Age of Mortals Vol1 - Key of Destiny PDF
Age of Mortals Vol1 - Key of Destiny PDF
Age of Mortals Vol1 - Key of Destiny PDF
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This d20 System@ game accessory utilizes mechanics developed for the new Dungeons &Dragons@ game by JonathanTweet,
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Introduction ............................................................................ 3
Wherein the tale is told and the foundation is set for adventure.
Introduction Q 3
Slowly, this melody became incorporated into the subcon- who have their own theories about the key’s purpose. This
scious of the Silvanesti people, who never realized the true small child’s toy holds the key to either a great treasure, or
magic held within the music. to open a pathway for a great evil to enter the world
At almost two thousand years of age, Silvanos passed
away. With great ceremony, the first Speaker of the Adventure Synopsis
Silvanesti was buried in a crystal tomb. Quinari died soon In chapter one, the adventurers begin in the town of
after. Her sorrow at the passing of her beloved was too Pashin, where the characters come into possession of
great. As the grieving Silvanesti prepared their queen for the elven music box that holds the key to an ancient
burial, the golden dragon Gloranthia appeared during the mystery. The characters must solve this mystery before
funeral. To the elves’ amazement, Gloranthia gently it is too late. Unfortunately, the characters are not the
explained that Quinari was a hero to the dragons, although only ones interested in the key. In a city of Dark Knights
her accomplishments were unknown to the elves. and criminals, it’s up to the characters to escape the city.
Gloranthia promised the elves that Quinari would be Once the characters escape the city, they head into the
interred in a place of great honor, a place sacred to the desert of Khur, and head for the ruins of an ancient city
gods of light. It is said that E’li himself appeared, assuring that might hold answers to the key’s purpose. In the ruins,
the elves that their queen would be honored for all time. the characters discover the truth behind an ancient betrayal
Touched, the elves allowed the dragon and the god to take that led to the city’s ruin, as well as finding an unexpected
their queen. E’li wrapped Quinari in a shroud of woven clue that will take them out of Khur and into one of the
starlight, gently placing her upon the back of the bowed most dangerous realms on Ansalon—the Desolation.
dragon. As he gazed once more upon the assembled As the characters leave the ruins of Hurim and head for
Silvanesti elves, E’li smiled gently and told them, “When Ak-Khurman, they are unaware of the forces surrounding
there is great need, the keys of Quinari shall open the portal, them, forces that are watching their every move in an intri-
allowing one to return from the Sanctuary of Spirits. The cate game of khas. As they cross the Burning Lands, they
path, however, shall not be easy, for if evil were to open the discover that the Legion of Steel-held city of Ak-Khurman
portal and enter the Sanctuary, then great darkness would isn’t as peaceful as it seems on the surface. Chartering a
befall the world.” With that, E’li and Gloranthia carried course across the Bay of Balifor, the characters land in Port
away Quinari’s body, disappearing into the night. Balifor, the infamous port town which suffered greatly dur-
In the years to follow, Sithel ordered the construction of ing the reign of the red dragon Overlord, Malystryx. Here,
a beautiful tower, the Palace of Quinari, in honor of his they will find an experienced guide willing to take them to
mother. Many among the Silvanesti discussed and debated the ruined city of Kendermore, where the characters hope
the meaning of E’li’s words, particularly puzzled by what to discover something more about the Key of Quinari.
he meant by the “Keys of Quinari.” After many centuries In Kendermore, the characters discover that kender pil-
though, the words of E’li faded into obscurity. grims to the ruined city have been disappearing, captured
Thousands of years later, as the Silvanesti fought hard to and taken prisoner. Will the characters brave the dangerous
rid their beloved kingdom of the taint of Lorac’s volcano known as the Peak of Malys? If they do, much
Nightmare, a small, delicately crafted music box of silver awaits them: a horrific plot that could endanger the region,
and crystal was discovered in the chambers of the dead an artifact long since believed lost to the world, and the
Speaker. When the lid of the music box was opened, it unravelling mysteries surrounding both the Key of Quinari
revealed a tiny elven maiden beautifully carved from wood. and their destiny.
As a haunting melody played, the wooden figure danced
smoothly. A slip of paper was included in the box. The
paper read, Quinari’s Key.
Many of the ancient texts of the Silvanesti were lost in Encounter Numbering
the devastation of Lorac’s Nightmare, but the eldest among To easily correlate encounters and locations with the
the Silvanesti could remember stories told to them that provided maps, areas in this adventure have been divid-
Quinari’s Key would open the way to something incredible, ed into distinct sections. For example, the seven loca-
if only one knew where to use it. Unfortunately, the knowl- tions described in the town of Pashin are numbered P1
edge of the key’s true use had been lost. The music box, through P7. The areas in the adventure are:
known as Quinari’s Key, was passed down to the daughters
of the ruling family, a curiosity of a long ago time. When P Pashin D Delphon
Queen Alhana and her husband, Porthios, were declared PS Pashin Sewers DU Delphon’s Undercity
Dark Elves and cast out of Silvanost, the music box KH Khur F Flotsam
remained within the kingdom. When the Dark Knights AC Ant Colony DE The Desolation
conquered the Silvanesti, most of the treasures of the capi- H Hurim K Kendermore
tal and the people were seized. When the minotaurs KK Khuri-Khan PM Peak of Malys
appeared and the Dark Knights retreated, most of those
treasures disappeared. The descriptions for subrooms listed by letter within
Now that Quinari’s Key has left the protection of the these areas are found in the text for the nearest main
Silvanesti Forest, its presence has been noticed by those numbered room.
4 Q Introduction
Chapter One
Finding the Key
ashin, like many other villages, towns, and cities both the crisp, sharp scent of winter and the dis-
6 Q Key of Destiny
Whyndam is the newly-appointed captain of the recently- proof, yet allows for some air circulation. The buildings
formed town watch); Kaybrin, LG male human War2 remain cool during the summer and warm during the win-
(Whyndam’s lieutenant, he’s an experienced veteran who ter. Most buildings are only a single story high, though
has taken Whyndam under his wing to help keep the more than a few are built to accommodate second and
younger man from being overwhelmed). even third floors. Very few buildings in Pashin have base-
ments or cellars, as the water level causes them to become
Features of Pashin unstable during the spring months. There is a small sewer
Before the unexpected influx of the Dark Knights, Pashin network that allows rainfall to run off and not accumulate
had a population of around 1,200 people. Since the Dark in the streets. Given the wide variety of cultures the resi-
Knight retreat from Silvanost the occupancy of the town dents of Pashin have come from, the interiors of the build-
has nearly doubled, causing the small town to rapidly swell ings are as varied as the people who call this town home.
both in population and in crime. Although the leaders of Next to Khuri-Khan and Delphon, Pashin is one of the
the Dark Knights are trying to maintain discipline among only Khurish settlements of any worthwhile size for traders
their own troops, as well as to impose a sense of order on and merchants to travel through, enabling the people of
the chaotic nature of Pashin, they have found that things Pashin to partake of goods from across Ansalon. The horse
are rapidly coming apart. The number of deserters has market of Pashin is second only to that of Khuri-Khan’s.
increased drastically since the death of the Dark Queen. This is one feature that keeps drawing merchants to the
The elven refugees who lived in Pashin have gone under- city, despite having to cross the Plains of Dust, the mino-
ground, fomenting anarchy. The bandit lords who once taur-occupied Silvanesti Forest, Onysablet’s New Swamp,
ruled the city are paying lip service to the Dark Knights, all and the ogre kingdom of Blöde in order to purchase one of
the while looking the other way while their people riot in the legendary Khur stallions.
the streets, pick fights with the Dark Knights, and steal the
spoils the Dark Knights looted from Silvanost. City Streets
Throughout the city there are numerous artesian wells The main streets in Pashin are cobblestone, made of the
that provide a constant source of clean water, tapped from same sun-baked bricks as the buildings themselves. The
the waterbeds deep underground. The artesian wells them- streets are laid out to allow more-or-less easy access
selves are all of dwarven craftsmanship, stretching more through the town and to major sections within the town,
than fifty feet below the surface. such as the Lord’s Manor, the Bazaar, and the Horse
Market. Given the lack of any stringent city planning, how-
Outside the City ever, there are numerous side streets and alleyways
Pashin lies in a large valley between two mountain ranges: throughout the town. These alleyways can cause anyone
the southern-most arm of the Kalkhist Mountains of Blöde unfamiliar with the town to become lost rather quickly.
to the west and the Badland Range in the east. The moun- On each side of the main streets are gutters for refuse.
tains provide a shelter against most of the wind coming Most of the alleys and side streets also have gutters that
from the coast, as well as the scent of Onysablet’s swamp. direct water spill-off back toward the main streets. These
The region is arid, with sparse, tough grass and few shrubs. gutters provide a crude system of navigation, as all gutters
There are signs of vegetation in the higher altitudes where eventually lead back to one of the primary roads through
the soil is richer. the town.
The town is about two miles away from where the
Thon-Thalas River splits into two tributaries, one that Politics in Pashin
winds into the ogre kingdom of Blöde, while the other Before the coming of the Dark Knights, the primary politi-
continues north, cutting a swath through the Khur bad- cal structure of Pashin was basically that of a bandit-aris-
lands. This provides the inhabitants of Pashin with easy tocracy. Technically part of the Khanate of Khur, and pay-
access to trade routes along the river, and also makes it per- ing regular tithes to the Khanate, Pashin has remained a
fect for smuggling; a common profession among the city’s neutral border town ever since the dispersal of the Green
inhabitants. Dragonarmies following the War of the Lance.
With the addition of the autocratic Dark Knights to the
Buildings in the City political structure of Pashin, things have changed—at least
Pashin is a ramshackle town with a startling variety of dif- on the surface. Mayor Togh seems little more than a figure-
ferent buildings, ranging from the solid construction remi- head, content to hide behind the walls of his manor, while
niscent of Solamnic architects to the sprawling, meander- the General of the Dark Knights exerts almost complete
ing designs of the gnomes. In the last six months, an political and military control over the town. Secretly, how-
entirely new section has been added to the town, called the ever, both Mayor Togh and General Dogah have sent
Dark Knight’s Enclave. envoys to the Khan in Khuri-Khan, calling for assistance.
The vast majority of buildings within Pashin are made Mayor Togh wants his town completely free of Dark Knight
of sun-baked clay, gathered from the riverbed and formed influence, while General Dogah wishes to seize complete
into small blocks. The outside of the buildings are covered control over the town as a Dark Knight outpost and
with a thick paste that, when dry, is surprisingly water- “embassy city” for the Knights of Neraka.
Key of Destiny Q 7
Gathering Information in Pashin
For characters attempting to use their Gather Information skill in Pashin, below is a basic list of what information
can be gained, depending upon the DC of the roll.
DC Information
10 In the last few months, the population of the Dark Knights has nearly doubled, while the elven
population has drained to almost nothing.
15 With the addition of yet more Dark Knights to the population of Pashin, there has been an
increase in the underlying tension in the city. Pashin was once the headquarters of the Green
Dragonarmy, and suffered greatly at the hand of the Dragon Highlord, Salah. Pashin’s population
is not happy about being put into a similar situation again.
20 The mayor of the town has closed himself away in his manor; he will not see anyone for any rea-
son. Meanwhile, the leader of the Dark Knights, General Dogah, has taken a more active role in
the leadership of the town, although it seems he is pursuing his own private agenda.
25 The Legion of Steel used to be very active in Pashin, which served as one of their outposts in the
region. At about the same time that the elves first appeared in Pashin, the Legion began to pull
back. By the time the Dark Knights arrived, most of the Legion had apparently left for Ak-
Khurman, the center of all Legionnaire activities in the area.
