2015 Scig10q2

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Science G10| Q2

Force, Motion
and Energy

This learning module (LM) was developed by the Private Education Assistance
Committee under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education. The learning
modules were written by the PEAC Junior High School (JHS) Trainers and were used as
exemplars either as a sample for presentation or for workshop purposes in the JHS In-
Service Training (INSET) program for teachers in private schools.

The LM is designed for online learning and can also be used for blended learning and
remote learning modalities. The year indicated on the cover of this LM refers to the year
when the LM was used as an exemplar in the JHS INSET and the year it was written or
revised. For instance, 2017 means the LM was written in SY 2016-2017 and was used in
the 2017 Summer JHS INSET. The quarter indicated on the cover refers to the quarter of
the current curriculum guide at the time the LM was written. The most recently revised
LMs were in 2018 and 2019.

The LM is also designed such that it encourages independent and self-regulated learning
among the students and develops their 21st century skills. It is written in such a way that
the teacher is communicating directly to the learner. Participants in the JHS INSET are
trained how to unpack the standards and competencies from the K-12 curriculum guides
to identify desired results and design standards-based assessment and instruction.
Hence, the teachers are trained how to write their own standards-based learning plan.

The parts or stages of this LM include Explore, Firm Up, Deepen and Transfer. It is
possible that some links or online resources in some parts of this LM may no longer be
available, thus, teachers are urged to provide alternative learning resources or reading
materials they deem fit for their students which are aligned with the standards and
competencies. Teachers are encouraged to write their own standards-based learning
plan or learning module with respect to attainment of their school’s vision and mission.

The learning modules developed by PEAC are aligned with the K to 12 Basic Education
Curriculum of the Department of Education. Public school teachers may also download
and use the learning modules.

Schools, teachers and students may reproduce the LM so long as such reproduction is
limited to (i) non-commercial, non-profit educational purposes; and to (ii) personal use or
a limited audience under the doctrine of fair use (Section 185, IP Code). They may also
share copies of the LM and customize the learning activities as they see fit so long as
these are done for non-commercial, non-profit educational purposes and limited to
personal use or to a limited audience and fall within the limits of fair use. This document
is password-protected to prevent unauthorized processing such as copying and pasting.

Module No. 2: Force, Motion and

Lesson 1. Electromagnetic Spectrum


The New York Times‐ Science Times, Tuesday, July 11, 1989 
Topic: Scientists Debate Health Hazards of Electromagnetic Field 

“Because the oscillations are very slow (just 60 hertz, or cycles per second), this type of 
radiation is called “extremely low‐frequency.” It was long thought harmless because it is 
too weak to knock out electrons and directly damage molecules in the body. 

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But on July 11, 1989, Science Times reported the uncomfortable possibility that this 
ubiquitous background radiation might cause cancer.” 

The New York Times‐ Science Times, Monday, July 7, 2014 (25 years after July 11, 1989) 
Topic: Debate Continues on Hazards of Electromagnetic Waves 
“This  occasional  column  explores  topics  covered  in  Science  Times  25  years  ago  to  see 
what has changed — and what has not. 
25 YEARS LATER, Dr. Carpenter is still at the State University of New York in Albany, as the 
director of the Institute for Health and the Environment. He still finds 60‐hertz radiation 
Dr. Carpenter: “The whole thing is very worrisome. We see the tips of the iceberg, but 
we have no idea how big the iceberg is. It ought to concern us all.” 
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/08/science/debate‐continues‐on‐hazards‐of‐

Have you ever heard the word electromagnetic waves? What

words or groups of words come in to your mind when you hear this
word? Are you aware of its existence? Do you have to be alarmed in the
presence of electromagnetic waves around you? Are these harmful to
living things and the environment? What does the article on Science
Times in New York Times tell us on the risks and hazards in the presence
of electromagnetic waves?

We live in a modern world where the throb of alternating current

generates electromagnetic waves — from the television, the blender,
the computer, the light bulbs, the wires in the wall. We enjoy seeing
things around us because of the presence of electromagnetic waves.
Some important breakthroughs in technology such as mobile
communications, radar, television, microwave ovens and many more
are made possible because of electromagnetic waves. We enjoy life
because of electromagnetic waves.

As you sit and read this module, you are surrounded by

electromagnetic waves you cannot see or hear. Thus, part of our
everyday undertaking is the exposure to the different forms of
electromagnetic radiations.

In this module, you will have a closer look again on

electromagnetic waves, the role it plays in the electromagnetic
spectrum, the practical applications of the different regions of

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under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
electromagnetic spectrum and the effects of electromagnetic radiation
to living things and environment.
Remember to search for the answer to the following question(s):
 How are the electromagnetic waves produced?
 What are the components, properties and uses of the different
regions of the electromagnetic spectrum?
 How safe are electromagnetic waves?

These are some of the questions that you will need to find the answers
in this module.


In this module, you will examine these questions when you take the
lesson on electromagnetic spectrum:

In this lesson, you will learn the following:

1. Explain how electromagnetic waves are produced
2. Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of
electromagnetic waves
3. Cite examples of practical applications of the different regions of
EM waves, such as the use of radio waves in telecommunications
4. Describe the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, their
properties and uses
5. Explain the effects of EM radiation on living things and the

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Here is a simple map of the above lessons you will cover:










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under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:

To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:

1. Read and follow the instructions very carefully before starting
2. Read each lesson and do activities that are provided for you.
3. Complete all the activities and worksheets. Follow instructions on
how to submit them.
4. Look up the meaning of words that you do not know.
5. You will frequently come across process questions as you go
through different lessons. Keep a notebook (or use the Notepad)
where you can write (and revise) your answers to these questions.
Use also the notebook to jot down short notes, draw diagrams,
and summarize what you have just read.
6. Perform all the activities diligently to help and guide you in
understanding the topic.
7. For worksheets and reports that need to be submitted, use the
provided checklist and rubric to evaluate your work before
8. Allow time for relaxation and recreation when you are mentally
tired. Make a timetable to schedule your study and recreation.
9. Good luck and enjoy learning.

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Let’s find out how much you already know about this module. Click
on the letter that you think best answers the question. Please answer
all items. After taking this short test, you will see your score. Take note
of the items that you were not able to correctly answer and look for the
right answer as you go through this module.

1. The diagram below shows an electromagnetic spectrum:

The electromagnetic spectrum shows the complete range of

frequencies of electromagnetic waves from the lowest to the highest,
including, in order, radio, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-ray, and
gamma ray waves. Which of the following statements below explains
how the electromagnetic waves are produced?

A. Electromagnetic waves are produced when some kind of energy moves

a substance, a material, or a "thing" within a medium that will conduct
the mechanical energy of motion away from the source.
B. Electromagnetic Waves are longitudinal waves that are produced when
the motion of the individual particles of the medium is in a direction that
is parallel to the direction of energy transport.
C. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves that can be created by
accelerating charges; moving charges back and forth
will produce oscillating electric and magnetic fields, and this travel at
the speed of light.

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D. Electromagnetic waves are produced whenever two waves of identical
frequency interfere with one another while traveling opposite directions
along the same medium.

Refer to the illustration below.

2. Which description is true about the radio waves in the electromagnetic


A. It has the shortest wavelength and highest frequency.

B. It has the longest wavelength and lowest frequency.
C. It has the longest wavelength and higher frequency.
D. It has the wavelength and lower frequency.

3. Which of the following is a description of the ionizing electromagnetic

radiations (Ultraviolet, gamma and x-ray)?
A. Low frequency form of electromagnetic waves.
B. High frequency form of electromagnetic waves.
C. Long wavelength form of electromagnetic waves.
D. Low energy form of electromagnetic waves.

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Refer to the table below.

4. Which of the following descriptions is true about the use of microwave?

A. Microwave is used in radio detection and ranging.

B. Microwave is used to observe event.
C. Microwave is used to image bone structures.
D. Microwave is used in heat sensors.

5. What kind of waves do cellular telephones use to transmit and receive


A. Microwaves
B. Radio waves
C. Gamma rays
D. Ultraviolet rays

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6. How do the wavelength, frequency and speed of ultraviolet rays in
vacuum compare with those of visible light?

Wavelength Frequency Speed

A Longer Higher Slower
B Longer Lower Same
C Same Lower Slower
D Shorter Higher Same

7. Most dermatologists recommend using sunblock as a defense to

Ultraviolet radiation. Which of the following describes the ability of UV
ray which explains the idea of using sunblock?

A. UV radiation is highly penetrating which can cause suntan.

B. UV radiation is deeply penetrating which can cause skin cancer.
C. UV radiation has the highest velocity that can damage the skin.
D. UV radiation is impermeable to skin which can cause skin cancer.

8. X rays are electromagnetic radiation that differentially penetrates

structures within the body and creates images of these structures
on photographic film or a fluorescent screen. These images are
called diagnostic x rays. Which among the statements below is
NOT true?

A. Diagnostic x rays are useful in detecting abnormalities within

the body.
B. They are created when an electric current is passed through a
vacuum tube.
C. They are a non-invasive way to help diagnose problems such
as broken bones, tumors, dental decay, and the presence of
foreign bodies though only painful.
D. X rays are a form of radiation similar to light rays except that
they are more energetic than light rays and are invisible to the
human eye.

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9. Juan, Pedro, Kiko and Inday are observing and studying the illustration
of electromagnetic radiation spectrum below given by their Physics
Teacher, Mr. Alberto de La Cruz.

Sir Alberto asked the four students to give an inference on the varying
effects of electromagnetic waves around us based from the illustration on
electromagnetic radiation spectrum above.

Which of the following students gives a correct inference?

