Effect & Energy of Recycling Mechanical Parameters Waste Plastic and Glass To Produce Usable Composites

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Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Effect & Energy of Recycling Mechanical

Parameters Waste Plastic and Glass to
Produce Usable Composites
Deepak V. Dabhade Prof. Ganesh E. Kondhalkar
Machine Design II Head
M.E (Mechanical Engineering) Department of Mechanical Engineering
APCOER College, Parvti. APCOER College.
Pune, India Pune, India

Abstract:- The task of this research is to address the Municipal solid waste generation (MSW) is a major
issues of plastic waste disposal in developing countries. concern for governments, institutions and society in
In this study, we designed and built a plastic slicing developing countries; Increasing population pressures and
machine. The machine consists of the following main socio-economic factors make this solid waste unique. Solid
parts; Hopper assembly, shredder, drive shaft, frame, waste is an unused and undesirable by-product that is
V-belt, electric motor. Although the shape of the plastic ignored by members of the community. Generally, solid
is very different in the case of large-scale recycling, the waste can be classified on the basis of its origin: municipal
gap energy gap still highlights the environmental solid waste, industrial solid waste, agricultural solid waste.
benefits of re-cyclone plastic use. The engine has a Most cities in India spend 20-50% of their environmental
hopper capacity of 0.0725 m3, a central thrust of 36.17 budget on solid waste management and collect 20-80% of
N, a maximum torque of 733.83.5 N, a shear force of 500 their waste. In addition, solid waste management standards
N, a shaft diameter of 40 mm and a torque of 42 MPa at are among the lowest in India, due to waste generation
477.21 Nm. rates, poor documentation of inefficient storage and
collection systems, and poor utilization of waste disposal
This information is important in selecting the sites. Urban cities in India today face the problem of
conditions that contribute to the recycling process and collecting solid waste from the environment. India's
assessing the market for re-cyclones. This work is strategic centers are now being seized with a purity of tons
fundamentally important for providing new data sets of solid waste that does not affect society. City officials
for life cycle assessment to assess the environmental cannot deal with the hazardous and illegal disposal of
benefits of using recycled plastics. Therefore, industrial waste, which is a clear deficiency of clean air and
environmental impact can be linked to industrial and hygiene laws in our environmental hygiene laws and
commercial planning and its application in next-process regulations.
planning and supply chain management. It can be a
small business or a small government unit set up to Plastic waste is a component of solid waste, including
produce entrepreneurship. Initiative plastics have no polyethylene terephthalate (PET). PET is used in the
future, and due to the low breakage time, plastic manufacture of plastic, glass bottles and many other plastic
disguise can be seen as a blessing that can be effectively products. Most bottles made with pet food are transparent
reused. It will never be thrown away for irreparable and water and soda are used for packaging. They have been
damage atmosphere. biodegradable and inactive for over 4500 years and are
. threatening our land, rivers and drainage systems. More
Keywords:- recycling; plastic; polyethylene; waste; than 20% of India's municipal solid waste is plastic waste.
cement; disposal, composites; recycling; mechanical The problem of plastic waste is not limited to India, it is a
recycling, Resource Modeling, Energy Demand, worldwide phenomenon. The annual consumption of plastic
Granulator Mechanical Recycling . goods in the world increased from 5 million tons to 100
million tons in the 1950s; thus, twenty (20) times more
I. INTRODUCTION plastic is produced than fifty (50) years ago. That means
more resources are being used to meet the growing demand
Solid waste is not a new problem because humans for plastic, which means more plastic waste is being
always produce trash and dispose of it in some way. What generated. Lack of safe drinking water in rural and urban
has changed is the human values and understanding of the areas of India's growing population is a continuing cause of
type, quantity and disposal methods of the waste and what global warming and hot weather. Demand for bottled water
to do with it. Due to the low cost and ease of construction, is constantly growing. Although public water systems are
applications of plastics and their alloys are growing more available in some areas, supply lines that provide safe
rapidly. Therefore, large amounts of waste plastics drinking water are not reliable. Most Indians have private
accumulate, which pose major challenges to their disposal. pits, but the purification system is often bad.

