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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

7(7), 254-259

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Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/ 9353





Jilyana1,Suriah1, Moh. Tahir Abdullah2, Sudirman Nasir1, Nurhaedar Jafar3 and Apik Indarty Moedjiono2.
1. Departement Of Health Promotion, Faculty Of Public Health, Hasanuddin University.
2. Departement Of Reproduction Health, Faculty Of Public Health, Hasanuddin University.
3. Departement Of Nutritions, Faculty Of Public Health, Hasanuddin University.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History Adolescent acceptance of early marriage is responded positively and
Received: 05 May 2019 negatively. This is because of external factors, namely personal
Final Accepted: 07 June 2019 references or internal factors, namely personal autonomy. The GENRE
Published: July 2019 program which focuses on adolescents is expected to be an innovative
solution in preparing adolescents for family life.
Key words:-
acceptancion, concept, marriage, This study aims to analyze personal references and personal autonomy
behavior, adolescents. of adolescents towards the acceptance of the GENRE concept regarding
early marriage on Kabalutan island. This study is a qualitative research
with explanatory approach. Data collection was conducted with Focus
Group Discussion and in-depth interviews conducted on 14 informants
consisting of adolescents, parents of teenagers and local community
leaders. To obtain factors that encourage personal references and
personal autonomy, the data are analyzed using taxonomic analysis.
This study succeeded in finding the determination of the decision of
adolescent Kabalutan influenced by family and community
environment. Adolescent who decide to get married early because they
feel ready and mature by having a job. Teenagers who decide to
postpone marriage age have reasons to continue their studies, get a job
and look for work experience outside the Kabalutan. Adolescent
reference figures are peers, teenage siblings (guardians) and health
workers (PLKB). Adolescent’ personal references are peers, parents
and health workers (PLKB). Adolescents who have reference figures
tend to accept GENRE and delay marriage. Whereas adolescents who
do not have, reasoned that they felt equal to their friends so that no one
was worthy of emulation. Therefore, to change the mind set of the
Kabalutan community, recommended for BKKBN and related cross-
sectors to make the Kabalutan island as a target area with the priority of
adolescent and family development and GENRE to be an activity in the
Student Council, especially in high school islands.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2019,. All rights reserved.


Corresponding Author:-Jilyana. 254

Address:-Departement Of Promotion Health, Faculty Of Public Health, Hasanuddin University.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 7(7), 254-259

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have the aim of "achieving gender equality and empowering all women
and girls" with one of the targets being to eliminate all forms of dangerous practices such as early marriage and
forced marriage ".

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines early marriage is a marriage conducted by a partner or one of their
partners is still categorized as a teenager under the age of 19 (WHO, 2006).

Early marriage gives a greater risk to adolescent girls especially in aspects of reproductive health (Landung et al.,
2009). Girls aged 10-19 years have a five times greater risk of dying in cases of pregnancy and childbirth than
women aged 20-24 years, and globally deaths caused by pregnancy are the main cause of death for girls aged 15-19
years (BPS and UNICEF, 2016).

Early marriage practices are caused by many influencing factors including personal references or reference
characters and personal autonomy or the personal autonomy of adolescents. Early marriage is responded positively
and negatively. This is due to the high teenage sex drive, the influence of the environment that starts permissively
and almost without limits. In the end physically, children can mature more quickly. But if viewed psychologically,
economically, religiously, socially and other forms of independence, early marriage may not necessarily be able to
build a new community called family (Tsani, 2012).

Early marriage on Kabalutan island was high at 30% (PLKB Interview, 12/01/2019, 11.00 WITA). This island with
an area of 15.13 km2 has a population of 2,295 people with the largest distribution in the age group of 10-24 years
namely 38% of the total population and most of the people are Bajo ethnic (Kabalutan, 2018).

Based on the results of the preliminary study, the cause of the high rate of early marriage is largely caused by two
things. First, most parents have the understanding that if the child can make money himself or herself is considered
an adult (still under 19 years) and the second is teenagers who already have income, their association no longer
receives supervision from parents (TOMA Interview, 12/01/2019, 16.17 WITA and teenagers, 12/01/2019, 19.30

In a study conducted by the Central Sulawesi BKKBN, child marriages in SULTENG had reached 31.91% in 2015
(BKKBN, 2017). The 2016 BPS data shows that one of the highest contributors is Tojo Una Una district at 23%
(BPS and UNICEF, 2016).

UNICEF (2014) reported 1 in 6 Indonesian girls married before the age of 18. Susenas (2012) also shows that
women aged 10-15 years or 11.13 percent and 16 dan18 years or 32.10 percent have ever been married (Susenas,

The Council Foreign Relations (CFR) study states that the phenomenon of child marriage is found in many parts of
the world such as South Asia (46.90%), Sub-Saharan Africa (37.30%), Latin America (29%), East Asia and the
Pacific (17.60%), Middle East and North Africa (Vogelstein, 2013). Indonesia was a country with a high percentage
of child marriages in the world (rank 37) and the second highest in ASEAN after Cambodia (UI, 2016).

