Effect & Energy of Recycling Mechanical Parameters Waste Plastic and Glass To Produce Usable Composites
Effect & Energy of Recycling Mechanical Parameters Waste Plastic and Glass To Produce Usable Composites
Effect & Energy of Recycling Mechanical Parameters Waste Plastic and Glass To Produce Usable Composites
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The task of this research is to address the Municipal solid waste generation (MSW) is a major
issues of plastic waste disposal in developing countries. concern for governments, institutions and society in
In this study, we designed and built a plastic slicing developing countries; Increasing population pressures and
machine. The machine consists of the following main socio-economic factors make this solid waste unique. Solid
parts; Hopper assembly, shredder, drive shaft, frame, waste is an unused and undesirable by-product that is
V-belt, electric motor. Although the shape of the plastic ignored by members of the community. Generally, solid
is very different in the case of large-scale recycling, the waste can be classified on the basis of its origin: municipal
gap energy gap still highlights the environmental solid waste, industrial solid waste, agricultural solid waste.
benefits of re-cyclone plastic use. The engine has a Most cities in India spend 20-50% of their environmental
hopper capacity of 0.0725 m3, a central thrust of 36.17 budget on solid waste management and collect 20-80% of
N, a maximum torque of 733.83.5 N, a shear force of 500 their waste. In addition, solid waste management standards
N, a shaft diameter of 40 mm and a torque of 42 MPa at are among the lowest in India, due to waste generation
477.21 Nm. rates, poor documentation of inefficient storage and
collection systems, and poor utilization of waste disposal
This information is important in selecting the sites. Urban cities in India today face the problem of
conditions that contribute to the recycling process and collecting solid waste from the environment. India's
assessing the market for re-cyclones. This work is strategic centers are now being seized with a purity of tons
fundamentally important for providing new data sets of solid waste that does not affect society. City officials
for life cycle assessment to assess the environmental cannot deal with the hazardous and illegal disposal of
benefits of using recycled plastics. Therefore, industrial waste, which is a clear deficiency of clean air and
environmental impact can be linked to industrial and hygiene laws in our environmental hygiene laws and
commercial planning and its application in next-process regulations.
planning and supply chain management. It can be a
small business or a small government unit set up to Plastic waste is a component of solid waste, including
produce entrepreneurship. Initiative plastics have no polyethylene terephthalate (PET). PET is used in the
future, and due to the low breakage time, plastic manufacture of plastic, glass bottles and many other plastic
disguise can be seen as a blessing that can be effectively products. Most bottles made with pet food are transparent
reused. It will never be thrown away for irreparable and water and soda are used for packaging. They have been
damage atmosphere. biodegradable and inactive for over 4500 years and are
. threatening our land, rivers and drainage systems. More
Keywords:- recycling; plastic; polyethylene; waste; than 20% of India's municipal solid waste is plastic waste.
cement; disposal, composites; recycling; mechanical The problem of plastic waste is not limited to India, it is a
recycling, Resource Modeling, Energy Demand, worldwide phenomenon. The annual consumption of plastic
Granulator Mechanical Recycling . goods in the world increased from 5 million tons to 100
million tons in the 1950s; thus, twenty (20) times more
I. INTRODUCTION plastic is produced than fifty (50) years ago. That means
more resources are being used to meet the growing demand
Solid waste is not a new problem because humans for plastic, which means more plastic waste is being
always produce trash and dispose of it in some way. What generated. Lack of safe drinking water in rural and urban
has changed is the human values and understanding of the areas of India's growing population is a continuing cause of
type, quantity and disposal methods of the waste and what global warming and hot weather. Demand for bottled water
to do with it. Due to the low cost and ease of construction, is constantly growing. Although public water systems are
applications of plastics and their alloys are growing more available in some areas, supply lines that provide safe
rapidly. Therefore, large amounts of waste plastics drinking water are not reliable. Most Indians have private
accumulate, which pose major challenges to their disposal. pits, but the purification system is often bad.
