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C. No.

AENG 251 2 (1+1)

Farm Machinery and Power
Lecture Outlines

S.No. Topic Page No.

1 Farm power - sources of different farm power, advantages and 2-4
2 Internal combustion engine - different components and their 5 -15
functions, working principle of four stroke and two stroke cycle
engine, comparison between diesel and petrol engine, difference
between four and two stroke engine.
3 Terminology related to engine power: IHP, BHP, FHP, DBHP, 16 – 20
compression ratio, stroke bore ratio, piston displacement, and
mechanical efficiency. Numerical problems on calculation of
IHP, BHP, C.R., stroke bore ratio, piston displacement volume.
4 Fuel supply and cooling system of I.C. engine – types, 21 – 31
components and their functions, working principle of forced
circulation cooling system.
5 Ignition and power transmission system of I.C engine – types, 32 - 38
components and their functions, working principle of battery
ignition system.
6 Lubrication system of I.C. engine – types, purpose, components 39 - 47
and their functions, working principle of forced feed system.
Tractors classification, types, points to be considered in
selection of tractors, estimating the cost of operation of tractor
7 Tillage - primary and secondary tillage. M.B. plough – 48 - 56
functions, constructional features, operational adjustments and
8 Disc plough – functions, constructional details, operational 57 - 61
adjustments and maintenance.
9 Numerical problems on M.B. plough and disc plough. 62 - 64
10 Harrows – types, functions, operation of disc harrows. 65 - 77
Cultivators – rigid and spring loaded tynes. Puddlers, cage
wheel, rotovators. Intercultural implements – hoes and weeders
for dry and wetland cultivation.
11 Sowing equipment - seed cum fertilizer drills – types, functions, 78 - 87
types of metering mechanisms, functional components,
calibration. Paddy transplanters.
12 Harvesting equipment – sickles, self propelled reaper, alignment 88 - 93
and registration. Combines, functions of combines.
13 Plant protection equipment – types of sprayers, constructional 94 – 101
features of knapsack sprayer, hand compression sprayer, foot
sprayer, rocker sprayer and power sprayer, care and
maintenance of sprayers.
14 Dusters – hand rotary and power operated dusters, care and 102 - 103
maintenance of dusters.
15 Tractor mounted equipments for land development and soil 104- 106
conservation – functions of bund former, ridger, and leveling
16 Farm mechanization – engineering intervention for production 107 - 110
and productivity, percentage share of different power sources,
level of mechanization of different operations (power sources).
Lecture No.1
Farm power - sources of different farm power, advantages and disadvantages.

1.0 Farm power

Various types of agricultural operations performed on a farm can be broadly
classified as:
1. Tractive work – such as seed bed preparation, cultivation, harvesting and
2. Stationary work- such as silage cutting, feed grinding, threshing,
winnowing and lifting of irrigation water.
These operations are done by different sources of power, namely human,
animal, mechanical power (oil engines and tractors), electrical power and
renewable energy (solar energy, biogas, biomass and wind energy).

1.1 Human power

Human beings are the main sources of power for operating small tools and
implements at the farm. They are also employed for doing stationary work
like threshing, winnowing, chaff cutting and lifting irrigation water. Of the
total rural population in India, only 30% is available for doing farm work. The
indications are that the decline in number of labourers employed for
agriculture. On an average, a man develops nearly 0.1 horse power (hp).
Advantages: Easily available and used for all types of work.
Disadvantages: Costliest power compared to all other farms of power, very
low efficiency, requires full maintenance when not in use and affected by
weather condition and seasons.

1.2 Animal power

The most important source of power on the farm all over the world and
particularly in India is animal. It is estimated that, nearly 80% of the total
draft power used in agriculture throughout the World is still provided by
animals. India is having 22.68 crore cattle, which is the highest in the World.
Mainly, bullocks and buffaloes happen to be the principle sources of animal
power on Indian farms. However, camels, horses, donkeys and elephants are
also used for the farm work. The average force a bullock can exert is nearly

equal to one tenth of its body weight. Power developed by an average pair of
bullocks is about 1 hp for usual farm work.
1. Easily available.
2. Used for all types of work.
3. Low initial investment.
4. Supplies manure to the field and fuels to farmers.
5. Live on farm produce.

1. Not very efficient.
2. Seasons and weather affect the efficiency.
3. Cannot work at a stretch.
4. Require full maintenance when there is no farm work.
5. Creates unhealthy and dirty atmosphere near the residence.
6. Very slow in doing work.

1.3 Mechanical power

It is available through tractors, power tillers and oil engines. The oil engine is
a highly efficient device for converting fuel into useful work. The efficiency
of diesel engine varies between 32 and 38%, whereas that of the carburetor
engine (Petrol engine) is in the range of 25 and 32%. In recent years, diesel
engines, tractors and power tillers have gained considerable popularity in
agricultural operations. It is estimated that, about one million tractors of 25 hp
range are in use for various agricultural operations in India. Similarly, total
number of oil engines of 5 hp for stationery work is 60 lakhs. Normally,
stationery diesel engines are used for pumping water, flour mills, oil ghanis,
cotton gins, chaff cutter, sugarcane crusher, threshers and winnowers etc.,

Advantages: Efficiency is high; not affected by weather; cannot run at a

stretch; requires less space and cheaper form of power.
Disadvantages: Initial capital investment is high; fuel is costly and repairs
and maintenance needs technical knowledge.

1.4 Electrical power

Now-a- day‟s electricity has become a very important source of power on
farms in various states of the country. Electrical power is used mostly for

running electrical motors for pumping water, dairy industry, cold storage,
farm product processing, and cattle feed grinding. It is clean source of power
and smooth running. The operating cost remains almost constant throughout
its life. Its maintenance and operation need less attention and care. On an
average, about 1/10th of the total electrical power generated in India, is
consumed for the farm work, approximately it is 4600 megawatt.

Advantages: Very cheap form of power; high efficiency; can work at a

stretch; maintenance and operating cost is very low and not affected by
weather conditions.
Disadvantages: Initial capital investment is high; require good amount of
technical knowledge and it causes great danger, if handled without care,

1.5 Renewable energy

It is the energy mainly obtained from biomass; biogas, solar and wind are
mainly used in agriculture for power generation and various agricultural
processing operations. It can b used for lighting, power generation, water
heating, drying, greenhouse heating, water distillation, refrigeration and diesel
engine operation. This type of energy is inexhaustible in nature. The
availability of wind energy for farm work is quite limited. Where the wind
velocity is more than 32 kmph, wind mills can be used for lifting water. Main
limitation for this source is uncertainty. Average capacity of a wind mill
would be about 0.5 hp. There are about 2540 windmills in India. It is the
cheapest sources of farm power available in India.

Lecture No.2
Internal combustion engine - different components and their functions, working
principle of four stroke and two stroke cycle engine, comparison between diesel and
petrol engine, difference between four and two stroke engine.

Heat engine is a machine for converting heat, developed by burning fuel into
useful work (or) it is equipment which generates thermal energy and
transforms it into mechanical energy. Heat engine is of two types: (i) External
combustion engine, and (ii) Internal combustion engine.

2.0 External combustion engine: It is the engine designed to derive its

power from the fuel, burnt outside the engine cylinder. Here combustion
process uses heat in the form of steam, which is generated in a boiler, placed
entirely separate from the working cylinder.

2.1 Internal combustion engine (I. C. Engine): It is the engine designed to

derive its power from the fuel, burnt within the engine cylinder. Here
combustion of fuel and generation of heat takes place within the cylinder of
the engine.

2.2 Principle of I.C. Engine

A mixture of fuel with correct amount of air is exploded in an engine cylinder
which is closed at one end. As a result of explosion, heat is released and this
causes the pressure of the burning gases to increase. This pressure increase,
forces a close fitting piston to move down the cylinder. This movement of
piston is transmitted to a crankshaft by a connecting rod so that the crankshaft
turns a flywheel. To obtain continuous rotation of the crankshaft this
explosion has to be repeated. Before this, the burnt gases have to be expelled
from the cylinder. At the same time the fresh charge of fuel and air must be
admitted and the piston must be returns back to its starting position. This
sequence of events is known as working cycle.

2.3 Working of I.C. Engine

I.C. engine converts the reciprocating motion of piston into rotary motion of
the crankshaft by means of connecting rod. The piston which reciprocates in
the cylinder is very close fit in the cylinder. Rings are inserted in the
circumferential grooves of the piston to prevent leakage of gases from sides

of the piston. Usually a cylinder is bored in a cylinder block. A gasket, made
of copper sheet or asbestos is inserted between the cylinder and the cylinder
head. The combustion space is provided at the top of the cylinder head where
combustion takes place. There is a rod called connecting rod for connecting
the piston and the crankshaft. A pin called gudgeon pin or wristpin is
provided for connecting the piston and the connecting rod of the engine. The
end of the connecting rod which fits over the gudgeon pin is called small end
of the connecting rod. The other end which fits over the crank pin is called
big end of the connecting rod. The crankshaft rotates in main bearings which
are fitted in the crankcase. A flywheel is provided at one end of the crankshaft
for smoothening the uneven torque, produced by the engine. There is an oil
sump at the bottom of the engine which contains lubricating oil for lubricating
different parts of the engine (Fig.1).

Fig. 1. Working components of I.C.Engine

2.4 Engine components

Internal combustion engine consists of the following parts (Fig.2):
Cylinder: It is a part of the engine which confines the expanding gases and
forms the combustion space. It is the basic part of the engine. It provides
space in which piston operates to suck the air or air-fuel mixture. The piston
compresses the charge and the gas is allowed to expand in the cylinder,
transmitting power for useful work. Cylinders are usually made of high grade
cast iron.

Fig. 2.Components of I.C.Engine

Cylinder block: It is the solid casting which includes the cylinder and water
jackets (cooling fins in the air cooled engines).
Cylinder head: It is detachable portion of an engine which covers the
cylinder and includes the combustion chamber, spark plugs and valves.
Cylinder liner or sleeve: It is a cylindrical lining either wet or dry which is
inserted in the cylinder block in which the piston slides. Cylinder liners are
fitted in the cylinder bore and they are easily replaceable. The overhauling
and repairing of the engines, fitted with liners is easy and economical. Liners
are classified as: dry liner, and wet liner. Dry liner makes metal to metal
contact with the cylinder block casting. Wet liners come in contact with the
cooling water, whereas dry liners do not come in contact with cooling water.

Piston: It is a cylindrical part closed at one end which maintains a close

sliding fit in the engine cylinder. It is connected to the connecting rod by a
piston pin. The force of the expanding gases against the closed end of the
piston, forces the piston down in the cylinder. This causes the connecting rod
to rotate the crankshaft. Cast iron is chosen due to its high compressive
strength, low coefficient of expansion, resistance to high temperature, ease of

casting and low cost. Aluminum and its alloys are preferred mainly due to its
Head (crown) of piston: It is top of the piston.
Skirt: It is that portion of the piston below the piston pin which is designed
to absorb the side movements of the piston.

Piston ring: It is a split expansion ring, placed in the groove of the piston.
Piston rings are fitted in the grooves, made in the piston. They are usually
made of cast iron or pressed steel alloy. The functions of the ring are as
(a) It forms a gas tight combustion chamber for all positions of piston.
(b) It reduces contact area between cylinder wall and piston wall for
preventing friction losses and excessive wear.
(c) It controls the cylinder lubrication.
(d) It transmits the heat away from the piston to the cylinder walls.
Piston rings are of two types: (a) Compression ring and (b) Oil ring.

(a) Compression ring. Compression rings are usually plain, single piece and
are always placed in the grooves, nearest to the piston head.
(b) Oil ring. Oil rings are grooved or slotted and are located either in lowest
groove above the piston pin or in a groove above the piston skirt. They
control the distribution of lubrication oil in the cylinder and the piston. They
prevent excessive oil consumption also. Oil ring is provided with small holes
through which excess oil returns back to the crankcase chamber.

Piston pin: It is also called wrist pin or gudgeon pin. Piston pin is used to
join the connecting rod to the piston. It provides a flexible or hinge like
connection between the piston and the connecting rod. It is usually made of
case hardened alloy steel.

Connecting rod: It is a special type of rod, one end of which is attached to

the piston and the other end to the crankshaft. It transmits the power of
combustion to the crankshaft and makes it rotate continuously. It is usually
made of drop forged steel.

Crankshaft: It is the main shaft of an engine which converts the
reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion of the flywheel. Usually
the crankshaft is made of drop forged steel or cast steel. The space that
supports the crankshaft in the cylinder block is called main journal, whereas
the part to which connecting rod is attached is known as crank journal.

Fly wheel: Fly wheel is made of cast iron. Its main functions are as follows:
(a) It stores energy during power stroke and returns back the same energy
during the idle strokes, providing a uniform rotary motion by virtue of its
(b) It also carries ring gear that meshes with the pinion of the starting motor.
(c) The rear surface of the flywheel serves as one of the pressure surfaces for
the clutch plate.
(d) Engine timing marks are usually stamped on the flywheel, which helps in
adjusting the timing of the engine.
(e) Some times the flywheel serves the purpose of a pulley for transmitting

Crankcase: The crankcase is that part of the engine which supports and
encloses the crankshaft and camshaft. It provides a reservoir for the
lubricating oil of the engine.
Cam shaft: It is a shaft which raises and lowers the inlet and exhaust valves
at proper time. Camshaft is driven by crankshaft by means of gears, chains or
sprockets. The speed of the camshaft is exactly half the speed of the
crankshaft in four stroke engine. Camshaft operates the ignition timing
mechanism, lubricating oil pump and fuel pump. It is mounted in the
crankcase, parallel to the crankshaft.

Timing gear: Timing gear is a combination of gears, one gear of which is

mounted at one end of the camshaft and other gear on the end of the end of
the crankshaft. Camshaft gear is bigger in size than that of the crankshaft gear
and it has twice as many teeth as that of the losing crankshaft gear. For this
reason, this gear is commonly called Half time gear. Timing gear controls the
timing of ignition, timing of opening and closing of valves as well as fuel
injection timing.

Inlet manifold: It is that part of the engine through which air or air-fuel
mixture enters into the engine cylinder. It is fitted by the side of the cylinder

Exhaust manifold: It is that part of the engine through which exhaust gases
go out of the engine cylinder. It is capable of with-standing high temperature
of burnt gases. It is fitted by the side of the cylinder head.

