February Week 2

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GRADES 1 to 12 School SANAIVHS Grade Level 12

Teaching Dates and Time February Week 2 Sessions 1-4 (Feb. 13-17, 2023) Quarter 3rd



A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. The formation of the elements during the Big Bang and during stellar evolution
2. The distribution of the chemical elements and the isotopes in the universe
B. Performance Standards 3. How the concept of thev atom evolved from Ancient Greek to the present
Make a creative representation of the historical development of the atom or the chemical element in a timeline
C. Learning Competencies / Describe the ideas of the Ancient Greeks on Point out of the atom and its subatomic
Objectives Give evidence for and explain the formation of the light elements in the Big Bang Theory the atom particles
Write the LC code for each S11/12PS-IIIa-1, S11/12PS-IIIa-2, S11/12PS-IIIa-3, S11/12PS-IIIa-4 S11/12PS-IIIa-b-5 - 6 S11/12PS-IIIb-8
A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages pp. 52-58 pp. 58-61
4. Additional Materials from Scholarly Journal Articles
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources An Introduction to Physical Science An Introduction to Physical Science An Introduction to Physical Science An Introduction to Physical Science
A. Reviewing previous lesson or In Biology, we were constantly reminded The teacher will let the students to scan and The teacher will discuss the parts of an atom
presenting the new lesson that the cell is the building blocks of life. review the elements on the periodic table. and all information about protons, neutrons
It is the basic composition of all living and electrons.
organisms. In chemistry, What do you
think is the basic composition of all
B. Establishing a purpose for the What makes up an object? Where It is very crucial for the students to be
lesson did it came from? familiarized with the elements for they will be
needing it throughout the course
C. Presenting examples/ instances There are 118 known elements in the
of the new lesson Periodic Table of Elements. Where did these
elements came from and how were they
D. Discussing new concepts and Using a video lesson that the teacher has This session is intended for the students to The students will be called one by one to Teacher will first discuss how to get the
practicing new skills #1 created, the students will learn the step by individually come up with a graphic recite the first 20 elements of the periodic neutron number of a certain element.
step process on the formation of elements illustration on the formation of elements. table of elements.
E. Discussing new concepts and and the different processes involved. After the first recitation, the teacher will give The teacher will give a certain element and
practicing new skills #2 each students 10 elements and they will give the students will solve for its neutron
its symbol. number.
F. Developing mastery Guide questions were given to the students The teacher will give the students a list of The students will be given their own element
(Leads to Formative before the lesson starts. After the lesson, the element symbols and they will identify the to solve for the neutron number of that
Assessment 3) teacher will ask the students their answer. names of the elements that the symbols element.
G. Finding practical applications of Elements were formed through nuclear
concepts and skills in daily living fusion or the bombardment of atoms. The
more number of protons an atom has, the
larger the size of the element and the heavier
its weight gets.
H. Making generalizations and There are principles in giving symbols on each
abstractions about the lesson elements. And there are some elements in
which its symbol is derived from its Latin
I. Evaluating learning Short quiz
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation


A. No.of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No.of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No.of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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