Environmental assessment using fly ash filler, Disposal of plastic waste in the environment is
reinforced by the mechanical properties of acrylonitrile considered a big problem because its bioavailability is low
butadiene styrene (ABS). Narshasat (2018). and its large size. Therefore, finding alternative ways of
disposing of waste using convenient means is becoming a
Fly ash is commonly used as an acrylonitrile major research problem. In this research, we consider the
butadiene styrene (ABS) filler reinforce to develop possibility of mixing high-density polyethylene waste with
lightweight alloys. However, the study of particle size is Portland cement to produce plastic cement and the effect of
very limited in the mechanical properties of thermoplastic- replacing sand with polyethylene waste with different
based fly ash products. Information is important in properties. Experiments were performed using polyethylene
developing products for high performance applications. packages in a small reinforcement structure consisting of
This study compares the mechanical properties of fly ash 10% to 80% volume, bottles and food boxes. The results
fortified thermoplastic products made with different indicate that plastic cement from polyethylene waste and
particle sizes. Products are mixed and cured using a hot Portland cement is likely to produce 60% and 40%,
Plastic and glass bottles have more volume than their Shaft
weight, so the scrap collector stops taking plastic bottles The shaft is a rotating machine element, usually
because these plastic and glass bottles hold more space than circular in cross section, transmitting energy from one part
other scoring. If we break or cut this plastic, scraping the to another, or absorbing energy from a power generator
collector for transportation is convenient and economical such as a power generator.
and can be used for direct processing.
Various members have been installed, such as cutting
So we decided to build an affordable motorized plastic blades, gears and spikes. For the cutting system, circular
cutting machine for the consumer. Bottle Crusher can rotate shafts with a key (rectangular) with a circular cross section
parts from bottles, rotate or cut two parts with rotary cutting are used. The material used for the shaft is EN31 steel. The
tools at a certain depth and speed. The machine works with shaft is made and the diameter of the shaft is 40 mm.
the motor. Principle of Operation:
Spur gear
Align the plastic bottle into the hopper. Gear or cogwheel is a rotating machine piece with jigs
Cutter will rotate when the shaft is rotated after starting or pigs that mesh with another tooth to provide torque.
of motor. Equipped equipment provides the required speed, torque
Bottle will cut when contact with the cutting tool. and direction of the power source. The teeth of the two
The scroll will fall in the collector provided. duplicate gears have the same shape and the material used
is EN31 steel. The ratio of the required gear to the cutting
A. Components And Their Specifications system is 1. Therefore, the design and construction of the
Before we started modeling the CAD, we listed all the gear is equal to the number of teeth and the diameter of the
dimensions and specifications based on the design gear. A set of gears with two spur gears is used.
calculations done before. Further below is the table of all
components and their specifications. Pulley and belt
V-belt pulley (also known as V-belt belt sheaves) is a
Frame device that transmits power between pivots using the V-
The construction machine consists of a stand, support belt, which is a mechanical connection to the trapezoidal
plate, nuts and bolts. Auxiliary member frame that supports cross-section. The V-belt pulley can only be used to power
parts such as gears, shafts and blades. Two plates (bearing the force between two horizontal pivots.
support blades) are fastened with nuts and bolts to achieve
the required strength. The material used for the machine The most efficient belt drive is the transmission from
frame is MS (lightweight steel). The framework was the V-belt (sometimes 98%) and its complementary winch.
analyzed to see if the cutting and transmission system could The material is used for lightweight steel and rubber and
support the load of the assembly. The A36 measures 7,850 for belts and belts respectively. Adequate strength is
kg / m3. Design and frame structure to follow the required for large spot diameter (d) = 667 mm, small spot
measurements: diameter (d) = 400 mm, and distance between two spots =
Length (L) = 311 mm, Width (W) = 224 mm, Height (H) = 1000 mm. The velocity ratio between the two pullies is
192 mm. 1.67. So, the belt number 32/849 was selected from the list.
The design of the belt and pulley pitch line speed, which is
11 m / s.