IJISRT20JUN617 www.ijisrt.com 759

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
There is an economic incentive to recover high-value Plastic percentage can be completely recycled, down-
carbon fiber in the context of recycling. However, the cycle or packaged goods manufacturer reduces the mix of
biggest waste in terms of quantity is plastic waste. These packaging materials and eliminates contamination. The
conflicting incentives are a difficult challenge for research Plastic Recyclers Association has released the "Design
and industry in the development of recycling technology. Guide for Recycling".
Landfill removal laws such as the West fill Landfill
Directive (1999) affect industry-specific laws such as the The objective of this work is to develop and validate
End of Life Vehicle Directive (2000) and the Waste an industry-wise model for estimating specific demand
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive energy requirements for milling as an alternative to waste
(2002).Developing resource efficient reuse strategies for recycling. Most Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) software has
integrated materials. The industry needs to address the lack no relevant data for recycling
of recycling at the industrial level, which eliminates waste
that is acceptable to law enforcement and waste (production Alloys. LCAs are important for assessing the
and end of life). This is a global problem. Along with environmental impact (potential benefits) of re-cyclone use,
recycling technologies, there must be high throughput and it is important to demonstrate these potential re-
capacity to be technologically efficient and cyclones if new products are added to the landfill. It should
environmentally friendly. The tearing machine is designed be noted that the quality of any environmental assessment
to divide small solid particles into smaller or smaller ones. depends on the quality and availability of the data. This
Tearing machines are commonly used to reduce the size highlights the need for an accurate resource model.
and shape of materials, so they can be used effectively. Mechanical processing (milling) has been chosen as there is
Smaller fragments, such as wounds, create deformity by a market for machines capable of disposing of industrial
suppressing the material by adding mechanical force to the waste. Since other recycling technologies (pyrolysis,
material. Clipping materials should have better strength and liquefied bed and chemical processes) have been developed
hardness than plastic materials. from an industrial-scale pilot plant, resource models need to
be developed to perform optimal environmental analysis
Plastic recycling means getting scrap or waste plastics (usually LCA). Improving the integrity of environmental
and re-processing the materials into useful products. data is critical and critical to supporting the best
Because most plastics are not biodegradable, waste sustainability decisions.
recycling, especially 8 million metric tons of waste plastics
will enter the Earth's oceans as part of a global effort to A. Background
reduce plastic. Waste is now a global problem and must address
global resources and energy challenges. Everything we eat,
Similar to the low value of glass recycling, plastic including plastic bottles, is wasted. Plastic is the most
polymer recycling is more challenging due to its lower commonly used material in the world today. The five main
density and lower value than the attractive recycling of categories are polyethylene terephthalate (PET), high
metal. There are many technical barriers to plastic reuse. density polyethylene, polyethylene (HDPE),
Material recovery facilities facilitate plastic degradation polyvinylchloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP) and low
and processing. By 2019, due to the disruption of their density polyethylene. Removing waste plastics (PET, PP,
financial security, these facilities have made significant etc.) is the biggest challenge because repeated use of pet
contributions to the plastic supply chain. bottles can be carcinogenic and only a small percentage of
pet bottles are reused.
When various types of plastics are dissolved, they are
separated by a step, such as oil and water, and placed in Plastic is a synthetic organic matter produced by
these layers. Phase limitations cause structural weakness in polymerization. They are generally of high molecular
the material, which means that polymer composites can weight and may contain materials other than polymers to
only be used in limited applications. Two widely used improve performance and reduce cost. These polymers can
plastics, polypropylene and polyethylene, limit their use for be molded or molded into their shape.
reuse. Whenever plastic is reused, additional Virgin
material should be added to improve the integrity of the Plastic and glass bottles are made from a petroleum
material. Therefore, new plastic materials have been added product called polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and require
to recycled plastic. The same plastic piece can only be large amounts of fossil fuels for manufacturing and
reused 2-3 times before its quality is reduced to unusable transportation. You may find that plastic and glass bottles
levels. are difficult to recycle. Some plastic bottles are used
worldwide and most of them are not recycled because only
The use of biodegradable plastics or plastics that can certain types of plastic bottles can be reused by other
be systematically recycled or disposed of in industrial municipalities. They can be solved in landfills, injecting
fertilizers is growing for some short-term packaging dangerous chemicals into the ground or they can penetrate
applications. our roads. There is a big disadvantage of plastic that is
difficult to decompose.