30+ There are elves still in Pashin; they have taken to disguising themselves as lepers in order to hide
from persecution at the hands of the Dark Knights.
The Wounded Crow is one of the most infamous tav- doesn’t know the answers, he can usually direct the charac-
erns in all of Khur. It has been said that each year more ters to someone who does.
deals have been made, and more mercenary bands hired, in If the characters have come to the Wounded Crow in
the Wounded Crow than in all the bars and taverns in order to discuss Dove with Blackbird, then his initial reac-
Palanthas combined. This reputation is not too large an tion will depend upon how the characters dealt with his
exaggeration. goons. If the characters attacked his goons and are con-
The Wounded Crow has stood for more than one hun- frontational, Blackbird will be Hostile, otherwise his initial
dred years, and an individual known as Blackbird has reaction will be Unfriendly.
always run it. There have been many “Blackbirds” through-
out the years, as the tavern has passed from one individual P5. Five Dragons Inn & Tavern
to another. The current Blackbird (CN male half-ogre
Ftr5/Rog4) inherited the Wounded Crow from his uncle ominating the northeastern corner of the
just a year ago.
A large, unusually cunning half-ogre, Blackbird has
D town’s central square is a building that looks
almost as old and weathered as the grand temple
quickly expanded the business of the Wounded Crow by that stands across from it.
having a number of girls, who he refers to as his Hunting Three stories high, the building is shaped like
Birds, walk the streets and bring back potential clients to an “L,” with the two wings flanking the central
the Wounded Crow. The girls also act as his eyes and ears square. The bottom floor of the southern wing is a
throughout the town, reporting gossip and news that stable, while the tavern itself is located in the
Blackbird can then turn around and sell to the highest bid- northern wing. Double doors lead into both the
der—often the Dark Knights. The one rule that Blackbird tavern and the stables, their heavy wood carved
will not break, however, is that anything that happens at with five dragons’ heads. The dragons seem to have
the Wounded Crow stays at the Wounded Crow. There are been each painted a different color—red, blue,
numerous private rooms that offer complete privacy, even black, white, and green—but the paint is old and
from the Wounded Crow’s staff. flaking, revealing what seems to be different colors
Blackbird, perhaps more than many in Pashin, is an entirely beneath—gold, copper, silver, bronze, and
excellent source of information—if the price is right. If he brass.
3rd Floor
Detect Magic
The characters have a number of options here: they can Reveals a strong aura of necromancy
run, they can attempt to face the watch and explain what and a moderate aura of evocation sur-
happened, or they can fight. rounding the “remains” of the crone.
If the characters choose to run, they find the crowd A see invisibility spell, or similar abili-
parts for them, afraid of getting in the way of those who ty, will reveal the translucent shape of
unleashed a horrifying magic on a poor, defenseless an ethereal figure disappearing in the
woman. The characters have about a minute lead time on distance.
the Dark Knight patrol who were not all that far away
d100 Encounter
01-20 No Encounter
21-45 Dire Rats
46-65 Monstrous Spiders
66-85 Goblin Thieves
86-95 Ghouls
96-00 Lepers (Elven Scouts)
also contain the desiccated corpses of the spiders’ latest vic- Characters breaking through webs have a 25% chance
tims that the newly hatched spiders will feed on. The for each five-foot space they clear to also cause the ceiling
southernmost cocoon on the eastern column contains a to collapse. Any loud or violent explosions (such as that of
body of a creature larger than most, an unfortunate ogre a fireball or a sound burst) has a 2% chance per point of
who stumbled upon the webs after a recent hatching. The damage done to cause the ceiling to collapse as well as hav-
ogre’s equipment still remains in the room (see treasure ing any other side effects (such as setting the webs aflame).
below). Webs: Escape Artist DC 16, Break DC 20, hp 14.
The webbing creates a problem for characters attempt- Collapsing Ceiling: CR 2; special; destroyed webs
ing to move through the webbing by hindering movement trigger; no reset; Atk +12 melee (2d6, bricks); multiple tar-
(treat as dense undergrowth, which greatly restricts move- gets (all targets within two adjacent 5-ft. squares); Search
ment: each 5-feet of movement counts as 10-feet instead). DC 20; Disable Device DC – (None).
Alternately, the webbing is not difficult to climb, and is Creatures: A Medium-sized monstrous spider that
strong enough to easily support most Medium-sized and resembles an oversized black widow has recently given
smaller creatures (treat the webs as if they were spun by a birth to a small swarm of spiders. Most of the younger spi-
Huge spider, see below). ders have already left the nest (such as the monstrous spi-
If the characters use fire to destroy the webbing, they ders from the random encounter above), although there
will discover that they have unleashed a conflagration that are still two left here with the mother.
will endanger everyone in the room. Even a simple torch Small Monstrous Spiders (2): hp 6, 4; see Monstrous
causes the spiderwebs to catch fire. Each round, more and Manual (web-spinning spider) page 288.
more of the webbing will burn away. All creatures within Medium Monstrous Spiders (1): hp 11; see
the area of the flaming webs will suffer 2d4 points of fire Monstrous Manual (web-spinning spider) page 288.
damage. The fire spreads quickly. First, five square feet of Treasure: A masterwork greatsword lies concealed
webbing burns away. The next round, all adjacent squares beneath the murky sewer water (Search DC 20 to locate the
ignite, and so on. Within 3 rounds, the ceiling over that sword). In a belt pouch on the dead ogre’s belt (within the
area has a 50% chance of collapsing. Each round after that, cocoon), there are also 3 garnets (110 stl/each), 73 stl, and
there is an additional 5% cumulative chance that the ceil- a ceramic jar containing oil of magic weapon.
ing collapses. Within 10-12 rounds, all of the webs in the Unfortunately, if there is a fire, the items in the pouch will
chamber are consumed by flame, and if the ceiling has not be destroyed. If there is a cave-in, there’s a 75% chance that
collapsed yet, it will at that point. rocks will cover the greatsword.
sage that leads to the mountains (PS6), but Shaylin and smoke escapes flame.” She sighs softly, looking
many of the other leaders want their people to stop run- down at the glowing fire for a few moments before
ning. They want to stay here, to keep an eye on their for- she continues. “All I have been able to remember is
mer homeland and to be ready for the chance to reclaim that it involves you. All of you.” She looks up, pierc-
what they have lost. ing you with her gaze.
Suddenly, her eyes go distant, color draining
ou reach a good-sized tent, the delicate silk from the two orbs until they seem a pure, solid
Y stained by exposure to the sewers. Tears in the
fabric have been carefully mended, giving the tent
white. Her voice falls into a sing-song pattern as she
murmurs, “There is a pattern, you cannot see.
an odd sort of dignity. Brushing aside a panel, Instead you must set your spirit free. Take the key to
Shaylin invites you into the tent, quietly following. the shattered ruins, through the sands and over the
The interior of the tent is simple and sparse. It dunes. Seek the answers in the sands of time, search
is illuminated by a flickering flame sitting in the your souls and find the sign.”
center of the tent. The flame gives off a little heat With a shudder, the elven woman’s head snaps
and light but there is no smoke. A small chest lies up and she draws in a long, harsh breath, only to
off to one side with a leather backpack leaning end up coughing violently. Wearily rising to her
against it. A small bedroll is neatly rolled up and set feet, she looks at you all once again.
atop of a pillow. The delicate smell of crushed jas- “I am tired and must rest soon. Please, rest for
mine fills the tent, a welcome reprieve from the now and we shall speak later.”
fumes of the sewage and waste.
Inviting you to sit down, Shaylin’s fair cheeks
are brushed with a crimson hue and her gaze low- Allow the characters time to rest. Feel free, as well, to go
ers as she softly admits, “I am sorry that I cannot ahead and award them the experience points they have
show you true hospitality while you are here, but earned up to this point. If the characters wish to go out
I’m afraid what little we have is carefully rationed.” and talk to the other elves in the town, they will find the
Shaking her head, she gracefully sinks to the elves withdrawn and mistrusting of strangers. Even other
ground, tucking her legs beneath her as she con- elven characters will find that the elves of Pashin are stand-
templates you one by one. offish.
“You are wondering why I summoned you Characters making a Gather Information check (DC 15)
here, are you not?” Shaylin tilts her head, patiently can discover that there seems to be a strange affliction
waiting for your answer before she continues. “It is among the very young and the very elderly elves, a subtle
because I have seen…” Now a tiny furrow appears sickness that resists even the divine power of mystics and
between her eyebrows. “I have been having dreams true clerics alike. No one knows how the sickness spreads,
for the past few nights, dreams that are most dis- and they are actually afraid of spreading the sickness to
turbing to me. I wake shivering and filled with outsiders. This is yet another reason that the elves have
dread, but the details of the dream escape me as found solace in disguising themselves as lepers, never real-
There are no encounters in the passageway, but if you Once the characters have emerged from the passageway,
decided to end your last session with the characters resting they have effectively escaped Pashin and the eyes of the
in the elven sanctuary, then you might want to throw a Dark Knights for now. Give them some time to get their
random encounter at them (for a run-in with dire rats or bearings and prepare themselves for the journey ahead.
monstrous spiders, use the statistics given in the Random Once you think they are ready, move to the next chapter!
Encounters in the Sewers above). Otherwise, the characters
are just about ready to begin the next leg of their journey.
38 Q Key of Destiny
Those who break free of their fascination remain daz- remain stationary, or DC 15 Swim check to move 5 feet in
zled and unable to see well because of overstimulation of any direction. However, if the check is failed by 5 or more,
the eyes (suffering a –1 penalty on attack rolls, Search the character slips deeper into the sand and begins to suf-
checks, and Spot checks) for one minute afterward. Many focate (see page 304 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for
intelligent creatures hunt near shimmerweed patches, rules on Suffocation).
catching their prey by surprise as they remain helplessly
fascinated by the strange blossoms. Stealth and Detection in the Desert
Shimmerweeds are extremely sensitive to sunlight, or In general the maximum distance in desert terrain at which
any other bright light source (such as that of even a light or a Spot check for detecting the nearby presence of others
flare spell). The sudden exposure of the light will overload can succeed is 6d6×20 feet. Because of the rolling dunes of
the delicate flowers, causing them to shatter into a fine the desert in Southern Khur, however, maximum distance
dust. is 6d6×10 feet. For each random encounter, or encounter in
When a patch of shimmerweed reaches full growth (34- the open, the distance at which the two groups (the NPCs
36 plants), it begins to form a seedpod at the heart of the and the party) can Spot one another is annotated.
patch. The seedpod takes 2 weeks to develop and when The desert imposes neither bonuses nor penalties to
complete, is a spherical, rainbow-hued crystal approxi- Listen or Spot checks. The scarcity of undergrowth or
mately 4 inches in diameter. Once fully formed and other elements that offer concealment or cover makes hid-
charged with moonlight, the seedpod will explode, sending ing more difficult.
out fragments of the seed as far as 50 feet. Only a few of
the larger portions of the seedpod (typically between 1d6 Dangers of the Desert
in number) are viable and take root, reaching maturity in The desert of Khur is a rugged, dangerous, land where
8-9 months. nature can be harsh and unforgiving and many dangerous
Shimmerweed seedpods are used by spellcasters crafting creatures roam the territory.
magical scrying devices, such as crystal balls. The petals of
the flower, when ground into a fine powder are used in the Dehydration
creation of inks and other materials that relate to light or In hot climates, characters need two to three times as much
hypnosis. water than normal in order to stave off dehydration.
