Parent Handbook 2020-21 PDF

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Parent Handbook
Parent Handbook v3 Revised April 2020

Academic Matters 3 Health and Safety/Safeguarding 22

Parent Communication 10 Parents’ Association 24

Firefly 13 Fees and Guidelines 25

The School Day 14 Staff email addresses 26

Pastoral Care 19 Index 27

Statement of Ethos
Churcher’s College Junior School and Nursery provides a happy, stimulating, safe and
secure environment in which every child feels valued and is able to develop personally,
socially and academically. Each child will be nurtured and taught to hold a high regard for
others and themselves.
We view education as a joint partnership between teachers, parents and pupils, and strive
to develop a team spirit in which every member gives of their best. We hold high
expectations of staff and pupils and aim to create an environment that values individuals,
applauds effort, strives to encourage questioning, lets pupils explore, be controversial and
be special.

The Junior School and Nursery has its own set of values by which all of our community
learn and work. Each key stage has its own understanding and outcomes associated with
the 5 Rs and they are as follows:
• Resilient
• Responsible
• Reflective
• Resourceful
• Respectful

Academic Matters
Educational Aims
• To provide a high standard of education for all pupils;

• To provide an education based on traditional values and emphasizing high academic

standards, personal discipline and the development of self-confidence
• To prepare young people to participate successfully and responsibly in society and to
develop in them an awareness of social, moral, cultural and spiritual diversity;
• To provide a creative learning environment which is challenging but friendly and caring;
paying particular attention to the individual needs of each pupil.
• To offer a broad and balanced curriculum and extensive extra-curricular opportunities.

The Early Years Foundation Stage encompasses seven areas of Learning: Personal, Social
and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development,
Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design. We
work very closely with parents to ensure that you are kept up to date with your child’s
progress in all areas, so that their individual needs are being recognised and nurtured at all
stages of their school life. We pride ourselves on our excellent relationships with parents
and the children are at the heart of all that we do.
From their physical well-being, coordination and movement to building self-esteem,
forging friendships, and fostering a love of language and reading, the breadth and depth of
their Early Years education will help your child to challenge their understanding of the
world around them.
The children are introduced by specialist teachers to subjects such as Art, Music, Outdoor
Learning/PE, STEAM and Spanish.
A separate Nursery booklet for parents is available, outlining routines and other useful

Infant Department - Lower School (Reception to Year 2)
Within the Infant Department of Churcher’s College Junior School we follow all National
Curriculum subjects, with an additional lesson of Spanish. The Early Years Foundation
Stage is also followed in Reception Class. Whilst we adhere to the National Curriculum
guidelines, our planning is such that our expectation of the children’s learning often
exceeds such requirements. There are cross-curricular links with many subjects, with the
children being taught mainly by their class teacher, but also by specialist teachers for
certain subjects such as Sport, Music, Games, Spanish and Computing.

Junior Department - Middle and Upper School (Years 3 to 6)

The curriculum for all pupils is enhanced by a variety of additional activities and trips,
some at extra cost. This wider curriculum incorporates an extensive range of optional
clubs as well as sporting fixtures and residential trips. Pupils are offered many
opportunities to take part in the Performing Arts, ranging from participation in school
assemblies to larger more formal events.

Children in the Middle and Upper Schools are encouraged to be more independent and
organised in their way of working. The core curriculum encompasses, and often extends,
National Curriculum requirements. Subjects are taught by specialist teachers where
possible and a wide and varied curriculum is offered including: Art, DT, French, Spanish,
Drama, Geography, History, PHSE and Religious Education Teaching involves the use of
carefully constructed cross-curricular links and the use of ICT to deliver lessons is a
prominent feature. Smaller teaching groups operate in Maths. From Year 5, Verbal
Reasoning is taught in preparation for Senior School entrance examinations. Homework is
set each night and the children take responsibility for writing down work in their
homework diaries.
Any queries relating to academic matters should be referred to Mrs Rebecca Drummond,
Director of Studies [email protected].

Reading Policy
There is a great deal of emphasis put on reading in the Junior School as an essential tool to
understanding and development. We aim to foster a love of books and encourage an
enjoyment of reading from the early years. Close home/school links are maintained to
ensure that progress is achieved.
In Years R, 1 and 2 a pupil will be heard to read individually at least twice a week as well as
other group reading activities. These activities aim to promote phonic accuracy, fluency
and an ability to predict, enjoy and evaluate the text. Reading and library books will be
taken home most evenings and it is important that parents and guardians spend around
15 minutes each night listening to the children read and discussing what they have read.
Comments can be written into the reading notebooks. Some children in the Infant
department may also be using the Accelerated Reader (AR) scheme, please see below for
more information.
In Years 3 - 6 the expectation is that children will have varied opportunities to read each
day at school, learning how to develop strategies to move beyond decoding of the texts
into deeper comprehension and appreciation. At home, time should also be set aside for
supported reading in ever increasing length as the children grow their reading muscles.
CCJS uses the Accelerated Reader (AR) scheme, and the children will be expected to read a
book from within their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) at least in their dedicated
school reading time. The programme is grounded in the principle of ensuring the children
read for meaning and, in order to motivate children to monitor their own success, they
will take a quiz in school on completion of a book. This will also allow the teacher to
monitor their comprehension. On four occasions per year, the children will complete a
reading assessment to monitor overall progress in reading and they will receive a ZPD
score twice per year to help guide their book choice. More information on AR can be
found on the parent pages on Firefly. Parents will be able to view their child’s AR progress
through the Home Connect portal found on the Parent Dashboard on Firefly.