IJISRT20JUN617 www.ijisrt.com 760

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
So we need to recycle plastic and there are different B. Related Work
ways to recycle plastic. Also, scrap collectors avoid plastic Ragheti Atul has done research on "plastic to improve
bottles due to high volume and low weight. Available their properties". Plastic bags commonly used to pack
machines are expensive, so it is necessary to develop low- vegetables and meat can cause serious environmental
cost cutting machines to overcome this problem. The problems. Since plastic bags are many years old, plastic
project is related to the development of a plastic bottle bags have been in the environment for over 1000 years,
cutting machine that helps dispose of used plastic bottles, increasing the number of plastic bags each year. Removing
which helps to manage waste and reduce transportation large quantities of plastic bags can result in land, water and
costs. A cutting machine is designed to cut large pieces into air pollution. A plastic bag recycled as a material in
smaller pieces. concrete can help improve some of the properties of
concrete made by adding plastic to the concrete. The
Cutting will add more force to the force generated by properties of concrete with different percentages of plastics
the mechanical gain of the material made of atoms and were tested for compressive strength and split tensile
prevent more deformation than the material breaks down. strength, and showed that the introduction of chopped
The basic principle is to destroy a plastic bottle that relies plastic bags improves the tensile strength of concrete. The
on scissors and impact strength. effects of plasticity on concrete properties are summarized
based on the experimental results.
The use of plastic overwhelms all other products,  Including plastic pieces affects the compressive strength
including aluminum and glass, for its advantages and of concrete and increases the plastic percentage by 1%
properties. 5% increase in global plastic production, crusher after 28 days of curing and reduces the plasticity
can be used to break aluminum and plastic over 300 million strength of concrete by 20%.
tonnes per year over the last 20 years. Adding single or  The split tensile strength test improves the tensile
multiple bins gives you extra space for easy storage options strength of the concrete. Increasing the strength
in a recycled compartment. This machine can reduce the recorded after the plastic correction of 0.8% reduces the
amount of empty bills for storage and removal. Fill soft strength of the concrete with the addition of plastic.
drinks and other beverages in plastic cans.  Therefore, plastic can be used to increase the tension of
the concrete.
Businesses such as restaurants and bars must deal with  From the above discussion it has been shown that the
this empty or leftover garbage. Storage is often a problem use of stick plastics as a plastic method can improve the
because they can use a lot of space, which increases the properties of concrete.
amount of waste. This whole storage problem can be easily
avoided with a crusher. You can put more bags in the bag if Ibrahim Azee investigated "the use of selective wastes
you bake properly, as it takes less space to dry. in solid mixtures". Modern lifestyles, coupled with
technology, have led to an increase in the quantity and type
The cutting process, cutting the blade to a certain of waste, causing the wastewater crisis. This stud y solves
speed, operates the motor with the cut motor. But it is very the problem of contamination from broken concrete, glass
difficult to cut plastic directly on small blades with small and plastics. To reduce or reduce the accumulation of
clipping edges. certain types of waste, it is suggested that some of these
waste be reused to change the percentage of basic materials
The discovery time of a plastic cutting process like used in standard Portland cement concrete.
scrap can be easily processed with some treatment.
The recycled waste in this study consists of glass,
The procedures to be done before the slicing process plastic, and demolished concrete. Such recycling not only
are as follows: discretion, autoclaving and tearing. But the protects natural resources but also helps to address the
combustion and autoclaving process reduces the quality of growing waste management crisis.
the chopped product. Surface area and molten edges made
of hard tool steel to reduce the quality difference in the Ground plastics and glass were used to replace 20% of
cutting process. The thickness of the blade should not the total concrete in the concrete mix, while crush concrete
exceed 5 mm. Therefore, the pieces obtained after cutting used up to 20% of the crush concrete. To evaluate these
are less than or equal to 5 mm. Since these pieces are less alternatives on the properties of OPC composites, several
than or equal to 5 mm, the products do not need to be laboratory tests have been conducted. These tests include
treated with heat, which does not reduce the quality of the operating efficiency, unit weight, compressive strength,
material. Therefore, these pieces can be fed directly into the flexibility and endogenous tensile strength. The main
injection molding machine. It does not use high results of this research show that three types of waste can
temperature in the products and the resulting product gets be successfully used as sand or coarse aggregates as a
better quality after the molding process. This process partial substitute for concrete compounds. The researchers
allows the recycled product to be used multiple times concluded that the experiments in this study were mainly
before the grade is too high. designed to address the advantages and disadvantages of
using solid waste such as broken concrete, plastic and glass.
It provides an overview of construction waste recycling in

