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The key takeaways are about transformation medicine which focuses on treating the whole human being instead of just symptoms or body parts. It also discusses becoming your own best doctor through principles like nourishment, energy management and the role of nutrition.

The book is about transformation medicine which focuses on treating the whole human being instead of just symptoms or body parts. It discusses principles and pathways for people to become their own best doctors.

Dr. Romy Paredes has a background in integrative medicine and is the founder of Wellnessland Health Institute. He has authored two books on health and medicine.



Pathways to Becoming Your Own Best Doctor

Atty. Romulo V. Paredes
Cover design and layout Dr Milagros Uy-Paredes
ProjekSamadhi Daniw Arrazola


Introduction 7

1 | The Search for Truth 13

2 | Tomorrow’s Doctors are Yesterday’s Patients 19

3 | The Roots of Illness 25

4 | Mapping the Body 31

5 | Bottomline Medicine 39

6 | Nourishment 45
7 | The Conditions for Healing 49
Philippine Copyright 2013
8 | Energy Management Principles 57
by Dr. Romy Paredes M.D. and Alberto J. Villaraza III
9 | The Critical Role of Nutrition 63
Published by Wellnessland Health Institute, Inc.
314-C Sikatuna St. Bgy Zapatera Cebu City
10 | Birthing Anew 67
Philippines 6000 11 | Your House is Your Hospital 71

www.transformationmedicine.org 12 | Signing the Contract of Change 75

About the Authors 78
Tel. +6332-512-1371, +6332-416-8520, +6332-255-5582

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, except for brief quotations, without the
prior permission of the publisher.


My name is Romy. People usually put a Doc in front of my name but as

this book says we are all doctors, we would end up giving everyone the
same title anyway.

My training to become a medical doctor was in one of the biggest

university hospitals in the country. For almost 10 years of rigorous
schooling in one of the biggest training hospitals in the Philippines, I
had to invest tremendous time and effort in learning the arts of medical

First, I learned the Art of Prescribing. Second, I trained in the Art of

Treating Symptoms. Third, I studied the Art of Segregating the human
body into many categorical specializations. This art goes something like
this – the cardiologist cares for the heart, the nephrologists nurture the
kidneys, the lungs are proprietary to pulmonologists, gastroenterologists
go for the liver and stomach, and the brain is branched to neurologists.
I have also learned the art of segregating the human body into disease
classifications. If cancer was your career, you became an oncologist;
if diabetes and thyroid disorders were your desire, you would enjoy
endocrinology; if skin disorders were your delight, you would be deemed
a dermatologist; if auto-immune diseases and allergies appealed to you,

allergologist was your adoration; and if infections were your ideation, Are you ready to be at the driving seat of your physical wellbeing?
you were indoctrinated to be an infectious disease specialist. And so on. Are you ready to study your inner medicine, a degree in healing
that specializes in your own unique healing process?
As I went deeper into my studies and onto my subsequent medical Are you truly ready to take part in a transformation revolution that
practice, I began to ask the following questions: is beginning to happen around the world?
What happens to those doctors who decide to specialize in the whole
human being? What is that specialization called? If we both dare to say yes to any or all of these, we invite you to co-
The words “general practitioner” came into consideration. But I was journey with us on the less-beaten pathway to the new health care
at a point when I did not fit into this category. I felt that even general system. We call it, Transformation Medicine. The journey is almost like
practitioners were still part of the age-old culture of prescribing litanies going back to school together, an energy school; one in which we both
of drugs in a pad and I was sensing there might be holistic solutions learn and unlearn, and in this school, the best part is that everything
over just handing chemical advice to the unwitting arms of a patient is within us. In it, we are the school itself; we are simultaneously the
seated across my desk. I couldn’t help but sense that there were teaching, the teacher and the student.
alternatives to these scribbled chemistry cures that could better help
people take greater charge over their health issues. My name is Pi. Though I assist many sick people, I never studied
medicine. I was formerly an integrated marketing communications
Since then, I have been on a vision quest for a branch of medicine specialist, an entrepreneur, an advertising professor and many other
designed solely for taking charge. That is what this book is about. And things. In none of my previous professions was the word “healing” ever
if you are holding it in your hands, it might be that you are faced with in usage.
a medical challenge or that you are like me, a medical practitioner
challenged by medical practice itself. I have never really attended a training, workshop, read books or
By this time, you might already sense that as a health care provider, I studied the energy process previous to practicing and teaching the
am a bit off-the-grid, what we call in the Philippines, AB-Normal. healing energy I’ve been sharing around the world in the last seven
The more I am able to clarify to any patient, “I am not your Doctor, years. Almost everything I’ve been imparting came through me as direct
you are your own doctor,” ironic as this sounds, only then do I feel experience of a powerful energy healing that coursed through me over
that I can be a doctor. For the dozen thousands of patients who I have extended time periods between 2003 to 2008.
had the pleasure of co-journeying with, I offer this book as my way of
gratitude. The first features article that published my biographical story in the
Philippine Daily Inquirer was written by Gilda Cordero-Fernando seven
If you feel you are ready to co-journey together with us, I want to invite years ago, in 2007. The title was Everybody Can Be A Healer. She wrote
you to ask yourself the following questions: the article after attending one of the first workshops I ever held in
Manila and the piece was a reaction to a teaching style I’ve been
Do you think that you are ready to be your own doctor? facilitating which gives people a somewhat powerful experience of
Are you ready to take charge of your health? healing a complete stranger in a group, for many, their first time.

own body and mind as two different dimensions of the same vibratory
I often hark back to Everybody Can Be a Healer when I need to remind consciousness.
myself of what it is that I do, in relation to who we all are. In which, I
am clear that it is precisely because I never learned the process from I started to see energy, feel energy, hear energy everywhere.
anyone that it has worked as well as it did. This is what is coming to us, Simultaneously, a tremendous healing surged over me for extended
this powerful insight that we can all heal when we access our own love, periods of release, blissful states, emotional clarity and deep insight.
our own power, our own light. We need not buy, memorize, or struggle.
When we surrender to our deep inter-connectedness, a more essential In the following years as a raw foodist and healing practitioner, I
energy unravels from within us all. eventually developed a way in which to teach a global audience who
asked me to share what became natural to me. This is a misnomer
On almost a daily basis, I watch people realize the sheer weight carried though. You can never really teach this energy to another. You can
over by those words coined by Gilda Cordero. On the power of its merely remind them of that which has always been in all of us.
affirmative insight, I’ve seen people’s lives change in so many ways. As
they experience the innate tremendous energy flowing from within them, My work began in Palawan, further journeying to Mindanao, the Visayas
the recognition that they can heal themselves and others brings them to and Luzon, and I was literally danced into various parts of Asia and the
laughter and to tears. It is an incredible feeling to be reminded that we US as people started to understand just what it was that happened to
are each of us, a source of pure love and light. me, as it began to also open them up into deeper transformation work.
Whether my audience were adults or kids, socialite or fisherfolk, movie
We forget this so often in our busy lives. So that when fatigue comes, actor or priest, lawyer or farmer, or the many medical practitioners
when we feel our exhausted bodies depleted of energy, we start to seek who’ve come for intensive trainings, I was incessantly stunned to
external sources of power for healing. To the point when the tired body see just how quickly people from more than 45 nationalities visit our
is diagnosed with the name of an ailment that almost fully disempowers healing center in Palawan to remember their own gifts, with the same
someone to the title of “sick patient;” this image of a dispirited person transformative energy flow that coursed through my body.
comes to mind, one who does not have the innate capacity to self-heal
and self-awaken. At this point, the responsibility is carried over to any The common question asked most often to me is, “what made you walk
external energy source that could help ease suffering and pain. your path?”

The depths of my own healing took place when I jumped deep into my My quest for lightness hailed from the opposing dark places in my
raw food practice nine years ago, diving head-first into a mono-diet childhood, teenage and young adulthood. Triggered by my own father’s
of almost just coconuts in 2006 to 2007. I was at that time living as a bouts with cardiac problems and pulmonary problems, it was his
hermit in a deserted beach island in Palawan called Kalipay, a quiet unsettled childhood trauma of losing an eye from a gunshot bullet when
place where I was able to work on healing myself day and night. Here, I he was a toddler that later came up in his elderly years in the guise of
purged my own negativities in full view of the most positive way I was high blood pressure, emphysema and extreme anxiety attacks.
seeing the world then. It was in that place that I fully perceived my

My dad’s pent-up fears and emotions established a fear-based

environment that compelled me into an intense questioning very early
in life up until my early twenties, building up until I fully decided that
I was meant to leave my comfort-based life in order to walk across
Mindanao penniless for one year. After that year, I then decided that I
was ready to stay in Kalipay Beach as a hermit for however long it took
to heal myself.

I became very clear then that the most difficult experiences of our lives
are also the greatest blessings; a pattern I perceive in almost all others 1|The Search for Truth
in history that live in the most independent, non-expectant joy. In my
day-to-day life, not a moment passes when I do not give gratitude for
whichever difficult moments have broken my grip to attachments to
things, needs, fears and limitations. If I was once an advertising man
devoted to the world of consumption, I am now selling simplicity as
the better commodity. It’s free, it heals us and the earth the more we
partake of it. This book, which marries the simple principles and working
methodologies of both a medical doctor and a practicing healer isn’t so
much about healing the body but about healing the perceptions that
manifest the illnesses we call disease.

The significance in co-authoring this book cannot be belittled. It is its

own witness to the paradigm shift that is happening in this fast-evolving
world. The remembrance of us as our own source of love and healing
will not just bring the body into its healthy vibrant state. It will bring us
into a life of inter-connectedness, meaning and our unconditional service
to others.

Let’s start this journey with Doctor Paredes’ story and how we came to
his own ways of empowering patients to self-heal. Can you tell us where
you started and how you ended up here?

Thank you, Pi. For me to do that, it would be important for me to take

us back to the onset of my medical life, which for any professional
health care practitioner, starts in medical school.

