Spiritual Transmission Initiation PDF

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Spiritual Transmission


Founder: The Source

Bearer & Manual: Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel
For training manuals and certificates visit: http://sherryspeaks.com
Spiritual Transmission is a powerful force that is very versatile in
usage. Everyone who has received this initiation will develop their
own ways of using it. It raises the vibrational level and brings in
more universal light to each and everything to which it is projected.

Because it is so powerful it needs a certain level of energetic and

spiritual development. This means that if this attunement is
received, is decided by Source alone.

Basically there are no limitations on the use of Spiritual

Transmission, only ones own mind and mental concepts confine the

Some aspect of this force has been available lately. Spiritual

Transmission now, as given by this attunement, is a very balanced
and complete energy in terms of male-female-aspects (to use
classic, conservative language). It bears strength but also softness, it
is lightful and strong. As the desired future of humankind will bring
forth softer, more compassionate, and more tolerant qualities as
have been present in the male-dominated dark age, that is about to
leave, so also the energies that lightworkers are using should more
and more be those of a balanced male-female structure. This need is
fulfilled by Spiritual Transmission.
In a relaxed and pleasant sitting or lying position with eyes closed
ask your Higher Self and The Source to receive the full attunement
to Spiritual Transmission in the name of ... (name of the attuner).

Then relax and enjoy the flow of energy. When you feel that the
attunement is finished, which probably will be after about 30
minutes, give thanks to Source and Higher Self and enjoy your new

This is to be repeated on the next 2 days. Spiritual Transmission

initiation consists of 3 attunement sessions, one per day on 3
consecutive days.

How to use Spiritual Transmission

As said before this is a very powerful and versatile force meant to be
used in every aspect of life. It can be brought into all energy work
and greatly enhance and increase its efficiency. That means, above
all, to use it with a keen sense of responsibility only for purposes of
the light, and that is the reason why it is protected by The Source
and only given to those who are ready for it.
These are some possible areas of usage:
• You can send Spiritual Transmission to planet Earth, to Sun, and
to our solar system for healing and vibrational transformation.
You can also imprint this transmission with thoughts, mental
concepts, and the feeling of love to program it.
• You can send it to areas of the world where help is needed, to
individuals, to animals, and plants, even to the oceans, earth
grids, whatsoever.
• You can correct karmic problems with it, use it for cleansing
and purification.
• You can work back and forth in time and dimensions, use it to
release yourself or others from limitations of any kind.
• Spiritual Transmission has a very protective capability. If you
ever should be attacked or harmed by any psychic forces or
beings it will give you perfect protection and shielding. But
please be aware that you should only use it defensively, any
offensive attempt to do harm will fire back at you!

Particularly regarding the protective quality of Spiritual Transmission

you should always be aware that it is a problematic attitude to look
at the world with a consciousness of seeing enemies and conspiracies
behind each corner. Those who project those things will abundantly
find them. It is much better to use the projecting power of the mind
to see light everywhere without denying some shades of it, of
course. Be a seer of light, not of darkness! Let us be peace-bringers,
not warriors!


It is easy to attune others to Spiritual Transmission. In a relaxed and
pleasant sitting or lying position with eyes closed connect to this

When you feel the energy just ask your Higher Self and The Source
to attune ...(name of the attunee) fully and completely to Spiritual
Transmission. Then let the energy flow as long as it will. After the
flow of energy has finished, give thanks to Source and Higher Self.

Please keep in mind that even though there must be an attuner to

give the attunement it is completely up to Source to release it and
only Source will decide to whom this attunement is given. It is not in
the hands of the attuner.

Please respect that this system is a free gift of the universe and shall
always be given as a gift to others.

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