D 4716 - 02 - Rdq3mtytukve

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This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what

changes have been made to the previous version. Because

it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.

Designation: D 4716 – 023

Test Method for

Determining the (In-plane) Flow Rate per Unit Width and
Hydraulic Transmissivity of a Geosynthetic Using a
Constant Head1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4716; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers the procedure for determining the flow rate per unit width within the manufactured plane of
geosynthetics under varying normal compressive stresses and a constant head. The test is intended primarily as an index test but
can be used also as a performance test when the hydraulic gradients and specimen contact surfaces are selected by the user to model
anticipated field conditions.
1.2 This test method is limited to geosynthetics that allow continuous in-plane flow paths to occur parallel to the intended
direction of flow.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values stated in parentheses are provided for information
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
limitations prior to use.

This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D35.03 on Hydraulic Properties.
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 20023. Published January December 2003. Originally approved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as D 4716 – 012.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 4716 – 023
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
D 4354 Practice for Sampling of Geosynthetics for Testing
D 4439 Terminology for Geosynthetics
D 4491 Test Methods for Water Permeability of Geotextiles by Permittivity
D 6574 Test Method for Determining the In-Plane Hydraulic Transmissivity of a Geosynthetic by Radial Flow
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 geocomposite, n—a product fabricated from any combination of geosynthetics with geotechnical materials or other
synthetics which is used in a geotechnical application. (D 4439)
3.1.2 geonet, n—a geosynthetic consisting of integrally connected parallel sets of ribs overlying similar sets at various angles
for planar drainage of liquids or gases. (D 4439)
3.1.3 geosynthetic, n—a planar product manufactured from polymeric material used with soil, rock, earth, or other geotechnical
engineering related material as an integral part of a man-made project, structure, or system. (D 4439)
3.1.4 geotechnics, n—the application of scientific methods and engineering principals to the acquisition, interpretation, and use
of knowledge of material of the earth’s crust to the solution of engineering problems. Discussion—Geotechnics embraces the fields of soil mechanics, rock mechanics, and many of the engineering aspects
of geology, geophysics, hydrology, and related sciences. (D 4439)
3.1.5 geotextile, n—a permeable geosynthetic comprised solely of textiles. (D 4439)
3.1.6 gravity flow, n—flow in a direction parallel to the plane of a geosynthetic driven predominantly by a difference in elevation
between the inlet and outflow points of a specimen. Discussion—The pressure at the outflow is considered to be atmospheric. (D 4439)
3.1.7 head (static), n—the height above a standard datum of the surface of a column of water (or other liquid) that can be
supported by a static pressure at a given point. The static head is the sum of the elevation head and the pressure head.
(D 5092)
3.1.8 hydraulic gradient, i, n—the loss of hydraulic head per unit distance of flow, dh/dL. (D 4439)
3.1.9 hydraulic transmissivity, u (L 2 T−1), n—for a geosynthetic, the volumetric flow rate per unit width of specimen per unit
gradient in a direction parallel to the plane of the specimen. Discussion—“transmissivity” is technically applicable only to saturated, laminar hydraulic flow conditions (see
Appendix X1). (D 4439)
3.1.10 in-plane flow, n—fluid flow confined to a direction parallel to the plane of a geosynthetic. (D 4439)
3.1.11 index test, n—a test procedure that may contain known bias but which may be used to establish an order for a set of
specimens with respect to the property of interest. (D 4439)
3.1.12 laminar flow, n—flow in which the head loss is proportional to the first power of the velocity. (D 4439)
3.1.13 normal stress (FL−2), n—the component of applied stress that is perpendicular to the surface on which the force acts.
(D 4439)
3.1.14 performance test, n—a test that simulates in the laboratory as closely as practical selected conditions experienced in the
field and which can be used in design. (D 4439)
3.1.15 pressure flow, n—flow in a direction parallel to the plane of a geosynthetic driven predominantly by a differential fluid
pressure. (D 4439)
3.1.16 turbulent flow, n—that type of flow in which any water particle may move in any direction with respect to any other
particle, and in which the head loss is approximately proportional to the second power of the velocity. (D 4439)
3.1.17 For definitions of terms relating to geosynthetics, refer to Terminology D 4439.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 steady flow, n—flow conditions that do not vary with time.
3.2.2 uniform flow, n—conditions where the flow area and the mean velocity in the direction of flow are constant.
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 The flow rate per unit width is determined by measuring the quantity of water that passes through a test specimen in a
specific time interval under a specific normal stress and a specific hydraulic gradient. The hydraulic gradient(s) and specimen
contact surfaces are selected by the user either as an index test or as a performance test to model a given set of field parameters
as closely as possible. Measurements may be repeated under increasing normal stresses selected by the user.
4.1.1 Hydraulic transmissivity should be determined only for tests or for specific regions of tests that exhibit a linear flow rate
per unit width versus gradient relationship, that is, laminar flow (see Appendix X1).