Digital Portfolios
We know that when parents engage with their child’s education, the outcomes are
positive. Our children love sharing their learning with their parents and we use digital
portfolios which provide a window into your child’s learning as well as enable you to like
and comment; we use Tapestry in Nursery and Reception, and Seesaw in Years 1 to 6.

Feedback and Marking

You may notice that not all work inside of your children’s books is being marked in the
traditional way. This is because, as a school, we have prioritised evidence of progress and
identification of next steps over detailed marking.
The most up to date research shows that the impact of traditional and formal marking
has very little impact on the child’s progress. There is too much for children to process,
or change, they cannot read it, or they concentrate too much on a score or are not able
to act upon comments given. There is a high teacher workload attached for very little
By reducing the time spent on detailed marking, we are freeing up teachers to provide
evidence in different ways and give them more time to plan the next steps for each child
even more carefully. This will benefit and increase progress for all children. Teachers will
of course, still be looking at and analysing the children’s work to determine their
progress and next steps, but may be recording this in a variety of ways including through
adapting their planning.
We recognise that there are times when detailed marking is really important, especially
as a unit comes to a close and more summative assessment is required. More formative
assessment during a unit will focus on a particular misconception or target to be
addressed. A teacher will also identify no more than three spelling errors for each piece
of work.

Pupils in Reception to Year 2 have a Home-School link book for homework tasks. Pupils in
Years 3 to 6 are issued with a homework diary which parents are asked to check and sign
every week.
If there is an occasion when homework cannot be completed for some reason, please
write a note in the diary to explain. Please let us know, in the same way, if your child has
not understood the homework or found it too difficult. We aim for homework to be
within the children’s capabilities and certainly do not want them to become distressed or
worried by it.
As a school, it is our policy to only set reading homework at weekends and where
appropriate, pupils in Year 6 may be given optional homework before external senior
school exams.

Year How often?

Reception Daily Reading - around 15 mins

As required Bubble and Star words (see Firefly for more detailed

Songs/words for assemblies

Years Daily Reading - around 15 mins, Key Words

1&2 Weekly Spelling / maths activity

As required Songs / words for assemblies

Year 3 Daily Reading - 20 - 30 mins

Weekly Times Table practice and Spellings - 10 mins twice per week

Homework builds slowly from one night per week to every weeknight, where
children have one task from either maths, English or another curriculum area
set for no more than 20 mins.

Year 4 Daily Reading - around 30 mins

Weekly Times Table practice and Spellings - 10 mins twice per week

Children may have one task set Monday to Thursday night (maths, English or
another curriculum area) for no more than 20 mins.

Year 5 Daily Reading - 30 - 40 mins

Spelling practice - 10 mins

Weekly Times Table practice

Children may have one task set Monday to Thursday night (maths, English or
another curriculum area) for no more than 20 mins. In order to build study
management skills, and manage after school commitments, some tasks may
be set with a few nights given to complete them.

Year 6 Daily Reading - 30 - 40 mins

Spelling practice - 10 mins
Times Table practice

As children are prepared for their senior schools, homework is given

according to a timetable sent out at the beginning of the year; tasks should
not take more than 30 mins per night. In order to build study management
skills, and manage after school commitments, some tasks may be set with a
few nights given to complete them.

Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
The school aims to help every child achieve their full potential, so we are keen to identify
any special educational needs as soon as appropriate in a pupil’s school career. We run a
dyslexia screening programme for all pupils in Year 3 and offer follow-up help in terms of
learning support and further assessment, if necessary, by the school's Head of Learning
Enrichment. Every effort is made to ensure that all pupils are adequately supported in all
areas of school life.

Learning Enrichment
We recognise that there may be times in a child’s academic development when some
children will need additional support. This may be beyond differentiation of the learning
task in the classroom to help them develop their literacy and/or numeracy skills to match
the standard of their academic Year Group. The length and type of support will vary
according to a child's specific needs, but could include:
• Working in a small group

• Following a recommended intervention programme, such as Toe by Toe

• Individual lessons with a specialist teacher

Some additional support, for example individual lessons, incurs an additional cost.
Pupils having support will be withdrawn from curriculum time. Where possible, core
subjects such as maths and English lessons will not be affected; however, as learning
support is timetabled to take place at the same time each week the pupil will miss a non-
core subject in order to access this support. The educational priority for the child will be
evaluated in these circumstances and decisions made in their best interests.

