Sessional - 100 100 Final - Total - 100 100

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MEC 189.

2 Thermal Science (2-1-2)

Theory Practical Total
Sessional - 100 100
Final - - -
Total - 100 100

Course Objectives:

To Provide working knowledge of theories and applications of thermal science.

1. To make able to apply laws of thermodynamics in various systems.

2. To make able to distinguish the cycles in various engines, and pumps.
3. To make able to calculate energy/ quantity of heat transfer by conduction and

Course Contents:

1. Concepts and Definitions (2hrs)

Thermodynamic system. Macroscopic vs. microscopic point of view. Properties and state
of a substance. Processes and cycles. Specific volume. Pressure. Equality of Temperature.
Zeroth law of Thermodynamics.

2. Properties of a Pure Substance (3hrs)

Vapor liquid solid phase equilibrium in a pure substance. Equations of state for a simple
compressible substance. Tables and diagrams of thermodynamic properties.

3. Work and Heat (2 hrs)

Definition of work. Work done in a quasi – equilibrium processes. Definition of heat.

Comparison between heat and work.

4. First Law of Thermodynamics 4 hrs)

First law for a cycle. First law for a process. Internal Energy. Enthalpy. Specific heats.
First law as a rate equation Conservation of mass. Conservation of mass and the control
volume. First law for control volume . Steady state steady flow process. Uniform stae
uniform flow process.

5. Second Law of Thermodynamics (3 hrs)

Heat Engines and Refrigerators. Second law; Reversible process; Factors causing
irreversibility. Carnot cycle. Efficiency of a carnot cycle. Thermodynamic temperature

6. Entropy (4 hrs)

Inequality of Clausius. Entropy as a property of a system. Entropy of a pure substance.

Entropy change in reversible process. Lost work. Principle of increase of entropy;
Entropy change of an ideal gas. The reversible polytopic process for an ideal gas;
Concepts of reversibility, Irreversibility, Availability.

7. Some Power and Refrigeration Cycles (4 hrs)

Vapor Power Cycles: Rankine cycle, Effect of pressure and temperature on Rankine
cycle; Air Standard Cycles: Carnot cycle, Brayton cycle; Internal combustion engines:
Otto cycle, Diesel cycle.

8. Heat Transfer (8 hrs)

Introduction and application. Modes of heat transfer; Conduction: Fourier’s law. Thermal
conductivity. One-dimensional steady state heat conduction through a plane and
composite wall. Thermal resistance and conductance, Overall heat transfer coefficient.
Basic laws o radiation. Black and gray bodies. Rodioactive exchange between infinite
parallel planes. Newton’s laws. Mechanism of forced and free convention. Dimensionless
Parameters: Reynold’s number Nusselt’s number, Prandtl number. Simple empirical
relations for plate and pipe.

Laboratory Work:

1. To measure the pressure, specific volume and temperature.

2. To find out the efficiency of a compressor.
3. To measure the rate of heat transfer by conduction.
4. To measure performance of a small internal combustion engine.
5. To measure the heat transfer by thermal radiation.
6. To measure the performance of a refrigerator/ Heat pump

Text Books:

1. Howell J.R. and R. O.Buckius, Fundamentals of Enginnering Thermodynamics,

McGrow-Hill Publishers, 1994.
2. Bajracharya, T.R. Fundamental of thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, IoE, Nepal.

Reference Books:

1. Van Wylen, G.J. and Richard E. Sonntag, Fundametals of Classical

Thermodynamics, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1989.
2. Bayazitoglu, Y.and M. Necati Ozisik, Elements of Heat Transfer, McGraw – Hill
Book Company, 1988.
3. Kreith, F., Principles of Heat Transfer, International Text book Company, Scranton
Pennsylvania, 2nd Edition, 1965.

Lab Manual:

1. Pradhan I.M., Laboratory Manual on Thermodynamics, nec Publication.

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