IJISRT20JUN617 www.ijisrt.com 761

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the construction industry. Based on test results and physical in M25 concrete. Plasticity by volume is added from 0% to
observations, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1.2%. Compressive strength is compared to manually cut
and torn plastic. Based on the experimental data obtained
 Develop waste and reuse management plans for any after extensive sampling of different proportions of
construction project before beginning operations that polyethylene fibers, the following conclusions are reached.
uphold environmental, economic and social  Plastic bags can be used to avoid confusion in the form
development principles. of chopsticks.
 Macro fibers made with hand-cut bags are not suitable
 The surface area of recycled broken concrete, due to its for viewing rates.
irregular shape, requires the growth of cement and  The strength and compacting factor of the fiber
water; So irregular shape can adversely affect the measured by the use of plastic bags of less than 20
efficiency of the said mixture. microns was reduced by approximately 30%, 1.2% to
50% compared to the controlled concrete.
 Comparing the supply of prime aggregates (aggregates)  With the exception of polyethylene fibers less than 20
to the cost of breaking down glass, plastic and concrete, meters thick, concrete is suitable for non-structural
the availability of key materials and space should be work, where strength of concrete is not a major concern.
considered in project management plans.  Different durable elements should be investigated with
a wide range of models and tests.
 The strength of concrete alloys can be improved by  To examine the possibility of using such waste for
partially replacing fine aggregates with broken glass alternative solutions to solid waste, the authors use
aggregates, but the high alkalinity of such aggregates different types and proportions of different types of
affects the strength and strength of the aggregates, both post-consumer plastic waste.
of which require long-term research.
C. Aims And Purpose
 In contrast to the use of plastic and broken aggregates, A tearing machine is designed to divide small solid
the use of different percentages of glass does not particles into smaller or smaller pieces. Tearing machines
significantly affect the breakage, which decreases as the are commonly used to reduce the size and shape of
percentage of consumption increases. materials, so they can be used effectively. Small pieces,
such as disassembling, can be defined as the process by
 In addition to recycling glass in concrete alloys, glass
which the energy transmitted by mechanical gains are
aggregates can be used in aesthetics to give a shiny,
combined with atomically made materials, and with greater
clean finish to the surface of the concrete product.
deformation than breaking the material. Clipping materials
 When using up to 20% of concrete using plastic and should have greater strength and hardness than plastic
broken concrete, the strength of concrete used by materials.
natural aggregates is compressive and split-tensile than
that of ordinary concrete. Therefore, in some civil The objective of this study is to investigate the effect
engineering applications it is recommended to use of operational parameters on process energy demand and
concrete with low strength recycled materials, re-cyclone quality in the mechanical recycling of glass fiber
especially in non-structural applications of less than 25 composites. The three control factors investigated are
MPa. This helps to reduce the cost of using non- hammer mill screen size, material thickness, and material
structural concrete. size. The performance of two different granulator
technologies is also compared. The focus is to develop a
Concrete performance has also been investigated knowledge base to reduce the power footprint and to select
using disposable plastic waste as a concrete constitution. the right parameters to re-evaluate storm quality.
Safe disposal of recycled thin plastic bags is the most In short, the main goals of the project are:
challenging to dispose of solid waste worldwide. To date, at
least 15% of all plastic waste is untreated. Concrete is the  Construction of shredding machine that works for
first choice for construction in most countries today. This plastic waste.
has led to the rapid extinction of natural resources. It may  This can easily separate future modular PSUs.
be worthwhile to use disposable plastic bags in concrete to  After testing the performance machine, re-design the
meet the shortage of raw materials and to safely remove the small pieces to improve performance, output quality,
plastic left to the environment. This paper presents a assembly and / or user-friendly.
comparative study of the compressive strength of concrete  Rebuild the machine with new improvements, if
by mixing plastic bags into concrete parts. This study possible.
focuses on the use of 20 μm thick polyethylene plastic bags  Reduce building costs

