SWAT Glock

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The key takeaways are that this training plan focuses on strength, work capacity, endurance, tactical speed and agility, and chassis integrity over 6 weeks with 5 training sessions per week. It utilizes periodization and trains all attributes concurrently.

The overall training structure is a 6 week/30 session plan that follows a weekly schedule of TAC SEPA and work capacity on Mondays, strength on Tuesdays, TAC SEPA and chassis integrity on Wednesdays, endurance on Thursdays, and work capacity and chassis integrity on Fridays.

The main fitness attributes targeted are strength, work capacity, endurance, tactical speed and agility (TAC SEPA), and chassis integrity.

LE SWAT/SRT Glock Overview

“Glock” is the second in our 4-plan “gun maker” series of training plans for full
time Law Enforcement SWAT and SRT team members. 

This is a 6 week, 5 day/week training cycle for a total of 30x training sessions. 

Glock deploys our most recent iteration of fluid periodization, and trains the 5
fitness attributes of SWAT/SRT athletes concurrently: 

 Strength
 Work Capacity
 Endurance
 TAC SEPA (Tactical Speed, Explosive Power and Agility)
 Chassis Integrity

Glock is a “balanced cycle” and trains these 5 fitness attributes in generally

equal proportions.

Strength - Glock deploys our “TLU” strength session design. TLU design is
MTI’s most proven strength session design and trains a total body, lower body
and upper body strength exercise each session in modulating intensities. 

Work Capacity - You’ll train work capacity two time per week during Glock,
Mondays and Fridays. Mondays your work capacity effort is a long, 20-30
minute multi-modal effort in a 25# weight vest or IBA. Friday’s effort is split
between 2 10 minutes events - 40-foot shuttle sprints, and an intense power
clean/box jump/burpee density effort. 

Endurance - Glock’s endurance work is focused on improving your speed over

ground. The work is built around a 4-mile run assessment and follow-on
intervals based on your assessment time. 

TAC SEPA - Split between two types of events - multi-level agility and
sprints/shuttles. You’ll complete drills unloaded first, and then loaded in your
IBA or 25# weight vest.

Chassis Integrity - Friday’s you’ll train total, rotation and anti-rotation mid-
section strength and strength endurance. Wednesdays you’ll focus on low
back/extension strength and strength endurance. 
Here is your weekly schedule:

 Monday: TAC SEPA, Work Capacity 

 Tuesday: Strength
 Wednesday: TAC SEPA, Chassis Integrity
 Thursday: Endurance
 Friday: Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity

Required Equipment:

 Fully-equipped functional fitness gym including racks, barbells, bumper

plates, plyo boxes, dumbbells or kettlebells, sandbags (60/80#). 
 Sprinting area for shuttles - 40 foot and 25m. These can be outside.
 Stop watch with countdown interval timer. 

Common Questions:

What if I miss a training session or have to skip a day?

Regardless of your training schedule, don’t skip ahead in the training plan.
These sessions build upon one another, and need to be completed in order.
Start again where you left off.

Unfamiliar Exercises?
All unfamiliar exercises can be found at our Exercise page.

What if I can’t complete the work capacity efforts at the prescribed

Drop load as needed to make the prescribed reps in the prescribed time
intervals. Be smart. 

What if I don’t have a piece of equipment or fully equipped gym?

Be resourceful. Many of the prescribed barbell exercises can also be
completed with their dumbbell/kettlebell versions. If you can’t create a good
exercise substitution, you can always email [email protected] for help.

Obj: TAC SEPA, Work Capacity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunge
5x Hand Release Push Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
3/5x Pull Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch


1. 5 Rounds

TAC SEPA - Tactical Pro Agility Drill

Rest 45 Seconds

(2) 5 Rounds
Repeat (1) wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA

(3) 20 Minute AMRAP wearing 25# weight vest or IBA

25x Step Ups
6x 25m Shuttles

(4) Foam Roll Legs/Low Back

Obj: Strength

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
Barbell Complex @ 45/65#
Instep Stretch


1. Work up to 1RM Power Clean + Push Press (see comments)

(2) 5 Rounds
2x Power Clean + Push Press @ 85% 1RM
Lat + Pec Stretch

(3) 6 Rounds
5x Front Squat - increase load each round until 5x is hard, but doable, then
immediately ….
3x Broad Jump
Hip Flexor Stretch

(4) 6 Rounds
4x Weighted Pull Up - increase load each round until 4x is hard, but doable
8/10x Dips (unloaded)
5x Shoulder Dislocate

Working up to 1 Rep Max (1RM)
Set of 3x Reps, add weight
Set of 2 Reps, add weight
Start doing singles, adding weight until you find your 1RM. Try to find it by
your 5th single if not before. 