2.5 Internal engine classification

Internal combustion engines are classified in two types depending on the
period required to complete a cycle of operation. They are four stroke and two
stroke engines.
1. When the cycle is completed in two revolutions of the crankshaft, it is
called four stroke cycle engines.
2. When the cycle is completed in one revolution of the crankshaft, it is called
two stroke cycle engines.

I.C. engines are of two types: (i) Petrol engine (carburetor type, spark ignition
engine), and (ii) diesel engine (compression ignition engine).
Petrol engine: It is the engine, in which liquid fuel is atomized, vaporized
and mixed with air in correct proportion before entering onto the engine
cylinder during suction stroke. The fuel is ignited in the cylinder by an
electric spark.
Diesel engine: In this engine, during suction stroke, only air is entered into
the cylinder and compressed. The fuel is injected through fuel injectors and
ignited by heat of compression.

2.5.1 Working of four stroke cycle engine

In four stroke cycle engine, all the events taking place inside the engine
cylinder are completed in four strokes of the piston i.e., suction, compression,
power and exhaust stroke (Fig.3). This engine has got valves for controlling
the inlet of charge and outlet of exhaust gases. In two stroke cycle engine, all
the events take place in two strokes of the piston.

The four strokes of the piston are as follows:
1. Suction stroke: During this stroke, only air or mixture of air and fuel are
drawn inside the cylinder. The charge enters the engine through inlet valve
which remains open during admission of charge. The exhaust valve remains
closed during this stroke. The pressure in the engine cylinder is less than
atmospheric pressure during this stroke.

2. Compression strike: The charge taken in the cylinder is compressed by

the piston during this stroke. The entire charge of the cylinder is compressed
to a small volume contained in the clearance volume of the cylinder. If only
air is compressed in the cylinder (as in the case of diesel engine), the fuel is
injected at the end of the compression stroke. The ignition takes place due to
high pressure and temperature. If the mixture of air and fuel is compressed in
the cylinder (as in the case of spark ignition engine i.e., petrol engine), the
mixture is ignited by spark plug. After ignition, tremendous amount of heat is
generated, causing very high pressure in the cylinder which pushes the piston
backward for useful work. Both valves are closed during this stroke.

3. Power stroke: During power stroke, the high pressure developed due to
combustion of fuel causes the piston to be forced downwards. The connecting
rod with the help of crankshaft transmits the power to the transmission system
for useful work. Both valves are closed during this stroke.

4. Exhaust stroke: Exhaust gases go out through exhaust valves during this
stroke. All the burnt gases go out of the engine and the cylinder becomes
ready to receive the fresh charge. The inlet valve is closed and exhaust valve
remains open during this stroke. The exhaust valve is closed just after the end
of the exhaust stroke, and the inlet valve is opened just before the burning of
the suction stroke to repeat the cycle of operation.
Thus it is found that out of four strokes, there is only one power stroke
and three idle strokes. The power stroke supplies necessary momentum for
useful work.

Fig. 3. Working of four stroke cycle engine

2.5.2 Two stroke cycle engine

In such engines, the whole sequence of events i.e. suction, compression,
power and exhaust are completed in two strokes of the piston and in one
complete revolution of the crankshaft (Fig.4). There is no valve in this type of
engine. Gas movement takes place through holes called ports in the cylinder.
The crankcase of the engine is gas tight in which the crankshaft rotates.

Fig. 4. Working of two stroke cycle engine

First stroke (suction + compression): When the piston moves up the cylinder,
it covers two of the ports, the exhaust port and the transfer port, which are
normally almost opposite to each other. This traps a charge of fresh mixture
in the cylinder and further upward movement of the piston compresses this
charge. Further movement of the piston also uncovers a third port in the
cylinder suction port. More fresh mixture is drawn through this port into the
crankcase. Just before the end of this stroke, the mixture in the cylinder is
ignited as in the four stroke cycle.

Second stroke (Power + exhaust): The rise in pressure in the cylinder caused
by the burning gases forces the piston to move down the cylinder. When the
piston goes down, it covers and closes the suction port, trapping the mixture
drawn into the crankcase during the previous stroke then compressing it.
Further downward movements of the piston uncover first the exhaust port and
then transfer port. This allows the burnt gases to flow out through exhaust
port. Also the fresh mixture under pressure in the crankcase is transferred into
the cylinder through transfer port during this stroke. Special shaped piston
crown deflect the incoming mixture up around the cylinder so that it can help
in driving out the exhaust gases.
When the piston is at the top of its stroke, it is said to be at the top dead
centre (TDC). When the piston is at the bottom of its stroke, it is said to be at
its bottom dead centre (BDC). In two stroke cycle engine, both the sides of
the piston are effective, which is not the case in case of four stroke cycle

Scavenging: The process of removal of burnt or exhaust gases from the

engine cylinder is known as scavenging. Entire burnt gases do not go out in
normal stroke, hence some type of blower or compressor is used to remove
the exhaust gases in two stroke cycle engine.

2.6 Comparison between diesel and petrol (carburetor) engines
S.No. Diesel engine Petrol engine
1. Diesel fuels are used. Vapourizing fuels such as petrol,
powerine or kerosene are used.

2. Air alone is taken in during Mixture of air and fuel is taken in.
suction stroke.
3. Fuel is injected into super Air-fuel is compressed in the
heated air of the combustion combustion chamber where it is
space where burning takes ignited by an electric spark.

4. Air-fuel ratio is not constant Air and fuel are almost always in the
as the quantity of air drawn ratio of 15:1, but to vary the engine
into the cylinder is always power, quantity of mixture is varied.
the same. To vary the load
and speed the quantity of
fuel injected is changed.

5. Compression ratio of the Compression ratio of the engine

engine varies from 14:1 to varies from 5:1 to 8:1.

6. Specific fuel consumption is Specific fuel consumption is about

about 0.2 kg per BHP per 0.29 kg per BHP per hour.

7. 4.5 litres of fuel is sufficient 4.5 litres of fuel will last about 12 hp
for nearly 20 hp hour. hour.

8. Diesel engine develops This characteristic is not present in

more torque, when it is carburetor engines.
heavily loaded.

9. Thermal efficiency varies Thermal efficiency varies between

between 32 and 38%. 25 and 32%.

10. It runs at a lower Combustion gas temperature is

temperature on part load. slightly higher under part load.

11. Engine weight per horse Engine weight per horse power is
power is high. comparatively low.

12. Initial cost is high. Initial cost is low.

13. Operating cost is low. Operating cost is comparatively high.

2.7 Comparison between two stroke and four stroke engines
S.No. Particulars Four stroke engine Two stroke engine
1. No. of power stroke one power stroke for one power stroke
every two revolutions for each revolutions
of the crankshaft of the crankshaft
2. Power for the same Small Large (about 1.5
cylinder volume times of 4 stroke)
3. Valve mechanism Present Ports instead of
4. Construction and cost Complicated and Simple, cheap
5. Fuel consumption Little High (about 15%
6. Removal of exhaust Easy Difficult
7. Durability Good Poor
8. Stability of operation High Low
9. Lubrication Equipped with an Using fuel, mixed
independent with lubricating oil
lubricating oil circuit
10. Oil consumption Little Much
11. Carbon deposit inside Not so much Much because of
cylinder mixed fuel
12. Noise Suction & exhaust is Suction & exhaust
noiseless, but other is noiseless, but
working is noisy other working is
noise less
13. Air tight of crankcase Un necessary Must be sealed
14. Cooling Normal Chances of
15. Self weight and size Heavy & large Light & small

Lecture No.3
Terminology related to engine power: IHP, BHP, FHP, DBHP, compression ratio,
stroke bore ratio, piston displacement, and mechanical efficiency. Numerical problems
on calculation of IHP, BHP, C.R., stroke bore ratio, piston displacement volume.

3.0 Engine Terminology

Fig.5. Diagram showing TDC and BDC positions

Bore : Bore is the diameter of the engine cylinder (Fig.5).

Stroke : It is the linear distance traveled by the piston from Top dead centre
(TDC) to Bottom dead centre (BDC).
Stroke-bore ratio: The ratio of length of stroke (L) and diameter of bore (D)
of the Cylinder is called Stroke-bore ratio (L/D). In general, this ratio varies
between 1 to 1.45 and for tractor engines, this ratio is about 1.25.
Swept volume (Piston displacement): It is the volume (A x L) displaced by
one stroke of the piston where A is the cross sectional area of piston and L is
the length of stroke.
Compression ratio: It is the ratio of the volume of the charge at the
beginning of the compression stroke to that at the end of compression
stroke, i.e., ration of total cylinder volume to clearance volume.
Compression ration of diesel engine varies from 14:1 to 20:1, carburetor
engine varies from 4:1 to 8:1.
Power : It is the rate of doing work. Unit of power in SI units - Watt

Horse power: It is the rate of doing work. One HP is equivalent to 75 kg-m /
Indicated Horse Power (IHP): it is the total horse power developed by all
the cylinders and received by pistons, without friction and losses within the
IHP = (for four stroke engine)
4500 2

IHP = n (for two stroke engine)
Where P - Mean effective pressure in Kg/cm2
L- Length of the piston stroke in meters
A -Cross sectional area of piston in cm2
N- rpm of the engine
n - Number of cylinders in the engine

Brake horse power (B.H.P): It is the horsepower delivered by the engine

and is available at the end of the crankshaft and it is measured by suitable
Frictional horse power (F.H.P): It is the power required to run the engine at
a given speed with out producing any useful work. It represents the friction
and pumping losses of the engine.
F.H.P= I.H.P - B.H.P
I.H.P = B.H.P + F.H.P
Drawbar horse power (DBHP): It is the power of a tractor measured at
the end of the drawbar. It is the power required to pull the loads.
Brake mean effective pressure ( BMEP): It is the average pressure
acting throughout the entire power strokes which are necessary to produce
BHP of the engine.
BHP 75 60
BMEP = (for four stroke engine)
BHP 75 60
BMEP = (for two stroke engine)
L A N n

Thermal efficiency: It is the ratio of the horse power output of the

engine to the fuel horse power.

Mechanical efficiency: It is the ratio of the brake horse power to the
indicated horse power.
Mechanical efficiency= 100
Piston speed (Np) : It is the total length of travel of the piston in a
cylinder in one minute. Piston speeds of the high speed tractor engine range
between 300 to 500 m/m.
Displacement volume (Vd) : It is the total swept volume of all the
pistons during power strokes occurring in a period of one minute.
Vd = ALn
A – piston area
L – piston stroke
N – number of power strokes per minute for all cylinders.

Example 1: Calculate the BHP of a 4 stroke, 4 cylinder I.C. Engine which has
cylinder bore of 14 cm, stroke length of 16 cm, crankshaft speed of 1100
rpm, frictional horse power of 30, and mean effective pressure is 8 kg/cm2.


Data given: D = 14 cm ; L = 16 cm; N = 1100 rpm; FHP =30 and P=8 kg/cm2
IHP = (for four stroke engine)
4500 2
8 0.16 14 1100
4 4
IHP = = 96.4
4500 2
I.H.P = B.H.P + F.H.P
BHP = IHP – FHP = 96.4 – 30 = 66.4

Example 2: The horse power developed at the end of crankshaft of a 4 stroke,

4 cylinder I C engines was found to be 30 HP at a speed of 1500 RPM. The
mean effective pressure is 6 kg/cm2 .The stroke-bore ratio is 1.3. Find the
length of stroke and diameter of bore if the mechanical efficiency is 80%.

Data given: BHP =30; N = 1500; P=6 kg/cm2; 80%

Mechanical efficiency= 100
BHP 30 100
IHP = = = 37.5
IHP = (for four stroke engine)
4500 2

Stroke-bore ratio = 1.3 L = 1.3 D

6 1.3D D 1500
4 4
4500 2

37.5 = 4.08 D3 D = 2.1 cm

L = 1.3 × 2.1 = 2.7 cm

Example 3: A Four cylinder four stroke diesel engine has a cylinder diameter
of 20 cm, stroke-bore ratio is 1.45, clearance volume 4508 cm3, engine speed
250 rpm, mean effective pressure 6.8 kg/cm2 and mechanical efficiency is
75%. Calculate (i) IHP, (II) BHP (iii) Compression ratio and (iv) Swept

Data given: D = 20 cm; N =250; P = 6.8 kg/cm2; 75%
clearance volume = 4508 cm2
Stroke-bore ratio = 1.45
Where D= 20 cm
L = 1.45× 20 = 29 cm

(i) IHP = (for four stroke engine)
4500 2
6.8 0.29 20 250
4 4
IHP = = 68.9
4500 2
(ii) Mechanical efficiency= 100
IHP 68.9 75
BHP = = = 51.7
100 100

(iii) and (iv) Compression ratio: Swept volume + Clearence volume
Clearence volume
Swept volume = A x L
= (20) 2 29 = 9114.3 cm
9114.3 4508
Compression ratio = = 3.02

Example 4: Calculate (i) IHP (ii) BHP (iii) Stroke bore ratio (iv)
Compression ratio (v) Swept volume of a four stroke four cylinder I.C. engine
with the following data:
Cylinder size : 12.5 x 15 cm
Fly wheel speed : 1200 rpm
Mean effective pressure : 7 kg/cm2
Mechanical efficiency : 70%
Clearance volume : 150 CC

Data given: L = 15 cm; D = 12.5 cm; N = 1200; P = 7 kg/cm2; 70%
(i) IHP = (for four stroke engine)
4500 2
7.0 0.15 12.5 1200
4 4
IHP = = 68.7
4500 2
(ii) Mechanical efficiency= 100
IHP 68.7 70
BHP = = = 48.1
100 100
L 15
(iii) Stroke-bore ratio = = 1.2
D 12.5
(iv) and (v) Compression ratio: Swept volume + Clearence volume
Clearence volume
Swept volume = A x L
= (12.5) 2 15 = 1841.5 cm
1841.5 150
Compression ratio = = 13.3

Lecture No.4
Fuel supply and cooling system of I.C. engine – types, components and their functions,
working principle of forced circulation cooling system.

4.0 Fuel and fuel supply system

Fuel is a substance consumed by the engine to produce energy. The common
fuels for IC engines are: (i) petrol, (ii) power kerosene, (iii) high speed diesel
oil (H.S.D oil) and (iv) light diesel oil (L.D.O)

4.1 Quality of fuel

The quality of fuel mainly depends upon the following properties: (i)
volatility, (ii) calorific value and (iii) ignition quality of fuel. A good fuel
contains a combination of qualities such as good volatility, high antiknock
value, chemical purity, and freedom from gum.

