Gods Dragonlance 2e

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Krynn’s pantheon of 21 true gods comprises beings of awe- -"&304564)2&').'67"'608"',)-&

some power, beauty, and will. The triadic balance of the
After a description of each deity appears a description of the
world-Good, Neutrality, and Evil—reflects the divisions and
god’s avatar. An avatar is a physical projection of a god on the
the proportions of the heavenly factions. The true gods have
face of Krynn. These corporeal shadows have much less
battled for dominion over Krynn since the world began. But
power than the god that casts them and, unlike the god, they
these immortal wars have spilled mostly mortal blood, as
can be killed. Remember, the avatar and the actual god are as
they are fought by worshippers and minions on the earthly
different as a man and his shadow.
battlefields of Krynn.

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The first celestial war was fought for the hearts and souls of The songs of creation tell of the One, the High God, who
the newly created mortals on Krynn. Theologians know it as came from beyond. The High God came when all was void,
the All Saints War. The gods of Good wanted to instruct mor- when there was neither Krynn nor sun, moons nor stars.
tals in the ways of goodness; the gods of Evil wished to subju- Then it was that the High God stepped through a door from
gate mortals; and the gods of Neutrality desired to give distant worlds. Being alone in this new place, the High God
mortals free will to choose their futures and suffer their own chose to make other, weaker gods. As to how these gods
consequences. In addition, every family of gods needed the were made, none knows for certain. Some songs relate that
worship of mortal races to empower them. the High God opened a door in her heart to release the gods
These motivations remain true to this day. The gods there- from beyond. Others say the High God brought crude gods
fore reward mortals who have served them well-both in this with him through the door and fashioned them like a man
life and the life to come. As well as granting miracles (or whittling wood. Still others hold that the gods arose from the
spells) and visions to priests, gods bless their faithful in the High God’s passions—love, hatred, joy, fear, contentment,
afterlife and grant boons to their descendants. rage, and so forth. All stories agree, though, that the High
Only tremendously significant events, which affect entire God is mother and father to the other gods.
populations and the lands they dwell in, bring a god to walk At the University at Palanthus, translations of the recently
among mortals in avatar form. Problems like the War of the discovered Disks of Mishakal indicate that the High God was
Lance and the restoration attempt of the Silvanesti homeland chief architect of Krynn. Staring into the void, the High God
are two such examples. Even then, a god comes only to envisioned a fair and beautiful world-not a wholly good
someone who has been faithful in following the god’s tenets. world, but a beautiful world all the same. Then, gathering the
company of gods, the High God set them to work in forming
67"' -"#67' #2-' !"(4067' ).' .#467 all things. Reorx forged the great, spinning sphere while the
other gods crafted the world’s marvelous intricacies, all ac-
The Cataclysm profoundly affected not only Krynn’s physical cording to the High God’s plan.
world, but the religious faith of all its peoples as well. Catas- With the world’s completion, the High God was weary.
trophe often calls faith into question: what kind of gods Withdrawing from Krynn, the High God set creation into the
would visit so much destruction on their followers? The charge of three other gods—Paladine of Good, Takhisis of
earthquakes, storms and other natural disasters Ansalon ex- Evil, and Gilean of Neutrality. Still the High God watches
perienced tested the strength and fortitude of all peoples to these three pillars of creation, content to remain withdrawn.
the limit. Most tales agree that the All-Mother/Father lives on, watch-
But worse still was the loss of faith. At the time of the Cata- ing the events on Krynn, but few if any mortals worship this
clysm, evil rolled unchecked across the land. Clerics of the distant and silent creator. Some theologians believe the gods
good and neutral gods vanished. When believers called for themselves pay homage to the All-Mother/Father. New tales
miracles and blessings, they received no answer. and legends abound regarding the nature and fate of the High
It seemed to the peoples of Ansalon that the gods had aban- God as the folk of Krynn turn again to things unseen.
doned them in their greatest hour of need. So the people
abandoned the gods.
In the three hundred years since the Cataclysm, false gods
wefe proposed, and forms of worship devised for them. But
many people abandoned faith in any guise. The ceremonies
of worship and supplication were forgotten, or worse, jeered.
The gods, like dragons and faeries, were relegated to the
realm of children’s stories, and miracles could be explained
away as slight of hand and chicanery.
In this environment, faith-true faith-is a rare, new, won-
drous thing. The miracles clerics can now perform with their
gods’ blessings attract awe and astonishment from the com-
mon people. Interest in all the true gods is on the upsurge.