For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards,
Vol 04.13. volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.

D 4716 – 023
5. Significance and Use
5.1 This test method is intended either as an index test or as a performance test used to determine and compare the flow rate
per unit width of one or several candidate geosynthetics under specific conditions.
5.2 This test method may be used as an index test for acceptance testing of commercial shipments of geosynthetics but caution
is advised since information on between-laboratory precision of this test method is incomplete. Comparative tests as directed in
5.2.1 may be advisable.
5.2.1 In case of a dispute arising from differences in reported test results when using this test method for acceptance testing of
commercial shipments, the purchaser and the supplier should first confirm that the tests were conducted using comparable test
parameters including specimen conditioning, normal stress, seating period, hydraulic gradient, test water temperature, etc., then
conduct comparative tests to determine if there is a statistical bias between their laboratories. Competent statistical assistance is
recommended for the investigation of bias. As a minimum, the two parties should take a group of test specimens that are as
homogenous as possible and that are formed from a lot of the material of the type in question. The test specimens should then be
randomly assigned in equal numbers to each laboratory for testing. The average results from the two laboratories should be
compared using the Student’s t-test for unpaired data and an acceptable probability level chosen by the two parties before the
testing is begun. If bias is found, either its cause must be found and corrected or the purchaser and supplier must agree to interpret
future test results in light of the known bias.
6. Apparatus
6.1 A schematic drawing of an assembly is shown in Fig. 1. The individual components and accessories are as follows:
6.1.1 Base—A sturdy metal base with smooth flat bottom and sides capable of holding a test specimen of sufficient area and
thickness. All seams between the bottom surface and sides of the base must be water tight and not inhibit in-plane flow of water
through the specimen. For geotextile testing, all surfaces of the base in contact with the specimen shall be covered by a thin layer
of rubber material of low compressibility in order to ensure a tight seal.
6.1.2 Reservoir—A plastic, glass or metal water reservoir extending the full width of the base. The height of the reservoir shall
be at least equal to the total length of the specimen. The reservoir shall have provision for maintaining a constant water level at
any of several elevations.
6.1.3 Loading Mechanism—Capable of sustaining a constant normal compressive stress on the specimen ranging from 10 kPa
(1.45 psi) to at least 500 kPa (70 psi) on a 300- by 300-mm (12- by 12-in.) loaded area with an accuracy of 61 %. The use of
static weights, pneumatic bellows systems, or piston applied stresses meeting the above conditions may be considered sufficient
for use in this test.
6.1.4 Outflow Weir—A plastic, glass or metal reservoir extending the full width of the base at the outlet side of the specimen
having, at the opposite side, a rectangular weir at an elevation higher than the elevation of the upper surface of the specimen.
6.1.5 Discussion—The weir is used to sustain the steady, constant head condition on the outflow side of the specimen. For small
discharge conditions, a narrow rectangular or triangular, V-notch weir may be warranted.
6.1.6 Outflow Collection—A catch trough extending the entire width of the base is used for collection and measurement of the
outflow from the specimen.
6.1.7 Rubber Substrate/Superstrate—(optional) Rubber sheets cut to fit the base may be used to model soil adjacent to the
geosynthetic on one or both sides of the specimen if desired. The compressibility and thickness of the rubber layer should be
selected such that it adequately represents the soil being modeled. The material selected should not allow continuous flow channels
to exist through or around the rubber layer. These layers shall extend the entire length and width of the base. The thickness of the
rubber layers shall be at least twice the thickness of the geosynthetic specimen to be tested. Compare the uncompressed thickness measured prior to use with the thickness measured at least one hour after use. If
the thickness decreases by 20 % or more, or if permanent indentations or damage are evident in the sheet, discard the sheet and
retest using a new sheet.
6.1.8 Thickness Monitoring Device—(optional) In the form of a dial gauge and the like may be used to monitor the change in
the thickness of the geosynthetic specimen in the testing device under various applied normal stresses.

