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Tuesday | June 30, 2020

Sanders steps down as supes president, does not resign

Fellow Lowndes supes approve resolution ignation as board
president imme-
years and has been board pres-
ident for the majority of that
Holliman defended Sanders
and asked Brooks to find a way
asking for Sanders to leave board diately.”
Sanders’ con-
But District 5 Supervisor
to forgive his comments.
“I’m a Christian like you,
BY YUE STELLA YU ing over to board vice president cession came Leroy Brooks told Sanders re- Leroy, I believe that if you can’t
[email protected] John Holliman, who moved to weeks after his signing as president was “not forgive your fellow man,” Hol-
on-the -record enough” and introduced a reso- liman said. “... I hate all of this
the head of the table while Sand-
Harry Sanders opened Tues- comments to a lution asking fellow supervisors happened. I don’t agree with
ers moved over to the side. As Sanders
day morning’s Lowndes County Dispatch report- to call for Sanders’ full resigna- the comments Harry made, but
Board of Supervisors meeting that happened, dozens of pro- er that the Black community tion. everybody makes mistakes.”
by stepping down as board testers gathered outside were failed to “assimilate” into Amer- It passed 3-1. Sanders voted Brooks, who said Sanders’
president. chanting, “Harry must go!” ican culture and remained “de- against it. Holliman abstained. comments “insulted” and “en-
He did not resign from the “It’s appropriate for me to pendent” since slavery ended. The resolution has no legal raged” him, did not budge.
board entirely. step down as board president,” He has represented District 1 effect and cannot be used to “This is about the future of
Instead, he turned the meet- Sanders said. “I submit my res- on the board for more than 20 force out Sanders. See SANDERS, 6A


peak is to
come still’
Area cleaning
experiencing rebound
after pandemic lull
[email protected]

Since opening
Worker Bees in
Starkville in 2015,
Shannon Vog-
es-Haupt never once
had a day without a
single customer —
until April 3, the day
Gov. Tate Reeves’ Voges-Haupt
statewide shelter in place order
went into effect because of the
COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Then, Voges-Haupt’s cleaning
company at 504 Dr. Martin Luther
ABOVE: Lowndes County Sheriff King Jr. Dr. W. went without any
Eddie Hawkins unclips the state business for several days. With no
flag — which displays the Confed- shifts to offer her willing employ-
erate battle emblem in its to left ees, she had to temporarily turn
corner — while Lt. Rhonda Sand- them away.
ers holds it on Monday afternoon “It got scarily slow because ev-
at the Lowndes County Court- eryone was on lockdown and didn’t
house. The Senate voted 37-14
want anyone in their house, and all
to retire the flag and the House
voted 91-23 on Sunday. RIGHT: the restaurants were closed,” she
Columbus Municipal School Dis- said.
trict Custodial Supervisor Susie Karah Walters, owner of the
Summerville unclips the state Columbus-based Karah’s Cleaning
flag from its chain on Monday Service, saw something similar.
afternoon at Brandon Elementary With residents quarantined, curfew
School after the Legislature voted enforced and no one leaving home,
to retire the state flag on Sunday. Walters received only two calls
Summerville has been responsi- during the first two weeks of April
ble for raising and lowering the
flags at Brandon Elementary for and didn’t serve a single customer.
the last 15 years. “It feels good,” Things soon began to change.
she said of lowering it for the last By mid-April, Walters’ demand
time on Monday. — Photos by began to rise again. Compared to
Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff See CLEANING, 3A

Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle faces lawsuit for negligence

Iowa man diagnosed with sepsis claims he visited BMH North Liberty, Iowa, filed
the suit in Aberdeen ear-
The treatment, Langston
said, should have been
lines in his 50s, he was a
hero in the military flying
ER three days in a row before being diagnosed with life- lier this month. Their at-
torney, Shane Langston of
antibiotics and “some-
thing to help counter the
aircraft, and ... because of
this and because of the de-
threatening medical condition Jackson-based Langston … infection.” But because layed diagnosis, not only
and Langston, said Mi- Bollwitt went to the ER will he never fly again, he
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN several of its medical that eventually resulted chael Bollwitt had a surgi- three times before being will never drive again,”
[email protected] staff, alleging negligence in a stroke, took multi- cally implanted device in correctly diagnosed, he Langston said. “He had a
after he said it took him ple surgeries to treat and his jaw to help with sleep got sepsis, causing his stroke and is impaired in
An Iowa man has filed three trips in consecu- ended his career as an air- apnea that became in- eardrum to burst and for many different ways. It’s
a federal lawsuit against tive days to the hospital’s line pilot. fected in November 2018 him to have a stroke. just a tragic accident.”
Baptist Memorial Hospi- emergency room to see Michael Bollwitt and while Bollwitt and his wife “He was a commercial According to the com-
tal-Golden Triangle and a doctor for an infection his wife Jeri Bollwitt, of were visiting Columbus. pilot for American Air- See LAWSUIT, 6A


1 The Drake equation describes the probability MEETINGS
of the existence of which type of civilization? July 6: Lowndes
2 Which French sea-faring explorer, photogra- County Board of Su-
pher and filmmaker is known as “the father of pervisors meeting,
scuba diving”? 9 a.m., Lowndes
3 Which city on Florida’s west coast is home to County Courthouse
Bayshore Boulevard, a 4.5-mile-long sidewalk?
4 Who took over a host of “The Daily Show” July 7: Columbus
Gabriel Corrigan City Council, Munici-
when Jon Stewart left?
Fourth grade, Annunciation pal Complex, 5 p.m.,
5 Which Boston artisan, a member of the first

91 Low 73
Revolutionary War espionage ring, spied on
High British soldiers in a local pub? ofColumbusMS/
Chance of t-storms
Answers, 6B July 15: Lowndes
Full forecast on County Board of Su-
page 3A. pervisors meeting,
9 a.m., Lowndes
County Courthouse
INSIDE July 21: Columbus
Classifieds 6B Health 6A Cynthia Thompson lives in City Council, Munici-
Comics 3B Obituaries 4B Columbus. She likes walking on pal Complex, 5 p.m.
Crossword 2B Opinions 4A the Riverwalk and eating at local
141st Year, No. 94 Dear Abby 3B restaurants. ofColumbusMS/


2A TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020 The Dispatch •

Confederate flag losing prominence 155 years after Civil War

Mississippi’s Legislature voted to remove the Civil War emblem from her husband, Toby, on Monday,
said they aren’t offended by the
Alabama flew the battle flag
atop its state Capitol until 1993,
the state flag, a move that was both years in the making and notable flag, but they also don’t fly it at
their home in Hendersonville,
when it was removed following
protests by Black legislators. Ad-
for its swiftness amid a national debate over racial inequality North Carolina.
“I don’t see it as related to
ditional Confederate flags were
removed from around a massive
BY JAY REEVES federate flag and memorial re- “This could go on and on,” slavery,” said Howard, 71. “To Confederate memorial just out-
The Associated Press movals was prompted five years he said. “There’s just no limit to us, it just represents being from side the building in 2015, when
ago by the slaying of nine Black where they could go with it.” the South.” South Carolina also removed its
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — people at a church in Charles- The Confederacy was found- But the flag has a dark side. battle flag from the state Capitol
Long a symbol of pride to some ton, South Carolina. A white su- ed in Montgomery in 1861 with It has been waved for decades grounds after the shooting.
and hatred to others, the Con- premacist was convicted of the a Constitution that prohibited by the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis It has taken longer in Missis-
federate battle flag is losing its shooting. laws “denying or impairing and other white supremacists sippi. Not long after the Charles-
place of official prominence 155 Make no mistake: The Con- the right of property in negro who oppose equal rights. The ton shooting, House Speaker
years after rebellious Southern federate flag isn’t anywhere slaves.” The South lost, slavery banner’s use by such groups, Philip Gunn became the state’s
states lost a war to perpetuate close to being gone from the ended, and Confederate sympa- combined with a widening sense first prominent Republican to
slavery. South. Just drive along high- thizers almost ever since have that it is time to retire the sym- say the Confederate symbol on
Mississippi’s Republican-con- ways where Sons of Confederate argued the war wasn’t just about bol of a defeated nation once and the state flag was morally of-
trolled Legislature voted Sun- Veterans members have erect- slavery, instead advocating the for all, has led to change. fensive and must be changed.
day to remove the Civil War ed gigantic battle flags or stop “lost cause” version centered “The argument over the 1894 People posted signs with the slo-
emblem from the state flag, a by Dixie General Store, where around state’s rights, Southern flag has become as divisive as gan, “Keep the Flag. Change the
move that was both years in the Bob Castello makes a living sell- nobility and honor. the flag itself and it’s time to speaker,” but Gunn was easily
making and notable for its swift- ing hundreds of rebel-themed To some, the Confeder- end it,” Mississippi Gov. Tate reelected twice.
ness amid a national debate over shirts, hats, car accessories and ate battle flag — with its red Reeves said of the state’s cur- During the past month, Gunn
racial inequality following the more in an east Alabama county background, blue X and white rent flag, which was adopted by and Mississippi’s first-year lieu-
police killing of George Floyd named for a Confederate officer, stars — is a down-home sym- lawmakers at a time when white tenant governor, Republican
in Minnesota. Mississippi’s was Gen. Patrick Cleburne. bol of Southern heritage and supremacists were actively Delbert Hosemann, persuaded
the last state flag to include the “Business is very good right pride. The band Alabama, one squelching political power that a diverse, bipartisan coalition
design. now,” Castello said Monday. of the top-selling country mu- African Americans had gained of legislators that changing the
NASCAR, born in the South But even Castello is sur- sic groups ever, included the after the Civil War. flag was inevitable and they
and still popular in the region, prised by how demonstrations banner on five album covers in Georgia — which added the should be part of it.
banned the rebel banner from over police brutality became a the 1980s and ‘90s while at the battle emblem to its state flag Hosemann is the great-grand-
races earlier this month, and wave that seems to be washing height of its popularity. in 1956 in response to U.S. Su- son of a Confederate soldier, Lt.
some Southern localities have over generations of adoration for Patty Howard, who was visit- preme Court decisions to deseg- Rhett Miles, who was captured
removed memorials and statues the Confederate battle flag by ing a huge carving of Confeder- regate public schools — adopted at Vicksburg and requested a
dedicated to the Confederate some. He wonders what might ate Civil War generals at Geor- a flag without a rebel banner in pardon after the war ended in
cause. A similar round of Con- happen next. gia’s Stone Mountain Park with 2003. 1865.

Mississippi Mayor: ANTIFA not

coming, COVID-19 not a hoax
‘I just tried to hit the main topics of just the outlandish Friday as he was getting
ready to leave for the day.
things that go around the rumor mill’ “I thought I’d just ad-
dress everything at once,”
Tupelo Mayor Justin Shelton
he said. “I just tried to hit
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS who publicly supports wide cases of COVID-19 the main topics of just the
presidential nominee Joe rose 675, to 26,000 con- outlandish things that go
TUPE- Biden, told The Associat- firmed and 167 probable, around the rumor mill.”
LO — In the ed Press in a brief phone with 1,042 deaths con- Those included the An-
Mississippi interview Monday that he firmed to be caused by the tifa rumors linked to pro-
city where was addressing “specific disease and 17 probably tests against racial injustice
Elvis Presley allegations I have received caused by it, state officials and the death of George
was born, either by phone, email or said. Floyd, a Black man who
the mayor social media.” Shelton’s order said that died after a white Minne-
a n nou nced He said people seemed, as of Friday, 429 cases were apolis police officer pinned
last week Shelton by and large, to be follow- in Tupelo, where the total him down and pressed a
that masks would be re- ing the mask requirement, was rising an average of knee on Floyd’s neck.
quired in public buildings though City Hall was 11.7 per day. The hospital “I don’t know where that
and businesses starting getting complaints about had been near or at capac- kind of stuff comes from,”
Monday because of the businesses not requiring ity for COVID-19 patients Shelton said. “Personally,
COVID-19 pandemic — employees to wear masks. for two weeks, it said. I think it’s right-wing po-
and he used the opportu- Responses to his Face- The mayor said his litical propaganda to keep
nity to debunk an array of book message on Friday Facebook post was written their base stirred up.”
rumors. and a follow-up on Mon-
“Please listen to our day ranged from praise to:
health care professionals “Your days are numbered.”
regarding covid-19. My job The reference to erasing
as mayor is do to my best to history is because Shelton
keep our community safe, has pushed for years to re-
not make easy or politically move the Confederate bat-
popular decisions,” Tupelo tle emblem from Mississip-
Mayor Jason Shelton wrote pi’s state flag — something
on Facebook. the state Legislature voted
He added: “ANTIFA is on Sunday to do.
not coming to Tupelo, El- Shelton said he signed
vis statues are not being the mask order at the re-
removed, you are not the quest of officials at North
target of some type of glob- Mississippi Medical Cen-
al conspiracy, it is impossi- ter, which he described
ble to erase history and no as Mississippi’s largest
one has attempted to do rural hospital, and the Tu-
so, covid is not a hoax, you pelo Economic Recovery
shouldn’t believe and share Committee — about 40
posts that are obviously business and civic leaders
false or used as political appointed to help Tupelo
propaganda, and there is during the pandemic.
nothing ‘liberal’ about any Tupelo is the seat of Lee
of the actions that have County, where state offi-
been taken by our admin- cials reported 460 cases of
istration regarding these the disease caused by the
matters.” novel coronavirus and 15
Shelton, a Democrat deaths as of Sunday. State-
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020 3A