A. Juan: “Exposure to radio wave is not harmful because radio wave

has shorter wavelength therefore it has low energy”.
B. Pedro:”The greater the size reference of an electromagnetic wave,
the higher the frequency and therefore the higher the energy”.
C. Kiko:” Exposure to ionizing radiation is a greater worry because it
can tear molecules apart and therefore potentially damage DNA”.
D. Inday: “Exposure to non-ionizing radiation can be more harmful than
exposure to ionizing radiation because there are too many non-
ionizing radiations around us”.

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10.Refer to the given picture below:

Which of the following sets of sources are arranged in a way that will
pose an increasing risk to humans when exposed to the different sources
of electromagnetic radiations at the same time duration and distance?

A. cellphones  microwave ovens  sunlight  medical X-rays

B. medical X-rays  cordless phones  TV  CRT monitor
C. WIFI  sunlight  subways  radioactive sources
D. sunlight  microwave ovens  cellphones  radioactive sources

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Refer to the given picture below:

11.What type of radiation can be more harmful to living things and

environment when exposed at the same duration and distance based
from the illustration above?

A. Non-ionizing radiation because we use and are exposed to non-ionizing

radiation every day.
B. Non-ionizing radiation because it has enough energy to move atoms in
a molecule around or cause them to vibrate, but not enough to remove
C. Ionizing radiation because it has enough energy to change atoms in
tissues and can tear molecules apart and therefore potentially damage
D. Ionizing radiation because we take advantage of the properties of
ionizing radiation to produce high-quality images of the inside of our
body, to generate electric power, and for many manufacturing

12.Which of the following statements is NOT true when you are exposed to
electromagnetic fields?

A. At low frequencies, external electric and magnetic fields induce small

circulating currents within the body.
B. The main effect of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields is
heating of body tissues.
C. Short-term exposure to very high levels of electromagnetic fields can be
harmful to health
D. Exposure to low level electromagnetic fields is harmful to
human health.

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13.World Health Organization released a statement with regard to
electromagnetic radiation and field.

Health concerns

14.Knowing that electromagnetic radiations are all around us, which of the
following factors will NOT be considered when exposed to the different
forms of electromagnetic radiations?

A. Distance from the source because electromagnetic radiation is

greatest close to the source and decreases quickly with distance from
the source.
B. The frequency of the electromagnetic wave because the higher the
frequency, the higher the energy.
C. The type of electromagnetic wave because it has its own properties
and uses.
D. The size of the electromagnetic wave because the longer the
wavelength, the higher the energy.

15.There are three ways that electromagnetic radiation can cause harm
within to living bodies. Each effect is particular to a certain range of
frequencies. Our main exposure to dangerous electromagnetic radiation
is from direct sunlight.

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Study the table below:

Effect  Range  Effects  Disclaimer 

Normal  human 
technologies do 
not  produce 
Induced voltage gradients  Low 
Magnetic  fields  might  do  frequencies  in 
and/or  frequencies 
weird things to our bodies.  this  range,  and, 
electric currents  (0‐3 KHz) 
the  Earth  itself 
has  a  magnetic 

Energy  has  to 

Absorption  of  energy 
30 MHz ‐ 300  specifically  and 
Thermal effects  causes  heating,  which  if 
GHz  intentionally 
Absorption causes heating  enough  happens  at  once, 
Microwaves  focused to have 
can damage tissue. 
an effect. 

We are exposed 
to  these  from 
Ionizing effects  Carcinogenic  due  to  space  and  from 
light,  X‐rays, 
Molecules are damaged  occasional DNA damage.  the sun, but not 
gamma rays 
from  human 

Based from the table above, it shows that the higher the frequency,
the higher the risk when exposed to this type of radiation. Which of
the following statements explains the possible reason for this?

A. As frequency increases so as the energy.

B. As frequency increases, energy decreases.
C. As energy decreases, frequency remains the same.
D. As energy increases, frequency remains constant.

16.You are working for a broadcasting network and the evening news
program will air in 15 minutes. One of the segments of the show is a
trivia on different topics that are relevant to the times. It so happens
that the current news is about the rise of several high profile individuals
suffering from cancer. Hence, you were asked to come-up with a
presentation on the different effects of electromagnetic exposure as this
has been cited by a lot of individuals as the key carcinogenic factor.

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As a journalist, you are tasked to write a script for the news show
explaining the effects of electromagnetic exposure to living things.
Which of the following statements on electromagnetic exposure can
be a possible consideration when you will make the script?

A. The greater the frequency of electromagnetic radiation, the lesser is

the penetrating power.
B. Exposure to very high levels of electromagnetic fields can be harmful
to health
C. Despite extensive research, to date there is no evidence to conclude
that exposure to low level electromagnetic fields is harmful to human
D. Exposure to electromagnetic field levels in the living environment is
extremely high.

17.The Philippine Skin Cancer Foundation has been alarmed with rapid
growth of skin cancer. Data of Philippine Skin Cancer have shown that
people living in the remote barangay are more vulnerable of the disease
due to lack of knowledge. As a dermatologist, you are invited by PSCF
to reach out and give information drive on skin cancer prevention.

As a dermatologist, you are requested to conduct a symposium

about skin cancer prevention. Which of the following statements
about skin cancer or damage can be used in the symposium?

A. People of color do not get skin cancer

B. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the number one cause of skin
C. You cannot get sun damage on a cloudy day.
D. Some ingredients in sunscreen can cause cancer.

18.A rumor is spreading fast across the country that microwave oven use
is linked to the development of intestinal cancer. As a renowned
Physicist of the country, you are invited by media men to clarify the
matter. The public expects your point to be presented in any medium
they are commonly exposed to.

As a physicist, you are requested to write a column in a newspaper

explaining in details whether the public needs to be scared or not. You
are tasked to give possible recommendations that you can include in
your news article. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

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A. Microwave ovens meeting the standards are not hazardous to
B. If you use a microwave oven in the correct way there is no
known harmful effect on humans.
C. Direct microwave exposure is not generally possible, as
microwaves emitted by the source in a microwave oven are
confined in the oven by the material out of which the oven is
D. Microwave ovens make foods radioactive because nutrients
are lost when heating foods

19.You are tasked by your teacher to make an information dissemination

campaign so that everybody will be aware on the risks and hazards of
the different forms of electromagnetic radiation around us. Which of the
following statements will you consider in this information dissemination
A. The effects of electromagnetic radiations exposure are negligible
because we cannot feel the electromagnetic radiations around us.
B. The effects of electromagnetic radiations exposure are dependent on
the level, type and duration of exposure to the source.
C. The effects of electromagnetic radiations exposure are the same to all
forms of electromagnetic waves because they travel at the same
D. The effects of electromagnetic radiations exposure are only applicable
to visible light because this is the only form of electromagnetic
radiation that we can see.
20.Gamma-rays have the smallest wavelengths and the most energy of any
other waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. These rays travel to us
across vast distances of the universe, only to be absorbed by the Earth's
atmosphere. It is considered the primary hazard to the general
population during most radiological emergencies. In fact, when the term
"radiation sickness" is used to describe the effects of large exposures in
short time periods, the most severe damage almost certainly results
from gamma radiation. Gamma Rays are also used in medicine for killing
cancer cells.

21.Knowing the characteristics, properties and uses of gamma rays, what

will you remember when dealing with gamma radiation?
A. Gamma rays have high penetrating power and it has the ability to
travel great distances.
B. Gamma rays are the same with any other forms of electromagnetic
waves because they all travel at the speed of light.

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C. Gamma rays do not exist around us because it is not visible in our
naked eye.
D. The effects of gamma radiation can only be applied in hospitals to
treat cancer cells.

Consider the electromagnetic radiation spectrum below:

22.If you are going to make an information dissemination campaign on the

varying effects of electromagnetic radiations around us, which of the
following statements CANNOT be used in that campaign?
A. The ionizing electromagnetic radiations can be more harmful than non-
ionizing radiation because they have more penetrating power.
B. Visible light has the shortest range of wavelength in the
spectrum and yet we can see this type of electromagnetic wave.
C. The different forms of electromagnetic waves have different
wavelengths, frequencies and speed.
D. Radio wave has the least level of energy and the gamma has the
greatest level of energy.

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In the previous grades, you recognized that different forms of energy
travel in different ways—light and sound travel. Also you investigated
some properties and characteristics of visible light. Doing the different
activities on light, gave you a clear picture on the nature and
characteristics of light. You learned that light is an electromagnetic
wave. Still, an important question remains. How safe are
electromagnetic waves? This is the question that you are going to seek
answers as you try to perform the different activities in this module.

Let’s start the module by gathering your thoughts about the different
exposure to the different forms of electromagnetic waves.


The skin as the largest organ of the body protects the internal
organs from the environmental elements. It is a host to a lot of
sensory receptors to help the body react to different situations.

Below are illustrations of exposures of the skin to some stimulus. Write

on the Activity Sheet below the skin sensation/s you can associate
with every situation. Try to figure out also if the exposure to the
different samples can cause harm to living things and environment.

Answer the process questions afterwards.




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Activity Sheet: Integumentary Sensations
Lamp Shade Exposure
X-ray Exposure
Bonfire Exposure
Sun Exposure
Sound Exposure
CRT Monitor Exposure

Process Questions:
1. Are there similarities/differences with the sensations felt in the
different situations? How may your answer help describe the
characteristics of the stimulus?
2. Are there stimuli in the given situations that can be considered as
harmful? If so, in what way?
3. Can we guarantee our safety with the constant exposures to these
phenomena/situations? Explain and justify.

What do you feel in doing the activity? Are you having a hard time
identifying the different sensations in the different exposures mentioned
above? What question in the process questions you find difficult to
answer? What do you think is the reason of this difficulty? Think about
these questions as you do the next activity.