FIG. 1 A Constant Head (In-Plane) Flow Rate Testing Device

D 4716 – 023
6.1.9 Manometers—Open manometers are located at the inlet and outlet ends of the specimen in the reservoir box and outflow
weir respectively (see Fig. 1). The manometer taps are placed at the same level as the base of the specimen as close to the specimen
ends as practical. Extend the manometers with clear tubing to a height at least as high as the maximum water level in the reservoir
6.2 In addition, the apparatus must not be the controlling agent for flow during the test. It will be necessary to establish
calibration curves of volumetric flow rate versus gradient for the apparatus alone using rigid, open channel substitutes (calibration
blocks) representing the range of geosynthetic thicknesses to be tested in order to establish compliance with this requirement. (See
Annex A1.)
7. Sampling
7.1 Lot Sample—Divide the product into lots and for a lot to be tested take the lot sample as directed in Practice D 4354.
7.2 Laboratory Sample—Consider the units in the lot sample as the units in the laboratory sample. For the laboratory sample,
take a full width swatch of sufficient length along the roll edge so that the requirements of 7.3-7.5.3 can be met.
7.3 Test Specimens—Geotextiles—For acceptance testing, remove three specimens from each laboratory sample which are
spaced along a diagonal extending across the swatch. Cut the specimens such that the longer dimension is parallel to the geotextile
direction (for example, machine or cross-machine direction) to— Geotextiles should be tested. For performance testing, the
number of specimens to be tested is selected by the user.
7.3.1 Make the geotextile specimen width 300 mm (12 in.) and the specimen length at least 350 mm (14 in.), or the length to
allow the specimen to extend into the reservoir and weir a distance of 25 mm (1 in.), whichever is greater. in accordance with Test
Method D 6574.
7.4 Test Specimens—Geonets—For acceptance testing, remove two specimens from each unit in the laboratory sample with the
longer dimension parallel to the geonet direction (for example, machine or cross-machine direction) to be tested. For performance
testing, the number of specimens is selected by the user.
7.4.1 Make the geonet specimen width 300 mm (12 in.). Make the specimen length at least 350 mm (14 in.), or the length to
allow the specimen to extend into the reservoir and weir a distance of 25 mm (1 in.), whichever is greater.
7.5 Test Specimens—Geocomposites— For acceptance testing, remove two specimens from each unit in the laboratory sample.
Obtain the specimens with the longer dimension parallel to the geocomposite direction (for example, machine or cross-machine
direction) to be tested. For performance testing, the number of specimens is selected by the user.
7.5.1 For geocomposites manufactured with the full product width less than 300 mm (12 in.), the specimen width is equal to
the manufactured product width. The specimen length is at least 350 mm (14 in.), or the length to allow the specimen to extend
into the reservoir and weir a distance of 25 mm (1 in.), whichever is greater.
NOTE 1—The actual length of the geocomposite specimen may have an influence on the measured head losses and associated gradients; therefore, the
specimen length of 350 mm (14 in.) will be considered standard. In any case, always report the actual specimen length used.
7.5.2 For geocomposites manufactured with a full product width 300 mm (12 in.) or greater, the specimen width is 300 mm (12
in.) unless the product cannot be cut to width without altering the product structure.
7.5.3 For geocomposites consisting of two or more different geosynthetic components, determine the specimen dimensions for
each individual material in accordance with the applicable section, 7.3, 7.4 or 7.5.2. The minimum dimension of the specimens
shall then be dictated by the component requiring the largest minimum size. This requirement does not apply for components sized
per 7.5.1 which have manufactured widths less than 300 mm (12 in.).
8. Test Parameter Selection
8.1 Selection of Substrate and Superstrate:
8.1.1 Index Testing—For acceptance testing, the contact surfaces should be prescribed by the material specification. In the
absence of a specification, use rigid sub and superstrates to minimize the variables impacting the test results.
8.1.2 For performance testing, the nature of the material in contact with the geosynthetic in the field should be modeled. A rigid
platen on one or both sides of the specimen simulates similarly rigid surfaces (such as concrete walls or stiff geomembranes) where
intrusion into the geosynthetic openings or pore spaces is not anticipated. Where intrusion is expected (as is the case for a geotextile
in contact with soil or a geonet/geotextile/soil section) a layer of rubber membrane or representative soil may be placed between
the platen and the geosynthetic specimen.
NOTE 2—Tests performed using site-specific soils are recommended when the end use of the material is known. The long term effect of soil clogging
should be considered when performing tests described in this test method.
8.2 Gradient Selection:
8.2.1 Index Testing—For acceptance testing, the test gradients should be prescribed by the material specification. In the absence
of a specification, use three gradients selected from the following values; 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50 and 1.0.
8.2.2 Performance Testing—Select a test hydraulic gradient that is appropriate for the end use of the material and for specific
field conditions. When specific field conditions are not known, use one of the following recommended gradients as well as at least
two lesser gradients. A maximum hydraulic gradient of 1.0 is suggested for tests intended to model gravity flow conditions.