Projected state revenue loss will be less than 2 percent at SOCSD

District had planned budget cuts of about 6 percent
BY TESS VRBIN intendent Eddie Peasant would cover the cost of re-
[email protected] called it “great news.” placing some electronics.
The total MAEP fund- The district was “able
T h e ing allocation for SOCSD to move things around”
S t a rk v i l le - will be determined partly and eliminate two sixth-
Ok t ibbeha by average daily atten- grade teaching posi-
Consolidat- dance, which dropped by tions, which saves about
ed School 61.37 students last school $125,000, but the admin-
year, Chief Financial Of- istration tries to avoid job
might get
ficer Tammie McGarr cuts whenever possible,
said at the board’s regu- McGarr said.
more fund- McGarr
lar meeting earlier this “The majority of our
ing from
month. However, she said budget is personnel, so
the state
the district should receive we were trying to look at
than admin-
more funds than she pro- every area we could look
prev iously jected in the draft budget at so we would not have
thought, the board discussed Mon- to look at cutting people,”
they said day, based on an appro- she said.
at a spe- priation 5.9 percent lower Several budget in-
c i a l - c a l l Peasant than last year’s, or a loss creases will come from Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
meeting and budget work of $1,345,000. the addition of the Part- Starkville-Oktibbeha Consolidated School District Chief Financial Officer Tammie Mc-
session Monday. McGarr had been pre- nership School, the new Garr, left, presents a draft of the 2020-21 school year budget to Board of Trustees
pared for the “worst-case campus for grades 6-7 lo- assistant secretary Wesley Gordon, secretary Jamila Taylor, vice president Sumner
The education appro-
scenario” of receiving 20 cated at Mississippi State Davis and president Debra Prince at a special-call meeting Monday. Budget cuts
priations bill approved in from the state due to the COVID-19 pandemic will likely be lower than previously
conference Monday morn- percent less funding than University, including
anticipated, McGarr said.
ing in the state House of last year and said she roughly $257,000 for util-
Representatives would drafted a budget earlier ities and roughly $50,000 included funds to cover year will add to the fund which culminated in a
cut last year’s Mississippi this month based on that in property and liability anything we could possi- balance for the next one. bipartisan vote over the
Adequate Education Pro- estimate but did not pres- insurance. bly need,” she said. Last year’s fund balance weekend to remove the
gram funding amounts by ent it to the board Mon- The budget also allows McGarr said at the totaled about $12.2 mil- Confederate battle em-
1.6 percent statewide if it day. for increased purchases previous meeting that lion. blem, delayed other deci-
passes the Senate, which McGarr noted a few of textbooks and other the district also plans The board will hold the sions, including final edu-
SOCSD board vice pres- purchases that the dis- instructional materials, to spend an additional required public hearing cation funding amounts,
ident Sumner Davis said trict might not need, even though SOCSD has $728,000 on teacher pay for the budget at its next SOCSD spokeswoman
will most likely happen. such as some new buses yet to decide if classes increases, planned on the meeting on July 21 and Nicole Thomas said.
Davis said the House and heating and air con- will be held in person and district’s pay scale, and then approve the budget Peasant said the dis-
bill “dramatically chang- ditioning units, in order to what extent due to the expects a $200,000 insur- at its Aug. 11 meeting. trict will subsequently
es” the district’s plans for to save money. She also pandemic, McGarr said. ance increase during the The Legislature’s de- remove the current flag
its 2020-21 budget, orig- said she hopes the Coro- “(It’s) still up in the air 2020-21 school year. bate over the state flag, from its buildings.
inally expected to face navirus Aid, Relief, and what school is going to However, she predict-
more serious cuts due to Economic Security Act look like and what we’re ed a decrease in over-
the COVID-19 coronavi- (CARES Act), the federal going to need, so we time pay and said leftover
rus pandemic, and Super- COVID-19 relief package, wanted to make sure we funds from last school

Continued from Page 1A
her normal weekly aver- these areas,” she said. going when things were keep your hands washed,
age of 15 residential and The supplies Walters slow. keep things sanitized and
commercial jobs — any- needs to do that weren’t “We really pushed sprayed constantly so it
where from Starkville to always readily available, their services because a doesn’t spread to other
the Tupelo area but con- especially early on. After lot of it was outside, and people.”
centrating on Columbus, having trouble finding it could be done with no Business is already
West Point and Caledonia the cleaning products in contact,” she said. ramping up at Worker
— she’s doing roughly 30 stores, she ordered online For residential ser- Bees. The company is
and hired another worker via Walmart and Lowe’s a vices, which make up the hiring workers to help
to help. month in advance and is bulk of Worker Bees’ cli- with its busiest season,
“I think people were fully stocked up. entele, Voges-Haupt also which involves cleaning
just ready to have clean- Voges-Haupt said ensures homeowners will “hundreds and hundreds
ing,” Walters said. Worker Bees’ normal sup- be out of the house when and hundreds” of student
Voges-Haupt pointed plies — including latex her workers come in. apartments around Mis-
out that with plenty of reg- gloves — are on back or- “That lessens the sissippi State University.
ular residential custom- der, but the business has amount of people that But while Voges-Haupt
ers still not ready to leave built up a stockpile and we’re interacting with said she’s always happy
their homes, Worker Bees has sufficient equipment. since we go in and out of to take on business, she
isn’t yet back to its full ca- Her workers, too, are so many people’s houses,” hopes people can take it
pacity. The business lost masked and gloved as she said. upon themselves to learn
six of its 12 cleaners and they enter residences and
how to clean. She said
no longer performs its av- commercial buildings.
erage of 15 jobs a day. They have their tempera-
Cleaning could take on that contrary to what
But both Voges-Haupt’s tures taken daily, and greater emphasis many people might think,
and Walters’ businesses According to estimates the CDC’s instructions
they switch out rags, mop
have survived the worst, heads and scrubbies from by Marketdata, COVID-19 on proper sanitation are
and Voges-Haupt is opti- place to place to ensure has caused a 1.6-percent self-explanatory and easy
mistic that her cleaning cleanliness. Voges-Haupt decline in revenue for the to follow.
company has better days said her cleaners start commercial cleaning in- “Even if you can’t af-
in front of it. with a top-to-bottom deep dustry. MarketResearch. ford to have a cleaning
“I think the peak is to clean on their first visit com, which shared the company or you’re not
come still,” she said. to a location, finish each statistic, also said the able to have us come into
cleaning with a Centers pandemic could have a your house, you can still
Building confidence for Disease Control and disproportionate impact follow those steps to help
Before taking on a cli- Prevention-recommend- on smaller cleaning busi- keep your house clean
ent, Walters makes sure ed sanitizer and typically nesses, possibly forcing yourself,” Voges-Haupt
to ask plenty of screening perform services every many to shutter for good. said.
questions to touch base other week for residential But there’s hope, the
before getting into the clients. site says, as a 7.4-percent
specific services a cus- “Once a month, it re- revenue gain is forecast
tomer needs. ally needs it, and once a for 2021.
After all, she has young week is almost a little bit That’s partially be-
children at home, and she too often for most people,” cause people will take
wants to make sure she’s Voges-Haupt said. cleaning more seriously
not spreading the virus to She’s helped place an in the wake of the pan-
them or bringing it into a emphasis on her compa- demic, Walters said, and
home or business. ny’s 14-person mainte- will seek the service more
It’s why she wears nance staff for services often.
gloves and a face mask, like pressure washing, “I think it’s extreme-
sprays disinfectant and window cleaning, gutter ly important right now,”
wipes down surfaces ev- cleaning and car detail- she said. “The clientele
erywhere. ing. Voges-Haupt said the and people that need ser-
That’s part of building work kept her crew going vices understand that it’s
what ServPro COO John and really kept business very, very important to
Sooker called “facility
confidence” in an inter-
view with in
May. The idea of making
sure public places pose no
ill health effects isn’t lost
on Walters, who has done
commercial jobs with
O’Reilly’s Auto Parts and
urgent care clinics in the
“You want to make
sure that things are con- SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates

stantly wiped down be- peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tue. Wed.
cause there are so many Major
people who are coming in Major 9:03a 9:57a
Minor 2:53a 3:33a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

Cheap thrills.
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Go for a walk. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
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The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip: [email protected]
4A TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Save the fish; protect the turtle
“And the turtles, cats prefer rodents him and he fell into the pond. I
of course, all the and fowl while other continued my chores, grateful
turtles are free as cats prefer reptiles my fish were safe. Sam had
turtles and, maybe, and amphibians — gone with the net and all was
all creatures should Harry being the well, until I turned and there
be.” latter. was the turtle making his way
Dr. Seuss, author Gathering up my back to the garden.
(1904-1991) basket of greens for Grabbing an empty bucket,
the rabbits and food and almost without stopping, I
From the for the goldfish, I ran through the yard, scooped
breakfast table I headed out for the him into the bucket and headed
could see Harry, morning feeding. to the lake. He didn’t move but
the boy cat, peer- Shannon Bardwell The goldfish pond is looked up at me almost with
ing through the inside the perennial sad eyes.
picket fence into the garden. I entered At the lake I eased him out
perennial garden. You would the greenhouse and passed the on the mudflat where he scur-
think by now whenever Harry goldfish pond when, at that mo- ried happily to the water and
is transfixed on something, I ment, there was a large turbu- swam away.
would check it out. Instead, I lence in the water. Something “What’s going on?” ed to slide the goldfish out Looking up Southeastern
finished my breakfast. The last entered the pond. Moving I explained as I ran, “A turtle unsuccessfully as I hollered, turtle identification, I think he
time I watched Harry trans- closer, I saw the back of a large is in the goldfish pond. He’ll eat “Grab the fish!” Sam did and might have been a Mississippi
fixed on something he laid turtle. I grabbed a shovel and my goldfish!” Sam took the net eased the fish back into the map turtle, possibly a slider. By
down beside what looked like a tried to lift him out of the pond, and leaped ahead of me. It’s not pond. Afterwards Sam hauled the way, turtles are protected
gray dinner plate, maybe a tad but the turtle was bigger than easy running in rubber boots. the netted turtle away and as an important part of the eco-
larger. The gray plate turned the blade and too heavy for me The pond was now muddied. dropped him in the yard away system. Pond turtles are sold
out to be a coiled water snake. to have leverage. Vision was limited between from the garden. on the internet, prices ranging
Harry had been flipping the Pitching the shovel, I took the turtle thrashing and the I don’t know why or how from $89-$250. Doesn’t that
snake through the air, as Harry off toward the boatshed for goldfish cowering. Sam quickly the turtle would find his way just beat all?
does, and both were worn out. Sam’s fishing net. On my netted the turtle while acciden- through the fence and into a Email reaches Shannon
I pitied the poor water snake. return, Sam joined me running tally simultaneously capturing small goldfish pond. I don’t Bardwell of Columbus at msdel-
About cats, I’ve noticed some across the yard while asking, the blind goldfish. He attempt- even know if perhaps I startled [email protected].