In the institution I was enrolled in, my classmates and I were Einstein said courage was important for a paradigm shift to happen.
incessantly bombarded with so much information - from anatomy to Courage for me was the key to the new medicine. Aside from keeping
physiology, biochemistry to pharmacology in the ten years required to an open mind, it was courage that helped me to drop what knowledge
finish medical school. These were the essential gateways we have to wasn’t working anymore. And with this, it lastly required a lasting and
pass through if we were to help sick people heal their own disease. resolute determination to keep dropping what knowledge failed to serve
my patients anymore. My new goal wasn’t so much to let people just
Today, after many years of health care practice, the things that I feel physically satisfied. Later, the ultimate aim that formed was to bring
personally prescribe which works best, comes not from the academic power back to my patients to self-heal (who were instead giving me all
knowledge I had to stuff into my over crowded brain. The most curative the power to heal them).
medicine I write on my prescription pad now, I learned from another
institution. It’s called the school of life, and the tuition-free curriculum These three things together - openness, courage and determination
is called wisdom. - unravelled a higher level of truth. A deep yet childlike hunger for
insights, those which allowed me to set aside some medical norms that
One of my most influential life mentors, Albert Einstein (though I have revealed the ways in which I might practice integrative medicine now.
not had the chance to meet him) once said....”genius lies in making the
complicated simple.” I trust in one of the most brilliant minds in human Knowledge is external. We learn bits and pieces of knowledge everyday,
history and the words of Time Magazine’s Man of the Century for me whether we are able to use these or not. Knowledge can be normative.
fully describe alternatives to how we may truly regard medical practice. But what is normal and common knowledge is not always natural. There
has to be something else that keeps knowledge in its natural balance.
There were three essential attitudes that anchored me onto how I
practice medicine today. Firstly, I needed to keep a wide-open mind and Wisdom is internal. It may not always be normal, but it is natural. It
heart. It was the only way I was to access inward wisdom, the same comes from innate nature. The more we unmask and unravel what is
inner knowing I was beginning to empower patients with. already within us, an inner wisdom shines through. To access it, we do
not learn knowledge, we instead, drop, release and unlearn facts that
Einstein also said, "any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more do not serve the planet every moment wisdom asks us to go deeper
complex, and more violent. It takes a lot of courage -- to move in the than what we think we know.
opposite direction." He couldn’t have voiced it better. To go in the
opposite direction was to head towards everything natural and simple. There is nothing wrong with knowledge. But when knowledge matches
It wasn’t always logical, but the successful healing results affirmed that wisdom, it goes beyond knowledge. A knowledge that expands rather
there were vistas of medicine the world was still evolving into. When I than contracts becomes an inner knowledge called insight, a knowledge
went in this opposite direction, patients began to refer their friends and that transcends boundaries and limitations (what we might otherwise
relatives to my office and before I knew it, simplicity as medicine began call illness).
to replace the bigger and the more complex practice I started with in my
first years as a doctor.

I have a few questions I myself have asked for many years. I ask them affirmation that naturally complemented what a lot of doctors like me
because they anchor me in insightful and wisdom-based knowledge. I are discovering about the body as energy and life force.
ask the same questions to patients I know who are on their own journey
towards heightened awareness of their bodies, minds and the ethos that This seems a good time if any to hand a thing over to Pi, as his work is
guides them. fully established on energy management principles.

I ask myself as I ask them, “who created us? What designed us? Who Thank you, Doc P. I really resonate with your own story of discovery,
created our brain, our heart, our spleen, our DNA strands?” which asserts my own belief that the greatest transformative openings
hide in the seemingly biggest problems and the most daunting
Though they are considered the authority, and I am myself an MD, the challenges we face.
entire medical industry had no responsibility in the elaborate design
that created the immense human being. I am bringing into observation Sickness, depression, losing a loved one, having a house burn down,
whether ten years of medical school was enough for someone like me these are the times when people are breaking their attachments to
to impart bundled knowledge that would be the solid and authoritative hard-held needs that are the very blockages that disallow them to live
advice to anyone who comes to my clinic confronted with a life or death life more fully. The most basic metaphor is the grown-up over-busy
situation. adult who has no time to enjoy life as a child would. One that has
lost appreciation of the simple things, and is more easily prone to a
Given that the mysteries of the human body are substantially unlimited potential disease which layers of stress factors inevitably bring about.
and that science has yet to answer even simple mysteries regarding
the brain, the heart, our anatomical machinery in relation to the human I feel that if we just understood the transformative powers of illness, we
mind, I can only fathom the nature of one person’s particular illness in might never look at disease as a problem, ever again.
the limited amount of time to give any stressed person the complete
picture to illness. In my humble decade of practicing energy healing for more than twelve
thousand people in the last decade, it is by now seldom my immediate
I cannot anymore compartmentalize the diagnoses I give to patients goal to just heal a physical ailment. I don’t worry about physical
based on a reductionist methodology. I am instead finding a wisdom- conditions anymore. I have become less concerned about healing
oriented simplicity helps the body remember that it has its own power cancer, depression, tumours, or diabetes for the sake of healing it. I am
to heal itself into wholeness. not saying I would not help anyone when asked. I love what it is that I
do and I would jump at any opportunity to convert blockage into light.

One of the many big reasons I asked Pi to co-author this book is in the But the more I interact with persons faced with a physical challenge,
curious convergence that he has arrived at doing the same things that the more I perceive physical sickness as it truly is. It is the purgation
I do now, but from a vastly different place. He simply just discovered of a tense energy that has gotten lodged in the body, something that
his healing process on his own. This seemed to be an important had gotten old, rigid and kept in storage within, unobserved until the

point of threshold when we are largely invited to release our negativity

through the unravelling of our innate gifts.

When we get sick, we are actually getting well. In however way I myself
have have observed healings in Asians, Americans and Europeans, any
physical, emotional and mental condition is the self’s way of balancing
itself on a deeper level. On this basic principle, I’ve seen people with 2| Tomorrow’s Doctors are Yesterday’s Patients
glaucoma, tumours, cancer, psoriasis, heart disease and other chronic
diseases laugh, cry, scream, sleep and simply heal themselves into total
wellness in a matter of weeks, days or minutes right in front of me.

What people regularly constitute as miraculous remission of disease, I

have found to be an understandable paradigm shift in how we define
both sickness and medicine. This is an exciting time to be in, to be able In my own experience in our healing center in Palawan, sickness opens
to see this spontaneous healing actually happening in people. To see our very rigid minds and bodies, it loosens the physical, emotional and
the look in their eyes, and to feel their own excitement at rediscovering mental stuckness characteristic in healthy but busy, unfulfilled and
that all they really needed to do was to draw the power from within unhappy people.
Sickness facilitates change.

Sickness is how we physically experience an emotional and energetic

shift that is deeply healing us through the re-calibration of a misaligned
thought, emotion or belief system that is manifesting itself in bodily

From the perspective that the body is the storage mechanism of our
soul’s momentary belief system, all disease is a temporary condition.

As an energy healer, I know just how impermanent chronic diseases can

be, however way it might seem incurable. If we then understood it in the
highest light, even a debilitating malady such as cancer is a blessing. I
often look at it as a message carrier, likened to a subconscious email
that is transmitting to us the message, “hey, you need to stop whatever
it is that you are overly concerned with for just a moment, and to

observe something you are overlooking in your busy life.” The sickness is through the instrumentations of a Catholic nun from Tagaytay was a
an energetic telegram that says, “you need to look at this forgotten and woman named Lita from Cagayan Valley in the Northern Philippines.
neglected part of you. Without fear or resistance, you might want to When I was able to visit her in 2008, it wasn’t easy to find a quiet
look at this aspect of yourself that you might have to re-focus on now.” moment with this quiet, unassuming lady, as there were always scores
of people from various places around the Philippines who asked for
The body is an external expression of our inner self. A sick body is a healing.
reflection of an unhappy mind and the unfulfilled heart. If we worked
on the source of what makes a person angry, guilty, despondent, During one of our intimate conversations, she described to me a strange
unloved, the physical body of any person who is starting to access a and debilitating sickness that crippled her for years until she came out
deeper sense of joy would likely experience a return to over-all strength of it unusually strong, clear and with the sudden ability to heal and
and vitality. The healing of the physical symptom would follow, and perceive energy. It was clear in my conversation with Lita that the
the energy blockage held internally by our own systems of beliefs and sickness she had to undergo was in fact the medicine that changed her
emotions would begin to flow more freely. unhappy and stressful life. If it wasn’t for her transformative sickness,
she would still be in her former depressive state rather than living in
When an internally-held destructive thought or feeling is brought into the God-filled grace and the daily healing she is able to give to those in
our conscious physical experience (what we now call the sickness), need.
we are being called into awareness of what was emotionally present
already. We are asked to look at the underlying layers that burrow My interactions with her helped me to understand my own immense
beneath the daily train of thinking. The awareness of which, often physical shift, which I underwent from 2002 to 2008, a transformation
leads to a potential to transform, and to undergo an immense journey that paved the ground for living my life now as a facilitator of
that will certainly change behaviour and the underlying perceptions that integrative healing.
influence them.
I have had other interesting conversations with tribal healers on how
In tribal traditions around the world, the Vision Quest is a universal they perceive modern allopathic medicine and what it may have been
journey that one often takes alone when triggered by a difficult like before the advent of machines, chemicals, needles, scalpels, health
experience of transcendence. There are similarities in indigenous, insurance, prescription pads and delivery rooms. At a time when people
religious, spiritual and historical tales where individuals are made to let lived longer and cancer was virtually unknown.
go of attachments deepening their search for meaningful essence.
What struck me deeply was how the healers’ point of views were
Illness is such a letting go event. In Philippine tradition, the original appallingly similar to what the most advanced physics has been telling
indigenous doctors we call arbularyos, hilots or babaylans have a us since Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. That the human body is a highly
convention of undergoing sickness. intelligent and irreducible field of vibratory energy.

One of the most powerful energy healers I have met in the Philippines, If both Quantum Physics’ and these indigenous healers perspectives

were an accurate portrayal of the body as energy, my inner questions Fundamentals for Healing
pertained to how then might medicine begin to treat a disease from
both a medical and energetic perspective? Doc Romy, after you’ve shared with us your life story, I think we are
curious now about what differentiates your healing practice now as
The answer to this is dynamic and likely never-ending. In our time, compared to before. When you talk about different avenues to health
many doctors have begun to journey into the greater systematic care, could you elaborate more on these?
understanding of the complete and multi-dimensional human, seeing
the connections between the body, human emotions, belief systems Thank you, Pi. There are several very simple aspects that I want to
and external influence. There is a natural confluence happening as share now, that probably sum up my current medical practice and
never before, where nutrition, ecology, spirituality, organic agriculture, which in fact guides the medical institute I have founded in Cebu called
community are becoming branches of healing unto themselves. Wellnessland Health Institute.

Medical institutions in both the East and the West are also initiating I have shared my story earlier. From the backdrop of the characteristic
research into sickness as a phenomenon of a personal transformation busyness of professional medical practice, it was an important step for
that could lead to an energetic awakening. In such places, healers and me to open my mind to simple but key fundamentals, what I call the
doctors interact with each other. There is a natural merging of what practical bottom lines of my chosen profession.
medicine and life force management might give birth together.
In my quest to find out what it is that truly heals people, four basic
I have heard of Dr. Romy Paredes many months before I finally met him. fundamentals have sustainably guided me throughout my extensive
When I entered his successful three-story Wellnessland Health Institute experiences in working with thousands of people in all sorts of medical
in Cebu, it was the first time I had entered into an allopathic medical situations. I was being led to simplify the complex, to focus on what
institution whilst feeling like I was wandering into a healing centre. is most important, amidst the many intricate emotions, stressful
There were few differences in how we ourselves assisted people in my situations and the urgent mood that usually accompany most medical
own raw food detox and energy-based healing space in Palawan. emergencies.