Regarding the adolescent problem, GENRE is expected to be present as a solution. This program is implemented
through 2 approaches, namely the Youth Approach itself PIK R / M and the approach to families that have teenagers
(BKR). PIK R / M is a place managed from by and for adolescents to provide information and counseling services
on reproductive health and other supporting activities. Whereas, BKR is a forum for activities carried out to improve
the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of adolescent parents in the context of developing adolescent growth
(BKKBN, 2012).

The uniqueness of the GENRE is the adolescent reproductive health counseling service carried out by peer
counselors/ educators, where GENRE is expected to be an effective educational media on adolescent and other
reproductive health issues positively. A study (2014) shows that peer group education can increase knowledge about
the maturation of marriage age in adolescents, both in urban and rural areas (Follona dkk, 2014).

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 7(7), 254-259

Based on these problems it is expected that there will be a study of the prevention of early marriage through
adolescent health education. The researcher also wanted to find out how the influence of personal references and
personal autonomy of adolescents on the acceptance of GENRE especially if faced with the problem of early

Generation Plan Concept (Genre)

The GENRE program is a program developed in the framework of preparing family life for adolescents so that they
are able to carry out a planned education level, have a career in a planned work, and get married in accordance with
the reproductive health cycle (BKKBN, 2016).

The 4 substances of the GENRE program are:

1. Population and Family Development
2. Adolescent Reproductive Health
3. Life Skills
4. Planning for Family Life

Of the four substances of the GENRE program which are the focus of early marriage, the fourth substance is family
planning. This concept is formulated into the Marriage Age Maturity program, which is an effort to increase the age
of the first marriage, so that at the time of marriage, women can reach a minimum age of 20 years and men − men
aged 25 years.

The main purpose of maturing the age of marriage is to provide understanding and awareness to adolescents so that
in planning their families they can consider various aspects of relating to family life. Be it physical, mental,
emotional, educational, social, economic readiness and determine the amount of birth distance (BKKBN, 2016).

Materials And Methods:-

Location and Design of Research
This research was carried out on Kabalutan island in the district of Talatako, Tojo una una, Central Sulawesi. The
type of research used is qualitative with explanatory approach.

Population and Sample

The informant selection technique in this study was purposive based on the predetermined criterias. Informants
consisted of teenagers, teen parents and community leaders. Characteristics of informants are teenagers who are
premature marriages, unmarried adolescents, parents of teenagers, both young people who are early marriages and
not, and community leaders are PLKB and school teachers.

Data collection
Secondary data was obtained by gathering information and documents from BP2KB Tojo Una una, PLKB in
Talatako sub-district and Kabalutan village office.
Primary data is obtained by conducting focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with each informant by
asking questions in the form of interview guidelines.

Data analysis
The data analysis technique used in this study was carried out by taxonomic analysis to show more relationships
between things within the cultural domain.

Kabalutan Island is one of the villages located in the Togean archipelago, precisely in Tojo Una Una District,
Central Sulawesi. Kabalutan Island is located just north of Tomini bay, south of the Walea strait, west of Togean
sub-district and east of Walea Kepulauan sub-district. This island with an area of 15.13 km2 has a population of
2,295 people with the largest distribution in the age group of 10-24 years which is 883 people (Data Desa Kabalutan,
2018). Kabalutan is the island with the densest population in the Togean archipelago, which is mostly inhabited by
Bajo tribes with livelihoods average as fishermen.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 7(7), 254-259

Table 1 shows the characteristics of the main informants, namely teenagers who married early or not, on average
teenagers under 19 years with high school education (graduated or not). The main informants were 8 teenagers.

Tabel 1:-Characteristics of teenage informants in Kabalutan

No Informant Code Gender Age School
M/W (Years)
1 CN W 17 High School
2 GT W 15 Junior High School
3 WT W 19 High School (not finished)
4 PP W 18 High School (not finished)
5 WD W 19 Junior High School (not finished)
6 WD M 23 High School
7 SR M 17 High School
8 MB M 19 High School
Source: primary data and secondary data, April − May 2019

Table 2 shows the characteristics of supporting informants who were parents of teenagers who had married early or
not, health workers, namely Family Planning Field Officers (PLKB) and teachers. Supporting informants numbered
6 people.

Tabel 2:-Characteristics of local community leaders informants and parents in Kabalutan

No Informant Gender Age School Occupation
Code M/W (year)
1 SL M 31 Bachelor PLKB
2 MM M 46 High School Teacher
3 WK M 30 High School (not finished) Fisherman
4 NL W 24 High School Housewife
5 AJ M 40 No School Fisherman
6 IS W 35 No School Housewife
Source: primary data and secondary data, April − May 2019

Personal References
Early marriage is something that is taught in Kabalutan. The theory proposed by Notoatmodjo (2007) says that a
person's behavior is more influenced by people who are considered important. If someone is considered important to
him, then what is said or done by that person tends to be imitated.

