NSWMC Reso 64 Adoption of Modified Guideline On Site Identifcation Criteria SLF PDF

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Office of the President


Department of Environment and Natural Resources
2nd Fir. HRDS Bldg., DENR compound, Visay<~s Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, 1100
Tel. Nos. (632) 920·2252/920·2279

NSW:VIC Resolution No. 64, Series of201 3



W J EREAS, Republic Act No. 9003, also known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management
Ac1of 2000, provides for the adoption of a systematic, comprehensive and eco logical solid waste
rna agement program;
WHEREAS, Stxtion 5 (t) of RA 9003 and Part 11, Rule IV, Section I. (t), sub item 2 of its lRR
{Dt)O No. 2001-34) mandates the National Solid Waste Y!anagement Commission 10 undertake
the ··study and review of criteria and guidelines for siting, design, operation and maintenance of
soliy waste management fi1cilities";

W~ERKA.S, Section 15 (o) o f RA 9003 and Pan Ill, Rule Vll, Section I, (e), sub item 2 of its
IRR empowers NS WM C to formulate and implement a National Solid Waste Managemen t
Fra+ e work that shall cons ider the "aspects for standardization and measuri ng performance o l"
such guidelines that shall also include minimum information for usc in deciding the adequate
location, design. and construction of facilities a~sociated with SWY! practices, including
consideration of regional, geographic, demographic, and climatic factors";

W HEREAS, Section 40, RA 9003 and Rule X IV of its TRR prescribe the Criteria for Siting a
Sanjtary Land fill, and the Minimum Considerations for Siting and Design ing Sanitary Landfills,
rcsT ctively;

WHEREAS, Section 48 (item 16), Rl\ 9003 includes certain Prohibi ted Acts in the selection of
areas for landfills or any waste disposal facility;

W HE REAS, DENR Administrative Order (DAO) No. 50, Series of 1998, is a related policy
issuance "adopting the landfill site identification and screening criteria for municipal solid waste
disp~sal facilities";

w J tli REAS, to ensure the relevance <md applicabi lity o f the existi ng s iting criteria and to
dete mine the need to rationalize and promulgate a s ite sui tability assessment procedure for waste
man gcment fac ilities particularly disposal facilities, the NSWMC conducted a series of
comfultations with various stakeholders and through expert's exchange workshops and tecluucal
working group discussions of the .'lational Solid Waste Ylanagement Commission;

WHE REAS, the proposed guidel ines for siti11g criteria and assessment procedure are essentially
cons·stent with Sections 40 and 48 of RA 9003 and DAO 98-50 but incorporates various inputs
and ccomrnendations gathered from sectora l consul tations;

··REAS, there is a need to c li mate-proof the siting criteria and assessment procedure for
sani · ry land tills to integrate d isaster ri sk reduction and other safety nets from the changing

W HERE AS, the 1\SWMC-TWG in its June 29, 2012 meeting. has approved and endorsed the
proppscd guidelines to the NSWYfC for adoption.

Waste No More! Waste No Time!

Mo~ificd Guidelines on Site Identification Criteria and Suitability Assessment Procedure for
\\/al e Management Facilities under RA 9003 which arc presented as follows:

Section I. LandfiH Site Identification Criteria and Screening Guidelines

he following parameters shall be used to identify and screen fcasihle sites for categorized

sani ary landl111 facilities:

1. Proximity to Groundwater Resources

;2. Proximity to Perennial Surface Waters
Local Geological Conditions (Underlying Rock Formation)

t Seismic Conditions (Proximity to faults)

Soil Properties and Availability of Cover Material
Topography (Terrain and Slope)
Vulnerability to Flooding
Proximity to Residential Areas and Other Sensitive Laud Users
~- Proximity to Ecologically Sensitive or Environmentally Critical Areas
0. Consistency with Current or Proposed Land Use Classification
1. Proximity to Airports
2. Landfill Area and Lifespan
13. Haul Distance. 1\cce~-sibility and Road Conditions

"Jl 1cse parameters have been cmegorized into exclusion (or absolute) and conditional
(rem diable) criteria as presented in Table l. The Ext.:lusion Crileria refer to the requirements
that ave to he fully and absolutely satisfied during the initial screening of proposed landfill
site~. The establishment of any categorized sanitary landfill facility is strictly prohibited at a
prop sed site that fails at least one of the exclusion criteria. Therefore, the screening process
shall 101 proceed to consider the other factors Ot1ce an exclusion criterion is not met.