Individual Music Tuition
We are delighted to be able to provide access to individual, peripatetic music lessons. If a
pupil wishes to receive individual music tuition, an Instrumental Option form should be
completed and returned to the School Office.
Individual lessons will take place on the same day each week, but the timings will be
rotated as much as possible to avoid children missing too much of the same subject area
but they may miss other lessons/activities. Where appropriate, children should ask their
teacher for any missed work that may be able to be provided.
The Head of Music will ensure there are no clashes with paid clubs or other school
activities; where possible, parents should advise the Head of Music if there are clashes
with fixtures.
The school will consider requests for a child to study more than one instrument, taking
into consideration the academic progress and overall best interests of the child. Requests
for a second instrument should be made to the Head of Music, who will discuss it with the
section leader.
Lesson timetables are accessed via Firefly. A link to this is sent to parents when the child
starts music lessons. This link can be used throughout the whole year. Timetables are
updated regularly to accommodate the children’s busy school day, so it is advised that the
timetable is checked the evening before the allocated lesson day.
Large musical instruments are stored on the shelves or in the cupboard on the ground
floor of the Infant Department during the school day. All instruments must be taken
home for practising at the end of the day.
Parents whose children receive individual music tuition must provide the relevant
instrument and will be billed for any music books that are supplied. Music bags are also
available from the school shop.

Parent Communication
Parents are encouraged to speak with their child’s class teacher if there are any problems,
no matter how small, that they wish to discuss outside of the school’s reporting schedule.
The Head of the Junior School is also available by appointment, should you wish to see her
to discuss any aspect of your child’s progress or well being.
Contact Mrs Robinson by emailing [email protected].
Day to day communication with the class teacher is made through the Home-School Link
book in the Infants (Reception to Year 2) and through the homework diary in Years 3 to 6,
including one-off changes to travel arrangements.
The School office is open from 8am to 4.45pm. General queries can be emailed to
[email protected].
The school acknowledges the importance of communication with parents. To that end, the
following methods are used to ensure that parents are fully informed of pertinent
developments and news within the school:
• the school calendar issued termly in hard copy
• a letter (Weekly Post) to all Junior and Nursery School parents from the Head of the
Junior School every Friday, sent via email
• regular Facebook, Instagram and Twitter updates
• a termly newsletter from the Headmaster
• Churcherian and Focus: glossy publications of whole school news

Communication with Teaching Staff

Emails can be sent directly to teachers. Individual email addresses are listed at the end of
this booklet.
If you require urgent contact with teachers then please use
[email protected] as it is unlikely that the teacher will have access to emails
when they are teaching. For all contact with teachers, every attempt will be made to
respond within 24 hours, and normally between the hours of 8am and 6pm, Monday to
Friday. Please avoid sending emails outside these times. Please note that communications
regarding pupil end of day collection sent after 1.30pm will not be seen by teachers and
parents should email [email protected]

School Office 01730 236870 [email protected]

Mrs Robinson [email protected]
If your child is absent from school, please either email the School Office or call and leave a
message by 9am.
Any other information, eg absences (including from PE) and appointments, should be
written as an email to the School Office and the Class Teacher as soon as possible, and at
least 24 hours in advance.
If your child is unwell please inform the school office first thing in the morning. Should a
child become ill during the day the school will endeavour to contact the parents. If you do
not wish your child to do games or PE, an email must be sent advising us to this effect.
Holiday dates are published well in advance and it is felt that a generous amount of holiday
time is given and therefore children should not miss school apart from reasons of sickness
or family emergencies.

Medical Matters
You should have received and returned a medical information form.
If your child needs any form of medication it must be sent to school securely packaged and
clearly labelled. It should be handed directly to the office with a completed authorisation
form which states the dose and times. Medication cannot be dispensed without this
authorisation. This can be emailed to the school office.
If children feel unwell during the school day, they should ask a member of staff for
permission to go to the School Office. If your child needs to go home, a member of staff
will contact you. Children persistently visitg the Medical Room will rouse contact with
If they has diarrhoea and/or vomiting, please ensure they do not return to school for 48
hours. If they have another infectious illness or disease, please seek medical advice before
they return to school.

Contact details
Please let us know in writing if your contact details change in any way. This is vitally
important in case of an emergency.

Parents’ Evenings and Reports
Pupil Progress
Pupils are assessed regularly in class either informally and/or formally. Next steps for
learning are also provided where appropriate.
The school prides itself on the quality of the information it communicates to parents on
the academic progress of pupils. This is ordinarily achieved through Parents’ Evenings and
Written Reports.

