Go To The Editor: Sample Filename: Abc - Java Output: Java

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 Write a Python program to accept a filename from the user

and print the extension of that. Go to the editor
Sample filename : abc.java
Output : java
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8. Write a Python program to display the first and last colors

from the following list. Go to the editor
color_list = ["Red","Green","White" ,"Black"]
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9. Write a Python program to display the examination

schedule. (extract the date from exam_st_date). Go to the
exam_st_date = (11, 12, 2014)
Sample Output : The examination will start from : 11 / 12 /
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10. Write a Python program that accepts an integer (n) and

computes the value of n+nn+nnn. Go to the editor
Sample value of n is 5
Expected Result : 615
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11. Write a Python program to print the documents (syntax,

description etc.) of Python built-in function(s).
Sample function : abs()
Expected Result :
abs(number) -> number
Return the absolute value of the argument.
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12. Write a Python program to print the calendar of a given

month and year.
Note : Use 'calendar' module.
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13. Write a Python program to print the following here

document. Go to the editor
Sample string :
a string that you "don't" have to escape
is a ....... multi-line
heredoc string --------> example
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14. Write a Python program to calculate number of days

between two dates.
Sample dates : (2014, 7, 2), (2014, 7, 11)
Expected output : 9 days
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15. Write a Python program to get the volume of a sphere with

radius 6.
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