A partnership naturally took place. In our many interactions co-visiting When I came into confidence of these four fundamentals, I was able to
each other’s healing centres, respective work and core principles, we bring more perspective to my interactions with patients. Not only did
knew that our collaborations only represented a greater convergence their sense of urgency abate, I was able to find more time for myself as
happening around the whole world. I came into my own simplicity. I practiced these fundamentals just as
I prescribe them, spending more time with my family, in the silence of
The book you are now holding is a testament to that mergence. It nature, committing more to the live foods diet and exercising regularly.
is more than two people deciding to write a book together. It is both
medicine and energy consciousness coming into full agreement that they I offer these fundamentals as a starting point for anyone who is
are one and the same thing. starting their healing journey, however basic or complicated their health
challenge might be. Simply put, these fundamentals are the possible

guideposts to finding your own doctor from within you.

In Chapter 3, I offer four Bottom-line Causes of Illness and in Capther 5

and 6, a set of four corresponding Bottom-line Solutions to Illness.

3 | The Roots of Illness

One of my tasks in medical school was to memorize all the diseases of

the human body.

They ranged from the simple to the most complicated. From the
common cold, to systemic lupus erythematosus, I learned hundreds
of ailments that could possibly cripple or afflict the human physical
body. They were words ascribed to what the scientific and medical
community use to nail down a set of symptoms, which, filtered through
the scientific method of observation, could then be matched with a
corresponding solution.

Despite the complexity of this immense list, which number to more than
a few thousands, there are only actually two bottom-line root causes
for almost all diseases. This may make little sense from a linear way
of thinking but there are many integrative doctors in the world who are
simplifying the more fixed specializations of medicine onto more basic
holistic fundamentals.

In regards to sickness, there are two root causes which sum up and
simplify health in a way that can only empower both doctor and patient
to bring about self-healing:
1.) Toxicity – In the simplest sense, toxicity means that there is
something in the body that is not supposed to be there. In Filipino,

“merong nandyan na wala dapat dyan.” they are inter-connected. The more emotionally heavy a person is,
2. Deficiency – This means that something is not there in the body that the more he or she craves for the same weight equivalent in food.
is supposed to be there, at least in the correct amount or at worst, not It is thus important to look at emotional, mental and energetic
at all. In Filipino, “merong wala dyan na dapat andyan.” toxification as it invariably leads to physical toxicity.

The human body is made of energy. This we know to be true,

Self-Toxification based on unquestionable science and what we deeply know to be
As an integrative doctor, it is necessary for me to regard toxicity in two true from our gut, in the first place.
ways. Unless I deal with energy toxicity (mental, emotional, energetic),
no matter how much I facilitate the purging of physical toxicity, any For any healing to happen, we must come into our awareness of
successes are temporary and do not last as long. the destructive nature of the invisible and non-physical toxins we
assimilate into our organs and cells on a daily basis. When a TV
1.) Firstly, let’s look at physical toxicity. blares loudly and is ignored, when we absorb geopathic waves
(from microwave and all electronic transmitter gadgets), when we
Compound the food toxins found in all processed foods and are passively absorbing someone else’s anger and fears, and more
beverages alongside all environmental pollutants we take in so when we emanate guilt and stress from our own minds, we are
everyday … if we piled up all the highly processed sugar alone that almost pushing ourselves onto the precipice of disease.
an average teenager consumes, such as aspertame, monosodium
glutamate, food preservatives, colouring, heavy metals, alcohol, Emotional and mental stress are the true carcinogens, they are
calories, fat, processed oil, carbon monoxide, lead and mercury the causalities for physical dis-ease. The root causes for physical
– we would have the culprit for most common ailments babies, degeneration come from the toxic mind and heart. They are
adolescents, adults and the elderly commonly experience in their invisible toxins and if medicine was to truly heal, the cure for the
lifetime. body must also cure the poisons we cannot physically see.

Scientific studies show the most destructive foods out there are
actually some of the most commonly ingested, leading to obesity, Deficiency
eating disorders and eventually, illness. It isn’t surprising that the
American Medical Association states that one out of every two Thus, there are the two equivalent deficiencies, physical and energetic
Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, almost deficiency.
the same statistic as diabetes.
1.) Physical Deficiency
2.) Let’s now look at energy toxicity
People seldom understand that they are deficient. Because they
Negative emotions are just as toxic as a fast food hamburger. And are eating so much, they think that they are receiving an ample

amount of nutrients the body requires.

The real nutrients are mostly simple as they are also more natural.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The real fuel for the body The standard human diet is none of both. The most expensive
is in the simple and the natural. A fruit or a vegetable on average gastronomic meals are in fact the most deficient in nutrition. We
contains complete sets of nutrition the body might need. An take so much enjoyment in an expensive restaurant where food
elephant, a whale shark, a giraffe, a hippo or an orang-utan derives is boiled, irradiated, deep fried, pasteurized, spicy, acid-forming,
protein, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins in its basic form, that heavily sugared or salted. Its nutrients come in the form of hard-
which does not need days worth of enzymatic digestion to break cooked and therefore difficult-to-recognize proteins, fats and
down. Yet, they are two to ten times stronger and bigger than we carbohydrates.
are. Next time people ask where to derive protein, notice that the
biggest and strongest animals on the planet get their protein from 2.) Energy Deficiency
leaves and some fruits. On the other hand, humans are the species
that experience the most diseases, the only animals that get sick A physical deficiency is the manifestation of an energetic
the way we do are in captivity or within close proximity to garbage deficiency. Because the human body is first and foremost, made up
cans where processed leftover food can be foraged. of energy, nutrition goes beyond what we find in food. Even more
importantly, we need love, life and light as much as we think we
A fresh and water-rich plant produce that is alive has powerful require anything from a pizza to a green smoothie drink.
healing chemicals called phytonutrients as well as the metabolic
enzymes still in it. In its original state, a boring-looking banana or Do you often feel like there is something missing in you, that food
coconut is densely filled with nutrients. Its nutrients come in the or watching a movie or logging onto the internet might not satisfy?
form of amino acids, simple fatty acids and the simplest sugars, Imagine what our energy might look like, the larger part of our
the most basic nutrients we need that do not have to be broken body that we cannot see, but feel and experience every moment of
down. Like the strongest animals, people who try to bring more our lives.
live nutrition into their bodies experience themselves sleeping less
and ridding their body of pains; they re-balance their emotions and One way of understanding energy deficiency is through frequency.
more importantly, they rid themselves of disease. Sickness is simply understood as a lowering of our frequency which
often means we perceive we that we are insufficient; we become
When we look at the current statistics on obesity, diabetes, cancer, insecure, wallowing in low self-esteem and even self-pity. The
kidney failure and heart disease, they occur mostly in societies that more this happens, we derive our energy from sources that need to
are actually consuming more food. Places where life expectancy be processed, maintained, digested or stored in us for a very long
has dropped are also the most industrialized cities on Earth. Where time. We lose the child-like excited attitudes that comes with the
people think there is such a sufficient supply of food and people higher frequencies natural frequencies bring us.
are eating more times in a day, there is actually a deficiency in true
nutrition. To heal an illness, is to find a personal and unaffected happiness.

An inner power that can be accessed when we tune in to the right

energetic frequency.

Deficiency is a mental energetic frequency. It’s a belief. The

opposite of this frequency is sufficiency. When we simply believe
that we are sufficient, the physical and the energetic body comes 4 | Mapping the Body
into a sense of completion. In a simple and natural way, a child-
like frequency is key. When we partake of spiritual nutrition,
we would regard that the best foods to eat would be gratitude,
compassion, acceptance and unconditional love.

Before I give a talk, a workshop or a healing session, I normally

start a conversation thread that asks, “why are you here?” Which
is tantamount to asking the inner layers of “what is it that you are
wishing to heal?”

In transformation process, people are sometimes clear that they are on

a path to change. At other times, they are not.

Later in the journey, if you are in fact transforming, the question that
follows is, “what are you changing into?”

Without a firm hold on the answers to this essential question, healing or

transformation does not occur fully. And to know it, even to just have a
sense of the answer to this, empowers a person greatly. It firmly places
the sustainable and genuine healing capacity into the very capable
hands of the patient.

If the body was likened to a house, and our consciousness was

the building’s blueprint, we construct a structure based on our
understanding of available sunlight, ventilation, construction material,
money, weather and any other environmental factors. We might also
input our plans for the family’s size, its interests in food, entertainment,
sanitation, safety, rest and hosting visitors; factors that would match

the functions of a room with a house inhabitants’ psycho-emotional A map then is a unitive perception. It is the insightful way of looking at
blueprint. the body and mind through the lens of unity and multi-dimensionality.

Consciousness is the body’s blueprint. Consider that houses are The first goal of mapping the person’s mind, the energetic body and its
usually rigid. If there was a design problem somewhere, let’s say, that unique personal essence is to create a strong visioning anchor for ways
ten people had to squeeze into a small room: because of a mismatch to live more consciously. The second goal is to pinpoint the various
between function and the natural flow of energy, there would be areas that will help a person perceive and thus, re-pattern wholeness,
a competition problem. People would rush to the bathroom, they especially those places in their lives that need healing the most.
wouldn’t sleep very well, they would argue for what TV shows to watch
and rivalries would spring up to vie for a greater share of whatever In modern medical methodology, the mapping begins with the diagnosis.
might bring comfort and vibrancy to an average human being. Anxiety As I was told by many cases whom I’ve worked with, after a long wait
and maybe even illness might occur. In a state of both scarcity and reading a magazine, a patient walks into a consultation room. He or
over-crowdedness, the individual’s many energy centers and circuits she is asked a few questions that determines whether the cure is easily
of vitality either become depleted, overused, under-expressed or purchased at the pharmacy and then is sent off. If they need to go to a
misaligned. machine to extend the diagnostic process for deeper observation, there
is a delay, more lines and the interaction with the doctor is rushing to
Energy healing is about fixing the problem of the physical body by give way to the number of sick people line up in the waiting room. The
looking at the consciousness blueprint from a quiet place, a space of solution is fast, it is deterministic, reductionist and it treats the person
breathing. Unless we change the unaware busyness that created the purely as a linear and material entity.
problem, any ailment that goes away is just the healing of a symptom
that would likely come back in time. That’s what symptoms are. They But the human being isn’t this simple. It isn’t just so much more
are an effect that emanates from a prior causality. complex, the human being is also so much more powerful. In the right
conditions, in a different environment, the human body’s capacity for
How then do we look at consciousness itself? self-regeneration is incredible.