The findings in this study are the presence or absence of adolescent reference figures that underlie adolescent
attitudes toward GENRE and early marriage. This variable is divided into two domains: teenagers who have role
models and adolescents who have no role models.

The group of adolescents who have role models are found to be taxonomically analyzed because of the desire to be
better in the future (continuing their studies and seeking experience outside the island of Kabalutan) and they tend to
be restricted by their parents.

Groups of adolescents who do not have role models are found to have taxonomic analysis, they felt that there was
nothing different from him and a friend. Everything is the same including future plans and tends to be given freedom
by parents in association.

Peers can have an influence, both positive and negative. The results in this study indicate that the better the influence
of peers, the better the behavior of adolescents in association with friends or the opposite sex. Jennings et al (2015)
said that teenagers' interest in sexual health issues is higher when delivered by peers. Green (1980), the reference
group is one that encourages behavior. Besides Notoadmodjo (2012), in order for the realization of an attitude to be
a real behavior another driving factor is needed. These factors are in the form of facilities and support from other
parties in this case personal references in a residential environment.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 7(7), 254-259

Community groups in the social environment can influence adolescents, so that there is a desire or tendency to
follow or imitate what is in the environment and the effect of early marriage is closely related to the incidence of
early marriage (Ela, 2014).

In general, adolescents tend to have conformist attitudes or in line with people's attitudes considered important. This
tendency, among others, is motivated by the desire to affiliate and the desire to avoid conflict with important people.

Personal Autonomy
Personal autonomy is a thing that cannot be separated from human daily life. Every time people make a process of
choosing to make decisions, ranging from simple things to things that are considered to have a big impact on life.
Snehandu B. Kar (1983) says personal autonomy is someone's personal autonomy related to decision making.

Personal autonomy in this study is the freedom of adolescents to choose what they want and don't want to do, which
is divided into domains that determine delaying the age of marriage and the domain of early marriage. According to
the taxonomy the domain that determines the delay in the age of marriage is due to the desire to continue their
studies and seek work experience outside the island of Kabalutan.

The domain of teenagers who decide to marry at an early age has reasoned to be married and has grown up with a
job. Another reason is the desire to be a filial child by obeying the wishes of parents.

Against marriage, parents have a greater contribution both to be carried out too early or in an effort to delay the
child's marriage age. The role of parents in determining a child's marriage is influenced by family socio-economic
factors, family education level, beliefs and customs that apply in the family and family-owned abilities in dealing
with adolescent problems (Landung et al., 2009).

Adolescents who decide to get married early in life no one continues their education to a higher level or prefers to
stop or continue until finished or graduating (Arimurti, 2017).

The findings of this study were parents of early marriage participants who tend to encourage their children to have
early marriage. The reason for this is that if their children are married, then take responsibility as parents and to
avoid negative perceptions of the environment about their daughters who are already illiterate and unmarried.

The existence of family support for the continuity of early marriage is basically inseparable from the level of
knowledge of parents that can also be related to the level of family education. Parents have a low understanding of
the family environment by seeing that family life will create a better relationship in the family order so marriage that
is increasingly fast becomes the main solution for parents (Liana, 2013).

Simin et al (2016), adolescents believe that they are not mature enough and do not have sufficient autonomy in
marriage decision making. Therefore, they cannot overcome parental authority over early marriage. The personal
autonomy of adolescents is low due to lack of adequate life skills including decision making, problem solving,
negotiation, and critical thinking skills (UNICEF, 2005).

The decision to get married at an early age apart from the urging of parents is also encouraged by the desire of the
teenager himself. Adolescents feel satisfied to get married if they like each other and agree to be husband and wife,
have been married, and have jobs to fulfill their daily lives. Community leaders in Kabalutan said early marriage
there was caused by teenagers who tended not to get supervision from their parents and permissive attitude towards
the environment.

Based on the results of research conducted on the island of Kabalutan, it can be concluded that adolescents who
have a reference shop tend to accept GENRE and delay marriage, Teenage reference figures are peers, teenage’
sister (guardians) and health workers (PLKB). Whereas adolescents who do not have role models are due to the
feeling that they are equal to friends so that no one deserves to be imitated.

Determination of teenagers' personal decisions is strongly influenced by the family and community environment.
Teenagers who decide to get married early because they feel bad because they already have a job and feel they was

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 7(7), 254-259

adults. Teenagers who determine delaying marriage age have reasons to want to continue their studies, get a job and
look for experience outside the island of Kabalutan.

Therefore, to change the mindset of the Kabalutan community about early marriage and can apply the GENRE
concept in everyday life, recommended for BKKBN and related cross-sectors to make the island of Kabalutan as a
target area with the priority of adolescent and family development and GENRE to be an activity in the Student
Council especially in high school island regions.

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