Obj: TAC SEPA, Chassis Integrity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunge
5x Hand Release Push Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
3/5x Pull Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch


1. 5 Rounds

TAC SEPA - Stacked Box Agility Drill

Rest 45 Seconds

(2) 5 Rounds
Repeat (1) wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA

(3) 12 Minute Grind

8x Hinge Lift @ 65/95#
15/15 Standing Founder
16x Swings @ 12/16kg
15/15 Kneeling Founder

(4) Foam Roll Legs/Low Back

Obj: Endurance

Warm Up:
4 Rounds
10x Squats
10x Push Ups
10x Sit Ups
Run 100m
Instep Stretch

(1) Run 4 Miles for Time


Obj: Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Power Clean @ 65/95#
5x Walking Lunge
5x Push Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch


1. 10 Rounds

30 Second 40-Foot Shuttles

30 Second Rest
Rest 3-5 Minutes

(2) 10 Rounds, Every 60 Seconds

4x Power Clean @ 85/115#
4x Box Jumps @ 20”
4x Burpees

Faster you finish, more rest you get before the next round begins

(3) 15 Minute Grind

6x Sandbag Getup @ 40/60#
6x Kneeling Keg Lift @ 16/20kg
6x Cauldron @ 10#

(4) 3 Rounds
Hip Flexor + Instep + Pigeon Stretch
5x Shoulder Dislocates
Foam Roll Low Back

Obj: TAC SEPA, Work Capacity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunge
5x Hand Release Push Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
3/5x Pull Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds
TAC SEPA - 5/10/15 Sprint Complex

(2) 5 Rounds
Repeat (1) wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA

(3) 8 Rounds for Time wearing 25# weight vest or IBA

5x Renegade Man Makers @ 15/25#
Run 400m


(4) Foam Roll Legs/Low Back

Obj: Strength

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
8x Box Squat @ 75/95#
4x Scotty Bob # 15/25#
Instep Stretch

(1) Work up to 1RM Box Squat (see comments)

(2) 6 Rounds
2x Box Squat @ 85% 1RM
3/3/3 Toe Touch Complex

(3) 6 Rounds
5x Bench Press - increase load each round until 5x is hard, but doable, then
immediately ….
3x Clapping Push Ups
5x Shoulder Dislocate

(4) 6 Rounds
4x Hang Squat Clean - increase load each round until 4x is hard, but doable,
then immediately
Rope Climb or 4/6x Mixed Grip Pull Ups
Pigeon Stretch

Working up to 1 Rep Max (1RM) Box Squat …
Set of 5x Reps, add weight
Set of 3x Reps, add weight
Start doing singles, adding weight until you find your 1RM. Try to find it by
your 5th single if not before. 
Obj: TAC SEPA, Chassis Integrity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunge
5x Hand Release Push Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
3/5x Pull Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds
TAC SEPA - Under/Over/Under Agility Drill
Rest 45 Seconds

(2) 5 Rounds
Repeat (1) wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA

(3) 12 Minute Grind

8x Hinge Lift @ 65/95#
15/15 Standing Founder
16x Swings @ 12/16kg
15/15 Kneeling Founder

(4) Foam Roll Legs/Low Back

Obj: Endurance

Warm Up:
4 Rounds
10x Squats
10x Push Ups
10x Sit Ups
Run 100m
Instep Stretch

(1) 3 Rounds
Run 800m @ 800m Interval Pace from the Run Interval Calculator
Rest 3 Minutes

(2) 1 Round
Run 2 Miles at 1Mile Interval Pace from the Run Interval Calculator
Rest 4 Minutes

Enter your SESSION 4, 4-mile run time into the Run Interval Calculator to find 
your paces for today’s efforts. 