D 4716 – 023 A maximum hydraulic gradient of 0.1 is suggested for tests intended to model pressure flow conditions.
8.3 Selection of the Applied Normal Compressive Stresses:
8.3.1 Index Testing—For acceptance testing, the applied normal compressive stress(es) should be prescribed by the material
specification. In the absence of a user or supplier specification, perform flow rate testing using a minimum of three applied normal
stresses selected from the following values; 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 kPa (1.45, 3.63, 7.26, 14.51, 36.28 and 72.55 psi).
8.3.2 For performance testing, select the minimum and maximum normal stress to be applied as to model the specific field
conditions. Perform the tests using a minimum of three applied normal stresses, selecting at least one value greater and one value
less than the known design stress value. Where the design or maximum normal compressive stress for a particular application is known, it may be sufficient to
test the specimen under a single stress. This option should only be used when selected by the user or product specifier.

9. Procedure
9.1 Place the specimen substratum, if any, on the test device base.
9.2 Trim the test specimen to the dimensions prescribed in 7.3-7.5, and then place the test specimen over the substratum
ensuring that all wrinkles, folds, etc. are removed.
9.2.1 Seal the sides of the specimen parallel to the direction of flow by wrapping the test specimen in a thin sheet of low
compressibility plastic or rubber membrane, using a cast-in-place rubber or wax edge seal, or other measure (to prevent side
leakage). This precaution may not be warranted for test specimens that are rectangular in profile, placed between rigid surfaces
and cut to fit snugly against the sides of the base.
NOTE 3—The elimination of leakage paths along the sides of the test specimen and along the loading tray adjacent to the upper surface of the specimen
merits close attention when testing geotextile materials. The user is cautioned of the relatively high variability (see 12.1) in the test results, that may be
directly related to the laboratory’s ability to address these fugative flows.
9.3 Place the desired superstratum, if any, over the test specimen in a similar manner.
9.4 Seat the top plate (platen) on the test assembly applying a small seating stress of 5 to 10 kPa (0.73 to 1.45 psi) and slowly
fill the reservoir with water allowing water to flow through the test specimen. From this point forward, the specimen must be kept
saturated at all times.
NOTE 4—For test devices and/or test sections where the test speciments are not placed into a loading tray that already contains water (which allow for
expulsion of trapped air from the test specimen) a pre-flush is recommended to expell air from the test specimen. This step entails raising the water level
in the reservoir to a gradient of approximately 0.5 and allowing the flow to continue until air bubbles no longer are visibly exiting the weir end of the
test specimen.
9.4.1 The test water should be maintained at 21 6 2°C (70 6 4°F) throughout the test duration.
9.4.2 Visually check for preferential flow paths along the boundaries of the test specimen. If such flows are observed, re-seat
or replace the test specimen as required.
NOTE 5—The use of deaired water is recommended for testing geotextiles and may be a consideration for test sections that include geotextiles where
dissolved oxygen may influence the test results. Refer to Test Methods D 4491 for details regarding deaired water.
9.5 Seat the specimen under the minimum normal compressive stress for a minimum period of 15 min.
9.5.1 The minimum seating period suggested may not be sufficient for acceptance testing of geosynthetics that exhibit time
dependent structural instability or other compressive response that significantly impacts the flow rate for stresses sustained longer
than 15 min. The seating period selected should be based on long-term compression testing data at comparable stress levels.
9.5.2 For performance testing, seating periods may have to be extended for a considerable length of time in order to determine
the minimum or “long term” flow rate per unit width. This is especially true for geosynthetics and sections including soils that
exhibit compression creep or other long term deformation.
9.6 After the seating period has elapsed, fill the reservoir to the level corresponding to the hydraulic gradient selected for the
9.6.1 Determine the system hydraulic gradient by computing the difference in water elevations between the reservoir and weir
manometers and dividing this value by the length of the specimen subjected to the normal compressive stress. For most specimens
this length will be 300 mm (12 in.). Adjust the elevation of the water level in the reservoir box to change the system gradient.
9.7 Once steady flow through the specimen is observed, allow at least 0.0005 m3 of water to flow through the specimen. Record
the time required for at least an additional 0.0005 m3 of water to pass through the specimen. If this time exceeds 15 min, record
the quantity of flow collected at 15 min for use in calculations of the flow rate per unit width or hydraulic transmissivity, or both.
Repeat the flow reading at least three times for each hydraulic gradient selected.
9.8 Increase the normal compressive stress and repeat the procedure outlined in 9.5-9.7 until the maximum desired stress is
9.9 Compare flow rate data for each test to the flow rate data plotted on the appropriate calibration block curve for the device.
For a given flow rate, if the hydraulic gradient value for the calibration block is more than 5 % of the corresponding gradient for
the geosynthetic, then the test data is invalid and the device cannot be used to evaluate the test condition modeled.
9.10 Repeat the procedure 9.1 through 9.8 on the remaining test specimens.