@#$#-42":'67"'-0#,)2A&'B)0- These names reflect the discovery of the legendary Disks of
Mishakal, platinum disks engraved with knowledge of the
Paladine is Father of Good and Master of Law. During the
good gods. This tangible proof revived faith in the true gods
Age of Dreams, Paladine led the gods in creation. Paladine
across the world.
and Takhisis, Queen of Darkness, infused the raw fury of cha-
Mishakal is Paladine’s wife and advisor. The couple have
os with form and purpose, creating the first material beings—
twin sons, Habbakuk and Kiri-Jolith, and a third named So-
dragons. Takhisis, jealous the first creations were not entirely
hers, corrupted the chromatic dragons to evil. Paladine re-
Mishakal influences healing, knowledge, fertility, life, beau-
placed his fallen children with the good, metallic dragons,
ty, and blessing. Her symbol is a blue infinity symbol. Her
but Takhisis’s act began the rift between good and evil.
priests wear sky blue.
In one of history’s darkest hours, when Takhisis loomed
Other Names: Ka-Mel-Sha, Healer in the Home (Kharolis/
over the world like an inescapable plague, Paladine realized
Tarsis), Mesalax (Thorbardin), Meshal (Icewall), Mishas (Er-
he needed a more powerful weapon for good. Joining with
goth), Quenesti Pah (Silvanesti), Quen lllumini (Qualinesti),
his sons Kiri-Jolith—god of war, glory, honor, and duty-and
Skymistress (Goodlund), the Blue Lady (Balifor, Hylo), Em-
Habbakuk—god of harmony and nature—Paladine created
press (Mithas), Bearer of Light, Light Bringer (Solamnia).
the Knights of Solamnia. Today, Paladine is honored by all or-
ders of the Solamnic Knights. He is patron of the Order of the
94&7#C#$A&' #*#6#0&
Paladine’s constellation guards Gilean’s constellation (the Mishakal most commonly appears as a beautiful woman in
Book of Knowledge) because truth and knowledge are essen- excellent health and physical condition. Her flawless skin ra-
tial weapons in combatting Evil. During the War of the Lance, diates a golden light unless she wishes to disguise herself.
the constellations of Paladine and Takhisis both vanished, a Even if she has dampened her radiance, her latent power of-
warning to Krynn. Once the Dark Queen was defeated and ten deepens the natural blues in objects around her-blue
banished, the stars returned to their proper positions. blossoms, blue lakes, blue eyes, and so forth. She wears a
Paladine influences order, hope, light, rulership, and robe and carries no armor or weaponry except her glowing
guardianship. His symbols are a silver triangle, a pine tree blue crystal staff.
(Silvanesti), or an anvil (Thorbardin). The colors that repre-
sent Paladine are silver and white. 9#D"0":' 9#&6"0' ).' 942-
Other Names: Draco Paladin (Ergoth), Skyblade
Majere is the god of organization, industry, and control, as
(Goodlund), Dragonlord (Mithas), E’li (Silvanesti), Thak the
well as meditation, faith, and dreams. Majere creates and in-
Hammer (Thorbardin), Bah’Mut (Istar), the Great Dragon (So-
spires the martial arts and all disciplines that lead to honest
lamnia), Fizban (Goodlund).
confrontation of oneself. Majere’s worshippers seek simple
lives, devoid of luxury but filled with meditation, self-
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discipline, and deep thought.
After the dark days of the Cataclysm, Paladine reentered the Majere worked hand-in-hand with Paladine in creating and
world in the form of the befuddled old wizard Fizban the Fab- populating Krynn. According to some scholars, Majere’s
ulous. Mishap upon mishap piles up around the flustered Fiz- crowning creations are the insects of Krynn, who emulate the
ban but, in the end, all mistakes work together to form a quiet god’s unassuming grace, introspective complexity, and
startling victory. ceaseless industry. As Astinus once said, “Each of Majere’s
As a greater god, Paladine can maintain many avatars at insects is an elegant complexity of legs and armor that no
once. Another form is a perpetually smiling, rotund, hard-of- gnomish machine could ever match.”
hearing priest who sees the best in everyone, and the best is Majere influences meditation, control, thought, faith, mer-
always drawn out. He also appears as an elderly warrior with cy, and inspiration. His symbols are a copper spider, a single
a dragon crest. In this form, he wears a Solamnic mustache rose (Qualinesti, Silvanesti), or a mantis (Solamnia). His col-
and no beard. Despite thinning hair and creaking joints, he ors are copper and red.
remains youthfully nimble and intuitive when the need aris- Other Names: Manthus (Ergoth), Mantis of the Rose
es. Deadly in battle, he is even more skilled as a statesman, (Qualinesti), Matheri (Silvanesti), Nadir the Dreamsender
swaying crowds with his eloquent speeches. (Mithas).