Characters can go without water for 1 day plus a num-
Sand Dunes ber of hours equal to their Constitution scores. After this
Sand dunes are enormous hills of sand that are created by time, characters must make a Constitution check each hour
the action of wind upon loose sand. The dunes shift and (DC 10, +1 for each previous check) or take 1d6 points of
move with the wind currents. Sand dunes can move hun- nonlethal damage.
dreds of feet within a week, and depending upon the pre- Characters who have taken nonlethal damage from lack
vailing winds, they can migrate over time, engulfing any- of water are fatigued. Fatigued characters cannot run or
thing in their path. When given enough time, sand dunes charge and take a –2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity.
can even completely engulf settlements and towns, hiding Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes
them beneath their mass for decades, even centuries, until the fatigued character to become exhausted. Exhausted
the sand dunes migrate again. characters move at half speed and take a –6 penalty to
Desert Quicksand (EL 2): Because of the shifting nature Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete rest, an
of the sand, it’s possible that gaping holes will appear. exhausted character becomes fatigued. Nonlethal damage
These holes are filled with an extremely loose layer of sand from thirst cannot be recovered until the character gets
and dust. These areas are very similar to the quicksand water—not even magic that restores hit points (such as
found in marshes and can be dangerous to unaware crea- cure light wounds) heals this damage.
tures. Creatures approaching a patch of desert quicksand at
a normal pace are entitled to a Survival check (DC 10) to Heat Exhaustion
spot the danger before stepping, but creatures charging or During the day, the temperature in the desert can easily
running don’t have a chance to detect a hidden patch reach more than 100º F. Prolonged exposure can rapidly
before blundering into it. A typical patch of quicksand can wear down a character, potentially falling to heatstroke.
be anywhere from 10-20 feet in diameter and 5-50 feet Characters in very hot conditions (above 90º F) must
deep. The momentum of a charging or running character make a Fortitude saving throw each hour (DC 15, +1 for
can carry him or her 1d2×5 feet into the patch. each previous check) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal dam-
With desert quicksand, the pull can be inexorable, as age. Characters wearing heavy clothing or armor of any
the weight of the trapped creature displaces the sand. As sort take a –4 penalty on their saves. A character with the
more sand is shifted and added above the creature, the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving throw and
more pressure is exerted downward, making the descent may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well
quicker each round. Moving through the sand is possible, (see Survival skill in the Player’s Handbook). Characters
each round requiring a DC 10 Swim check to simply reduced to unconsciousness begin taking lethal damage.
Key of Destiny Q 39
Southern Desert Encounters chance), once at dusk (30% chance), and once at midnight
(25% chance). If an encounter occurs, roll a d% and con-
d% Encounter EL sult the following chart to determine the type of encounter.
01-04 Sandstorm +1
05-15 Medium Monstrous Scorpions 3 Sandstorm
(3, see Monster Manual) Line of Sight Distance: Reduces visibility to 25 ft.
16-25 Ankheg (see Monster Manual) 3 An unexpected sandstorm strikes the area, catching the
26-35 Minotaur Expedition* 5 characters in its path. The characters can find shelter fairly
36-45 Locust Swarm 3 easily (Survival check DC 15), but while they are seeking
(see Monster Manual) shelter, other creatures are taking advantage of the storm to
46-55 Centaur Band* 3/6 hunt. Roll again on the table above.
56-65 Black Riders* 5 The sandstorm lasts for 2d3 hours, increasing the EL for
66-75 Giant Ants 3 any encounter by +1. For effects of sandstorms, see
(4, see Monster Manual) Dangers of the Desert above.
76-85 Giant Eagles 4
(2, see Monster Manual) Minotaur Expedition
86-95 Draconian Deserters (3, see DLCS) 4 Line of Sight Distance: 120 feet.
96-100 No encounter If this encounter is rolled, the characters encounter a
small expedition of minotaurs that have been sent as a
* Unique encounter. Do not use the same encounter scouting party from Silvanesti. Their mission is supposed
twice; either roll again or treat as no encounter. to be circumspect, so they will not engage the characters
unless they believe that the characters have spotted them. If
A character who takes any nonlethal damage from heat the two groups engage, the minotaurs will seek to take the
exposure now suffers from heatstroke and is fatigued. characters out quickly.
These penalties end when the character recovers from the Minotaur Scouts: hp 8; see page 163.
nonlethal damage taken from the heat. Minotaur Leader: hp 21; see page 164.
As it is currently wintertime, the temperature only Tactics: The minotaurs attack fast and hard. The scouts
reaches dangerous levels for about 2 hours (from 1 hour unsling and use their longbows to whittle down the charac-
before high noon through 1 hour after). If the characters ters before engagement, aiming for any visible spellcasters
seek shade or shelter during these hours, they are spared first. Once the characters are within engagement distance,
from the effects of heat exhaustion. they drop their crossbows and draw their swords.
The leader of the minotaurs waits for the characters to
Sandstorms come close. Instantly using his Rage ability (see Powered-
A sandstorm reduces visibility to 1d10x5 feet and provides Up Statistics), he chooses to engage the strongest looking
a –4 penalty on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A sand- character.
storm deals 1d3 nonlethal damage per hour to any crea- Treasure: The minotaurs are only carrying their equip-
tures caught in the open, and leaves a thin coating of sand ment and only what they need to survive off the land.
in its wake. Driving sand creeps in through all but the most
secure seals and seams to chafe skin and contaminate car- Centaur Band (EL 3 or 6)
ried gear. Line of Sight Distance: 1 mile
If this encounter is rolled, the characters come across a
Random Encounters small band of impetuous young centaurs, led by a centaur
While traveling from Pashin to Hurim, there is a chance known as Gildedmane. The centaur youths will want to
that the characters stumble into a random encounter. Roll play with the characters for awhile, running through the
three times for a random encounter—once at dawn (20% party’s camp (or through the center of the group) at high
Counting Coup
Counting coup is a psychological attack, even though target’s Wisdom bonus [if any] + target’s modifiers on
it requires physical contact. It is practiced by many of saves against fear [if any]) against your Intimidate
the human nomad tribes (primarily among the desert check, or be demoralized (see Intimidate: Demoralize
and plains nomads), as well as other nomadic Opponents in the Player’s Handbook). You receive a +2
humanoids, such as the centaurs. situational modifier to your Intimidate check. If you roll
When attempting to count coup, you must make a a natural 20 on your touch attack, you instead receive a
successful touch attack against an opponent. If the touch +5 circumstance modifier to your Intimidate check to
attack is successful, the target must make a modified demoralize your victim.
level check (1d20 + target’s character level or Hit Dice +
The Ruins of Hurim and the Curse The Valley Cliffs & The Gorges
The entirety of the valley and ruins of Hurim, including Hurim stands entirely within a valley formed where differ-
the Shattered Temple, are indeed cursed. The power of the ent mesas and peaks converge. Surrounded on three sides,
curse varies, depending upon the location within the valley. with only one entrance to the valley proper (not consider-
Outside of the temple, throughout most of the valley ing entering the valley from above), the staggered cliffs rise
the area is treated as if under the effect of a desecrate spell. between 60-95 feet above the ground, casting the valley in
Every Charisma check made to turn undead within this constant shade.
area takes a –3 profane penalty and every undead within The cliffs are sheer, with striated ribbons of sandstone,
the area gains a +1 profane bonus on attack rolls, damage quartz, red clay, and basalt. Along many of the cliffs, there
rolls, and saving throws. An undead creature created within are signs that construction of massive statues of the gods
or summoned into the valley gains +1 hit points per HD. had been started but were left incomplete, the carvings
The atmospheric effect that this creates is coldness in the worn and weathered. The cliff ’s face is not easy to climb,
air, a constant fog hovering just off the ground, and shad- primarily due to the sheerness of the walls (Climb DC 30).
ows that appear blacker than they should. A consecrate spell Two large gorges were created in the valley when the
can be cast to temporarily create a haven against the dese- Cataclysm struck. The western gorge, the larger of the two,
crate effects, centered upon the caster. Protection from evil, is about 30 feet deep, with sharply slanted walls. The bot-
magic circle against evil, and similar abjuration effects will tom of the gorge is filled with rubble from the cliffside that
also temporarily neutralize the effects of the desecrate upon it cuts into. Climbing down into the gorge (and out of) is
the affected individuals. not all that difficult compared to scaling the cliffs (Climb
Within the boundaries of the valley, all Necromantic DC 20). The bottom of the western gorge levels out.
spells are cast as if the spellcaster were 1 level higher. This The smaller gorge, in the northeastern part of the valley,
stacks with the effect of Nuitari upon Black Robe Wizards, ripped through a number of small buildings that fill much
granting a +0 level at Low Sanction, a +1 level at waxing or of the crevice. The small gorge angles sharply, although this
waning, and at +2 level at High Sanction (currently, if you does allow for fairly easy navigation of its walls (Climb DC
are going by the proscribed dates, Nuitari is at High 15).
Sanction, granting a +2 effective spellcasting level to Black
Robe Wizards for the effects of casting, but not memoriza- The Fallow Fields & The Wild Orchard
tion). As an isolated community, Hurim was completely self-suf-
The effects of the curse differ slightly inside the ficient. Taking advantage of the natural springs in the area,
Shattered Temple. Some areas within the temple are under the priests patiently cultivated both large fields along the
the effects of a permanent guards and wards, while other eastern side of their valley,
parts are either consecrated or desecrated. These areas are and a mixed orchard on
indicated both upon the map of the Shattered Temple and the western side of the
in the individual area descriptions. Canny players may valley. Unfortunately,
quickly realize that, while sometimes the curse can be a as neither has been
hindrance to them, it can also be used against creatures in actively tended for hun-
the area. dreds of years, they
have both gone
Buildings wild.
The majority of the surviving buildings in Hurim are craft- The fields to
ed of sandstone, quarried from the valley when the temple the east are fal-
was being built. Stone blocks, each about 1 foot cubed, are low. They had
stacked in staggered rows atop one another and reinforced once been
by clay to form the walls. plowed and
Most of the remaining buildings are filled with debris turned in
and rubble with the skeletal remains of many who were preparation
slaughtered here still clearly visible. The vast majority of of the
the possessions once owned by Hurim’s inhabitants were upcoming
Unfortunately, one of the temple’s high priests turned his Features of the Shattered Temple
face from the light and embraced the darkness. He struck a The following features are common throughout the
deal with the Lord of Undeath and betrayed his people to Shattered Temple unless specifically indicated otherwise.
the ogres of Blöde. In a single night, almost every living Doors: The doors in the Shattered Temple, particularly
creature within the valley was slain and the valley itself was on the first four levels, are neither locked or stuck unless
cursed, a curse that lingers almost 700 years later. otherwise noted. Interior doors come in one of three types,
either strong wood doors hewn from hardwood gathered
from the orchard, carved stone doors hewn from sand-
Architecture of the Shattered Temple stone, or iron doors inset with ancient symbols. Some
The Shattered Temple is divided into two general sections: doors are trapped or possess special qualities. They are
the temple above ground and the temple below ground. noted in their entries.
