4 of 8 WeldROVER-Scan Plan Design
4 of 8 WeldROVER-Scan Plan Design
4 of 8 WeldROVER-Scan Plan Design
Presentation Overview
The intent of this presentation is to provide a basic overview of th
e WeldRover Phased Array Inspection System and its various co
mponents. The presentation is divided into the following sections
Part 1 – WeldROVER Introduction and Video
Part 2 – WeldROVER Equipment
– Introduction, Transport Cases, Instrumentation, Controls, Scanner, Configuration, Water Supply,
Weld Series Probes
Part 3 – Code Compliance
– ASME\AWS\API Compliance, Calibration Requirements
Part 4 – ES Beam Tool – Scan Plan Design
– ES Beam Tool, Scan Plan Considerations, WeldROVER Skew, 5 Channel Types,
Advantages\Disadvantages, Scan Plan Examples
Part 5 – WeldROVER TOFD
– Why use TOFD?, Theory, Flaw Examples, Setup, Acquisition, Analysis, Conclusions
Part 6 – WeldROVER (PV200) Omniscan Setup
– Group Wizard, Calibration Wizard, Display Setup, UT Parameters Configuration, Scanning
Part 7 – WeldROVER (PV200) Acquisition
– File Management, PRF Optimization, WeldRover Operation
Part 8 – WeldROVER (PV200) Analysis
– Analysis Tools, Examples of Flaw Analysis, Defect Table and Reporting, File Management,
Tomoview for Offline Analysis
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
Through the use of advanced software tools such as the ES Beam Tool, scan plan
design with regard to inspection coverage, code compliance, and improved
inspection strategies is now a simple fast task.
Upon completion of the scan plan in the ES Beam Tool, the parameters of the probe
position (Index Offset) in relationship to the weld and the focal law calculator
parameters of the probe, wedge, material, and beam sets are available to be
programmed into the Omniscan MXU or Focus LT software.
Use of the ES Beam Tool ensures a high probability of detection, proper code
compliance for inspection coverage, and a low\no missed defect rate.
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
ESBeamTool3 is Eclipse Scientifics' third
generation modeling and technique development
tool for Phased Array, TOFD and Conventional
ultrasonic inspection. The ability to quickly define
typical inspection parameters enables technique
development to be rapidly realized and clearly
presented in a consistent format.
Comprehensive reports containing the broad list
of inspection parameters are easily incorporated
into the final technique documentation.
Select from predefined weld configurations or
produce your own specific weld geometry quickly
and easily. Call up transducer or wedge
definitions from an extensive list or include your
own unique designs. ESBeamTool allows you to
save the workspace and the user defined weld
Graphical display auto scales and transparency
features allow real time observation of parameter Complete details at:
changes. ESBeamTool allows you to add probes www.eclipsescientific.com
and turn the beam visibility on and off.
Dimensions and labels to help convey the
inspection sequence are all easily achieved by
simply selecting the appropriate button.
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
Within the ES Beam Tool database are all the standard Probes and Wedges from the
Olympus catalog allowing quick programming without entering all of the parameters of
which there are many.
When the probe and wedge are defined, the operator can determine both the position
of the probe and the individual channels that will make up our inspection strategy.
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
When designing a scan plan, placement of the probe (Index Position) and the
inspection strategy are determined with consideration for, but not limited to, the
following parameters:
Applicable code requirements (ASME, AWS, API, etc)
Material type – Stainless steel, Duplex Steal, Carbon Steel, Dissimilar Metal, etc.
HAZ (Heat Affected Zone) coverage requirements per applicable code
Weld process (SMAW, SAW, FCAW, etc)
Weld bevel design
Access limitations- One side and or two sided coverage
Whether or not TOFD and or Conventional channels are utilized
Number of total acquisitions and acquisition speed – Production Rate
Type of Instrumentation utilized – Limits on number of focal laws and pulsers (16:128 vs.
32:128, vs. 16:64 etc)
Defect sizing required for applicable code. Example: The AWS only requires amplitude, not
depth and height sizing. It is a much simpler scan plan than a ASME CC2235 requiring
precision flaw measurement and characterization
Defect characterization required for the applicable code. Example: Linear Scans (E-scans)
can be calibrated much more efficiently but do not provide the same level of defect
characterization as Sector Scan channels. For some codes this is not critical or required.
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
The WeldROVER and other system in the Olympus PV200 family are
designed to provide one line scans utilizing probes on both sides of the
weld where practical in accordance with most common codes.
The Skew of the probe is defined as the orientation of the beam in
relation to the mechanical movement of the scanner. With two probes
facing each other scanning perpendicular to the weld this would be
defined as Skew 90 (Negative from weld centerline) and Skew 270
(Positive from weld centerline)
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
The ES Beam Tool contains a tool
for generating a weld bevel from a
series of templates or creating one
within the program using built in
CAD tools.
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
There are 5 basic types of channels that are utilized in the Olympus PV200 family
of products. Completion of a scan plan will require one or a combination of
these channel types to comply with the code and meet the intended results of
the inspection.
For the Omniscan MXU and Focus LT instrumentation, no scan plan can exceed 8
channels or > 256 total focal laws.