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Among most good people of Krynn, Mishakal is worshipped On Krynn, this quiet god takes one of two forms. The first is a
as the “Healer.” In pre-Cataclysm days, she was the most re- beautiful, blind female oracle. Despite her youth and loveli-
vered of the ministering gods, her many temples teaching the ness, the oracle is utterly bald. She has fine features, a thin,
art of healing. Nearly every community in Ansalon had a sloping nose, and full lips. Majere also assumes the form of an
priest of Mishakal to tend to the populace’s health and, in re- ancient man, equally bald. His stooped body is wrapped in a
cent days, the new clergy of Mishakal is working to renew burlap robe and he carries no weapon. In this form, Majere’s
this custom. perpetual smile of serenity proves unnerving to those who
In the War of the Lance she earned other appellations: are not truthful with themselves.
“Light Bringer,” “Bearer of Light,” and “Quen Illumini.”

C404;D)$467:'EF)0-').'G8&643" the form of a giant blue dolphin. Purportedly, he has taken
many other forms, including a badger, a wild elf, a serious but
Kiri-Jolith is the god of glory, honor, obedience, justice, and
clever kender, a tall ranger with wildly black hair and in-
righteous warfare. Paladins and fighters who embrace good
tensely blue eyes, a wiry druid with white hair and beard, and
revere Kiri-Jolith. His constellation threatens that of the
many other creatures. In these guises, the color blue typically
Queen of Darkness in the night sky.
appears in the creature’s coloration or clothing.
Kiri-Jolith is the oldest son of Paladine and Mishakal, pre-
ceding his twin Habbakuk by mere moments. Inspirational in H0#237#$#:'E)2,').'B4."
forming the Knights of Solamnia, he is patron of the Order of
the Sword. A companion of Habbakuk since the beginning of time, the
Kiri-Jolith is a war god, but not one possessed by bloodlust Bard King Branchala imbued Krynn’s first creatures with the
and needless violence. He represents righteous warfare, lyric and untamed melody of his immortal soul. Some even
launched to right grievous wrongs. Though his temper is not say that all hearts beat in time to the mysterious melodies.
swift, it is sure when combat is justified. Elves and kender consider Branchala the highest god.
Kiri-Jolith has a strong sense of honor and fair play. He Like all bards, Branchala loves music, singing, dancing, and
targets only the guilty and avoids involving innocents. Kiri- merriment. Branchala seeks singers and storytellers to spread
Jolith cannot tolerate tyranny, fighting it with tireless hero- news of the victories won by the Heroes of the Lance. He
ism and discipline. He aggressively seeks to rebuild his encourages Ansalon’s folk to rebuild their world.
power base. Kiri-Jolith actively recruits for the Knights of Branchala influences elves, kender, music, forests, and
Solamnia, seeking warriors with courage, heroism, self- beauty. His symbols are a bard’s harp or a flute (Goodlund,
sacrifice, and obedience. Priests of Kiri-Jolith seek out evil Qualinesti, Silvanesti). His colors are yellow and green.
and bring the battle to it. Other Names: Songmaster (Goodlund), Astra (Qualinesti),
The Sword of Justice influences war, battle, courage, and Astarin (Silvanesti), Bran (Ergoth), Gardener (Mithas), Bardi-
heroism. His symbols are bison’s horns or a horned battle axe lun (Thorbardin).
(Thorbardin, Kharolis). His priests wear brown and white.
Other Names: Corij (Ergoth), Kijo the Blade (Thorbardin), H0#237#$#A&' #*#6#0&
Jolith (Kharolis/Tarsis), Qu’an the Warrior (Uigan), Emperor
Branchala’s avatars assume the form of whatever folk he is
visiting. When choosing to mingle with mortals, he dampens
his deific glow. In this way, he can join in festivities without
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garnering bothersome adulation.
Kiri-Jolith most commonly takes the avatar form of a Knight of Branchala’s avatars unfailingly display some association
Solamnia, resplendent in beautiful plate armor. He often with the forest. He appears as a woodsman, a ranger, a bard
wields a heavy lance in battle, the weapon bearing some from a great forest, or even a heathen druid-any guise asso-
semblance to the famed Dragonlance. Occasionally, Kiri- ciated with trees.
Jolith takes the avatar form of a huge minotaur wielding a bat-
tle axe. E)$42#04:' 94,761' 7#2-