Built in the desert, constructing the temple partially under- Strong Wood Door: 2 inches thick, hardness 5; hp 20;
ground enabled the clergy to keep the temple cool even in AC 5; break DC 25; Open Lock DC 30 if locked.
the heat of summer. Stone Door: 4 inches thick, hardness 8; hp 60; break
The craftsmanship of the temple is dwarven, built by DC 28; Open Lock DC 28 if locked.
dwarven clerics of Reorx and Shinare as a favor to the Iron Door: 2 inches thick, hardness 10; hp 60; break
priests of Hurim. Dwarven characters will be able to recog- DC 28; Open Lock DC 28 if locked.
nize the craftsmanship, and although it does not compare Walls: There are three types of walls within the
with the architecture of the dwarven cities, it is still of a Shattered Temple: the exterior walls of the two levels above
quality unseen in human lands since before the fall of Istar. ground, the exterior walls of the levels below ground, and
There is only one entrance leading into the Shattered the interior walls. The walls above ground are reinforced
Temple. This was both a blessing and a curse when the masonry, the exterior walls below ground are hewn stone,
Shattered Temple came under siege on the Night of and all of the interior walls are superior masonry. The
Betrayal. Though it limited the number of ogres invading outer walls of the levels below ground are carved directly
the halls of the temple, there was no way that the priests from the solid sandstone of the earth. Breaking through the
within could escape. They could have easily walls is not impossible, but would be similar to
sealed themselves within the temple, and mining solid stone, requiring proper tools and time
were in the process of doing so, when they to work.
were betrayed by one of their own. Reinforced Masonry: 5 feet thick,
The majority of the temple is construct- hardness 8; hp 900; AC 33; break 45; Climb
ed of carved sandstone blocks that were DC 15.
perfectly shaped and fitted by skilled Superior Masonry: 1 foot thick,
dwarven craftsmen. The temple is hardness 8; hp 180; break 35; Climb DC
shaped like a pyramid, providing 20.
increased stability and Floors: The floors of the
support for the various levels. Shattered Temple are all smooth,
Great care went into the plan- polished flagstones, though they
ning, design, and execution are now covered with dirt,
of the final temple, as it was grime, skeletal remains, and
meant to be a symbol of the debris. In most areas,
gods presence even in the des- unless otherwise indicated,
olate wilderness of Khur. assume light rubble is on
Above ground, the tem- the ground, increasing the
ple is about 35 feet tall and DC of all Balance and
65 feet wide at the base, Tumble checks by 2.
with 2-1/2 foot tall steps lead- Ceilings: Ceilings of the
ing to a dais at the top where a flame Shattered Temple are 15
is kept constantly burning. feet high. Each level of the
The Night of Betrayal
The Night of Betrayal happened at sundown of the 22nd only Chemosh truly reaped aught that night, as many of
day of Sirrimont, 280 years before the Cataclysm, almost those who died rose again as the restless dead.
700 years ago. Many scholars consider the Night of Word of the Night of Betrayal spread throughout the
Betrayal to be one of the Signs of Doom, the portents tribesman of Khur, carried upon the wings of dreams
given of the eventual fall of Istar, revealed centuries and visions. A group of shamans arrived at the valley
before the Kingpriest drew down the wrath of the gods. entrance two days later, and though they did not enter
A powerful and charismatic priest of Mishakal, whose the valley itself, they cast many prayers to ease the spirits
name has since been struck from the stories and legends of the dead into the next life, and marked the valley
of the tribes, stood as the temple’s High Master, second entrance with warnings of the curse within. Since that
only to the temple’s High Priest. By all accounts a pious time, no Khur nomad has stepped foot within the valley.
and dedicated cleric, as he grew older he felt his body Many spirits that wandered the desert at night are said
slipping out of his control, and even his most fervent to have come from the cursed valley, and many who
prayers to his goddess could not ease the inevitable died near the ruins found their souls drawn toward a
decline of aging. Slowly, bitterness and a sense of betray- place where the barrier between life and death had been
al toward his goddess led the priest to the Shrine of worn thin.
Darkness within the temple, a shrine where the evil gods When the Cataclysm struck, the valley entrance was
were honored (as were all the gods honored in the tem- sealed as the canyon filled with boulders and debris,
ple as a sign of piety). No one is certain what happened closing the cursed valley for more than 400 years. The
that night but it became obvious later that the priest Khur were greatly relieved, but their greatest shamans
struck a deal with Chemosh, the Lord of Undeath, who foretold that there would be a time when the valley
promised the priest immortality. would open once more releasing an ancient evil upon
Chemosh cloaked the priest’s soul, answering his the world.
prayers so that none in the temple were aware of the
transformation the priest had undergone. Only The War of Souls
Mishakal knew she had lost one of her favored children, When the Great Storm hit Ansalon, announcing the
but before the goddess could act, the priest struck a deal return of the Queen of Darkness, Takhisis, the spirits of
with the shamans of Blöde, allowing the ogre hordes to the dead were drawn in to her web. Many of the weaker
pour into the valley and slaughter the unsuspecting spirits within the Ruins of Hurim were also drawn into
inhabitants. As the priests of the temple tried to aid their the River of Souls as the Dark Queen used them to gath-
beleaguered followers, the Betrayer struck from within, er magic and power for her schemes. At the end of the
killing the High Priest in the Shrine of Light and using War, those spirits were released and carried upon the
his blood to desecrate the shrine to weaken the power of River to their next life.
the gods of Light. He then unleashed the minions of However, the veil between life and death in the valley
Chemosh from the darkest pits of the Abyss. As the is very thin, and the power of the curse, even though it
blood of the priests of light spilled upon the temple is almost 700 years old, is still powerful enough that
floor, they called down a curse upon the invaders that many of the spirits were unable to leave. Those that were
washed over the ogre hordes and struck them down strong enough and possessed of dark sentience (such as
where they stood. The Betrayer was driven into the tem- many of the intelligent undead within the ruins) pur-
ple’s catacomb where he sought refuge from the divine posefully stayed within the relative safety of the valley.
anger of the gods in the shelter of death. It was in the When the War of Souls ended, and the gods of Krynn
catacombs that a young acolyte, armed with a vision returned, Chemosh once more turned his eyes upon the
given to him by the goddess Mishakal and wielding a world and began plotting once again. It was he who
holy blade of divine light was able to strike down the caused the earthquake, opening the valley to the world,
Betrayer, though it cost him his life. In a single night, and it is he who keeps a sharp eye on what happens
hundreds of people, both innocents and ogres, died and within.
60 Q Key of Destiny
Key of Destiny Q 61
temple occupies a total height of about 25 feet, including
the stone floors and ceilings, except for the two levels above Shattered Temple Encounters
ground. The levels above ground are 12 feet tall, with 3- d% Encounter EL
foot thick ceilings. The temple was built primarily for 01-04 Medium Monstrous Spiders 3
humans, which was a disadvantage to the ogres as they (3, see Monster Manual)
invaded the temple, though it did little to affect the results 05-15 Allip 3
of the Night of Betrayal. (see Monster Manual)
Stairways: The steep stairs connecting each level are 16-25 Carrion crawler 4
hewn from solid stone and polished smooth, like the floors (see Monster Manual)
of the temple. Characters moving up steep stairs must 26-35 Falling Floor2
spend 2 squares of movement to enter each square of 36-45 Vargouilles 5
stairs. Characters running or charging down steep stairs (2, see Monster Manual)
must succeed on a DC 10 Balance check upon entering the 46-55 Rust monster 5
first steep stairs square. Characters who fail stumble and (2, see Monster Manual)
must end their movement 1d2x5 feet later. Characters who 56-65 Kobold Zombies 4
fail by 5 or more take 1d6 points of damage and fall prone (8, see Monster Manual)
in the square where they end their movement. 66-75 Green slime 4
Steep stairs increase the DC of Tumble checks by 5. 76-85 Human priest skeletons 3
Torches: Certain areas in the Shattered Temple, includ- (9, seeMonster Manual)
ing all of the open hallways on levels 2, 3, and 4, as well as 86-95 Ogre zombies 5
the Grand Hall (ST27) on level 5, have torches set into the (2, see Monster Manual)
walls at staggered 10-foot intervals. These torches are 96-100 No encounter
enchanted so that when any living creature passes within
10 feet, they automatically activate an effect similar to con-
tinual flame, illuminating a 10-foot radius. The con-
tinual flame will automatically snuff itself Not every location has flickers, though you can
out 1 minute after a living creature choose which ones you want to reveal, and even add
leaves the area of effect. The torches additional flickers along the way. Sometimes, the
only function as long as they remain flickers can actually provide clues to the
attached to the walls. If they are players about their present location,
removed, they instantly fall dormant while others are merely there for atmos-
until they are replaced (the magic is phere.
an effect built into the temple itself and
is not part of the actual torches). Encounters in the Shattered
Spectral Flickers In the past few weeks, since the entrance to the
One unique quality of the Shattered Temple is Shattered Temple was opened, a few denizens of the
the spectral flickers that linger within its desert have found their way into the valley. Many
halls. These “flickers” are after images of have been killed and have joined the ranks of the
the Night of Betrayal scenes that play out restless dead, while others have found refuge
night after night. These flickers occur within the Shattered Temple itself.
randomly and sporadically revealing the Random encounters within the Shattered
horror of the last night before the tem- Temple should be few and far between, as the
ple fell. temple is still inhabited almost solely by the
Although these images are spectral spirits of the restless dead who died on the
in nature, they are not truly spirits or Night of Betrayal. There is only a 10% chance
ghosts. They are effectively translucent per hour of any encounter happening, and it
illusions, like a mirage, that do not interact with their sur- should be an encounter suitable to location the
roundings. They cannot they be affected by outside forces. characters are exploring. No random encounters occur on
You can use the spectral flickers to give the characters a levels 5 or 6.
glimpse into the history of the temple. Scattered through-
out the chapter are optional sidebars marked “Flicker” that Falling Floor (EL 2)
you can read aloud to the players to give them a sense of As the characters pass over a section of floor, it gives way
the unfolding story as they move deeper into the temple. beneath them, sending them tumbling down to the next
You can either have all of the characters witness the flicker, level (this random encounter should not occur on levels 5
or you can choose a certain character, or characters, to or 6). This may send the characters into the midst of
experience the spectral flickers as fleeting images, like day- another encounter, depending upon where you have the
dreams. floor fall away.
he outer walls of the temple are terraced, with The doorway leading in to the temple is about 10-feet
T each succeeding level smaller than the one
before, creating a roughly pyramidic shape. The
high, surrounded by a marble edifice. The doorway is
open. The temple had always had an open door policy for
terraced stones are weathered, ancient, cracked and individuals entering for worship.
crumbling in places, although there are hints of the The two statues that once flanked the door were smaller
temple’s former grandeur. versions of the colossal statues that once flanked the tem-
A stairway sits in the center of the southern ple, but like the colossi, they were destroyed on the Night
wall, leading up to a small platform and doorway of Betrayal. As the characters stand upon the platform, they
that apparently opens into the temple’s interior. On witness the first spectral flicker.
the eastern and western sides, similar stairways lead
clear to the top of the temple, where another plat- loud shout rises on the air, piercing the calm
form serves as the temple’s apex. A night with an alarm. “Ogres!” Suddenly, the
sound of heavy booted feet, followed by the echoing
roar of blood thirsty warriors, drowns out the sound
The outer walls of the temple are sandstone blocks, of the alarm as a horde of ogres begin to tear their
closely fitted together. Each terrace is about 2-1/2 feet high, way up the temple steps. One burly ogre, his tusks
with 2-1/2-feet of open space, creating broad steps. The gleaming wetly with crimson blood, leads the pack,
staircases cut into the temple are recessed, each about 1- pausing long enough at the temple entrance to swing
foot high and 1-foot wide. his massive club and shatter the statue of the smiling
The walls show some wearing and disintegration, but goddess of healing with a single, mighty blow.
the overall integrity of the walls is still very good. Bending over, he lifts the cracked marble head of the
goddess from the ground and hefts it over his head,
C. Temple Apex releasing a booming warcry that is quickly picked up
by the other ogres, creating a thunderous roar in the
t the top of the temple you see a small area no valley…
A more than 15-feet by 15-feet. The apex is
where the high priests must have once addressed
the gathered pilgrims that stood upon the prome-
nade. At the center lies a squared fire pit with the ST4. Antechamber
interior scorched black from flames that have long
since expired. small antechamber is open before you. Four
From the height of the temple’s apex and its
plateau you can see out across the entire valley.