\ hereas the Conditional Criterict refer to parameters for ~econd-tier evaluation that may
rend a site suitable. provided that its corresponding siting con~iderations are complied with or
applieable only in cases where the implementation of mitigating measures are within the capacity
of pr ject proponents. Modifications may be done through engineering interventions.

Table I Landfill Site Identification Criteria and Snccn)ng G uidelines
-f :..
Site Selection
ClliTERlA 1---
I Proximity lO The site shall not be located on Avoid sites within I km of confined If groundwater has a yield of more than ltve (5)
Groundwater Resources shallow unconltned aquifers. Areas in aquifers (deep wells) used as drinking liters per second, the aquifer is of major
or within 500 meters upgradient of water source. Also avoid major recharge environmental and economic importance.
groundwater reservoi r or water areas for future potable water sources. Verify with National Water Regulatory Board
supply intakes (water supply wells, (NWRB) groundwater recharge areas for
jetmatic pumps or open dug wells) Mini mum distance of2 meters shall be existing, pending or future water sources or
used for private or public drinking, maintained between the base of the aquifers used for drinking water supply.
irrigation or livestock shall also be landlillliner and the highest water table
excluded. (during rainy season) at the site. Proper engineering measures arc required to
avoid risk of groundwater contamination.
Locations of acti ve public drinking water
supply wells within one ( I) kilometer (km)
from the facility shall be shO\~n on the lacility

2 Proximity to Perennial The site shall not be located within Avoid areas within I km upgrad ient of a The conditional clause lor non-potable water
S tn·tace Waters 300 meters of watershed areas or perennial stream, ri ver or lake. Observe sources mny be adjusted if it is feasible to
upgradient (point of intake) of any the classification and actual use of water protect surface waters and catchment basins
surface waters used for public or bodies near the site. from contamination through engineering
private drinking water supply, measures.
irrigation or livestock.
Locations of' public water supply intakes within
I km Crom the facility shall be shown on the
facility map.

~ Local Geological The site shall not be located on areas Avoid areas within300 meters of jointed, Stringent engineering design will be required
Conditions (U nderlying with underlying rocks characterized fissured, fractured or porous rock for facilities to be located near jointed, fissured,
Rock Formation) as jointed, fractured or fissured; formations. fractured or porous rock formations to avoid

- I'ARAMET"'E-R8 - - -eRrfERIA CRITERIA Considerations
carbonate (l imestone or dolomite); groundwater contamination and reduce
karst, and other porous rock Avoid areas class ified as geological vulnerabi lity to geologic hazards.
formations; or in areas with ~inkholes hazards.
or caverns. Verify with DENR-MGB and DOST-
PHI VOLCS the site·s gco-hazard risks.

4 Seismic Conditions No facility shall be constructed at a Avoid areas within 500 meters of active The faci lity shall be able to wi thstand the
(Proximity to Faults) si re within 75 meters from a faults or in areas with an average return effects of a ground acceleration generated by an
Holocene fault (fuults from 60 period between 50 to I00 years for an earthquake of 50 to I00 years or more
million years old to present) 0 1· a earthquake of magnitude 6 and above. recurrence interval and wi th a magnitude of 6
known recent active fault. and above. Consult with references or seismic
simulation tool s from DE~R-MGB, DOST-
PI-IIVOLCS and other authorities.

5 Soil Propenies and 'l11e site shall not be located in Avoid areas with highly pem1eable soils 1\!SWMC Resolution No. 06 and DENR
Avai labi lity of Cover unstable, very soft and settling soils (loamy fine sand, loamy sand, sandy Administrative Order (DAO) 2006- 10 both
lvlaterial (sand, coarse sand or fine sand) with loam, fine sandy loa m or very fine sandy rcl.i:r to minimum soil permeability
high potential for liquefaction, loam). requ irements for Categories 1, 2 and 3 sanitary
sl umping or erosion. landfi lls (SLFs).
Avoid areas with soil permeability va lues
faster than Io·6 cm/s. For ease in compliance. clayey soil has to be
available at selected site. Otherwise an offsitc
The site needs to have an adequate guaranteed clay source shall be identified.
quantity of earth cover material that is
easily handled and compacted. The ideal daily soil cover is sandy loam. which
has good water and air permeability
characteristics that allows easy leveling and
compaction of the waste. If inert material is not
available, an ofl'site guaranteed source of cover
material shall be identified.