7#((#C8C:' .4&7"0' C42, Solinari, third son of Paladine and Mishakal, is the god of
good magic. He established the Order of the White Robes.
Son of Paladine and Mishakal, Habbakuk is Kiri-Jolith’s youn- He happily discusses any topic of magic in infinite and boring
ger twin. He created and rules all creatures of land and sea in detail. Aside from Krynn, Solinari treasures magic over every
his likeness. Habbakuk is as much feared as he is loved. Be- aspect of life, death, and afterlife.
cause he represents the eternal cycle of nature, Habbakuk He seeks to bring a great influx of worthy mages into the
symbolizes eternal life. White Robes. He works with Lunitari to strengthen magic on
Hale and hearty, Habbakuk is always immersed in and ob- Ansalon. Followers of Solinari seek out lost libraries, treasure
sessed with the present moment. This obsession makes him vaults, and any ruin that may hold spell books or magical
care-free and boisterous one moment and predatory and si- items.
lent the next. Some confuse this latter aspect with cruelty or Solinari influences good magic. His symbol is a white circle
evil, but Habbakuk unfailingly acts for good. or sphere. His followers wear robes of white or silver.
Habbakuk specifically seeks to reclaim the Silvanesti Other Names: Solin (Ergoth), White-eye (Goodlund, Bali-
homeland, working with the neutral gods of nature. Because for), God’s Eye (Thorbardin), Ivory Disk (Hylo), Beacon (Mi-
Habbakuk founded the Knights of the Crown, their quests of- thas).
ten help nature. Habbakuk opposes the evil Sea Queen Ze-
boim. E)$42#04A&' #*#6#0
Habbakuk influences animal life, the sea, creation, and
Because Solinari is closer to Krynn than the nonmagical gods,
passion. His symbol is a blue bird, or a blue phoenix (Ergoth).
he rarely assumes his avatar form. When he must directly in-
His colors are deep blue and white.
tervene, he appears as an ancient, white-robed wizard. Un-
Other Names: The Blue Phoenix (Ergoth, Silvanesti,
like Fizban (avatar of Paladine), Solinari’s avatar has a lucid,
Qualinesti), Skylord (Balifor, Goodlund), Sea Lord (Mithas).
insightful, and recursive intellect, though his mumblings of-
7#((#C8CA&' #*#6#0& ten become too frenetic and cryptic to decipher.

Habbakuk occasionally appears as a large blue bird or a

phoenix aglow with blue flames. At sea, Habbakuk assumes

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?4$"#2:' J)4- and power of fire draw many to him. Gnomes especially love
Sirrion because of the steam power and smoke powder he
Before creation, the High God wrote the Tobril—the book of
all knowledge and true names—to lay down the designs of
Sirrion influences flame, natural power, change, and trans-
the universe. But none among the gods he made was trust-
formation. His symbol is multi-colored fire. His followers
worthy enough to guard the Tobril. So the High God found
wear bright reds and yellows.
Gilean, a scribe so scrupulous as to have never penned an
Other Names: Firemaster, the Alchemist, the Wizard (Mi-
error. The High God brought Gilean back to the dawn of cre-
ation and entrusted him with the Tobril, saying, “Read those
passages you may. Their knowledge will make you a god
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equal with all others. But guard this knowledge, for on the
day another reads of it, you shall surely die.” Gilean has Sirrion prefers to appear in fire and auguries of smoke or ash.
guarded the book ever since. When he does take an avatar form, Sirrion is a tall man with
Gilean is modest in all things, never boasting of his knowl- flaming hair, beard, and eyebrows. His robe periodically
edge or power. He takes a scholar’s delight in watching oth- changes color the way flames do. In battle, he wields a two-
ers discover truth and solve problems. handed flame tongue sword that no mortal can touch.
The High God also charged Gilean with leading the Neutral
gods and maintaining the balance between the families of !")0K:'.)0,"
Good and Evil. Gilean understands and appreciates both Pal-
The dwarves of Ansalon consider Reorx—god of manufac-
adine and Takhisis. When one side grows too powerful, Gi-
ture, technology, and metallurgy—to be the greatest of gods.
lean allies briefly with the other side or provides it a bit of
Humans see him as merely the rotund helper of Kiri-Jolith.
knowledge, like a merchant balancing a scale.
Reorx tamed chaos to forge the world. His second greatest
Although Gilean knows Good had to win the War of the
creation, the Greystone of Gargath, led to the emergence of
Lance for Krynn to survive, he fears that the good gods’
dwarves, gnomes, and kender. Many consider the forge god
strength occasionally surpasses their wisdom. Gilean seeks
father of these races. Reorx’s celestial symbol is his planet.
more worshippers and priests to help him safeguard the bal-
Dwarves report that Reorx displays many dwarven virtues.
He is sober, pragmatic, and dispassionate. He seeks efficient
Gilean influences knowledge. His symbol is an open book.
solutions to any problems. The art of smithing occupies him
His color is gray.
primarily, though he also has a passing interest in mining.
Other Names: Gilean the Book, Gray Voyager, the Sage,
Humans see Reorx as a rotund, jolly dwarf given to excess-
the Gate of Souls.
es of gambling and drinking. His frivolity and jocularity make
him a wandering festival.
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Reorx has strong ties to the demihuman races of Krynn.
Gilean takes the form of a book-toting scholar of middle age, Dwarves are his foremost followers, remaining faithful even
intent on a particular topic and absent-minded about every- through the Cataclysm. Because of their fidelity, Reorx works
thing else. This male or female avatar may appear as a hu- hard to restore the glory of the dwarven race. He has forged
man, e l f , d w a r f , o r k e n d e r . A l t h o u g h a p p a r e n t l y an alliance with Shinare to spur dwarven industry. Reorx also
self-absorbed, Gllean slyly tests the preconceptions of folk he works closely with tinker gnomes, inspiring them to some of
encounters. Those who learn from such tests gain a bit of se- their grander inventions. And, despite their scatter-brained
cret knowledge or an answer to a troubling question. tendencies, Reorx loves kender, who were created by the
Graygem of Gargath.
E4004)2:' .$)F42,' .$#%" Humans are another matter. If they know of Reorx at all,
they regard him as comical. Even so, Reorx occasionally tests
Sirrion, god of creative flame and natural power, sculpts fire
humans to see if they are ready to return to faith.
into beautiful forms. He controls every flame, from the blaz-
Reorx influences dwarves, weapons, and technology. His
ing sun to the low-burning wick, channeling and filtering the
symbol is a forging hammer, or a dwarven hammer (Thor-
feral power into useful forms. Sirrion is not always tame: he
bardin). His colors are slate gray and red.
sometimes sparks forest fires to clear rotten trees and allow
Other Names: Anvil (Elian), the Weaponmaster (Mithas),
young forests to grow; he also burns children who play with a
Reorx the Master (Gnomes), Reorx the Craftsman (Kender).
candle flame, teaching them to respect fire. Though he de-
sires to make fire useful, he wishes even more to make it
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Sirrion’s companion is Shinare, goddess of wealth and Reorx takes the form of a powerful dwarven warrior, magical
commerce. They quarrel because Sirrion is temperamental hammer always in hand. Beneath his deeply-tanned skin rest
and artistic while Shinare is practical and opportunistic. massive muscles. His long beard contains numerous braids
Sirrion’s celestial symbol is his planet. and is the blue-gray of tempered steel. Reorx carries a unique
Like the flames he controls, Sirrion flares quickly into fiery dwarven throwing hammer, and wears a beautiful breastplate
passion and smolders long in quiescence. His passions re- of adamantine. Dwarves see the avatar as the perfect dwar-
spond to fluxes in nature. ven warrior in all aspects.
Sirrion cares little for mortal followers, though the beauty

