2010v02 Trimming The Fat

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seismic design

the FAT By
Nina Kristeva, P.E.

This page: At the center of a

$2.5-billion multi-use develop-
ment in downtown Los Angeles,
the 56-story L.A. Live Hotel &
Residences incorporates a steel
plate shear wall system that
AEG and Gensler

returned 20,000 sq. ft of floor

area to the developer.


Changing from concrete to steel plate shear walls saved time,
reduced weight, and reclaimed usable space.

The first steel-plate shear wall high-rise building in the loads are then resisted through diagonal tension in the web plate
high-seismicity land of California is redefining not only the Los rather than through shear.
Angeles skyline but the skyline for the structural engineering and Vertical and horizontal boundary elements (VBE and HBE)
steel construction industries as well. are designed to permit the web plates to develop significant
The new L.A. Live Hotel & Residences building is the cen- diagonal tension and reach their expected yield stress across the
terpiece of L.A. Live development, a 4-million-sq.-ft, $2.5 billion entire panel while dissipating energy. The ductility of the SPSW
downtown Los Angeles sports, residential and entertainment dis- web plates also results in unparalleled performance under mod-
trict development adjacent to Staples Center and the Los Ange- erate and severe seismic loading.
les Convention Center. The 55-story structure will include 1,001 “The 55-story steel-framed SPSW takes full advantage of
hotel rooms and 224 luxury condominiums. Its total development many of the performance based design approaches and philos-
cost is estimated at $1.0 billion for the two million sq. ft of space. ophies,” said Nabih Youssef, NYA principal. “It is a seamlessly
integrated, highly efficient seismic energy dissipating structural
A Better Way system using unstiffened thin steel plates as shear walls coupled
It was March 2006 when the structural engineering firm with buckling-restrained braces.”
Nabih Youssef Associates (NYA), Los Angeles, started review- The narrow aspect ratio (10:1 for the tower and 20:1 for the
ing the conceptual design for the L.A. Live Hotel & Residences walls), sloping column, and T-shaped floor plate presented addi-
and a new idea was born—an idea to replace heavy 30-in.-thick tional design challenges. Modeling methods were developed for
concrete shear walls with much lighter ¼-in. to 3∕8-in.-thick steel the expected model system behavior that correlated well with
plate shear walls. Making that change, the review showed, would observations from independent research tests. The behavior of
free valuable real estate space, reduce seismic design forces and this “first in California” single wall-frame system under extreme
foundation sizes by eliminating a significant part of the weight earthquake motions was computer simulated through complex
of the structure, compress the construction schedule and budget, engineering concepts. The acceptance of this performance-based
and allow for simplified and more efficient construction. design was extensively discussed through the peer review process.
The concept was intriguing enough that NYA was asked by It relied on an unwavering confidence in the fundamental prin-
the developing group to convert the 56-story concrete shear wall cipals as supported by intense collaboration with a peer review
design to steel-plate shear wall design. panel that provided in-depth scrutiny into the design criteria,
applicability of relevant research, and analysis modeling tech-
Details of the System niques, through to the final detailing for construction.
Steel plate shear walls (SPSW) resist lateral forces primar- The innovative design was fueled by a high level of collabora-
ily through diagonal tension in the web-plates and overturning tion between all project members established at the early stages
forces in the adjoining columns. Typical SPSW web plates (1/4 in. of the design. “The first real horse out of the gate was the steel
to 1 in. thick) have negligible compression strength and thus, erection,” said Greg LeBon, developer AEG’s director of design.
shear buckling occurs at low levels of lateral loading. Lateral “It went like clockwork and established a ‘keep up with those guys’

Peer Review Panel

➜ Stephen A. Mahin,
University of California, Berkeley
➜ Jack Moehle, Nina Kristeva, P.E., is AISC’s West
University of California, Berkeley Coast regional engineer. Her previ-
ous experience includes positions at
➜ James O. Malley, S.E.,
RAM International and Bentley
Degenkolb Engineers, San Francisco
Systems as well as the structural
➜ Paul G. Somerville, engineering firm Enwright Asso-
URS Corporation, Pasadena, Calif. ciates Inc. She can be contacted at
[email protected].