- P'Aibtl\1ETERs-- CRITERIA CRITERIA Co nsidcn\lions
- -

6 Topography (Ten:ain and The site shall not be located on a Avoid moumainous or hilly areas with Land filling in hilly areas is feasible bm steep
Slope) landslide-prone area with ground ground slopes nominally greater than slopes increase the costs associated with
slopes nominally greater than 50% or 20"10 or 5: I horizontal-to-vertical ratio. engineering and access arrangements to
2: I horizontal-to-vertical ratio or as Ideally. the site has a gently sloped minimize disaster risks. Complex topography
deten:nined by authorities. topography. also demands highly detailed hydro-geological
No site shall be situated in old
qua1Tics or abandoned mine pits. ~atural or man-made depressions or "bowls' do
not allow for free flow and collection of
leachate. lis aquifer is usually very exposed and
highly vulnerable to any type of contamination.
7 Vulnerability to The site shall not be located in areas Avoid locating site in areas that may be Strict engineering measures shall be required to
Flooding prone to seasonal flooding such as subject to washout or inundation during a protect the l~tcility against a I00-ycar flood,
swamplands, marshes and wetlands. major flood, i.e., I 00-year floodplain. including:
This also includes areas that are
deemed very highly susceptible to !\void areas with high rainfall and strong a. The area of the re.1·idual catchment basin
meteorologically-intlucnccd and wi nds, such as those vulnerable to shall not be less than three (3) times the mea
related natural hazards (flood-prone ex treme weather events (i.e., more than of the landfi ll si te.
areas) as declared by DF.NR-MGB or 300 nun/day) with increasing frequency b. Area shall have a Ji·ee draining capability
other appropriate authorities. as determined by DOST-PAGASA. (drainage pattern) both during construction
and operation of the facility.
c. l.ocal drainage syslem shall be in place and
functional to facilitate conveyance of
discharged water from landfills.
d. Consult with DOST-PAGASA and other
authorities rcgardi ng meteorological data and
projections needed for landfill design,
construction. operation and disaster risk


8 Proximity to Residential The sites shall not be located in or Avoid locating the facility within I km of The site shall be chosen \\~th regard to !

Areas and Other within 250 meters of existing or residential, commercial. industrial or sensitivities of the community' s residents.
Sensitive Land proposed residential, commercial or urban development areas, memorial sites,
Users urban development areas, and areas churches, schools, historical sites and The distance limitations in the remediable
of historical, archaeological, cultural, other public places. criteria may be mitigated if the site is isolated to
geolog ical, or scientific interests, protect sensitive receivers. Proper engineering
which are more than I00 years old Avoid areas that encroach the boundaries and management measures. including visual I

and declared by :--lational of any non-participating city or barriers, shall be applied as the site gets nearer
Commission for Culture and the Arts, municipality, e.g., not part of the cluster to sensitive land users. Measures also depend on
National Historical Institute or or shared facility. the topography of surrounding land as well as
Nationa l Museum. prevailing wind direction.

The suitability of si tes encroaching political

boundaries will depend on the proximity.
density of nearest households and acceptability
of the other political entity.
9 Proximity to The site shall not be located within Avoid areas within 500 meters of the Considerati on for sites ncar ecologically
Ecologicall y Sensitive or 500 n1eters of the boundaries of boundaries of potentially ecologically sensitive areas will depend on the local
Environmentally Critical ecologically sensitive areas sensitive areas that have proposed or conditions and accompanying engineering
Areas proclaimed as protected areas under pending declaration as national parks. measures. The exact extent of any ecologically
the National Integrated Protected conservation parks, r.:creation parks. sensitive areas should be verified with DENR-
Areas System (NlPAS) Act, or by forest reserves, sites of flora and fauna of NAMRIA, DENR-PA WB, DA-13FAR and
any related issuances, as national national or intcmational significance, other competent authorities.
parks (areas of national significance), wildlife sanctuary, mangrove areas, coral
conservation parks (areas wi th reefs, or wellands of important lfthe site is a habitat oflisted endangered
va luable wildlife or interesti ng biodiversity. species, mitigation measures for protection of
natural features), recreation parks the species as required by applicable laws shall
(areas managed primarily for public be included in the project proposal.
recreation with some native '

-- -l~ARAM to:TE-RS- -<:.--'RITEIUA - CRITERI A Considcr·ations

vegetation), forest reserves, sites of

flora and fauna of national or regional
significance, wildlife sanctuary,
mangrove areas. cora1 reels, or
wetlands of important biodiversity.