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Chislev is nature incarnate. According to legend, the seasons Shinare—goddess of wealth, industry, and commerce-has
change with her moods: her fear brings the fall, her despair many dwarven worshippers, for they appreciate her love of
the winter, her hope the springtime, and her joy the summer. wealth and industry. All folk consider her the champion of
In addition to mortal worship, Chislev receives the praise of freedom and self-destiny. Shinare cannot tolerate laziness.
every beast; every blade of grass turns toward her as toward She ascribes poverty to stupidity or sloth. In her eyes, the idle
the sun. and unproductive are slowly dying.
Chislev’s celestial symbol is her planet. Shinare’s companion is Sirrion, god of creative fire. Their
Chislev feels each wound on Krynn’s surface. She, more opposite temperaments clash, but they stay together. Her ce-
than any other god, works to restore the land in the wake of lestial symbol is her planet.
the War. She especially wishes to heal Silvanesti. To this end, Shinare aggressively recruits followers, claiming that only
her priests work in concert with Habbakuk’s. Chislev opposes industry and progress can save Ansalon. Though beleaguered
rampant industry and disputes Shinare’s notion that industry by her capricious mate, Sirrion, Shinare considers her great-
needs more attention than nature. est foe to be Hiddukel, god of corrupt business.
Chislev influences nature, wilds, and the beasts. Her sym- Shinare influences wealth, industry, freedom, and power.
bol is a feather hued in her three colors: brown, yellow, and Her symbol is a griffin’s wing. Her colors are gold, silver, and
green. brown.
Other Names: Wild One (Mithas), the Wilds. Other Names: Winged One (Silvanesti, Qualinesti), Silver
Master (Thorbardin), Walking Liberty (Ergoth), Balance or the
L74&$"*A&' #*#6#0& Scales (Mithas).