In the previous activity, you were asked to think about on the exposure
on the different forms of electromagnetic waves keeping in mind the
How safe are electromagnetic waves? Gather your thoughts to express
your answer using the thinking outside the box strategy below:

Instruction: You are going to fill up the thinking outside the box template
by answering the guide question below:

How safe are electromagnetic waves?

Inside the box: Write your thoughts and ideas of the guide
question in the box using the different pictures
and your answers to the process questions in
Activity No. 1.

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Outside the box: Write your thoughts and ideas using different
real life samples to defend your answer to the
guide question. Be specific in your answers and

How safe are electromagnetic waves?

Write your answers to the guide question in the template provided.

When you are finished, submit your answers to the discussion board and
try to find out the similarities and differences of your answers to the
others learners online. Write your findings by writing the similarities and
differences in the activity sheet below:

How safe are electromagnetic waves?

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Process Questions:
a. Why do you agree or disagree on the answers of the learners online to
the guide question?
b. What basis or bases did you use in agreeing or disagreeing on the
answers to the guide question?
c. What experiences do you have that cause you to disagree or agree on the
other learners online?

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What can you say about your ideas about electromagnetic waves? Do
you think you have the correct concepts on the exposure to the different
forms of electromagnetic waves? Which of your ideas are acceptable?
How are you going to verify the correct concept? How are you going to
reconcile the differences? How safe really are electromagnetic waves?

You gave your initial ideas on how safe are the electromagnetic waves
by doing the integumentary sensations activity and by answering the
thinking outside the box activity.

You found out that your answers have similarities and differences to the
other learners online. You are going to continue to find answers to the
guide question. As you perform the different activities on this module,
you will find out that your ideas are in line with the standard. You will
also learn other concepts which will help you complete the required
project found at the end. This project is an information dissemination
drive about the effects of electromagnetic wave exposure

We will start by doing the next activity.

Your goal in this section is to learn and understand key concepts about
electromagnetic waves (EM waves), electromagnetic spectrum,
examples of practical applications of the different regions of EM waves
and explain the effects of EM radiation on living things and the

Monitor your accomplishment in these competencies.


Explain how electromagnetic waves are produced

Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of
electromagnetic waves
Cite examples of practical applications of the different regions
of EM waves, such as the use of radio waves in
Describe the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, their
properties and uses

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Explain the effects of EM radiation on living things and the

We will be focusing on some important questions as we go along with

our discussions to meet the requirements of the different
competencies in this module:
How are the electromagnetic waves produced?
What are the components, properties and uses of the different
regions of the electromagnetic spectrum?
How safe are electromagnetic waves?


In grade 7, you learned that waves are carrier of energy. You also
investigated the types of waves, characteristics of waves and wave
velocity. It was in your grade 7 when you have a clear concept on the
nature and characteristics of electromagnetic wave. This module is build
up in the basic concept of electromagnetic wave. Let us review if you
still have the correct concepts on electromagnetic waves by doing the
Frayer’s model activity below:


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Follow the given procedure below:

1. In the center oval of the Frayer Model map, write the word
2. What is an electromagnetic wave? Write your answer to the guide
question to the definition box of the Frayer’s Model Map.
3. What facts/characteristics can you think of if you heard about the
word “electromagnetic wave”? If you already thought of these
characteristics, list them on its given box.
4. Then, write examples of electromagnetic waves in the box labeled
examples. Give three answers
5. Do the same for the non-examples of electromagnetic waves.
Give also three answers

After completing the Frayer’s Model Map, answer the guide questions

1. Based on your answers in the model, what can you say about
electromagnetic wave?
2. What are the characteristics of electromagnetic wave?
3. What are some concrete examples of electromagnetic waves?
4. What are examples and non-examples of electromagnetic waves?
Explain your answer.

After doing the activity, do you still have the correct concepts on
electromagnetic waves? How certain are you on your ideas on
electromagnetic waves? Let us find out by doing the next activity.



Open the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ6XUk7QLbU and

watch the video about the electromagnetic waves and how these waves
behave. Take note of the important points that are shared in the video.
Write your notes in the table below:

My notes:

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1. What is an electromagnetic wave? How does it behave?
2. What indicates that electromagnetic waves travel or move?
3. Describe the relationship of wavelength and frequency.
4. According to the video, you cannot make observations around us
or see the world at all without light, would this mean that
electromagnetic waves are safe? Explain.

After doing the activity, do you have already the correct concepts on
how electromagnetic waves are produced? Double check your ideas by
doing the next activity.



Read the webpage on the physics classroom that discusses the

electromagnetic waves and visible spectra. This will give you an idea on
how the electromagnetic waves are produced. Open the link below:


Be sure to make an outline of the important facts you get from reading
the given article.

Process Questions:
1. How are electromagnetic waves produced?
2. How fast does an electromagnetic wave travel? How does it
3. What are the different kinds of electromagnetic waves?
4. Discuss the importance of frequency, wavelength and energy in
the study of electromagnetic wave? Would this determine how
safe are the electromagnetic waves? Explain.

In this activity, you learned how electromagnetic waves are produced.

You are going to perform the next activity so that you can visualize on
how electromagnetic waves propagate through space.



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You are going to do web simulation on electromagnetic wave so that you
will have visual representation on how electromagnetic waves are
produced. Open the given link:


See to it that you have the java applet application installed in your
computer. Observe the simulation of an electromagnetic wave. Try to
take note how this wave produced and how this wave propagates
through space.

Process Questions:
1. What are your observations in the simulation of an
electromagnetic wave?
2. What happen to the electromagnetic wave as you try to
manipulate the given variables in the simulation set-up?
3. What are the things that you want to remember as you manipulate
the electromagnetic wave simulation?

You have learned how the electromagnetic waves are produced and how
this type of wave propagated through space. Express your ideas by
completing the statements below:


1. Electromagnetic Waves are produced

2. Electromagnetic Waves are propagated through space by


3. Electromagnetic Waves are important


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Post your answers in the discussion board. Try to check the answers of
the other learners online. Give your opinion and ideas in the discussion
board so that your ideas will also be clarified as well as the ideas of the
other learners on line.

What did you observe to the answers of the other learners on line? Can
you say that you have the same concepts on how the electromagnetic
waves are produced? This is important because you need to know the
nature and characteristics of electromagnetic waves because you will
use this in the study of electromagnetic spectrum which contains an
extremely broad spectrum of wavelength and frequency. You will
investigate more the electromagnetic waves as you try to discover the
world of electromagnetic spectrum. Let us try to explore the
electromagnetic spectrum by doing the next activity.


Click on this link and listen to the electromagnetic spectrum song:

Use the lyrics of the song to complete the sequenced of information in
the table below:

Process Questions:
1) Cite another example/source for each type of electromagnetic
wave and add it in the table above. Highlight your new example
with a yellow color.

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2) Which of the sources/examples are commonly encountered or are
frequently used?
3) Which of the sources/examples are beneficial to the living things
and the environment? Why?
4) Which of the sources/examples are harmful to the living things
and the environment? Why?
5) How do you protect yourself from the harmful effects of
electromagnetic radiation?

After having completed the table and answered the process questions,
are you now confident of your ideas about electromagnetic spectrum?
Let’s continue to verify your ideas in the next set of activities.


After listening to the song on the Electromagnetic Spectrum, take a look
at the pictures below. Draw and label a line representing the
electromagnetic spectrum and drag the pictures to the appropriate type
of electromagnetic wave that it emits.


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Process Questions:
1) Which pictures were mentioned in the song?
2) Which picture was hard to classify? Why?
3) Of the pictures that you arranged, which posed a risk to human
beings? Why?

Congratulations! You’ve made your own representation of the EM


How many pictures were correctly placed? Proceed to the next activity
and try to verify which of the pictures were in its proper place.



Read the article below by following the link provided. Use the article in
filling up the table below.


After reading the article, use the important concepts in the article to
complete the table below:


Gamma Rays

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Process Questions:
1) What are the similarities and differences of different waves of
electromagnetic spectrum?
2) Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of
electromagnetic waves.
3) What relationship do they have in terms of frequency and
4) Discuss the frequency and energy of the different regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum
5) How does the energy of the different waves of the electromagnetic
spectrum vary with frequency and wavelength?
6) How do you perceive things without electromagnetic spectrum?
7) How does understanding the behavior of electromagnetic
spectrum help in making informed decisions?

After completing the webpage reading, are you confident of your ideas
about electromagnetic spectrum? The next activity will strengthen more
your ideas and concepts on electromagnetic spectrum


1. Suppose you are given this illustration from a certain article for a
particular topic:
Electromagnetic Spectrum

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• Write a prediction about what the article will cover and support
your answer. Write your answers in the Prediction and Support

• (first row) of the template below:

Prediction: Before you begin to read the selection, look at the title or cover, scan the pages to 
read the major headings, and look at any illustrations. Write down your prediction (s) 
Prediction: Support: 

Main  Ideas:  As  you  finish  reading  each  Questions:  For  each  main  idea  listed,  write 
paragraph or key section of text, identify the  down at least one question.  
main idea of that paragraph or section. 
Main Idea 1: __________________________  Question 1: __________________________ 
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________  _____________________________________ 
Main Idea 2: __________________________  Question 2: __________________________ 
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________  _____________________________________ 
Main Idea 3: __________________________  Question 3: __________________________ 
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________  _____________________________________ 
Main Idea 4: __________________________  Question 4: __________________________ 
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________  _____________________________________ 

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Main Idea 5: __________________________  Question 5: __________________________ 
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________  _____________________________________ 
Summarize: Write a brief summary of what you read.  
Clarify: Copy down words, phrases, or sentences in the passage that are unclear. Then explain 
how you clarified your understanding. 
Word or Phrase:  Clarify: 

2. Click the webpage below and read the text about the
Electromagnetic Spectrum:

As you read the selection, check to see whether it turns out as

you predicted. Stop at several points during your reading and ask
yourself how closely the content of the article fits your initial
prediction. How do the facts or information that you have read
change your prediction about what you will find in the rest of the
3. Stop after each paragraph or major section of the passage.
Construct two or more complete sentences that sum up only the
most important idea (s) that appear in the section. Write these
summary (main idea) sentences in the Reciprocal Teaching
Worksheet and continue reading.
4. Look at the ideas that you have summarized as you read the
article. For each main idea listed write down at least one question
that the main idea will answer.