4.1.1 Volatility
It is the vapourizing ability of a fuel at a given temperature. It indicates the
operating characteristics of the fuel inside the engine. It is measured by means
of distillation tests on the fuel.
In IC engine, all the liquid fuel must be converted into vapour fuel
before burning. Petrol which shows lower initial and final boiling points,
compared to other fuels, vapourizes at a lower temperature. HSD oil is most
difficult to vapourize. Its vapourizing temperature is higher than that of the
petrol, hence the petrol vapourizes quicker than diesel oil in the engine
cylinder. This helps in easy starting of petrol engines. The oil that vapourizes
quickly can be distributed well in different cylinders of the engine, hence
distribution of fuel in different cylinders is better in petrol engine than that of
diesel engine.

4.1.2 Calorific value

The heat liberated by combustion of a fuel is known as calorific value or heat
value of the fuel. It is expressed in kcal/kg of the fuel. Calorific values
(kcal/kg) of different fuels are as follows:
1) Petrol – 11,100 (highest)
2) Power kerosene – 10,850
3) High speed diesel oil (HSD oil)- 10,550
4) Light diesel oil (LDO oil) – 10,300

4.1.3 Ignition quality
It refers to ease of burning the oil in the combustion chamber. Octane number
and cetane number are the measures of ignition quality of the fuel. Octane
number is standard yardstick for measuring knock characteristics of fuels.
Cetane number is the relative measure of the interval between the
beginning of injection and auto-ignition of the fuel. The higher the cetane
number, the shorter the delay interval and the greater its combustibility. Fuels
with low cetane Numbers will result in difficult starting, noise and exhaust

4.2 Detonation
Detonation or engine knocking refers to violent noises heard in an engine
during the process of combustion after the piston has passed over the TDC. It
is an undesirable combustion and results in sudden rise in pressure, a loss of
power and overheating of the engine. This may cause damage to pistons,
valves, gasket and other parts.
Detonation is caused by improper combustion chamber, high
compression pressure, early ignition timing, improper fuel and inadequate
cooling arrangement.

4.3 Pre-ignition
Burning of air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber before the piston has
reached the TDC is called pre-ignition. This may be due to excessive heat in
the cylinder.

4.4 Fuel supply system in compression ignition engine or diesel engine

The main components of the fuel supply system in diesel engine are: (i) fuel
tank, (ii) primary fuel filter, (iii) fuel transfer pump or fuel lift pump, (iv)
secondary fuel filter, (v) fuel injection pump, (vi) high pressure pipes, (vii)
fuel injection nozzles or fuel injectors and over flow pipe (Fig.6).
During engine operation, the fuel is supplied by gravity from fuel tank
to the primary filter where coarse impurities are removed. From the primary
filter, the fuel is drawn by fuel transfer pump. This pump is also known as
fuel lift pump, is activated by a cam on the engine camshaft. The fuel lift
pump forces fuel under low pressure (2.5 kg/cm2) through the secondary fuel

filter to the injection pump, which is generally driven by the camshaft. The
purpose of fuel injection pump is to deliver a metered quantity of fuel at a
predetermined time under pressure (120 to 175 kg/cm2 or more) through the
high pressure tubes to the injection nozzles or injectors. The fuel that leaks
out from the injection nozzles passes out through leakage pipe and returns to
the fuel tank through the over flow pipe. In some tractors and industrial
engines, the fuel supply is by gravity and hence no fuel lift pump is provided.

Two conditions are essential for efficient operation of the system:

(a) The fuel should be clean, free from water, suspended dirt, sand or other
foreign matter.
(b) The fuel injection pump should create proper pressure, so that diesel fuel
may be perfectly atomized by injectors at proper time and quantity.

Fig. 6. Fuel supply system in diesel engine

4.4.1 Components of fuel supply system

Fuel tank
It is a storage tank of suitable size and shape, usually made of mild steel
sheet. Atmospheric pressure is maintained in the tank with the help of a pin

hole on the cap. Usually a wire gauge strainer is provided under the cap to
prevent foreign particles. Usually a drain plug is provided at the bottom for
flow of fuel.

Fuel lift pump

It transfers adequate amount of fuel from the fuel tank to the inlet gallery of
the injection pump through fuel filter. The fuel pressure at the fuel lift pump
in the range of 1.5 to 2.5 kg/cm2. It is mounted on the body of fuel injection
pump. Fuel lift pump may be (i) plunger type, (ii) diaphragm type.

Fuel filter
It is a device to remove dirt and solid particles from the fuel to ensure trouble
free fuel supply (Fig.7). Solid particles and dust in diesel fuel are very
harmful for giving a fine degree of filtration. Fuel injection equipment in
diesel engines is extremely sensitive to dirt and solid particles present in fuel.
It consists of a hollow cylindrical element contained in a shell, an
annular space being left between the shell and the element. The filtering
element consists of metal gauge in conjunction with various media such as
packed fibers, woven cloth, felt, paper etc. These filters are replaced at certain
intervals, specified by the manufacturer.
Usually there are two filters in diesel engine: (1) Primary filter and (2)
secondary filter. The primary filter removes water and coarse particle of dirt
from the fuel. The secondary filter removes fine sediments from the fuel.
Usually the primary filter is placed between the tank and the fuel lift pump.

Fig. 7. Fuel filter

Fuel injection pump

It is a high pressure pump, which delivers metered quantity of fuel to each
cylinder at appropriate time under pressure according to the firing order of the

engine. It is used to create pressure varying from 120 to 175 kg/cm2. Fuel
injection pumps are mostly constant stroke type and in most of the tractors
there is an individual pump for each cylinder.

The pumps used in tractor are of two types: (i) multi element pump and (ii)
(ii) Distributor (Rotor) type pump.

Multi element injection pump

The plunger (Fig.8) reciprocates in close fitting barrel with the help of tappet
and spring. The upper part of the plunger has got helix, which makes it
possible to vary the delivery of the fuel. An annular groove in the central part
of the plunger facilitates the distribution of fuel over the barrel. As the
plunger moves down, the fuel enters the barrel from inlet side. As plunger
moves up, it closes the inlet part of the barrel and pressurizes the fuel in the
barrel. This causes delivery valve to lift off its seat and allows the fuel to
enter into the injection line, leading to the fuel injector. As soon as the edge of
the helix uncovers the split part of the barrel, the fuel pressure quickly drops.
The cam shaft of the fuel injection pump is driven directly from the engine
timing gear.

Fig. 8. Multi element fuel injection pump

Distributor ( rotor) type pump:

In this type of pump, one plunger and one barrel assembly deliver fuel not to
one cylinder but to several cylinders. The plunger not only reciprocates, but
rotates in a close fitting barrel. This helps in distributing fuel to a number of
cylinders at a time.

Fuel injector
It is the component which delivers finely atomized fuel under high pressure to
the combustion chamber of the engine. Modern tractor engines use fuel
injectors which have multiple holes.

Air cleaner
It is a device, which filters and removes dust, moisture and other foreign
matter from the air before if reaches the engine cylinder. Air cleaner is
usually of two types: (1) Dry type air cleaner and (2) Oil bath type air

Dry type air cleaner

The filtering element in this case is a type of felt. The felt has got larger
surface area, reduces the air speed while passing through and consequently
particle or dirt in the air is deposited on or stopped by its surface.

Oil bath type air cleaner

In this type of air cleaner, the incoming air impinges upon the surface of the
oil, kept in a container in the lower part of the casing. The foreign particles of
the air are trapped in the oil and then the air passes through a wire element
before reaching the inlet manifold of the engine. The wire element also arrests
the remaining dirt particles of the air.

Governor is a mechanical device designed to control the speed of an engine
within specified limit used on tractor or stationary engine for: (i) maintaining
a nearly constant speed of engine under different load conditions (ii)
protecting the engine and the attached equipments against high speeds, when
the load is reduced or removed. Tractor engines are always fitted with
governor. There is an important difference in principle between the controls
of a tractor engine and that of a motor car. In case of motor car, the fuel
supply is under direct control of the accelerator pedal, but in tractor engine,
the fuel supply is controlled by the governor. The operator changes the engine
speed by moving the governor control lever.

A governor is essential on a tractor engine for the reason that load on
the tractor engine is subjected to rapid variation in the field and the operator
can not control the rapid change of the engine speed without any automatic
device. For example, if the load on the tractor is reduced, the engine would
tend to race suddenly. If the load is increased, the engine would tend to slow
down abruptly. Under these circumstances, it becomes difficult for the
operator to regulate always the throttle lever to meet the temporary changes in
the engine load. A governor automatically regulates the engine speed on
varying load condition and thus the operator is relieved of the duty of constant
regulating the throttle lever to suit different load conditions.

Principle of governor
Engine Governor is used for automatically controlling the speed of an engine
regulating the intake of fuel or injection fuel, so that engine speed is
maintained at the desired level under all conditions of loading.
Governor used on tractor engine is called variable speed governor and the one
used on stationary engine is called constant speed governor. Governing
system is classified as: (i) hit and miss system, (ii) throttle system

4.5 Cooling System

Fuel is burnt inside the cylinder of an internal combustion engine to produce
power. The temperature produced on the power stroke of an engine can be as
high as 1600ºC and this is greater than melting point of engine parts.
The cylinder and cylinder head are usually made of cast iron and pistons in
most cases are made of aluminum alloy. It is estimated that about 40 % of
total heat produced is passed to the atmosphere via the exhaust, 30 % is
removed by cooling system and only about 30% is used to produce useful
4.5.1 Bad effect of high temperature in the engine
(i) Cylinder and piston may expand to such an extent that the piston would
seize in the cylinder and stop the engine.
(ii) Lubricating quality of the oil inside the cylinder would be destroyed due
to high temperature and there may not be sucking of air in the cylinder.
(iii) Pre-ignition of fuel mixture would take place and would cause engine
knocking as well as loss of power.

For satisfactory performance of the engine, neither overheating nor over-
cooling is desirable. Experiments have shown that best operating temperature
of I.C engine lies between 140ºF to 200 ºF, depending upon types of engines
and load conditions.

4.5.2 Purpose of cooling

(i) To maintain optimum temperature of engine for efficient operation under
all conditions.
(ii) To dissipate surplus heat for protection of engine components like
cylinder, cylinder head, piston, piston rings and valves.
(iii) To maintain the lubricating property of the oil inside the engine cylinder
for normal functioning of the engine.
There are two different methods of cooling: (i) air cooling and (ii) water

4.5.3 Air cooling

Air cooled engines are those engines, in which heat is conducted from the
working components of the engine to the atmosphere directly. In such
engines, cylinders are generally not grouped in a block.

Principle of air cooling

The cylinder of an air cooled engine has fins to increase the area of contact of
air for speedy cooling. The cylinder is normally enclosed in a sheet metal
casing called Cowling. The flywheel has blades projecting from its face, so
that it acts like a fan drawing air through a hole in the cowling and directing it
around the finned cylinder. For maintenance of air cooling system, passage of
air is kept clean by removing grasses etc. This is done by removing the
cowling and cleaning out the dirt etc. by a stiff brush or compressed air.
When separate fan is provided, the belt tension is to be checked and adjusted
if necessary.
Advantages of air cooling
It is simpler in design and construction. Water jackets, radiators, water pump,
thermostat, pipes, hoses etc. are not needed. It is more compact. It is
comparatively lighter in weight.

There is uneven cooling of the engine parts. Engine temperature is generally
high during working period.

4.5.4 Water cooling

Engines, using water as cooling medium is called “water cooled engines”.
The liquid is circulated round the cylinders to absorb heat from the cylinder
walls. In general, water is used as cooling liquid. The heated water is
conducted through a radiator which helps in cooling the water.
There are three common methods of water cooling: (i) Open jacket or hopper
method, (ii) Thermo siphon method, and (iii) Forced circulation method.
Forced circulation method
In this method, a water pump is used to force water from the radiator to the
water jacket of the engine. After circulating the entire run of water jacket, hot
water goes to the radiator, where it passes through tubes surrounded by air. A
fan is driven with the help of a V-belt to suck air through tubes of the radiator
unit, cooling radiator water. To maintain the correct engine temperature, a
thermostat valve is placed at the outer end of cylinder head. Cooling liquid is
by-passed through the water jacket of the engine until engine attains the
desired temperature. Then thermostat valve opens and the by-pass is closed,
allowing the water to go to the radiator. The system consists of water pump,
radiator, fan, fan-belt, water jacket, thermostat valve, temperature gauge and
hose pipe (Fig.9).

Fig. 9. Working of forced circulation cooling system

Water pump
It is a centrifugal type pump. It has a casing and an impeller, mounted on a
shaft. The casing is usually made of cast iron. Pump shaft is made of some
non-corrosive material. At the end of the shaft, a small pulley is fitted which
is driven by a V-belt. Water pump is mounted at the front end of the cylinder
block between the block and the radiator. When the impeller rotates, the water
between the impeller blades is thrown outward by centrifugal force and thus
water goes to the cylinder under pressure. The pump outlet is connected by a
hose pipe to the bottom of the radiator. The impeller shaft is supported on one
or more bearings. There is a seal which prevents leakage of water.

Radiator is a device for cooling the circulating water in the engine. It holds a
large volume of water in close contact with a large volume of air so that heat
is transferred from the water to the air easily.
Hot water flows into thee radiator at the top and cold water flows out
from the bottom. Tubes or passages carry the water from the top of the
radiator to the bottom, passing it over a large metal surface. Air flows
between the tubes or through the cells at right angles to the downward
flowing water. This helps in transferring the heat from the water to the
atmosphere. On the basis of fabrication, the radiator is of two types: tubular
type and cellular type.
Tubular type radiator: It has round or flat water tubes, leading from the top
to the bottom of the radiator. They may be soldered, brazed or welded in
place or fastened by means of a stuffing box at each end. Fins or folded strips
of light sheet metal, placed between the tubes, increase the radiating surface
and improve the heat transfer.
Cellular type radiator: It has a core made of short air tubes which are laid
horizontally and soldered together at the ends with space between them to
allow water to flow. It is also called Honey comb type radiator.