A pillars stand in each corner of the room, pro-
viding support for the heavy ceiling overhead. Two
he third floor made up the common area of the s you enter the room, your foot disturbs some-
T temple, where the clergy ate their meals, and
where the laymen who served the temple resided.
A thing on the ground. A leg is laying across the
open doorway you see the rest of the body huddled
The laymen were individuals who had dedicated in the corner of the room.
their lives to the temple instead of any one god. The body is odd in the fact that it looks far
more recent than the majority of the bodies in the
temple. The scent of blood is still fresh in the air.
Suddenly, the body slumps over, and a swarm
ST9. Main Hall of insects suddenly bursts from every gaping orifice
of the corpse, swarming toward you eagerly on
rom the stairway you notice that once more the thousands of scuttling legs.
F torch on the wall bursts into illusory blue
flames, spilling pale blue light across the dusty
floor. The air is cool and filled with the now famil- The body in the corner is that of a half-elf that was an
iar scent of decay and death. This time, however, associate of Anasana. He ran afoul of a nest of centipedes
there’s a new scent as well, a mustier, earthier smell. that had burrowed their way into the chamber through a
crack in the outer wall, falling prey to the ravenous beass.
The same centipede swarm that killed the half-elf and
Once the characters travel down the steps to the third feasted upon his remains now swarms for the characters.
level, they’ve gone underground. Dwarven characters will Centipede Swarm: hp 31, see Monster Manual.
automatically detect this fact. Most of the half-elf ’s equipment remains untouched by
Like the level above, the slaughter of the temple’s inhab- the centipedes, although this depends on how the charac-
itants on this level was pretty thorough, the doors battered ters deal with the centipede swarm. A 3rd-level rogue in
down and corpses scattered everywhere. Over time, the life, the only items the half-elf has that may be of interest
corpses have turned to little more than skeletal remains, to the characters are a set of masterwork lockpicks, a
leaving dust and the scent of decay. matching set of daggers whose blades are curved slightly
with alternating waves of black and silver metal (master-
ST10. Cellariums (Storerooms) work daggers whose blades are a mixture of silver and cold
The first two rooms accessible on the level were con- iron), a wand of find traps (5 charges, 1st-level caster), and
structed as storerooms, where the food and basic supplies a roughly sketched map of the first four levels of the tem-
for the temple were kept. The storerooms are nearly identi- ple (drawn by the half-elf as he explored the temple). On
cal, being 15-feet by 10-feet. Recessed shelves and cubby- the map, there are places marked with big red ‘Xs’ to indi-
holes line the outer walls abutting them, while hooks hang cate where the rogue discovered traps that he couldn’t
from the ceilings and from the inner walls. bypass (the trap before the stairway leading down and the
trap on the door of ST20: the High Master’s Chambers),
A. Storeroom A and a question mark pointing to the secret passage leading
into ST26.
s you look in to this storeroom, you see human
A skeletons collapsed upon the floor where they
must have once been suspended from hooks in the
ST11. Servants’ Quarters
These four chambers are each 10-feet by 10-feet, with small
ceiling. The body of a larger skeleton lays half in the cots that have been destroyed. The bodies of the laymen are
doorway, as if someone had struck it from behind still in the rooms, scattered across the floor. There is noth-
and it collapsed forward onto the floor. ing of interest in the rooms, unless you decide to let the
Even through the open doorway, you can see characters have a random encounter.
small bursts of your breath revealed by the coldness
that to permeates the walls of the room. ST12. Lay Priest Chambers
These two chambers served as the rooms for the lower
ranking priests who served as the head of the laypersons,
This storeroom was once used to store goods that need- acting as cooks and in charge of procuring supplies and
ed to be kept cool, the priests magically kept the room cool goods for the entire temple. While their abilities as priests
through metal poles that were treated with permanent chill were not the greatest, they were chosen for their other
metal. Touching the cold metal poles flesh to flesh deals skills, and served the needs of those picked to work for the
1d4 points of cold damage, just as if a person was affected temple.
by the icy effect of a chill metal spell. When the ogres attacked, the two lay priests put up a
The food that was stored in this room has long since valiant defense, barricading themselves and those laypeople
spoiled, although the containers are all still sealed. who had managed to get there, in the kitchen (ST15).
ST15. Kitchen This large hall opens up into four wide areas with pillars
supporting the ceiling overhead. The floors of the hall have
he open door reveals the backroom. A little been swept clean by the presence of a gelatinous cube that
T over half the size of the outer room, there are
small shelves on the walls and two large ovens with
was summoned by Anasana when she first arrived in order
to keep any other (living) predators that may be dwelling
chimneys cleverly constructed to vent the smoke within the ruins from bothering her. She has had a few
outside through small tunnels in the ceiling. run-ins with undead creatures within the temple (which is
The reek of carnage spills out of the room, why she has not gone down to the lower levels), but has
coming from the numerous bodies on the floor. managed to keep them at bay with her magic.
They are covered by a thin layer of yellowish slime. The torches on this floor have all been “swept away” by
The slime seems to be slithering over the corpses, the gelatinous cube, leaving the floor in darkness (unless
stripping what little flesh remains from the bones. the characters provide their own means of illumination).
Suddenly, the slime seems to contract, a pseudopod You can choose to have the characters encounter the
forming and lashing forward as the slime uncoils gelatinous cube anywhere that you’d like. Unless the char-
itself in an attack! acters have light, or darkvision, they will not notice the
presence of the gelatinous cube without a Listen check (DC
20). Even with light or darkvision, noticing the gelatinous
The ochre jelly is hungry, as it always is, and it simply cube requires a DC 15 Spot check. A particularly devious
attacks to feed its hunger. way of using the gelatinous cube would be to have the
Ochre Jelly: hp 69; see Monster Manual. characters run into it in one of the smaller hallways on the
The possessions of those who died within this room, east or west side of the library (ST25).
primarily the equipment the two lay priests had armed Before many of the doorways, characters may notice a
themselves with, remains here with their bodies. However, line of blue-green powder on the floor (DC 15 Spot check
some of the equipment has been destroyed by the ochre to notice). The powder has a faintly acrid scent to it,
jelly. All that remains are two masterwork silver light although a taste test (for those characters “brave” enough
maces, an ivory tube scroll case (containing a scroll with 3 to test it) reveals a salty taste. A successful DC 18 Craft
3rd-level divine spells at 5th-level ability: cure serious (Alchemy) check will reveal the powder to be a rare sub-
wounds, magic circle against evil, and remove disease), and stance known as oozebane, a concoction that oozes and
pearl of power (1st-level) as an earring that has tumbled slimes leave behind. Other similar creatures will not touch
onto the floor and rolled into a corner of the room. it because it dries them out. Intelligent characters may real-
ize that this indicates the presence of an ooze on this level.
They may also realize that this powder can be used against
Once the characters enter the shrine, read them the fol-
T heading toward the altar. One of them is an eld-
erly man, his sandy brown hair long since turned to
lowing: gray. His flowing robes are purest white, with a cowl
thrown back to reveal a face worn with care, but also
his room is large, almost as large as the hall filled with peace. Around his neck is proudly dis-
T outside the doors. The floor is of polished pure
white marble, as are the walls and the ceiling.
played a circular medallion with a platinum triangle
formed by three dragons.
Delicate alabaster columns line either side of the The other is a familiar face: that of the Betrayer,
chamber, intricately carved with images and sym- wearing the ivory and blue robes of a priest of
bols of the Gods of Light. Mishakal. Although he hides it well, there is a sense of
At the far side of the room, a dais rises from discomfort about his features, a certain tightness that
the ground, atop of which is a beautifully crafted betrays his unease at treading upon holy ground.
altar of solid alabaster. The velvet cloth that cov- “What is it you wanted to speak with me about,
ered the altar has long since rotted. A pool of light Caeldor? How can I ease the burden that I see you
surrounds the altar, almost as if it was standing carrying upon your shoulders?” the High Priest
beneath an open window in the ceiling and bathed inquires softly as he mounts the dais and turns to face
in the light of the sun. his companion.
A moderate wind (11+ mph) will disperse the fog in 4 As with the sacred guardians in the Grand Hall (ST31),
rounds; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in 1 a character presenting a medallion of faith of any God of
round, although because the fog cloud is permanent, it will Light will cause the magical guards & wards to temporarily
reform in 10 minutes after being dispersed. fall dormant. The fog cloud and dancing lights will fade
Hidden within the fog, lurking only in the Hall of the away and the confusion traps will not function for 10 min-
Dead, are two shadows, who will utilize both the fog and utes after the medallion is presented.
their ability to pass through walls, in order to bedevil the Confusion A minor confusion effect is in place in two
characters. If the characters are experiencing the flicker the sections of the hall. When a character passes through these
shadows will not attack until the characters finish witness- areas, there is a 50% chance that the character ends up get-
ing the flicker. Instead, they will wait for the characters ting turned around and going back the way that they came.
where the hall opens into a wider area, where the confusion Two shadows, bound as guardians by the Betrayer, lurk
traps will work against newcomers. within the hallway. They did not interfere with the acolyte
Following the hall from one end to the other will bring who slew the Betrayer because he was carrying the shard of
the characters back up to the Fifth Level above, unless they light. If the characters experience the flicker as they are
discover the “lost” door on the southernmost wall, in the passing through the hall, then the shadows will likewise
widest part of the hall. The door is covered by a silent withdraw as the spectral memory affects them.
image. If a character interacts with the silent image, they are Shadow (2): hp 21, 18; see Monster Manual.
allowed a DC 20 Will save to disbelieve the illusion; other-
wise characters must make a DC 25 Search check to locate If the characters experienced the flicker in the Shrine of
the “secret” door. the Sun (ST31) and the Sacred Hall (ST38), then read them
The door itself is a heavy stone door, which has been the following flicker. If not, they will not experience the
sealed by an arcane lock. If the characters witness the flicker flicker, but instead will find themselves facing the shadows
in this room, then they can use the same chant used by the lurking in the hall.
acolyte to remove the silent image and temporarily neutral-
ize the arcane lock. he Betrayer strides forward through the fog, his
Secret Door: 4 inches thick, hardness 8; hp 60; break
DC 28 (38 with arcane lock); Open Lock DC 28.
T black robes flapping like the wings of a vulture as
he moves through the hall with purpose. As the fog
Besides the fog cloud and the dancing lights, there are closes behind him, mere heartbeats later the young
two areas in the hall that cause any creature passing acolyte who witnessed the High Priest’s murder
through to be afflicted with confusion. These traps are per- comes down the stairway. In his hand, he is holding a
manent magical traps, aspects of the guards & wards placed short sword with a crystal blade that glows with the
upon the temple. If dispel magic is used upon them, or if soft golden radiance of sunlight. Before him, the fog
they are neutralized by another method, they will deacti- melts away as the medallion of Paladine on his chest
vate, but will restore themselves 10 minutes later. These reflects the light from the blade and sends it forward.
traps cannot be deactivated by a Disable Device check and As the acolyte turns a corner, he is suddenly
are presented slightly differently than typical traps. faced by two shadowy figures who glide toward him
The ruined city of which the spirit speaks are the ruins
of Kendermore, in the Desolation, where the characters
must take the shard of light in order to find what they will
The easiest way to get to Kendermore is for the charac-
ters to meet up once more with the Mikku tribe, who will
escort them to Ak-Khurman, where they can find a ship to
take them across the Khurish Sea to Port Balifor. There,
they can find a guide to take them through the Desolation
to the ruins of Kendermore, which lie in the shadow of the
Peak of Malys.
will have to cross 40 miles of blistering hot salt flats known Note that on this day, all three moons are in conjunc-
as the Burning Lands. If they remember to return to the tion at Low Sanction (known as a minor Night of the Eye).