Voice of the people
Shocked by unpaid taxes
Biden’s basement strategy: Just say nothing
Shock and awe, that is what citizens of Lowndes County polls
should feel when they see two full pages of 2017 delinquent now
taxes. 2017! have Joe
I have always read the paper in total but the current Biden
situation has me at home and allowed me time to read the running
fine print. ahead of
On just the first page of the list there are 25 individuals Donald
with between two and nine properties. Let’s not forget one Trump
individual with 26 and another with 19. These are just every by 10
day citizens, Realtors, politicians and a legal eagle. points
Lowndes County is preparing to take money from the and
hospital interest account to complete projects. Let’s face it: sweep- Patrick J. Buchanan
Columbus city is on its last legs with real and intended debt. ing the
Why, with accounts receivable worthy of two pages of battleground states of Michi-
The Dispatch. gan, Wisconsin and Pennsylva-
Don’t look now but it seems to me there are others in the nia. This vindicates the strategy
city or county who should resign. They sure aren’t minding Biden’s advisers have adopted:
the store. Confine Joe to his basement,
Elaine Hegwood no press conferences. Trot him
Columbus out to recite carefully scripted
Editor’s note: As a point of information, annual tax lien messages for the cameras. Then
sales make the county and city “whole” each year so budgets lead him back to his stall. What does Biden think about Does Biden believe, with
are not directly hurt when individuals and companies do not This enables Biden to avoid tearing down statues of Chris- Elizabeth Warren, in wealth
pay their property taxes on time. If delinquent property owners the blazing questions that are topher Columbus and Robert E. taxes on the rich and wealth
don’t pay off their liens (plus interest), they risk losing their dividing not only Democrats Lee? Where does Biden stand transfers to close the Black-
property. and Republicans but liberals on destroying statues of Pres- white wealth gap?
and leftists. And most of these idents Washington, Jefferson, Is there systemic racism in
Wants the people to vote on flag issues touch on the explosive Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, Grant American media?
If the decision to change our state flag is taken out of subject of race. and Theodore Roosevelt? Our dominant media institu-
our hands, the voters of Mississippi, what will the senators, Consider. California’s leg- What did Biden think of the tions include The Washington
representatives and Governor, along with this commis- islature just voted to put to a removal of the statue of Caesar Post, New York Times, ABC,
sion, decide next? How long will it be before they decide to statewide ballot in November a Rodney, Delaware statesman CBS and NBC. All are con-
return to the racial preferences and slave owner, who, despite a trolled by liberals.
remove “In God we trust”? I agree with Rep. Chris Brown
that were banned as discrimina- grave illness, rode to Philadel- Is there systemic racism
of Nettleton: Let the people of Mississippi vote yes or no in
tory in a statewide referendum, phia to sign Jefferson’s Dec- in our great universities and
25 years ago. laration of Independence and colleges? Yet, Harvard, Yale,
God bless Mississippi!
The proposal would reverse cast his lot with the American Princeton, Columbia, and the
Donald Fondren
the 1995 constitutional amend- Revolution? rest of the Ivy League have
ment, approved by 55% of voters, Understandably, Biden would long been run by an entrenched
which outlawed “preferential prefer not having to choose be- liberal elite.
Points out concerns with broadband service treatment” based on “race, tween Caesar Rodney and BLM. Is our huge federal workforce
A concern which is troubling to me, stemming back to sex, color, ethnicity, or national Black men are arrested and permeated by racism?
when I served as county supervisor, is the implementation origin.” incarcerated more often than Though African Americans
of broadband in Mississippi’s rural areas. I am happy to see If the measure carries, Cali- whites because of the systemic are 13% of the U.S. population,
legislation out of Jackson that will deal with at least some of fornia returns to a racial spoils racism of law enforcement offi- they occupy 18% of all federal
these problems. system. cials, we are told. jobs.
I said, “some” of these problems. Race preferences are be- Does Biden believe white Is there systemic racism in
As county supervisor when I took it upon myself to drive ing pushed because they are cops are congenital racists? our public schools? Who con-
around the state, particularly the Delta regions, I noticed needed to bring about greater In the great cities where the trols the teachers unions? Who
something quite disturbing: the poorer the county, the less representation of Blacks and killing of Black men is today all fills almost all of the teaching
likely one is to find broadband towers. Now, if the county Hispanics in the student bodies too common, the regimes that positions?
was predominantly black, your chances of coming across a of elite schools of the state have ruled them for decades Is there systemic racism in
broadband tower is zero! university system like UCLA have been almost wholly Dem- California? If so, who is at fault?
Every year broadband companies (in the same way that and the University of California, ocratic. The governor, both senators,
TVA did with electric towers during the New Deal) pay Berkeley. Does Biden believe there is both houses of the legislature,
millions in rent to property owners for the use of their land Asian students are today systemic racism in the ruling all statewide offices, and 46 of
to erect broadband towers. This could mean as much as “overrepresented” in these pres- circles of all these Democrat- 53 U.S. House seats in Califor-
a $3,000 per month windfall for life. But notice how these tigious schools, because of their ic-run cities? nia are held by Democrats.
broadband companies seem to go out of their way not to superior test scores. Over the last month, there If Biden emerges, then he
erect towers on the lands of black property owners. I have Where does Biden stand on has been an explosion of shoot- will have to answer why all
seen great swaths of black land owners whose property sur- anti-Asian discrimination? ings and killings. In Chicago, these institutions where his
rounds some landlocked patch of land belonging to a white Earlier this June, the Califor- over Memorial Day, 84 people party and people are predomi-
property owner whose sole plot of land stands a sky-reach- nia Assembly voted to establish were shot, 24 mortally. nant — the media, Hollywood,
ing broadband tower. Even in little Sandfiled there stands a a task force to make recom- Last weekend in Chicago, 106 the academic community, public
tower, but guess on whose property? mendations for reparations for people were shot and 14 killed. schools, big-city governments,
Who would have thought that race can and has played a slavery. New York City is experiencing the big foundations, the federal
major factor in producing an efficient national internet grid? Now, California did not enter the worst shooting violence in a bureaucracy — are apparently
Next time you’re out for a country drive, take a look for the Union until 1850, and slav- quarter century. shot through with systemic rac-
yourself. ery was outlawed in the state Is there systemic racism in ism after decades of Democratic
Jim Terry constitution, though several the police departments of our dominance.
Columbus thousand slaves were brought great cities? Again, who has And, more precisely, what he
A letter to the editor is an excellent way to participate in there during the 1849 Gold been running those cities, if not intends to do about it.
your community. We request the tone of your letters be con- Rush. Democrats? Perhaps it’s better to shelter
structive and respectful and the length be limited to 450 words. Where does Biden stand on Is there inequality in wealth in place in the basement.
We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, grammar and reparations for slavery? between Black and white Amer- Patrick J. Buchanan, a
length. While commentary on national issues is always wel- Many of the recent protests ica because of systemic racism? nationally syndicated columnist,
come, we limit candidate endorsements to one per letter-writer. in the wake of George Floyd’s If so, why did that inequality was a senior advisor to presidents
We welcome all letters emailed to [email protected] or death have involved the desecra- persist through two terms of Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and
mailed to The Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO Box tion and destruction of monu- our first Black president, with Ronald Reagan. His website is
511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511. ments. Biden as his VP?
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020 5A

Supreme Court’s abortion

ruling raises stakes for election
Monday’s 5-4 decision struck down a Louisiana law ture war issues during an election
year; one ruling protects gay, lesbi-
seeking to require doctors who perform abortions an and transgender people from dis-
crimination in employment, and the
to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals other rejected Trump’s effort to end
protections for young immigrants.
BY DAVID CRARY law seeking to require doctors who Now, anti-abortion leaders say
AP National Writer perform abortions to have admit- there’s an urgent need to reelect
ting privileges at nearby hospitals. Trump so he can appoint more jus-
NEW YORK — Supporters of
For both sides in the abortion de- tices like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
abortion rights are elated, foes of
bate, it was viewed as a momentous Abortion rights activists, with equal
abortion dismayed and angry, but
test of the court’s stance following fervor, say it’s crucial to defeat
they agree on one consequence of
the Supreme Court’s first major Trump’s appointments of two con- Trump and end Republican control
abortion ruling since President servative justices, Neil Gorsuch of the Senate, where the GOP ma-
Donald Trump took office: The up- and Brett Kavanaugh. jority has confirmed scores of con-
coming election is crucial to their Both justices joined the conser- servative judges during Trump’s
cause. vative bloc’s dissent that supported term.
Both sides also say Monday’s rul- the Louisiana law. But they were The Louisiana law “was an obvi-
ing is not the last word on state-level outvoted because Chief Justice ous challenge to our reproductive
abortion restrictions. One abortion John Roberts concurred with the freedom, and it points to the urgent
rights leader evoked the image of court’s four more liberal justices. need to vote for pro-choice candi-
playing whack-a-mole as new cases The ruling was yet another ma- dates from the top of the ballot all
surface. jor decision in which the conserva- the way down,” said Heidi Sieck of
The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 tive-leaning court failed to deliver #VOTEPROCHOICE, an online ad-
decision, struck down a Louisiana an easy victory to the right in cul- vocacy group.

GOP lawmakers urge action after

Russia-Afghanistan briefing
Allegations: Russia secretly offered Adam Kinzinger were
in the briefing led by Di-
bounties to Taliban-linked militants rector of National Intel-
ligence John Ratcliffe,
for killing American troops White House chief of
staff Mark Meadows and
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS briefed on the findings national security adviser
because they hadn’t been Robert O’Brien. McCaul
WASHINGTON — verified. and Kinzinger said in a
Eight Republican law- The White House statement that lawmak-
makers attended a White seemed to be setting an ers were told “there is
House briefing about ex- unusually high bar for an ongoing review to de-
plosive allegations that bringing the information termine the accuracy of
Russia secretly offered to Trump, since it is rare these reports.”
bounties to Taliban-linked for intelligence to be con- “If the intelligence
militants for killing Amer- firmed without a shadow review process verifies
ican troops in Afghani- of doubt before it is pre- the reports, we strongly
stan — intelligence the sented to senior govern- encourage the Adminis-
White House insisted the ment decision-makers. tration to take swift and
president himself had not McEnany declined to say serious action to hold the
been fully read in on. why a different standard Putin regime account-
Members of Congress of confidence in the intel- able,” they said.
in both parties called ligence applied to briefing Rep. Liz Cheney,
for additional informa- lawmakers than bringing R-Wyo., and Texas Rep.
tion and consequences the information to the Mac Thornberry, the top
for Russia and its presi- president. Republican on the House
dent, Vladimir Putin, and Republicans who were Armed Services Com-
eight Democrats were to in the briefing Monday mittee, said, “After to-
be briefed on the matter expressed alarm about day’s briefing with senior
Tuesday morning, a day Russia’s activities in Af- White House officials,
after the Republicans’ ghanistan. we remain concerned
briefing. Still, White Rep. Michael McCaul, about Russian activity in
House press secretary the ranking member of Afghanistan, including
Kayleigh McEnany insist- the House Foreign Af- reports that they have tar-
ed Trump had not been fairs Committee, and Rep. geted U.S. forces.”

Iran issues arrest warrant

for Trump that Interpol rejects
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS wouldn’t consider Iran’s accuses of involvement in
request, meaning Trump the Jan. 3 strike that killed
TEHRAN, Iran — Iran faces no danger of arrest. Gen. Qassem Soleimani
has issued an arrest war- However, the charges un- in Baghdad face “murder
rant and asked Interpol derscore the heightened and terrorism charges,”
for help in detaining Pres- tensions between Iran the state-run IRNA news
ident Donald Trump and and the United States agency reported.
dozens of others it believes since Trump unilaterally Alqasimehr did not
carried out the U.S. drone withdrew America from identify anyone else
strike that killed a top Ira- Tehran’s nuclear deal with sought other than Trump,
nian general in Baghdad, world powers. but stressed that Iran
a local prosecutor report- Tehran prosecutor Ali would continue to pursue
edly said Monday. Alqasimehr said Trump his prosecution even after
Interpol later said it and 35 others whom Iran his presidency ends.
6A TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Increase your protein intake: Protein is often referred to as the king of nutrients, and it does seem to have some
superpowers. Due to its ability to affect your hunger and satiety hormones, it’s the most filling of the macronutrients. One
study showed that simply increasing protein intake from 15 percent to 30 percent of calories made people eat 441 fewer
calories per day, without actively restricting their intake. Aim to add a source of protein to each meal and snack. It will help
you feel fuller for longer, curb cravings and make you less likely to overeat.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

New cancer prevention nizations, they optimal. This Diet: A healthy diet lim- cell growth.
cover physical is an increase its or doesn’t include red Alcohol: It’s best not to
guidelines activity, diet from previous and processed meats, sug- drink alcohol. People who do
When it comes to tipoffs, and alcohol recommenda- ar-sweetened beverages or choose to drink should limit
Shaq is king. He’s credited consumption. tion for at least highly processed foods and their consumption to one drink
with winning 814 jump balls Physical 150 minutes of refined grain products. It does per day for women and two
during his career, and often Activity: Adults moderate-in- include a variety of vegeta-
they were game changers. for men. Advising against any
should engage tensity or 75 bles — dark green, red and
Clearly, there’s nothing like a consumption is new.
in 150-300 min- minutes of vig- orange; fiber-rich legumes,
good tip — and the American Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of
utes of moder- orous-intensity like beans, peas and others;
Cancer Society has delivered ate-intensity or activity each fruits, especially whole fruits “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike
a new set of them to help 75-150 minutes week. They’re with a variety of colors; and Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness
you avoid cancer. Developed of vigorous-in- Drs. Oz and Roizen finally catching whole grains. Catching up Officer and Chair of Wellness
by the U.S. Departments of tensity physical up with data here, too. Soon they’ll include Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
Agriculture, and Health and activity week- that the Share- only healthy fats and time-re- To live your healthiest, tune
Human Services and several ly; achieving or exceeding the care RealAge app has known stricted feeding. At least six into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
global cancer research orga- upper limit of 300 minutes is since 1999! studies show it inhibits cancer