IJISRT20JUN617 www.ijisrt.com 762

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. LITERATURE REVIEW press machine before performing many mechanical tests
and environmental assessments. The results indicate that as
High voltage fission and mechanical recycling of the fly ash particles increase in size, the tensile and elastic
glass fiber thermoset composite. (Pual.t Mativenga, properties of the sample decrease. It is difficult to disperse
Norshah) 2016. the size of large particles all the same. In contrast,
environmental assessment reinforces large cells of ABS and
Glass has introduced fiber reinforced plastic material, fly ash, resulting in less global warming due to the use of
which is 98 percent of the product size. The different less electrical energy in the filtration process. The results of
process of recycling is Biotechnology, Electrical, Fluidized this study provide important insight into the mechanical
Bed, HVF, Mechanical, Microwave Pyrolysis, Pyrolysis. properties and global warming effect of fly ash based
Two devices are discussed, such as the SELFRAG High thermoplastic products.
Voltage Fission Laboratory and the Whitman Macy
Granulator, high voltage fission equipment that operates by Comprehensive reuse of efficient fiber reinforcement.
supplying voltages. Whitman granulator motor driven Narshahisatzub (2016)
mechanical reducer. This literature survey classified HVF
for a new application in the recycling of GFRP and US materials have different properties. Thermoset
compared it to its mechanism. matrices used in most high-grade applications have three-
dimensional cross-linked structures that cannot be melted
The global growth of mixed waste requires innovative and refined. Such complex behavior requires appropriate
recycling technology. Three-dimensional cross-linked reuse strategies, many of which are currently in research
structure makes melting and repair of the thermoset alloy and development. At this early stage, it is important to
impossible. In this study, high voltage fission, originally select and develop sustainable solutions in terms of
intended to break rocks, was investigated as a potential economic performance and low environmental impact.
process for total recycling. It was then benchmarked against Unfortunately, there is a limited number of highly
its competitor mechanical recycling. This research has been comprehensive environmental data in the literature to help
instrumental in differentiating the overall stages, the energy assess the life cycle benefits of total reuse. This information
demand and the quality of the returning storms. This work is important in examining the environmental potential of
is a new contribution to the performance evaluation of key composite recycling processes, the efficient use of
technologies for fast recycling glass fiber thermoset productive resources, and the integrated waste of life.
composites, a major challenge for manufacturing and end-
of-life waste generation. We also investigated the effects of key process
variables on mechanical energy recycling in terms of
Energy intensity and environmental analysis of carbon process energy demand and re-cyclone quality. This study
fiber composite mechanical recycling highlights the importance of selecting the right markets to
Jack Hogarth 2014 handle recycling processes and creating high market value
storms. The potential of new recycling techniques such as
It explained that the shortage of industrial standards of high voltage distortion is also evaluated. The performance
total recycling required the law to become an acceptable of the method originally developed to break rocks has been
waste management solution to increase industry waste compared to that of the adult mechanical recycling process.
accumulation. It is becoming a global problem and The last part of this study used the life cycle assessment
recycling technology to have the technical potential and method to assess the end of life choices for automotive
environmental benefits. The main methods for recycling integrated products with highlights on the beneficial
composite materials are classified into thermal, chemical, environmental impacts of recycling conditions.
mechanical and radiation categories. Extrapolating
mathematical models for estimating energy demand for Polyethylene waste is recycled to produce plastic
specific energy modeling and mechanical recycling of cement
various composite materials. Ahmad K. Jasim (2017)