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5. Sometimes in your reading, you will run into words, phrases or
whole sentences that really don’t make sense. If you come across
a word whose meaning you do not know, read the sentences
before and after it to see if they give you clues to the word’s
meaning. If the word is still unclear, look it up in a dictionary. If a
phrase or sentence is unclear, reread the phrase or sentence
carefully and try to understand it. Write your answers in the last
row of the Reciprocal Teaching Worksheet.
6. After completing the Reciprocal Teaching Worksheet, answer the
questions below:
a. Were your predictions the same as the article you read? What
similarities did your prediction and the article have? Were there
any differences? What are these?
b. After reading the article, complete the 321 Chart below:

The last question that you have about the Electromagnetic Spectrum
will be answered as you complete the rest of the activities in this
module. Let us continue to investigate more your ideas and concepts on
electromagnetic spectrum by dong the different simulation activities:

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Visit the interactive activity from the NOVA Web site. The activity
provides a self-guided tour of the electromagnetic spectrum, including
examples of some of the most common uses of different types of waves:


After watching the lecture part, you are to proceed to the simulation of
electromagnetic spectrum interactive to investigate the relationship
among frequency, wavelength and energy of the different regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum.


Process Questions:
1. Describe the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum?
Cite the properties and uses of the different regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the presence of
the different forms of electromagnetic waves around us?
3. How does the energy of the different waves of the electromagnetic
spectrum vary with frequency and wavelength?
4. Based from the simulation activity, describe the relationship
among wavelength, frequency and energy?
5. Why do we have to know the relationship among wavelength,
frequency and energy?
6. Do we have to be threatened to the different forms of
electromagnetic waves?

The videos supported the ideas you have about the electromagnetic
spectrum. You can use the ideas you have from the article and videos
to proceed to our next simulation activities.

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Check this website below for you to have hands-on experience about
electromagnetic radiation

Process Questions:
1. Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of
electromagnetic waves.
2. What relationship do they have in terms of frequency and
3. Discuss the frequency and energy of the different regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum
4. How does the energy of the different waves of the electromagnetic
spectrum vary with frequency and wavelength?
5. How are gamma rays different from infrared radiation?
6. Why is x-ray important in medical aspect?
7. What is the purpose of radio waves?
8. Why do the different parts of the spectrum have different effects
to living things and environment?

With the given hands-on activities, you were able to discover more
about the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. You have
known more about their wavelength, frequency and energy.

In the next part of this module, you are going to do the enrichment
activities on electromagnetic spectrum. In this manner, your
misconceptions and queries on electromagnetic spectrum will be




Watch the video on NASA-tour of the electromagnetic spectrum on you

tube about what electromagnetic spectrum is all about. Open the site:

As you watch the video, be sure to take note of some key concepts that
will help you answer the given questions below.

Process Questions:

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1. What are the components of the electromagnetic spectrum?
2. How do these parts differ from one another?
3. Why are some parts of the spectrum dangerous to living things?


You are going to take the quizzes on electromagnetic waves to check if

you have clear concepts on electromagnetic waves and electromagnetic

1. Electromagnetic Spectrum Quiz


2. Glencoe Online Quiz on Electromagnetic Spectrum


Process Questions:
1. How do you find the quiz on electromagnetic spectrum?
2. Are you certain of your ideas on electromagnetic spectrum?
3. What will you do to correct your misconceptions on
electromagnetic waves and electromagnetic spectrum?

After doing the enrichment activities, do you still have clarifications on

electromagnetic spectrum? Are you certain now of your ideas on
electromagnetic spectrum? Now that you have clear concepts on
electromagnetic spectrum, you are going to investigate some practical
applications of electromagnetic waves and its effect on living things and
environment. You will get to explore more about radiation and its
different effects. Let us continue by doing the virtual lab below.



Visible light is one common type of electromagnetic waves that we are

all familiar with. Light is everywhere in our world. We need it to see: it
carries information from the world to our eyes and brains. Seeing colors
and shapes is second nature to us, yet light is a perplexing phenomenon
when we study it more closely. You are going to investigate the complex
and yet wonderful world of visible light. As you try to do the different
activities on visible light, ask yourself the following questions: Do we
have to be alarmed in the presence of visible light around us? Why do
we have to?

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Click the link below:

You may click on your desired activity to get to know more about light
and its properties together with the many applications it has.

Process Questions:
1. What are the properties of light as part of the spectrum?
2. Why do the different parts of the spectrum have different effects?

You were able to realize many important things about visible light. Let
us proceed with another fun way of learning other applications of the
EM waves. The next sets of activities will give you more insights to the
practical application of the different forms of electromagnetic waves and
its effects on living things and the environment. Enjoy learning!


Directed Writing-Tree Strategy)

Read the two articles on some effects of ultraviolet rays from the sun
to living things by following the links provided.

1. Cosmetic Procedures: Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer


2. Ultraviolet radiation and the INTERSUN Programme


Organize your notes and ideas on the article by completing the graphic
organizer below. Refer to the process questions as you complete the

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Effect 1_______________ Effect 2_______________
Explain/Justify Explain/Justify
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________

Focused EM wave
Effect 3_______________ ________________
Nature & 
MY GENERALIZATION:  ________________________
______________________________________ ________________________
______________________________________  ________________________

Now write your paragraph based on the graphic organizer that you
have completed.


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Process Questions:
1. What specific dangers to the skin may be brought about by the
exposure to the sun?
2. What type of radiation is responsible for this skin damage?
3. How do you protect yourself from such damages?

What did you observe in doing the activity? Are all electromagnetic
waves harmful? Continue you exploration on practical application of the
different forms of electromagnetic waves and its effects on living things
and the environment by doing the next activity.


Go over the activity found on the link:


After finding out the characteristics and properties of light, create a one
page drawing of a rainbow showing its effects and importance on living
things and environment. You can use other resources to come up with
a good output in this activity. Use the Web 2.0 application-
http://blabberize.com/ to express your ideas of the given task. Submit
your work to your online teacher. Your online teacher will give feedback
on your work.

Process Questions:
1. How are the colors of the rainbow arranged?
2. How do these different colors undergo dispersion or other
3. Why can we not see all the colors of the rainbow all the time?
4. What are the effects of rainbow dispersion on living things and
5. In the absence of visible light, are we capable of appreciating
and enjoying the things around us through the presence of
6. Are all electromagnetic waves harmful?

Try to do the next activity to discover more your understanding on the

different effects of electromagnetic waves.

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Open the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfXzwh3KadE.

The video talks about the uses or application of the different
electromagnetic spectrum. It will help you more appreciate the different
radiations through their application.

After watching the video, write the things you have learned, organize
your thoughts and fill in the POW + tree activity below.

Strategy Activity

ick an idea or opinion.

(Formulate an opinion and state that opinion


rganize and generate notes and

ideas for each part of the TREE.
(Organize notes by completing a graphic

Topic Sentence
(Formulate a topic
sentence expressing an

(Give at least three
reasons to support the
topic sentence)

(Explain your reasons)

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(Formulate a statement
to summarize the topic

rite and say more.

(Write a complete paragraph. Follow the plan
developed using the TREE strategy)

Process Questions:
1. Why do electromagnetic waves have varying effects on living
organisms and the environment?
2. What are the things to consider when somebody will be exposed
to the different forms of electromagnetic radiation?
3. Are all electromagnetic waves harmful? When do
electromagnetic waves become harmful? Support your answer
by citing important evidences.

Based on the activity, can you say that we have to be threatened to all
forms of electromagnetic waves? What are the things to consider in the
exposure to the different forms of electromagnetic waves? Are the
exposures to the different forms of electromagnetic waves harmful? You
will perform the next activity to see some important applications of
electromagnetic radiation around us.


The application of radio waves in telecommunication is one of the

breakthroughs of the important use of electromagnetic waves around
us. Try to click the different websites below in order for you to have a
good grasps on the role of radio waves in telecommunication.

1. Webpage Reading on radio waves and safety:


2. Video on radio waves on telecommunications:


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3. Simulation Activity on radio waves and electromagnetic fields:
The simulation activity is on radio waves and electromagnetic field.
What should be considered in doing the simulation? How are you
going to relate the simulation activity to the concepts of radio waves
in telecommunications?


After doing the different activities on radio waves in

telecommunications, you are going to prepare a 1-minute oral
presentation through the use of Web 2.0 application- http://voki.com/
on how safe are radio waves? Submit your work to you online teacher.
You are going to choose an avatar from http://voki.com/ to deliver your
message. You will be evaluated using the scoring rubric below:

4 points-Evidences gathered from the data and relevant and updated
information are presented clearly and concisely making the
work reasonable and compelling. highly convincing
3 points- Evidences gathered from the data and relevant information
are presented clearly and concisely making the work
2 points- Few evidences are presented and with very few references to
the data; some information is not presented clearly making
the work unconvincing in certain parts
1 point- Almost no evidences are presented and made no references
to the data; many important information is presented in a
confusing way. is not presented clearly making the work

Process Questions:
1. How safe are radio waves?
2. When does radio wave become harmful?
3. Are all electromagnetic waves harmful? Explain.