Chislev usually appears as a beautiful human or elven wom- E742#0"A&' #*#6#0&

an. In either form, her hair glows like golden sunlight, and
her clothes appear to be made from living plants. She carries Shinare most often assumes the guise of a rich, portly matron
a living wooden staff. On occasions when she does not wish or merchant. She wears expensive clothing and jewelry, and
to speak with anyone, she appears as a unicorn. a belt of finest silver encircles her waist. When appearing to
the dwarves, she takes the form of a male dwarven merchant,
M4*4$12:' 60""' ).' B4." decked in rich clothing that drips with gems and precious
metals. Because dwarves so espouse her philosophies, she
Zivilyn, god of all wisdom, is the celestial Tree of Life. His
acquiesces to their stubborn insistence that she is male. Mor-
branches and roots extend into all times and places. Much as
tal gender should not stand in the way of progress.
Gilean holds the knowledge of the universe, Zivilyn holds its
wisdom. He acts not according to the dictates of his mind, B8246#04:' J"4$"-' 9#4-"2
but according to those of his heart.
Because wisdom is incomplete without knowledge and Lunitari, goddess of Neutral magic and illusions, was born of
knowledge is incomplete without wisdom, Zivilyn and Gi- Gilean and an unknown mother. She founded the wizardly
lean work closely together. Zivilyn is the companion of Order of the Red Robes to promote neutral magic.
Chislev; most mortals view this relationship as a perfect mar- Lunitari and Solinari have long been friends and work well
riage. together. Like the other gods of magic, Lunitari chooses to
Zivilyn’s celestial symbol is his planet. remain close to Krynn to govern her order of mages. Lunitari’s
Zivilyn works with Chislev to restore nature because nature heavenly symbol, the small red moon, is called the “witching
is the cradle of wisdom. He wants to teach the folk of Krynn a light.”
wisdom that transcends good and evil. Zivilyn occasionally Lunitari is a vivacious young woman with a mischievous
sends worshippers in search of lost libraries, though often he streak. She delights in all magic and illusions, but loves Neu-
calls them to seek wisdom in themselves. tral spellcasting most of all.
Zivilyn influences wisdom; his symbol is a great green or Lunitari wants to bring a magical renaissance to Ansalon.
gold tree, sometimes a vallenwood. His colors are green and To achieve this aim, she works closely with Solinari, though
gold. she also heavily promotes her Red Robed Wizards.
Other Names: W orld Tree, Tree of Life (Qualinesti, Lunitari influences neutral magic and illusions. Her symbol
Silvanesti), Wise One (Mithas). is a red circle or sphere. Her color is red or magenta.
Other Names: Luin (Ergoth), Red-Eye (Goodlund), Night
M4*4$12A&' #*#6#0& Candle (Thorbardin), Maid of Illusion (Mithas).

Zivilyn assumes many different forms. Some have seen him as B8246#04A&' #*#6#0&
an old, balding man with a long beard. Though sighted, his
eyes appear as twin windows looking out into space. Persons Lunitari usually takes the form of a beautiful, red-haired hu-
who gaze into those eyes learn their future, including the cir- man woman clad in red robes. She has a cunning and capri-
cumstances of their death. Others report Zivilyn as a prophet- cious smile. Occasionally, Lunitari cloaks her avatar in a
ic child with black skin, white hair, and eyes of quicksilver. powerful illusion, of anything from a draconian to a gnome.
Recently, several scholars have even proposed that the age- Lunitari carries ruby red darts as her weapon of last resort.
less Astinus of Palanthus is a branch of Zivilyn. After all, Zivi-
lyn may maintain several avatars at one time, and Astinus
may be one of them. In whatever form, Zivilyn wields a sim-
ple wooden cane that obeys any command it is given.