Thermostat valve
It is a control valve, used in the cooling system to control the flow of water
when activated by a temperature signal.
It is a special type of valve, which closes the inlet passage of the water
connected to the radiator. The thermostat is placed in the water passage

between the cylinder head and the top of radiator. Its purpose is to close this
passage when the engine is cold, so that water circulation is restricted,
causing the engine to reach operating temperature more quickly. Thermostats
are designed to start opening at 70ºC to 75 ºC and then fully open at 82 ºC for
petrol engine and 88-90 ºC for diesel engine.
The thermostat valves are of two types:
(a) Bellows and
(b) Bimetallic.
(a) Bellows type: Bellows type thermostats have got bellows, which contain
a liquid like alcohol or ether. The liquid expands with the increase of
temperature and raises the valve off its seat. This permits the water to
circulate between the engine and the radiator.
(b) Bimetallic type: It consists of a bimetallic strip. Unequal expansion of
two metallic strips causes the valve to open and allows the water to flow to
the radiator.
Water jackets: Water jackets are cored out around the engine cylinder so that
water can circulate freely around the cylinder as well as around the valve
Fan: The fan is usually mounted on the water pump shaft. It is driven by the
same belt that drives the pump and the dynamo. The purpose of the fan is to
provide strong draft of air through the radiator to improve engine cooling.

Lecture No.5
Ignition and power transmission system of I.C engine – types, components and their
functions, working principle of battery ignition system.

5.0 Ignition system

Fuel mixture of I. C engine must be ignited in the engine cylinder at proper
time for useful work. Arrangement of different components for providing
such ignition at proper time in the engine cylinder is called ignition system.
There are four different systems of igniting fuel: (i) ignition by electric
spark i.e., spark ignition, (ii) ignition by heat of compression i.e.
compression ignition, (iii) ignition by hot tube or hot bulb and (iv) ignition
by open flame. Only the first two are important methods for modern engines.

5.1 Spark ignition

The purpose of spark ignition is to deliver a perfectly timed surge of
electricity across an open spark plug gap in each cylinder at the exact
moment, so that the charge may start burning with maximum efficiency.
There are two methods in spark ignition: (a) Battery ignition and (b) Magneto

5.1.1 Battery ignition

Battery ignition system includes two circuits: low voltage (primary circuit)
and high voltage (secondary circuit). The low-voltage circuit consists of : (i)
battery (ii) ignition switch (iii) a series register (IV) primary winding and (v)
contact breaker. All are connected in series. The high voltage circuit consists
of: (i) secondary winding (ii) distributor rotor (iii) high voltage wiring and
(iv) spark plugs. They are also connected in series. Battery ignition system on
a modern tractor includes a storage battery, ignition switch, high tension coil,
distributor, contact breaker mechanism, condenser, spark plugs, generator and

Electric current is supplied by the battery to the ignition circuit. When the
distributor breaker points are closed, low voltage current flows through the
primary winding of the ignition coil to the distributor terminal and through

the breaker points to the ground. During this time, a strong magnetic field
built up in the coil. When the piston is at the end of compression stroke, the
distributor points are opened, the magnetic field in the coil starts collapsing.
Thus, a current is induced in the primary winding of the coil, which tends to
prevent break down of the magnetic field. A very high voltage is produced in
the secondary winding due to sudden collapse of the magnetic field. This
sudden collapse of the magnetic field in the coil, produces a very high voltage
across the secondary winding terminals to a value of 20 to 24 thousand volts.
The high-voltage surge is delivered to the center terminal of the distributor
cap, where it is picked up by the rotor and directed to the proper spark plug.
The high voltage is capable of jumping the spark across the gap of the spark
plug and ignites the compressed air-fuel mixture (Fig.10).

Fig. 10. Circuit diagram for battery ignition system

This system of a number of components such as: (i) Spark plug (ii)
Distributor (iii)Ignition coil(iv)Condenser (v) Ignition switch (vi) Dynamo
and (vii) Storage battery.
(1) Spark plug
Spark plug ignites the air –fuel mixture in combustion chamber. It is a device
for the high voltage current to jump and ignite the charge. Each spark plug
consists of a threaded outer shell with an outside electrode, insulator and a
copper gasket. The width of the gap between the points of the two electrodes
of a spark plug should conform to the manufacturers. If the clearance is too
wide, it does not give satisfactory operation. Usually the spark plug gap
settings are kept between 0.5 and 0.85 mm. The higher the compression
pressure, the more difficult it is for the current to jump the gap. In this case,

the gap setting should be closer. In adjusting the spark plug gap, it is always
the outer electrode that is bent. The central electrode is never bent, otherwise
the porcelain insulator may break. Sometimes, one or more cylinders of a
tractor engine do not fire, or fire irregularly. This is generally due to dirty,
cracked or ground plugs. A rich mixture causes carbon deposits on the plugs.
Under all circumstances, the plugs should be taken out and cleaned properly.
The heat range of the spark plug is determined by the distance the
heat must travel from the lower most tip of the central electrode to the engine
block (via) the spark plug gasket. The farther the heat travels, the hotter the
plug will run. Based on this, the spark plugs classified into two types: (a) cold
plug and (b) hot plug. Cold plug has a short insulator, extending into the
cylinder. It conducts the heat away from the point rapidly, allowing it to be
cooled by the cylinder jacket. The short path dissipates heat quickly, so it is
named as cold plug. Cold plugs are used on petrol engines. Hot plug has
comparatively longer insulator, so the heat has to pass through a longer path
to reach the cooling water and hence the heat is not dissipated quickly. Hot
plugs are used for powerine engines.

This is a rotary switch driven by the engine through gears at half the engine
speed. This device used for interrupting the low voltage primary current and
distributing the resulting high voltage current to the engine cylinder in proper
sequence and in proper time.
The main functions of distributor are:
(i) it closes and opens the primary circuit.
(ii) it distributes the resulting high voltage current to the engine cylinder in
proper sequence and in proper time.
Distributor cap is made of Bakelite or similar non-conducting material. High-
tension cables connect the terminals in the distributor cap to the spark plug.

Ignition coil
It serves the purpose of a small transformer, which sets up low voltage (may
be 6 volts) to very high voltage (may be 20,000 volts). It is necessary to jump
the gap of the spark plug. The ignition coil is sealed to prevent entry of
moisture which would cause short circuiting within the coil.

A condenser consists of a pair of flat metal plates, separated by air. The most
common type of condenser is of metal foil strips, separated by wax
impregnated paper. The condenser in the distributor is connected across the
contact breaker points. It is used to produce a quick collapse of the magnetic
field in the coil to obtain extremely high voltage. In doing so, the condenser
prevents sparking across the contact breaker points, thus preventing the points
from burning.

Ignition switch
A switch is provided in the primary circuit for starting and stopping the
engine is called ignition switch. It may be push pull type or key type.

The purpose of the dynamo is to keep the battery charged and to supply
current for ignition, light and other electrical accessories. The dynamo
supplies direct current to the battery and keeps it fully charged.

Storage battery
Storage battery is a device for converting chemical energy into electrical
energy. There are several types of battery, but lead-acid battery is most
common for IC engines, used for tractors and automobiles. A battery consists
of plates, separators, electrolyte, container and terminal wire.
Plates are of two types: (i) positive and (ii) negative. All positive and
negative plates are rectangular in shape. All positive plates are connected
together to form a positive group and negative plates are connected together
to form a negative group. Positive plates are made of lead and antimony and
negative plates are made of spongy lead. Separators are used to act as
insulators between the plates to prevent them from touching each other to
avoid short-circuiting. Usually separators are made of wood, rubber and
cellulose fibre. Electrolyte is the chemical solution used in battery for
chemical reaction. It consists of 35% sulphuric acid and 65% distilled water
by weight with a specific gravity of 1.280 in fully charged condition. The
specific gravity is measured by hydrometer. The electrolyte level should be
12 to 14 mm above the top edge of the plates. Specific gravity of the
electrolyte should be checked at suitable interval. If the specific gravity is

below 1.225, it should be charged. Container is usually made of hard rubber.
The tops are covered with rubber material and sealed with a water proof
compound. Terminal wires are two in number, one connects the positive
terminal and other connects the negative terminal with the electric circuit.

5.2 Power transmission system

Transmission is a speed reducing mechanism, equipped with several gears
(Fig.11). It may be called a sequence of gears and shafts, through which the
engine power is transmitted to the tractor wheels. The system consists of
various devices that cause forward and backward movement of tractor to suit
different field condition. The complete path of power from the engine to the
wheels is called power train.

Fig. 11. Power transmission system of tractor

5.2.1 Function of power transmission system

(i) to transmit power from the engine to the rear wheels of the tractor.
(ii) to make reduced speed available, to rear wheels of the tractor.
(iii) to alter the ratio of wheel speed and engine speed in order to suit the field
(iv) to transmit power through right angle drive, because the crankshaft and
rear axle are normally at right angles to each other.
The power transmission system consists of: (a) clutch, (b) transmission gears
(c) differential, (d) final drive, (e) rear axle, (f) rear wheels. Combination of
all these components is responsible for transmission of power.

5.2.2 Clutch
Clutch is a device, used to connect and disconnect the tractor engine from the
transmission gears and drive wheels. Clutch transmits power by means of
friction between driving members and driven members.
Necessity of clutch in a tractor
Clutch in a tractor is essential for the following reasons:
(i) Engine needs cranking by any suitable device. For easy cranking, the
engine is disconnected from the rest of the transmission unit by a suitable
clutch. After starting the engine, the clutch is engaged to transmit power from
the engine to the gear box.
(ii) In order to change the gears, the gear box must be kept free from the
engine power, otherwise the gear teeth will be damaged and engagement of
gear will not be perfect. This work is done by a clutch.
(iii) When the belt pulley of the tractor works in the field it needs to be
stopped without stopping the engine. This is done by a clutch.
Essential features of a good clutch
(i) It should have good ability of taking load without dragging and chattering.
(ii) It should have higher capacity to transmit maximum power without
(iii) Friction surface should be highly resistant to heat effect.
(iv) The control by hand lever or pedal lever should be easy.
Types of clutch
Clutches are mainly of three types:
(1) Friction clutch (2) Dog clutch (3) Fluid coupling.
Friction clutch (Fig.12) is most popular in four wheel tractors. Fluid clutch is
also used in some tractors these days. Dog clutch is mostly used in power
tillers. Friction clutch may be subdivided into three classes: (a) Single plate
clutch or single disc clutch (b) Multiple plate clutch or multiple disc clutch (c)
Cone clutch.

Fig. 12. Single plate clutch

5.2.3 Gears
Speed varies according to the field requirements and so a number of gear
ratios are provided to suit the varying conditions. Gears are usually made of
alloy steels. As the tractor has to transmit heavy torque all the time, best
quality lubricants free from sediments, grit, alkali and moisture, is used for
lubrication purpose. SAE 90 oil is generally recommended for gear box.

5.2.4 Differential
Differential unit (Fig.13) is a special arrangement of gears to permit one of
the rear wheels of the tractor to rotate slower or faster than other. While
turning the tractor on a curve path, the inner wheel has to travel lesser
distance than the outer wheel. The inner wheel requires lesser power than the
outer wheel, this condition is fulfilled by differential unit, which permits one
of the rear wheels of the tractor to move faster than the other at the turning

Fig.13. Tractor differential unit

5.2.5 Differential lock

Differential lock is a device to join both half axles of the tractor so that even
if one wheel is under less resistance, the tractor comes out from the mud etc
as both wheels move with the same speed and apply equal traction.

5.2.6 Final drive

Final drive is a rear reduction unit in the power trains between the differential
and drive wheels.

Lecture No.6
Lubrication system of I.C. engine – types, purpose, components and their functions,
working principle of forced feed system. Tractors classification, types, points to be
considered in selection of tractors, estimating the cost of operation of tractor power.

6.0 Lubrication System

IC Engine is made of many moving parts. Due to continuous movement of
two metallic surfaces over each other, there is wearing of moving parts,
generation of heat and loss of power in the engine. Lubrication of moving
parts is essential to prevent all these harmful effects.

6.1 Purpose of lubrication

Lubrication of the moving parts of an IC Engine performs the following
(i) Reduces the wear and prevents seizure of rubbing surfaces (Reduce wear)
(ii) Reduces the power needed to overcome the frictional resistance (Reduce
frictional effect).
(iii) Removes the heat from the piston and other parts (Cooling effect)
(iv) Serves as a seat between piston rings and cylinder (Sealing effect)
(v) Removes the foreign material between the engine working parts
(Cleaning effect)
Reducing frictional effect
The primary purpose of the lubrication is to reduce friction and wear between
two rubbing surfaces. The continuous friction produces heat which causes
wearing of parts and loss of power. This can be avoided by proper lubrication,
which forms an oil film between two moving surfaces.
Cooling effect
The heat generated by piston, cylinder and bearings is removed by lubrication
to a great extent. Lubrication creates cooling effect on the engine parts.
Sealing effect
The lubricant enters into the gap between the cylinder liner, piston and piston
rings. Thus, it prevents leakage of gases from the engine cylinder.
Cleaning effect
Lubrication keeps the engine clean by removing dirt or carbon from inside of
the engine along with the oil.

6.2 Types of Lubricants
Lubricants are obtained from animal fat, vegetables and minerals. Lubricants
made of animal fat, does not stand much heat. It becomes waxy and gummy
which is not very suitable for machines. Vegetable lubricants are obtained
from seeds, fruits and plants. Cotton seed oil, Olive oil, linseed oil and Castor
oil are used as lubricant in small simple machines. Mineral lubricants are
most popular for engines and machines. It is obtained from crude petroleum
found in nature. Petroleum lubricants are less expensive and suitable for IC

6.3 Engine lubricating system

The lubricating system of an engine is an arrangement of mechanism and
devices which maintains supply of lubricating oil to the rubbing surface of an
engine at correct pressure and temperature. The parts which require
lubrication are: (i) cylinder walls and piston, (ii) piston pin (iii) crankshaft and
connecting rod bearings (iv) cam shaft bearings (v) valves and valve
operating mechanism (vi) cooling fan (vii) water pump and (viii) ignition
mechanism. There are three common systems of lubrication used on
stationery engines, tractor engines and automobiles: (i) splash system, (ii)
forced feed system, and (iii) combination of splash and forced feed system.