D 4716 – 023
10. Calculation
10.1 Calculate the flow rate per unit width and/or transmissivity values stipulated by the user for each test specimen per this
section. The test result is the average of the results for the individual test specimens tested per the pertinent section in Section 7.
10.2 Calculate the flow rate per unit width, qw, as follows:
qw 5 Qt /W

qw = flow rate per unit width, m3/s-m (gpm/ft),
Qt = measured average quantity of fluid discharged per unit time, m3/s (gpm), and
W = width of the specimen, m (ft).
10.12.1 Results can be expressed as a plot of flow rate per unit width versus hydraulic gradient (see Fig. 2) or versus normal
compressive stress (see Fig. 3).
10.23 Calculate the hydraulic transmissivity, u, as follows (Note 6):
u 5 ~R t Q t L! /W H

u = hydraulic transmissivity, m2/s,
Rt = temperature correction factor per Table 1
Qt = measured average quantity of fluid discharged per unit time, m3/s,
L = length of specimen subjected to the normal compressive stress. Do not consider the length of the specimen that extends
into the reservoir or weir,
W = width of the specimen, m, and
H = difference in total head across the specimen, m.

NOTE 6—The calculation of the hydraulic transmissivity is applicable only for tests or specific regions of tests conducted under laminar flow conditions.
To determine the flow regime, plot the flow rate per unit width versus the hydraulic gradient for each normal compressive stress (see 10.12 and Fig. 2).
The data points for a given normal compressive stress form a straight line intersecting the origin if the test, or a region of the test, was conducted under
laminar flow conditions. The hydraulic transmissivity is equal to the slope of the straight line region on these plots (see Appendix X1).
10.23.1 Results can be presented as a plot of hydraulic transmissivity versus normal compressive stress (see Fig. 4).

11. Report
11.1 The report on the flow rate per unit width or hydraulic transmissivity test, or both, shall include the following information:
11.1.1 Project, type of geosynthetic(s) tested and included in sub and super stratum if applicable, method(s) of sampling, and
directions tested.
11.1.2 Type of test performed and field conditions modeled (for example, contact sub and super stratum compositions and the
11.1.3 Calibration curve(s) for the test device with the appropriate calibration block thickness(es), or a statement that a device
calibration was conducted and that the equipment hydraulic losses are less than 5 % of the losses measured in the tests.
11.1.4 A statement of any departures from suggested testing procedure so the results can be evaluated and used.
11.1.5 Complete test data, including hydraulic head, quantity of flow collected, seating period for each stress, thickness (if
monitored), temperature of test water, and specimen length and width.