Parents’ Evenings
These are important opportunities to discuss learning and progress. Please do not wait
until parents’ evenings to bring a concern to our attention.
Parents will be invited to a Meet the Teacher meeting in September at which the Form
Teacher will outline the syllabus and expectations for the year ahead. There is then an
opportunity to ask questions and to mingle with staff and parents.
Reports are written at the end of the year and cover all subjects, with a general report
from the Class Teacher.
In addition to the written report and parent consultation evenings, timely grade cards will
be issued at the end of each term to inform parents of progress both pastorally and
academically. In determining the effort grade, effort and participation in lessons, quality
of homework and observation of deadlines are taken into account. In written reports,
pupils are graded on both achievement and effort. These are published on the Parents
Portal; paper copies will be available on request. A child who is thriving and is on track
will be ‘Meeting Expectations’.
. 1st Half Term 2nd Half Term

Meet the Teacher Evening Parents’ Evening

Autumn (Class Teacher, English, maths, science)
Pastoral Card Grade Card
Parents’ Evening Parents’ Evening
Spring (Subject specialist teachers) (Class Teacher, English, maths, science)
Grade Card
Full Written Report
Summer (Includes pastoral round-up, standardized
tests and grades)
The portal for communicating with Parents at CCJS is called Firefly and can be found at
Firefly Parent Portal was designed in response to parent feedback and includes an online
CCJS calendar and other important organisational information to help you as a parent. This
includes a link to sports fixtures, Wisepay, club sign up, staff details and individual music
lesson timetables..
You will also be able to see some of your children’s work in an e-portfolio as well as
Homework Pages and Tasks (some teachers will be using this system more than others) and
information relating to your class. This is where you will find online copies of reports and
grades. All personal information will be secure and parents will only be able to see their
own children’s data.

Logging On
There are 4 easy steps to log on to the Firefly Parent Portal for the first time, (which will be
possible as soon as your child has attended their first day at school)
1. Go to
2. Use the email address provided to school for contact purposes (both parents
have a logon)
3. Then click on the green button for first time login to set your password. (You will
only have to do this once. Subsequent login will be done by entering your email
and password.)
4. Check your email inbox for a confirmation link (if one doesn’t appear, please
check your junk folder).
Once you have completed your login you may wish to download and use the Firefly App for
Parents. This product is still under development and will not include all the features you
see on the web version but it offers you the opportunity to stay logged in
The Firefly Parent Portal is entirely separate from the Churcher’s College website; its aim
being to provide information required only by existing parents of the school. The
Churcher’s College website provides information and background on the school as well as
news and events which are of interest to those both inside and outside the Churcher’s
College community.
It is very important that we have parents’ up to date contact information so please check
your contact details in the Portal and, if you have any changes at any time, please select
‘change contact details’ and your request will be sent to the school office for updating.
The School Day

Junior School
Start End
Early Birds From 7.30am 8.20
Registration 8.40 8.50
Lesson 1 8.50 9.20
Lesson 2 9.20 9.45
Lesson 3 9.45 10.15
Lesson 4 10.35 11.05
Lesson 5 11.05 11.30
Lesson 6 11.30 12.00
Lesson 7 (Juniors) 12.00 12.30
11.50 Infants
Lunch 12.30 Junior 1st Sitting
1.00 Junior 2nd Sitting
Lesson 8 (Infants) 1.00 1.30
Lesson 9 1.30 2.00
Lesson 10 2.00 2.30
Lesson 11 2.30 3.00
Lesson 12 3.00 3.30
Form Time 3.30 3.40
End of school 3.40

Prep (Mon - Thur) 3.50 4.30

Clubs & after school
3.50 4.30
Tea Club (Mon - Thur) 4.30 5.30

Tea Club (Fri) 3.40 5pm

Start End
Early Birds From 7.30 8.30
Morning Session 8.30 12 noon
Lunch 12 noon 12.30
Afternoon Session 12.30 3.30
Nursery Tea Club 3.30 5.30 (5pm Friday)

Wrap-Around Care
Prebooked Latest time to
Days Time Walk-in cost
cost book on Wisepay

Early Birds
£4 per 30 mins £6 per 30 mins or 12noon previous
Nursery Mon to Fri 7.30 - 8.30am
or part thereof part thereof working day
Reception £3.50 per 4pm previous
Mon to Fr 7.30 - 8.20am £5.50 per session
to Year 6 session working day

Tea Club
£4 per 30 mins £6 per 30 mins or
Nursery Mon to Thurs 3.30 - 5.30pm 3pm same day
or part thereof part thereof
£4 per 30 mins £6 per 30 mins or
Nursery Friday 3.30 - 5pm 3pm same day
or part thereof part thereof
Reception £5.50 per
Mon to Thurs 4.30 - 5.30pm £7.50 per session 3pm same day
to Year 6 session
Reception £6.50 per
Friday 3.40 - 5pm £8.50 per session 3pm same day
to Year 6 session