One of the ways that we might do this is by mapping our energy fields. In a highly stressful milieu, precisely the opposite is true. The body loses
its capacity to self-restoration and self-strengthening. There is little
What does the map look like? And prior to this, what is a map? access to vital life forces in the food, the air, water, social interaction
and availability of supportive spacing. The larger diagnostic map that
A map signifies wholeness. It is a systematic integrative way of thinking anchors and guides us through the basic principles of life management
of the whole in relation to the many parts. When we overly focus on is lost or grasped fleetingly through rare moments of insight.
healing a set physical symptom, we often fail because we are reducing
our view of the body to small parts of the inter-connected whole. In energy process, the diagnostic routine is reversed. True diagnoses can
never really come from a doctor, the deeper analysis and the ultimate

conclusions comes from the self. The doctor acts as a self-reflective So, despite that even if I at times refer to the body as physical,
agent, one who strives to bring power back to the patient carefully, according to Einstein’s equation, this isn’t true. The most famous math
slowly and in simple but sophisticated depth. The act of digging out equation in the world, E=mc2, says that everything in the universe is an
the deepest insightful diagnosis cannot be merely conceptual. It must energy field.
be experiential, emanating from both the dimensions of knowing and
feeling. I cannot repeat enough how important it is to turn the table of power
back to the patient. Whenever a sick patient looks outward for a
If the healing space is quiet and self-reflective, it begins as soon as a solution to healing, the clear dependency does not assist the person in
person walks in. There would be little distractions, magazines and loud any way. The more that the person looks to someone for outside help,
television would be out of the question. If films were to be shown at any assistance will be temporary. In the long term, the body can only
all, they would already bring people into self-recognition and vibratory weaken. For healing to happen, our inner vibration, what the Chinese
awareness. call Yin, must be raised. And this only happens when the internal
energy sources are activated and tapped more fully.
The integrative healing centre is like a mirror. It allows any patient
to come into deeper observation. Self-reflection happens only when a In my own practice, I have had to invest much in the way of conscious
person is able to trust both the external and the internal environment. language, a way of re-framing mental and emotional structures away
In the ideal space, the doctor will gently guide the patient into trusting from fear-based identification towards a gentle openness - an almost
the self, transferring whatever power is being projected onto the doctor, intuitive mind-set where insights are harvested and where self-reflective
back to the patient. All the nurses, staff, clerks would radiate their own diagnosis can then come about.
sense o wholeness. The food for stay-ins would be alive and enzyme-rich,
they would be low-calorie and nutrient-dense. If a person is going to release the trapped tension he or she is holding
in any way, it will happen only if the body has begun to trust itself,
The process of detaching from pain would be given utmost care as the enough for deeper awareness to come into its recognition of itself
individual is asked to enter into a more expanded space that shifts the as much larger than our contracted limitations might have led us to
body into its natural vibratory state. Here, the person is asked to be believe.
reminded in many ways of how the human body is amazing. That it has
the innate and independent capacity to heal itself. When the release of tension happens gradually, the person is already
beginning to re-frame the mind and the body simultaneously. A union
People would be reminded that according to science, the physical matter takes place when there was once a disconnection between mind, body
of the body comprises less than one percent. And that if you were to and the energy centers of consciousness. There is an almost solidly-felt
look at it using a powerful microscope, that the distance between one sensation of many changes coming into the breath, the musculature, the
molecule from the other, is almost the same distance ratio between the glands, our digestion, heart rate; there are many physical symptoms of
Earth is from the Sun. an energy shift.

Now, by this time, the externalized doctor will have disappeared. Those by residents is uncooked and grown locally. It is the unlikeliest hospital.
who are able to cut dependency towards any medical authority slowly All structures are made of wood wrapped in mudhouse materials, and
enter the place of deep feeling and self-trust. They experience an they are mostly open staring into the beautiful view of the mountain
expansion of brain wave interactions, decreasing from the busy beta across. Right now, one of our guests is an American woman diagnosed
brain waves, to the focused alpha, slowing down to relaxed theta or with stage 4 cancer who has been living mostly on just coconuts in the
even the meditative delta where the magic of healing mostly happens. last three weeks. All the pain disappeared in the first days and the lines
In the most relaxed states, the brain sends signals to the endocrine on her face have all but vanished, her eyes cleared of the visible grey fog
glands, which excrete hormones that help govern the heart, the lungs, present when she first arrived. She has taken no medicine or radiation
our bladder and intestines. Our nerve cells are able to send a greater therapy. If she is like many others who’ve surrendered their healing
deal of neurotransmitters through our synapses, which re-establishes to their self-trust, she will be diagnosed cancer-free when she passes
the electrical pathways in which our body’s many cellular functions through Cebu City on the way back to the US in a few week’s time.
communicate with each other.
In every similar case of healing we have witnessed, the sickness leaves
After which, everything else will follow. People begin to breathe the body when people stop resisting. It is something we just take for
properly, oxygenating themselves down to the cellular level. In this granted as truth. For this reason, I myself seldom agree to work on
state, I’ve seen people’s irregular digestive systems come back to processes where resistance and fear in the person and the surrounding
normal. I’ve watched people with back problems start doing full twists community is strong and the person is unwilling to surrender to
and bends. acceptance, flow and any self-healing process, the proper conditions for
a healing to take place.
The first markedly-striking spontaneous healing I witnessed was a
woman with Glaucoma who shared after an hour-long group session To heal the body in its truest nature – as an energy field – we will
I facilitated in Tagaytay. When she spoke, it took me a while to have to perceive it as such, as energy. The energy field isn’t static, it
understand that her vision had cleared, which has stayed clear years is a dynamic and fluid process, one that is inter-connected with the
after that day. It was because I didn’t know that she had an acute eye digestive, the circulatory, the respiratory, the nervous, the urinary, the
problem in the first place. There is no medical cure for Glaucoma, but musculature, the endocrine systems which all act as physical mirrors of
just the release of a childhood sexually related trauma in her was able what is initiated in our vibratory state.
to facilitate a complete healing without costs, without medicine and
without external help. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what the physical diagnosis
is. In a relaxed state, I do very little, in fact. The openness of people
In the many years following that experience, there were numerous is more than enough to let them catch up with their breath, paving a
releases of so many varied sicknesses that I cannot list them anymore in wide-open space for self-reflection. Here, trust fills the empty vacuum
my mind. formerly pervaded by worry. In its wake, a deeper joy and fulfilment
flows through, and eventually, healing on every level that self-fulfils it.
In our solar-powered eco-village in Palawan province, the food consumed

5 | Bottom-line Medicine

To go with the two bottom-line roots of illness, there corresponds two

bottom-line solutions to curing them: Purgation and Nourishment.

For this chapter, we will devote our attention to Purgation, leaving

Nourishment for the next, which could in fact be a whole book

Purgation is the direct solution to the root problem called toxicity.

Though it sounds basic, it is essential that we simplify a compounded
problem to clear a pathway to the most fundamental yet powerful
wisdom. The goal of purgation is to access the inner power that exists
inside of us. Toxicity hampers our ability to metabolize and physically
evolve when we instead relegate our life force towards digesting toxicity.
The more we are overwhelmed with handling toxins, we age, degenerate
and succumb to disease.

To purge toxins and anything else unnecessary we take into the body,
there are just a few basic elements to physical toxicity we need to
know as a guide for anyone doing self-purgation. To purge is to cease

the intake, at least for a time, of toxins. This gives the body a chance in it, the vitamins and nutrients that were in it. What is left is
to catch up. But first, we have to come to an understanding of what to mostly food waste that our long digestive has to get rid of, but
purge. Here are various helpful elements of purgation that might help before we flush all of this down the toilet, decaying inorganic
hold you through the cleansing process. matter is slowly stored in our 20-foot long intestines, where we
absorb the toxins found in the food. Some of this carcinogenic
1.) Acidity. Diseases thrive in high acid levels in the gastro- sludge seeps through our protective mucoid plaque, entering our
intestinal tract which directly affects our entire circulatory system, blood stream, to travel and toxify any part our bodies later prone
all of which then affects the organs including the largest and most disease.
visible one in our body, the skin.
3.) Enzymes. The best food medicines are enzyme-rich. Enzymes
The more acidic we become, the sicker we feel. It gets to the point are the life force of all living things. Without them, any living
that our skin emits odour and an oily sheen. thing would wither and die. We either digest or metabolize using
our own enzymes and when we cook food, the enzymes die. The
The most acid-forming foods are things like red meat, alcoholic question then is, in a steak, a grilled eggplant, a hamburger, a fillet
beverages, instant coffee, junk food, soft drinks, ultra sweet foods, mignon, a crème brulet or a piece of cake, without the water or the
anything heavily processed, oily and deep-fried. Microwaved foods enzymes in it, what is left, really? Difficult as it is to figuratively
are especially acid-forming, as it destroys food and beverages to swallow, some of the most advanced nutritionists say the food
the point that our body’s DNA cannot assimilate with the mutated once it has been removed of its basic nutritional elements, cannot
molecular bonds in microwaved nourishment, creating chemical be assimilated by the body. Devoid of its life force, we grow old
configurations that are virtually unknown to science. And yet, from having to deal with so much digestive tasks. Without our
microwave ovens are in almost all middle class households in most enzymatic cleansing and defense mechanisms, we age or we get
areas in the Philippines, used to heat left-overs, instant meals and sick. It is that simple.
even water.
4.) Addiction. Heavily cooked, processed or preserved foods are
2.) Water. The healthiest foods are water-rich foods. These are addictive. This is why we are unable to simply heal. Despite what
nutrition sources that still have their water in them. Nutrients and we inherently know about eating healthily, we are unable to just
vitamins in their natural form are kept in live stasis in the water change our food choices.
we find in a tomato, a watermelon, a cucumber. Most of these
fresh foods are at least 90 to 98% water. Something like lettuce is When we order food in a restaurant, we seldom ask what amounts of
actually 98% water while a tomato or carrot is around 96% nutrient- nutrients or poisons might be in a chicken barbeque or lechon de leche.
dense water. We simply order what we feel, emotionally or out of habit.

