4 Pump 03 Reciprocating Pump

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Pumps can be broadly classified into positive displacement pumps and rotodynamic
pumps (dynamic pressure pump).

Reciprocating pump is a positive displacement pump which fluid is drawn or forced

into a finite space and is then sealed in it by mechanical means.

The fluid is then forced out to flow and the cycle is repeated.

Reciprocating pump can be single acting or double acting.

Among the positive displacement pumps, there are pumps in which there is rotary
action instead of reciprocating action, such as gear pumps, lobe pumps and vane
Single acting reciprocating pump
Double acting reciprocating pump
Reciprocating pump
Flow rate:

Theoretical discharge of single acting reciprocating pumps:

Q1 =

Theoretical discharge of double acting reciprocating pumps:

Q2 =

A : Cross sectional of the cylinder

L : Stroke length
N : Speed rotation in rpm
The slip of pump:

Slip = 100%

QT : Theoretical flow rate

QA : Actual flow rate

The slip of the pump is usually positive.

However, slip can be negative if suction pipe is long, delivery pipe is short and speed
rotation (N) is high.

Generally, the higher the speed, the smaller the length.

Following expression can be derived from the geometry and working of the pump.
Displacement of piston:

x = R(1 cos t ) = R cos

R : Crank radius or half-stroke length.

= t

Velocity of piston:

UP = = R sin t

Continuity equation:


P : Piston
S : Suction
D : Delivery

Acceleration head represents the energy required to accelerate the water column in
suction or delivery pipe.

dU P
a= = R 2 cos t

Acceleration head in suction pipe:

H aS = R 2 cos t
g AS

Acceleration head in delivery pipe:

H aD = R 2 cos t
g AD

LS : Length of suction pipe

LD : Length of delivery pipe
Friction head in suction pipe:

L 1 AP
H fS = f S R sin t
DS 2 g AS

Friction head in delivery pipe:

L 1 AP
H fD = f D R sin t
DD 2 g AD

Since HfS and HfD vary with the position of piston (or t), their averages during the
2 2
suction and delivery strokes are 3 fS and 3 H fD , where HfS and HfD are the
maximum value of friction head in suction and delivery pipes. Maximum value occur

at =
2 L 1 AP
H fS max = f S R
3 DS 2 g AS
2 L 1 AP
H fD max = f D R
3 DD 2 g AD

Power or work done per second:

2 LS 1 AP
2 LD 1 AP

P = gQH = gQ H S + H D + f R + f R
3 DS 2 g S
A 3 DD 2 g D


Air vessel can be fitted on one or both sides of the pump (on suction and delivery

There are located close to the cylinder.

Volume of air vessel on the delivery side is about 6 to 9 time the volume of cylinder,
and that on the suction side 3 to 4 times the cylinder volume.
Air vessel serves the following functions:
1. Fluctuations in discharge are decreased.
2. Pump can be run at higher speed because there is less danger of separation flow.
3. There is less friction loss and hence saving in work done.

When air vessels are provided, the flow before air vessel on the delivery side and the
flow between air vessel and cylinder on the suction side are varying. Hence
acceleration heads are calculated on in lengths LSA and LSD ;

Velocity beyond air vessel on delivery side;

UD = = P
60 AD AD

Discharge beyond air vessel;

Q = AD U D =

Discharge in air vessel;

QA = QD Q = AP R sin t

If QA is positive, water flows into air vessel and if it is negative, it flows out from air

When air vessel is fitted on the suction side, the same expression is valid for QA but
signs get reversed. For air vessel on the suction side, water flow out of air vessel is
QA is positive and into it if it is negative.

For double acting cylinder,

QA = AP R sin t

Power or work done by a single acting reciprocating pump with air vessel on both
sides is given by:

f (LS LSA ) Q
f (LD LDA ) Q 1 LSA AP


P = gQ H S + + f R + H D + + f R
2 gDS AS 3 gDS AS 2 gDD AD 3 gDD AD

Similar expression can be written for double acting reciprocating pump with air
Example 01

For a single acting reciprocating pump, piston diameter is 150mm, stroke length is
300mm, rotational speed is 50rpm and the water is to be raised through 18m.
Determine theoretical discharge. If the actual discharge is 4 liter per second,
determine volumetric efficiency, slip and actual power required. Take the mechanical
efficiency as 80 percent.
Example 02

A single acting reciprocating pump has a plunger diameter of 125m and stroke of
300mm. The length of suction pipe is 10m and diameter 75mm. Find acceleration
head at the beginning, middle and end of suction stroke. If the suction head is 3m,
determine the pressure head in the cylinder at the beginning of stroke when the pump
runs at 30rpm, take atmosphere head as 10.23m of water.
Example 03

A single acting reciprocating pump has the following data:

Stroke = 300mm
Piston diameter = 125mm
Suction pipe length = 5m
Suction pipe diameter = 75mm
Suction head = 3m
Atmospheric head = 10.23m abs
Safe minimum pressure head = 2m abs

What is the minimum speed at which it can be run without causing separation during
suction stroke?
Example 04

A single cylinder double acting reciprocating pump has a piston diameter of 300mm
and stroke length of 400mm. When the pump runs at 45rpm, it discharges 0.039 m3/s
under a total head of 15m. What will be the volumetric efficiency, work done per
second and power required if the mechanical efficiency of the pump is 75 percent?
Example 05

Following details of a single acting, single cylinder, reciprocating pump are given:
L = 500mm D = 125mm Hatm = 10.2m
LS = 5m DS = 100mm HS = 3m
LD = 15m DD = 100mm HD = 10m

f = 0.02 for both suction and delivery pipes.

Safe minimum head = 2.4m

Neglect slip and calculate:

1. maximum permissible speed
2. energy required to drive the pump if an air vessel is provided on the delivery
side very close to the cylinder.
Example 06

A single-acting, single-cylinder, positive displacement pump is used to drain an

excavation. The pump has a bore of 150mm and a stroke of 400mm. The suction and
discharge pipes are both of 50mm diameter, the suction pipe being 2m long and the
discharge is 6m above the level of the water excavation. The suction lift to the pump
is 1.5m while the discharge is 6m above the level of the water surface in the
excavation. In the absence of any air chambers on either (a) pump suction or (b)
discharge, calculate for (a,b) the absolute pressure head in the cylinder at the start,
end and middle of each stroke if the pump drive is at 0.2rev/s and may be assumed to
be simple harmonic.

Also determine the maximum pump speed if separation is to be avoided on the piston
face. Assume a friction factor of 0.01, for both pipes, a pump slip of 4%, an
atmospheric pressure of 10.3 m of water, and a fluid vapor pressure of 2.4m.
Example 07

A single-acting, single-cylinder, positive displacement pump, driven at 0.4rev/s, has a

bore of 200mm and a stroke of 500mm. The suction and discharge pipe are both
100mm in diameter. The suction lift is 0.4m and the suction pipe is 3m long. The
water is discharge at a point 20m above the pump level by means of a pipe 200m
long, fitted with a large air chamber 20m from the pump. Calculate the absolute
pump cylinder pressures at the start, end and mid-stroke times for both suction and
discharge assuming no slip at the pump and a friction factor of 0.008 for both pipes.
Take atmospheric pressure as 10.3m

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