
8 HW/3/8-SPLIT Washer, Split 2
9 HW/3/8-16X1BLT Bolt, Hex-Head 2
10 HW/6-FLT Washer, Flat 20
11 HW/6-SPLIT Washer, Split 20
12 HW/6-32X7/8SHCS Screw, Cap 4
13 HW/6-32X1/2SHCS Screw, Cap 16
14 GA/WR75-R-F-C Gasket, Full-Thickness 2
15 GA/WR75-R-H-C Gasket, Half-Thickness 4
16 FP/SP12360-1 Spacer (RHOS) 1
17 HW/4-FLT Washer, Flat 4
18 HW/4-SPLIT Washer, Split 4
19 HW/440X3/8SHCS Screw 4

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

17 4X

4 18 4X

19 4X
6 2X

4X 15
7 2X
8 2X
9 2X
1 5 10 16X

11 16X
16 12 16X
10 4X

11 4X
12 4X

2X 14

Figure A-4. Redundant 1:1 HPOD Ku-Band Switch/Waveguide Kit, PL KT/12337-1

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Table A-5. Parts List for Redundant 1:1 HPOD Mounting Kit, PL KT/12200-1
Item Part No. Description Qty.
1 FP/BR11931-1 Bracket, Unistrut 3
2 FP/BR11932-1 Bracket, Unistrut 2
-3 Not Used
4 HW/3/8SPRINGNUT Springnut 6
5 HW/3/8-FLT Washer, Flat 6
6 HW/3/8-SPLIT Washer, Split 6
7 HW/3/8-16X1BLT Bolt, Hex-Head 6

- Item Not Illustrated.

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Figure A-5. Redundant 1:1 HPOD Mounting Kit, PL KT/12200-1

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Table A-6. Parts List for Redundant 1:1 HPOD C-Band Switch/Waveguide Kit, PL KT/12201-1

Item Part No. Description Qty.

1 FP/BR12242-1 Bracket, Mounting (RHOS) 1
2 GA/CPA-137-R-H-C Gasket, Half-Thickness 4
3 GA/CPR-137-R-F-C Gasket, Full-Thickness 4
4 RF/C-TERM1000W Termination, Load 1
5 FP/WG12241-1 Waveguide, Straight (RHOS) 2
6 SW/WG-3NAFS-COLD Switch, CPR137 1
7 FP/WG11796-1 Waveguide, Left 1
8 FP/WG11797-1 Waveguide, Right 1
9 HW/3/8SPRINGNUT Springnut 2
10 HW/10-FLT Washer, Flat 64
11 HW/10-SPLIT Washer, Split 64
12 HW/10-32X5/8SHC Screw, Cap 64
13 HW/3/8-FLT Washer, Flat 2
14 HW/3/8-SPLIT Washer, Split 2
15 Hw/3/8-16X1BLT Bolt, Hex-Head 2
16 FP/WG12419-1 Spacer, Waveguide 1

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Figure A-6. Redundant 1:1 HPOD C-Band Switch/Waveguide Kit, PL KT/12201-1

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Table A-7. Parts List for Unistrut Mount HPOD Mounting Kit, PL KT/12300-1

Item Part No. Description Qty.

1 FP/BR12239-1 Bracket, Mounting (RHOS) 2
2 HW/3/8SPRINGNUT Springnut 4
3 HW/3/8-FLT Washer, Flat 4
4 HW/3/8-SPLIT Washer, Split 4
5 HW/3/8-16X1BLT Bolt, Hex-Head 4
6 HW/5/16-18HEXNT Nut, Hex 4
7 HW/5/16-Flat Washer, Flat 8
8 HW/5/16-SPLIT Washer, Split 4
9 HW/5/16-18X1BLT Bolt, Hex-Head 4

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Figure A-7. Uni Strut Mount HPOD Mounting Kit, PL KT/12300-1

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Table 8. Parts List for Redundant HPOD Top Assembly Mounting Kit, PL KT/12240-1

Item Part No. Description Qty.

10 KT/12200-1 Mounting Kit, C-Band (RHOS) 1
20 KT/12201-1 Mounting Kit, Redundant 1



Figure A-8. Redundant HPOD Top Assembly Mounting Kit, PL KT/12240-1

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Item No. Part No. Nomenclature QTY

1 Included in other mounting kit Bracket, Unistrut (shown for clarity only) 1
2 FP/BR0072 Bracket, Strap Tensioner 1
3 FP/BR0070 Bracket, Strap-Termination Pole Mounting Kit 1
4 FP/BR0071 Bracket, 1 1/4 Strap(trim to required length) 1
5 FP/BR0069 Bracket, Strap-Fixed, Pole Mounting Kit 1
6 HW/M8X1.25X25HEXSS Bolt, Hexhead, M8X1.25X25, SS 2
7 HW/M8FLATSS Washer, Flat, M8 SS, Metric 7
8 HW/M8LOCKSS Washer, Split lock, M8, SS, Metric 7
9 HW/M8SPRINGNUT Springnut, M8 xX 1.25 2
10 HW/M8X1.25MMHEXNUTSS Nut, Hex M8X1.25X16MM, SS 5
11 HW/PIPEBLOCK Pipe, Block 2

Figure A-9. Universal Pole Mounting Kit, PL/12319-1

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Figure A-10. Typical 1:1 Switch and Mounting Kit

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Figure A-10. Typical 1:1 Switch & Mounting Kit (Continued)

Figure A-10. Typical 1:1 Switch & Mounting Kit (Continued)

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Figure A-10. Typical 1:1 Switch & Mounting Kit (Continued)

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

Figure A-10. Typical 1:1 Switch & Mounting Kit (Continued)

HPOD Revision 2
Assembly Kits MN/HPOD.IOM

This page intentionally left blank.