Nina Kristeva
energy that led to a project that was two months
ahead of schedule and on budget—almost unheard
of in today’s development community,” LeBon said.
The Importance of Speedy Collaboration “To meet the rigorous demands of the project
“On this project we coined the phrase ‘be
humble yet relentless’,” said Lee Becker, schedule and make the steel structure for this proj-
project manager for Herrick Steel, regarding ect happen in time, we had to get all of the main
the pursuit of information required to com- parties working together as a unified team, to exe-
plete the design and coordination efforts.
cute the design of the steel structure” said Warwick
As the steel fabricator and erector, Herrick’s
success in particular was dependent upon Wicksman, principal with the project architect, Los
timely and informed decisions being made Angeles-based Gensler. That included not only
by the other team members, which then AEG, NYA and Gensler, but also general contrac-
had to be accurately communicated. And
the results speak for themselves. tor Webcor Builders, steel fabricator and erector
“We appreciate the outstanding efforts Herrick Corporation, the city of Los Angeles and
of AEG, Gensler, Nabih Youssef and Asso- the city’s peer review panel.
ciates, Webcor and the balance of our “We had daily work sessions with NYA and Her-
trade partners,” added Bob Hazleton, vice
president of Herrick Steel. “We also want rick,” Wicksman said, “working together to deter-
to recognize Steel Systems Engineering, mine which size steel members would be avail-
who did the 3D modeling and shop draw- able, at each point during the erection sequence,
ings; Kawada, for the vertical boundary ele-
ments; and Star Seismic who provided the
to meet the demands of the engineering of the
buckling restrained outrigger elements.” building, and to work with the schedule, for ‘just-
in-time’ delivery of the primary structure.”
All parties committed to mitigating risk on behalf
of the team rather than passing it from one partner
to another. Gensler, NYA and Herrick abandoned
the traditional flow of documents to establish a
streamlined procedure for managing requests for
information (RFIs) and submittals. They met two
to three times per week to review submittals and
RFIs and coordinate new design issues so they
could be resolved quickly in order to avoid revi-
sions and resubmittals. The process allowed all to
influence the process, providing value engineering
and workable details prior to issuance of updated
designs. Keeping open channels of communication
was essential to overcoming the challenges on this
18,000-ton structural steel project and turning it
into a success by achieving:

By using a steel-plate shear wall system

(visible below and in the inset) in place Nina Kristeva
of concrete, the structure’s weight was
reduced by 35% which also reduced and
simplified foundation requirements.

AEG and Gensler

Herrick Corporation

Situated in the heart of Los

Angeles, the new L.A. Live
Hotel & Residence is the first
use of a steel plate shear wall
system in the high-seismicity
area of California.

➜ Increased building efficiency by

adopting the structure to the building
➜ Improved building design and seismic
➜ Uncompromised architectural views by
eliminating perimeter moment frames
➜ Reclaiming 20,000 sq. ft of real estate
floor area through the elimination of
the 30-in.-thick concrete shear walls,
which equates to an extra $20 million in
real estate value
➜ Replacement of a heavy and complex
deep foundation system with a mat foun-
dation, made possible by replacing the
concrete walls with steel-plate walls thus
eliminating 35% of the building weight
➜ Overall cost savings of nearly $8 million
➜ A time savings of two months

L.A. Live Hotel & Residences broke

ground on November 2007 and the struc-
tural steel erection was completed on Janu-
ary 25, 2009, two months ahead of schedule.
A temporary certificate of occupancy was
scheduled for December 2009 and the pro-
jected opening was February 2010. 
AEG Worldwide, Los Angeles
Structural Engineer
Nabih Youssef Associates, Los Angeles
Gensler, Santa Monica, Calif.
General Contractor
Webcor Builders, Los Angeles
Steel Fabricator and Erector
Herrick Steel Corporation, Stockton,
Calif. (AISC and IMPACT Member)
Steel Detailer
Steel Systems Engineering, Inc.,
Sherman Oaks, Calif. (AISC and NISD


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