Roles of The Community Health Nurse

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The following are the broad range of roles for the community health nurse. As mentioned above several factors
influence the nurse’s actual roles and functioning. Some roles may be frequently and ably demonstrated, while
some may not be assumed at all.

1. Health Monitor
Detecting deviations from health in individuals, families, specific, population groups and the community as a
whole through contacts and visits with them and with the use of scientific, systematic, valid and reliable
assessment methods and tools.eliable assessment methods and tools.

Uses symptomatic and objective observation and other forms of data gathering like morbidity, registry,
questionnaire, and checklist to monitor growth and development and health status of individuals, families and

2. Provider of Nursing Care To The Sick And Disabled

Provision of nursing care to the sick and disabled in various settings and developing the capabilities of
individual clients/patients, families, specific groups and the community to take care of themselves and of their
sick, disabled and dependent members

Develops the family’s capability to take care of the sick, disabled or dependent member. Provides continuity of
patient care.

3. Health Teacher
Health Education is one of the most frequently used intervention by the nurse, and every contact with a client
in whatever setting is an opportunity for teaching about health matters with the ultimate objective of
developing capabilities and self-reliance in health care.

4. Counselor
Giving an appropriate advice and broadening a client’s insight about a problem so that appropriate decisions
are made which can lead to a positive resolution of the problem.

5. Client/Patient Advocate
An advocate is one who intercedes and pleads the cause of another. In the role of an advocate the nurse
protects the interest and welfare of the client/patient when the latter’s health, safety or welfare is threatened by
others, and acts as their eyes, ears and voice. A fundamental duty of the nurse as an advocate is to promote and
defend the rights of clients/patients. A major component of advocacy is maximum transfer of knowledge to the
client/patient to ensure that the latter has all the information needed to make an informed decision and take
appropriate action. Advocacy can range from a posture of interceding, supporting, pleading to acting as
guardian of the client’s rights to autonomy and free choice.

6. Change Agent
Corollary to the roles of a health teacher and counselor is that of a change agent, i.e. changing individual,
family, group or community behavior, including lifestyle and the environment, in order to promote and
maintain health. Motivates changes in health behavior of individuals, families, group and community including
lifestyle in order to promote and maintain health.

7. Community Organizer
In this role the nurse stimulates and enhances the community’s participation in planning, organizing,
implementing and evaluating health programs and services, initiates community development activities,
develops or strengthens the community’s capabilities to recognize and manage health and health – related

8. Team Member
The community health nurse is a member of a health team that includes traditional health care providers,
community health workers and volunteers as well as professionals in the health field and related intersectoral
teams, and works with them in close coordination and collaboration to enhance community health.

9. Trainer, Supervisor, Manager

The nurse often assumes the roles of trainer and supervisor or lower – level health personnel such as the public
health midwife, community health workers and volunteers and traditional birth attendants (“hilots”). She also
sometimes acts as a manager or administrator of a unit or program of the health agency, such as two of a unit
or program of the health agency, such as two or more village/barrio health centers, of the Maternal and Child
Health Program for the entire municipality.

Formulates individual, family, group and community-centered care plan; Interprets and implements program
policies, memoranda and circulars; Organizes work force, resources, equipments and supplies and delivery of
health care at local levels; Requisitions, allocates, distributes materials (medicine and medical supplies, records
and reports equipment).

10. Coordinator Of Health And Related Services

With the nurse’s holistic view of clients/patients and her prolonged and sustained contacts with individuals and
families, she is in a position to coordinate services provided by various members of the health and related
intersectoral teams. The objective of coordination is to ensure that services are delivered and received as
a meaningful whole package, not as fragmented bits and pieces.

11. Researcher
Planning and conduct of nursing and related studies that contribute to the improvement of nursing and health
services, either alone or independently, or in collaboration with other members of the health and intersectoral

12. Role Model

As health care provider the nurse is called upon to provide a good example of healthful living to the
community, to practice and demonstrate what she preaches in matters concerning health, like personal and
environmental hygiene, proper nutrition, avoidance of unhealthy habits and a generally healthful lifestyle.

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