Continued from Page 1A
our community,” Brooks dustry, create new and
said. “One man is going better job opportunities
to hold us hostage for and continue our com-
whatever reason. We’re munity’s success is now
going to send a strong at risk. Perhaps more
message.” importantly, our funda-
Sanders made the rac- mental ability to work
ist comments after voting together as a community
with the board’s white to achieve these goals is
majority on June 15 to now in limbo. We cannot
leave the Confederate stand on the sidelines
monument in front of the and remain silent while
courthouse in place. The Harry Sanders remains
remarks have sparked in office.”
multiple local protests, On Tuesday, Hairston,
drew public scrutiny in supporting Brooks’
from local officials and resolution, referenced
community leaders and the “damage done” to the
gained national attention community.
over the past two weeks. “I too, believe, that
Most recently, almost Harry should resign
150 members from the from his position on the
local business communi- board,” he said. “I saw the
ty — including represen- names listed in the letter
tatives from the Golden ... a lot of those people
Triangle Development live in my district. I stand
LINK, the Columbus with them. I worry about
Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff
Lowndes Chamber of the damage caused.”
Protesters gather outside the Lowndes County Courthouse on Tuesday morning before a supervisors meeting to
Commerce and the Trust The meeting abruptly demand Harry Sanders’ resignation in response to racist remarks he made about African Americans June 15.
— publicly called for adjourned without the
Sanders’ resignation in a board conducting any fur- in what’s happening. I do
pages-long statement in ther business, including find joy that the commu-
The Dispatch’s Sunday reconsidering whether to nity has come together
edition. relocate the Confederate ... and (said it) is wrong,”
“In just a few min- monument to Friendship Brooks said. “We’ve seen
utes, with only a few Cemetery, the bad side of Harry
statements, (Sanders) Brooks moved to ad- Sanders, I’m asking you
recklessly injured our journ the meeting until to show the good side.
community’s reputation Monday and asked Sand- Don’t cause blood to be
and broke our trust in ers to seriously think on anybody’s hand ... to
his leadership,” the state- about resigning before prove a point. I’m asking
ment read. “Our ability then. you, in the name of Jesus,
to attract and grow in- “Harry, I find no joy to resign from the board.”

Continued from Page 1A
plaint, Michael Bollwitt ple conditions, including said. “She has her hands
went to the ER on Nov. 22 mastoiditis in his right ear full, and it’s of course af-
and 23, 2018, with increas- and sepsis. He was flown fected him in many ways
ingly worsening pain, to Baptist’s medical trau- physically but also men-
only to be discharged in ma center in Memphis for tally and emotionally. It’s
less than two hours with- treatment. just torn apart both of
out having been exam- The complaint says Mi- their lives.
ined by a licensed medical chael Bollwitt suffered a “It’s a very tragic sit-
doctor. The night of Nov. stroke, multiple seizures uation, and in today’s
23, Jeri Bollwitt called the and other medical com- environment with the
hospital again, concerned plications in Memphis COVID-19, we very much
about her husband’s con- and underwent two brain appreciate all our medical
dition — the complaint surgeries and many oth- providers, medical doc-
says he was too ill to walk er medical procedures.
tors and nurses,” he add-
— and was put on hold Langston said he is now
ed. “In this particular case
for 28 minutes before she back in Iowa where he re-
though, there was just a
ended the call and began ceives “around-the-clock”
packing her vehicle to medical care. failure. Totally dropped
drive him back to Iowa to The Bollwitts are ask- the ball for Mr. Bollwitt
see their doctors there. ing for a jury trial to deter- and his family, and ... the
However, the next mine damages awarded. consequences are stag-
day she became worried Langston said the medi- gering. We just don’t be-
the drive to Iowa “would cal expenses paid to care lieve that the Bollwitts
be life-threatening” for for Michael Bollwitt are should bear the brunt of
him and took him back approaching $1 million, the financial consequenc-
to Baptist, the complaint in addition to his loss of es themselves when they
says. This time doctors income as a pilot. weren’t at fault.”
assessed Michael Boll- “He’s not doing well Representatives from
witt immediately and di- and Ms. Bollwitt is not do- Baptist did not comment
agnosed him with multi- ing well either,” Langston when reached on Monday.

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Photos courtesy of Michelle Dupler/Performance Marine Inc.

Dawson Jaynes, left in both photos, of Ethelsville, Alabama, and David Wesley Dupler of Columbus competed in the
Student Angler Federation 2020 High School Fishing National Championship and World Finals held last week in
La Crosse, Wisconsin. The duo finished in 140th place out of 312 two-person teams from 39 states in the National
Championship and 46th in the World Finals. Dupler, 14, will be a freshman at New Hope High School this fall, and
Jaynes, 17, who is homeschooled, will be a senior. The two pre-fished along the Mississippi River from June 21-23
before competing from Wednesday through Friday. In all, the Dupler and Jaynes families made a nine-day trip involv-
ing nine people, three cars and two boats. The duo, who fished under the North Mississippi Student Anglers classifi-
cation in the event, qualified for the World Finals by being named anglers of the year in the SAF’s Upper Tombigbee
Student Angler Trail. They caught three bass weighing 7 pounds, 12 ounces on Friday to finish 46th in that event.
The top 31 teams moved on to compete for the title Saturday, and Tucker Veronee and Landon Gramling of Lexing-
ton, South Carolina, won the event with three bass weighing 9 pounds, 6 ounces. The competition produced $3.2
million in scholarship offers from colleges around the country, including California, Kentucky and Tennessee.
Column: NASCAR rallies Roster shuffle: Plans change in MLB because of health issues
around Bubba Wallace THE ASSOCIATED PRESS major league coach Bill
Evers won’t be in the club-
He appeared in 27 games
last season.
ity in Clearwater, Florida,
earlier this month. Sev-
in a poignant moment PHOENIX — A small
group of players, includ-
house at the start of this
season because of health
due $740,741 and Ross
was en players and five staff
members tested positive
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and their friend. In one ing Nationals slugger concerns. Both will stay $555,556 as prorated in the organization.
of the most poignant and Ryan Zimmerman and with the organization to portions of their salaries, Phillies GM Matt Klen-
There is no escap- important moments in Diamondbacks pitcher help in altered roles. originally $2 million for tak said the team was
ing it: NASCAR is a memory, NASCAR stood Mike Leake, have an- Twins manager Rocco the first baseman and “fortunate that none of
white-dominated sport together and marched nounced they won’t be Baldelli, who was sitting $1.5 million for the pitch- the cases, player or staff,
with a predominantly together in solidarity for playing during Major in a Target Field dugout er. If they are deemed have been especially seri-
white fan base and a long- Wallace, the only Black League Baseball’s 60- during a Zoom call, said high risk by team physi- ous.” He said no one has
standing reputation as driver at the top level of game season. The Minne- he’s known both coaches cians, they would still get been hospitalized.
being far from inclusive. stock car racing. sota Twins have shuffled for a long time and that paid and receive service But the outbreak is
Its evolution, such as it Drivers don’t do this their on-field staff to pro- the decisions were diffi- time. another example of how
is, has been halting and often. They can be friend- tect the health of some of cult. He added that both Arizona’s pitching difficult it is to limit expo-
awkward. One step for- ly or even best friends their older coaches. coaches were disappoint- depth took a hit even be- sure.
ward, seemingly a half with each other, but the As the sport lurches ed. fore the sport’s second “What is eyeopening
step back. feuds and rivalries are toward a late July start “I think we all know training period begins to a lot of us is how quick-
The stock car series real. It’s a solitary sport. during the coronavirus that we’re making the later this week. The ly it spread even in an
listened to Bubba Wal- The last such instance of crises, roster flexibility right decision, but that 32-year-old Leake was ex- environment where we
lace — far from the first solidarity came 22 years and organizational depth doesn’t mean it feels pected to be a part of the were on the extreme end
to ask — and banned the ago when the late Dale will be key. good,” Baldelli said. “It’s team’s starting rotation of caution,” Klentak said.
Confederate flag from its Earnhardt finally won Zimmerman, who told very, very challenging to after starting 10 games “The facility in Clearwa-
events earlier this month. his only Daytona 500 and The Associated Press last even think about these last season and finishing ter was pretty airtight in
In some sports, that crews lined pit road to week he still was decid- sorts of things and have with a 3-3 record and 4.35 terms of staggering times
might have been enough. high-five him as he head- ing whether to play this these conversations.” ERA following a midsea- of players reporting to
Not in NASCAR; ev- ed to victory lane. year, ultimately said hav- But they’re exactly the son trade with the Seattle work out, cleaning the fa-
eryone figured some fans This was a far differ- ing three young children, conversations that are Mariners. cilities in between. Truth-
would ignore it and force ent situation as every one including a newborn, and being had at both the or- D-backs general man- fully, it was frustrating to
someone to somehow en- of the 40 teams on the a mother at higher risk ganizational and person- ager Mike Hazen didn’t some players how strict it
force the ban. grid lined up to defend because of multiple scle- al level across the MLB elaborate on Leake’s was and yet the outbreak
No one figured on Wallace and their series rosis factored into his de- landscape. The defending decision but the pitch- still happened.”
what came next and that in an effort to show they cision. World Series champion er’s agent issued a state- San Francisco minor
was this: NASCAR held do not and will not toler- “Given the unusual na- Nationals will begin their ment saying he made a league center fielder
a race on Monday while ate racism. ture of the season, this is title defense without Zim- personal decision not to Hunter Bishop has test-
federal agents were a The moment evolved the best decision for me merman and pitcher Joe play during the pandem- ed positive for the coro-
stone’s throw away try- in chats on the drivers’ and my family,” Zimmer- Ross, who also declined ic. The GM also didn’t navirus and has mild
ing to find out who left group text when sev- man said. to play because of health say whether Leake falls symptoms, according to
a noose in Wallace’s ga- en-time champion Jim- The 35-year-old, who concerns. under the high-risk cat- president of baseball op-
rage stall at Alabama’s mie Johnson said he has been with the Nation- “We are one hundred egory. If Leake does, he erations Farhan Zaidi.
Talladega Superspeed- planned to stand next als since 2005, said he percent supportive of would be due $5,555,556 The 10th overall pick last
way, ultimately determin- to Wallace during the still is deciding on his fu- their decision to not play as the prorated share of year would have been
ing it had been there for national anthem. Oth- ture beyond this season. this year,” Nationals GM his $15 million salary. among 51 players report-
months. ers said they’d join, then The two-time All-Star and Mike Rizzo said in a state- The fragility of base- ing to training this week.
It could have been Kevin Harvick suggest- 2009 Gold Glove winner ment. “We will miss their ball’s current health situa- Boston Red Sox man-
the lowest point in NA- ed they all push Wal- has 270 career homers. presence in the clubhouse tion has been apparent for ager Ron Roenicke, 63,
SCAR’s 72-year history. lace’s car to the front of The Twins confirmed and their contributions on the past few weeks. The said his organization is
Instead, the drivers the grid. Crew members Monday that 68-year-old the field.” Philadelphia Phillies had doing as much as it can
fought back to protect caught wind of the plan bullpen coach Bob Mc- Ross, 27, has five sea- a coronavirus outbreak at to keep everyone — espe-
their image, their sport See NASCAR, 2B Clure and 66-year-old sons of MLB experience. their spring training facil- See MLB, 2B
2B TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020 The Dispatch •

Some new college hoop coaches

turn to experienced transfers
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS at UAB, and former Mich- On Thursday the coaching change. He
igan and Texas assistant NCAA extended a dead added UNLV graduate
Mark Byington has Luke Yaklich taking over period through August Jonah Antonio, guard
spent more than three at Illinois-Chicago. And for all Division I sports. Daivien Williamson after
months as the men’s bas- there’s former Kentucky Coaches are barred from coaching him two years
ketball coach at James and Texas A&M coach in-person activities such at ETSU and Tennessee
Madison without being Billy Gillispie taking over as traveling to meet a graduate Jalen Johnson
able to take a recruiting at Tarleton State, which recruit or bringing one — who committed to the
trip or meet personal- begins the transition in for an official visit. Buccaneers before fol-
ly with the eight play- Wednesday to Division I. They’re leaning on phone lowing Forbes to Wake
ers joining his program They’ve bolstered their calls, text messages and Forest.
during the coronavirus first recruiting classes Zoom meetings to com- “If you miss on a high
But he takes some
with multiple transfers,
from Division I gradu-
municate with recruits,
as well as returnees scat-
school player, that might
be three or four years in

comfort in that five of the

newcomers have Division
ates to junior-college ad-
ditions. Some committed
tered around the country
as campuses closed due
your program,” Forbes
said. “Where if you miss
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
I experience. He’s hop- as the NCAA considered to the pandemic. on a transfer or a grad Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 9 6 5 7 2 4 8 3 1
ing the older players pro- changing the waiver pro- But in many cases they transfer, it might be one ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 1 7 3 6 8 5 2 4 9