FIG. 2 Typical Plot of Flow Rate per Unit Width Versus Hydraulic
Gradient Under Several Normal Compressive Stresses

D 4716 – 023

FIG. 3 Typical Plot of Flow Rate per Unit Width Versus Normal
Compressive Stress at Several Hydraulic Gradients

TABLE 1 Correction Factor Rt for the Viscosity of Water

19 1.025
20 1.000
21 0.976
22 0.953
23 0.931

Rt= (-0.0234T) + 1.4687

where T = temp. °C

TABLE 2 Interlaboratory Test Program

No. Specimens Per No. Normal Seating
Material Gradient
Sample Set Laboratories Load, kPa Period
Geonet 2 8 250 1.0 15 min
Composite 2 8 250 1.0 15 min
Geotextile 3 8 (7) 250 1.0 15 min
Edge Drain 2 5 250 0.05 15 min

TABLE 3 Test Parameters

No. Normal Seating
Material Superstratum Substratum Gradient
Laboratories Load, KPa Period
Geonet Rigid Plate Rigid Plate 8 250 1.0 15 min
Composite I Rigid Plate Rigid Plate 8 250 1.0 15 min
Composite II Sand GM5/Rigid Plate 5 720 1.0 15 min
Composite III Sand GM5/Rigid Plate 5 720 1.0 15 min
Geotextile Rigid Plate Rigid Plate 5 250 1.0 15 min
Edge Drain Rigid Plate Rigid Plate 5 250 0.05 15 min

11.1.6 Test plots expressing flow rate per unit width versus hydraulic gradient for each normal compressive stress or versus
normal compressive stress for each hydraulic gradient and, when applicable, hydraulic transmissivity versus normal compressive
11.1.7 If a rubber substrate was used as a superstrate or substrate, or both, report the thickness, type of rubber and durometer
hardness as well as the comparative test data generated for supporting the rubber selected.
11.1.8 Long term creep/compression data for the geosynthetic, subject to comparable stress levels, which extend over a time
interval that will provide insight into the long term in-plane flow rate behavior relative to the seating period used and the long term
compressive creep behavior of the geosynthetic. When used as an index test for acceptance of commercial shipments of qualified products, long term creep/compression
data is not required.
12. Precision and Bias
12.1 Precision:
12.1.1 Interlaboratory Test Program —Three separate interlaboratory testing programs (ILS) were performed in 1997 through
2001. The design of the experiments, similar to that of Practice E 691, and a within-between analysis of the data, are given in an

D 4716 – 023
TABLE 4 Precision
Average 95 % Confidence 95 % Confidence
Material Repeatability Limit Reproducibility Limit
l/s·m (gpm/ft) Repeatability Limit, Reproducibility Limit,
Geonet 2.18 (10.5) 7.0 % 7.3 % 19.8 % 20.5 %
Composite I 0.212 (1.02) 10.6 % 21.2 % 29.8 % 59.5 %
Composite II 0.92 (0.443) 15.2 % 42.6 % 44.8 % 125 %
Composite III 0.931 (4.48) 6.1 % 17.1 % 20.7 % 57.8 %
Geotextile .0108 (0.052) 53.4 % 93.3 % 150 % 261 %
Edge drain 3.55 (17.1) 3.9 % 8.0 % 10.9 % 22.3 %

FIG. 4 Typical Plot of Hydraulic Transmissivity Versus Normal

Compressive Stress

ASTM Research Report3 . Program details are provided in Table 3. The “geonet” and the geonet components of Composite I and
II were strand HDPE geonets approximately 6-mm thick. The geonet component of Composite III was a three strand HDPE geonet
approximately 8–mm thick. The geotextile bonded to both sides of all three composites were approximately 270 g/m2 (8-oz/sy)
nonwovens. The “geotextile” was a 540 g/m2 (16-oz/sy) needle-punched nonwoven. The “edge drain” was a core-type
approximately 30 mm thick tested without the geotextile wrap.
12.1.2 Test Result— The precision information is given in Table 4 for the four materials. The test results are in units of l/s·m
12.2 Bias—The procedure in this test method for measuring the hydraulic transmissivity and flow rate per unit width of
geosynthetics has no bias because the values of hydraulic transmissivity and flow rate per unit width can be defined only in terms
of a test method.
13. Keywords
13.1 geosynthetics; hydraulic transmissivity; in-plane flow; index test; performance test

Supporting data have been filed at ASTM Headquarters. Request RR:D35-1008.