Mikku tribe, the nomads will provide them with assistance. All Wizards of High Sorcery cast spells as if they were +1
caster level.
Once in Ak-Khurman, the heroes will have an opportu-
nity to rest and recover for a day or two, and replenish any Reunion with the Mikku
supplies they may need. Characters may seek out training, The heroes have two choices at this point—continue on
wealth can be consolidated, and wizard characters may into the Burning Lands alone, or rejoin the Mikku as
even be able to take the Test of High Sorcery. They may Alakar suggested. The Mikku camp is easily located. The
then be drawn into a short mission on behalf of the map that Malat buried with the supplies clearly points out
Legion, meet a shifty broker of deals, or encounter the the site of the oasis and how to get there.
daughters of the Khan. Eventually they will hire a boat and The journey to the oasis takes about a day, less so with
make the crossing to Port Balifor. horses, although the heroes may not have that option at
In Port Balifor, they can make last-minute preparations this stage. A DC 14 Survival check along with a copy of the
for the trip into the Desolation to the Peak, and meet map will lead them straight to it. Use the same encounter
Kronn Thistleknot and Elijayess, who can provide more tables from Chapter 2 to determine if the party encounters
information and aid for the next stage in the adventure. anything; the journey is otherwise uneventful.
Current Date: 22nd day of Aelmont (Winter), assuming
2 days in the ruins of Hurim. If more or less time has
passed, adjust accordingly.
The Citrus Grove
Southern Desert Encounters
s the sun crawls toward the horizon you see a d% Encounter EL
A stand of trees and boulders ahead of you.
Nestled in the lap of a dune, the oasis looks more
Allip* (see Monster Manual)
Azer smelting crew*
inviting than anything you have seen since you left 20-29 Fire elemental, large 5
the Mikku camp, and the colorful tents of the (see Monster Manual)
nomads seem just as welcoming as before. 30-45 Monstrous scorpions, large 5
The Mikku have set up their tents around a (2, see Monster Manual)
freshwater spring that bubbles up from the rocks. 46-59 Giant wasps 5
Tall and aromatic citrus trees, their leaves vividly (2, see Monster Manual)
green and fruit very nearly ripened provide a 60-69 Fire mystics* 5
refreshing splash of color as well as shade. You can 70-79 Lost elven family* N/A
hear the sound of the tribe’s children laughing as 80-89 Ogre zombies 5
they run between tent and trees. (2, see Monster Manual)
90-100 No encounter
The Mikku have been here for no more than a day or * Unique encounter. Do not use the same
two, and plan to stay for as long as a week before they con- encounter twice, either roll again or treat as no
tinue north to Khuri-Khan. Alakar approaches and greets encounter.
the heroes warmly; he is eager to hear all that they have to
tell about the Ruins, the shard, and the visions they may
have seen. Asmara also listens intently to what the charac-
ters have to say, nodding occasionally with understanding. water fowl, including flamingos and herons. However, the
The heroes are told that they are welcome to stay with changes the Red Marauder made to the Bay of Balifor
the Mikku and recuperate, if need be. You may also wish to boiled away the underground lake and now there is no
provide further cryptic or mysterious insights from trace of water to be found within the salt flats. This, com-
Asmara, especially now that the party has the shard of light bined with the surrounding desert, makes crossing the
and escaped Hurim. Burning Lands a fool’s errand.
The best assistance the Mikku can give the heroes at this The territory supports no flora and little to no wildlife.
point is supplies and a guide across the Burning Lands. The The air is extraordinarily dry, which makes it perfectly
tribe as a whole can’t make the journey with the heroes. It clear, so much so that one can easily see the farthest
would take them out of their way and present considerable extreme of the salt flat 40 miles away. However, this great
danger, but Alakar offers to send along a small party of visibility distorts the preception of distance.
skilled rangers and scouts if the party needs their talents. A number of strange tales have come out of the Burning
“Besides,” he says. “It would be well for us to hear news Lands. Most are attributed to hallucinations from the
from our friends in Ak-Khurman.” extreme temperatures that soar above 120 degrees during
The Mikku give the party four days worth of water and the day and plummet to near freezing at night. Some say
dried food, replenishing any existing supplies. Their guides that the fiery mountain cast down by the gods is still burn-
are a pair of experienced scouts, Kalid and Qatan (N male ing there. Others say that the Burning Lands are a mystical
human Rgr4; Knowledge (nature) +8, Spot +8, Survival place. Followers of Sirrion claim that there is an unquench-
+12) who set out with the heroes when they are ready to able pillar of fire at the heart of the salt flats that can grant
continue their journey. unlimited power to those worshipers dedicated enough to
find it and follow it to its final destination. Needless to say,
The Burning Lands over the generations a number of Mikku tribesmen have
Directly southeast of Ak-Khurman is a region known as found the bodies of a number of poor souls, lost searching
the Burning Lands. This 40 square mile area is the largest for the pillar.
salt flat in Ansalon. It encompasses the area from the ruins Other tales tell of an odd nomadic tribe of men and
of Hurim to the base of the Ak-Khurman peninsula. The women that endlessly wander the Burning Lands. Those
surface of the salt plain is covered with dust from the sur- who have seen them, and lived to tell about it, say that the
rounding deserts. strange folk have coppery skin, a dwarf-like stature, and
Immediately following the Cataclysm, this region was a fire for hair. Their body is so hot that they burn anything
salt water lake. Over the next decade, the lake slowly sank they touch. This outlandish tale is usually met with a
into the sands, disappearing from view. Until the coming of round of hearty laughter and a call for more ale. Whatever
Malystryx and the changes she wrought to this part of the actually happens within the heart of the Burning Lands
world, the Burning Lands supported some life. The great remains a mystery.
lake beneath the salt flat reached the surface in places,
forming small pools and providing a habitat to a range of
90 Q Key of Destiny
Making the Crossing them alone, not to touch their equipment, and promise the
It will take 2 to 3 days to cross the Burning Lands, provided party’s swift destruction if they are angered. Despite this
the group doesn’t get distracted or lost. Going around the blunt behavior, the azers do not want to harm the heroes
Burning Lands will take longer (a week of travel), but will and if treated fairly will offer them the six potions in their
be safer overall. If the characters do cross the Burning possession, saying “we don’t need these on this visit. You
Lands, make sure you determine how much water they may find a use for them.”
have and make regular checks for heat exhaustion (see XP Award: If the heroes manage to win over the azers,
Chapter 2). award them an EL 3 XP award. If they attack the azers or
are themselves attacked and survive, the EL is 6.
Random Encounters
While traveling across the Burning Lands, there is a chance Fire Mystics
that the characters may stumble into a random encounter. Line of Sight Distance: 300 feet.
Roll twice; once at midday (25% chance), and once at mid- If this encounter is rolled, the heroes meet a group of
night (15% chance). If an encounter occurs, roll a d% and Fire Mystics traveling through the Burning Lands. They
consult the following chart to determine the type of won’t say why they are there, but hint at the fact that they
encounter. are searching for something. They seem to be unaffected by
the heat and will assist the characters if they are in need.
Allip Fire Mystic Acolytes (4): hp 5, 6, 7, 7; see page 166.
Line of Sight Distance: 300 feet. Fire Mystic Leader (1): hp 28; see page 166.
If this encounter is rolled, the characters see a figure on Development: These mystics are searching for Sirrion’s
the horizon. It appears to be a burning man. The figure Pillar of Fire. They are confident that if they find it, they
appears to be black and smoking. As it gets closer it is will be able to use its power to enhance their own mystic
apparent that it is not a man, but a black spirit. The crea- spells. The leader is a somewhat brash and hot-tempered
ture is the tortured soul of a Khur nomad who betrayed his fellow, while the others are more subdued if a little
wife and son to the Dark Knights as Legion spies. Mad excitable. If the heroes present any kind of threat or chal-
with guilt, he walked out into the Burning Lands without lenge to the fire mystics, they won’t hesitate to attack, but
protective clothing or provisions to die. for the most part they are willing to help the party out of
The allip is incapable of proper communication, but the Burning Lands.
those who speak the Khurish language will be able to make XP Award: If the heroes convince the fire mystics to aid
out a few words in the midst of its babbling. “Forgive me, them, defusing any hot-tempered behavior, award them a
Hani,” it cries. The creature attacks any who come within standard XP story award and make a note that they have
30 feet, calling out, “Gods free me from the pain that I may earned the dubious honorific of “Friends of the Fire.”
be with my family again.” If slain, the allip repeats these
words and vanishes in a gout of fiery smoke. Lost Elven Family
Allip (1): hp 26; see Monster Manual. Line of Sight Distance: 300 feet.
XP Award: If the heroes manage to free the allip from If this encounter is rolled, the characters discover an
its undead state in some clever way, award them the full XP elven family near death and lost in the Burning Lands in
anyway. This might be accomplished with an atonement or need of assistance. The family consists of a man and a
raise dead spell, etc. woman (NG male and female elf Com2) and their two
children (NG male elf Com1), one of whom is in a critical
Azer Smelting Crew state. Cure spells will keep the family alive, but they need
Line of Sight Distance: 300 feet. proper rest, water, and shelter.
The party spots a team of figures milling around on the Following their rescue, the elves accompany the heroes
horizon. As the characters come closer they can see that it to Ak-Khurman where their waiting relatives reward the
is a group of dwarf-sized figures with flaming hair and characters with 500 stl each and many thanks.
beards. The azers are smelting metals from the salt flat. XP Award: The heroes deserve a standard XP story
They are not aggressive, but will defend themselves. award for keeping these elves alive.
Azers (6): hp 11, 12, 12, 14; see Monster Manual.
Tactics: The azers do not feel they have much to fear Ak-Khurman
from the PCs, but will respond appropriately if they are Ak-Khurman is a bustling town on the shores of the Bay of
attacked. Two of the azers will seize their smelting equip- Balifor. It is one of the largest port towns on the edge of
ment and flee, with the remaining crewmembers fighting the Khurman Sea. The recent activity of the minotaurs in
to the death. Silvanesti lands has caused an upsurge in the amount of
Treasure: 1200 stl worth of smelting equipment, raw traffic the city normally sees. Elven refugees, the Legion of
materials, and gear; 6 potions of endure elements (cold). Steel, spies for the Knights of Neraka and minotaurs,
Development: If the heroes do not attack the azers and Khurish traders, sailors, and displaced kender from the
instead strike up a conversation with them, the azers begin Desolation can all be found here conducting business and
as Unfriendly. They will tell the player characters to leave profiting the Mikku clan who own the city.