6.3.1 Forced feed system

In this system, the oil is pumped directly to all the moving parts (i.e.,
crankshaft, connecting rod, piston pin, timing gears and cam shaft) of the
engine through suitable paths of oil (Fig.14). Lubricating oil pump is a
positive displacement pump, usually gear or vane type, which is driven by
the camshaft, forces oil from the crankcase to all crankshaft, and connecting
rod bearings, cam shaft bearings and timing gears. Usually the oil first enters
the main gallery, which may be a pipe or a channel in the crankcase casting.
From this pipe, it passes to each of the main bearings through holes. From
main bearings, it passes to big end bearings of connecting rod through drilled
holes in the crankshaft. From there, it passes to lubricate the walls, pistons
and rings. There is separate oil gallery to lubricate timing gears. The oil also
passes to valve stem and rocker arm shaft under pressure through an oil
gallery. The excess oil comes back from the cylinder head to the crankcase.
The pump discharges oil into oil pipes, oil galleries or ducts, leading to

different parts of the engine. The system is commonly used on high speed
multi-cylinder engine in tractors, trucks and automobiles.

Fig. 14. Working of forced circulation lubrication system

Oil Pump
It is usually a gear type pump, used to force oil into the oil pipe. The pump is
driven by the camshaft of the engine. The lower end of the pump extends
down into the crankcase, which is covered with a screen to check foreign
particles. A portion of the oil is forced to the oil filter and the remaining oil
goes to lubricate various parts of the engine. An oil pressure gauge fitted in
the line, indicates the oil pressure in the lubricating system. About 3 kg/cm 2
pressure is developed in the lubrication system of a tractor engine.

Oil filters
Lubricating oil in an engine becomes contaminated with various materials
such as dirt, metal particles and carbon. An oil filter removes all the dirty
elements of the oil in an effective way. It is a type of strainer using cloth,
paper, felt, wire screen or similar elements. Some oil filters can be cleaned by
washing, but in general old filters are replaced by new filters at specified
interval of time. It is normally changed after about 120 hours of engine
operation. Oil filters are of two types: (i) full-flow filter, and (ii) by-pass filter

Full flow filter
In this filter, the entire quantity of oil is forced to circulate through it before it
enters the engine. A spring loaded valve is usually fitted in the filter as a
protection device against oil starvation in case of filter getting clogged.
By pass filter
By pass filters take a small portion of oil from the pump and return the
filtered oil into the sump. Over a period of operation, all the oil in the
crankcase passes through the filter. Through the filter, the balance oil reaches
directly to the engine parts.
Crankcase breather
The engine crankcase is always fitted with some kind of breather, connecting
the space above the oil level with the outside atmosphere. During the
operation of engine, the crankcase oil reaches a temperature of 160-170°F or
even more and simultaneously the air above it gets heated up. Consequently
the air is likely to expand and cause pressure rise if it were unable to escape.
The purpose of breather is to prevent building up pressure in the crankcase. It
serves as ventilating passage of air.
Relief valve
It is provided to control the quantity of oil circulation and to maintain correct
pressure in the lubricating system.

6.4 Farm tractor

Tractor is a self propelled power unit having wheels or tracks for operating
agricultural implements and machines including trailers. Tractor engine is
used as a prime mover for active tools and stationary farm machinery through
power take-off shaft (PTO) or belt pulley.
6.4.1 Tractor development
The present tractor is the result of gradual development of machine in
different stages. History of tractor development is given below in
chronological order.
1890: The word tractor appeared first on record in a patent issued on a tractor
or tractor engine invented by George H.Harris of Chicago.
1906: Successful gasoline tractor was introduced by Charles W. Hart and
Charles H. Parr of Charles city, Iowa (48A).
1920-1924: All purpose tractor was developed.

1936-1937: Diesel engine was used in tractor and pneumatic tires were
1960-61: Tractor manufacturing was started in India by first manufacturer
M/s Eicher Good Earth.
1971: Escorts tractor Ltd started producing ford tractor.
1982 Universal tractors were established.

6.4.2 Classification and selection of tractors

Tractors can be classified into three classes on the basis of structural design:
(i) Wheel tractor (ii) Crawler tractor (track type or chain type) and (iii)
Walking tractor (power tiller).
(i) Wheel tractor: Tractors, having three of four pneumatic wheels are called
wheel tractors. Four wheel tractors are most popular every where.
(ii) Crawler tractor: This is also called track type tractor or chain type
tractor. In such tractors, there is endless chain or track in place of pneumatic
(iii) Power tiller: Power tiller is a walking type tractor. This tractor is usually
fitted with two wheels only. The direction of travel and its control for field
operation is performed by the operator, walking behind the tractor.

On the basis of purpose, wheeled tractor is classified into three groups:

General purpose (b) Row crop and (c) Special purpose.
(a) General purpose tractor: It is used for major farm operations such as
ploughing, harrowing, sowing, harvesting and transporting work. Such
tractors have (i) low ground clearance (ii) increased engine power (iii) good
adhesion and (iv) wide tyres.
(b) Row crop tractors: It is mainly designed to work in rows like planting,
interculture etc. Such tractor is provided with replaceable driving wheels of
different thread widths. It has high ground clearance to save damage of crops.
Wide wheel track can be adjusted to suit inter row distance.
(c) Orchard tractors: These are special type of tractors, are mainly used in
orchards. Such tractors have (i) less weight (ii) less width and (iii) no
projected parts.

(d) Special purpose tractor: It is used for definite jobs like cotton fields,
marshy land, hill sides, garden etc. Special designs are there for special
purpose tractor.

6.4.3 Tractor components

A tractor is made of following main components: (1) I.C. engine (2) Clutch
(3) Transmission gears (4) Differential units (5) Final drive (6) Rear or
wheels (7) Front wheels (8) Steering mechanism (9) Hydraulic control and
hitch system (10) Brakes (11) Power take-off unit (12) Tractor pulley and
(13) Control panel.

6.4.4 Selection of tractor

(i) Land holding: Under a single cropping pattern, it is normally
recommended to consider 1hp for every 2 hectares of land. In other words,
one tractor of 20-25 hp is suitable for 40 hectares farm.
(ii) Cropping pattern: Generally 1.5 hectare/hp has been recommended
where adequate irrigation facilities are available and more than one crop is
taken. So a 30-35 hp tractor is suitable for 40 hectares farm.
(iii) Soil condition: A tractor with less wheel base, higher ground clearance
and low overall weight may work successfully in lighter soil but it will not be
able to give sufficient depth in black cotton soil.
(iv) Climatic conditions: For very hot zone and desert area, air cooled
engines are preferred over water cooled engines. Similarly for higher altitude,
air cooled engines are preferred because water is liable to be frozen at higher
(v) Repairing facilities: It should be ensured that the tractor to be purchased
has a dealer at nearby place with all the technical skills for repair and
maintenance of machine.
(vi) Running cost: Tractors with less specific fuel consumption should be
preferred over others so that running cost may be less.
(vii) Initial cost and resale value: While keeping the resale value in mind,
the initial cost should not be very high, otherwise higher amount of interest
will have to be paid.
(viii) Test report: Test report of tractors released from farm machinery
testing stations should be consulted for guidance.

6.4.5 Estimating the cost of tractor power
The cost of operation of tractor is divided under two heads known as Fixed
cost and Operating cost.
Fixed cost includes: (i) Depreciation, (ii) Interest on the capital, (iii) Housing,
(iv) Insurance and (v) Taxes.
Operating cost includes: (i) Fuel, (ii) Lubricants, (iii) Repairs and
maintenance, and (iv) Wages.

Fixed cost
Depreciation: It is the loss of value of a machine with the passing of time.
D is the depreciation per year
C is the capital investment
S is the salvage value, 10% of capital
H is the number of working hours per year and
L is the life of machine in years

Interest: Interest is calculated on the average investment of the tractor taking

into consideration the value of the tractor in first and last year.
C S i
2 H
I is the interest per hour
I is the % rate of interest per year

Housing: Housing cost is calculated on the basis of the prevailing rates in the
locality. In general, it may be taken as 1% of the initial cost of the tractor per
Insurance: Insurance charge is calculated on the basis of the actual payment
to the insurance company. In general, it may be taken as 1% of the initial cost
of the tractor per year.
Taxes: Taxes is calculated on the basis of the actual taxes paid per year. In
general, it may be taken as 1% of the initial cost of the tractor per year.

Operating cost
Fuel cost: It is calculated on the basis of actual fuel consumption in the
Lubricants: Charges for lubricants should be calculated on the actual
consumption. In general, it may be takes 30 to 35% of the fuel cost.
Repairs and maintenance: It varies between 5 to 10% of the initial cost of
the tractor per year.
Wages: It is calculated on the basis of actual wages of the driver.

Problem 1:
Calculate the cost of operation of a 35 HP tractor per hour and hp hour. Initial
cost is Rs. 5,50,000-00, life of the tractor is 12 years, number of working
hours are 1200 per year, interest on the capital is 10%, cost of the diesel is Rs.
40/- per litre, fuel consumption is 5 litres per hour, wages of the driver is Rs.
36,000/-, lubricants cost is 35% of the fuel cost, repairs and replacements is
10% of initial cost; housing, taxes and insurance is 1.5% each of the initial
Data given: C = Rs. 5,50,000/-
L = 12 years
H = 1200 hours er year
i = 10%
Cost of diesel = Rs.40/- per litre
Fuel consumption = 5 litres/hour
Wages of the driver = Rs. 36,000/- per annum
Lubricants cost = 35% of fuel cost.
Repairs and replacements cost = 10% of initial cost
Housing, taxes and insurance = 1.5% each of the initial cost

Fixed cost
C S 550000 0
D = = Rs. 38.19 per hour
L H 12 1200
( Since salvage value is not given, hence it is taken as “0”)

C S i
2 H
550000 0 10 1
I= = Rs. 22.92 per hour
2 100 1200

Housing cost
1.5 1
H= 550000 = 6.87 per hour
100 1200
Similarly, Insurance is Rs. 6.87 and Taxes are Rs. 6.87 per hour
Total fixed cost per hour = 38.19+22.92+6.87+6.87+6.87 = Rs. 81.72

Operating cost
Fuel cost = 40 ×5 = Rs. 200.00 per hour
Lubricants cost = 200 = Rs. 70.00 per hour
10 1
Repairs and replacements cost = 550000 = Rs. 45.83
100 1200
Wages = = Rs. 30.00
Total operating cost per hour = 200+70+45.83+30 = Rs. 345.83

Total cost of operation per hour = Total fixed cost + Total operating cost
= 81.72 + 345.83 = Rs. 427.55
Total cost of operation per hp per hour = = Rs. 12.22

Lecture No.7
Tillage - primary and secondary tillage. M.B. plough – functions, constructional
features, operational adjustments and maintenance.

7.0 Tillage
It is a mechanical manipulation of soil to provide favourable condition for
crop production. Soil tillage consists of breaking the compact surface of earth
to a certain depth and to loosen the soil mass, so as to enable the roots of the
crops to penetrate and spread into the soil. Tillage may be called the practice
of modifying the state of soil to provide favourable conditions for plant
growth. Tillage operation is most labour consuming and difficult operation,
compared to all subsequent operation in the field.
7.1 Objective of tillage
1. to obtain deep seed bed, suitable for different type of crops.
2. to add more humus and fertility to soil by covering the vegetation.
3. to destroy and prevent weeds.
4. to aerate the soil for proper growth of crops.
5. to increase water absorbing capacity of the soil.
6. to destroy the insects, pests and their breeding places and
7. to reduce the soil erosion.

7.2 Classification and types of tillage

Tillage is divided into two classes: 1. Primary tillage, 2. Secondary tillage

7.2.1 Primary tillage: It constitutes the initial major soil working operation.
It is normally designed to reduce soil strength, cover plant materials, and
rearrange aggregates. The operations performed to open up any cultivable
land with a view to prepare a seed bed for growing crops in known as Primary
tillage. Implements may be tractor drawn or animal drawn implements.
Animal drawn implements mostly include indigenous plough and mould-
board plough. Tractor drawn implements include mould-board plough, disc
plough, subsoil plough, chisel plough and other similar implements.
7.2.2 Secondary tillage: Tillage operations following primary tillage which
are performed to crease proper soil tilth for seeding and planting are
Secondary tillage. These are lighter and finer operations, performed on the
soil after primary tillage operations. Secondary tillage consists of

conditioning the soil to meet the different tillage objectives of the farm. The
implements used for secondary tillage operations are called Secondary tillage
implements. They include different types of harrow, cultivators, levelers,
cited crushers and similar implements. These operations are generally done
on the surface soil of the farm. Seconday tillage operations do not cause
much soil inversion and shifting of soil from one place to other. These
operations consume less power per unit area compared to primary tillage
operations. Secondary tillage implements may be tractor drawn or bullock
drawn implements. Bullock drawn implements include harrows, cultivators,
hoes etc.

7.3 Indigenous plough

Indigenous plough is one of the most common implements used by Indian
farmers. There are about 40 or more different types of indigenous ploughs in
this country which are basically the same, but with variations in their shape,
size and weight. These variations are due to soil types and tillage
requirements of various crops.
In addition to ploughing, the plough is used for sowing crops like wheat,
barley, gram etc., for interculture and for harvesting the underground part of
The main parts of the plough are i) body ii) shoe iii) share iv) beam and v)
handle. The body is the main part of the plough to which the shoe, beam and
handle are generally attached. The share is the working part of the plough,
and is attached to the shoe, which penetrates into the soil and breaks it open.
The shoe also helps in stabilizing and balancing the plough while in
operation. The beam is generally a long wooden piece which connects the
main body of the plough to the yoke. A wooden piece which is attached
vertically to the body to enable the operator to control the plough is called the

7.3.1 Ploughing by indigenous plough

When the plough is pulled forward, the shoe and share enter the soil and
separate the furrow slice from the main body of the soil. A portion of the soil
rides over the shoe, but the larger portion is pushed aside to both sides. After
the plough has moved ahead leaving the furrow behind, some of the cut soil
falls back into the furrow. It has been observed that an indigenous plough cuts

a trapezoidal furrow cross section and leaves some unploughed land between
the two adjacent furrows. To plough almost every bit of soil in the field, an
indigenous plough has to be used three times. This is the main reason for the
high energy and time requirements in using an indigenous plough as
compared to other types. For complete and through ploughing of a field, the
indigenous plough must be operated three times: first ploughing, then cross
ploughing and finally ploughing along the corners.