Arrival and Departure from School
From 7.30am, Early Birds (Nursery to Year 6) is held in the Dining Room; this is at extra
cost and includes an optional breakfast. Places must be booked via WisePay. Children in
Reception to Year 6 may also turn up without prior booking; we advise pre-booking to
avoid higher charges.
The school gates open at 8.20am when staff are on duty to supervise the children. We
ask that children waiting at the gate should be accompanied by an adult.
Parents of younger children are most welcome to bring them into school but if parents
wish to remain in the playground before school begins, they are asked to stand by the
gate to ensure that the pupils have sufficient space in which to play.
Parents of older children (Year 4 upwards) should leave them just inside the school gate
and allow them to walk to the classroom on their own to encourage independence.
Parents are requested to pick up their children at 3.40pm unless they are attending an
after-school activity, Prep or Tea Club. All pupils must be collected from the school
grounds. If for any reason you are likely to be unavoidably delayed, please let the school
know as soon as possible. Once the children have been collected, they are their parents’
responsibility. If anyone other than a parent is collecting a child, you are asked to inform
the School Office. If you wish your child to meet you outside the school grounds or to go
home by themselves, we require a written note to that effect.
Tea Club (Reception to Year 6) runs from 4.30pm - 5.30pm Monday -Thursday, and from
3.40pm - 5pm on Fridays; this is at extra cost and includes a light tea. Places can be
booked via Wisepay. Children who have not been collected will be supervised and taken
to Tea Club; the appropriate charge will be made from 4.40pm.
The Tea Club telephone number is 01730 236832.

Tea Club 01730 236832

Please park considerately and be careful of pedestrians in the car park. To be safe, please
reverse into spaces and please follow the yellow pedestrian path if heading to Early Birds in
the Dining Room.
At busy times, we may ask you to park at the back of the field, just off Highfield Lane. Sign-
posts will direct you and we ask that 4x4 drive vehicles park here in the winter months. If
this causes you an issue for any reason, do let us know.
We politely request that you do not keep engines running when the car is stationary in the
car park.

Bus Service
If your child will travel to school by themselves on the first day, please let us know. We can
buddy them up with an older child, where appropriate.
In the morning, the School Bus leaves the Senior School (by the Clock Tower) at 8.10am
From Monday to Thursday, the School Bus departs at 4:45pm from the Junior School car
park. If a child does not attend an after-school activity or club, they will attend Prep and
meet Mrs Chevalier, the Bus Chaperone, in the Science Room.
On Friday, the School Bus departs at 4.00pm to arrive at the Senior School at 4.20pm.
We keep an accurate bus register; please email the School Office to let us know in the
morning if your child will not take the bus home, as this saves a lot of time searching for
children and calling parents. The bus will not be allowed to leave at the end of the day until
every child is accounted for.
The school bus mobile number is 07512 782576

School bus 07512 782576

After-school Activities, Prep & Supervision
These take place either during the lunch hour or after school every day. Parents are
informed of the activities offered a few weeks before the end of each term and of any
additional costs involved. During the first week there are no clubs/activities except for
after school prep and Tea Club. Parents are asked to collect their child promptly at 4.30pm.
The school reserves the right to exclude any child from a club or activity if his or her
behaviour is inappropriate. Any child not collected will be taken to Tea Club and the normal
charges will apply.
Collection from Junior Prep is at 4.30pm in the Quad or at 4pm via the School Office (by
prior arrangement only). This ensures an uninterrupted working environment for
Staff training is held on most Fridays after school meaning that fewer clubs operate on this

Personal Possessions
Children should not bring any money to school apart from charitable donations eg ‘Mufti’
days, cake sales. The swapping of items in school is not allowed. Toys brought into school
are the responsibility of the owner. Lost property is placed in a bin in the Art Room and
may be claimed during school hours. Named lost property will be returned by members of
Year 6; unclaimed items will be disposed of at the end of term.
All possessions must be clearly named. This should include watches (including fitness
trackers) and socks. Please ensure PE and swimming bags are also named clearly with a
name tape.
A charge will be made for lost library books, school text books or exercise books.
We have regulation school bags which must be used; the children are allowed to personal-
ise these with key ring fobs, to aid identification.

Electronic Devices
Mobile phones are not permitted in school. If your child requires a mobile phone, the
phone should be kept in the School Office.
Reading tablets (eg Kindles) are permitted after consultation with the class teacher, and
should be named. These items are brought to school at your own risk. All other personal
devices are not permitted.