Based on the activity, can you say that we have to be threatened by the
presence of radio waves around us? What are the things to be
considered in dealing with electromagnetic radiations? The next activity
will also give you an idea on the use of electromagnetic waves around

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Read the article in the link: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/school-

288730-students-program.html to find out more about GPRS and how
this was used by a school as part of their school system.

Process Questions:
1. What does GPS stand for?
2. How does a GPS function?
3. Why does the school use this for their students? How does this
device help the teachers and school heads?
4. Are all forms of electromagnetic waves harmful?

After answering the given questions, you are to fill in the given Sum It
Up worksheet

Sum It Up



1. Read the selection and underline the key words and main ideas. Write
these in the blank area below where it says “Main Idea Words.”

2. At the bottom of this sheet, write a one-sentence summary of the article,

using as many main idea words as you can. Imagine you only have
$2.00, and each word you use will cost you 10 cents. See if you can
“sum it up” in twenty words!

Main Idea Words:

“Sum It Up” for $2.00 ____________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________ __________ ____________
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
__________ ____________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ Adapted from Pat Widdowson Surry County
(NC) Schools

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Good job! You have completed the Sum It Up activity. At this point, go
over the given articles. Find out what are common things among them
and be able to answer the given questions after.

You have completed the different activities that exposed you to some
practical applications of the different forms of electromagnetic waves
and its effects on living things and the environment. It is time for you
to write your thoughts on this matter to determine if you have indeed
learned the varying effects of the different forms of electromagnetic


You are going to make an essay that will contain your understanding
on the following important questions:
 What are some practical applications of the different regions of
the Electromagnetic Waves?
 What are the effects of electromagnetic radiation on living things
and the environment?
 How safe are electromagnetic waves?

Use the Expository Essay Planning Map to organize your thoughts. You
are going to make an essay not less than 300 words that contain the
answers to the guide questions above. Your work will be evaluated using
the essay rubric below:

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Now write your essay (not more than 300 words) on the activity sheet


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CRITERIA  Outstanding  Satisfactory  Developing  Beginning  RATING 

4  3  2  1 
Content    Presents  Presents a  Presents  No scientific   
  comprehensive  good  insufficient  reasoning 
scientific  number of  and  was 
reasoning with  scientific  inconsistent   presented. 
detailed  reasons  scientific   
elaboration of  with  evidences in 
the pros and  sufficient  some parts 
cons.  elaboration  with little 
of pros and  elaboration 
cons.  of pros and 
Organization  Order  of  ideas  Order  of  Order  of  Order  of   
is apparent and  ideas  is  ideas  is  ideas  is  not 
has  an  apparent.   confusing  in  present.  No 
interesting  Sufficient  some  parts  supporting 
progression.  details  are  Some  details  details  were 
geared  to  are  not  given 
the  central  specific  to 
idea.  one  central 
  Evidences  Evidences  Few  Almost no   
Justification  gathered from  gathered  evidences  evidences 
  the data and  from the  are  are 
relevant and  data and  presented  presented 
updated  relevant  and with  and made no 
information  information  very few  references 
are presented  are  references  to the data; 
clearly and  presented  to the data;  many 
concisely  clearly and  some  important 
making the  concisely  information  information 
work  making the  is not  is presented 
reasonable  work  presented  in a 
and  reasonable  clearly  confusing 
compelling.    making the  way. is not 
highly  work  presented 
convincing  unconvincing  clearly 

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in certain  making the 
parts  work 

Submit your output to your online teacher.

You are done with the four activities on the different effects of
electromagnetic spectrum around us. Your essay serves as the learnings
you got from the varied activities given to you for better understanding
of the topic.

End of FIRM UP:

In this section, the discussion was about the electromagnetic waves (EM
waves), electromagnetic spectrum, examples of practical applications of
the different regions of EM waves and explains the effects of EM
radiation on living things and the environment.

Also, go back to the previous section and compare your initial ideas with
the discussion. How much of your initial ideas are found in the
discussion? Which ideas are different and need revision? What new
learning goal should you now try to achieve? Go back to your learning
competencies and do self-monitoring of your accomplishment of the
listed goals.

Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go
deeper by moving on to the next section.

Your goal in this section is to take a closer look at some aspects of the
electromagnetic spectrum. You will this time get to make a
generalization on how safe are the electromagnetic waves. Your
knowledge in the previous section will let you more develop appreciation
on the importance of these electromagnetic waves around us

This will further help you answer our essential question: How safe are
electromagnetic waves?

Let’s start by doing our next activity

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In order for us to have a good grasp on how safe are electromagnetic

waves, it will be good that we will have a closer look to the different
forms of electromagnetic radiations, its properties and uses. Open and
click the websites below:

1. Discussion between non-ionizing radiation and ionizing radiation:


2. Answers to questions on Radiation and You


Process Questions:
1. What are non-ionizing radiations? Give examples.
2. What are ionizing radiations? Give examples.
3. Differentiate between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing
4. Which can be more harmful to living things: ionizing radiation or
non-ionizing radiation? Defend your answer
5. When can electromagnetic waves become harmful? What are the
factors to be considered in dealing with electromagnetic

Now that you have ideas on the different types of radiation, it will be
good to examine some documents that will talk on electromagnetic
radiation safety. You will do this by doing the next activity.


You are going to read the different articles on electromagnetic radiation

safety for you to expand your ideas on how safe are the electromagnetic
waves. As you try to read the articles, try to take down notes the factors
that will affect electromagnetic radiation safety. Click and examine the
different articles below:

1. World Health Organization- Electromagnetic fields. Read the 7

pages on this website.

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2. Health and Electromagnetic Fields

3. Electromagnetic Radiation Safety


As you try to read the three articles, the take down notes sheet below
will help you gather your thoughts on how safe are the electromagnetic

The things that I want to remember:

How safe are electromagnetic waves? What are the factors to be

considered in dealing with electromagnetic radiations?

Process Questions:
1. What are the things that you found out on the risks and hazards
in dealing with electromagnetic radiations?
2. Do we have to be alarmed with the presence of the different
forms of electromagnetic waves around us? Explain.
3. How safe are electromagnetic waves to living things and

Now that you have read the different articles on electromagnetic

radiation safety you are going to perform the next activity to strengthen
your ideas on electromagnetic radiations.

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Research a problem related to electromagnetic radiation safety. The

essential question will help you: How safe are electromagnetic waves?

E-mail your chosen topic/problem/issue to your teacher. Wait for

his/her feedback or approval.

Once your topic is approved, start investigating about it. For your
output, you should be able to complete this problem-and-solution
outline and submit to your teacher.

Problem Definition

Solutions Attempted: RESULTS:

Final Result:

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Before submitting to your teacher, do a self-evaluation of your work by
completing this check-bric:

Criteria YES NO
I have a clear idea of what the problem or case.

My attempts at coming up with a solution involves

(you should answer “yes” in at least two):

 Explaining what electromagnetic waves are

involved in the given problem.
 Discussing the relationship among wavelength,
frequency and energy of the given problem
 Describing the region of the electromagnetic
spectrum, the properties and use of the
electromagnetic wave that is related to your
 Explaining the effects of electromagnetic waves
to living things and environment.
 Citing some practical solutions (including risks
and hazards) to solve the given problem
The results I came up with are based on careful
research and investigation.

The final result is a product of my best judgment of

the preliminary results gathered.

My scientific investigation is relevant and is

informative to all who will read it.

After doing the scientific investigation activity, do you have a clear idea
on electromagnetic radiation safety? How safe are electromagnetic
waves? When do electromagnetic radiations become valuable? You will
perform the next activity to express further your ideas on the hazards
and risks brought about by electromagnetic radiations.

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Comment on the statement,

“Ionizing radiations are harmful.”

Express your view using the activity sheet below. Support your claims
by reading the article found in the link below. Recall how you elaborated
your point in the Tree Strategy to help you out in this task.

Activity Sheet

“Ionizing radiations are harmful.”


Process Questions:
1. What radiation is used in medical treatments?
2. Can all electromagnetic waves be used in treating illnesses?
3. How did you make your point in the activity reliable?
4. What are your considerations when you talk on the varying effects of
electromagnetic waves?
5. When do electromagnetic waves become harmful?
6. How safe are radiations?

After doing the activity, are you certain of your answer to the question:
How safe are the electromagnetic waves? Let us continue doing the next
activity. The next activity will help you make your generalization on the
essential question.

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Instruction: Use the outline tool below to summarize the effects of

radiation. Develop your answers based on the provided articles. Use the
process questions for each article as your guide in elaborating your

Article 1: How Radiation Threatens Health

1) What type of electromagnetic wave is cited in the article?
2) What harm does this type of EM wave bring?
3) Will exposure to this type of EM wave certainly make you ill?

Article 2: Cellphones and Cancer Risk

1) Describe the level of harmfulness of the type of radiation cited in
the article based on its location in the electromagnetic spectrum.
2) In the context of radiation risk, what can you recommend to
make the use of cellphones safer?

Article 3: Effects of Sun Exposure to Skin

1) What specific dangers to the skin may be brought about by the
exposure to the sun?
2) What type of radiation is responsible for this skin damage?
3) How do you protect yourself from such damages?

You are going to put together your answers to the essential questions
that we asked for each article.

Article #1: Article #2: Article #3

ESSENTIAL How Radiation Effects of Sun Article #3:
QUESTIONS: Threatens Exposure to Electromagnetic
Health Skin Fields and
Public Health:

How safe are The effects of
electromagnetic The effects of the
waves? the electromagnetic The effects of
waves are….. the

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electromagnetic electromagnetic
waves are….. waves are…..

The varying effects of the electromagnetic waves are…..


Supporting reasons and examples from the above articles:


How safe are electromagnetic waves?