7.4 Mould board plough

A mouldboard plough is very common implement used for primer tillage
operations. This plough performs several functions at a time such as (1)
Cutting the furrow slice (2) Lifting the furrow slice (3) turning the furrow
slice (4) Pulverizing the soil.

7.4.1 Components
M.B. Plough consists of (a) Share, (b) Mould Board, (c) Landside and (d)
Frog (Fig.15).

Fig. 15. Components of mould board plough

It is the part of the plough bottom (Fig.16), that penetrates into the soil and
cut the soil in horizontal direction below the soil surface is called share. It is a
sharp, well polished and pointed component.

Fig.16. Parts of share
Different portions of the share are called by different names such as (I) share
point, (ii) cutting edge, (iii) wing of the share (iv) gunnel (v) clevage edge.
The forward end of the cutting edge which actually penetrates into the soil is
called share point.
The front edge of the share which makes horizontal cut in the soil is called
cutting edge if the share.
The outer end of the cutting edge of the share is called wing of the share. It
supports the plough bottom.
The vertical face of the share which slides along the furrow well is called
gunnel. It takes the side thrust of the soil and supports the plough bottom
against the furrow wall.
The edge of the share which forms joint between mould board and share on
the frog. The shares are made of chilled cast iron or steel. The steel mainly
contains about 0.7-0.8% carbon and about 0.5-0.8% manganese besides other
minor elements.

Types of share
Share is of different such as (a) slip share (b) slip nose share (c) shin share (d)
bar share and (e) bar point share (Fig.17).
a) Slip share: it is one piece with curved cutting edge having no additional
part. It is a common type of share, mostly used by the farmers. It is simple in
design, but it has got the disadvantage that the entire share has to be replaced
if it is worn out due to constant use.

b) Slip nose share: it is a share in which the point of the share is provided by
a small detachable piece. It has the advantage that the share point can be
replaced as and when required . If the point is worn out, it can be changed
without replacing the entire share, effecting considerable economy.
c) Shin share: it is a share, having a shin as an additional part. It is similar
to the slip share with the difference that an extension is provided to fit by the
side of the mould board. This prevents the mouldboard from wearing along its
cutting edge.
d) Bar share : It is provided with an extension on its gunnel side which acts
as the landside of the plough bottom. It does not offer any advantage over the
other types.

e) Bar point share: it is a share, in which the point of the share is provided
by an adjustable and replaceable bar. This bar serves the purpose of point of
the share and landside of the plough. As the point wears out, it is pushed

Fig.17. Types of share

Mould Board
Mould board is the part of the plough, which receives the furrow slice from
the share, it lifted, turns and breaks the furrow slice. Different soil conditions
require mould boards of varying shapes and sizes to carryout a good job of
ploughing. The texture of the soil, amount of moisture and extent of
vegetative cover on the surface determine the soil pulverization. The
pulverization and inversion depend upon the curvature of the mouldboard. A
long, gradual curved mouldboard turns the furrow gently and does not break
the soil much. Short, abruptly curved mould boards twist and shear the soil
and pulverize it. Mouldboards for general use fall between the two extremes
of the conditions. Mould boards are made of cast iron.
The mould board is of following types (Fig.18): (i) General purpose (ii)
stubble (iii) sod and breaker (iv) slat and (v) high speed.
(i) General purpose mould board
It is the best for all round general farm use to give through pulverization. It is
a mould board having medium curvature lying between stubble and sod. The
sloping of the surface is gradual. It turns the well-defined furrow slice and
pulverizes the soil thoroughly. It has a fairly long mould board with a gradual
twist, the surface being slightly convex.
(ii) Stubble mould board
It is adopted for ploughing an old ground where good pulverization is desired.
Its curvature is not gradual, but it is abrupt along the top edge. This causes
the furrow slice to be thrown off quickly, pulverization is much better than

the other type of mould board. It is best suited in stubble soil i. e under
cultivation for years together. Stubble soil is that, soil in which stubble of the
plants from the previous crop is still left on the land at the time of ploughing.
This type of mould board is not suitable for lands with full of grasses.

(iii) Sod and breaker type mould board

It is a long mould board with gentle curvature which lifts and inverts the
furrow slice. It is used in tough soils of grasses. It turns over thickly covered
soil. This is very useful where complete inversion of soil is required by the
farmer. This type has been designed for use in sod soils.
(iv) Slat type mould board
It is a mould board whose surface is made of slats placed along the length of
the mould board, so that there are gaps between the slats. This type of mould
board is often used, where the soil is sticky, because the solid mould board
does not score well in sticky soils.
(v) High speed type mould board
Most of the high speed bottoms are used on tractor ploughs for general farm
Land side
Landside is the part of the plough bottom, which slides along the furrow wall,
providing stability against tilting sideways, due to soil pressure acting on the
mould board.
The width of the landside of animal drawn plough varies between 5 and 10
cm. It also helps in stabilizing the plough while in operation. Landside
fastened to the frog with the help of plough bolts. The rear bottom of the
landside is known as heal which rubs against the furrow sole.
Frog is the part of the plough bottom to which the share, mould board and
land side are attached rigidly. It is an irregular piece of metal casting and
heart of the plough bottom. It may be made of either cast iron or steel.

7.4.2 Plough accessories: there are few accessories are necessary for plough
such as: (a) coulter, (ii) jointer and (iii) gauge wheel (Fig.19).

Fig.18. Types of mould board

It is device used to cut the furrow slice vertically from the land ahead of the
plough bottom. It cut the furrow slice from the land and leaves a clear wall. It
also cuts trashes which are covered under the soil by the plough. The coulter
may be a) rolling type b) sliding type.
(a) Rolling coulter
It is round steel disc, used on ploughs to cut trash and help to keep the
plough from clogging. In general, the coulters should be set about 5cm
shallower than the depth of ploughing. To obtain a neat furrow wall, the
coulter is usually set 2 cm outside the landside of the plough. It is so fitted
that it can be adjusted up and down and side ways.
(b) Sliding coulter
It is a stationery knife fixed downward in a vertical position on the ground. It
includes knife, which does not roll over the ground but slides on the ground,
the knife may be different shapes and sizes.

It is a small irregular piece of metal having a shape similar to an ordinary
plough bottom. It looks like a miniature plough. The jointer should be set to
cut 4 to 5 cm deep. The purpose of the jointer is to cut a small furrow off the

main furrow slice and throw it towards the furrow. The jointer should be set
as near the coulter as possible.

Gauge wheel
It is an auxiliary wheel of an implement, helps to maintain uniformity in
respect of depth of sloughing in different soil conditions it is usually placed in
hanging position.

Throat clearance
Fig. 19. Plough accessories of M.B.Plough

7.5 Adjustments of mould board plough

For proper penetration and efficient work, the mould board ploughs need
some clearance where the share joins the landside. This clearance is called
suction of the plough. Suction in mould board plough is of two types
(Fig.20): (i) Vertical suction and (ii) Horizontal suction.
If a straight edge is placed under the point of the share and the landside, a
clearance of 0.3 to 0.5 cm should be measured. It is known as the vertical
suction of the plough. Similarly, there should be side clearance of about 0.5
cm in such ploughs. Side clearance is also known as horizontal suction of the
plough. If the share worn out, these clearances are vary much reduced, with
the result that, the plough does not penetrate properly into the soil.

Throat clearance
It is the perpendicular distance between point of share and lower position of
the beam of the plough.

(a) (b)
Fig.20. (a) Vertical suction, horizontal suction and (b) throat clearance of M.B.Plough

Plough size
The size of mould board is expressed by the width of furrow that is designed
to cut. It is the perpendicular distance from the wing of the share to the line
joining the point of share and the heel of the landside. Animal drawn ploughs
are usually available in the range between 15 and 20 cm. The size of the light
plough is above 100 mm width but below 150 mm; medium plough is 150 to
200 mm and heavy plough is 200 mm and above.
Vertical clevis: it is a vertical plate with a no of holes at the end of the beam
to control the depth of operation and to adjust the line of pull.
Horizontal clevis: it is a device to make the lateral adjustment of the plough
relative to the line of pull.

The centre of pull or resistance: It is the point where all the forces on a
plough are act. The centre lies at a distance equal to ¾th size of the plough
from wing of the share.

Lecture No.8
Disc plough – functions, constructional details, operational adjustments and

8.0 Disc ploughs

It is a plough (Fig.21) which cuts, turns and in some cases breaks furrow
slices by means of separately mounted large steel discs. A disc plough is
designed with a view to reduce friction by making a rolling plough bottom. A
disc plough works well in the conditions where mould board plough does not
work satisfactorily.

Fig. 21. Parts of disc plough

8.1 Advantages of disc plough

(i) A disc plough can be forced to penetrate into the soil which is too hard and
(ii) It works well in sticky soil in which a mould board plough does not scour.
It is more useful for deep ploughing.
(iii) It can be used safely in stony and stumpy soil without much danger of
(iv) A disc plough works well even after a considerable part of a disc is worn
off in abrasive soil.
(v) It works in loose soil also (such as peat) without much clogging.

8.2 Disadvantages of disc plough

(i) It is not suitable for covering surface trash and weeds affectively as mould
board plough does.

(ii) Comparatively, the disc plough leaves the soil in rough and cloddy
condition than that of mould board plough.
(iii) Disc plough is much heavier than mould board plough for equal
capacities because penetration of this plough is affected largely by its weight
rather than suction. There is one significant difference between mould board
plough and disc plough i.e., mould board plough forced into the ground by the
suction of the plough, while the disc plough is forced into the ground by its
own weight.

Disc: It is a circular, concave revolving steel plate used for cutting and
inverting the soil. It is made of heat treated steel of 5 to 10 mm thickness. The
edge of the disc is well sharpened to cut the soil.

Disc angle: It is the angle at which the plane of the cutting edge of the disc is
inclined to the direction of travel. Usually, the disc angle of good plough
varies between 42 and 450 (Fig.22).

Tilt angle: It is the angle at which the plane of the cutting edge of the disc is
inclined to vertical plane. Usually, the tilt angle of good plough varies
between 15 and 250(Fig.22).

Fig. 22. Tilt angle and disc angle of disc plough

Scraper: It is a device to remove soil that tends to stick to the working

surface of a disc.
Concavity: It is the depth measured at the center of the disc by placing its
concave side on a flat surface.

Disc ploughs are favoured in areas where the climate is dry and where the soil
is rough and stony. They also work well in heavy clay, hard pan and loose
sandy soils. Such soil conditions do not permit the operation of mould board
ploughs to good advantage. It is also preferred for land infested with heavy
growth of vegetation and for land requiring deep ploughing for reclamation
purposes. It leaves the trash on top of the ground to conserve soil moisture.
Penetration of the disc plough depends mainly on the weight of the plough as
a whole. Tractor drawn disk ploughs weigh between 180 and 540 kg per disk.
But the animal drawn plough weighs about 30 kg per disk.
Disc ploughs are broadly classified as:
1. Standard disc plough - animal drawn and tractor drawn
2. Vertical disc plough or harrow ploughs

8.3 Animal drawn standard disc plough

It is attached to a universal frame which is mounted on two wheels. The frame
is pulled by a pair of bullocks and it is provided with a seat for the operator.
There is only one disk blade on these ploughs and it can be tilted back ward
from 15 to 250 (tilt angle) in the vertical plane. It also makes an angle of about
450 (disk angle) with the direction of motion. The diameter of the disk is 45
cm. A rear furrow wheel provided with the plough takes care of the side
thrust of the plough.
8.3.1 Tractor drawn standard disc plough
It consists of one to seven disk blades which have the same tilt and disk
angles as the animal drawn plough. The diameter of the disk blades varies
between 60 and 90 cm. The perfectly round concave steel disks sharpened on
the edges are bolted to the cast iron supports which are individually
suspended from the main frame. Taper roller bearings or thrust type ball
bearings are used on the ploughs. These ploughs are provided with a front
furrow wheel, a rear furrow wheel and a land wheel. There are also provided
with depth adjusting levers, drag links and scrapers on the plough. When the
plough is pulled forward, the individual disk rotates on its own axis. The
furrow slice rides along the curvature and is pulverized to some extent. In
order to cut a deeper furrow slice, the tilt angle of the disk is reduced. The
other method of increasing the penetration is by adding weights to the plough
frame. If the soil condition is favourable, the tilt angle should be increased to
achieve better turning of the furrow slice. If the soil condition is not

favourable, the disk angle should be increased to improve the penetration, but
the width of cut should be reduced (Fig.23).

Fig. 23. Standard disc plough

8.4 Vertical disk plough

It is known as harrow plough or one way disc plough. Its action is
intermediate between regular disc plough and disc harrow. It is similar to
standard disk plough, major difference is that, all the disk blades are mounted
on a common axle and they rotate as one unit. The diameter & curvature of
the individual disk of the plough is slightly smaller. All the disks are fixed to
throw the furrow slice is only one direction. It may have 2 to 32 disks, spaced
about 20 to 25 cm apart on a gang. These are used for shallow ploughing and
are preferred in wheat growing areas, where moisture conservation for winter
crops is the main objective. Diameter of the disk varies between 50 and 65
cm and the disk angle ranges from 40 to 450. Disc angle of 40 to 45° gives
the minimum draft for a given width of cut (Fig.24).

Fig. 24. Vertical disc plough

The following adjustments that are done on the disk ploughs to control the
depth or width of ploughing or to increase the pulverization:
(i) by increasing the tilt angle, penetration is improved.
(ii) by increasing the disk angle, penetration is improved but the width of cut
is reduced.
(iii) by adding weights to the plough, penetration can be increased.
(iv) the width of the cut by the plough may be adjusted by adjusting the angle
between the frame and land wheel axle.

Lecture No.9
Numerical problems on M.B. plough and disc plough.

Draft: It is the horizontal component of the pull parallel to the line of motion.
Draft speed
Metric hp =
Where draft in kg
Speed in m/s
Draft depends upon: (1) sharpness of cutting edge, (2) working speed, (3)
working width, (4) working depth, (5) type of implement, (6) soil condition,
and (7) attachments.