School Catering
We understand the importance placed on school lunches and the part they play in the
day, diet and experience for all pupils. Our menus offer a balance of nutritious favourites,
such as traditional roasts, and also introduce new dishes influenced by current trends.
Underpinning everything is our ethos of ‘fresh food from scratch’. Our menus are
seasonal, reflecting the best of fresh local produce and chosen to offer balance and
variety across all food groups, with a range of healthy options but also allowing for treats.
All of our food is home cooked and prepared on site every day, using recipes with no
added salt and reduced sugar.
Food provenance is a top priority and we source our food responsibly and ethically; we
are proud to have long standing relationships with local suppliers who deliver fresh fruit,
vegetables and meat daily. If your child has a dietary requirement, let us know. We hope
that all children can enjoy the choices on offer and if they are not enjoying them, please
discuss with your child’s Class Teacher.
The menus are available on Firefly and on the Parents’ notice board in the Quad. Children
can choose from two daily hot food options and two dessert options. A salad bar,
baguettes and a vegetarian meal are also available.
If a child is not having school lunch, parents are asked to provide a packed lunch and a
drink in a suitable named container.

Food Allergies
Please remember to advise the School Office of any allergy from which your child may
suffer. The Catering Department are used to dealing with most types of allergy so, where
an allergy may affect diet and your child wishes to take school lunches, appropriate
options will be discussed with you to ensure your child can take lunch safely.

Healthy Snacks
You should provide your child with a healthy, nut free snack, avoiding single use plastic
e.g. fruit, or rice cakes, and avoiding high sugar/salty snacks e.g. crisps, sweets, chocolate
and fizzy drinks. Children may bring in birthday treats for their class. These should be
individual treats for ease of distribution and also be nut free. Pupils staying after school
will be offered a fruit snack at the end of the day. A small water bottle may be brought to
have in the classroom. This should be clearly named.

Pastoral Care
Pastoral care has a high priority at the school, and staff are committed to promoting the
welfare and happiness of each pupil.

Year Groups
In the Nursery and the Infant Department classes, there is one class for each year group.
From Years 3-6, there are two parallel classes. Pupils moving from Year 2 into Year 3 are
divided into the two Year 3 classes as we welcome new pupils into the school.
Pupils stay in the same class groups in Years 3 and 4 and then the year group will be
reorganised for the final two years of the Junior School. They have a new form teacher
each year and the letter distinguishing the two forms in the year will be the initial letter of
the class teacher’s surname. Occasionally, the school feels the need to reorganize classes
outside of this calendar.
Class teachers take primary responsibility for the general well being of children in their
class and are the first point of contact for any concerns. All class teachers teach the major
academic subjects to their classes.
The following staff will also be involved in supporting the pupil, staff member and parent
during their time in a particular year and are always happy to help should you have any
Head of Infants Miss Kerry Humphreys [email protected]
Head of Middle School Mrs Sarah-Jane Moore [email protected]
Head of Upper School Mr Nathan Rushin [email protected]
Deputy Head Mrs Philipa Yugin-Power [email protected]

Further Pupil Pastoral Support

The Junior School has the services of a qualified counsellor and play intervention
therapist; occasionally children are referred to them following discussions between
teachers and parents. There is an additional cost for play therapy.

Another layer of pastoral support is available; children in Years 3-6 are also able to drop
into the Art Room on Monday and Friday lunchtimes. This is an opportunity to chat with
other children as well as seek specific support from the Deputy Head (Head of Pastoral

House System
Each child in the school is a member of one of four houses; Arun, Hamble, Meon and
Rother. House Points (Dojos) are given for good effort or behaviour and there are house
competitions arranged throughout the school year. Members of a house are expected to
care and look out for each other.

School Rules
Every pupil is expected to promote good behavior and demonstrate the 5Rs. (See page 2)
High standards of conduct should be expected at all times. Each teacher may devise
personalised rules for classroom use.
We expect pupils to:
• Work to the best of their abilities and to allow others to do the same

• Treat others with respect and kindness

• Co-operate with adults and other children

• Take care of property and the environment in and out of school

Pupils must use the appropriate areas of the playground depending on the class they are
in. Pupils must be considerate to others during playtime and are not permitted to stay in
the classrooms during break unless they have permission from a member of staff.
Further information can be found in the Promoting Good Behaviour policy.

There is a clear policy at the school to prevent bullying and it will be dealt with effectively
should it occur. No child should feel the odd one out and therefore a potential victim.
We emphasise positive relationships and all our community is expected to treat others
with respect, courtesy and consideration. We aim to give all children a sense of security
and self-esteem.
The following measures are designed to support our policy:
• Pupils are made aware of our attitude towards bullying
• All staff are advised on measures to prevent, detect and deal with instances of
• Pupils are alerted to this issue through assemblies and their personal, social and
health education which is linked into the curriculum
• Parents are often the first to become aware when their child is unhappy and you are
asked to let the form teacher know immediately.
• A “No Blame” approach is taken in the first instance to make the pupils involved
aware of the effects of their action and encourage them to be more sympathetic to
the feelings of others. If the situation should continue the matter will be referred to
the Senior Staff and, if necessary, the Head of the Junior School who will take the
appropriate action.
At the beginning of every academic year, pupils and parents in Years 3 - 6 are asked to
read and sign an anti-bullying booklet to show their understanding of the school’s policy.
The Art Room is open at lunchtimes on Mondays and Fridays for anyone who wants to
chat with Mrs Yugin-Power. Children can email [email protected] at any