Key of Destiny Q 91
The crafty tribesmen began expansion of the city years ed a number of times to prevent trade out of Ak-Khurman,
before any trouble occurred, and their gamble paid off. The but failed each time and eventually gave up, at least on the
new buildings that once sat empty are now filled with mer- surface. Ironically, the Dark Knights began to resort to the
chants and new families. Silvanesti gold has paid for some same tactics used by the Legion of Steel in other cities,
and new merchants to the region have paid for others. going underground and using guerilla tactics and sabotage
The Legion of Steel keeps order in the streets and keeps to constantly bedevil the Legion.
an eye out for anyone acting in a suspicious manner. Spies Since then, Ak-Khurman has been expanding. Refugees
from Neraka and the minotaurs in the south caught trying from the Desolation and tribe members looking to escape
to gather information on the city are dealt with severely. dangers from the north spurred the Mikku to even more
The value of the prosperous port city is not lost on the expansion. A second wall was constructed and new build-
Legion, and they plan to keep it free and open, no matter ings were hastily erected to allow for another surge in their
what the cost. population. What they didn’t count on was where the
refugees would arrive from. Ak-Khurman was inundated
The Town of Ak-Khurman with elven refugees and ships escaping the northern terri-
Ak-Khurman was originally a small fishing village known tories of Silvanesti. Now Ak-Khurman includes a Silvanesti
as Palo-Ben. The village was founded shortly after the district, elves that are forced to live in exile among “barbar-
Cataclysm by local tribesmen. As the fishing village pros- ic” humans. Life in Ak-Khurman has just become more
pered they began taking on trade ships. A foreign sailor to difficult for everyone.
their ports told them of the lighthouses other major ports
used and the village decided they should have one as well. City Stats
So they eventually had one built on the rock bluffs above Ak-Khurman (Small City): Nonstandard; AL CG;
their harbor. 9,000 stl limit; Assets 871,800 stl; Population 9,876; Mixed
The signal of Khurman Tor, the new lighthouse, served (91% human, 5% elf, 2% afflicted kender, 1% half-elf, 1%
not only as a guide for their vessels but also to attract the other).
attention of the Mikku tribe who had just claimed the Authority Figures: Kenji Mikku (Khan of Ak-Khurman),
southern reaches of Khur. Enchanted with the village, the N male human Rog7/Sor6; and Kenat Three-Lives
Mikku tribe quickly made an offer the villagers couldn’t (Commander of the Legion of Steel in Ak-Khurman), NG
refuse and used the port for their own endeavors. Ak- male nomad human Rgr6/Steel Legionnaire 3.
Khurman became a notorious pirate’s den. Important Characters: Raretsanc Summerhazel
The enterprising Mikku began to expand on their new (Silvanesti merchant elflord), LN male elf Nbl6/Mar2;
holding, looking to attract more business. Throughout the Chatomi Mikku (Leader of Silver Shadows and Daughter
Age of Despair, the city’s population ebbed and flowed like of the Khan), N female human Bbn2/Rog5; Lionel uth
the tide. The village’s narrow dirt streets and houses made Dartan (Legion second-in-command and former Solamnic
of adobe and cactus wood were largely abandoned and a Knight), LG male human Ftr4/Crown4; Zoe Left-Hand
larger cityscape was planned. It eventually increased to (Mage of the Lighthouse), N female half-elf
the size of a large walled town by the time the Green Rog2/Wiz4/Red Robe4; Rand Lucas (Broker and
Dragonarmies forced their way inside those walls. Dealmaker), NG male human Rog5/Mys3; Shandra
The Mikku tribe took this opportunity to turn a Challen (undercover Dark Knight agent acting as the
profit from the invaders, which they did for a time. Legion’s supply clerk), LE female human
But the cost of keeping their “guests” was too high Ftr5/Lily3/Mystic3.
when the daughter of the Khan was killed by a
Green Dragon for sport. From that moment on, Features of Ak-Khurman
the Mikku worked against the invaders and final- The largest percent of the population in Ak-Khurman
ly managed to expel them from their city. still belongs to the Mikku tribe and an exotic blend of
From that day forth, the people of Ak- sailors and merchants from across Ansalon. Nearly all
Khurman decided they would not bow down of the business and shipping is handled by Khurish
to anyone—that is, until the arrival of humans. The populace of Ak-Khurman is more
Malystryx. They felt compelled to tolerant of outsiders than most of the other
allow the Legion of Steel into their Khurish tribes, given their experience
walls. Shortly thereafter the of dealing with them on a regular
Dark Knights appeared and basis.
made demands on the port city Elves were once rare in the
to work for them. If not for the streets of Ak-Khurman, despite the
presence of the Legion of Steel, proximity of their lands. Now they
things may have gone very dif- are a common sight. Most elves are
ferently. Instead, it was the Dark seen in the harbor district working
Knights who were sent packing. on sleek elven ships with names
The Knights of Neraka attempt- like Southern Jewel and the Fair
hat appears to be a heavily fortified convert- The lighthouse has had many keepers over the years,
W ed warehouse occupies pride of place along- and sometimes no keeper at all. The most recent individual
amulet radiates weak necromancy and strong divination to although it will focus entirely upon that individual and
detect magic. lasts for 2d6 weeks.
For the second question, the Oracles will ask the charac- Once the characters have asked their questions, the
ters to find an individual known as Grigolthan, an ogre Oracles will then tell the characters to rest for the day in
mage said to be lurking around the Peak of Malys. He car- the shade of the black haws before setting out to
ries a staff that the Oracles describe as being crafted from Kendermore at dusk. While the characters are resting at the
the spine and skull of a Silvanesti dark elf. The Oracles ask Spring, they will be allowed to rest without having to deal
the characters to bring this staff back to them. with any other encounters. The Oracles will disappear into
For the third question, the characters must sacrifice a their cave afterward, not reappearing until just before the
permanent magic item (not a scroll or potion) of at least characters leave. If the characters attempt to approach the
2,500 stl in value. If the characters try to offer the key of cave, Elijayess will warn them away, telling them that it is
Quinari, the blade of betrayal, or the shard of light, the not wise to risk the Oracles’ wrath.
Oracles will refuse to accept them, instead asking the char- If the characters persist in seeking to gaze into the cave,
acters to offer something else. they will be subject to the mirage arcana spell (DC 18 to
With the agreement from the characters, the Oracles pierce), seeing only an impenetrable darkness within the
will answer their questions. If the characters fail to com- cave. If they try and enter, they’ll find their way blocked by
plete either of the first two payments, then they will suffer a forcecage.
the effects of a bestow curse spell that lasts for 2d6 days. If a Creatures: Currently, the only other creatures at the
character destroys the hag’s eye or purposefully tries to rid Spring are the Oracles and their ogre minions (1st-level
the party of the amulet, the bestow curse takes effect as well, ogre warriors).
K1. Water Tower thing odd about the building strikes you—it seems
to be sinking!
his strange tower teeters precariously from side The heavy stone construction has slowly, over
T to side, the stone building groaning from the
stress on its supports. It seems like it could tumble
time, began to sink into the soft ground it was built
on, a sign that perhaps the builders weren’t dwar-
at any time. The building is about 50 feet tall, and ven after all.
about 15 feet wide at the base. Atop the stone edi-
fice is the shattered wooden frame of a water tower.
The interior of the Library was gutted and ransacked
during the ogre invasion of Kendermore in 386 AC (3 SC).
Despite the tower’s precarious look, it has managed to Since that time, it has been used by many different crea-
remain standing since the destruction of the city more than tures as a lair.
35 years ago. Entering the water tower, however, is not a Currently, the Library has become the lair for a flock of
wise course of action. If the walls of the tower take any cockatrices. They are scattered throughout the Library in
damage whatsoever, the entire structure will collapse. smaller nests, typically of two to four cockatrices.
Water Tower Walls: 1 ft. thick, hardness 8; hp 10 (cur- Throughout the Library, and even just outside its gates,
rent); break DC 35; Climb DC 20. there are statues of goblins, gnolls, and even kender—all
Collapsing Tower: CR 6; mechanical; proximity trig- victims of the cockatrices’ petrifying attack.
ger; no reset; Atk +20 melee (8d6, stone blocks); multiple Exploring the Library is risky, not only because of the
targets (all targets in a 10 ft. by 10 ft. area); Search DC 14; cockatrices. Consisting of more than twenty separate
Disable Device DC NA. rooms that are connected by twisting tunnels. It is easy to
get lost inside.
K2. Library Creatures: Beside the cockatrices, there are a few other
creatures lurking about the Library, but most of the living
his short, squat structure seems to be of dwar- creatures have fled the rapacious creatures.
T ven design, eerily reminiscent of Pax Tharkas
far to the west. Unlike many of the buildings in
Cockatrices (2-4): hp 28, 27, 26, 25; see Monster
Kendermore, this structure has weathered devasta- Treasure: Most of the books and papers within the
tion fairly well, since it’s one of the few buildings Library have been destroyed, although it is always possible
still standing. After a few moments, however, some- to find some random trinket hidden in the rubble, small
Despite its fine appearance, the Palace once served the The wall around Kendermore was a fairly recent addi-
kender as both a jail and an inn. Important visitors would tion to its defenses, built during the War of the Lance as
be allowed to stay within, while cheerful kender who were protection against the Dragonarmies. The wall was never
being “held for trial” kept themselves confined within, all breeched (although there were numerous ways to bypass
the while playing games with those who happened to walk the wall, as any kender knew) until the kender purposefully
by. allowed the ogres to break down the gates, leading them
Now, the Palace is as empty as a graveyard. Although its into a series of deadly traps to the center of the city, where
structural integrity is sound, the other living inhabitants of the largest death trap of all had been laid.
Kendermore claim that the Palace is haunted, despite the The gate is about twenty feet wide with two wooden
fact that no undead have been seen within its walls. doors that could easily be barred from within. Along the
Creatures: The Palace is haunted by an afflicted kender road from the gate into the city proper, one can see numer-
whose family members were once the Palace’s ous piles of junk that had been set up by the kender. Once,
groundskeepers for five generations, including himself. the junk was pushed against the gate to prevent entry, but
When Kendermore was destroyed, he stayed behind, now the junk lies scattered along the numerous alleyways
unwilling to leave his precious gardens. He hid in the around the area.
Palace, where he has remained hidden for more than thir-
ty-five years, sneaking out at night to tend his garden and K5. Shady Vale
to eat, only to dart off and hide before daybreak. He is
quite insane, even for an afflicted kender. ocated near the northern edge of town, this
Any creatures that approach the Palace are watched sus-
piciously by the kender. Allow characters a resisted Spot
L open area used to be a lush glade, filled with
numerous flowers and towering trees...but now, the
check against Deuce’s Hide check (1d20+XX) to see if they trees are all withered and gnarled, their leaves long
spot the gaunt, dirty kender. It’s entirely possible that char- since gone, and the grass and flowers have given
acters will believe Deuce to be a gully dwarf, a Disguise he way to the ubiquitous tangleweed.
has used before, but he’s clearly smarter than the average The tangleweed seems to have grown wildly
gully dwarf. out of control, covering nearly every bare inch of
His initial reaction to the characters will be Unfriendly, ground, as well as creeping up to wrap tightly
but if they approach him peaceably, they’ll find that Deuce around the numerous small marble and wood
is extremely knowledgeable about the current state of gravemarkers that stand out starkly against the
affairs here in Kendermore. With a Friendly reaction, dark tangleweed.
Deuce will give directions to wherever the characters wish If you look close enough, you can make out
to go. With a Helpful reaction, he will guide them there, the shadow of a trail barely visible through the
although he will run and hide at the first sight of trouble. knot of tangleweed, weaving its way back toward a
If the characters attack, Deuce will flee into the Palace, small hill on the other side of the graveyard.
