Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie College of Engineering and Technology Course Syllabus

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Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie

College of Engineering and Technology

Course Syllabus
Course Title: Probability & Random Variables Course Number: 12130303
Year: 2019/2020 Semester: Summer

Department: Telecom Engineering Designation: Compulsory

Instructor: Dr. Mutamed Khatib
Instructor's e-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours:
Class Time: Sec.1:SUN to THU:9:00-10:00 Class Room: E-learning
Sec.2: SUN to THU:1:00-2:00

Course Axiomatic definition of probability spaces, combinational methods,

description: conditional probability, product spaces, random variables, distribution and
density functions, multivariate distributions, conditional distributions and
densities, independent RVs, functions of RVs, expected values, moments
and characteristic functions
Textbook(s): P. Z. Peebles, Jr., Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal
Principles, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001

Other required 1. P. Suksompong “Introduction to Probability for Electrical Engineers”,

material Cornell Univ., NY, 2008
(References): 2. Leon-Garcia, Probability and Random Processes for Electrical
Engineering, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 1994.
3. R. D. Yates and D. J. Goodman, Probability and Stochastic Processes,
John Wiley & Sons, 1999.

Course objectives: 1. To know and apply the basic probability principles.

2. To know and apply the basic principles concerning single and
multiple Random Variables.
3. To know and apply the basic time/frequency domain principles
concerning Random Processes.
4. To know and apply the basic time/frequency domain input-output
relationships concerning linear time-invariant systems with random
Topics covered
and Calendar: Topics Hours
Set theory, probability fundamentals, and Bernoulli trials. 4

Single random variables: distribution & density functions, 12

moments, moment-generating functions, transformations.

Vector random variables: joint distribution & density 11

functions, joint moments, joint moment-generating
functions, joint transformations, and sums.

Random processes: stationarity, ergodicity, auto/cross 11

correlation & covariance functions, auto/cross power
spectral densities and Wiener-Khintchine relationships,
bandwidths, and white & colored noise.

Time/frequency input-output relationships of linear time- 4

invariant systems with random inputs.

Class/laboratory 5 classes each week; 50 minutes each

Grading Plan: Mid Exam (30 Points) Will be announced by the registrar
Assignments (15 Points)
Final Exam (40 Points) Will be announced by the registrar
Others (15 Points)
General Notes: 1- University regulation Regarding absentees will be Applied.
Class policies 2- Names will be read in the first 10 minutes anyone coming after that will
be marked absent.
3- All mobiles must be switched off during class.

Relationship to program outcomes: State the relationship of course to program outcomes

ABET Program Outcomes

a 20 ability to apply knowledge of math engineering and science
b ability to design and conduct experiments and ability to analyze and interpret data
c 10 ability to design system components or process to meet a need
d ability to function in multidisciplinary teams
e 20 ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
f understanding professional and ethical responsibility
g ability to communicate effectively
h 30 Broad education to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and
societal context
I recognition of need and ability to engage in life long learning
j knowledge of contemporary issues
k 20 ability to use techniques, skills and tools in engineering practice

Prepared by: Dr Mutamed Khatib Date: 20/06/2020

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