The HPOD C-/Ku Band Outdoor Power Amplifiers can be used in a redundancy
configuration by connecting the appropriate 1:1 or 1:2 redundancy cable to the
Redundancy Loop (Connector J4). The mode of redundancy will be automatically
detected by the cable that is installed by the user. The system configures automatically
upon detection of the redundant loop cable. This redundant loop cable has internal
connections that allow the SSPAs to both detect the cable and establish their position
corresponding to the label on the cable (SSPA 1 or 2 for a 1:1 system; 1,2, or BU for a
1:2 system)

B.2 1:1 MODE

In 1:1 redundancy mode, the unit that is currently not the active unit (determined by the
switch position) will be the controlling backup unit. The serial command “RAM”
determines system operation. If RAM=1 in both units, the system will be in “AUTO”
mode. In this mode, if a fault is detected with the active unit, either by loss of
communications between the offline and online unit, or via the summary fault, the
backup(offline) unit will switch the waveguide switch and become the active(online) unit
(assuming the backup unit is not faulted).

The RAM serial command can be used to put the system in “MANUAL” mode. With
RAM=0 set in both units, the system is set to manual redundancy mode and no
switchovers will occur upon fault detection. The switch position is determined by the
value sent in the SSW command(SSW=1 sets the switch to put SSPA 1 online, SSW=2
sets the switch to put SSPA 2 online).

HPOD C-/Ku-Band Outdoor Power Amplifier Revision 2
Redundancy MN/HPOD.IOM

B.3 1:2 MODE

In 1:2 redundancy mode, there is a dedicated backup unit (determined by the cable
position). In this configuration the backup unit is responsible for monitoring the two
online units for communications and summary faults. While the backup unit is
constantly monitoring both units for their status, if either has a fault, the last (good)
status is used as the configuration for the backup unit before the backup unit goes online.
Once the backup unit goes online, the redundancy auto/manual status reverts to manual
mode, and the backup unit stays online until reset by the user. The user may reset the
system by issuing a FBU=0 command to place the units back into auto mode. When this
command is issued, the backup unit will then switch back to the “normal” configuration
of units 1 and 2 online. The system can be operated manually by sending an
FBU=1(forces SSPA 1 to be backed up), or a FBU=2 (forces SSPA 2 to be backed up)
command to the BU unit.

The backup unit also stores an offset value for each of the 2 online units to be used
when the backup unit replaces an active unit. This offset may be set with the SBO=

For additional information, refer to Appendix C 1:1 HPOD Series Redundancy Test.

HPOD C-/Ku-Band Outdoor Power Amplifier Revision 2
Redundancy MN/HPOD.IOM

Arguments Query Response to
(Instructio Description of arguments Response to
Parameter for Command (Instruction query
n Code (Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric codes, Command
Type or Response Code and (Target to
and that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
to Query qualifier) controller)
Redundancy State N/A 1 byte, Query only N/A RED? RED=x
value of 0, 1, 2 Returns the current redundancy state. (see description
0 = OFF for details of
1 = 1:1 Redundancy arguments)
2 = 1:2 Redundancy
Online Status N/A 1 byte, Query ONL= (message ok) ONL? ONL=x
value of 0,1 Online status , where: ONL? (received ok, (same format as
0 = OFFLINE but invalid arguments command
1 = ONLINE found) arguments)
Redundancy Mode RAM= 1 byte, For 1:1 systems only(sent to both units): RAM= (message ok) RAM? RAM=x
value of 0,1 Command and Query RAM? (received ok, (same format as
Redundancy mode , where: but invalid arguments command
0 = MANUAL found) arguments)
1 = AUTO
Set switch position SSW= 1 byte, For 1:1 systems only(sent to either unit): SSW= (message ok) N/A N/A
value of 0,1 Command only SSW? (received ok,
Only used when system in MANUAL redundancy but invalid arguments
mode (RAM=0, both units). found)
Forces switch position
1 = Forces switch to put SSPA 1 online
2 = Forces switch to put SSPA 2 online
Force Back-Up FBU= 1 byte, For 1:2 systems only(sent only to the BU unit): FBU= (message OK) N/A N/A
State value of 0, 1, 2 Command and Query FBU? (received OK,
Force one of the online units to be a backed up for but invalid arguments
maintenance and test purposes. found)