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

vide some stability amid cess to allow all Division don’t have information or two. So it’s not perfect. based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 4 8 2 3 1 9 5 6 7
these uncertain times for I athletes to transfer once from personally evalu- We’re not in a perfect grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 8 1 4 5 6 7 3 9 2
college athletics — high- without sitting out a sea- ating a player’s game or science. You don’t really given
so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 3 2 6 1 9 8 4 7 5
lighting the enhanced son, though that was de- observing something as know anybody until you object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
numbers 7 5 9 2 4 3 1 8 6
value of transfers for the layed as the NCAA looks subtle as body language. get them on campus.” contains the1same to 9 number
6 3 1 8 7 2 9 5 4
coaches who changed the empty spaces so
instead at changing legis- A transfer, particularly The Dukes will have only once. The difficulty 5 9 7 4 3 1 6 2 8
jobs after last season and that each row, each
lation by January. from Division I, could off- UAB graduate guard level increases from
are trying to build new column and each 2 4 8 9 5 6 7 1 3
It remains unclear how set some risk with experi- Rashawn Fredericks Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 6/29

programs. many transfers will get a ence. next season. They’re

the same number only once. The difficulty level
“We wanted to get old- waiver to play right away “There’s definitely a pursuing immediate-el-
increases from Monday to Sunday.
er,” said Byington, who or must sit out a year. value — if it’s the right igibility waivers for big
left Georgia Southern for That is, of course, transfer, I’ll add,” said man Joel Mensah (San
the Colonial Athletic As- whenever a season might Drew, whose first class Diego State), wing TJ
sociation program. “And take place as the pandem- includes Division I trans- Taylor (Wyoming), guard
the best evaluations we ic continues. It’s why ACC fers Asbjorn Midtgaard Vado Morse (Mount St.
could get during a pan- Network analyst and for- (Wichita State), Dima Mary’s) and guard Jalen
demic was watching guys mer Notre Dame player Zdor (Weber State) and Hodge (Louisiana-Mon-
who played against other Jordan Cornette pointed Sean Miller-Moore (Ore- roe). Each has at least two
Division I players.” to more than talent and fit gon State). years of Division I experi-
Twenty Division I with a transfer’s value. “Some players are ence.
programs have changed Maturity ”comes into transferring because At UIC, Yaklich knew
coaches since March, play with transfers,” Cor- there’s a reason they’re the Flames needed expe-
when the pandemic shut nette said. “Those are the transferring and it’s not rienced guards. So they
down college and pro- ones you will lean heavi- good. And then there’s added rising Division I
fessional sports as well ly on because they have others where they’re juniors in Iowa State for-
as in-person recruiting. proven they can make the transferring for a fresh ward Zion Griffin, Chat-
Wake Forest is the only jump from high school to start and a new opportu- tanooga guard Maurice
school from a Power Five college. They can manage nity.” Commander and guard
conference to do so after their academics. They Wake Forest and James Teyvion Kirk, who played
firing Danny Manning can play at this level. They Madison aim to take ad- two years at Ohio and
and hiring Steve Forbes can be competitive. They vantage with five Division redshirted last year at
from East Tennessee can be voices. I transfers, while UAB Colorado State. They
State. “That’s proven. … And and UIC joined Grand added two junior-college
Other notable chang- now we need them to be Canyon with three. guards, too.
es include Hall of Famer more mature than ever For the Demon Dea- Others like Pitino at
Rick Pitino going to Iona, because of what’s going cons, Forbes inherited Iona and new Western
former Vanderbilt and on in the world and the two guards — high-scor- Illinois coach Rob Jeter
Valparaiso coach Bryce uncertainty of the sport ing graduate Ian DuBose went heavy on juco play-
Drew moving to Grand right now.” from Houston Baptist and ers with four each, while
Canyon, ex-Ole Miss That includes when Virginia Tech’s Isaiah Jeter’s class includes two
coach Andy Kennedy re- teams can get back to Wilkins — who commit- Division I transfers and
turning to his alma mater “normal” recruiting. ted before the late-April one from Division III.

Continued from Page 1B
cially older staff members the guys and be around said. it can be played. Angels
— as safe as possible. the game than not. Van Wagenen said manager Joe Maddon,
Cleveland’s 61-year-old “I’d be miserable if I the club anticipates all who is 66, said it’s up to
manager Terry Franco- didn’t do it.” its players will report to individual players and
na said he’s not nervous, Mets GM Brodie Van training camp, which be- coaches to accept and ACROSS
even though he’s had pre- Wagenen said some of his gins Friday at Citi Field. embrace the safety proto- 1 Halts
vious health issues. team’s coaching staff and Long-absent slugger Yoe- cols. 7 Movie
“I know I’m probably player-development staff nis Céspedes might final- 11 Bearlike
“If you want to come
one of the higher-risk fall into the high-risk cat- ly be healthy enough to
in expecting the norms 12 Open space
guys because of my age egory. play on opening day, espe-
that we’re normally ac- 13 Give cre-
and some of the things “We don’t have full cially with the designated
that have gone on,” he clarity on if all of our hitter now available in the customed to, then you’re dence to
said. “But the trainers coaches will be here, but National League. going to be frustrated 15 “Wake Up,
and the doctors have been we anticipate having that There’s little doubt constantly, and you can’t Little —”
terrific. I would rather clarity here by the time the upcoming season will permit that to happen,” 16 Speck
manage and be around we open up on Friday,” he be unlike any other — if Maddon said. 18 Oatmeal

21 Cocoon stage
22 Head out
Continued from Page 1B 24 “Roses —
and wanted to participate. how the noose had been helped Wallace make it therefore could not have 25 Melancholy
Johnson wasn’t sure in the garage stall since to the Cup Series, as well been targeting Wallace. 26 Coffee, in DOWN 20 Ship fronts
how the moment would at least last October, not- as Daniel Suarez, who is But the flag ban remains slang 1 Edit out 21 Golf goal
develop or how many ing it was the only stall Mexican, and Kyle Lar- a thorny issue and no one 27 Uncommon 2 Pitching stat 22 Week part
planned to participate. in the garage with a pull son, who is Japanese. But expects racism to vanish thing 3 Inquire 23 Toe count
But when he looked be- down rope on the door the promotion rate from overnight. 29 Hamlet 4 Afternoon 25 Mailing need
hind him Monday, all 39 fashioned into a noose. the program to the NA-
For now, drivers will 30 Turner of film break 28 Fly or flea
of Wallace’s rivals and But Steve Phelps, series SCAR’s top series is low.
try to stay on offense. 31 Melodies 5 Follow as a 29 Attached, in
their team members had president, said the sanc- Aric Almirola, who is of
joined the procession. tioning body would have Cuban descent, started They say they are deter- 32 Chimney result a way
“When I woke up launched the investiga- with a diversity program mined to stand with Wal- output 6 Collections 31 Director
(Monday), read the news tion the same way even ran at the time by Joe lace and show this gener- 34 Get satisfac- 7 One way to Kurosawa
... my blood was boiling. I now knowing it wasn’t a Gibbs Racing. ation is a far cry from any tion from deal 33 Spheres
could not believe that that hate crime. Ricky Stenhouse Jr., a racist good ol’ boys of NA- 40 Sweeping 8 Tick off 34 — Aviv
had happened,” Johnson He also said he was Mississippi native who for SCAR’s past. story 9 Maui souvenir 35 Clumsy
said. “As momentum built moved by the display of almost his entire career Ryan Blaney, one of 41 Rodeo horse 10 Fellow galoot
and the awareness of the support from Wallace has worn the state flag Wallace’s closest friends 42 Easter lead-in 14 Lubricated 36 Relatives
statement the garage was calling it “one of the most on his firesuit, said he re- since childhood, won at 43 Smoothed, in 16 Wall art 37 Wrap up
going to make, how many important days” for NA- moved it a few weeks ago Talladega after a sleep- a way 17 Sung drama 38 Bar rocks
people reached out, how SCAR. because it includes the less night in his motor- 19 College study 39 Silent assent
many people wanted to be “Everyone wanted to Confederate flag. home. Wallace had come
involved, it shifted to just show their support for a “I’ve always been proud
to him and told him about
great pride for our sport.” family member of NA- to be from Mississippi.
the noose and Blaney “felt
The same group chat SCAR. We are one big I’ve always supported or
led to a drivers’ video family. We are one large wore the flag on my belt. a mixture of anger and
message calling for equal- community. And every- I’ve never really thought sadness for him, confused
ity. And many noticed that one’s belief is that some- of it offending anybody,” how anybody could do
FedEx replaced its logos one was attacking a mem- Stenhouse said. “Obvi- something like this.”
on Denny Hamlin’s car ber of our family,” Phelps ously with everything “You can’t let some
to instead spotlight the said. “It turned out that that’s going on in the idiot trying to threaten
National Civil Rights Mu- that was not the case, but country, with the rebel somebody, you can’t let
seum – just the 18th time at the time that’s what our flag, learning really how it that affect you,” Blaney
in 519 races the company industry thought, so driv- offends so many people, I said. “If you let it really eat
relinquished its branding ers, crew, our officials, ev- don’t intend to do that. We away at you, that person
on the car. eryone supported Bubba wanted to take initiative wins, those people win. I
“The sport is chang- Wallace and the 43 team, to take that off before we don’t want it to be remem-
ing,” a smiling Wallace and that was a very pow- felt like somebody wanted
bered as a terrible day or
declared after Monday’s erful image in not just the us to.”
race, where he finished history of our sport but I There are likely more a bad day in NASCAR. I
14th after a strong show- think in all sports.” challenges ahead. want it to be remembered
ing before greeting a The 26-year-old Wal- The news about the as there was an incident
group of cheering fans lace remains a rarity for noose was a relief after and we all overcame it
pressed against the fence. NASCAR, which offi- the FBI determined it together, showed that we
NASCAR said it will cially launched a diver- had been there at least were not going to take it
continue to investigate sity program in 2004. It since last October and anymore.”
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020 3B