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Calibration is conducted using an open channel (calibration block) or a similar object which allows flow to pass through
the flow rate device unimpeded. Assemble the device with the calibration block in place of the geosynthetic specimen. The inside
height of the calibration block opening shall be equal to or greater than the uncompressed thickness of the geosynthetic specimen
(excluding adjacent soil or other components that are not intended to convey flow).

A1.2 Construct calibration blocks from rigid material such as steel, aluminum or acrylic. The blocks are fabricated to provide
an open channel for flow with a minimum of flow disruption across the width of the base. The upstream and downstream ends of
the blocks are open. The blocks should fit tightly within the loading device specimen area. Fabricate a series of calibration blocks

D 4716 – 023
to simulate the thicknesses of the various geosynthetics to be tested in the device.
A1.3 Assemble the transmissivity device and conduct testing as outlined in the procedure section using the calibration block.
Apply a nominal seating load (10 kPa is suggested) on the calibration block during testing. Conduct the calibration using at least
five flow rates ranging from the rate corresponding to the lowest measurable gradient (that is, head loss between the reservoir and
weir) to a flow rate in excess of the maximum expected while testing geosynthetics of the block thickness used.
A1.4 No minimum seating period is required. At each flow rate, compute the hydraulic gradient values based on the head loss
between the reservoir and weir manometers and a flow length equal to the calibration block length.
A1.5 Plot the measured flow rates versus the computed block gradients multiplied by 20. This curve is the calibration curve
for the calibration block used Fig. A1.1 .


(Nonmandatory Information)


See Fig. X1.1


X2.1 This appendix has been prepared to address the selection of the seating period for testing certain types of geosynthetics
(see Note 6), which may be characterized by significant4 time-dependent compression strains under constant loading. While all
geosynthetic materials currently in use for drainage applications exhibit “creep” deformations under constant loading, the subject
products can experience large deformations or collapse at some time after the initial application of a constant sustained load.
X2.2 Fig. X2.1show examples of the compression strain versus time behavior for a “nontime-dependent” (geonet) and a “time
dependent” (a core-type composite) material subject to three different compressive stress levels. Note the “spikes” in the
deformation versus time curves where the core-type composite collapsed at some time after initial load application. This figure
illustrates the unique compressive characteristic of materials addressed by this appendix, that is, materials, which are subject to
large compressive deformation at some time after initial application of a constant load.
X2.3 This time dependent compression behavior merits consideration in conjunction with the use of this test method for the
selection of the seating conditions, that is, compressive stress and seating period, which would produce compressive strain levels
in a short term test that are comparable to those expected under actual service conditions.
X2.3.1 For example, for a specific core-type composite, the estimated normal comporessive load of 96 kPa (2000 psf) results
in a compressive deformation approaching 10 % after 10 000 h; a compressive stress of 167 kPa (3500 psf) produces 10 %

Significant in terms of the measured flow rate per unit width.

FIG. A1.1 A Typical Calibration Curve

D 4716 – 023

FIG. X1.1 Hydraulic Transmissivity

deformation after a seating period of 1 h. Based on this information, flow rate tests performed using a compressive stress of 167
kPa (3500 psf) and a seating period of 1 h may be suitable for product compliance, that is, commercial acceptance testing, and
would be expeditious from a testing standpoint. Note that, for this example, if the 167 kPa (3500 psf) loading is sustained for an
additional 10 h, the composite would collapse. The normal compressive loading may or may not be representative of actual field
loading conditions.
NOTE X2.1—This appendix addresses the selection of a suitable seating period for any geosynthetic exhibiting time-dependent compressive behavior
described herein. These may include products other than those which are currently in use.

D 4716 – 023

FIG. X2.1 Strain Versus Time Curves for a Specific Core-Type Geocomposite

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