Mini Tin Can Guitar Amplifier: List of Components

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List of Components:
 An LM386 amplifier chip [LM368N-1 (con los pines en punta y hacia abajo “throughole”]
 A 220uF, 25V, electrolytic capacitors - Ver si hay de calidad superior, para audio, como
Nichion o Elna (Silmic II).
 Two 10uF, 25V, electrolytic capacitors - Ver si hay de calidad superior, para audio, como
Nichion o Elna (Silmic II).
 A 47nF capacitor (usually film)
 A 1nF capacitor (usually ceramic)
 A 10ohm resistor, 1/2W
 A 9 volt battery connector
 A DC Jack - this can be switched or not switched
 If the DC jack is not switched then, you'll need a SPDT slider switch
 A push button
 Two 1/4" mono panel jacks
 4 Ohms, 3W, loudspeaker
 A 20k ohm log [Logarithmic] taper potentiometer 1 [Potenciómetro logarítmico para audio,
20K. Debe venir marcado como “A20K” (“A” es la letra código usada para indicar que el
pot es logarítmico]]
 A small paper protoboard
 And a tin can that fits all the components.

Switched DC jacks have two prongs that are closed when nothing is plugged into the jack, but opens once
something is plugged in. This extra prong is called the "connect terminal" (labelled "C" in the diagram).

Log taper potentiometer: It refers to logarithmic, audio potentiometer. “Taper” refers to the capability of
gradually reducing resistance value. A letter code may be used to identify which taper is used, but the letter
code definitions are not standardized. Newer potentiometers will usually be marked with an 'A' for
logarithmic taper, or a 'B' for linear taper.

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