0 = Place system in AUTO mode

1 = SSPA #1 is forced OFFLINE
2 = SSPA #2 is forced OFFLINE

HPOD C-/Ku-Band Outdoor Power Amplifier Revision 2
Redundancy MN/HPOD.IOM

Command for Query Response to
Description of arguments Response to
Parameter (Instruction Command (Instruction query
(Note that all arguments are ASCII numeric codes, Command
Type Code and or Code and (Target to
that is, ASCII codes between 48 and 57) (Target to controller)
Qualifier) Response qualifier) controller)
to Query
Set Backup SBO= 5 bytes Command and Query SBO= (message OK) SBO?X SBO=YY.YY
Offset For 1:2 systems only (Backup unit only): SBO? (received OK, Where X is (same format as
Sets the offset of the specified unit to be used when but invalid arguments the unit command
that unit is being backed up found) number (1 or arguments)
Example: SBO=X,YY.YY 2)
X = Unit number (1 or 2)
YY.YY = Offset attenuation value

Appendix C. 1:1 HPOD Series
Redundancy Test

Step Procedures
1 Connect HPOD redundant loop connectors together using a CA/WR12190-1 redundant
loop cable
2 Connect a 28V WG switch to the switch connector on the redundant loop cable.
3 Since both units will be connected to a single RS-485 bus, they will need independent
serial COMM addresses. To simplify the setup:
a. Power up the unit connected to the “SSPA 2” end of the CA/WR11124-1 cable. Using
a RS-485 connection and a terminal program, set the serial COMM address to
b. Disconnect SSPA 2 from the RS-485 cable. Connect the RS-485 cable to and power
up the unit connected to the “SSPA 1” end of the redundant loop cable. Confirm this
unit’s serial COMM address is “1”. If required set it to “1” (SPA=0001).
c. When complete, the SSPA connected to the “SSPA 1” end of the redundancy
interlink cable should have RS-485 COMM address 1 and SSPA 2 will be COMM
address 2.
4 Connect both units to the RS-485 COMM cable and power both units on. Confirm correct
serial comm. by sending them both an RET? query and noting the response.
5 The units auto detect the presence of the redundant loop cable. Send RED? to both units.
Both should report RED=1 indicating proper detection of the redundant loop cable.

HPOD Revision 2
1:1 HPOD Series Test MN/HPOD.IOM

Step Procedure
1 Set both units to “Auto” redundant mode by sending them RAM=1.
2 Establish the current online status by sending each unit an ONL? query. Note one unit
should return ONL=1 (online) and one unit should return ONL=0 (offline)
3 Fail the unit that reported ONL=1. The switch should throw. Restore the unit
4 Repeat the ONL? to both units. The unit that was failed in step 2 should now report ONL=0
and the other should report ONL=1. Fail this unit and confirm the switch transitions.
5 Put the system in “Manual” mode by sending RAM=0 commands to both units.
6 The “SSW” command will force the switch to point to the selected unit. For example, an
“SSW=1” command will force the switch to point to SSPA 1 no matter which SSPA the
command was issued to. Ensure either unit can throw the switch in both directions by
sending the following commands
a. <1/SSW=1 (the switch may or may not transition)
b. <1/SSW=2 (the switch should transition)
c. <1/SSW=1 (the switch should transition)
d. <2/SSW=2 (the switch should transition)
e. <2/SSW=1 (the switch should transition)


Units of Length

Unit Centimeter Inch Foot Yard Mile Meter Kilometer Millimeter

1 centimeter — 0.3937 0.03281 0.01094 6.214 x 10-6 0.01 — —

1 inch 2.540 — 0.08333 0.2778 1.578 x 10-5 0.254 — 25.4

1 foot 30.480 12.0 — 0.3333 1.893 x 10-4 0.3048 — —

1 yard 91.44 36.0 3.0 — 5.679 x 10-4 0.9144 — —

1 meter 100.0 39.37 3.281 1.094 6.214 x 10-4 — — —

1 mile 1.609 x 105 6.336 x 104 5.280 x 103 1.760 x 103 — 1.609 x 103 1.609 —

1 mm — 0.03937 — — — — — —

1 kilometer — — — — 0.621 — — —

Temperature Conversions

Unit ° Fahrenheit ° Centigrade Formulas

— C = (F - 32) * 0.555
32° Fahrenheit (water freezes)
— F = (C * 1.8) + 32
212° Fahrenheit (water boils)

-459.6° Fahrenheit (absolute 0)

Units of Weight
Ounce Ounce Pound Pound
Unit Gram Avoirdupois Troy Avoir. Troy Kilogram

1 gram — 0.03527 0.03215 0.002205 0.002679 0.001

1 oz. avoir. 28.35 — 0.9115 0.0625 0.07595 0.02835

1 oz. troy 31.10 1.097 — 0.06857 0.08333 0.03110

1 lb. avoir. 453.6 16.0 14.58 — 1.215 0.4536

1 lb. Troy 373.2 13.17 12.0 0.8229 — 0.3732

1 kilogram 1.0 x 103 35.27 32.15 2.205 2.679 —

480 • 333 • 2200 PHONE
480 • 333 • 2161 FAX

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