Thus, when we cook the food, when we grill, fry, broil or microwave When you are hungry just an hour after a heavy meal, it is the addiction
a water-rich food, the first thing that goes away is the water. And at work. Anyone who has ever been on a diet would empathize with the

notion that food tastes and preferences are embedded in us, making ingesting inconceivable loads of sugar.
us crave for certain things. Salt, sugar, MSG, hormones, aspartame,
complex fat, carbohydrates, caffeine and alcohol excite us in different We eat also when we are bored, worried or are in any other stressful
ways. It affects our heart rate, our breathing, our insulin flow, our situation that triggers hunger pangs. We are filling an emotional hunger
hormones and most especially our brain states. with physical and often toxic food. Emotional foods are called comfort
foods. They are the things we ate when we were young. When we felt
They make us feel good even as they have adverse effects on the liver, warmth with a generous heaping of spam, fried eggs, bacon, instant
the pancreas, the spleen, our blood vessels. noodles, fried chicken, fries, a cheeseburger, food becomes associated
with happy or stressful memories. They become coping mechanisms,
The excitement is addictive and like any addiction for most people, this gastronomic safety nets or security blankets that later mature to other
attachment to food begins at a young age as soon as we begin to eat acquired tastes, now unconsciously strengthened and made more
sugary donuts, red meat, breakfast cereals, processed dairy, instant difficult to change.
coffee, french fries, salted fish, eggs and for Filipinos, especially highly
processed white rice. Just looking at that last example, a cup of white When we sate this emotional sense of lack, the hunger goes
rice contains as much as ten spoons of sugar. away. When you are alone at home, at peace, do you notice that
you sometimes cannot be bothered with eating? You are in fact,
The baby’s diet alone deserves so much attention. Have you looked at spontaneously fasting and cleansing your body because your mind is
the ingredient list of powdered milk formula? How about baby food? We quieter.
are stuffing expensive processed baby food into defenceless children,
which are contained in glass bottles with a small picture of the fruit or Thus, to be at peace is the best cleansing mechanism. The deepest
vegetable it is supposed to contain. If a food can be placed on a shelf peace heals addictions. To bring your mind at ease, is to settle
for three years and doesn’t go bad, it isn’t food. Why can’t we get a meditatively in the body. Like the chicken and egg theory, where we
banana which costs only a peso, mash it with a fork and feed that to do not know what came first, to detox the body, you need to detox
the baby? the mind. And vice versa. The next time you feel toxic, try a coconut
diet whilst taking more walks in the park, cleaning your room, ridding
People beginning to awaken to food as both the cause for disease and yourself of everything in your life that does not contribute to healing.
the possible cure, ask, what is the best way to detoxify and to purge Cleanse everything. That is what sickness is telling us. We need to
toxicity? The unexpected answer is as simple as, “to relax.” detoxify every aspect of ourselves that brings tension into our lives.

Have you noticed that when you get tired, you get hungry? In this state,
you are looking for the heaviest foods, even. You want to achieve this
feeling of fullness. Some Filipinos eat as much as three and even five
cups of rice per meal when overworked or in a depressive state. Devoid
of nutrients, devouring so much polished white rice is tantamount to

6 | Nourishment

What is true nourishment?

What does it mean to nourish the body, the mind and our soul?

The etymological root of the word nourish, comes from the old 13th
century French word, “noriss,” which means to bring up a child, or
nurture a deep sense of feeling.

Without nourishment, the human body ages quickly. Like a plant,

it wilts. If a child is neglected, abused and left unloved, they will
experience the effects of this neglect until old age. They will feel
undernourished on many levels.

As with toxicity, deficiency, purgation, we understand by now that

nourishment happens on all the levels.

To nourish the body, we are asked to intake foods coming from the most
symbiotic organisms suitable for humans. These are plants.

Plants feed us. They are our perfect symbionts. They provide food in
the form of fruits and in return, we must take the seeds from the fruits
and use our hands to place them into the soil like no other animals can
do so that life continuous to propagate. Quite synonymous to our role

in the Garden of Eden where the first humans were entrusted the task The leaves are the stuff on earth that are able to synthesize light
of symbiotic gardener, more than anything. photons into powerful plant nutrition, called phytochemicals. The leaves
and the plant’s fruits are then eaten sometimes by us, sometimes by
Plant life is intelligent. In the movie, The Secret Life of Plants, scientists other animals, which we then capture, kill, cook and eat.
proved that plants respond to positive or negative human thoughts and
emotions, and in a way, they have the power to heal. We sometimes At the end of the day, no matter how far down the rung, we are eating
think they are food factories or a source for wood. the sun. Nourishment on the basis of frequency is higher, the nearer we
are to the origins of energy. When plants absorb the sun’s energy, they
Plants speak to us. They change colors when they are telling us the are only able to assimilate at least 1%, at most, 10%. When animals
ripened fruit they are providing are at their most nourishing. The eat a plant, it is the same thing. They are only able to absorb 1 to
symbiosis is endless and beautiful. Plant nutrition is the best source 10% of the available stored sunlight in the leaves and fruits, reducing
of nourishment without having to hurt or kill anything. Plant food in the absorption of light to .1 to 1%. If we ate a cow, we would then
its natural state brings the market, the factory, the grocery store and absorb 1 to 10% of the stored sunlight in it, which might be as little as
the transport system right where it grows. If we learned to interact 1% of 1% of 1% of the original energy of the sun. The farther down the
with productive fruit-bearing plants, we would be supplied with ample rung of light, the more dense sunlight becomes, particularly the more
amounts of grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables and herbs. We might even processed, cooked and expensive.
grow them in the backyard or our windowsills, however urban our
lifestyle might be. We place so much emphasis on eating. We get so worried about missing
a meal, feeling deprived when we feel weak upon fasting. Why is it that
Since the 1930’s, scientists and nutritionists have looked at the some people go on a month-long dry fast without experiencing sickness,
nourishment from plant food. The science is there for anyone who nor weakness. There is much more food on earth than we think. It just
wishes to understand how some powerful athletes (wrestlers, isn’t always what we buy in a store. The best healing foods are light,
triathletes, boxers, basketball players) live on mostly raw, plant-based air, fresh water, space and love. These cost nothing and act as sources
food, testifying how they gained more strength and stamina once they of nutrition, medicine, spirit and over-all vitality.
switched from a previous animal-based cooked food diet.

The facts are readily available on how many people with diseases were
healed through simplicity and nature’s nourishment.

There are numerous ways of understanding nutrition, but one of the

easiest is by looking at the ladder of nourishment. These hierarchical
steps are determined by how easily we can access the primary source of
energy on the planet – sunlight.

7 | The Conditions for Healing

In my energy healing work, I’ve witnessed many chronic conditions

healed in a matter of weeks, days and even minutes. In a world that
believes successful healing necessitates great amounts of expenditure
and time, I beg to differ. I’ve seen simplicity heal things chemical
complexity and multifarious machines could not.

In this chapter, let us look at the conditions on how the simplest forms
of healing do happen. Mainly, let’s look at the principles by which some
people are able to heal whilst others do not, irrelevant of how much
money, medicine and expensive operations they can afford.

In Energy Consciousness, our body is the storage mechanism, a big

receptor and storehouse for all the vibratory beliefs we hold onto.
Basically, we are everything we have ever experienced, perceived, created
and chosen. In common parlance, the storage system is called memory,
which has dimensions on the personal, the cultural and the universal.

Science has been studying the mysteries of human memory and the
findings are astounding. We are coming into the wisdom that the body
is holographic on an astonishing degree. There are findings of our ability
to store even the most minute details of everything we experience,
and this incredible holographic memory ultimately forms personality,

influencing speech patterns and our body functions; it motivates all of dynamic life force that has the innate capacity to self-heal, the body
our decision-making, our systems of interpretation and the workings of is mapped out as a unified system, perceived in multiple dimensions
the DNA. and at times, even in mysterious non-linear perspective. In this way, a
physical ailment is respected and observed more fully in its wholeness.
Our knowledge of the way in which we store information establishes how Upon diagnosis, the patient would not be made to fear the sickness, but
we ourselves create the internal conditions where healing can happen. would rather take it as a good opportunity to go inwards into a deep
This chapter begs the question, “what are the proper conditions for and genuine transformation process.
healing?” If we were to answer this purely in areas of methodology, the
possible answers to this cannot be contained in a chapter, a book or A handful of integrative doctors and healers around the world have
even a whole encyclopaedia. Body medicine, psychology, spirituality, been mapping these two systems of perceiving the human being, which
nutrition would present countless applications that can bring people can only give birth to a greater understanding of ourselves as both a
back to vitality, much similar to how Doc earlier described the way in physical machine and an expansive consciousness that influences it.
which Medicine segregates into so many Specializations and Categories.

Based on energy principle, though, the answer is only two-fold. No Integrative Pharmacology
matter the methodology, there exist two energy streams that determine As a young and innocent student in the University of the Philippines’
and even govern the long-term effects of the myriad of medical and College of Medicine, one of my favourite subjects was pharmacology.
healing methods. They influence whether our bodies vibrate fully into Here, I learned the hundreds of pharmaceutical drugs from the
health or succumb to disease: voluminous textbooks in pharmacology available out there. I was
stuffing my brain to learn as much as I could about indicators of illness,
The Two Energy Streams the corresponding pharmaceutical solutions, and what possible side
1.) The Separative Stream effects they might have on a patient.
When we perceive the body merely as a machine-like structure, as
a rigid, material and reduced object, the body becomes a separative Ironically, the subject of pharmacology was actually where I got my
system, perceived in a linear and deterministic perspective. If this were highest grades in medical school. I had an aptitude for memorizing a
true, a person with any physical ailment can waltz into a hospital, be drug’s generic name, which I would repeat continuously in my head
diagnosed through the assessment of physical symptoms, can be treated to make sure that I will be well-prepared for when I was practicing
with a simple operation, radiation or chemicals and the problem is professionally.
solved, the patient goes home and everyone is happy.
In most drug advertising, the fine print might say the words, “if
We all know that this is not always the case. symptoms persist, consult your doctor.” I am the kind of doctor who
might tell you, “if symptoms do persist, better that you consult the
2.) The Unitive Stream source of your illness.”
When we perceive the body as an energetic system, an amazing and
If anyone does persist in consulting me only on the basis of removing

symptoms after medicine intake, my options are few.