The Run Interval Calculator can be found below and on the “Exercises” page
of the website and below.
Obj: Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Power Clean @ 65/95#
5x Walking Lunge
5x Push Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 10 Rounds
30 Second 40-Foot Shuttles
30 Second Rest

Rest 3-5 Minutes

(2) 10 Rounds, Every 60 Seconds

4x Power Clean @ 85/115#
4x Box Jumps @ 20”
4x Burpees

Faster you finish, more rest you get before the next round begins

(3) 15 Minute Grind

6x Sandbag Getup @ 40/60#
6x Kneeling Keg Lift @ 16/20kg
6x Cauldron @ 10#

(4) 3 Rounds
Hip Flexor + Instep + Pigeon Stretch
5x Shoulder Dislocates
Foam Roll Low Back

Obj: TAC SEPA, Work Capacity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunge
5x Hand Release Push Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
3/5x Pull Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds
TAC SEPA - Crawl/Sprint/Crawl/Sprint Drill
Rest 45 Seconds

(2) 5 Rounds
Repeat (1) wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA

(3) 20 Minute AMRAP wearing 25# weight vest or IBA

25x Step Ups
6x 25m Shuttles

(4) Foam Roll Legs/Low Back

Obj: Strength

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
Barbell Complex @ 45/65#
Instep Stretch

(1) Work up to 1RM Military Press (see comments)

(2) 6 Rounds
2x Military Press @ 85% 1RM
Lat + Pec Stretch

(3) 6 Rounds
3x Power Clean - increase load each round until 3x is hard, but doable, then
immediately ….
2x Burpees - be explosive!
Hip Flexor Stretch

(4) 6 Rounds
8x Walking Lunge- increase load each round until 8x is hard
4/8x Chin Ups
5x Shoulder Dislocate

Working up to 1 Rep Max (1RM) Military Press …
Set of 5x Reps, add weight
Set of 3x Reps, add weight
Start doing singles, adding weight until you find your 1RM. Try to find it by
your 5th single if not before.
Obj: TAC SEPA, Chassis Integrity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunge
5x Hand Release Push Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
3/5x Pull Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds
TAC SEPA - 50m Down/Back Shuttle Drill
Rest 45 Seconds

(2) 5 Rounds
Repeat (1) wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA

(3) 15 Minute Grind

15/15 Low Back Lunge
8x Good Mornings @45#
15/15 Kneeling Founder
8x Ab Wheel

(4) Foam Roll Legs/Low Back

Obj: Endurance

Warm Up:
4 Rounds
10x Squats
10x Push Ups
10x Sit Ups
Run 100m
Instep Stretch

(1) 3 Rounds
Run 800m @ 800m Interval Pace from the Run Interval Calculator
Rest 3 Minutes

(2) 1 Round
Run 2 Miles at 1Mile Interval Pace from the Run Interval Calculator
Rest 4 Minutes

Enter your SESSION 4, 4-mile run time into the Run Interval Calculator to find 
your paces for today’s efforts. 

The Run Interval Calculator can be found below and on the “Exercises” page
of the website and below.
Obj: Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Power Clean @ 65/95#
5x Walking Lunge
5x Push Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 10 Rounds
30 Second 40-Foot Shuttles
30 Second Rest

Rest 3-5 Minutes

(2) 10 Rounds, Every 60 Seconds

For Rounds 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 
5x Power Clean @ 85/115#
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
5x Burpees

For Rounds 2, 4, 6, 8 10
4x Power Clean @ 85/115#
4x Box Jumps @ 20”
4x Burpees

(3) 20 Minute Grind

Sandbag Pick Up and Carry @ 60/80#
6x Slasher @ 16/20kg
6x Kneeling Plate Half Moon @ 25/35#

(4) 3 Rounds
Hip Flexor + Instep + Pigeon Stretch
5x Shoulder Dislocates
Foam Roll Low Back
Obj: TAC SEPA, Work Capacity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunge
5x Hand Release Push Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
3/5x Pull Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds
TAC SEPA - 5/10/15 Sprint Complex

(2) 5 Rounds
Repeat (1) wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA

(3) 8 Rounds for Time wearing 25# weight vest or IBA

5x Renegade Man Makers @ 15/25#
Run 400m


(4) Foam Roll Legs/Low Back

Obj: Strength

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
Barbell Complex @ 45/65#
Instep Stretch