Patriots hope winning still in fashion for new QB Newton

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS had stalled because of in- ciated Press, speaking on down. sions. He can run. He’s what had previously been
juries. the condition of anonym- Brady has averaged strong. He’s hard to tack- a football-first mentality.
One is a man of a mil- “Bill always says the ity because the team had 1.7 yards per carry while le. He can do a lot of dif- The dour Belichick tol-
lion fedoras. goal for any good team not announced the deal. rushing for 1,037 yards ferent things, beat you in erated it as long as they
The other is all about is to have as many good The Patriots declined in 20 seasons in New En- a lot of different ways,” were winning, which they
the hoodie. players as possible,” Ja- to comment on the re- gland — about two sea- Belichick said. “Not say- have done more than any
But whether Cam New- son McCourty said on the ports. But Newton wrote sons worth for Newton, ing the other guys aren’t coach and quarterback
ton and Bill Belichick can podcast he hosts with his on Instagram Sunday who picked up an aver- a problem, because they combo in NFL history.
take the New England Pa- twin brother and fellow night, “I’m excited as I age of more than 5 yards are, but he’s public enemy Newton will get the
triots back to the Super Patriots defensive back, don’t know what right when he ran the ball. (Of No. 1.” same leeway, starting
Bowl is going to be more Devin. now,” ending the post course, Newton’s 10 ca- But since then Newton with training camp when
about football than fash- “Cam Newton is a for- with “LetsGoPats.” reer playoff touchdown has had two shoulder op- he will have to win the
ion. mer MVP of this league, A Heisman Trophy passes are a couple of erations and one on his starting job from 2019
The Patriots have played in the Super Bowl winner who was the No. typical postseasons for foot, and he missed all but fourth-round pick and fel-
turned to the former — that caliber of a play- 1 overall pick in the 2011 Brady.) two games last season. low Auburn product Jar-
Panthers quarterback to er — so I think the better draft, Newton peaked in “When you’re talking He has lost his past eight rett Stidham.
replace Tom Brady, who players we have in our 2015, when he was the about mobile quarter- starts in all, getting more Because Newton’s
defected to the Tampa locker room, the better NFL MVP after leading backs, guys that are attention for his colorful deal is heavily based on
Bay Buccaneers after 19 we’re going to be able to the Panthers to a 15-1 re- tough to handle, tackle, postgame attire than his incentives, the signing is
years, six Super Bowls perform as a team.” cord and a Super Bowl ap- can throw, run, make play. low risk if he cannot stay
and three NFL MVP Newton, 31, agreed to pearance. If he’s healthy, good decisions — I mean, Brady, who is married healthy and even better
awards. Newton gets his terms on Sunday on a deal he gives the Patriots I would put Newton at the to supermodel Giselle value if he does.
fresh start in New En- that will pay him up to something even Brady top of the list,” Belichick Bundchen, did his share “I’m never shocked
gland after nine seasons $7.5 million this season, didn’t: a mobile QB who said when the Patriots of preening, and in his with anything we do as
in Carolina, where his a person with knowledge challenges defenses to faced Newton in 2017. later years his outside in- a Patriots organization,”
own MVP-winning career of the talks told The Asso- chase him and bring him “He makes good deci- terests seem to intrude on Devin McCourty said.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I others would be either gets angry at me for be-
am dealing to remember they ing “too sensitive” or brushes
with the are blameless. it off because he’s “just being
worst heartbreak By taking your honest.”
ever. I don’t pain out on them, He is very religious, and I
know what I did you are isolating have thought about reaching
to make my boy- only yourself. Get out to his pastor about this be-
friend stop liking rid of any memen- cause it bothers me so much,
me. He won’t talk tos that remind but I’m agnostic and don’t
to me or text me you of him. If a have a relationship with him. It
back, and now he song reminds you hurts me, but it’s almost worse
has blocked me of him, don’t play because our daughter watches
ZITS on Facebook. One it again. Keep it, and I don’t want her to think
minute he said yourself busy. it’s OK for her daddy to bully
that he would Focus on other me like this. — CHALLENGED
always hang out things and talk IN TENNESSEE
with me and the with your friends DEAR CHALLENGED: You
next he told me to
Dear Abby and family about are NOT too sensitive, and
stop messaging your feelings. If your husband is NOT just being
him and blocked me. All of this you do, you will soon realize honest! He may be punishing
has made me go out of control, that others have experienced you because you had the nerve
and now I want to hate on the same disappointment to get ocular cancer, or he may
everyone. How can I stop this you have. And, above all, simply have a sadistic streak.
awful hurt? — LOVE HURTS IN remember that although this This is not how good Christians
OREGON experience may have been behave; it is how hypocrites
DEAR LOVE HURTS: Before romantic for a while, it has run do.
I answer that question, I want its course. That you are an agnostic
GARFIELD to weigh in on your signature, DEAR ABBY: I am at my — many intelligent and pious
“Love Hurts.” What I need wits’ end with my husband. I individuals are, by the way
to impress upon you is, love have a vision impairment as — should not stop you from
DOESN’T hurt. Real love a result of ocular cancer, and having a conversation with your
makes people feel BETTER. he refuses to stop making fun husband’s pastor. However,
It’s time to stop asking of me about it. He teases me even if the pastor were to
yourself what you did wrong to constantly about being blind, craft a sermon on the subject,
be getting the treatment he is about not being able to read, I doubt it would change your
doling out. Allow me an educat- and about how bad my eyes husband’s behavior. If you
ed guess: He may feel guilty are. are going to continue in this
because he met someone else My eyes ARE very bad, marriage, you must find a way
and doesn’t have the courage some days much worse than to change the way you react to
to own up to it. Time will tell if others, but I’m not totally blind. the mistreatment you are re-
I’m right. And, Abby, I can read — just ceiving. Perhaps once he finds
The way to soothe this ache not the way I used to. When I he can’t get the reaction he’s
CANDORVILLE and refrain from lashing out at tell him it hurts my feelings, he looking for, he will stop.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June seen this one before. Now is facing fear. The only way to get
30). Because you are so your chance to fix it. to the place you want to be is
respectful of all you meet, you’ll TAURUS (April 20-May 20). to do a thing until you are no
gain trust, and then followers, You’re worrying unnecessarily longer afraid of it.
and, finally, power. You’ll find about the practicality of your LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). If
yourself in the position of own wishes. It’s not up to you to you’re not sure, don’t do it.
liaison between people who decide what’s within the realm Action will suffer from the doubt
otherwise wouldn’t be able to of reality. Let yourself dream you feel. What’s worse is that
communicate. You’re needed, wild and free. the others on your team, or the
and so you’ll be well-paid! GEMINI (May 21-June 21). opposing team, will sense that
Romance is alive in your soul. Attention is like a key; it has a you’re not all in. It’s an all-or-
Self-expression leads to adven- particular shape and every lock nothing kind of day.
BABY BLUES ture. Taurus and Gemini adore is different. Ill-fitting attention VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, won’t open doors or lead any- Better to be wise than clever.
20, 14, 50 and 11. where. Cater your focus. Give You could be both, but today
ARIES (March 21-April 19). what the other person actually you’ll choose one, forgetting
A scenario that’s got your atten- needs. about the applause and fame
tion happens to match up with a CANCER (June 22-July 22). and going for the quiet strength
subconscious script, a memory “Progressive desensitization” of simply doing the right thing.
imprinted on your childhood is the clinical name for today’s LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
brain. In other words, you’ve success key. Dive in and start You’re still allowed to have
fun, and, in fact, it’s the most
important work of the day. When
you impart your own enjoyment
of life to your circle, you enrich
the lives of everyone in the
21). There’s an art to seizing
the day. It’s all in the grip. Keep
it vigorous but not so hard that
it constricts the flow of sponta-
neity that makes the hours so
21). Follow through on your
instinct to tell people upfront
what they can expect from you
— your desires, talents and
follies - because, together, you
can figure out straight away if
there’s a fit.
19). Communication will be
as effective as it is specific.
It will give you clarity to know
exactly to whom you’re aiming
your work, words and even your
manner of dress.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Kudos to you for continu-
ally making the effort to learn
something new. Your many
excellences lead you to more
relationships, as each talent
brings with it a circle of people
who need or share that talent.
19-March 20). Time marches
forward in slow and steady
steps, but emotions often take
leaps and bounds. These two
styles of movement will play
against one another to create
some interesting perception and
tension now.

Fall by the wayside

4B TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020 The Dispatch •

er Peel Funeral Home Home of Starkville is Calvin Halfacre.
Beth Jones
John Vice and Crematory. Memo- in charge of arrange- In addition to his Bethea (Beth) Perrin Brown
VERNON, Ala. — Jones, age 81, died on June 26,
John W. Vice, 70, died rial Gunter Peel Funer- ments. mother, he is survived
al Home and Crematory Mr. Halfacre was by his step-father, 2020, at her home in Columbus.
June 27, 2020, at DCH Mrs. Jones was born on
Regional Medical Cen- Second Avenue North born July 23, 1973, in James Welch; and
location is in charge of Starkville to Linda Di- siblings, Hashim Welch September 16, 1938 in Jackson,
ter of Tuscaloosa. MS to the late Herbert V. Brown
Funeral Services arrangements. ane Welch and the late and Ayasha Welch.
Mr. Klieber was and Rubye Bethea Brown.
will be at 2:14 p.m. Graduating from Murrah High
Wednesday, at Chan- born Aug. 7, 1935, in
School in Jackson, MS, she
dler Funeral Home Streator, Illinois, the
went on to attend Mississippi
chapel, with Joe Mose- late Robert and Vivian
State College for Women where she earned a
ley, James Godsey and Kees Klieber. He was
fine arts degree in 1960. While attending the
Danny Hollis officiat- formerly employed as
“W”, she met and later married Frederick Arthur
ing. Burial will follow in a truck driver and as a
Jones in 1961. Always the gracious host, Beth
Walnut Grove. Visita- supervisor with United and Freddy loved to entertain family and friends
tion is from 6-9 p.m. Technologies. with wonderful dinner parties and beautiful
today, at the funeral In addition to his floral arrangements. They enjoyed many years
home. Chandler Funer- parents, he was preced- traveling the world with family and friends, often
al Home of Vernon is ed in death by his wife, indulging her husband’s passion for fly fishing
in charge of arrange- Margaret “Margie” Kli- in distant places. A true southern lady known
ments. eber; children, Mitchell for her sense of style, she never looked better

William Griffin
Mr. Vice was born Klieber and William in waders as she somehow always managed to
Sept. 28, 1949, in La- Daniel “Danny” Klieb- catch the biggest fish. They were married for 48
mar County, to the late er; and siblings, Carol years until his death in 2009.
Sidney and Argil Vice. and Lois. She was an active member of St. Paul’s
Mr. William Earl “Monk”
H was formerly em- He is survived by Griffin, 84, of Grenada, passed Episcopal Church where she served on the altar
ployed as a truck driver. his children, Theresa away Saturday, June 27, 2020, guild. She volunteered at Loaves and Fishes
In addition to his par- Rose Tullos of Colum- at his daughter’s residence in for many years. She was also a member of the
ents, he was preceded bus, Kathleen Davis of Hernando. He was born January Columbus Garden Club, the Home and Garden
in death by his brother, Fishville, Louisianan, 17, 1936, in Calhoun City to James Club and a life member of the Columbus Junior
Leon Vice. Stephen Lloyd Klieb- Holman and Myrtle Crowley Auxiliary. In her later years, she enjoyed playing
He is survived by his er of Cypress, Texas; Griffin. Mr. Griffin honorably Continental Gin with her dear friends and loved
wife, Laura Vice; chil- siblings, Rita Dens- served our country in the US following the lives of her four grandchildren who
dren, Stephanie Page, berger and Jo Klieber; Air Force for over 21 years. He affectionately knew her as Beth.
Johnny Vice and Eddie 13 grandchildren; also worked night security for Universal Steel in Mrs. Jones is survived by her daughters,
Vice; siblings, Richard great-grandchildren; Grenada and at both sale barns in Grenada and Perrin Jones Kibler (Bryan) of Atlanta, GA and
Vice, Elbert Vice, Ray and one great-great- Winona for over 20 years. Bethea Jones Smith (Ken) of Columbus, MS; her
Vice, Audean Corken, grandchild. Graveside services will be held at 10:00 AM mother in law, Brown Key Jones of Columbus,
Barbara Campbell and Wednesday at the Spring Hill Cemetery near MS; four grandchildren, William McClintic
Mary Jane Hawkins; Laura Taylor Grenada with Rev. Phillip Cook officiating. Kibler and John Alton Kibler of Atlanta, GA;
nine grandchildren; COLUMBUS — Lau- Survivors include four daughters, Candice A. Kirby Elizabeth Smith of Greenville, SC and
and two great-grand- ra Clay Taylor, 73, died Jordan of Caledonia, Monica Holland of Hernando, Carter Reid Smith of Columbus, MS; nephew,
children. June 29, 2020. Lisa Mitchell(Bert) of Winona, and Cynthia William Webster Gholson of Dothan, AL and
Arrangements are Griffin of Calhoun City; two sons, William Earl niece, Emily “Mimi” Gholson of Columbus, MS.
Linda Henderson incomplete and will be “Billy” Griffin, Jr. and Scott Griffin(Heather) both A private graveside service was held with family
STARKVILLE — announced by Carter’s of Grenada; two sisters, Nell Dabney(Elmer) of on Sunday, June 28th.
Linda Henderson, 72, Funeral Services of Hernando and Judy Gillis(Allen) of Grenada; one Honorary pallbearers were Mickey Brislin,
died June 22, 2020. Columbus. brother, Bob Griffin(Inette) of Millbrook, AL; John Davis, Rodney Glover, George Hazard, Jr.,
Graveside funer- 14 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren and a and Jim Mauldin.
al services will be Safarest Halfacre host of nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, a memorial may be made to
Wednesday. in New STARKVILLE — He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 318 College Street,
Prospect Cemetery. Beatrice Griffin; brother, James “Sonny” Griffin Columbus, MS 39701.
Safarest DeMaggio
Visitation is from 1-3 Halfacre, died June 25, and a granddaughter, Mercedes Sellers.
p.m. today, at West Me- 2020. Pallbearers will be Allen Gillis, Tim Gillis,
morial Funeral Home. Graveside services Christopher Griffin, Matthew Griffin, Bert
West Memorial Funeral will be at 11 a.m. Thurs- Mitchell, J.R. Sellers and Jason Simmons.
home of Starkville is day, in Oktoc Memorial Online condolences may be expressed to the Sign the online guest book at
in charge of arrange- Gardens Cemetery. family at
ments. Visitation will be from Arrangements have been entrusted to College Street • Columbus, MS
She is survived by 1-5 p.m. Wednesday, McKibben and Guinn Funeral Service in
her husband, Clinton Grenada, (662-307-2694).