6#C74&4&:' P8""2' ).' -#0C2"&& years, even centuries, he presents a calm and diabolically
magnetic personality-a mask of the fires within. More often,
Not even fools or children speak the name Takhisis lightly.
Sargonnas erupts with fury, consuming everything in his path.
Her name summons darkness, destruction, and death.
He always anticipates similar deceits. He is, in a word, para-
Swathed in shadow and hatred, she desires only the domina-
tion and destruction of Krynn and its folk.
Sargonnas, Takhisis’s consort, is enraged over the Dark
In the Age of Dreams, Takhisis was Paladine’s mate and
Queen’s infidelity. He has begun leaking Takhisis’s plans to
consort. But when they forged the first beings, the dragons
interested neutral and good powers. Sargonnas’s final objec-
built of chaos, Takhisis grew selfish. Jealous she had to share
tive is ascendancy over his consort.
the power of creation, the Dark Queen corrupted the drag-
Sargonnas influences vengeance, destruction, intrigue, vol-
canoes, fire, and deserts. His symbol is a stylized red condor,
She quitted Paladine and consorted with Sargonnas, god of
or a red fist (Thorbardin, Istar). His colors are red and black.
fury and vengeance. They had two offspring: Nuitari and Ze-
Other Names: Argon (Istar, Ergoth), The Firebringer (Hylo),
boim. The passion between Takhisis and Sargonnas vacillates
Misal-Lasim (Tarsis), Gonnas the Willful (Icewall), Sargonax
between insatiable lust and rancorous loathing. Takhisis bore
the Bender (Thorbardin), Kinthalas (Silvanesti), Kinis
one other child, Artha, demi-goddess of wanton lust and
(Qualinesti), Destroyer (Mithas).
greed. Believed to be a child from a passing liaison with Che-
mosh, Artha was in truth sired by Hiddukel.
E#0,)22#&A&' #*#6#0&
Takhisis is the embodiment of Evil. She enjoys preying upon
the weaknesses of others, using their hearts’ desires to en- Sargonnas prefers the form of a red condor with a silky, entic-
slave them. She is cold and brilliant; exploitation has become ing voice. He also appears as a fire elemental of lava with a
second nature to her. Takhisis hates good, loves cruelty, and roaring voice that sounds like a dwarven blast furnace. Occa-
hoards wealth. She happily dwells in her former prison, the sionally, he takes the form of a human, kender, or minotaur
Nine Hells, plotting her next return. warrior, but he is loath to do so.
What Takhisis needs now is a group of powerful lieutenants
to replace her losses in the War of the Lance. She also seeks 9)0,4)2:' H$#3C' N42-
the eggs of good dragons, to create more powerful dracon-
ians. Though Paladine is her long-time enemy, Kiri-Jolith Morgion, god of disease and decay, refuses the company of
causes her the most concern. She has ordered all her fol- the other gods and does not discuss plans with them. Those
lowers to slay his worshippers and desecrate his temples on unfortunate enough to encounter this reclusive god see a rot-
sight. ting humanoid corpse-neither male nor female-topped
Takhisis influences night, evil dragons, hatred, intrigue, and with a goat’s head. Secrecy is Morgion’s way.
chaos. Her symbol is a black crescent. Her colors are the Morgion despises all healthy things, striving to destroy or
black of utter darkness and the iridescent black of beetle corrupt them with disease and decay. Morgion works to
spreed plages in the wake of the lance. Here
Other Names: Dragon Queen (Ergoth, Silvanesti), Tii’Mhut tively sabotages Mishakaf’s attempts to heal the people of An-
(Istar), She of the Many Faces (Hylo), Mai-tat (Tarsis), Nilat the salon. His priests infect Mishakal’s priests whenever possible.
Corruotor (Icewall), Tamex the False Metal (Thorbardin). La- For this task he needs more priests, and searches most dili-
dy Chaos (Mithas), Darklady (Ogre), Mwarg (Hobgoblin). gently among the dark dwarves and the other creatures of
6#C74&4&A&'#*#6#0& Morgion influences disease, decay, plague, weakness, and
plotting. His symbol is a hood with two red eyes, an upside-
Takhisis can assume any form, but her two favorites are a five- down axe (Thorbardin), or a rat’s claw (Hylo). His followers
headed chromatic dragon and a beautiful temptress of hu- wear deep brown and black.
man or elven stock. Rumors claim she also appears as a giant Other Names: H’rar (Ergoth, Istar), Gormion (Tarsis), Morgi
serpent and any multiheaded creature such as a hydra or levi- (Icewall), Morgax the Rustlord (Thorbardin), Pestilence (Mi-
athan. thas), Anthrax Goatlord (Hobgoblin).
For three millennia after Huma’s victory, and again after the
recent Whitestone Council that ended the War of the Lance, 9)0,4)2A&' #*#6#0&
Takhisis’s avatar was banished from Ansalon. Even so, she can
act through agents and her offspring. Morgion has two favorite avatars: a thick, roiling black cloud
with glowing red eyes, and a priestess or executioner wearing
E#0,)22#&:' -#0C' J"2,"#23" a black hood and veil. Morgion speaks in a harsh whisper.

Little is known of Takhisis’s consort. He is the brooding, L7"%)&7:' B)0-' ).' -"#67
sometimes explosive god of vengeance, rage, deserts, and
volcanoes. Sargonnas embodies the destructive passion of In the Age of Dreams, Chemosh, lord of undead, was drawn
fire. His greatest ally, Takhisis, is also his greatest enemy, and by Takhisis to Krynn to marshal the legions of death.
he routinely plots both for and against his Queen. As lord of false redemption, Chemosh offers “eternal life”:
Sargonnas is a fuming and treacherous god. Occasionally, the takers spend immortality in an undead and eternally cor-
he works his revenge through insidious means. Plotting for rupted body. Chemosh rarely explains this when making a

pact. Before his victims can reconsider, they find themselves honest and greedy men alike. Greed and mischief drive all his
his minions. transactions. One of his deals resulted in the creation of the
Dead and dying creatures fascinate Chemosh. The desper- Graygem, an artifact that wreaked havoc on Krynn.
ate, thrashing movements, the hoary rattle of water in the Hiddukel constantly seeks bargains, which generally entail
lungs, the smell of decay all delight him. Even so, he plans the swapping of material objects for his victims’ spirits, and
never to experience death himself, growing in power and often their lives. Although he is calculating and predatory,
longevity with each minion he gains. Hiddukel often takes the guise of a fawning and fumbling
Chemosh works closely with Takhisis to raise undead lead- merchant.
ers for her armies on Ansalon. In addition, Chemosh entices In the economic havoc after the War of the Lance, Hiddu-
living recruits with false promises of immortality. He seeks to kel works to gain a choke hold on national economies. He
corrupt potential heroes of good. directly opposes Shinare and, to a lesser extent, Reorx. Hid-
Chemosh influences ravagers, undead and all nemeses. His dukel offers great rewards to his followers for destroying the
symbol is a yellow skull. His colors are black and sickly yel- priests and temples of Shinare. Not being much of a fighter,
low. he fears Reorx and will not risk angering him.
Other Names: Aeleth (Ergoth), Dron of the Deep (Tarsis), Hiddukel influences evil business practices, damned spir-
Chemos Joton (Icewall), Khemax (Thorbardin), Lifebane (Mi- its, greed, slavery, and betrayal. His symbol is a broken mer-
thas), Orkrust (Hobgoblin). chant’s scale. His followers wear red and bone.
Other Names: Betrayer (Mithas), Usk-Do (Hobgoblins), Hi-
L7"%)&7A&' #*#6#0& tax the Flaw (Thorbardin), M’Fistos (Istar).