Environmental assessment using fly ash filler, Disposal of plastic waste in the environment is
reinforced by the mechanical properties of acrylonitrile considered a big problem because its bioavailability is low
butadiene styrene (ABS). Narshasat (2018). and its large size. Therefore, finding alternative ways of
disposing of waste using convenient means is becoming a
Fly ash is commonly used as an acrylonitrile major research problem. In this research, we consider the
butadiene styrene (ABS) filler reinforce to develop possibility of mixing high-density polyethylene waste with
lightweight alloys. However, the study of particle size is Portland cement to produce plastic cement and the effect of
very limited in the mechanical properties of thermoplastic- replacing sand with polyethylene waste with different
based fly ash products. Information is important in properties. Experiments were performed using polyethylene
developing products for high performance applications. packages in a small reinforcement structure consisting of
This study compares the mechanical properties of fly ash 10% to 80% volume, bottles and food boxes. The results
fortified thermoplastic products made with different indicate that plastic cement from polyethylene waste and
particle sizes. Products are mixed and cured using a hot Portland cement is likely to produce 60% and 40%,

IJISRT20JUN617 www.ijisrt.com 763

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
respectively. In addition, they reduce their density, increase
flexibility and improve job efficiency, producing lighter

Design and Fabrication of Paper Shredder Machine

Dr. Fauzia Siddiqui

This paper deals with the detailed study and design

process of a paper slicing machine. The special parts of the
Schras der Machine, Stand (Frame), Transmission System
and Cutting System are specially developed and designed.
A short paper deals with the study of the cutting system of
a machine, namely the type of blade, its different profiles,
its dimensions, its arrangement, and the advantages and
disadvantages of different types of blades. The second part
is the detailed design, purpose and definition of the design
process of each part of the cutting and transmission system,
the design of the blade and some changes to it. The third
and final part is the design of various components of the
Dassault system and its analysis of "Solid Works 2014" and
its kinetic studies and ANSYS15.

Keywords:- SolidWorks2014, ANSYS15, Shredder Fig 1: Waterfall Model

Machine. Introduction Paper shredder is a mechanical tool
used to cut paper into sheets, usually strips or thin cells. It Reuse of polyethylene plastic waste in concrete
is used by government agencies, businesses and private Venkat Narsimha Rao
individuals to destroy private, confidential or sensitive
documents. Privacy experts recommend that thieves use Due to population growth and altered lifestyles, the
bills, tax records, credit cards, bank account details and volume of plastic waste has increased significantly. This
other items to exclude people for fraud or identity theft. project deals specifically with the possibility of using waste
polyethylene as a partial re-installation of solid or coarse
Types of Paper Cut: aggregates in waste. After mixing concrete is formulated
 Strip-cut pieces: These rotating knives cut narrow strips with 2%, 4%, 6% pulverized / non-pulverized polyethylene
as long as the original sheet paper. These strips can be material. Various tests on cement such as specific gravity,
retrieved by a determined and patient researcher or elegance, timing, etc., are tested on coarse and granular
competitor, because the production of these pieces aggregates such as sieve analysis, fine modulus, specific
(information loss) is irregular. gravity. Composites are formulated using the IS code
 Cross-cut or confetti-cut shredders: They use two system and the cubes and cylinders are poured for M25
pregnancy-rotating drums to cut rectangular, horizontal grade concrete and understand their behavior and utility in
cubes or flexible (diamond-shaped) pieces. the use of deceleration, cube testing and cylinder testing
 Particle-Cut Clipping: They can be shaped into small without testing on plastics and concrete. Standard
rectangles or circles. mechanical properties of concrete, such as compressive
 Cardboard Pieces: - These are specially designed for strength, split tensile strength, are tested and compared with
cutting coherent materials into strips or mesh boards. the results of standard models.
 Pierce and Tear Shredder: - They have rotating blades,
which are pieces of paper. Impact of process parameters on mechanical recycling
 Waist: - Rotating shaft with paper grinding cutting of glass fiber thermoset composites.
blades. Paul Trisamatunga