Health & Safety/Safeguarding
Children are properly supervised during school breaks. Minor accidents are dealt with in
the school by staff and a note is made of any incident. If, in their opinion, an injury needs
further attention every effort will be made to contact the parents or your nominated
emergency contact person. An ambulance would be called in an emergency situation.
Please ensure that the school is informed if a child has or develops a medical condition,
e.g., asthma, allergies, skin complaints, etc., so that the staff are aware of any potential
In the event of a child having head lice, parents are asked to inform the school immediately
and treat the condition before bringing the child to school. The school will advise other
parents of the need to treat their child(ren).

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Churcher’s College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
and young people.
If you have any concerns of a safeguarding nature, please pass these on to any of the
people named below.
• Mr Williams, Headmaster and Designated Safeguarding Lead
• Mrs Robinson, Head of Junior School & Nursery
• Mrs Yugin-Power, Deputy Head of the Junior School & Nursery
• Mr Jones, Deputy Head of the Senior School

Health Education
All classes receive health education linked with their Science course or within Personal,
Social, Health Education (PSHE). This includes topics such as healthy bodies, good eating
habits and cleanliness. In Year 6 the topic of ‘Changing Bodies’ is covered.

Visiting the school

For compliance, all visitors to the school during school hours should ring the entry bell at
the main gate and report to the School Office and not make their way to any other part of
the school.
All visitors are required to report and sign in at the School Office at any time during the
day. Once the school day has started (ie. after drop off), please ensure that you check in at
the School Office and inform them of the reason for your visit.

E-Safety at CCJS&N
Children at CCJS will sometimes need access to the internet for web-based online maths
homework, for researching using school provided content or to work on digital creations
begun at school. The frequented sites can be accessed through the school’s VLE Firefly.
Children in Years 3-6 have their own login, Infants have a general login.
It is strongly recommended that the child has their own log on to the device they will be
using. This ensures that you can exercise parental controls and avoids issues with stored
cookies and/or loss of parental work. Guidance on how to do this can be found on the
Parents’ Section of Firefly.

With children being given internet enabled devices at an increasingly young age, our
school also makes the following recommendations for the safety of all the children:-

• Devices should only be used in common areas; use in bedrooms should be avoided
and not allowed at bedtime or overnight.
• Children up to and including Year 4 should preferably use Britannica or Espresso to
research, or use a safe search engine, and should not be searching outside of the
sites provided without support.
• Children in Years 5 & 6 should have safe search enabled on the Google Search engine
and supported in the use of appropriate keywords.
• Use of Youtube should be with safesearch enabled and supervised.
• Children are not recommended to have social media accounts. Those parents who
choose to allow it, should ensure that their use is monitored.
• Children are not recommended to use chat apps such as iMessage, WhatsApp,
Snapchat or the Chat function within Instagram. Where this has been allowed,
parents should monitor its use.
• It is highly recommended that, for the mental health of all the children, no online
contact between children should occur after 7pm, to allow them time to switch off
and alleviate anxiety associated with missing out.
For more advice on e-Safety please visit or Common Sense Media.

Parents’ Association
All parents with children attending the school are members of the Parents’ Association
(PA). Copies of the constitution are available.
The PA committee consists of a Chair, a Secretary, Treasurer, Key Events Coordinator, 250
club administrator, and parents (two representatives for each year in the school). Meetings
are held once or twice a term.
The Class Representatives promote a sense of community within the school by organising
social events such as Quiz Nights and the Christmas Fayre, and also arrange social events
for the children, e.g. school discos and a film night. They also fundraise for the extras and
take the ‘wait out of wanting’ to provide noticeable benefits for the children through fund-
raising. Recent acquisitions funded by the PA include the greenhouse, play apparatus for
Junior and Infant Departments, a kiln and choral risers.
The PA Reps should not be used to air concerns; any concerns should be brought to the
school’s attention and will be dealt with on an individual basis.
The Class Parent Representative will circulate a list of class telephone numbers to all par-
ents. This can be activated in the event of emergencies, delays returning from school
outings or trips, or unforeseen circumstances where parent contact is necessary.