Unit draft: It is the draft per unit cross-sectional area of the furrow.
Theoretical field capacity: It is the rate of field coverage of the implement,
based on 100 percent of time at the rated speed and covering 100 percent of
its rated width.
W S 36
Theoretical field capacity =
Where, Theoretical field capacity in ha/hr
W is the width of cut of machine in cm
S is the speed of travel in m/s

Effective field capacity (C): It is the actual area covered by the implement
based on its total time consumed and its width.
10 100
Where C is the effective field capacity, ha/hr
S is the speed of travel in kmph
W is the theoretical width of cut of the machine in m
E is the field efficiency in percent

Field efficiency: It is the ratio of effective field capacity and theoretical field
capacity expressed in percent.

Problem 1: Determine the horse power required to pull a four bottom 32 cm
plough, working to depth of 14 cm. The tractor is operating at a speed of 5.5
kmph. The soil resistance is 0.8 kg/cm2.

Total width of ploughing = 32×4 = 128 cm
Furrow cross section = 128 ×14 = 1792 cm2
Total draft = soil resistance × furrow cross section
= 0.8 × 1792 = 1433.6 kg
Draft speed 1433.6 5.5 1000
HP = = 29.2
75 75 3600

Problem 2: Calculate the area covered per day of 8 hours by a tractor drawn
four bottom 35cm plough if the speed of the ploughing is 5kmph, the time lost
in turning is 10%.

4 35 2
Area covered per hour = 5 1000 = 7000 m
Area to be covered in 8 hrs = 7000×8 = 56,000 m2 = = 5.6 ha
5.6 10
Turning loss = = 0.56 ha
Actual area covered in 8 hrs = 5.6 – 0.56 = 5.04 ha

Problem 3: Calculate the size of a tractor to pull a four bottom 35 cm MB

plough through a depth of 8 cm. The soil resistance is 0.8 kg/cm2. The speed
of the tractor is 5.5 kmph, transmission and tractive efficiency of the tractor
being 80% and 30% respectively.

Furrow cross section = 4 35 8 = 1120 cm2
Total draft = 1120 ×0.8 = 896 kg

896 5.5 1000 1 1

HP = 76
75 3600 0.8 0.3

Problem 4: Total draft of four bottom, 35 cm MB plough when ploughing 18
cm deep at 5 kmph speed is 1600 kg. (a) Calculate the unit draft in kg/cm 2 (b)
What is actual power requirement? (c) If the field efficiency is 75% what is
the rate of doing work in ha/hr.

Unit draft = = 0.635 kg/cm2
4 35 18
1600 5 1000
HP requirement= = 29.6
75 3600
10 100
Where C is the effective field capacity, ha/hr
S is the speed of travel in kmph
W is the theoretical width of cut of the machine in m
E is the field efficiency in percent

5 4 35 75
Area covered per hr i.e., C = 0.525 ha/hr
10 100 100

Lecture No.10
Harrows – types, functions, operation of disc harrows. Cultivators – rigid and
spring loaded tynes. Puddlers, cage wheel, rotovators. Intercultural implements –
hoes and weeders for dry and wetland cultivation.

10.0 Harrowing
It is secondary tillage operation which pulverizes, smoothens and packs the
soil in seed bed preparation and/or to control weeds.
10.1 Harrow
A harrow is a implement that cuts the soil to a shallow depth for smoothening
and pulverizing the soil as well as to cut the weeds and to mix materials with
soil. It is an implement used to break the clods after ploughing, to collect
trash from the ploughed land and to level the seed bed.There are several types
of harrows used in India are mentioned below:


Disc harrows Blade harrows Drag harrows

Spike tooth harrows Spring tyne harrows

10.2 Disc harrow

It is harrow which performs the harrowing operations by means of a set (or a
number of sets) of rotating steel discs, each set being mounted on a common
shaft. Disc harrows are of two types depending upon the sources of power:
1. Tractor drawn
2. Animal drawn.
Tractor drawn disc harrow: Disc harrow is found very suitable for hard
ground, full of stalks and grasses. It cuts the lumps of soil, clods and roots.
Discs are mounted on one, two or more axles which may be set at a variable
angle to the line of motion. As the harrow is pulled ahead, the discs rotate on
the ground. Depending upon the disc arrangements, disc harrows are divided
into two classes (Fig.25): (i) single action, and (ii) double action.

Single action disc harrow
It is a harrow with two gangs placed end to end, which throw the soil in
opposite directions. The discs are arranged in such a way that right side gang
throws the soil towards right, and left side gang throws the soil towards left.
Double action disc harrow
A disc harrow consisting of two or more gangs, in which a set of one or two
gangs follow behind the set of the other one or two, arranged in such a way
that the front and back gangs throw the soil in opposite directions. Thus the
entire field is worked twice in each trip. It may be of two types:
(i) Tandem, and
(ii) Off-set.
Tandem disc harrow
It is a disc harrow comprising of four gangs in which each gang can be angled
in opposite direction.
Off-set disc harrow
It is a disc harrow with two gangs in tandem, capable of being off-set to either
side of the centre line of pull. Two gangs are fitted one behind the other. The
soil is thrown in both directions because discs of both gangs face in opposite
directions. It is very useful for orchards and gardens. It travels left or right of
the tractor. The line of pull is not in the middle, that‟s why it is called off-set
disc harrow (Fig.25).

Fig. 25. Tractor drawn disc harrows

10.3 Components of disc harrow

A disc harrow mainly consists of: (i) disc, (ii) gang, (iii) gang bolt or arbor
bolt, (iv) gang angle, (v) gang control lever, (vi) spools or spacer, (vii)
bearings, (viii) transport wheels, (ix) scraper and (x) weight box.

1. Disc: It is a circular, concave revolving steel plate used for cutting and
inverting the soil. Disc is made of high grade heat treated hardened steel.
Tractor drawn disc harrows have concave discs of size varying from 35 to 70
cm diameter. Concavity of the disc affects penetration and pulverization of
soil. Usually two types of disc are used in disc harrows: (a) Plain disc and
(b) Cut-away disc.
Plain discs have plain edges and they are used for all normal works. Most of
the harrows are fitted with plain discs only. Cut-away discs have serrated
edges and they cut stalks, grasses and other vegetative matter better than plain
discs. Cut-away discs are not very effective for pulverization of soil but it is
very useful for pudding the field especially for paddy cultivation.
2.Gang: It is an assembly of concave discs mounted on a common shaft with
spools in between.
3. Gang axle or arbor axle: It is a shaft on which a set of discs are mounted.
The spacing between the discs on the gang bolt ranges from 15cm to 23cm for
light duty harrows and 25 to 30 cm for heavy duty harrows.
4. Gang angle: The angle between the axis of the gang and the line
perpendicular to the direction of travel is called Gang angle.
5. Gang control lever: A lever which operates the angling mechanism of disc
harrow is called Gang control lever.
6. Spool or Spacer: The flanged tube, mounted on the gang axle between
every two discs to retain them at fixed position laterally on the shaft is called
spool or spacer. It is just a device for keeping the discs at equal spacing on the
axle. It is usually cast in special shapes and sizes and is generally made of
cast iron.
7. Bearing: Bearing is essential to counteract the end thrust of the gangs due
to soil thrust. Disc harrow bearings are subjected to heavy radial and thrust
loads. Chilled cast iron bearings, ball bearings or tapered roller bearings may
be used on disc harrows. Oil soaked wooden bearings are very common for
disc harrows, because they are cheaply available. Chilled cast iron bearings
are also used due to their durability.
8. Transport wheel: In trailing type discs harrows, transport wheels are
provided for transport work on roads and for preventing the damage of the
roads. This also helps in protecting the edges of the discs. Mounted type disc
harrows do not require wheels for transport purpose.

9. Scraper: Scraper prevents the discs from clogging. It removes the soil that
may stick to the concave side of the disc.
10. Weight box: A box like frame is provided on the main frame of the
harrow for putting additional weight on the implement. Additional weight
helps in increasing the penetration of the discs in the soil.

Penetration of disc harrow

There are several factors which affect the penetration of disc harrow in the
field. If the disc gangs are set perpendicular to the line of draft, the
penetration is not adequate. Penetration can be increased by adding some
additional weight on the frame of the harrow. For obtaining maximum
penetration, the gangs should be set with the forward edges of the disc
parallel to the direction of motion. If the hitch point is lowered, better
penetration is achieved.
A sharp edged disc has more effective penetration compared to blunt
edged disc. It is observed that penetration is better in low speed than in high
speed. In short, the following are a few adjustments for obtaining higher
1. By increasing the disc angle.
2. By adding additional weight on the harrow.
3. By lowering the hitch point.
4. By using sharp edged discs of small diameter and lesser concavity and
5. By regulating the optimum speed.

10.4 Care and maintenance of disc harrow

Bearing must be thoroughly greased at regular intervals. All the nuts and bolts
must be checked daily before taking the implement to the field. Blunt edges
of the discs should be sharpened regularly. During slack season, the worn
parts including bearings should be fully replaced. It is better to coat the outer
and inner surfaces of the discs when the harrow is lying without use in slack

10.5 Animal drawn disc harrow: It consists of: (i) disc, (ii) gang frame,
(iii) beam, (iv) gang angle mechanism, (v) scraper, (vi) spacer(spool), (vii)
clevis, (viii) axle, (ix) middle tyne, and (x) bearings (Fig.26).

1. Disc: Disc is the main part of the harrow which cuts and pulverizes the
soil. Discs are arranged in two gangs. The thickness of the material used for
disc is at least 3.15 nm. The cutting edge is beveled for easy penetration. The
disc has a square opening in the centre to allow the passage of the axle. The
disc is usually made of steel with carbon content ranging from 0.80 to 0.90%.
2. Gang frame: All the gangs are mounted on a frame, called Gang frame. It
is usually made of sturdy mild steel structure. The gang frame is bolted to the
beam of the implement.
3. Beam: It is that part of the harrow which connects the implement with the
yoke. The rear end of the beam has a clevis to fix its height of hitching to suit
the size of animals. It is made of wood which is locally available in the area.
4. Gang angle mechanism: It is a mechanism by means of which the gang
angles are adjusted. Arranged of adjusted the width and depth of cuts of the
implement, is done by gang mechanism. The lever of the gang angle is
usually made of mild steel flat with a wooden handle. The gang angle can be
adjusted approximately in the range from 0º to 27 º only.
5. Scraper: It is that part of the harrow which scrapes the soil from the
concave side of the disc and keeps it clean for effective working of the harrow
in the field.
6. Spacer (spool): Spacer is used to separate the two adjacent discs and to
keep them in position. It is usually made of cast iron. The spacer has a
suitable square opening in the middle to allow the passage of the axle.
7. Clevis: Clevis is the part fitted to the beam and the frame which permits
vertical hitching of the harrow.
8. Axle: The axle is usually 20 × 20 mm square section. The length of axis
depends upon the size of the harrow.
9. Middle tyne: The tyne which breaks the unbroken strip of soil left in
between two gangs of the harrow during operation is called middle tyne. This
tyne is suitable fixed to the rear end of the gang frame in such a way that it is
replaced easily.
10. Bearing: There is one or two bearings, made of cast iron or wood fitted at
each end of the gang.

Fig.26. Animal drawn disc harrow
10.6 Drag harrows
Drag harrows have been used since ancient times; early farmers used to cut
branches from the trees for use in leveling the soil. Even today in some places
farmers drag long bamboo pieces with long nails to break the soil crust and
stir the surface. These harrows are used to break the clods, to stir the soil, to
uproot the early weeds, to level the ground, to break the soil crust and to
cover the seeds. There are two principal kinds of drag harrows, namely, (1)
spike tooth and (2) spring type harrow.
Spike tooth harrows are either rigid or flexible. The flexible type tractor
drawn can be rolled up for transporting. But the animal drawn harrows are
always of rigid frame type. There may or may not be provision for changing
the angle of the spikes while operating the harrow. The basic frame of the
harrow may be triangle (Fig.27). It has pointed steel pegs (teeth) about 23 cm
long with their pointed ends towards ground. Each peg is rigidly clamped
with the help of a U-bolt to the cross bars of the frame. In the case of harrows
with a wooden frame, the pegs have threatened ends to be tightened from the
top. Generally the wooden frame is triangular in shape, and the pegs are fixed
along the three arms of the frame. Before operating the harrow in the field,
adjustments should be made for efficient and effective operation. The peg
point is tilted backward vertically so that soil is not accumulated in the front.
The pegs of the rigid harrows are fixed slightly tilted so that no arrangement
is needed to change the angle. The harrow is dragged over the surface by
means of a chain or rope tied to the yoke. The animal drawn harrows cover
almost 1 to 1.2 m width and are used to stir the soil to a depth of about 5 cm.
The depth of penetration can be increased by adding weights to the frame.
Spring tyne tractor drawn harrows have looping, elliptical or spring like
tynes. But the animal drawn unit is only provided with elliptical tynes. They

are used extensively to prepare ploughed land before planting. They penetrate
much deeper than spike tooth harrows and are generally used in the soil where
obstructions like stones, roots and weeds are hidden a few centimeters below
the surface. The basic frame of the harrow is mostly rectangular. The spring
tynes are bolted staggered on to the frame to avoid clogging during operation.
Spike tooth and spring tyne harrows do not require lubrication. The
harrow teeth, however, are adjustable and may be loosened and turned to
present a new cutting edge when they wear out. Teeth may also be removed
for sharpening. Spring tyne harrows can be sharpened by grinding. The spikes
of the spike tooth harrow are either square or diamond shaped and are of the
self sharpening type.

Fig. 27. Peg tooth or triangular harrow

10.6.1 Blade harrows

The blade harrows popularly known as bakhar, is the most common type of
harrow used by Indian farmers. It is generally used in clay soils for preparing
seedbeds of both kharif (rainy season) and Rabi (winter) crops. It is also used
for covering the seed in Kharif sowing. The action of blade harrow is like that
of sweep, moving into the top surface of the soil without inverting it.
Sometimes, it is used to chisel out the uncut portion left after ploughing by an
indigenous plough. Thus the primary function of the implement is to
pulverize the soil and create soil mulch. The blade is made of steel. Shisham
or Babool wood is used for making the body and the beam. The width cut by
the harrow varies from 38 to 105 cm (Fig.28). Guntaka also is an improved
type of this implement.
Frequent clogging with the roots and weeds which wrap along the edge of
blade possess a serious problem and stoppage of work. However, the

improved V-shaped blade if fitted on the implement can provide relief from
clogging.. Besides, it offers the advantage of reduction in draft, easy
penetration and smooth working in the field.