Manufacturing and life waste are eliminated as there

is a high demand for glass fiber reinforced thermoset
composites. Mechanical recycling is currently a mature and
fast process for recycling such waste on an industrial scale.
Unlike manufacturing processes, the impact of important
process variables on the quality of re-cyclets is not well
understood. Diversity analysis was used in this study to
establish the key mechanical granulator process variables
that recycle energy demand and quality. Two different
granulator technologies were also compared. This
information is important in selecting conditions to drive the

IJISRT20JUN617 www.ijisrt.com 764

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
recycling process and assessing the potential market for element. The main component of a paper shredder machine
generated hurricanes. is the blade. Thus our more focus is on the research and the
study of an appropriate blade design which will serve our
Recycling of polyethylene waste to produce plastic purpose.
Ahmad K. Jasim  Planning Phase
Planning phase includes:
Disposal of plastic waste in the environment is  Process planning
considered a major problem because of its low biological  Raw material planning
capacity and large size. Therefore, finding alternative ways  Force analysis
to dispose of waste using convenient methods is becoming  Process scheduling
a major research problem. In this research, high-density
polyethylene waste is mixed with Portland cement to  Modeling Phase
investigate the possibility of producing plastic cement, and Modeling phase includes:
the effect of replacing sand with fine polyethylene waste  Design of various components
with different percentages of product characteristics.  CAD modeling of components
Experiments were conducted using polyethylene packages  Assembly model of component
of waste, with 10% to 80% by volume, bottles and food
 Prototype model making
boxes in a small reinforcement structure. The results
indicate that plastic cement is more likely to be produced
Once the blade type is fixed, the second important
from polyethylene waste and Portland cement using 60%
thing is the machine design. The design was being done in
and 40%, respectively. In addition, their density is reduced,
Creo Parmetric 4.0. The different components designed
flexibility is increased and work efficiency is improved,
along the blade are frame/stand, shaft, washers, gears,
producing lighter materials.
pulley etc.
Thus the designing phase is briefly classified as the
machine construction, cutting system and the transmission
 Build a functioning shredding machine for plastics
system. The main aspect while design is the space
occupation. Our main aim is to create a horizontal machine
 Make an easily detachable modular PSU that can be
(like a Xerox ones) such that the space occupied will be
used for other future applications.
horizontal in nature.
 Redevelop the shredder to improve performance, output
quality, assembly and/or user-friendliness, after testing
 Construction and Testing
of the machine.
Construction phase includes:
 If possible, rebuild the machine with the new
 Selection of proper manufacturing methods
 Minimize building cost.  Working as per process scheduling and plan
 Testing of equipment on field
IV. METHODOLOGY  Error analysis
 Repair if any
We have decided to complete the project in simple  Construction of Prototype using wooden shaft and metal
waterfall model. blades
 Rework of design based on failure of results in
 Communication Phase prototype stage
Communication phase includes:  Construction of the model in stages: Welding the square
 Discussion of topic with guide pipes for the frame,
 Actual farm visit and understanding various farming
method Bending of sheet metal for hopper, fitting of motor
 Literature survey and Pulleys, Assembly of shredder shaft with the spur gears
 Problem identification and fitting through nuts and bolts, and usage of dampers.
 Analysis of problem
 Concept development  Deployment
 Discussing various certainties and uncertainties  Comparing the project with the designed output
 Preparation of testing results
The very basic and important step was to study the  Preparation of project report
basics of the shredder machine. It included the machine  Final submission of project