Fees are payable by Direct Debit only. Payment can be by either a Termly Direct Debit on
the first Monday after the start of each new term (unless it falls on a Bank Holiday) or a
Monthly Direct Debit, where 12 equal instalments are collected on the last working day of
each month, commencing in May each year, so that each term’s fees are prepaid ie May-
August instalments prepay the Autumn term etc. A surcharge of 1.5% per month or part
thereof is levied on all overdue accounts.
One full term’s notice of a pupil leaving is required in writing to the College Headmaster. If
sufficient notice is not received, one term’s fees will be charged in lieu of notice. In the
unlikely event of a pupil being expelled, no part of the term’s fees are refundable.
The College normally gives one term’s notice of fee increases but reserves the right to
increase fees at shorter notice in exceptional circumstances.
Personal Accident Insurance is provided by the school, the cost of which is included within
the school fees. A Fees Refund Insurance Scheme is also offered with details being
available from the Bursar’s office.
Additional costs that are invoiced include (but are not limited to) lunch, milk, school trips,
school link bus and extra-curricular clubs.
Individual and Group Music lessons are invoiced directly from the visiting music
teacher. Please be advised that notice to cease these lessons must be sent in writing two

In accordance with Government guidelines and initiatives, please find below details of the
Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) and Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED).
ISI, CAP House, 9-12 Long Lane, London EC1A 9HA
Tel 0207600 0100 Fax 020 7776 8849
OFSTED, Royal Exchange Buildings, St Ann’s Square, Manchester M2 7LA
Tel 08456 404045 [email protected]
School policies, including Complaints, Child Protection, Equal Opportunities and GDPR are
available for parents to view on the school website or from the School Office.
Parents may also have free access to their child’s developmental records; available upon
written request.
In accordance with the school’s behaviour policy, corporal punishment is not used in any

Churcher’s College Junior School & Nursery Staff List
Mrs Ffion Robinson Head of Junior School and Nursery
Mrs Philipa Yugin-Power Deputy Headteacher [email protected]
Mrs Annabel Knowles Head of Nursery [email protected]
Mrs Kate Stuzer Room Leader [email protected]
Mrs Kayleigh Pendry Reception [email protected]
Miss Kerry Humphreys Class 1 [email protected]
Mr Chris Taylor Class 2 [email protected]
Mrs Sarah-Jane Moore Class 3M [email protected]
Miss Helen Parry Class 3P [email protected]
Mrs Sarah Roberts Class 4R [email protected]
Mrs K Tkaczynska Class 4T [email protected]
Mrs Janine Gillard Class 5G [email protected]
Miss Sarah Thompson Class 5T [email protected]
Mrs Katy Hounsome Class 6H [email protected]
Mr Nathan Rushin Class 6R [email protected]
Mrs Sarah Evans Head of Learning Enrichment [email protected]
Mrs Rebecca Drummond Head of Computing [email protected]
Mr Matthew Forbes Head of Sport/Outdoor Learning [email protected]
Miss Crystal Stone Head of Music [email protected]
Mrs Gloria Becker Head of Languages [email protected]
Mrs Annette Chilton PE [email protected]
Mrs Lisa Eddy PE, English [email protected]
Mrs Catherine Foley Art [email protected]
Mrs Catherine Murphy Maths [email protected]
Mrs Linda Robbins Librarian [email protected]
Mrs Denise Chevalier Teaching Assistant/Bus Chaperone
Mrs Robyn Fairlie Teaching Assistant/Early Birds Supervisor
Mrs Jane Hall Teaching Assistant
Mrs Victoria Mein Teaching Assistant
Mr Harry Pickett Teaching Assistant/Early Birds Supervisor
Mrs Nicky Pritchard Teaching Assistant
Miss Hannah West Teaching Assistant
Mr Guy Blackman Sports Assistant
Miss Chloe Holland Nursery Assistant
Mrs Moira Noble PA to Mrs Robinson [email protected]
Mrs Joanna Tremlett Reception/Administration [email protected]
Mr Gary Boltwood Caretaker
Mr Rob Bloomer Caretaker

Absence 13 House System 24
Academic Matters 4 Individual Music Tuition 11
After-School Activities 20 Learning Difficulties and Disabilities 10
Anti-Bullying 25 Learning Enrichment 10
Arrival and Departure from School 18 Medical Matters 13
Bus Service 19 Parent Communication 12
Communication with Teaching Staff 12 Parents’ Association 28
Contact Details 13 Parents’ Evenings 14
Curriculum Statement 4 Parking 19
Curriculum: Infant Department 5 Pastoral Care 23
Curriculum: Junior Department 5 Personal Possessions 21
Curriculum: Nursery 4 Pupil Pastoral Support 23
Digital Portfolios 7 Pupil Progress 14
Educational Aims 3 Reading Policy 6
Electronic Devices 21 Reports 14
Esafety at CCJS 27 Safeguarding and Child Protection 26
Feedback and Marking 7 School Catering 22
Fees 28 School Rules 24
Firefly 15 Staff email addresses 30
Food Allergies 22 Statement of Ethos 3
Guidelines 28 The School Day 16
Health & Safety/Safeguarding 26 Visiting the School 23
Health Education 26 Wraparound care 17
Healthy Snacks 22 Year Groups 23
Homework 8


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