Now if you came to me because of hyperacidity, if I was concerned only
In the past, I might ask you to take more of the same drug, switch to about your symptoms, I might tell you to go for an endoscopy and to
another brand or go through a battery of tests to find out if there exists take about two kinds of antacids.
a better set of chemicals that can stop the symptoms that are bothering
you. If instead, I was concerned more about the root causes of hyperacidity,
then I will write in my prescription pad the following:
Were I to involve myself in treating your symptom, I would only be 1.) To alkalinize your body, I would ask you to drink pure calamansi
focused on getting rid of a fever, a cough, a pain, a swelling, a tumour (the local lime) daily.
or a migraine. If symptoms stopped, would we then consider that you 2.) To self-nourish, you would take in a combined set of fruits and
were healed already? vegetables, sometimes eaten, sometimes blended as a smoothie.
3.) You would strictly avoid softdrinks, junk foods, all processed
It doesn’t matter as much to me anymore what your symptoms might foods, coffee and red meat.
be, beyond acting as the indicator. Symptoms should never be the main 4.) You would drink two litres of water a day.
point of discussion, as it often used to be. The bigger question is, what 5.) You would exercise regularly.
is the deepest root of your illness? 6.) You would smile more often.
7.) I would then ask you to enter into a process of forgiveness.
For those who aren’t familiar with my work, you are probably itching to
ask, “what then do you prescribe, Doc?” Some of you might probably be asking, “wait a minute. Doc just gave
almost the same prescription for two different illnesses. That’s strange.”
Let me tell you what I might do.
Often enough, patients would come back to the clinic, not having
Now, if you had hypertension, here’s what I might write in my looked at the prescription prior to leaving the clinic. They would have a
prescription pad: puzzled look on their face. They might say something like, “Doc, I was
1.) To alkalinize your body, I would ask you to drink pure calamansi looking at the prescription you gave me, and there’s nothing here that I
(the local lime) daily. can buy at the pharmacy. I want to spend money on something, could
2.) To self-nourish, you would take in a combined set of fruits and you advise me on an actual medicine that I can buy?”
vegetables, sometimes eaten, sometimes blended as a smoothie.
3.) You would strictly abstain from eating soft drinks, coffee, white Our value systems are entirely linked with money. To just buy healing is
sugar and red meat. the big shortcut that doesn’t work. It bypasses the empowering nature
4.) You would drink two litres of water a day. that healing needs for it to happen. You can’t buy healing just as you
5.) You would exercise regularly. can’t buy your happiness, fulfilment and life meaning.
6.) You would smile more often.
7.) And you would certainly manage your stress. You can’t just expect to pay money, drink a product, have an expensive

machine bombard you with radiation waves and expect a physical insta- heal and regenerate. The benefits of these two are too many to list
fix. down.

I remember when a breast cancer patient travelled from Bohol to visit But the more essential ones are:
me in my clinic. As she tightly gripped my hands, she told me “Doc,
I have undergone surgery and was advised to undergo six cycles of If you focused only on your symptoms:
chemotherapy. I already finished one cycle, but we no longer have the effects are a quick fix and temporary.
money for the succeeding cycles. We have already sold everything - our you can end up drug-dependent on maintenance medicine.
farm lot, our cow, our carabao, our goats and our horse.” even if you heal the system, the source of the illness is left
Trying to lighten the mood, I asked her “what haven’t you sold yet?” you will depend on your doctor/ specialist.
you will give your power away .
She replied, “well, I haven’t sold my soul just yet.” you disconnect yourself from nature.
you will pay the costs with an arm and a leg.
There might be some meaning behind what she told me. But this is just
an example of my day-to-day experience with the sick and the suffering. Now, if you purged toxicity and nourished deficiency:
the effect is long-term and long-lasting.
What does this tell us? you will be drug-free. you will heal your disease from the source of
It tells us that there is a medical crisis that affects the rich and more illness.
especially those who cannot afford the skyrocketing expense of health you will replace your medicine with healthy habits.
care. you will be your own doctor.
you will get your power back.
The problem escalates in consideration of the statistics that show you will heal with the help of nature.
that there are more kinds of diseases and a greater percentage of the you will gt to keep your money which you can spend on finding
population suffering from them than ever before. And the statistics your own happiness, your own light and your service to others.
that show that there are more bypass procedures done today than
ever before. And the statistics that show that there are more dialysis Lastly, you will meet eight of the best doctors in the world on an
procedures done today than every before. And the statistics show that everyday basis. Their names are Dr. Sunshine, Dr. Exercise, Dr. Healthy
there are more chemotherapy procedures done today than ever before. Natural Food, Dr. Pure Water, Dr. Fresh Air, Dr. Fasting, Dr. Positive Human
Mind and Dr. Rest
As a doctor who advises patients to cease both their dependence on me
and the drugs I can prescribe, the actual cures I am actually giving is
called freedom and trust. You have to free yourself from dependence
and at the same time, learn to trust your own body’s capacity to self-

8 | Energy Management Principles

There are five energy management and healing principles that can help
to shift a person’s stories of separation, into the stories of connection,
the stories of unity.

They are the five C’s: “energy consumption, energy competition, energy
conservation, energy conversion and energy conversation.”

Let’s start with the first principle.

1.) Consumption
When we derive our power from external sources, we consume
energy the way a car might need gasoline in order to run. We
require a certain degree of food, money, entertainment, comfort,
belongingness, security, self-esteem and love in order to survive and

This accounts for the greater level of stress and disease we

are seeing in the world. According to the American Medical
Association, one out of every two people in America will be
diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. This tendency doesn’t just
apply to the largest economies in the world. It applies even to the
most rural areas of the Philippines which are massively consuming
cheap, mass-produced processed food laden with toxic and

addictive substances brought to even the most far-removed parts of Energy Conservation sources energy from within. This is maybe the
the population that used to have the unquestionable simplicity of best place for me to speak of my own journey to how I became a
growing their own food and healing sickness from plant medicine. healer and how I come to co-write this book now.

Realistically, in both urban and rural settings, consumption is the After leaving my corporate life in Manila, I found myself on an
norm. Rather than internalizing our energy sources in harmony intense quest around the Philippines and parts of the world to look
with nature, we have relegated nutrition, medicine and over-all for ways to come into a deeper harmony with myself, with other
wellbeing to a profit-motivated inflatable economy. In this, we humans and the planet itself.
have lost independence and access to natural energy sources,
those that cost little money and create a minimal footprint to the As I slowly let go of my addictions to processed food, and so
environment. many normative aspects of consumption, I experienced my body
strengthen. I felt an emotional and mental clarity I have never
2.) Competition experienced even in small ways in the past.
In the view that the world is material, reductionist and
deterministic, resources are limited. People’s time are heavily I was eventually to end up in a island as a hermit living on a mono-
invested in wealth creation or survival issues, which they feel diet for two years. I lived almost entirely on coconuts, and in this
affords them a sense of security, health, happiness and esteem. extended period of time, changes came over my physique and my
But in a developing overpopulated planet, resources are mind. In this freedom from digesting so much food, processing
scarce. Right now, it is found that human society has overshot so many complex human situations, or working to maintain a
sustainability levels by more than 30%. An average American convoluted lifestyle, the constant stream of information I typically
consumes as much as 88 people in Kenya. The 350 million people absorb everyday ceased for an extended period. I began to sense
in US are consuming five planets to sustain life, and as China has an inner energy start to well up from an inner source. My body
recently become the second largest economy in the world, its became stronger than it had ever felt. For the first time in my life,
people who makes up 20% of the world’s total population are set to I was happy. For the first time, I trusted everything. I slept just
follow in America’s energy consumption and competition model. a few hours a day and the rest of the time was spent exercising,
giving thanks, planting and simply reflecting the same bliss I felt
Sustainability is the capacity of a planet to support future inside.
generations and what the numbers tell us is that the earth is
currently faced with an unsustainable entropy; Were we to look at Finally, I felt only this amazing sense that everything is inter-
any future measures of the warming climate, resource depletion, connected, that everything is of one heart, and one love. God was
there is an obvious lack of social measures to curb global everything, and everything was part of the same universality. What
consumption and the unhampered competition to sell more goods. this tells us is simple. We can live on so little, and be so happy the
simpler we become.
3.) Conservation

4.) Conversion 5.) Conversation

We have everything we need in us already. Once we clear all of our When energy conversation happens, transformation comes about
systems of mental and emotional blockages, there is especially a on the deepest dimensions.
physical clearing that is supported.
The body is speaking. Its own wisdom is in a constant
In our bodies, the clearing agent takes the form of enzymes. conversation with the various layers of our consciousness. When
Enzymes are the janitors, the construction workers, the toilet self-reflection takes place, Insights are harvested and we access
cleaners of the body; they are also the doctors, the nurses, the intuitive memory, unravelling stored memory in our cortical
healers of every single organ, system and cell. networks which are holographically embedded in all of our cells’
nuclei and membranes.
Enzymes have two functions. They either digest or they metabolize.
This is when energy conversation happens. We simultaneously
When we detoxify our bodies, we aren’t just cleansing it. We are listen and speak to the parts of us that hold emotional trauma,
also halting the constant flow of digesting so much dense food that pain and fear that has coagulated into physicalized chronic disease.
taxes our life forces immensely. An average cooked meat-based I often ask people to talk to their spleens, their livers, their
meal can take as long as 45 hours to digest. ovaries, their heart depending on what ails them. In relaxed and
expanded states of perception, they are able to unlock a sickness
When we come to rest from this, our enzymes go to work. You by communicating forgiveness, compassion, and love to the stored
do not need to give instructions to this potent life force energy. memory. Unless this happens, then Dr. Romy is right in that we
Because they aren’t having to break down the toxicity found in heal only symptoms through expensive and maintenance medicine.
most processed food, the enzymes that are mostly relegated to the To heal the illness at the source, the ultimate goal isn’t even to
belly now stream to the heart, the brain, the spleen, the pancreas, take away the illness. A depressed, angry and sad mind reflects a
and almost all other organs that need to regenerate. They purge, body that is just as depressed, sad and angry. Inevitably, the whole
they heal, and they reconstruct – the natural enzymatic conversions goal of integrative healing is to fulfil a human being’s deepest
that happens every time we conserve even a small amount of these purpose and joy, leading to a joyful body.
amazing life forces we already have within us.

When I lived on the island, after around a year of mostly living on This morning, I dropped by my son’s school. It was the first time I
coconuts and air, a powerful energy in me surged from within. The intentionally looked around inside the premises to look for a corner where I
energy healed me, and I realized that I could heal other people by could sit down, read a book or simply just be present in the space.
channelling my own energy and people’s innate energy from within
us all. This was energy conversion in me that followed the long In the last years, I have been letting go of numerous responsibilities, so that
conservation I placed myself in. right now, my current schedule does not resemble the image and likeness
of the usual medical practitioner. I have purposely given up clinic work on

Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays and on the rest of the week, I sometimes
do only a half day’s work. In my free time, I do what I prescribe to my own
patients. I take barefoot walks, I spend time with trees, do talks for special
groups, I write or I read.

