Qualitative Quantitative: Defination

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Qualitative Quantitative

 Qualitative research is used to gain an in-  Quantitative research is a form of
depth understanding of human behavior, research that relies on the methods of
experience, attitudes, intentions, and natural sciences, which produces
motivations, based on observation and numerical data and hard facts.
interpretation, to find out the way people The data collected by the researcher
think and feel. can be divided into categories or put
 It is a form of research in which the into rank, or it can be measured in
researcher gives more weight to the terms of units of measurement.
views of the participants. Graphs and tables of raw data can be
constructed with the help quantitative
research, making it easier for
the researcher to analyze the results.
 A type of educational research in
which the researcher decides what to
 An exploration in which little is known  Description of trends or an
about the problem. explanation of variable’s relationships
 A detailed understanding of a central  Specific variable studied.
phenomenon, or study the whole, not  quantitative research recommends a
variables. final course of action.
 Qualitative research is exploratory. More
in-depth information


 Researcher and their biases may be  Researcher and their biases are not
known to participants in the study, and known to participants in the study,
participant characteristics may be known and participant’s characteristics are
to the researcher deliberately hidden from the
 The qualitative research follows a researcher (double blind studies)
subjective approach as the researcher is  More objective: provides observed
intimately involved. Describes a problem effects (interpreted by researchers)
or condition from the point of view of of a program on a problem or
those who are experiencing it condition
 Data must be valid and reliable: largely
depends on skill and rigor of the
 Be general and broad.  Be specific and narrow.
 Wide-angle lens; examines the breadth &  Narrow-angle lens; tests a specific
depth of phenomena hypothesis.
 Quantitative research – the emphasis
is on measurement

 Gathering text or image data (text based).  Quantitative Research makes use of
 Collecting info from a small number of tools such as questionnaires, surveys,
individuals or sites. measurements and other equipment to
 Unstructured or semi-structured response collect numerical or measurable data.
options like in-depth interviews, focus  Collecting info from many
groups etc. individuals (number based)

 No such statistical tests are conducted  Statistical tests are conducted or
or formulated in the forms of tables or formulated in the forms of tables or
graphs. graphs.


 Time expenditure lighter on the  Time expenditure heavier on the

planning end and heavier during the planning phase and lighter on the
analysis phase
analysis phase


 Less generalizable  Generalizable findings that can be

applied to other populations

 Documents review  Closed ended questionnaires

 Open ended questionnaires  Measurements
 Unstructured interviews  surveys, questionnaires, observations
 in depth interviews, group discussions

An ideal research is one, which is conducted by considering both the methods, together.
Although, there are some areas which require, only one type of research which mainly depends
on the information required by the researcher.  While qualitative research tends to be
explanatory, quantitative research is concrete.


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