MODULE#8 - Compressible Flow

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¨  Derive the energy balance equation for compressible
fluid flow.
¨  Solve problems involving both isothermal subsonic

flow applying the energy balance equation.

¨  Apply the theoretical background and problem-

solving skills needed to successfully analyse basic

compressible flow problems.
Compressible Fluid Flow
¨  Many important applications of fluid dynamics require
that density variations be taken into account.
¨  The complete field of compressible fluid flow has
become very large, yet CHE practice involves a
relatively small area from this field.
¨  At ordinary ρ & high vel., Ma (Mach Number) is the
more basic parameter.
¨  Note that Ma = u/a
where u = velocity of fluid
a = speed of sound in the fluid under conditions of flow
Compressible Flow Type
¨  Flow type:
¤  Ma < 1 ; subsonic
¤  Ma = 1 ; sonic

¤  Ma > 1 ; supersonic

¨  Flow Processes:

¤  Isentropic expansion
¤  Adiabatic
¤  Isothermal *****
MEB for Compressible Flow
¨  The basis for determining whether gas flow is
compressible or not is not Ma but (ΔP > 10% P1) ;
compressible flow
¨  recall: Bernoulli’s eqn

∫ dP/ρ + (g/gc )Δz + ∫ udu/gc = -hf + Ws

let u = Gν
then G = u / ν = u ρ
G = mass velocity
u = linear velocity
ν = specific volume = 1/ ρ
MEB for Compressible Flow
 ∫ u du/gc = ∫ Gν (G dν) /gc
 if S = k, then G = k
so ∫ u du/gc = ∫ G2 νdν / gc
hf = ∫ 4 f u2 dL / 2 gc D = ∫ 2 f G2 ν2 dL / gc D
subst into MEB
∫ ν dP + (g/gc )Δz + ∫ G2ν dν / gc
= - ∫ 2 f G2ν2 dL / gc D + Ws
Consider: Gas flow thru horizontal pipe;
Isothermal flow (T = k)

 MEB: ⎧⎪ G2νdν 2fG2ν2dL ⎫⎪ ⎧ 1 ⎫

⎨∫ νdP + ∫ = -∫ ⎬ • ⎨ 2 ⎬
⎪⎩ gc gc D ⎪⎭ ⎩ ν ⎭
dP G2 dν 2fG2dL
+ =-
ν gc ν gc D

where: f = θ (Re , k/D)

recall for a real gas:
 PV = zmRT/M since ν = V/m, then
ν = zRT/PM
Gas flow thru horizontal pipe

¨  upon subst: ⎛ G2 ⎞⎛ dν ⎞ 2

⎛ M ⎞ 2fG dL
⎜ ⎟(PdP ) + ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = -
⎜ ⎟
⎝ zRT ⎠ ⎝ gc ⎠⎝ ν ⎠ gc D
2 ⎞ 2
Evaluate ⎛ M ⎞ 2 ⎛ G ⎛ ⎞ 2fG L
⎜ ( 2
) ν 2 ⎟
⎟ P2 - P1 + ⎜ ⎟ ln⎜ ⎟ = -
⎝ 2zRT ⎠
⎜ ⎟ ⎜
⎝ gc ⎠ ⎝ ν1 ⎠ gc D
¨  above eqn in terms of hydraulic diameter DH
¨  P12 - P22 = G2RT/M [4fL/DH + 2 ln (P1/P2)]

{eq 6-114/HB} assumptions:

• horizontal pipe
¨  for moderate flow, • isothermal flow
• no shaft work
i.e. (L/D) < 100 {or u < 100 fps) • moderate flow

ΔKE ~ neg , then P12 - P22 = 4f G2 L z RT / gc D M

WEYMOUTH’s equation
Practice Problems
20.59/ Foust What is the mass velocity of air that can
be handled in a 1½” sch 40 horizontal steel pipe,
300 ft long, if the air flows isothermally at 100oF
thru the pipe? The pressure drops from 50 to 5 psig
through the pipe.
¨  Natural gas, which is essentially methane, is being
pumped through a 1.016-m-ID pipeline for a
distance of 1.609 x 105 m at a rate of 2.077
kmol/s. It can be assumed that the line is isothermal
at 288.8K. The pressure P2 at the discharge end of
the line is 170.3 x 103 Pa absolute. Calculate the
pressure P1 at the inlet of the line. The viscosity of
methane at 288.8K is 1.04 x 10-5 Pa-s.
¨  The flow is maximum when dG/dP2 =0 for constant
p1 and f.

¨  The maximum velocity is

(1)Dry air w/ an initial gage P of 5.44 atm & a const
temp of 270C is flowing thru a 50.8 mm (52.5 mm in ID)
steel pipe at the rate of 170 m3/h of 270C free air;
that is, at the rate of 170 m3/h of atmospheric air w/ a
temp of 270C & an absolute pressure of 1 atm. Find the
Reynolds number for these flow conditions.
(2)Methane enters a 4-mi long 12” ID pipe at 70oF & 75
psig. It flows at a rate of 300 ft3/s at STP. It is desired
to lower the cost of pumping by replacing the 12” pipe
with a 20” ID pipe. If the cost of pumping is P100,000/
psi drop, what is the saving in the cost of pumping?
Assume that ZCH4 = 0.995.

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