Davao Wisdom Academy: Stress Debriefing For Faculty and Staff

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Davao Wisdom Academy


A Definition
Stress management is:

“set of techniques and programs intended to help people deal more effectively with stress in their lives by
analyzing the

What is stress?

Stress is the “psychological, physiological and behavioral response by an individual when they perceive a lack
of equilibrium between the demands placed upon them and their ability to meet those demands, which, over a
period of time, leads to ill-health” (Palmer, 1989).

Symptoms of stress

Although we all experience stress differently, some common symptoms include:

 Difficulty sleeping;
 Weight gain or weight loss;
 Stomach pain;
 Irritability;
 Teeth grinding;
 Panic attacks;
 Headaches;
 Difficulty concentrating;
 Sweaty hands or feet;
 Heartburn;
 Excessive sleeping;
 Social isolation;
 Fatigue;
 Nausea;
 Feeling overwhelmed;
 and obsessive or compulsive behaviors.

Why is stress helpful?

Historically, stress was our friend. It acted as a protective mechanism that warned us of danger; a natural
reaction that told us when to run. This response is now referred to as the “fight or flight” response, or the “stress
response.” When your evolutionary ancestors saw a saber-toothed cat and ran from it, stress saved their life.

Stress has remained part of the evolutionary drive because of its usefulness in survival. When used at the right
time, stress increases our awareness and improves physical performance in short bursts (Van Duyne, 2003).

Why is stress harmful?

Repetitive exposure of the stress response on our body is proven to lead to long-lasting psychological and
physical health issues; these include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, anxiety and depression (“How Does
Stress Affect Us?”, 2016).

Stress versus burnout

What’s the difference between stress and burnout? Stress is inevitable. Burnout isn’t.

While stress is our response, burnout is the accumulation of excessive stressors over time, which results in
unmanageable stress levels.

American psychologist Herbert Freudenberger first termed the word “burnout” in the 1970s, referring to the
effect of extreme stress and high ideals placed on “helping” professionals, such as doctors and nurses
(“Depression: What is burnout?”, 2018).

Today, the word has evolved. It is now used more broadly to refer to the consequences of “excessive stress”
placed on any individual, no matter their occupation. When we get to the point of no longer being able to cope,
we are “burned out,” like a candle.

14 Facts About Stress & Burnout:

1. Stress has been referred to as the “silent killer” as it can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, chest
pain, and an irregular heartbeat (Chilnick, 2008).
2. Telogen effluvium is the result of hair loss caused by stress that can happen up to three months after a
stressful event (McEwen, 2003).
3. Stress accounts for 30% of all infertility problems. In women, stress can cause spasms in the fallopian
tubes and uterus. In men, it can reduce sperm count and cause erectile dysfunction (Bouchez, 2018).
4. Researchers have found that stress worsens acne, more so than the prevalence of oily skin (Warner,
5. Stress can cause weight gain too. The stress hormone cortisol has been found to cause both the
accumulation of abdominal fat and the enlargement of fat cells, causing “diseased” fat (Chilnick, 2008).
6. Correlations have been found between stress and the top six causes of death: cancer, lung ailments, heart
disease, liver cirrhosis, accidents, and suicide (“How Does Stress Affect Us?”, 2016).
7. In children, chronic stress has been found to negatively impact their developmental growth due to a
reduction of the growth hormone in the pituitary gland (Van der Kolk, B. et. al., 2007).
8. The word itself, “stress” stems from the Latin word stringere, meaning “to draw tight” (McEwen, 2003).
9. In the event of chronic stress, dominant hormones are released into our brain. These hormones are
intended for short-term emergencies and in the event where they exist for extended periods they can
shrink, impair and kill brain cells (Wallenstein, 2003).
10. Stress can increase the likelihood of developing blood clots since the blood prepares itself for injuries
and becomes “stickier” (Chilnick, 2008).
11. Chronic stress can place pressure on, and cause damage to arteries and organs. This occurs due to
inflation in our bodies caused by cytokines (a result of stress) (McEwen, 2003).
12. Stress is also responsible for altering our blood sugar levels, which can lead to fatigue, hyperglycemia,
mood swings, and metabolic syndrome (“How Does Stress Affect Us?”, 2016).
13. On a positive note, we can reduce our stress levels by laughing. Having a chuckle, lowers the stress
hormones, including cortisol, epinephrine, and adrenaline. Laughing also strengthens our immune
system by releasing positive hormones (Wallenstein, 2003).
14. More good news, especially for chocolate lovers—dark chocolate has been found to reduce stress
hormones (Wallenstein, 2003).