10 Consistency with The location of the facility shall be Avoid areas with valuable mineral and
The site may be located where there are existing
Current or Proposed consistent with the existing or energy resources, touri st destinations or infrasu·ucture routes as long as their presence
Land Usc Classification proposed land usc classificalion or across n1<~jor transportation routes, water, will not affect the landflll operation or if
comprehensive land use plan (CLUP) gas, electrical power or communication rerouting is economically feasible. Umd
0 r the host local government unit transmission infrastructures. i\1so avo id pmchase costs for prime agricultural land wi ll '

(LGU). areas classified as prime agricu1turalland be relatively high and a change of land usc \Vi ii
or inconsistent with the strategic require a permit from the Department of
agricultural zones of BSWM ofDA. AgriculUJre (DA) and Department of Agrarian
Reform (DAR). Stricter landfi ll operation will
be required to avo id damage to crops on
adj acent land.

II Proximity to Airports The site shall not be located within Avoid areas within I3 kilometers of the Permission shall be sought from the Civil
three (3) kilometers of an airport nearest airport. Aviation Authori ty of the Philippines (CAAP),
servicing turbojet aircraf.l or I .6 formerly the ATO, if the site is located within
kilometers of an airport servicing 13 km oflhe nearest airport. In addition, the
piston dri ven or turboprop (propeller) owner or operator of the landtill shall insti tute a
aircraH. bird control program to prevent luv.ards to
aircraft if bird population becomes significant
due to landfill operation.

L 12
Site Selection
Land fi II Area and
The si te shall be large enough to
A void sites where the area is insufficient
Small areas do not normaIIy aJ low for phase-

Li1espan accommodate waste for a period of Jbr a landfill designed to have a total wise expansior1 or acceptable economies of
five (5) years, with provision for lifespan of at least ten (10) years. scale. TI1e mini mum land area depends on total
expansion, during which people must service popuIat on, waste analysis and
internalize the value of characterizatio1 studies, and expected landfill
environmentally sound and service lite (q , 2.6 hall 00,000 population, 0.5
sustainable waste disposal. kg/person/day, 0.7 tons/m3 bul k dens ity and I0
rn fill height). Consideration for land
O\l.nership also has to be taken into account,
giving priority o publicly-owned lands.

!3 Haul Distance, The site shall be accessible from Areas more than 30 ki lometers away or If the distance ' r traveltime is more than the
Accessibility and Road major roadways and thoroughfares, 30 minutes travel time fi·om primary indieatedlimi l! , investment in either larger
Conditions provided that if it is not accessible, waste generation centers have to be capacity transport vehicles or transfer stations
the project design shall include avoided as much as possible. may be neceSSl ry.
means of access.
Road and traffi c conditions, incl uding load
.. capacity of bri<ges, also have to be assessed
and considered The area must be easily
accessible to wastc collection vehicles and all
landfillmachin cry at all times. Access road
must be all-we. ther and have adequate width
and load capac ty to cater tor two-way heavy
vehicle flow.

Secfon 2. Site Suitability Assessment and Selection Procedure

The following procedure, as illustrated with corresponding time frame in Annex 1, shall
be observed upon the request of LGU or private sector Proponcnt(s) for information or technical
assistance in the identification, assessment and selection of sites for proposed landfills and
integrated or clustered waste management facilities:

I . 1The Proponent(s) shall prepare a preliminary project description or concept for the proposed
facility. This document will provide baseline in fonnation about the estimated area needed
to accommodate the municipal solid '>~<l!Stc from participating cities/municipalities,
description of the potential sites and its land use classifications, as well as the envisioned
features/components of t11c facility. Such pre-assessments can be done by the proponent
based on pertinent information from their respective 10-year SWM Plans, WACS. CI.UP
and loca l SWM ordinances.
2. The Proponen t(s) shall send a written request to the Regional Directors of EMB and MGB
(with furnished copy to J)l:i:-IR Regional Executive Director) for assistance in conducting
environmental and geo-technical site assessments, respectively. EMB and MGB may
schedule the field dispatch of expeJts jointly or independently. Alternatively, the
Proponenr(s) have the option to have soil pcrmeahility or hydro-geological characteristics
tested by appropriate government agencies or accredited private labo ratories or universities,
r.rovided this should be done in coordination or consultation with F.1'v1B and MGR, or
rlcensed consultants.
3. The proposed or nominated sites shall ftrst be strictly assessed according to the parameters
of the Exclusion Criteria. If the site(s) have not violated any Exclusion Criterion, it will
then be evaluated using the parameters of the Conditional Criteria. However, if all
candidate sites fail in at least one Exclusion CriTerion, the Proponcnt(s) shall be asked to
ook for other siics.
4. fhe Proponent(s), EMB, MGI3 and consultants shall a~sess these proposed sites through
hematic map sieving techniques or by simple site selection mnking matrices, depending of
the capacity of the Proponent(s). ·tbe sites shall then be prioritized based on the results of
the ranking. The EMR and MGB shall then prepare their respective reports with
recommendations to proceed with more detailed investigations if at least one site is found to
have a potential or is conditionally suitable. The results of such detailed studies, including
hlCcommitment of the Proponent(s) to implement the recommended mitigating measures
for the site and facility. will be the basis lor selecting the most appropriate and acceptable
5. In case at least one site is found suitable and has been duly selected after undergoing
preliminary and detailed assessments, the Proponem(s) may proceed with the acquisition of
the site, preparation of C\)nceptual plans and engineering designs, ECC app lication and
f Ompliance to other cnvi ronmenl<ll permitting requirements as may be covered by other
jaws and regulations. On the other hand. if all candidate sites are still deemed unsuitable
after detailed assessments, the Proponent(s) shall look for other alternative sites, to
consider clustering with neighboring LGUs. or tO have other options in their SWM
programs. Subsequent technical assistance shall be extended by the DENR to the
r ·oponent(s) in locating and identi fying suitable alternative sites.

Section 3. Role of OENR, MGB >lnd EMB

The DENR. through the Environmental Management 13urcau (E\113), Mines and
Geosciences Bureau (MGB) and other concerned offices, shall provide technical assistance to
Proponcnt(s) by conducting search, hydro-geological investigation and environmental
evaluation, and in the selection or suitable sites for sanitary land fi ll s or integrated facilities. The
EMB tand MUB shall document results and prepare recommendations, which will serve as
attachj d references for ECC application and processing.

The DENR and, as may be necessary, other members of the Commission. shall issue their
respective Administrative Order(s) or any appropriate issuance for the enforcement and
disse!nination of this Resolution.

T his Resolution shall take effect upon approval.

APPR OVED on this S'h day of July, 2013.




Vice Chairman. National Solid w/

fi'f]Jresemative. Recycling Industry and
~1?;ncm Comtnission (1\SWMC)

AN!IiEX 1. Pr·occss l'low on Site Suita bility Assess ment and Selection Proced ure

Proponents prepare project conccpl for the proposed sanitary landfill or integrated facility.


Proponents identify potential candidate sites and gather as much information about the
area as possible vis-a-vis Site Identification Criteria (Table 1).

Proponents r·equcst EMB and MGB, lhrough its
Regional Directors, for technical assistance in
Site investigations or
laboratory testi ng may be
conducting environmental and hydro-geological undertaken by other
assessments, respectively. with letters copy govemment agencies,
furnished to Regiona l Executive Director of IJENR. accredited laborawries or
univer·s itics; provided that
! ! activities are coordi nated
EMB and MG[3 coordinate with Proponents for with EMB, MGB or
necessary arrangements and schedule the dispatch licensed professionals.
experts for actual field visit and site assessments.
J£1\18/J\IfGB responds within 2 weeki upon receipt ofrequest. l
i I Sites are pre-screened according to Exclusion Crileria to ensure that not a single
exclusion (or absolute) requirement is violated.
Thematic map sieving technique may be used, if within the capacity of Proponents.
1 A candidate si te has sati stlcd lill
Exclusion Criteria.

I Pre-screened sites are SLLbject to second-tier evaluation with regard to Condilional
Criteria through si te ranking or other teclmiques. EMB and :v!GB prepare
respective reports with recommendations on mitigating measures or further studies.
EMBIMGB .wbmirs report wiThin I monrh ofsite assessmeJ~t.

At least one site is acceptable
based on Condilional Criteria NO
ranking and Proponents are
com mitted to abide by conditions.
Consider alternatives such as

c lustering with neighboring
I.GUs or other SWM options

Proponents may proceed with site ucquisition, landfi ll planning, ECC seep ing and application, as
we ll as compliance to pcnnitting requ irements as covered by other laws •


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