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
Phased Array Sector Scan Channel - Defined as different focal laws (A-scans) at
different angles being generated by the same group of elements on the same
Sector Scan Advantages
Allows use of small probes and provides
large coverage area from small footprint
Provides higher level of detection, flaw
sizing and flaw characterization
Can be performed with fewer
pulsers\multiplexed channels (32:64,
Higher acquisition rate due to fewer focal
laws compared to Linear E-scans
Can provide full volumetric inspection in
one channel\one acquisition on most
welds thinner than 25mm
Flaw detection and sizing less dependent
on orientation due to multi-angle coverage
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
Sector Scan Disadvantages
Is not a 1:1 match for conventional UT inspections
because it utilizing different angles from one
position. Cannot be duplicated by conventional UT
Provides higher level of detection, flaw sizing and
flaw characterization Higher acquisition rate due to
few focal laws compared to Linear E-scans
TCG limitation for long sound path coverage in
single channel compared to linear E-scans.
Difficult to gate properly because the root cannot
be excluded from the C-scan.
Difficult to range properly because different
sections of the S-scan cover different areas of the
Difficult to define resolution due to beam to beam
center point will diverging with the sound path.
More complicated analysis for codes that only
require amplitude for accept\reject criteria (AWS)
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
Phased Array Linear (E-Scan) Channel - Defined as the same focal law (A-scan)
being multiplexed across a series of different elements resulting in the equivalent
of a conventional raster scan.
Linear (E-scan) Advantages
1:1 match for conventional UT raster scans and
procedures. Only different in how the data is
acquired. Analysis is exactly the same.
Provides fast and easy set up and calibration
for amplitude based inspection criteria.
TCG\DAC can be extrapolated to long sound
paths and many points due to no beam
divergence with the sound path. (Same angle)
Can comply with codes without the use of
common angles (45, 60, 70 degrees)
Linear scan channels can be gated to look only
at specific sections of the weld (ID, Embedded,
Easy analysis for codes that do not require
flaw characterization
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
Linear E-Scan Disadvantages
Requires more focal laws and channels to
meet the same coverage as Sector Scan
Requires larger probes, typically 64 elements
Requires larger multiplexer on the
instrument, typically 128 element capability
Does not provide same level of defect
characterization as Sector Scans.
Does not provide the same level of defect
detection and sizing as Sector Scans due to
one angle
Reduced usefulness on thick components
due to limited coverage per channel.
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
TOFD Channel – Conventional UT technique utilizing a pitch-catch technique for
signal diffraction rather than reflection.
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
Conventional UT Channel for Transverse Scanning – Typically only used with Phased Array scan
plans when the transverse scan requirement is recorded with the AUT data. Typically this is
done with manual UT similar to lamination checks and recorded on the data sheet.
Utilized when the scan plan cannot “skip” off the ID surface for surface coverage
on the 2nd leg. Typical of austenitic materials, dissimilar metal Welds, and
cladded components
Provides approximately 25mm of coverage in front of the probe face and will
detect a surface notch or near surface side drilled hole.
Adapted to standard Olympus scanner mechanics for one-line scan coverage
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
Review – The 5 basic channels utilized for all scan plans designed for the
WeldROVER or Olympus PV200 family of Phased Array Systems
The WeldROVER and PV200 systems were designed specifically for Piping,
Vessels, and Structural Component welds to ASME, AWS, API, and similar
standards utilizing the channels listed below.
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
Upon selection of PA probe and wedge,
and completion of weld design, the ES
Beam Tool provides an easy to use
interface for configuration probe
position and inspection strategy or
“Scan Plan”.
All the information for programming the
Omniscan or Focus LT is available in a
few easy steps.
Additionally, the ES Beam Tool has
many features and tools not covered in
this presentation that make designing
phased array inspections fast and
efficient. All Olympus phased array
customers are encouraged to use this
software and it is an essential part of
this system.
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design- Example 1 of 3
Typical scan plan for WeldROVER
inspection combining 1 pair of PA
probes and 2 Pairs of TOFD probes.
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design- Example 1 of 3
Offline analysis sample of previous scan plan. Acquired with Omniscan MXU and
analyzed in Tomoview offline analysis software
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design- Example 2 of 3
Typical scan plan for WeldROVER inspection combining 1 pair of PA
probes and 2 Pairs of TOFD probes
ASME CC2235 Vessel Inspection
100mm V weld with 2 sided access
Requires 2 separate acquisitions and probe
reposition (2 acquisitions)
Combing Sector Scans from 2 standoff
positions on both sides of the weld
3 X TOFD Channels focused at 25% 50% and
66% of weld volume
Calibration on standard ID\OD Notches and
Side Drilled Holes referenced in ASME Sec VIII
and CC2235
124 Focal laws on 4 channels
High level detection and precision sizing
Can accommodate the OD creeping wave
channel or a 4th TOFD channel without
additional acquisition. Requires probe change
All channels from both acquisitions can be
merged in Tomoview for analysis
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design- Example 2 of 3
Offline analysis
sample of previous
scan plan.
Acquired with
Omniscan MXU and
analyzed in
Tomoview Offline
analysis software.
Defect is Lack of
Root Fusion
visualized in the S-
scan and C-scan.
Calibration Block
used for Sensitivity
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design- Example 3 of 3
ASME CC179 Power Piping
12mm V weld with 2 sided access
10 inch diameter requires
contoured wedges- No calibration
on flat standards
Acquired in one acquisition at
2 X 45-70 degree sector scans
from both sides of the weld
70 degree TOFD Channel focused
66% of the weld volume
Calibration on standard ID\OD
Notches pipe cut out
104 Focal laws on 2 channels
using .5 degree resolution on the
sector scan
Typical reject rate higher than RT
under ideal conditions for both
WeldROVER- Scan Plan Design
Typical of most service companies offering advance phased array services is
the creation of predefined scan plans for common bevel types using
spreadsheets to provide the probe position and PA channel information is
incorporated into company work practices and Level III approval and
qualification if required.
Please send questions, comments and corrections to
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