7 Tips for Stress Management

1. Understand your stress

How do you stress? It can be different for everybody. By understanding what stress looks like for you, you can
be better prepared, and reach for your stress management toolbox when needed.

2. Identify your stress sources

What causes you to be stressed? Be it work, family, change or any of the other potential thousand triggers.

3. Learn to recognize stress signals

We all process stress differently so it’s important to be aware of your individual stress symptoms. What are
your internal alarm bells? Low tolerance, headaches, stomach pains or a combination from the above‘Symptoms
of stress’

4. Recognize your stress strategies

What is your go-to tactic for calming down? These can be behaviors learned over years and sometimes aren’t
the healthy option. For example, some people cope with stress by self-medicating with alcohol or overeating.

5. Implement healthy stress management strategies

It’s good to be mindful of any current unhealthy coping behaviors so you can switch them out for a healthy
option. For example, if overeating is your current go to, you could practice meditation instead, or make a
decision to phone a friend to chat through your situation. The American Psychological Association suggest that
switching out one behavior at a time is most effective in creating positive change.

6. Make self-care a priority

When we make time for ourselves, we put our well-being before others. This can feel selfish to start, but it is
like the airplane analogy—we must put our own oxygen mask on before we can assist others. The simplest
things that promote well-being, such as enough sleep, food, downtime, and exercise are often the ones

Self-care is group-care. 

7. Ask for support when needed

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, reach out to a friend or family member you can talk to. Speaking with a
healthcare professional can also reduce stress, and help us learn healthier coping strategies.

13 Different Stress Management Techniques & Strategies

These tips are thing we can all benefit from doing more of. The techniques are categorized into three groups:

1. Action Orientated Approaches: used to take action to change a stressful situation

2. Emotion-oriented approaches: used to change the way we perceive a stressful situation
3. Acceptance-oriented approaches: used for dealing with stressful situations you can’t control

Action- Orientated Approaches

Action-oriented approaches allow you to take action and change the stressful situation.

As Nelson & Hurrell said:

“Stress is inevitable, distress is not”

1. Be assertive
Clear and effective communication is the key to being assertive. When we’re assertive, we can ask for what
we want or need, and also explain what is bothering us. The key is doing this in a fair and firm manner while
still having empathy for others. Once you identify what you need to communicate, you can stand up for yourself
and be proactive in altering the stressful situation.

2. Reduce the noise

Switching off all the technology, screen time, and constant stimuli can help us slow down. How often do you go
offline? It is worth changing, for your own sake.

Make time for some quietness each day. You may notice how all those seemingly urgent things we need to do
become less important and crisis-like. That to-do list will be there when you’re in a place to return to it.
Remember that recharging is a very effective way of tackling stress.

3.Manage your time

If we let them, our days will consume us. Before we know it, the months have become overwhelmingly busy.
When we prioritize and organize our tasks, we create a less stressful and more enjoyable life

4. Creating boundaries

Boundaries are the internal set of rules that we establish for ourselves. They outline what behaviors we will and
won’t accept, how much time and space we need from others, and what priorities we have.

Healthy boundaries are essential for a stress-free life. When we have healthy boundaries we respect ourselves
and take care of our well-being by clearly expressing

5. Get out of your head

Sometimes it’s best not to even try contending with the racing thoughts. Sometimes you just need a break.
Distract yourself. Watch a movie, phone or catch up with a friend, go for a walk, or do something positive that
you know takes your mind off things.

Emotion – Orientated Approaches

Emotion-oriented approaches are used to change the way we perceive stressful situations.

In the words of William James:

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another”

6. Affirmations and imagery

The power of positive imagery and affirmations is now scientifically proven to increase positive emotion.
How? When you think of a positive experience, your brain perceives it to be a reality.