1. Look at your answers to the essential questions in the above table.
What do all the answers have in common?
2. Are all the strategies the same? How do the answers differ? What
are the different effects of the electromagnetic waves to humans
and the environment?
3. How safe are the electromagnetic waves?

What did you notice to your answers to the question: How safe are the
electromagnetic waves? Try to recall your answers to these questions in
the entire duration of this module and assess if you have changes to
your answers. Were you able to have concrete, specific and certain
answers in this activity? Let us check these understandings by making
your own generalization on how safe are the electromagnetic waves in
the next activity.



Let us verify if you have a good grasp of your answers to the essential
question: How safe are electromagnetic waves? You are going to find

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three situations in any form or resources that will show the varying
effects of electromagnetic radiations to living things and the
environment. The situation can be an article, a discussion in the net,
drawing, cartoons, comic strip, data, graphs, illustrations and the likes.
You are going to put you answers in the activity sheet below:


Situation #1: Situation #2: Situation #3
ESSENTIAL Write the Write the Write the
QUESTIONS: situation here situation here situation here

The effects of
The effects of The effects of electromagnetic
How safe are the the waves are…..
electromagnetic electromagnetic electromagnetic
waves? waves are….. waves are…..

Answer the guide questions below:

The varying effects of the electromagnetic waves are…..


Supporting reasons and examples from the above articles:


How safe are electromagnetic waves?


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Submit your answers to your online teacher. Your teacher will give
feedback on this work.

Are you certain of your ideas on how safe are the electromagnetic
waves? What factors help you to come up with a good generalization on
the essential question? Let us go back to your answers on the beginning
of this module so that you will see the changes in your answers and give
the correct explanation to your answers.



Go back to your answers at the start of this module on the activity-

Thinking out of the box:

How safe are electromagnetic waves?

You also have answers in this activity sheet where you wrote the
similarities and differences of your answers to other learners on line:

How safe are electromagnetic waves?

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

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If you are going to make changes to the answers on this activity what
will it be and why? Complete the table below:

Statements Explanation
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

What did you notice to your answers to this activity? Do you have
changes on your initial ideas on how safe are electromagnetic waves?
Were you able to correct your misconceptions? Share your
generalization by making a blog so that other members in the online
community will be enlightened on this matter.


Make a blog on what you found out on this module by answering the
essential question: How safe are the electromagnetic waves? Give
examples and justification in your answers. Publish, share your work
and collaborate to other members on line using the web 2.0 application
- https://www.blogger.com/

Process Question:
1. Are you confident to your answers to the essential question:
How safe are the electromagnetic waves?
2. Were you able to collaborate with other members on line with
regard to the answers to this guide question?

End of DEEPEN:
In this section, you investigated further the different scenarios and
situation in order for you to find the answer to the question: How safe
are electromagnetic waves?

What new realizations do you have about the topic? What new
connections have you made for yourself? What helped you make these

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready
to do the tasks in the next section.

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Your goal in this section is apply your
learning to real life situations. You will be given a practical task which
will demonstrate your understanding.



In all gas stations, you will see this signage:

Your task in this activity is to visit the website www.edjudo.com and

select what you think is the best Web 2.0 application that will allow you
to show the effects of radio waves in order for you to decide whether
the signage has basis or not. You will submit your output to your
teacher. Your work will be evaluated according to content, organization,
justification and impact.
Remember all the skills that you learned in the previous activities
on electromagnetic waves.

Process Questions:
1. What have you found out about radio waves?
2. What do you think is the basis for the signage?
3. If you are given the chance to correct or enhance it, what would
you suggest?
4. Are radio waves safe? Justify your answer.
5. Which web 2.0 application did you choose? Why?
6. Will using a web 2.0 application to convey information be effective?

Were you able to make an informed decision in the situation given

above? Are you certain on the reasons of your answers? You are about
to do the performance task of this module but before doing that let us

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check if you were able to have a good grasps of the competencies on
this lesson in which you will use in the Performance Task.


Instruction: Complete the Competency Check table below to assess

your readiness to do the performance task.


I can do
this by I still
I can do
myself need
SKILLS this by
and in help to
different do this
Explain how electromagnetic waves are
Compare the relative wavelengths of
different forms of electromagnetic waves
Cite examples of practical applications of
the different regions of EM waves, such
as the use of radio waves in
Describe the regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum, their
properties and uses
Explain the effects of EM radiation on
living things and the environment

Process Questions:
1. Which competencies do you feel confident about?
2. In which competencies do you still need assistance?
3. What do you plan to do in order to better prepare yourself for the
performance task?

Are your ready for your performance task on this module. Check and
perform the performance task in the next activity.



The purpose of this performance task is for you to conduct an

information drive about the effects of electromagnetic wave exposure to
help people make informed decisions.  You are going to do this through

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Differentiated GRASP so that you will have choices on the desired
product that you will make for this module. Read the Differentiate
GRASP below:


You are working for a broadcasting network and the evening news
program will air in 15 minutes. One of the segments of the show is a
trivia on different topics that are relevant to the times. It so happens
that the current news is about the rise of several high profile individuals
suffering from cancer. Hence, you were asked to come-up with a
presentation on the different effects of electromagnetic exposure as this
has been cited by a lot of individuals as the key carcinogenic factor. As
a journalist you can:

 Write a script for the news show explaining the effects of

electromagnetic exposure,
 Select a Web 2.0 application that will deliver the message to as
many individuals as possible, or
 Create an advertisement that will be aired in the broadcast that
will show the effects of electromagnetic exposure.


The Philippine Skin Cancer Foundation has been alarmed with rapid
growth of skin cancer due to too much exposure to sunlight. Data of
Philippine Skin Cancer have shown that people living in the remote
barangay are more vulnerable of the disease due to lack of knowledge.
As a dermatologist, you are invited by PSCF to reach out and give
information drive in the form of multimedia presentation to a remote
nearby barangay. (prepare materials or information kit)

 Make a multimedia presentation showing the harmful effects of

sun rays.
 Create a billboard ad that relates sun rays and skin cancer.
 Conduct a symposium about skin cancer prevention.


A rumor is spreading fast across the country that microwave oven use
is linked to the development of intestinal cancer. As a renowned
Physicist of the country, you are invited by media men to clarify the

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matter. The public expects your point to be presented in any medium
they are commonly exposed to. You may:

 write a column in a newspaper explaining in details whether the

public needs to be scared or not.
 appear in a live interview in a morning TV show telling the people
the facts of the matter. (Web 2.0)
 write a script for a scientific cartoon showing the details of the
radiation for animation.

Your output will be evaluated according to content, organization,

justification and impact.

CRITERIA  Outstanding  Satisfactory  Developing  Beginning  RATIN
4  3  2  1  G 
Content    Presents  Presents a  Presents  No scientific   
  comprehensiv good number  insufficient  reasoning 
e scientific  of scientific  and  was 
reasoning  reasons with  inconsistent   presented. 
with detailed  sufficient  scientific   
elaboration of  elaboration  evidences in 
the pros and  of pros and  some parts 
cons.  cons.  with little 
elaboration of 
pros and cons 
Organizatio Order of ideas  Order  of  Order of ideas  Order  of   
n  is  apparent  ideas  is  is  confusing  in  ideas  is  not 
and  has  an  apparent.   some  parts  present.  No 
interesting  Sufficient  Some  details  supporting 
progression.  details  are  are  not  details were 
geared to the  specific to one  given 
central idea.  central idea. 
  Evidences  Evidences  Few evidences  Almost no   
Justification  gathered  gathered  are presented  evidences 
  from the data  from the  and with very  are 
and relevant  data and  few  presented 
and updated  relevant  references to  and made 
information  information  the data;  no 
are presented  are  some  references 
clearly and  presented  information is  to the data; 
concisely  clearly and  not presented  many 
making the  concisely  clearly making  important 

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work  making the  the work  information 
reasonable  work  unconvincing 
is presented 
and  reasonable  in certain in a 
compelling.    parts  confusing 
highly    way. is not 
convincing  presented 
making the 

Impact   Establishes  Establishes  The  Does not   
and  and  importance  relate the 
communicate communicate and relevance  selected 
s in an  s the  to the  issue at all 
engaging and  importance  personal and  to the youth 
practical way  and  community  or their 
the  relevance of  level are not  community 
importance  the issue on  clearly   
and relevance  personal and  established 
of the issue  community  and 
on personal  levels. The  communicate
and  importance  d. 
community  and   
levels  relevance are 

Before you submit your output, evaluate your output using the
checklist in the next activity.

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Instruction: Evaluate your project’s readiness by answering the


Project Evaluation

Are you confident of your output to the performance task? If you are
ready, submit your output to your online teacher.

CLOSURE: Self-Assessment

Write a reflection in your synthesis journal about your experiences in

the entire lesson. You may choose to answer one, some, or all of
these guide questions:

 What have you learned about the entire lesson? Is it challenging

to see the world you live in?
 What would our life be if there are no electromagnetic waves?
 Do you have to be afraid of the different forms of
electromagnetic radiations?
 What other task would you like to work on in the future that
could be beneficial to living things and the environment with

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regard to the different regions of the electromagnetic

In this section, your task was to make a presentation on the different
effects of electromagnetic exposure. You had been given three
situations and nine options as your output.

How did you find the performance task? How did the task help you see
the real world use of the topic?

You have completed this lesson. Before you go to the next lesson, you
have to answer the following post-assessment

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It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Click on the letter of the answer that you
think best answers the question. Your score will only appear after you answer all
items. If you do well, you may move on to the next module. If your score is not at
the expected level, you have to go back and take the module again.

1. The diagram below shows position of the antenna with respect to

the direction of the electric field of a radio carrier wave.

Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic

waves are created by accelerating charges; moving charges back and
forth will produce oscillating electric and magnetic fields, and this travel
at the speed of light. Based from the diagram above, which of the
following statements describe radio waves?

