Lesson 3 - Performance Task

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Lesson 3: Human Person as Embodied Spirit Performance Tasks

Performance Task # 1

Create a concept map.


Sacred Beliefs and

Scriptures Doctrines
Performance Task # 2

In 1/8 Illustration board, draw a Hindu God or Goddess. Write a four-sentence description of your
choses Hindu god or goddess and explain why you selected that god or goddess.

Performance Task # 3 (5 members per group)

1. What makes Hinduism beliefs, particularly its polytheistic nature, complex for other people?
2. Why is Hinduism mainly concentrated in India?
3. How did Hinduism strengthen the caste system? Do you think the caste system will exist in
countries that embrace a difference religion? Why or why not?

Performance Task # 4

Hinduism and Women

Even though the Manusmriti or the “Laws of Manu” states that women should be honored in Hindu
society, women have always been considered inferior to men in almost all aspects of life. A woman’s life
revolves around the men in her life, to be taken care of by her father in childhood, by her husband in
married life, and by her sons upon old age. Thus, women are relegated to performing household chores
and are expected to become loyal to their husbands even after their husbands die. In traditional society,
women are expected to perform sati or suttee wherein widowed women are expected to jump in the
funeral pyre of their husbands to prove their loyalty and help save the soul of their husbands in the
afterlife. In spite of the fact that sati was already demolished by the British in India, there are still cases
of sati being reported in modern times.

Question 1: Do you support the Hindu’s system towards their woman?

Question 2: Does the tradition in Hinduism violates any law on woman?

Question 3: What is Manusmriti?

Question 4: What has the United Nations done for women’s right on India?

The caste system is one major distinguishing feature of Indian culture that still affects modern-day
society. A system of social class composes of the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras,
opportunities are bases upon family origin. One person belongs to a caste by being born to parents of
that particular caste.

This has been an issue of distinctive concern for the reformers of the caste system. While full-blown
divisions are relatively a modern development, the caste system began to divide in thousand of castes
that are sometimes based on occupations. A person’s diet, vocation, and residence are dictated by the
caste where he or she belongs. There can be more that 3,000 separate castes in India.

However, the most deplorable group are those persons who do not belong to any group-those that are
disparagingly called as “outcasts” or “untouchables.” Also known as Dalits, they are highly ostracized in
the society. They perform the most menial jobs, such as street sweepers, latrine cleaners and handlers
of the dead. These jobs receive the lowest wages and have the most appalling living conditions.

The teachings of Hinduism may have justified the status of outcastes. Their present condition may have
been caused by their accumulated karma in the past. By fulfilling their duties and accepting their
dharma, they may be born to a better caste in their next lives.

Question 1: Explain the Caste System

Question 2: Do you support the Caste System in India?

Question 3: Does Caste System encourages discrimination?

Question 4: Does Caste System contradicts on the Hindu’s teachings?

Question 5: How does Caste System affects the modern-day society of India

Performance Task # 5

Summarize the Life story of Siddhartha Gautama

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