So, replace those negative thoughts with positive statements and challenge and change the way you see and
experience the world.

7. Cognitive Restructuring
a technique for understanding negative emotions and challenging the sometimes incorrect beliefs that cause
them. Cognitive restructuring is a key component of Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

8. ABC Technique

The letters ABC stand for; A – adversity, or the stressful event. B – beliefs, or the way that you respond to the
event. Then C – consequences, the result of your beliefs lead to the actions and outcome of that event. The more
optimistic your beliefs, the more positive the outcome.

Acceptance-Orientated Approaches

Acceptance-oriented approaches are useful in stressful situations that you cannot control.
Epictetus, the Greek Philosopher had it right when he said:

“Men are disturbed not by things but by the views they take of them”

9. Diet and Exercise

You’ve heard it before, but you are what you eat. Be mindful of having a balanced and healthy diet. Making
simple diet changes, such as reducing your alcohol, caffeine and sugar intake is a proven way of reducing

Another guaranteed way to reduce stress is exercise. It’s proven to also be as effective as antidepressants in
relieving mild depression.

So… get moving! (We know it’s easier said than done).

10. Meditation and physical relaxation

Use techniques such as deep breathing, guided visualizations, yoga, and guided body scans. These activities
help relax the body.

11. Build resilience

Resiliency is our ability to bounce back from stressful or negative experiences.

To simplify, resilient people are skilled at accepting that the situation has occurred, they learn from what
transpired and then they move on.

12. Talk it out

Don’t hold it all inside. Talk to someone close to you about your worries or the things getting you down.
Sharing worries can cut them in half, and also give you a chance to laugh at potentially absurd situations.

Many of our worries sound a lot less worrisome when we say them out loud.

If you don’t feel up to sharing, writing them down is also a great way to release them. Or maybe engage with an
independent professional. There are plenty of services available, including free services, which you can quickly
google to find what’s available in your city.

13. Sleep
Getting a good night sleep is fundamental for recharging and dealing with stressful situations in the best
possible way. While it varies from individual to individual, on the exact amount of sleep needed, an
uninterrupted sleep of approximately 8 hours is generally recommended.

Ensure that you get enough Zzzz’s.

Stress Management In The Workplace

Whether it be extended hours, near impossible deadlines, demanding colleagues or unappreciative

bosses, workplace stress is something many people are familiar with.

But the effects of workplace stress aren’t simply isolated to the workplace; they spill over into our personal
relationships, our home lives, and our overall productivity.

Symptoms of workplace stress

Symptoms of workplace stress can manifest physically (headaches, stomach aches, pains, fatigue or eating, and
sleeping disturbances), cognitively (trouble with concentrating, decision making, thinking or remembering), and
emotionally (feeling down, tense and irritated).

Prevention of workplace stress

The prevention of workplace stress is most successful when a combination of both organizational change and
individual stress management is used. That is, like any healthy relationship, both parties – the employee and the
employer make an effort.

What can the company do to manage stress?

 Promote leave, rest and breaks;

 Encourage exercise and meditation, both within and outside of work hours;
 Ensure the workload is in line with workers’ abilities and resources;
 Provide stimulation and opportunities for workers to use skills;
 Boost workplace morale by creating opportunities for social interactions;
 Clearly set out workers’ roles and responsibilities;
 Encourage participation in decision making that affects individuals roles;
 Encourage open communication;
 Establish no tolerance policy for workplace discrimination;
 Engage an external consultant to suggest a fresh approach to any existing issues;
 Create family-friendly policies to encourage work-life balance;
 and provide training for workplace stress management.
The figure below summarizes the benefits of workplaces that promote healthy and low-stress environments.

Personal strategies for stress management are to:

 Set realistic deadlines;

 Take a lunch break;
 Go home on time;
 Take your holiday leave;
 Leave work at work;
 Participate in work functions;
 Establish open and professional
 Respect other employees;
 Do not tolerate discrimination of any sort,
report any instances;
 Sign up for workplace training programs to
develop and improve your skills;
 If required, seek therapy to manage and
develop skills to cope with workplace
 and develop a healthy work-life balance, creating time for exercise.