IJISRT20JUN617 www.ijisrt.com 765

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The cutting system consists of shafts, cutting blades,
 From the reference sheets, we explore the problem of washers and gears. The cutting blade is a circular blade
the shredder machine, where load factors are caused by with 3 (three) cutting edges, providing a circular hole in the
noise and excessive vibration. center along the keyway, which operates simultaneously on
the main shaft and the main shaft.
 The normal cutters used, which are able to shred/cut
papers into strips can’t be considered as a reliable In the drawing of the cutting blade in the Cryo 4.0
method of disposing the stuff. The strips are easy to be software, the cutting blade splits into equal angles and
arranged or assembled again by some wiser brains. connects each cutting edge of the cutting blade to the
specified length of the cutting edge from one cutting edge
 Because of the mechanical components like the blades, to another.We design the cutting system in such a way that
gears, etc. a periodic maintenance and through angle between keyway of each cutter blade is 40 degree.
lubrication is required. And cutting blades are placed in such a manner that after
first blade apart from 40 degree from second blade. This
 There can be a problem of paper jam due to the back concept used in paper shredder machine. Because of that,
flow of paper along with the blades. power which was requiring rotating the shaft was large.
Now that power to rotate the shaft is lesser than previous.
VI. WORKING PRINCIPLE Material used for cutting blade is EN31 steel.

Plastic and glass bottles have more volume than their  Shaft
weight, so the scrap collector stops taking plastic bottles The shaft is a rotating machine element, usually
because these plastic and glass bottles hold more space than circular in cross section, transmitting energy from one part
other scoring. If we break or cut this plastic, scraping the to another, or absorbing energy from a power generator
collector for transportation is convenient and economical such as a power generator.
and can be used for direct processing.
Various members have been installed, such as cutting
So we decided to build an affordable motorized plastic blades, gears and spikes. For the cutting system, circular
cutting machine for the consumer. Bottle Crusher can rotate shafts with a key (rectangular) with a circular cross section
parts from bottles, rotate or cut two parts with rotary cutting are used. The material used for the shaft is EN31 steel. The
tools at a certain depth and speed. The machine works with shaft is made and the diameter of the shaft is 40 mm.
the motor. Principle of Operation:
 Spur gear
 Align the plastic bottle into the hopper. Gear or cogwheel is a rotating machine piece with jigs
 Cutter will rotate when the shaft is rotated after starting or pigs that mesh with another tooth to provide torque.
of motor. Equipped equipment provides the required speed, torque
 Bottle will cut when contact with the cutting tool. and direction of the power source. The teeth of the two
 The scroll will fall in the collector provided. duplicate gears have the same shape and the material used
is EN31 steel. The ratio of the required gear to the cutting
A. Components And Their Specifications system is 1. Therefore, the design and construction of the
Before we started modeling the CAD, we listed all the gear is equal to the number of teeth and the diameter of the
dimensions and specifications based on the design gear. A set of gears with two spur gears is used.
calculations done before. Further below is the table of all
components and their specifications.  Pulley and belt
V-belt pulley (also known as V-belt belt sheaves) is a
 Frame device that transmits power between pivots using the V-
The construction machine consists of a stand, support belt, which is a mechanical connection to the trapezoidal
plate, nuts and bolts. Auxiliary member frame that supports cross-section. The V-belt pulley can only be used to power
parts such as gears, shafts and blades. Two plates (bearing the force between two horizontal pivots.
support blades) are fastened with nuts and bolts to achieve
the required strength. The material used for the machine The most efficient belt drive is the transmission from
frame is MS (lightweight steel). The framework was the V-belt (sometimes 98%) and its complementary winch.
analyzed to see if the cutting and transmission system could The material is used for lightweight steel and rubber and
support the load of the assembly. The A36 measures 7,850 for belts and belts respectively. Adequate strength is
kg / m3. Design and frame structure to follow the required for large spot diameter (d) = 667 mm, small spot
measurements: diameter (d) = 400 mm, and distance between two spots =
Length (L) = 311 mm, Width (W) = 224 mm, Height (H) = 1000 mm. The velocity ratio between the two pullies is
192 mm. 1.67. So, the belt number 32/849 was selected from the list.
The design of the belt and pulley pitch line speed, which is
11 m / s.

IJISRT20JUN617 www.ijisrt.com 766

Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
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