A. Radio waves are longitudinal waves in which the displacement

of the medium is in the same direction as, or the opposite
direction to, the direction of travel of the wave.
B. Radio waves are mechanical waves in which propagate through a
material medium (solid, liquid, or gas) at a wave speed which
depends on the elastic and inertial properties of that medium.
C. Radio waves are transverse waves that are moving waves that
consist of oscillations occurring perpendicular (or right angled) to the
direction of energy transfer.
D. Radio waves are standing waves that are produced whenever
two waves of identical frequency interfere with one another while
traveling opposite directions along the same medium.

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2. The diagram below shows an electromagnetic spectrum:

Which of the relationships will describe the wavelength, frequency

and energy in the electromagnetic spectrum?
A. Frequency is directly proportional to wavelength and inversely
proportional to energy.
B. Frequency is directly proportional to energy and inversely
proportional to wavelength.
C. Wavelength is directly proportional to frequency and energy.
D. Wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency and energy.

3. Refer to the statement below:

The seven (7) electromagnetic waves are arranged according to
increasing wavelength and named as ABCDEFG respectively.

Which description is true about electromagnetic wave A?

A. It has the longest wavelength like radio wave.
B. It has the shortest wavelength like radio wave.
C. It has the longest wavelength like gamma wave.
D. It has the shortest wavelength like gamma wave.

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4. Refer to the table below.

Which of the following descriptions is true about the use of radio wave?

A. Radio wave is important in TV broadcasting.

B. Radio wave is important in sanitation.
C. Radio wave is important in metal works.
D. Radio wave is important in cooking.

5. Ultraviolet radiation is a part of the components of the

electromagnetic spectrum. It has its good and bad effects to living
things. Which one is a good effect?
A. High doses can cause temporary clouding of the cornea
B. UV light treatment helps repigmentation
C. UV light can have deleterious effects on melanin
D. A positive effect of too much UV exposure is the induced
production of vitamin E in the skin

6. Refer to the illustration below.

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Which of the following description/s is/are NOT TRUE about the
Infrared radiation as shown in the illustration?

I. Its energy is lower than the visible light you see.

II. Its energy is greater than the radio wave.
III. Its energy is the same with the gamma ray.
IV. Its energy is almost close to the energy of the X-ray.

A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. III and IV

7. One of the favorite places people love to go is the beach. Either the
reason is for family event, special occasions or simply for relaxation.
Often times, we see a lot of beach lovers put on their sunblock
creams before going on swimming. Which below BEST explains this?
A. To prevent their skin from being irritated from the seawater
B. To make their skin look glowing and more healthy.
C. To prevent the ultraviolet radiation to reach the skin.
D. To have a cooling effect on the skin after swimming in the beach.

8. What does the picture below tell you about the application of microwave

A. The microwave is used in wireless communication.

B. The microwave is used in broadcasting.
C. The microwave is used in medical treatments.
D. The microwave is used in sanitation process.

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9. Refer to the given table below:

Uses and Effects of EM Waves 
Region of the  Method of  Uses and Effects 
spectrum  generation 
Low frequency   Oscillation in  This group carries weather and some 
waves    electric  aviation broadcasting. 
Broadcast  Oscillation in  These bands of radio frequencies have 
radio   electric  been set aside for the regular AM 
band  circuits  broadcast 
High frequency  Oscillation in  In  this  region  are  many  kinds  of 
radio waves  electric  broadcasting amateur radio, TV, FM radio. 
Microwaves  Oscillation in  Used for cooking  
electric  Are also used for telecommunication, such 
circuits  as transmitting long distance telephone 
Also useful in radar 
Can be harmful to humans because they 
have been known to damage/kill healthy 
Can cause interference in pacemaker which 
could cause it to operate erratically 
Infrared  Vibration  of  Infrared photography which is commonly 
atoms  within  employed in land use surveys. 
molecules  ‐Also known as radiant energy emitted by 
very hot bodies. hot bodies‐heat lamps are 
used to warm tired, aching muscles and to 
heal wounds. 
Visible light  Motion of  The portion our eyes are sensitive to. 
electrons in 
Ultraviolet  Motion of  Is used to determine false or counterfeit 
electrons in  documents.  
atoms  Are used to help keep operating rooms in 
hospitals sterile. 
Exposure to it stimulates the production of 
Vitamin D in the skin. 
Is responsible for sunburn. Overexposure 
can cause skin cancer 

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X‐ray    Rapid reactions,  Is used in medicine. Detects flaws in 
deceleration of charged  metals and plastics. Can kill healthy 
particles  body cells. 
Gamma  Nuclear reactions   
rays  radioactive disintegration 

Based from the table below, which of the following statement is NOT
true on the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, their
properties, uses and effects?

A. Infrared radiations are also known as radiant energy and are used
to warm tired, aching muscles and to heal wounds.
B. Visible Light is generated through vibration of molecules.
C. Microwaves are generated through oscillation in electric circuit and
are used in cooking.
D. X-rays are low frequency waves that cause rapid reactions,
deceleration of charged particles.

10. Mr. Alberto de La Cruz showed the electromagnetic radiation spectrum

below to his physics class.

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He asked Anna, Diana, Maida and Rowena to give a conclusion on the
presence of electromagnetic radiations around us based from the given
table. Which among the four students give a correct conclusion?

Anna: “Different forms of electromagnetic radiations have different

frequencies and thus, have different uses and effects to living things and

Diana: ”Electromagnetic radiations are emitted by many natural and

man-made sources and play an important part in our lives like we are
warmed by the electromagnetic emissions of the sun and we see using
the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that our eyes detect as visible

Maida: ”Diagnostic X ray machine, television sets, computers,

microwave oven, radar devices, laser devices, mobile phones, etc.,
generates radiations of different frequencies which exist in our

Rowena:”Different forms of electromagnetic radiations have different

sources and uses of frequency bands but have the same effects on living
things and environment because they all travel at the speed of light in
a vacuum”.

A. Anna and Maida

B. Diana and Rowena
C. Anna, Diana and Maida
D. Anna, Diana, Maida and Rowena

11. Mr. Pedro Cruz, presented the electromagnetic spectrum diagram below:

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He asked his students to give an example of the sources that are
arranged in a way that will pose an increasing risk to humans when
exposed to the different sources of electromagnetic radiations at the
same time duration and distance. Jean raises her hand and gives an
answer to Sir Pedro. Observe the class conversations below:

Jean: “mobile AM/FM Wi-Fi sunlight radioactive source”

Sir Pedro: “Very Good. Can you explain to your classmates the reason
for your answer?

47.Which of the following statements could be Jean’s possible answer to Sir

Pedro’s follow-up question?
A. As energy decreases, frequency remains the same.
B. As energy increases, frequency remains constant.
C. As frequency increases so as the energy.
D. As frequency increases, energy decreases.

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12.Refer to the given picture below:

The diagram above shows the types, effects and sources of the different
regions of electromagnetic spectrum. Based from the diagram above,
which of the following statements will be your considerations when
exposed to the different forms of electromagnetic radiations?
I. Short-term exposure to very high levels of electromagnetic fields can
be harmful to health
II. Exposure to low level electromagnetic fields is harmful to
human health.
III. The effects of electromagnetic radiations exposure are
negligible because we cannot feel the electromagnetic
radiations around us.
IV. Exposure to non-ionizing radiation can be more harmful
than exposure to ionizing radiation because there are too
many non-ionizing radiations around us

A. I only
B. II only
C. IV only
D. I, II, III and IV

13. There are three ways that electromagnetic radiation can cause harm
within to living bodies. Each effect is particular to a certain range of
frequencies. Our main exposure to dangerous electromagnetic radiation is
from direct sunlight.

Study the table below:

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Effect  Range  Effects  Disclaimer 

Normal  human 
technologies do 
not  produce 
Induced voltage gradients  Low 
Magnetic  fields  might  do  frequencies  in 
and/or  frequencies 
weird things to our bodies.  this  range,  and, 
electric currents  (0‐3 KHz) 
the  Earth  itself 
has  a  magnetic 

Energy  has  to 

Absorption  of  energy 
30 MHz ‐ 300  specifically  and 
Thermal effects  causes  heating,  which  if 
GHz  intentionally 
Absorption causes heating  enough  happens  at  once, 
Microwaves  focused to have 
can damage tissue. 
an effect. 

We are exposed 
to  these  from 
Ionizing effects  Carcinogenic  due  to  space  and  from 
light,  X‐rays, 
Molecules are damaged  occasional DNA damage.  the sun, but not 
gamma rays 
from  human 

Based from the table above, which of the following effects can be of
greater worry when exposed to the different forms of electromagnetic
A. Magnetic fields might do weird things to our bodies.
B. Absorption of energy causes heating, which if enough happens at
once, can damage tissue.
C. Carcinogenic due to occasional DNA damage.
D. Thermal Effect means that the absorption causes heating.

14. Some of the everyday human-generated sources of electromagnetic field

(EMFs) to which we're exposed include the sources listed in the illustration

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Based from the illustration, we cannot deny the fact that we are
surrounded by electromagnetic radiations. Knowing that these
radiations are part of our everyday undertaking, which of the following
statements should NOT be a consideration when exposed to these
different forms of electromagnetic radiations?

A. Shorter wavelength electromagnetic radiations like microwaves also

weaken with distance, but the distances can be tremendous.
B. Electromagnetic Field exposure depends not just on strength of the
field but also on proximity and duration of contact.
C. The effects of Electromagnetic Radiations are the same to the different
forms of electromagnetic waves because they all travel at the same
D. Ionizing radiation like gamma rays and X-rays, known with their short
wavelengths for causing DNA mutations or cancer, is often thought of
as the most harmful, because it can restructure molecules by knocking
electrons off their nuclear orbits.