Marjorie Beasley
at Century Hairston
Henderson; children, Funeral Home. Cen- Paid Obituary - McKibben & Guinn Funeral Service
Felicia Sykes, Shantell tury Hairston Funeral
Cannon, Gregory Beck- Marjorie Beasley was born March 2, 1916, in
um, Patrick Henderson Eupora, Mississippi to Mr. and Mrs. John Oscar
and Toby Henderson; Eudy. She died peacefully at her residence on
and siblings, Jean June 25, 2020, at the age of 104.
Mathis and Luther Graveside service were held Monday, June
Skinner. 29, 2020, at 2:00 P.M. at Memorial Gardens,
Columbus, with Dr. Gary Permenter officiating.
William Plyler Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Home &
COLUMBUS — Wil- Crematory College Street is in charge of
liam David Plyler, 68, arrangements.
died June 27, 2020, at Marjorie was a multi-talented person and a
Baptist Memorial Hos- very creative individual. She was an excellent
pital-Golden Triangle. seamstress and cook, created beautiful flower
A memorial service arrangements and was a very talented artist. She
will be held at a late painted using water colors and oils.
date. Lowndes Funeral With no formal training, Marjorie won an art
Home of Columbus is contest in high school. During her marriage and
in charge of arrange- raising children, Marjorie painted as she could
ments. find time. It was not until the youngest of her three
children was in school that she began taking art
courses at Mississippi University for Women.
Kenneth Klieber Over the years she took several art classes at the
COLUMBUS — Ken- “W”. She also attended several workshops taught
neth Paul “Ken” Kli- by art professors from various colleges.
eber, 84, died June 25, Among many of her accomplishments are
2020, at his residence. first and second place ribbons for her art work
Graveside ser- displayed at the many arts and craft shows
vices will be at noon, she attended. Marjorie’s paintings have been
Wednesday, in Memori- exhibited in both solo and group shows through
al Gardens, with Jeffery out Mississippi. Galleries such as Jackson Interior
Waldrep officiating. Designers have displayed her work. Marjorie
Visitation will be from had several shows at banks in Columbus and
9:30-11:30 a.m. Wednes- Aberdeen and the Columbus Library.
day, at Memorial Gunt- Marjorie was a charter member of Studio 206,
an art group. She also was a charter member
of the Columbus Art Association, a member of
Thimble Ten Sewing Club, Flora-plena Garden
Club and an active member of First Baptist
Church beginning in 1957 where she taught 7
and 8 year old children Sunday School for many
She was preceded in death by both parents,
her husband, Weldon Beasley, her son, Leon
Beasley and a great grandson, Seth Beasley, as
well as 2 sisters and 2 brothers.
Marjorie is survived by her daughter, Mary
Nell Dale of Columbus, and her son, Harold
Kenneth Klieber Beasley (Joan), of Orlando, Florids; five
Visitation: grandchildren, Pam Sexton, Johnny Beasley,
Wednesday, July 1 • 9:30-11:30AM
2nd Ave. North Location
Chip Dale, Andy Dale, Brad Dale (Rosanna); four
Graveside Services: great grandchildren, Erika Davis, Christian Dale
Wednesday, July 1 • 12 PM (Marina), Ansley Dale and Lawson Dale; and one
Memorial Gardens
Burial great grandchild, Elijah Dale
Memorial Gardens Pallbearers will be her grandsons and great
2nd Ave. North Location grandsons.
Memorials may be made to First Baptist
Charleigh Ford Church, P. O. Box 829 Columbus, MS 39701 or to
Graveside Services:
Tuesday, June 30 • 10 AM the donor’s charity of choice.
College St. Location

Sign the online guest book at
College Street • Columbus, MS
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020 5B

Tracking coronavirus cases proves difficult amid new surge

‘People are probably letting their guard down
a little ... they think there is no longer a threat’ States reverse openings, require
Grand Traverse County, Michigan, Health
Officer Wendy Hirschenberger masks amid virus resurgence
BY TAMMY WEBBER, BRADY and gyms are full, and people BY TAMARA LUSH AND EMILY SCHMALL of classes until at least Aug. 17. Most Arizona
MCCOMBS AND JOHN MONE are gathering with family and The Associated Press
The Associated Press
bars and nightclubs opened after the governor’s
friends. stay-at-home and business closure orders were
“People are probably letting Arizona’s Republican governor shut down allowed to expire in mid-May.
HOUSTON — Health de- their guard down a little ... bars, movie theaters, gyms and water parks
partments around the U.S. that Arizona health officials reported 3,858 more
they think there is no longer a Monday and leaders in several states ordered
are using contact tracers to confirmed coronavirus cases Sunday, the most
threat,” said Grand Traverse residents to wear masks in public in a dramatic
contain coronavirus outbreaks reported in a single day in the state so far and
County, Michigan, Health Of- course reversal amid an alarming resurgence of
are scrambling to bolster their ficer Wendy Hirschenberger, coronavirus cases nationwide. the seventh time in the past 10 days that dai-
ranks amid a surge of cases and who was alerted by health offi- Among those implementing the face-cover- ly cases surpassed the 3,000 mark. Since the
resistance to cooperation from cials in another part of the state ing orders is the city of Jacksonville, Florida, pandemic began, 74,500 cases and 1,588 deaths
those infected or exposed. that infected tourists had vis- where mask-averse President Donald Trump stemming from the virus have been reported in
With too few trained con- ited vineyards and bars in her plans to accept the Republican nomination in Arizona.
tact tracers to handle soaring area. August. Trump has refused to wear a mask “Our expectation is that our numbers next
caseloads, one hard-hit Arizo- Her health department was during visits to states and businesses that re- week will be worse,” Ducey said Monday.
na county is relying on Nation- then able to urge local residents quire them. The state is not alone in its reversal. Places
al Guard members to pitch in. who had visited those business- Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey’s order went into such as Texas, Florida and California are back-
In Louisiana, people who have es to self-quarantine. effect immediately and for at least 30 days. Du- tracking, closing beaches and bars in some cas-
tested positive typically wait Hirschenberger was lucky cey also ordered public schools to delay the start es amid a resurgence of the virus.
more than two days to respond she received that information
to health officials — giving the — only made possible because
disease crucial time to spread. the tourists had cooperated And still others simply object to almost as soon as states began increased testing.
Many tracers are finding it hard with contact tracers. But that’s sharing any information. reopening. Now, people 18 to 49 Some states were caught off
to break through suspicion and often not the case. Another new challenge: years old are most likely to be guard by the surge and are try-
apathy to convince people that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the na- More young people are getting diagnosed. ing to quickly bolster the num-
compliance is crucial. tion’s top infectious disease infected, and they’re less like- On Monday, the United ber of contact tracers.
Contact tracing — tracking expert, said Friday that contact ly to feel sick or believe that States reported 38,800 newly “Right now we have an in-
people who test positive and tracing simply isn’t working in they’re a danger to others. confirmed infections, with the sufficient capacity to do the job
anyone they’ve come in contact the U.S. While older adults were more total surpassing 2.5 million, ac- we need to,” Arkansas Gov. Asa
with — was challenging even Some who test positive don’t likely to be diagnosed with the cording to a tally by Johns Hop- Hutchinson said recently, an-
when stay-at-home orders were cooperate because they don’t virus early in the pandemic, kins University. For a few days nouncing he wanted to use fed-
in place. Tracers say it’s expo- feel sick. Others refuse testing figures from the Centers for now, daily reported cases in the eral coronavirus relief funds to
nentially more difficult now even after being exposed. Some Disease Control and Prevention U.S. have broken the record set increase the number of contact
that many restaurants, bars never call back contact tracers. show that the picture flipped in April. That partially reflects tracers to 900.

How risky is flying during the coronavirus pandemic?

CDC: Once on a plane, most viruses people, often for hours,
which raises your risk.
and Southwest are block-
ing middle seats or lim-
wear masks. Lauren An-
cel Meyers, an expert in
symptoms and whether
they have been in contact
and other germs don’t spread easily Once on a plane, most
viruses and other germs
iting capacity. But even
if every middle seat is
disease outbreaks at the
University of Texas, says
with someone who tested
positive for the virus in
because of the way air circulates don’t spread easily be-
cause of the way air cir-
empty you will likely be
closer than the recom-
that can help limit risk.
For air travel, and all
the previous two weeks.
Still, Meyers said
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Air travel means culates, according to the mended distance of 6 feet other types of transpor- you still might consider
spending time in securi- U.S. Centers for Disease to another passenger now tation, the CDC recom-
How risky is flying whether you need to be
ty lines and airport termi- Control and Prevention. that planes are getting mends washing your
during the coronavirus nals, which puts you into Airlines also say they are fuller. hands, maintaining so- on that plane. “We should
pandemic? close contact with other focusing on sanitizing American, United and cial distancing and wear- all be in the mindset of
Flying can increase people. As travel slowly the hard surfaces that Spirit are now booking ing face coverings. ‘only if necessary’ and
your risk of exposure to recovers, planes are be- passengers commonly flights to full capaci- Several airlines an- always taking the most
infection, but airlines are coming more crowded, touch. ty when they can. All nounced Monday that precautions we can to
taking some precautions which means you will Some airlines like leading U.S. airlines they will ask passengers protect ourselves and
and you can too. likely sit close to other Alaska, Delta, JetBlue require passengers to about possible COVID-19 others,” she said.
hand deliver a copy of a writ-

ten response to the Complaint
to Elizabeth F. Jones, the attor-
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
ney for the Plaintiff, whose ad-
dress is Post Office Box 1827,
322 Main Street, Columbus,
Mississippi 39703-1827. Your
response must be mailed or The Starkville Dispatch and Online
delivered within thirty (30) days
after June 30, 2020, which is
the date of the first publication To place ads starting at only $12,
of this Summons. If your re-
sponse is not so mailed or de-
livered, a judgment by default
call 662-328-2424 or visit
will be entered against you for
the money or other relief de- THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020 n 6B
manded in the Complaint.

You must also file the original

of your response with the Clerk
of this Court within a reason-
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legaltime
able Noticesafterward. Apts For Rent: West Lots & Acreage Campers & RVs

LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- SIPPI 26th day of June, 2020.

Good credit as low as 10% RENOVATED FARMHOUSE
Call us: 662-328-2424 SIPPI
VS. BY: /s/ Tina Fisher
1 Bedrooms
FENDANTS cessor by merger to Wachovia Publish: 06/30/2020 2 Bedroooms CHAIRS, OUTSIDE
3 Bedrooms
RECLINERS. $6,500.00
BRUCE WAYNE BRADLEY Bank of Delaware, N.A., f/k/a 07/07/2020
PLAINTIFF NO. 2020-0009-ED2 First Union National Bank of 07/14/2020 Ads starting at $12 662−251−9915
Delaware; CITIBANK, N.A.,
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION a/k/a Citi Mortgage; J.P. MOR- Furnished & Unfurnished
VERSUS General Merchandise

Employment 1, 2, & 3 Baths

GAN CHASE & CO., d/b/a
HOME LOANS, LLC, Operating
Subsidiary of a National Bank;
Lease, Deposit 2018 40FT Gooseneck
Trailer w/ 5ft dovetail, 12
Call us: 662-328-2424 & Credit Check ton axles, 10−4inch straps Ads starting at $12
DEVISEES OF MARIE JOHN- cessor by merger to BAC Home & tarps. $7,000.
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION SON, DECEASED, THE UN- Loans Servicing, LP, f/k/a 662−251−3001.
KNOWN HEIRS-AT-LAW AND DE- Countrywide Home Loans Servi-
VISEES OF IRENE MCCOY, DE- cing, LP; MORTGAGE ELEC- General Help Wanted 327-8555 Good Things To Eat
TEMS, INC., a/k/a MERS, Inc.; WANTED: Qualified
ent citizen of the State of Mis- HEIRS-AT-LAW AND DEVISEES Apts For Rent: Other RED & GREEN TOMATOES.
OF FEBBER MCCOY, AND ALL SETERUS, INC.; FEDERAL NA- Automotive Technician $0.50 each − 24"x23"
sissippi or not to be found Visit 516 Main Street Other vegetables coming
therein on diligent inquiry and PERSONS OR ENTITIES HAV- TIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCI- Call for details.
or call 662−328−2424 soon. 662−251−1000 or
the Post Office and physical ad- ING OR CLAIMING A LEGAL OR ATION, a/k/a Fannie Mae; NA- 662-574-4221
dresses are unknown. You EQUITABLE INTEREST IN CER- TIONSTAR MORTGAGE, LLC, 662−855−0085.
have been made parties in the TAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC- d/b/a Mr. Cooper; and ALL
Complaint for Child Custody ATED IN BLOCK 22, NORTH OF OTHER UNKNOWN PERSONS Travel & Entertainment
and Other Relief filed in the MAIN, ON 3D STREET NORTH, OR ENTITIES HAVING OR is seeking a mature,
You are summoned to appear SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 18 TO THE PROPERTY DE- enjoys interacting with Open mornings. M−S. PUBLIC CATFISH POND
in this cause at 9:00 o'clock SOUTH, RANGE 18 WEST, SCRIBED IN THIS COMPLAINT people, being outdoors 1069 New Hope Rd. Call @ 130 Hillcrest Drive.
A.M. on the 29th day of July, LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- DEFENDANTS and multitasking. Skills 662−251−6665. Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p
A.D., 2020 in the Chancery SIPPI, BEING TAX PARCEL NO. related to maintaining 662−386−8591
Courthouse in West Point, Clay 61W090004800 ASSESSED NO. 2020-0257-DE
equipment and/or farm
County, Mississippi, and in the TO IRENE P. MCCOY AND
Call for pricing.
work are desired but not
case of your failure to appear FEBBER B. MCCOY PUBLICATION SUMMONS
and defend this matter will be required. Person needs to
You have been made Defend- THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI: be flexible enough to pitch
forced to default all rights.
ants in a lawsuit filed in this in where ever needed but Five Questions:
You are required to mail or Court by the Columbus
development Authority to con-
Re- TO: All other unknown persons
or entities having or claiming a
also keep their core Ads starting at $12
hand deliver a copy of a writ- responsibilities in mind.
1 Extraterrestrial
ten ANSWER either admitting demn by eminent domain cer- legal or equitable interest in or
tain real property located in to the property described in the If you enjoy a different ex- Auto Parts
or denying each allegation in
the Complaint to Charles Eas- Block 22 North of Main, Colum- attached Complaint and below perience on the regular,
ley, Jr., Attorney whose ad- bus, Mississippi, and being meeting new people and NEW INTERIOR ’94 indy
2 Jacques Cous-
dress is Post Office Box 1472, Lowndes tax parcel NOTICE TO DEFENDANT believe in customer pace car. Fits ’94−’96
Columbus, MS 39703-1472. 61W090004800. The property satisfaction this job might Mustange. Set of 4 tire.
is necessary to renew and re- You have been made a Defend- be for you.
YOUR ANSWER MUST BE development blighted condi- ant in the suit filed in this Call 815−546−71−42
Please submit resume to:
MAILED OR DELIVERED NO tions in accordance with the Court by Edward Michael leave message. Located in
Blind Box 675 c/o The
LATER THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS Urban Renewal Plan (Burns Oglesby and Judy Oglesby, New Hope.
Commercial Dispatch
FROM THE DATE OF FIRST PUB- Bottom) of the City of Colum-
3 Tampa
Plaintiffs, seeking confirmation
LICATION. IF YOUR ANSWER IS bus, Mississippi. and quieting of title and vari- PO Box 511 RENTALS Autos For Sale
NOT MAILED OR DELIVERED ous other relief. The real prop- Columbus, MS 39703 TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
AND YOU APPEAR AT SAID You are summoned to appear erty, which is the subject of 2004 FORD T−BIRD. Two
4 Trevor Noah
TIME, A JUDGEMENT MAY BE and defend against the com- this Complaint is described as
plaint or petition filed against follows:
CALEDONIA BUSINESS tops, hard & soft. Little
THE MONEY OR OTHER RELIEF you in this action at 9:30 needs General Laborer. 2 BEDROOMS over 100k mi. Excellent
DEMANDED IN THE COM- o’clock a. m. on the 17th day A tract or parcel of land loc- Experienced weed-eater, 3 BEDROOMS Condition. Call Holly at
$10-12/hour. Valid driver's Eaton Motor Company in
5 Paul Revere
PLAINT FOR DIVORCE AND of September, 2020, in the ated in the Northeast Quarter
second floor County Court (NE ¼) of Section 22, Town- license, transportation & Houston, 662−705−1143.
© The Dispatch