Stress management advantages

The below table, from the WHO (2018) illustrates the advantages of workplace stress management:
Managing Stress Associated with the COVID-19 Virus Outbreak

Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Individuals

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak has the potential to increase stress and anxiety, both because of
the fear of catching the virus and also because of uncertainty about how the outbreak will affect us
socially and economically. There are practical steps you can take to improve your wellbeing.

Coping with the Stress of COVID-19

Dealing with stress reactions caused by the COVID-19 virus outbreak can improve your health, quality
of life, and wellbeing. The following evidence-informed principles have been shown to be related to better
outcomes in many adverse situations (2). There are key actions within each element that might be
especially helpful for those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak (1, 3). It's not necessary to have all
elements in place but implementing some of the following suggestions may help you deal with the stress
caused by the COVID-19 virus.

Increase Sense of Safety

Reduce anxiety with healthy actions that make you feel safer. Other experts suggest the following good
hygiene habits to limit the risk of infection:

 Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand
 Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
 Properly dispose of used tissues.
 Cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, arm, or elbow if you don't have a tissue.
 Clean your hands after coughing or sneezing.
 Stay at home if you are sick.
 Avoid contact with those who are sick.
 Clean and disinfect objects or surfaces that may have come into contact with germs.
 Make plans for what will happen if someone in the home becomes ill or if quarantine or shelter-in-
place measures are ordered.

Stay Connected

 Seek support from family, friends, mentors, clergy, and those who are in similar circumstances.
 Be flexible and creative in accessing support via phone, email, text messaging, and video calls.
 Talk to your supervisor about the possibility of working from home temporarily.

Cultivate Ways to be More Calm

 Realize that it is understandable to feel anxious and worried about what may happen, especially
when many aspects of life are being affected.
 If you find that you are getting more stressed by watching the news, reduce your exposure,
particularly prior to sleep.
 While circumstances may be stressful and beyond your control, you can try to offset them with
positive calming activities. Practice slow, steady breathing and muscle relaxation, as well as any
other actions that are calming for you (yoga, exercise, music, keeping the mind occupied).
 Preparing for a range of possible scenarios and having adequate supplies should sheltering at
home be necessary can help you feel more calm. For instance, you can put together a kit with
supplies to last you and your family 3 - 5 days. Include supplies such as:

 Water and food, vitamins, fluids with electrolytes, and food preparation items such as a
manual can opener.
 Prescribed medical supplies or equipment, such as glucose or blood pressure monitoring
equipment; thermometer; medicines for fever, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen; anti-
diarrheal medication.
 Hygiene supplies such as soap and water, alcohol-based hand wash, soap, tissues, toilet
paper, and disposable diapers if necessary.
 General supplies such as a flashlight and batteries, portable radio, and garbage bags.

Improve Your Sense of Control and Ability to Endure

 Accept circumstances that cannot be changed and focus on what you can alter.
 Modify your definition of a "good day" to meet the current reality of the situation.
 Problem-solve and set achievable goals within the new circumstances in your life.
 Evaluate the absolute risk of contracting the virus and recognize the benefits of accepting a
certain level of risk in order to maintain as much of your normal routine as possible.

Those who have been faced with life-threatening situations recommended the following strategies:

 Quickly recognize, acknowledge, and accept the reality of the situation.

 Make a plan for dealing with feelings of being overwhelmed or overly distressed. Preparation can
make you feel more in control if these feelings arise and help you move through them quickly.
 Combat unhelpful emotions by using distraction or staying busy—both mentally and physically.
 Avoid impulsive behavior.
 Get organized.
 Increase positive coping behaviors that have worked in the past.
 Shift negative self-statements to statements that allow you to function with less distress. Try
changing "this is a terrible time" to "this is a terrible time, but I can get through this."
 Rather than getting discouraged, focus on what you can accomplish or control.
 Seek out mentoring or information to improve your ability to make decisions and take actions
when necessary.
 Try to engage in the situation as a challenge to be met, which can increase your ability to act both
creatively and decisively.

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