15. In your physics class, your teacher presented the diagram below so that
you will be aware of the risks and hazards brought about by the presence
of the different electromagnetic radiation around us.

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If you are going to explain the diagram above to the people in the
barangay, which of the following statements can be used so that the
people will be aware of the risks and hazards brought about by the
electromagnetic fields?

I. Distance from the source is a consideration when exposed to

different forms of electromagnetic waves because electromagnetic
radiation is greatest close to the source and decreases with distance
from the source.
II. The strength of the electromagnetic field is a factor to consider when
exposed to electromagnetic waves because the greater the strength
of the electromagnetic field, the greater the energy involve.
III. Electromagnetic Field is measured in milligauss which means that
the higher the value of the electromagnetic field, the higher the
risks when exposed to this type of electromagnetic wave.

A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I, II and III

16. You are working for a broadcasting network and the evening news
program will air in 15 minutes. One of the segments of the show is
a trivia on different topics that are relevant to the times. It so
happens that the current news is about the rise of several high
profile individuals suffering from cancer. Hence, you were asked to
come-up with a presentation on the different effects of

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electromagnetic exposure as this has been cited by a lot of
individuals as the key carcinogenic factor.

As a journalist, you are tasked to create an advertisement that will

be aired in the broadcast that will show the health effects of
electromagnetic exposure specifically in cancer concerns. Which of
the following statements can be a possible consideration when you
will make the script for the advertisement?

A. Exposure to cellphones can cause cancer because the electric

and magnetic fields (EMF) present in cellphones are a form of
non-ionizing radiation
B. The presence of power lines that emit electric fields and
magnetic fields cause cancer.
C. Most subsequent studies have not shown that there is such an
association between electromagnetic exposure and cancer, but
scientists continue to investigate the possibility that one exists.
D. Exposure of different electromagnetic radiations in homes can
cause cancer because there are a lot of electromagnetic radiation
sources in our homes.

17. The Philippine Skin Cancer Foundation has been alarmed with rapid
growth of skin cancer. Data of Philippine Skin Cancer have shown that
people living in the remote barangay are more vulnerable of the disease
due to lack of knowledge. As a dermatologist, you are invited by PSCF to
reach out and give information drive on skin cancer prevention.

As a dermatologist, you are tasked to make a multimedia

presentation showing the harmful effects of sun rays. Which of the
following statements below CANNOT be used in your multimedia

A. Ultraviolet Radiation levels are constant over the course of a day

or even over the course of a year because ultraviolet rays are
traveling at constant speed.
B. The amount of UV exposure a person gets depends on the
strength of the rays, the length of time the skin is exposed, and
whether the skin is protected with clothing or sunscreen.
C. Ultraviolet A (UVA) is the longer wave UV ray that causes lasting
skin damage, skin aging, and can cause skin cancer.
D. Ultraviolet B (UVB) is the shorter wave UV ray that causes
sunburns, skin damage, and can cause skin cancer.

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18. A rumor is spreading fast across the country that microwave oven use is
linked to the development of intestinal cancer. As a renowned Physicist of
the country, you are invited by media men to clarify the matter. The public
expects your point to be presented in any medium they are commonly
exposed to.

As a physicist, you are requested to write a script for a scientific cartoon

showing the details of the radiation for animation. What important
aspect on microwave should be part of your script?

A. Metals get dangerously hot in microwaves.

B. Food prepared from microwave oven can be a possible health
hazard because microwave ovens make foods radioactive
because nutrients are lost when heating foods
C. Microwave ovens meeting the standards are not hazardous to
D. Microwaves leak unsafe levels of electromagnetic radiation

19. You want to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the varying
effects of infrared radiations around us. You believe that the presence of
infrared radiations around us is important, thus, there is a need for the
people to know more about infrared radiations. You make a multimedia
presentation wherein you have this illustration in your first slide.

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Which of the following uses and effects of infrared radiations below is
NOT part of your presentation?

A. One of the environmental effects of infrared radiations is the

greenhouse effect which is caused by gases such as water vapor in the
atmosphere absorbing infrared radiation.
B. The dangers of infrared radiations are taken seriously because we are
exposed to many infrared sources with high energy.
C. Prolonged exposure to high level of infrared radiations will result in
burns and overheating.
D. Some pieces of Infrared technology are used for research and
development work such as the infrared telescope.

20. You are studying the diagram on the effects of radiations below:

If you are going to conduct an information drive on the effects of

radiations exposure, which of the following statements will be your

A. The effects of electromagnetic radiations exposure are dependent on

the level, type and duration of exposure to the source.

Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 78

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
B. The effects of electromagnetic radiations exposure are negligible
because we cannot feel the electromagnetic radiations around us.
C. The effects of electromagnetic radiations exposure are only applicable
to visible light because this is the only form of electromagnetic
radiation that we can see.
D. The effects of electromagnetic radiations exposure are the same to all
forms of electromagnetic waves because they travel at the same

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under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education

Electromagnetic Wave- is produced by the acceleration of an electric

charge and propagated by the periodic variation of intensities of,
usually, perpendicular electric and magnetic fields

Electromagnetic Spectrum -
the entire spectrum, considered as a continuum, of all kinds of electric,
magnetic, and visible radiation, from gamma rays having a wavelength
of 0.001 angstrom to long waves having a wavelength of more than 1
million km

Electromagnetic Radiation-
consisting of electromagnetic waves, including radio waves,
infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays

Frequency-the number of periods or

the number of cycles or completed alternations per unit time of a
wave or oscillation

Wavelength- the distance, measured in the direction of propagation o

wave, between two successive points in the wave that arecharacterize
d by the same phase of oscillation

Radio wave-
an electromagnetic wave having a wavelength between 1 millimeteran
d 30,000 meters, or a frequency between 10 kilohertz and 300,000me

Microwave-an electromagnetic
wave of extremely high frequency, 1 GH

the part of the invisible spectrum that is contiguous to the red end of
the visible spectrum and that comprises electromagnetic radiation of
wavelengths from 800 nm to 1 mm

Visible light- electromagnetic

radiation to which the organs of sight react, ranging in wavelength
from about 400 to 700 nm and propagated at a speed of 186,282mi./
sec (299,972 km/sec), considered variously as a wave,corpuscular, or

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under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
X-ray- a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to light
but of shorter
wavelength and capable of penetrating solids and of ionizing gases

Gamma Rays-
a photon of penetrating electromagnetic radiation (gamma radiation)
emitted from an atomic nucleus


News article on The New York times that covered the topic on the
Hazards of Electromagnetic Fields in Science Times 25 years that ago
to see what has changed — and what has not.

Video about the electromagnetic waves and how these waves behave.
This video will also give ideas about how the waves function

Webpage on the physics classroom that discusses the electromagnetic
waves and visible spectra. This will give you an overview on how the
electromagnetic waves behave in space.

Web simulation on electromagnetic wave so that you will have visual
representation on how electromagnetic waves are produced.

Electromagnetic spectrum song that will help you identify the different
parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. The song will also give the
different sources on the different forms of electromagnetic waves.

Article on the electromagnetic spectrum where you will know the
characteristics, sources, uses and danger of the different forms of
electromagnetic waves.


Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 81

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
Webpage on NASA-Astronomer toolbox where the different
components and examples of electromagnetic spectrum are discussed.

Interactive activity from the NOVA Web site. The activity provides a
self-guided tour of the electromagnetic spectrum, including examples
of some of the most common uses of different types of waves:

Simulation of electromagnetic spectrum interactive to investigate the
relationship among frequency, wavelength and energy of the different
regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Websites on hands-on experience about electromagnetic radiation

Video on NASA-tour of the electromagnetic spectrum on you tube about
what electromagnetic spectrum is all about.

Electromagnetic Spectrum Quiz to check your understanding on the
different forms of electromagnetic waves

Glencoe Online Quiz on Electromagnetic Spectrum to enrich your
understanding of the different parts of electromagnetic spectrum.

Different activities to get to know more about light and its properties
together with the many applications it has.

Webpage Cosmetic Procedures: Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer. This
will give you an idea on the causes of skin cancer.


Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 82

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
Webpage on Ultraviolet radiation and the INTERSUN Programme. This
will give you an idea on the effects of ultraviolet radiation to living
things and environment.

These are interactive websites for the different electromagnetic
radiation where students get the details of these types of radiation
through the activities given

Web 2.0 application where you are tasked to create a one page
drawing of a rainbow showing its effects and importance on living
things and environment

Video talks about the uses or application of the different electromagnetic
spectrum. It will help you more appreciate the different radiations
through their application.

Webpage Reading on radio waves and safety

Video from you tube on radio waves on telecommunications

Simulation Activity on radio waves and electromagnetic fields

Web 2.0 application where you are tasked to make a one-minute
presentation using an Avatar on how safe are the radio waves.

program.html Webpage about GPRS and how this was used by a
school as part of their school system.

Webpage on the discussion between non-ionizing radiation and ionizing

Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 83

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
Webpage on the answers to questions on Radiation and You. The
webpage will let you have a closer look on the different forms of
electromagnetic radiations around us.

Webpage that contain the World Health Organization discussion on ,
properties, uses and effects of Electromagnetic fields

Webpage on community research by European commission on Health
and Electromagnetic Fields

News articles on Electromagnetic Radiation Safety

Webpage on medical application of different forms of electromagnetic

Article on How Radiation Threatens Health

Webpage on Cellphones and Cancer Risk

Webpage on the Effects of Sun Exposure to Skin

Web 2.0 applications where you are tasked to make a blog on how
safe are the electromagnetic waves

Website that contains some Web 2.0 applications. You are tasked to
select on what you think is the best Web 2.0 applications that will
allow you to show the effects of radio waves.

Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 84

under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education

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