courtroom of the Lowndes ship 17 South, Range 17 West, experience helpful. Call
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND County Courthouse in Colum- Lowndes County, Mississippi, Jesse & Beverly's Lawn DEPOSIT
OFFICIAL SEAL OF said Court of bus, Mississippi, and in case and being more particularly de-
Lowndes County, Columbus, of your failure to appear and scribed as follows:
Service at 662-356-6525. AND
Mississippi, this 12th day of defend, a judgment will be
entered against you for the Commencing at an existing iron ORGANIST POSITION at St.
June, 2020.
money or other things deman- pipe at the Southeast corner of David Anglican Church in
Cindy Goode
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
ded in the complaint or peti-
the Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) Mayhew, MS, to provide
of Section 22; thence North 87 music for Sunday service &
County, Mississippi degrees 10 minutes West occasional special ser-
(SEAL) You are hereby further given along the South line of the said
vices. Knowledge/experi-
2411 HWY 45 N
notice that not less than ten Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) of
BY: Tina Fisher (10) days prior to the date of Section 22, a distance of ence with Anglican Liturgy COLUMBUS, MS
the trial on September 17, 300.02 feet to an iron pin and helpful, but not necessary.
PUBLISH: 6/16, 6/23, & 2020, you are required to file being the Point of Beginning of The 1928 Book of Com- Houses For Rent: North
6/30/2020 the Statement of Values pursu- the herein described tract of mon Pray & the 1940 Epis-
ant to Miss. Code Ann. §11-27- land; thence continue North 87 copal Hymnal are used. HOUSE FOR RENT BY
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF 7, which shall be treated as degrees 10 minutes West (318)527-9213 for info.
pleadings in this action. The along the South line of the said OWNER. 220 Mclemore
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Road, Columbus. 1750sqft
SIPPI date of the filing of the Com- Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) of
plaint herein is the 30th day of Section 22, a distance of THE COMMERCIAL Brick house in quiet neigh−
IN RE: MATTER OF THE LAST March, 2020, and the name 291.18 feet to an iron pin; DISPATCH seeks a motiv- borhood. 3 bedrooms & 2
WILL AND TESTAMENT OF and address of the attorney for thence North 58 degrees 15 ated, contracted carrier for full baths. No HUD,
DOROTHY PIERCE, DECEASED, the Plaintiff is Martha Bost minutes West a distance of the Brooksville & Macon Columbus City school
P. O. Box
to an iron
pin on
area. Excellent opportunity
to earn money for college.
district. $1000/mo with
1 mo deposit. Serious
Even if you
don’t get out much
er than the Statement of Val- of the Columbus Millport Road;
ues you are not required to file thence North 52 degrees 16 Must have good transporta- inquiries only please. Call
CAUSE NO. 2020-0103-PDE
minutes East along said South- tion, valid driver's license 662−574−3202 to see the
these days, you can
an Answer or other pleading
NOTICE TO CREDITORS but you may do so if you de- erly right of way line a distance & insurance. Delivers on house or make application.
of 94.17 feet; thence continue Sunday morning and Mon-
still “go shopping” in the
Letters Testamentary were is- Northeasterly along said South- Fri afternoons. Apply at The HOUSE FOR RENT
Issued under my hand and the erly right-of-way line and being
sued unto me as Executrix of
the Last Will and Testament of seal
this 10th a curve to the right a distance
of 399.3 feet to an iron pin;
Commercial Dispatch, 516
Main Street in Columbus.
2−3 Bedroom w/ 1.5 Bath
Fenced in yard. $675. Classifieds. You can find exactly
what you’ve been looking for.
Dorothy T. Pierce, deceased, by No phone calls please. 662−549−9555.
the Chancery Court of Lowndes thence South 22 degrees 07
TERESA BARKSDALE, CLERK minutes East a distance of Ask for Glenn or text.
County, Mississippi on the
10th day of June, 2020. SPECIAL COURT OF EMINENT 512.65 feet to the Point of Be-

DOMAIN, ginning. Containing 3.58 acres, Houses For Rent: East
Notice is hereby given to all LOWNDES COUNTY, MS more or less. Find someone to mow the lawn
persons having claims against
the Estate of Dorothy T. Pierce BY: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. Defendants other than you in
3BR 2B House for rent
New Hope School district. •
to have the same probated and
Publish: 6/16, 6/23 &
this action are Parkway Mort-
gage, Inc.; Wells Fargo Bank,
Ads starting at $25 No pets. No HUD. Available Find someone to clean the house

registered by the Chancery late July. $790/mo.
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- 6/30/2020 N.A., successor by merger to
Wachovia Bank of Delaware, Call 662−549−0144.
sissippi within ninety (90) days
of the date of the first publica- NOTICE TO CREDITORS N.A., f/k/a First Union Nation-
Apts For Rent: North
Find that special recliner
Mobile Homes for Rent
tion of this Notice, or they will
be forever barred. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
al Bank of Delaware; Citibank,
N.A., a/k/a Citi Mortgage; J.P.
Buy a computer system
Morgan Chase & Co., d/b/a 1 & 2 BR near hospital. RENT A CAMPER!
Chase Bank; Capital One Home $595−$645 monthly. CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL!

the 15th day of June, 2020. Letters Testamentary have Loans, LLC, Operating Subsidi- Military discount, pet area, Utilities & cable included,
ary of a National Bank; Bank of pet friendly, and furnished
Buy a used car
been granted and issued for from $145/wk − $535/mo
s/MELISSA A. TURNER the undersigned upon the Es- America, N.A., successor by corporate apts. Columbus & County School

MELISSA A. TURNER, tate of Todd Taggart, De- merger to BAC Home Loans 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL locations. 662−242−7653
EXECUTRIX ceased, by the Chancery Court Servicing, LP, f/k/a Country- GYM. ON SITE SECURITY.
of Lowndes County, Missis- wide Home Loans Servicing,
LP; Mortgage Electronic Regis-
or 205−442−2011.
Buy that rare coin for your collection
Publish: June 23, June 30, and sippi on the 10th day of June,
July 7, 2020 2020. This is to give notice to tration Systems, Inc., a/k/a ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
MERS, Inc.; Seterus, Inc.; Fed- 24−HOUR CAMERA
. . . and lots more
Real Estate
all persons having claims

The CommerCial
against said estate to probate eral National Mortgage Associ- SURVEILLANCE. Benji &
THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE HAS and register same with the ation, a/k/a Fannie Mae; and Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
BEEN ABANDONED AT COREY Chancery Clerk of Lowndes Nationstar Mortgage, LLC,

Did you
HERRING AUTOMOTIVE, 1230 d/b/a Mr. Cooper.
County, Mississippi, within 90 Ads starting at $25

? DispaTCh
GARDNER BLVD, COLUMBUS, (ninety) days from this date. A

MS. failure to so probate and re- You are required to mail or
gister said claim will forever hand deliver a copy of a writ-
2009 TOYOTA COROLLA bar the same. ten response to the Complaint Houses For Sale: New Hope
VIN# 2T1BU40E29C116030 to Elizabeth F. Jones, the attor-
ney for the Plaintiff, whose ad-
516 Main St.
This the 15th day of June, NEW CONSTRUCTION
2013 HONDA ACCORD 2020 dress is Post Office Box 1827, NEW HOPE SCHOOLS
VIN# 1HGCR2F37DA047351 322 Main Street, Columbus, FOR SALE SOON
/s/ J. Fowler
Janice Fowler
Mississippi 39703-1827. Your
response must be mailed or
This 4 bedroom beauty is
almost ready. Take
Columbus, MS 39701
VIN# 2HNYD188X3H533698 Executrix of the Estate of Todd delivered within thirty (30) days In 2015 The Dispatch won the
after June 30, 2020, which is advantage of historic low
Taggart, Deceased
IF NOT CLAIMED THESE the date of the first publication Daniel E. Phillips Freedom of interest rates. Hardwood,
VEHICLES WILL BE PUT UP FOR PUBLISH: 6/23, 6/30 & of this Summons. If your re- granite, security and more.
PUBLIC SALE ON THE 11TH sponse is not so mailed or de-
Information Award for our Call P & D Builders, Inc.
investigative journalism.
DAY OF JULY 2020 AT COREY livered, a judgment by default @ 662−328−0770.
HERRING AUTOMOTIVE, 1230 will be entered against you for Builder/Broker/Owner.
GARDNER BLVD., COLUMBUS, the money or other relief de-
MS 39702. All notices must be manded in the Complaint.

Service Directory
PUBLISH: 6/23, 6/30 & emailed to You must also file the original
7/7/2020 classifieds@ of your response with the Clerk
of this Court within a reason- able time afterward.


26th day of June, 2020. Promote your small business starting at only $25
LOWNDES Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
BY: /s/ Tina Fisher Bucket truck & stump & Bonded. Carpentry, minor Mow, Trim, Edge and Blow.
Deputy Clerk removal. Free est. electrical, minor plumbing, Free Estimate.
Looking for goods Publish: 06/30/2020
Serving Columbus
since 1987. Senior
insulation, painting,
demolition, gutters
Call 662−574−1225.
If no answer please leave

or services? 07/14/2020 citizen disc. Call Alvin @ cleaned, pressure washing, message.
242−0324/241−4447 landscaping, cleanup work.
"We’ll go out on a limb for 662−242−3608. SAM’S LAWN SERVICE
you!" No lawn too large or too
small. Mowing, trimming &
UPHOLSTERY $545 plus Filing Fee Call 662−243−1694
1 Room − $50 All Attorney Fees Through The Plan Painting & Papering
2 Rooms − $70
3+ Rooms − $30 EA Jim Arnold, Attorney QUALITY PAINTING.
Rugs−Must Be Seen 662-324-1666 • 601-656-6914 Ext/Int Painting.
Car Upholstery Cleaning 104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &

Find it in the
Available Repair. Pressure Washing.
662−722−1758 Garage Door Services Free Estimates. Ask for
M&M Garage Door, LLC Lawn Care / Landscaping specials! Larry Webber,
Classified ads are Offering competitive prices

and quality service. JESSE & BEVERLY’S
a great form of Available for all of your LAWN SERVICE
Mowing, cleanup,
person-to-person garage door needs. SERVICE
Call us today for your free landscaping, sodding, Special Prices.
advertising. consultation.
& tree cutting.
Interior & Exterior Painting.

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