Chemosh appears as either a rakishly handsome man in a 74--8C"$A&' #*#6#0&

black robe or as a lich (an undead sorcerer) clad in rotting
finery. In either guise, he bears a small obsidian sickle. The Hiddukel prefers to appear as an obese man with cold, beady
sickle directs him to the target with the fullest lifeforce. Che- eyes and an oily smile. He drapes his expansive girth with the
mosh’s true form is a bloated satyr with a goat skull head. finest brocade and his knuckles are knobbed with false gem-
stones. Hiddukel avoids physical combat, relying on spells
M"()4%:'-#0C$42,'E"# and hired monster bodyguards.

Zeboim the Sea Queen is the impetuous and volatile daugh- I846#04:' -"*)8042,' -#0C
ter of Takhisis and Sargonnas. Her unpredictable tempers
make her a dangerous foe and a lethal friend. Nuitari, god of black magic, drew his evil nature from his par-
As creator of the sea, tempests, and weather, Zeboim re- ents, Takhisis and Sargonnas. The black moon, also called
ceives petitions from seamen wishing good weather and safe Nuitari, which is his symbol cannot be detected unless it
journey. Though some manage to avoid her rage, many who eclipses other stars and moons.
displease her with some real or imagined slight never see har- While wandering Krynn in avatar form, Nuitari founded the
bor again. wizardly Order of the Black Robes. This order espouses
Dwarves know nothing of Zeboim. To pay back their igno- Nuitari’s belief that magic should be secret and coveted.
rance, Zeboim delights in spilling dwarves from boats and Nuitari is perhaps the most approachable of the evil gods.
watching their heavy-boned bodies sink to the bottom. His love for magic transcends his evil nature. An intense and
Despite her rebellious nature, Zeboim refuses to cross her quiet god, Nuitari displays a scholar’s love for the magical
mother Takhisis. Neither does she cooperate too fully. On the arts. He continually researches new spells to grant his priests
other hand, Zeboim ignores her father Sargonnas, consider- and wizards, seeking the universe’s arcane secrets. But black
ing him weak and unworthy of Takhisis’s attentions. magic comes at a price; though it grants its users incredible
Zeboim has never had many priests, and cares little. She power, it also slowly takes control of them. Nuitari observes
wars against Habbakuk, god of marine life, for control over in wry amusement as those who try to master his art are over-
the seas. She provides her followers the vast wealth of lost come by its dark power.
treasure ships. Nuitari, like Solinari and Lunitari, seeks to increase the
Zeboim influences the sea, storms, tempests, weather, un- presence of magic on Ansalon. If he cannot recruit a mage to
dead sea races, and jealousy. Her symbol is a turtle shell pat- darkness, he may encourage him to go renegade, causing
tern. Her colors are green and red. headaches for Solinari and Lunitari. He works distantly with
Other Names: Rann (Ergoth), Zyr (Tarsis), Zebir Jotun (Ice- the two other magic gods to bring more and better magic to
wall), Bhezomiax (Thorbardin), Maelstrom (Mithas). Krynn. But Nuitari would love it all to be black magic.
Nuitari influences black magic. His symbol is a black circle
M"()4%A&' #*#6#0& or sphere. His followers wear robes of black.
Other Names: Nightreaver (Mithas), Darkness (Elian),
Though Zeboim can assume a human form, she favors the Black Hand (Balifor), Ungod (Thorbardin).
form of a giant sea turtle with a human female face.
I846#04A&' #*#6#0&
74--8C"$:' @0423"' ).' B4"&
Nuitari favors the form of a quiet, intense young man with jet-
Hiddukel, god of ill-gotten wealth and deals, is patron god of
black hair and a long black robe. He also may appear as a
evil businessmen and dishonest merchants. A cunning deal-
wicked child.
maker, Hiddukel trades in living souls. Some say Hiddukel
can even barter with Takhisis and come out ahead.
Hiddukel controls all ill-gotten wealth, using it to corrupt


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