(1) 8 Rounds
3x Mr. Spectacular - increase load rapidly each round until 3x is hard, but
doable. Work to be at your “hard but doable” load by round 4 or 5.
(2) 6 Rounds
5x Back Squat - increase load each round until 5x is hard, but doable, then
immediately ….
3x Broad Jump
Hip Flexor Stretch

(3) 6 Rounds
8x Bench Press - increase load each round until 8x is hard, but doable
Rope Climb or 4/6x Mixed Grip Pull Ups
5x Shoulder Dislocate

Obj: TAC SEPA, Chassis Integrity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunge
5x Hand Release Push Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
3/5x Pull Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds
TAC SEPA - Tactical Pro Agility + Stacked Box Drill
Rest 45 Seconds

(2) 5 Rounds
Repeat (1) wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA

(3) 15 Minute Grind

15/15 Low Back Lunge
8x Good Mornings @45#
15/15 Kneeling Founder
8x Ab Wheel
(4) Foam Roll Legs/Low Back
Obj: Endurance

Warm Up:
4 Rounds
10x Squats
10x Push Ups
10x Sit Ups
Run 100m
Instep Stretch

(1) Run 4 Miles for Time


Obj: Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Power Clean @ 65/95#
5x Walking Lunge
5x Push Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 10 Rounds
30 Second 40-Foot Shuttles
30 Second Rest

Rest 3-5 Minutes

(2) 10 Rounds, Every 60 Seconds

For Rounds 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 
5x Power Clean @ 85/115#
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
5x Burpees

For Rounds 2, 4, 6, 8 10
4x Power Clean @ 85/115#
4x Box Jumps @ 20”
4x Burpees

(3) 20 Minute Grind

Sandbag Pick Up and Carry @ 60/80#
6x Slasher @ 16/20kg
6x Kneeling Plate Half Moon @ 25/35#

(4) 3 Rounds
Hip Flexor + Instep + Pigeon Stretch
5x Shoulder Dislocates
Foam Roll Low Back
Obj: TAC SEPA, Work Capacity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunge
5x Hand Release Push Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
3/5x Pull Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds
TAC SEPA - 75m Shuttle
Rest 45 Seconds

(2) 5 Rounds
Repeat (1) wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA

(3) 20 Minute AMRAP wearing 25# weight vest or IBA

25x Step Ups
6x 25m Shuttles
(4) Foam Roll Legs/Low Back
Obj: Strength

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
8x Front Squat @ 45/75#
4x Scotty Bob @ 15/25#
Instep Stretch

(1) Work up to 1RM Front Squat (see comments)

(2) 6 Rounds
2x Power Front Squat @ 85% 1RM
Lat + Pec Stretch

(3) 6 Rounds
5x Push Press - increase load each round until 5x is hard, but doable, then
immediately ….
2x Burpees - be explosive!
3/3/3 Toe Touch Complex

(4) 6 Rounds
4x Power Clean - increase load each round until 4x is hard, but doable
8x 1-Arm Bent Over Row - increase load each round until 8x is hard, but
Foam Roll Low Back

Working up to 1 Rep Max (1RM) Front Squat …
Set of 5x Reps, add weight
Set of 3x Reps, add weight
Start doing singles, adding weight until you find your 1RM. Try to find it by
your 5th single if not before. 

Obj: TAC SEPA, Chassis Integrity
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunge
5x Hand Release Push Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
3/5x Pull Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds
TAC SEPA - 4 Corner Plus Drill
Rest 45 Seconds

(2) 5 Rounds
Repeat (1) wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA

(3) 7 Rounds
20 Sec Hinge @ 65/95#
10 Sec Rest/Rotate
20 Sec Swing @ 16/20kg
10 Sec Rest/Rotate
20 Sec Ab Wheel
10 Sec Rest/Rotate
10/10 Standing Founder
10 Sec Rest/Rotate

(4) Foam Roll Legs/Low Back

Obj: Endurance

Warm Up:
4 Rounds
10x Squats
10x Push Ups
10x Sit Ups
Run 100m
Instep Stretch
(1) 3 Rounds
Run 800m @ 800m Interval Pace from the Run Interval Calculator
Rest 3 Minutes

(2) 1 Round
Run 2 Miles at 1Mile Interval Pace from the Run Interval Calculator
Rest 4 Minutes

Enter your SESSION 19, 4-mile run time into the Run Interval Calculator to
find  your paces for today’s efforts. 