I have been telling my patients to write all their negative beliefs on a piece 9 | The Critical Role of Nutrition
of paper and on another, all their positive thoughts. I advise them to go into
the simple ritual of burning what fails to serve their highest good and to
keep re-reading what might bring them to deeper joy for thirty straight
days, particularly after I read that it takes 21 days to bury a belief in our
subconscious mind.
I have been in frontline medicine for many years; a frontliner is basically
In this same way, I have been making my own deep commitment to someone who talks to patients everyday. For all of the time I’ve been
practice what I am learning. Twice a week, I run seven kilometres and doing this, I have been given front row seats to observing the deep
more than that, my wife, son and I take taekwondo classes. I also go on frustrations that come from the physical suffering and the helpless
weekly dates separately with my wife and son who are beginning to share feeling that you cannot do anything about the sickness eating at your
my ever-expanding interests in anything that might bring our family more body.
Normally, any doctor is trained to keep a professional barrier between
The biggest changes in my body and my mind came about from my raw him and the patient. Despite this, I cannot help but empathize with the
food diet. I am more or less 30 to 100% raw depending on how much helpless feeling any person might undergo when faced with possible
busy I am on that day. To lessen my stress, I have delegated all business- death without being given the apt tools that empowers them in any
related activities to my staff so I no longer have to handle money matters, possible way.
which has never really been a big motivator in life, it is merely something
that naturally comes when I am involved in a project that can help my Earlier, I mentioned three attitudes I myself imbibed to discover the
work be more effective. more effective ways of performing health care. If anyone was to
discover this self-healing system on their own, they will need just
I feel lighter, and it can only improve in the coming years, because I have courage, determination and wisdom. If you yourself agree to self-heal,
learned to let go more and more each day that passes. I often think of you will personally take on the task of going to the root of the problem,
Pi’s eco-village in Palawan which I visited last year, where everything is rather than getting rid of the symptoms through the four bottom-lines of
in absolute harmony with nature. What I am interested in contributing healing: purge toxicity, nourish deficiency.
to is how to bring that level of awareness to a city-based lifestyles where
people are always looking for ways to come back to the more natural Way back in medical school, I cannot remember being told that a
ways of the world. disease such as cancer is caused by toxicity and deficiency. Nor that it

could be cured through purgation and nourishment. With the above findings, nutrition indeed plays a crucial role in our
health. However, nutrition is not the only thing that we need to take
What I was taught instead is that cancer is caused by a deranged care of as far as our health is concerned. According to Paul Braggs, an
immunity system. Some say it’s genetic. The same causality was authority in the field of health and wellness….we are what we eat, drink,
accorded many other diseases. That the disorders were embedded in breathe, think, say and do. Nothing could be more all-encompassing
our genes, a ticking time bomb which we had little power to circumvent. than that.
There was little room for the wisdom of purification that medical science
has recently begun to openly talk about in the last decades. All the Integrative Nutrition
solutions were instead, going to come from an outside and most often On Doc’s last note, everything is truly linked. The entire planet is
expensive source. a diverse ecosystem that functions as a whole. When one thing is
imbalanced, the rest of the parts are affected.
One of the most telling researches ever done is called the China Study,
probably the largest epidomiological study done on the human health. In my eco-village, in Palawan, where healers live with gardeners, yoga
It was headed by a well-respected PhD in nutrition research, Dr. Colin teachers and ecologists, we are realizing just what healing entails.
Campbell and we probably owe the startling findings of his work the Healing is everything.
attention it deserves:
There are wonderful doctors who are venturing into food as medicine,
1. “There are virtually no nutrients in animal-based foods that are often quoting Hippocrates, the father of Western Medicine, who said -
not better provided by plants.” “let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” All around the
2. “Nutrition represents the combined activities of countless food world, I’ve seen live foods replace the usual pharmaceutical products
substances. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” found in prescription pads. Dr. Paredes writes similar live food regimens
3. “Genes do not determine disease on their own. Genes function to almost any kind of ailment and has gotten consistent successful
only by being activated, or expressed, and nutrition plays a critical results, sometimes adding in for good measure, “hug a tree,” “walk
role in determining which genes, good and bad, are expressed.” barefoot,” “or experience nature.”
4. “Nutrition can substantially control the adverse effects of
noxious chemicals.” Hippocrates also said, “physician, heal thyself.” On this wisdom, I have
5. “The same nutrition that prevents disease in its early stages encountered doctors striving towards the greater integrity of their own
(before diagnosis) can also halt or reverse disease in its later bodies as a vibratory being that is alive and must come into loving and
stages (after diagnosis).” light-filled resonance. They are not just prescribing food and nature as
6. “Nutrition that is truly beneficial for one chronic disease will medicine, they are also partaking in it. They are walking their talk.
support health across the board.”
7. “Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence. Nutrition is largely where integrated medicine begins. As a practicing
When you nourish one part of your body, all the rest will come into raw foodist for almost 10 years now, it is clear to me that maintaining a
balance.” nutrient dense, raw, plant-based diet opens people up to other things.

It is one thing to eating healing foods, the healing pilgrimage extends

to growing our vegetables ourselves. We are struck with the insight that
when the soil is toxic, the same toxicity extends to our bodies. The soil
is an extension of our intestines.

In time, people sensitize to the fact that we crave for heavy foods when
we are busy, depressed, angry or in any negative state. We then realize 10 | Birthing Anew
that emotional and mental toxicity leads to even wanting toxic foods
when we already know just how destructive sugar, excitotoxins, heavy
metals, and spice-laden, fatty, irradiated, pasteurized, deep fried foods
are. This is when spiritual processes such as meditation, yoga, tai chi
become adjuncts to staving off addictive patterns.
My son’s name is Sinag. A few weeks ago, he turned three years old.
When complex emotions are mapped out alongside cravings, metabolic
and digestive issues, food production, spiritual awareness, ecological He is the living testimony of the stories that shape Transformation
impact, we get a sense of how expanded true healing lifestyles might be. Medicine. During my wife’s pregnancy, she was on a 90% raw food diet.
Her favourite food was durian and I remember many evenings where I
The process isn’t difficult; it is hardly impossible, and there isn’t as had to bike out or drive the jeep to town in order to get the spiky fruit
much effort as we might think. In a holographic inter-connected world, with a helping of bananas, mangoes, chico, marang and so many other
once you heal one of the parts, you will eventually affect all the others. things that might be her day’s cravings.
And when we release even small amounts of negativity in any part of us,
the rest will lighten up. During the three terms of pregnancy, we were consciously choosing to
become our own doctors, not just for her comfort, but for our unborn
This book scratches the surface of what medicine and life in general will child. This meant that we did not go for check-ups, and merely placed
be like, when held in light. Thank you for journeying into it. Even in the Daniw on conscious observation, in regards to deficiency and nutrition.
littlest ways, we hope that it helps you to tap into your own power,
your innate gifts and your capacity to love and light up the way for your Daniw did yoga regularly, making it a point that she took regular walks
self and many others. at the nearby beach.

We live in a simple wood hut in Puerto Prinsesa, Palawan where our

healing center, Bahay Kalipay is situated. We had no running water
at that time, H20 came from the water pump outside. This presented
challenges because our goal was to birth Sinag through an unassisted
home water birth. No doctors, nurses or midwives would be present
save for a friend who had helped her friends with a few accidental

births. And as our water came from a manual old-style pump, we could is lying down. Most indigenous cultures did it while squatting, which
only fill up the large pool by carrying heavy buckets of water from the is less painful, less dangerous and gives the mother more control to
garden into the house. position her body in harmony with how the baby might choose to exit
the womb.
We researched the Internet for prior water birth experiences people had
all over the world. The only expenses on our list was to buy a large Second, babies don’t breathe through the nose and mouth whilst in the
enough inflatable pool in Toy Kingdom, some water heaters, surgical womb. They breathe through the placenta. Encased in amniotic fluid,
scissors (to cut the umbilical cord), and a plastic clamp to be fixed at the baby exiting into warm water gives it a more familiar environment
the base of the cord so that the belly button could dry out eventually. to enter into the world as it exits its previous warm watery environs.

As antiseptics, we used warm water with boiled guava leaves. The pool In relation to home water birth, the most powerful antiseptic that
went inside our small bedroom and we literally had to move out most protects the baby from bacteria was provided by nature already. It’s
of the furniture as the pool took up most of the whole room with a little the amniotic fluid in the birth sac. Instead of using soap or antiseptics
space left for the bed. bought in a drugstore, we simply rubbed the amniotic fluid still clinging
onto Sinag in his first hours, whom we later bathed in water boiled
My own idea was to treat the inevitable moment exactly as I would with guava leaves. We didn’t use soap on him for more than a month
any healing session. Because Daniw is a practiced healer, having gone because there was no need. He never had rashes.
through deep personal healings herself, it wasn’t too hard to create the
right environment that would allow her to self-deliver her own son. Lastly, the largest reason why we wished to take control of our baby’s
birthing conditions is in relation to delayed cord cutting. The nutrients,
The water birth process is one of the most empowering experiences one the water, air, almost everything the baby needs is coursed through the
could have in modern society. It is so tempting to relegate the task to umbilical cord, coming from the placenta. When the cord is cut right
the white walls, the able doctor’s team, machines and anaesthesia of a after the birthing, the baby is cut off from the remaining nutrients it
delivery room. needs before it adjusts to breastmilk. The best practice for this is to
wait for 20 minutes or until the cord has stopped throbbing and has
We would never have succeeded without one major ingredient that did hardened, before we can cut it. Some studies show that people later
bring us the healthiest baby we have ever seen. It is Trust. We had to develop health problems and eating disorders if the cord is hurriedly cut
trust everything, leaving no space for doubt. We questioned nothing right away, which is common hospital practice.
and the whole community we lived with supported us. We had friends
that expressed their scepticism. They didn’t get the point of birthing a Holding a video camera throughout the process, my only real
baby in a quiet surrounding, amidst nature, in warm water and in trust. contribution to the birthing was to cut the cord and later bury Sinag’s
placenta in our eco-village an hour from Bahay Kalipay. Daniw did most
For those unfamiliar with water birthing, there are various reasons for of the work, and the labour time was only around ten minutes. It was
doing so. Firstly, probably the most unnatural position to deliver a baby virtually painless. She described the experience as if it felt like warm air

was exiting her body – a vastly different description of how we see the
long and arduous birthing process happen in movies.

As Sinag grew up on a raw food diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts,

green leaves, grains and super food supplements like spirulina and
wheatgrass, we witnessed a baby that grew up without the succession
of illnesses deemed normal for a human child. He talked early and was 11 | Your House is your Hospital
using a complex set of words in two languages before many children
were speaking mama and dada. His first word was “buko,” tagalog
for coconut. He seldom cried as an infant and his sleeping habits were
entirely patterned after his parents’.