K8. Catacombs
I shouts of surprise, and a strange, disturbing
whirring sound coming from the other side of the
ruined buildings to your left.
n a small clearing, you stumble upon what seems
I to be an overlarge rabbit hole. About large
enough for an adult human to squeeze Allow the characters to make DC 15 Listen checks.
through, it looks as if it drops down Those who succeed on their Listen checks can distinguish
about ten feet into a small chamber the distinctive sound of a
down below. hoopak being swung
around to create the
whistling sound: a signal
This small hole is but one of kender use as an alert for
many similar such holes scat- trouble.
tered throughout the entire If the characters go to
Goodlund Peninsula, serving as investigate, they’ll discover that
an entrance to the twisting net- the quickest route to the scene of the
work of caves and tunnels noise is actually through the ruined
carved countless centuries ago by buildings blocking their path (other-
an unknown group of people. wise, following the streets will take the
A DC 15 Survival check will characters five to ten minutes to get to
enable characters to notice goblin the other side of the building).
tracks in the ground leading to and The building separating the char-
from the hole. acters from the scene was once a tav-
Describing the immense network ern that closely resembled the
of catacombs and tunnels that lie legendary Inn of the Last
beneath the ruined city, and Home, although on the
indeed across much of the ground instead of up
Desolation, is beyond the in the trees.
scope of this adventure. It Scrambling through
is possible to get lost the building, however,
within minutes down is not without peril.
below, unless one is The floor is danger-
familiar with the ously weak in some
twisting passage- spots, while in others
ways and numer- the roof is in danger of
ous tunnels that caving in. Spotting the weak
used to serve the areas on the floor require a suc-
kender as a cessful DC 18 Spot check. If the
handy travel and building suffers any damage, the
escape route. ceilings will automatically col-
If you want to lapse.
use the catacomb Building Walls: 1 ft. thick,
entrance as a back way into the Peak of Malys, hardness 8; hp 35; break DC
you may wish to design a series of caves and 35; Climb DC 20.
passages that the characters must pass through before they Collapsing Floor: CR 3; mechanical, location trigger;
get to the Peak. Beside the goblins and hobgoblins, there repair reset; DC 20 Reflex save avoids; 60 ft. deep (6d6,
are countless other creatures that live beneath the fall); Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 20.
Desolation, including numerous undead creatures, as well Collapsing Ceiling: CR 3; mechanical, location trig-
as horrifying abominations either created by the twisted ger; repair reset; Atk +10 melee (4d6, stone blocks); Search
magic of Malystryx’s skull totem or those that were awak- DC 25; Disable Device DC 20.
the solid wall of the mountain, but the edges of the Features of the Peak’s Interior
cave mouth seem too smooth to be a natural occur- Below are a few of the larger locations within the Peak
rence. given in broad detail. Depending upon the needs of your
adventure, you may choose to expand upon these locations
as necessary.
As the characters gaze up at the cave, allow them a DC The Peak is riddled with narrow chutes and caves, creat-
15 Spot check. Those who succeed on the skill check will ing an entire ecosystem of small lairs and chambers inside
notice four rather large, intimidating-looking ogre guards the mountain. Tunnels throughout the Peak can vary in
standing sentry just within the cave mouth. size from a few feet to more than 20 feet in diameter, with
nlike the village below, this cavern is not merging into this enormous cavern, it seems
U inhabited by crude ogres. Instead, there are
numerous adobe huts, arranged in orderly, concen-
E almost as if you looking into the center of the
tric circles around a central pit, where a flame Almost a mile from one edge to the other, a sea
dances in the center of a still pool of magma. of magma froths as it bubbles up from deep within
Very few creatures move around the cavern; the earth, filling the air with a wall of heat and the
indeed, it almost seems as if the village is a ghost foul, overpowering stench of sulfur.
town. Many of the huts seem to have been empty The cavern’s ceiling creates a rough dome over
for months now. Here and there, you can see large the magma sea, jagged obsidian and basalt stalac-
scorch marks on the floor and along the exterior of tites looming overhead as the ceiling arches up
some of the adobe buildings, and a few of the huts toward the wide shaft leading out of the volcano.
look as if they have exploded. Three large islands of stone seem to float sus-
pended within the magma sea, with narrow stone
bridges arching delicately between each of them.
The upper village is inhabited by the remnants of The largest island, easily larger than most villages,
Malystryx’s dragonspawn, those who survived the demise is directly beneath the volcano’s shaft, while the two
of the Dragon Overlord. The Dark Knights who had once smaller islands are on either side to the north and
sworn allegiance to the Red Overlord left en masse after the south of the larger island.
word reached them that Malystryx was dead. Narrow land bridges arch from each of the
The sheer cliff dividing the upper and lower villages is a smaller islands, connecting either one to caves in
straight 50 foot drop. The upper cavern is 350 feet long and the cavern walls, apparently passages leading out of
250 feet wide, the ceiling roughly 100 feet overhead. the volcano’s heart to other parts of the Peak.
One tunnel in the southern wall leads down to the vil-
lage below, a second tunnel in the northern wall twists its
way down before eventually opening up on a cliff over- This massive cavern at the very heart of the volcano
looking the Volcano’s Heart (PM7). served as Malystryx’s primary lair (although she had
Creatures: Malystryx’s surviving dragonspawn, at least numerous lairs scattered throughout the Desolation,
those loyal to Sindra, dwell within this cavern. There are including two that were only accessible by swimming down
other dragonspawn still residing within the Peak (some liv- below the magma sea).
ing like savages in caves located in the Serpent Pit or the The cavern is more than a mile in diameter, at its widest
Magma Lake), but the largest population of red dragon- points with a ceiling that soars hundreds of feet overhead.
spawn in Ansalon reside in this cavern. Connected to the outside by means of the volcano’s central
After Malystryx’s death, only 125 dragonspawn shaft, it enabled Malystryx to fully stretch her wings and fly
remained alive. The rest self-destructed in the backlash of within her lair. The central shaft is more than 500 feet in
magic released by both Malystryx’s death and the destruc- diameter and 500 feet above the center of the cavern, lead-
Why are they being captured? Who are the leaders of the others in the Peak?
“We do not know. We do know that they are being “With Malystryx gone, most of her colony has also
killed and we believe it has something to do with the fractured into smaller colonies. The strongest of these
strange smelling ogre that appeared in the Peak one colonies are the dragon’s soldiers, the dragon men. They
turning of the silver moon ago.” are led by a strong Queen, although she now has appar-
ently taken the strange smelling ogre as a mate. None of
How many are being held? the others in the Peak have a strong Queen, yet.”
“We are not positive. Over the last month, we have
counted more than 200 prisoners brought within the
Peak, but we do not know if they are alive or if they have
become food.”
ing directly up through the heart of the mountain and Each of the islands is connected by narrow land bridges
opening at the center of the volcano’s caldera. that arch high above the bubbling magma. While connect-
Malystryx, using the magic of her skull totem, raised a ing the islands together, the land bridges also lead up to
plume of magma from deep within the earth to create the cliffs along the edge of the cavern, which in turn lead to
Peak. Overnight, Malys shaped the land in what would passageways leading up to the Magma Lake (PM4) and the
have taken nature hundreds of thousands of years to do. Upper Village (PM6B).
After the mountain was formed, she allowed the magma to The heat in the cavern is extreme (see Heat Dangers
recede until it left behind only a small ‘sea’ of lava at the above) and the air is filled with the suffocating smell of
volcano’s heart. Smaller plumes still flowing through the sulfur (see Sulfur Fumes above). Oddly, however, the fire
mountain carved out the numerous caverns and tunnels barriers that protected each of the islands and the land
that twist throughout the mountain, creating a maze of bridges connecting them still function, providing areas of
passageways where Malystryx’s forces could reside. relative safety for the characters to traverse.
Malystryx, with only the slightest exercise of her power, Malystryx’s lair was also found here in the Volcano’s
could cause the magma sea to explode. Though she used Heart, an enormous network of caves that lead deeper
her power to create magical barriers that directed the underground, accessible only through a passage beneath
magma flows as she wished, her minions realized that she the magma. Malystryx’s lair, where she rested and kept her
could very easily bring those barriers down and send the skull totem, has been abandoned since her death. The magi-
magma flooding in. She did so more than once. cal guardians she bound to protect her lair still linger,
Three large islands float amidst the magma sea, pillars though much of her magic has completely faded away.
of stone that resist the molten waves. The largest of these Locating and exploring Malystryx’s lair is beyond the
islands was where Malystryx often held court, while the current capabilities of the characters. Although much of
two smaller islands to the north and south of the central Malystryx’s most precious treasures still lie within her lair,
island once housed the bulk of Malystryx’s hoard. Most of some of them have already been taken by Sindra and
this has already been scavenged (mostly by the Dark brought above (see below), so the characters should really
Knights who once served the Red Marauder, who took have no reason to go below.
their prize and traveled northwest to Darkhaven).
allow them to rest within the safety of the colony, if they so ne of the small worker ants approaches you,
desire, before she sends them forth.
Creatures: In this cave, there are twenty worker ants and
O crawling purposefully on silent feet.
“Are you prepared? We shall show you to the
eight soldier ants other than the Queen. However, attacking tunnel that will lead you to the little ones.”
the Queen or any of the ants is akin to attacking the entire Patiently waiting for you to follow, the worker
colony, thus the characters would have to deal with the ant turns and leads you back toward the main cav-
entire colony. Canny characters may quickly realize that a ern of the colony. There, you see the Queen sur-
colony without its Queen is helpless, since it is the Queen rounded by her escort of soldiers and workers,
who provides order and direction to the entire colony. apparently expecting you.
Phalanx Ant, Workers (20): hp 19 each; see Appendix I. As the Queen’s glowing blue eyes fall upon
Phalanx Ant, Soldiers (8): hp 30 each; see Appendix I. you, her voice once more rises, “You are prepared.”
Phalanx Ant, Queen: hp 45; see Appendix I. It is not a question, more a statement of acknowl-
Tactics: The worker ants will try to form a living wall edgement.
between the characters and the Queen while the soldiers “Our tunnels were built for our use, but I
move to attack. The Queen will use her mysticism to aid believe that you will be able to navigate them with
her ants defensively, while if she is drawn to attack directly ease. The first tunnel shall lead you directly to the
the characters will find that she can be a dangerous melee little ones. Do not take any of the side tunnels; stick
opponent. to the primary, otherwise you will get lost. Once
2d4 rounds after the battle begins, more soldier ants will you have the little ones, take the tunnel back until
begin to pour into the Queen’s Lair at a rate of 1d4 per you come to the second tunnel to your right. That
round unless the characters seal themselves in the cave with will lead to the surface near the city of little ones.”
a cave-in or some other barricade (note that a wall of fire As the Queen speaks, you see part of the
will not halt the phalanx ants, as they are resistant to fire ground begin to swell. The ants are shifting the
and willing to sacrifice themselves to save their Queen). structure by crawling over one another to reveal a
Development: Securing the help of the Queen will be a honeycomb of tunnels beneath them. Apparently,
major boon to the characters. They will not only learn of the ants have been extremely busy with building
the secret passages throughout the Peak, but also gain assis- their tunnels.
tance in freeing the kender and getting them out of the One of the Queen’s escorts scuttles forward
mountain. toward one of the tunnel entrances as the Queen
XP Award: If the characters secure the help of the speaks once more, “You will follow my worker. He
Queen, award them story experience equal to the party will guide you to where you need to go. May your
level. hunt prove fruitful.”
The Queen leans up, unfurling a pair of gos-
The Secret Way samer wings that buzz dizzily as they blur into
Once the characters are ready to leave the Phalanx motion, lifting her off the ground. Her escort scur-
Colony, read them the following: ries back toward the Queen’s lair as the stately
insect flies away.