The Run Interval Calculator can be found below and on the “Exercises” page
of the website and below.
Obj: Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Power Clean @ 65/95#
5x Walking Lunge
5x Push Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 10 Rounds
30 Second 40-Foot Shuttles
30 Second Rest

Rest 3-5 Minutes

(2) 10 Rounds, Every 60 Seconds

5x Power Clean @ 85/115#
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
5x Burpees

(3) 20 Minute Grind

4x Mr. Spectacular @12/16kg
8x Standing Russian Twist @ 10+
8x Band Press Out

(4) 3 Rounds
Hip Flexor + Instep + Pigeon Stretch
5x Shoulder Dislocates
Foam Roll Low Back

Obj: TAC SEPA, Work Capacity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunge
5x Hand Release Push Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
3/5x Pull Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds
TAC SEPA - Under/Over/Under Agility Drill
Rest 45 Seconds

(2) 5 Rounds
Repeat (1) wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA

(3) 8 Rounds for Time wearing 25# weight vest or IBA

5x Renegade Man Makers @ 15/25#
Run 400m


(4) Foam Roll Legs/Low Back

Obj: Strength
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
8x Bench Press @ 45/95#
8x Walking Lunge
8x EO’s
Instep Stretch

(1) Work up to 1RM Bench Press (see comments)

(2) 6 Rounds
2x Bench Press @ 85% 1RM
Lat + Pec Stretch

(3) 6 Rounds
3x Craig Special - increase load each round until 3x is hard, but doable, then
immediately ….
2x Box Jump @ 24”
Pigeon Stretch

(4) 6 Rounds
8x Box Squat - increase load each round until 8x is hard, but doable
Rope Climb or 4/6x Mixed Grip Pull Ups
Hip Flexor Stretch

Working up to 1 Rep Max (1RM) Bench Press …
Set of 5x Reps, add weight
Set of 3x Reps, add weight
Start doing singles, adding weight until you find your 1RM. Try to find it by
your 5th single if not before.

Obj: TAC SEPA, Chassis Integrity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Walking Lunge
5x Hand Release Push Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
3/5x Pull Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds
TAC SEPA - 5/10/15 Sprint Complex
Rest 45 Seconds

(2) 5 Rounds
Repeat (1) wearing 25# Weight Vest or IBA

(3) 7 Rounds
20 Sec Hinge @ 65/95#
10 Sec Rest/Rotate
20 Sec Swing @ 16/20kg
10 Sec Rest/Rotate
20 Sec Ab Wheel
10 Sec Rest/Rotate
10/10 Standing Founder
10 Sec Rest/Rotate

(4) Foam Roll Legs/Low Back

Obj: Endurance

Warm Up:
4 Rounds
10x Squats
10x Push Ups
10x Sit Ups
Run 100m
Instep Stretch

(1) 3 Rounds
Run 800m @ 800m Interval Pace from the Run Interval Calculator
Rest 3 Minutes
(2) 1 Round
Run 2 Miles at 1Mile Interval Pace from the Run Interval Calculator
Rest 4 Minutes

Enter your SESSION 19, 4-mile run time into the Run Interval Calculator to
find  your paces for today’s efforts. 

The Run Interval Calculator can be found below and on the “Exercises” page
of the website and below.
Obj: Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5x Power Clean @ 65/95#
5x Walking Lunge
5x Push Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttles
Instep Stretch

(1) 10 Rounds
30 Second 40-Foot Shuttles
30 Second Rest

Rest 3-5 Minutes

(2) 10 Rounds, Every 60 Seconds

5x Power Clean @ 85/115#
5x Box Jumps @ 20”
5x Burpees

(3) 20 Minute Grind

4x Mr. Spectacular @12/16kg
8x Standing Russian Twist @ 10+
8x Band Press Out

(4) 3 Rounds
Hip Flexor + Instep + Pigeon Stretch
5x Shoulder Dislocates
Foam Roll Low Back

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