He is old enough for us to know he is not a fluke of nature. He has been

to the doctor once only, just to take a blood sample. He was brought up Here are some helpful information that could assist you in bringing the
by an international set of yoga teachers, healers, gardeners, ecologists. hospital to your home. If we are to truly empower you, we would have
His maturity and intelligence used to greatly impress his parents, his to empower your entire household too, one family member and one
grandmother, and our whole community but everyone has gotten used family function at a time.
to what a raw water baby might be like.
1. Clean up your house. In the spirit of energy conservation, rid
Without an environment of effort, cost or worry, Sinag came into the yourself of anything that would distract you from your goals. If
embodiment of Transformation Medicine. His birthing process was you feel you are addicted to television and are unable to watch
exactly how we treat cancer and any other gargantuan problem brought anything useful anyway, cut your cable TV subscription to the bare
our way. With simplicity, trust and a great heap of courage. essentials.

2. Arm yourself with the right knowledge. Create a library in your

space devoted to your continuing studies in everything to do with
healing your body, your relationships and the earth itself.

3. Plant an herb and vegetable garden, especially those with

medicinal and nutritional qualities. Work directly with the soil,
letting your bare hands get in touch with the earth.

4. Create a quiet area where you can read, meditate, stretch, lay
down and just be at peace.

5. Buy the right tools. For your kitchen, you might need a good 10. Invest in a simple but good sound system. Sound has the
blender, a dehydrator, a food processor and a few other things power to bring you into relaxed and expanded states, which
that will help you manage your raw food diet. See this as an puts your mind and body at ease. There’s plenty of music that
alternative to medicine. What you save in the long run, you may allows people to go inwards. Create playlists for your portable
as well invest in your health as the benefits are too many. Many music player that bring you into states of vitality, meditation,
households we know need to have at least one bolo knife for concentration, and joy, helping you to access energy conservation,
chopping coconuts, which ought to be one of the most staple conversion and conversation at all times.
foods in your house.
11. Paint. Sculpt. Art is a process that activates your right brain,
6. Shop for your best suppliers. Preferably ones near your home, and which contains your potency to visualize and to re-create the way
possibly organic. You will need to find out which produce is grown a child would.
locally as it is better for your health and the planet’s if the food
sources are nearer you. 12. Dance. Release your inhibitions by moving your body in
rhythm. To dance is to rid yourself of fear, judgment and physical
7. Simplify. Find small ways and means to reduce the house’s trappings. It helps in the release of endorphins and hormones vital
dependency on fossil fuels. It is not enough to detox the body to the governing of the body through the endocrine system.
from toxicity. We have to go on carbon emission fasting too,
which is good for our wallet, our health, emotional clarity and the 13. Consider attending workshops in yoga, meditation, healing,
environment all at the same time. dance, art and anything that might deepen your understanding of
body, mind, energy and heightened consciousness.
8. Plan out a walking or jogging route in your neighbourhood for
when you are able to find the energy to do this. You can also 14. Perform a voluntary service that is good for others, either as
consider buying a road or mountain bike. Find good bike routes part of an organization or just as a randomly good Samaritan,
that are meditative and brings you into regular insightful bike particularly for people you do not like.
15. Look for health-conscious communities you resonate with.
9. Compost your biodegradable waste and place the soil in your If there are support groups that practice raw food in your
garden. You can either learn to make compost heaps you can neighbourhood, these are good avenues where you can share
turn once in a while, or keep a worm farm. Many people have recipes, organize potlucks or just support and be supported in
misconceptions that composts smell bad. This isn’t true. If you simple ways. If such groups are non-existent, start your own.
did it properly, composts smell earthy, like mushrooms. You just
have to make sure it is moist, not soggy and that it has the right 16. Travel when you can. Get away from normal things, explore
balance of nitrogen and carbon sources. different worlds. Connect with nature. Commune with plants, sit
on the grass and just be at peace.

17. Spend time with children, play with animals and just spend time
running around outside. The important thing is that you are not
stuck in your head somewhere in the dark.

18.Keep Journals. Write your Stories of Connection, Stories of the Shift

and Stories of Unity. 12 | Signing the Contract of Change
19. Supply yourself with Virgin Coconut Oil. When you wake up in
the morning , practice oil pulling, which is to swish two spoons
of VCO in your mouth for ten to twenty minutes to pull out the
bacteria that normally goes into you when you swallow your first
meal. Brushing your teeth isn’t enough to purge you of this. When As we bring this book to a close, we circle back to where we started. If
you spit the oil, you will notice that the oil has turned white. This the first chapter was about the search for truth, we end this with how
is the bacteria it has pulled. Try to spit this out in your compost to live that truth. For those who hear and learn about the principles
where bacteria is beneficial for breaking down your wastes. regarding Transformation Medicine, the next question arises. What
next? How do we further the empowerment process that begins with
20. Walk barefoot on uneven ground, letting the surface press on purgation, nourishment and emotional healing?
your acupuncture points.
Change happens on many levels. You cannot just focus on changing
how your body feels. You can change your health in so many ways.

This last chapter will talk about your Contract of Change. In the world
of traditional medicine, this might be the ultimate replacement to the
prescription process. The contract of change is the prescription pad one
gives to oneself, as a deep commitment to purge and nourish and to
consciously transform on all the levels.

The contract will have two parts.

On one part, it will list down destructive behaviours, negative thought

patterns, dependencies and all other aspects of your life that create
stress that bring physical and emotional dis-ease.

These are also the things in your life that cost you too much money,

time, effort, pain, emotional investment that do not really bring

fulfilment and a meaningful existence. After you read this book, I advise you to slow everything down. To slow
down your train of thinking. To step away from the busyness, visit the
On the other part, the contract will contain the constructive behaviours, park, take a trip to the beach or go off on a vacation.
belief systems and all other aspects of your life that can empower you,
bring you physical vitality, emotional clarity, joy and a lasting fulfilment. The next time you order food, do it so slowly that you allow your heart
to make decisions for you. Your heart knows what is good for your
In some ways, the contract is an emotional, spiritual and physical body. Allow it to catch up as you surrender to the power of the moment.
accounting system, a highly practical system for bringing more
consciousness to your everyday life. Slow down your anger as well as your hunger. Slow down your worries
as well as your quick-fix tendency to just pop a pill in your mouth.
Take daily care to review your ever-changing contract of change, as you
This book has outlined how you can change what you eat. And how you discover more and more aspects of yourself you never noticed because
decide to eat it. of your pre-occupation on your body’s discomfort.

This book has outlined what you need to let go of. And what you have Expand everything that has contracted. Enlarge everything that has
to replace the toxic poisons and emotions you used to harbour. become small. Transcend all physical limitations through the unlimited
imagination. Free your fears and be like a child again. All these, we
This book has outlined how our beliefs influence what our body know. All these, are obvious medicine.
experiences. And how mental attitudes like courage, trust, determination
and a deeper wisdom will be those that give us our power back. Believe in yourself again. Trust the inter-connectedness that has brought
you to this. If everything happens for a reason, then this is the perfect
It is now your turn to come up with your personal strategy for opportunity to make better what has been hurting you for so long. If
transformation. One of the most important tools you might have for there was one perfect moment for you to transform the world from
this is a journal, an empty notebook that becomes your mirror for within you, it is always this moment. It will never be tomorrow or the
coming into self-observation. next hour. It can only be now.

An effective journal is where you choose to look at yourself. To really In love, light and healing
really look at yourself. It’s where your daily diagnosis for healing starts
with your honest review of your day. But deeper than that, this is where Doc Romy and Pi
you speak to your body, your mind, your ego, your limitations and your
frustrations. This is where you bring the pained parts into recognition
of itself, and in doing so, allowing the deeper wounds to be released in
your own flow, in quiet and heart-based space.

About the authors

Romy Paredes, M.D., finished his BS Pi Villaraza left the corporate

Chemistry in UP Dilliman and his world of advertising and
medical degree at the UP College of marketing to undertake a vision
Medicine and UP-PGH Medical Center. He quest around the Philippines
is the founder of Wellnessland Health where he walked around
Institute, a leader in the field of natural Mindanao without money for one
and complementary health care and year, ending up as a hermit in a
education. deserted beach in an island in
Northern Palawan. In this place
He has authored 2 books, Integrative called Kalipay Beach, he came
Medicine (bridging conventional and alternative medicine) and Health into his personal healing eating mostly just coconuts, which led to his
Made Incredibly Simple, the latter publsiched by Shepherd's voice discovery of a powerful vibration that awoke within him.
In the years after this, he has brought the healing energy to more than
His integrative medical work is based in Cebu City, Philippines where ten thousand people from over 40 nationalities, founding a successful
he resides with his wife, Dr. Mila, and thier son, Michael. (visit www. international detox centre in Puerto Princesa and an international
welnessland-ph.com for inquiries) healing eco-village in Bacungan, Palawan. His work has been reported
in media in Europe, America and all over Asia, where he extensively
travels to give advanced energy awareness trainings and to assist in the
formation of healing centres in some large cities around Asia.

He has extensively worked with medical practitioners, schools,

government and NGO agencies, corporations and many institutions
around the world, not just in healing but also in progressive
education, deep ecology, raw food nutrition, organic food production,
community development and sustainable architecture. He is an active
environmentalist and is the former Philippine ambassador for the Global
Eco-Village Network. His well-received book Conscious Trance is available
in bookstores around the Philippines.
WHAT HAPPENS when a successful integrative doctor and an experienced energy healer
come together? Transformation Medicine happens.

Romy Paredes, M.D. finished his BS Chemistry in UP

Dilliman and his medical degree at the UP College of
Medicine and UP-PGH Medicalby Center. He is the founder
of Wellnessland Health Institute, a leader in the field of
natural and complementary health care and education.
He has authored 2 books, Integrative Medicine (bridging
conventional and alternative medicine) and Health Made Incredibly Simple, the latter
published by Shephard's Voice Publications. His integrative medical work is based in
Cebu City, Philippines where he resides with his wife, Dr. Mila, and thier son, Michael.

Pi Villaraza left the corporate world of advertising and

marketing to undertake a vision quest around the
Philippines where he walked around Mindanao without
money for one year, ending up as a hermit in a deserted
beach in an island in Northern Palawan. In this place
called Kalipay Beach, he came into his personal healing
eating mostly just coconuts, which led to his discovery of a powerful vibration that
awoke within him.
In the years after this, he has brought the healing energy to more than ten thousand
people from over 40 nationalities, founding a successful international detox centre in
Puerto Princesa and an international healing eco-village in Bacungan, Palawan. His work
has been reported in media in Europe, America and all over Asia, where he extensively
travels to give advanced energy awareness trainings and to assist in the formation of
healing centres in some large cities around Asia.
He has extensively worked with medical practitioners, schools, government and NGO
agencies, corporations and many institutions around the world, not just in healing but
also in progressive education, deep ecology, raw food nutrition, organic food production,
community development and sustainable architecture. He is an active environmentalist
and is the former Philippine ambassador for the Global Eco-Village Network. His well-
received book Conscious Trance is available in bookstores around the Philippines.

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