Fig. 28. Blade harrow

10.7 Cultivator
10.7.1 Cultivator with spring loaded tines
A tine hinged to the frame and loaded with a spring so that it swings back
when an obstacle is encountered, is called spring loaded tine. Each tine of this
cultivator is provided with two heavy coil springs, tensioned to ensure
minimum movement except when an obstacle is encountered. The springs
operate, when the points strike roots or large stones by allowing the tines to
ride over the obstruction, thus preventing damage. On passing over the
obstruction, the tines are automatically reset and work continues without
interruption. The tines are made of high carbon steel and are held in proper
alignment on the main frame members. This type of cultivator is particularly
recommended for soils which are embedded with stones or stumps. A pair of
gauge wheel is provided on the cultivator for controlling the depth of
operation. The cultivator may be fitted with 7, 9, 11, 13 tines or more
depending upon the requirement (Fig.29).

Fig. 29. Cultivator with spring loaded tines

10.7.2 Cultivator with rigid tines
Rigid tines of the cultivator are those tines which do not deflect during the
work in the field. The tynes are bolted between angle braces, fastened to the
main bars by sturdy clamps and bolts. Spacing of the tines are changed simply
by slackening the bolts and sliding the braces to the desired position. Since
rigid tines are mounted on the front and rear tool bars, the spacing between
the tynes can be easily adjusted without getting the tines chocked with
stubbles of the previous crop or weed growth. A pair of gauge wheel is used
for controlling the depth of operation (Fig.30).

Fig.30. Cultivator with rigid tines

10.8 Puddlers
Puddling of soil is one of the most common farm operations in paddy growing
areas. The most desirable soil conditions at the time of transplanting appears
to be one having semi-pervious hard pan covered with approximately 10 to 15
cm dense mud and very little free water on the surface.It usually refers to the
churning of soil in the presence of excess water by means of a puddler or any
other implement for that purpose. Purpose of puddling is to reduce leaching of
water, to kill weeds by decomposing and to facilitate the transplanting of
paddy seedlings by making the soil softer. It is done in a standing water of 5
to 10 cm depth in the field, which has already received one ploughing by the
mould board plough. In some areas, an indigeneous plough is used as a
puddler by some farmers.
Puddlers are classified as: (i) hand operated puddlers, (ii) animal drawn
puddlers, and (iii) tractor drawn puddlers. Among the various types, animal
drawn puddlers are mostly used in the country. The indigenous plough and

peg tooth harrow are used for puddling in paddy growing areas. None of these
implements are as effective as the rotating blade type puddlers.

The open blade type implement is commonly used for puddling in south
India. It consists of series of steel or cast iron blades fastened to a cast iron
hub at an angle. The number of cast iron hubs may be two or more. These
hubs revolve on a steel shaft to which the wooden beam and the operator‟s
seat are attached. Sometimes, these hubs form an integral part of the shaft
which revolves either in wooden or metallic bearings at the ends in the frame.
This type of implement is generally a walking type. The effective width of the
puddler varies between 0.9 and 1.2 m (Fig.31).

Fig.31. Open blade puddler

There are four classes of tractor drawn puddlers: (i) tine tiller, (ii) rotating
blade puddler, (iii) disk harrow and (iv) power rotary tiller. Among these
tractor drawn implements, disk harrow and power rotary tiller are in great use.

10.8.1 Cage wheel

It is a wheel or an attachment to a wheel with spaced cross bars for improving
the traction of the tractor in a wet field. It is generally used in paddy fields.

10.8.2 Rotavator
It is an implement that cuts and pulverizes the soil by impact forces through a
number of rotary times or knives mounted as a horizontal shaft. It is also
called „rotary tiller‟. It is suitable for shallow cultivation and weed control. It
consists of a power driven shaft on which knives or tines are mounted to cut

the soil and trash. Rotor has got several types of tines fitted on the shaft
having a speed of 200-300 rpm. Generally, sharp edged L-shaped blades are
used on the rotor. According to power used, rotavators are classified as
animal-drawn, engine operated and tractor-drawn rotavators. One or two
operations of this implement are sufficient for good pulverization of soil
depending upon soil and crop conditions. It is not meant for sandy soil. The
power from the engine to rotor shaft is transmitted through chain. A clutch is
provided in transmission system for engaging and disengaging power. The
speed of rotor is kept at about 350 rpm for rated rpm of 1500 of prune mover.
The depth of penetration can be adjusted up to 12.5 cm. The suitable
protective cover is provided at the rear to prevent under scattering of soil. It
can cover about 1.5-2.0 ha/day. Bullock-drawn engine operated rotary tiller
is quite useful for timely preparation of seedbed particularly in rice-wheat
rotation. Power tiller operated rotary tillers are also quite useful for hilly
areas and small hand holdings.

10.8.3 ANGRAU puddler

It is used for preparation of paddy fields with standing water (5-10 cm depth)
after initial ploughing. It breaks up the clods and churns the soil. The main
purpose of puddling is to reduce leaching of water and to kill weeds.
Puddling facilitates transplanting of paddy seedlings. Puddler consists of
puddling units each having four paddles (or blades) mounted on an axle,
frame, beam, metal-cross and handle (Fig.32 ). Paddles are made of mild steel
sheet having thickness of 3.15 mm. The blades are welded to the metal cross,
made of mild steel rounds. The blades with the metal cross are welded to the
axle, at an angle of 10° for 30” (750 mm) puddler and 7½° for 40” (1000 mm)
puddler. While moving, blades (paddles) churn the soil and mix it properly.
The weeds are also chopped and mixed with soil for decomposition. Two to
three operations are good enough to get desired puddle soil. The animal-
drawn puddler can cover 0.4-0.5 ha/day. According to the power used,
puddlers are classified as hand operated, animal-drawn and tractor-drawn
puddlers. Animal-drawn puddlers are commonly used in India.

Fig. 32. ANGRAU Puddler

10.9 Intercultural implements

10.9.1 Hand hoe
Mechanical as well as chemical methods are being used to control the weeds
during the cultivation of different crops. Number of mechanical tools is
available but „khurpa‟ is the most popular weeding tool amongst the small
farmers in spite of its low work rate and uncomfortable operating posture.
Different types of hand hoes are used in different parts of country depending
upon the nature of soil and crop grown. The shape and size of hoe vary-from
place to place. A few important hand hoes are khurpa, spade or kudali.

10.9.2 Paddy weeder

It is important equipment for inter-culture used in paddy cultivation. It is
used for uprooting weeds and burying them in puddle soil between rows of
standing paddy crop. It improves aeration of soil. It consists of frame,
weeding roll, the tines, float and handle (Fig. 33). The frame is made of mild
steel to which float, front and rear weeding rolls and angle regulator are
attached. Weeding roll with fingerlike projections does the weeding
operation in water. There are two weeding rolls one to front and other at rear
and both are made of mild steel. Float, made of mild steel, is placed in front
of weeding roll that helps in maintaining easy sliding motion during

Fig. 33. Paddy weeder

10.9.3 Wheel hoe

It is a hoe with one or two wheels. Wheel hoe is used for intercultural
operations in between the rows of crops. There is a wheel attached to the two
handles, to which a working tool is attached. Wheel is helpful in guiding the
tool and maintaining proper depth. It is useful for kitchen gardens.

Lecture No.11
Sowing equipment - seed cum fertilizer drills – types, functions, types of metering
mechanisms, functional components, calibration. Paddy transplanters.

Seeding or sowing is an art of placing seeds in the soil to have good

germination in the field.
Seed drill is a machine for placing the seeds in a continuous flow in
furrows at uniform rate and at controlled depth with or without the
arrangement of covering the seed with soil. Drills are used for sowing seeds
in rows at 15-35 cm apart. The seed drill performs the following functions: (i)
to carry the seeds, (ii) to open furrow to an uniform depth, (iii) to meter the
seeds, (iv) to place the seed in furrows in an acceptable pattern, and (v) to
cover the seeds and compact the soil around the seed.
Seed drills, fitted with fertilizer dropping attachment, distribute the
fertilizer uniformly on the ground, is called seed cum fertilizer drills. It has a
large seed box which is divided length wise into two compartments, one for
seeds and another for fertilizers.

11.0 Components of seed drill

A seed drill with mechanical seed metering device mainly consists of: (i)
frame, (ii) seed box, (iii) seed metering mechanism, (iv) furrow openers, (v)
covering device, and (vi) transport wheels.

Frame. The frame is usually made angle iron with suitable braces and
brackets. The frame is strong enough to withstand all types of loads inn
working condition.
Seed box. It may be made of mild steel sheet or galvanized iron with a
suitable cover. A small agitator is sometimes provided to prevent clogging of
Covering device. It is a device to refill a furrow after the seed has been
placed in it. Covering the seeds are usually done by patta, chains, drags,
packers, rollers and press wheels, designed in various sizes and shapes.
Transport wheel. There are two wheels fitted on the main axle. Some seed
drills have got pneumatic wheels also. The wheels have suitable attachments
to transmit power to operate seed dropping mechanism.

11.1 Seed metering mechanism
The mechanism of a seed drill or fertilizer distributor which deliver seeds or
fertilizers from the hopper at selected rates is called Seed metering
mechanism. Seed metering mechanism may be of several types: (i) fluted feed
type, (ii) internal double run type, (iii) cup feed type, (iv) cell feed
mechanism, (v) brush feed mechanism, (vi) auger feed mechanism, (vii)
picker wheel mechanism, and (viii) star wheel mechanism.
Most common type of metering devices that delivers a more or
less continuous flow of seeds is fluted roller type or internal double run type.
These metering devices are driven by ground wheel. Some of above metering
devices have not been commercially accepted and popularized.

11.1.1 Fluted feed type seed metering mechanism

The fluted wheel (also known as fluted roller) is driven by a square shaft.
Fluted rollers are provided with longitudinal grooves along the outer
periphery and can be shifted on the shaft sideways (Fig.34). The size of
groove is different for different crops. The fluted rollers are mounted at the
bottom of the seed box; receive the seeds into longitudinal grooves and pass
on to the seed tube through the seed hole. By shifting the rollers sideways, the
length of the groove exposed to the seed, can be increased or decreased and
hence the amount of seed sown is changed. The number of rollers on a drill is
the same as the number of furrow openers. There is also an adjustable gate on
the discharge side of the fluted wheel. The gate opening can be changed to fit
the size of the seed. Generally, the speed of the square shaft is constant, but
on some drills, the speed of the shaft can also be changed, resulting in a
change in the seed rate. The number of flutes on the roller ranges from 8 to
12. This method is favoured for sowing small or medium size seeds. For bold
size seeds, this mechanism is not preferred as the seeds are likely to get
crushed during metering operation.
Fluted roller is a simple, low cost, trouble free device suitable for bulk
metering even for granulated fertilizers. An improved design of the fluted
roller has spiral shaped flutes. This design offers a uniform distribution of
seeds as compared to straight shaped flutes. However, most of the low cost
animal drawn ferti- drills are fitted with straight shaped rollers. It is mostly
used for drilling wheat. The fluted feed mechanism is more positive in its
metering action than the Internal double run method.

11.1.2 Internal double run type seed metering mechanism
It has a double faced wheel; one face has a larger opening for the larger seeds
and the other face or side has a smaller opening for use with smaller seeds. A
gate is provided in the bottom of the box to cover the opening not in use.
When one of the sides is being used, the seed is prevented from flowing
through the other side by using a special cover. The discs mounted on a
spindle and housing in a casing fitted below the seed box. The rate of seeding
is varied by adjusting the speed of the spindle which carries the discs. This
mechanism is used for metering bold and small seeds (Fig.35).

Fig. 34. Fluted roller seed metering mechanism

11.1.3 Cup feed seed metering mechanism

It is a mechanism consisting of cups of spoons on the periphery of a vertical
rotating disc which picks up the seeds from the hopper and delivers them into
the seed tubes. It consists of a seed hopper which has two parts. The upper
one is called Grain box and the lower one is called Feed box. Shuttles are
provided to connect these boxes. The seed delivery mechanism consists of a

spindle, carrying a number of discs with a ring of cups attached to the
periphery of each disc. The spindle with its frame and attachment is called
Feed barrel. When the spindle rotates, one disc with its set of cups rotates and
picks up few seeds and drops them into small hoppers. The cups have two
faces, one for larger seeds and other for smaller seeds. The seed rate is
controlled by the size of the cups and the rate at which the seed barrel
revolves. This type of mechanism is common on British seed drills (Fig.35).

Internal double run Cup feed mechanism

Fig. 35. Seed metering mechanisms in seed drill

11.1.4 Cell feed seed metering mechanism

It is a mechanism in which seeds are collected and delivered by a series of
equally spaced cells on the periphery of a circular plate or wheel.

11.1.5 Brush feed seed metering mechanism

It is a mechanism in which a rotating brush regulates the flow of seed from
the hopper. A number of bullock drawn planters in the country have brush
feed mechanism.

11.1.6 Auger feed seed metering mechanism

It is a distributing mechanism, consisting of an auger which causes a
substance to flow evenly in the field, through an aperture at the base or on the
side of the hopper. Many of the fertilizer drills of the country have got Auger
feed mechanism.

11.1.7 Picker wheel seed metering mechanism

It is a mechanism in which a vertical plate is provided with radially projected
arms, which drop the large seeds like potato in furrows with the help of
suitable jaws.

11.1.8 Star wheel seed metering mechanism
It is a feed mechanism which consists of a toothed wheel, rotating in a
horizontal plane and conveying the fertilizer through a feed gate below the
star wheel.

11.2 Furrow openers

The furrow openers are provided in a seed drill to open up furrows before
dropping the seeds, which facilitate the placement of seed and fertilizers at a
desired uniform depth and spacing. Furrow openers play a very significant
role in placing the seed and fertilizers at the moist zone of the soil. The seed
tube conducts the seed from the feed mechanism into the boot from where
they fall into the furrows.

11.2.1 Type of furrow openers

In general, two main types of furrow openers used with ferti-drills are: (i)
rotating type openers i.e., single disc and double disc type, and (ii) fixed type
openers i.e., shovel type and shoe type (Fig.36).
Shovel type furrow openers are widely used in seed drills. There are
best suited for stony or root infested fields. These shovels are bolted to the flat
iron shanks at the point where boots are fitted which carry the end of the seed
tubes. In order to prevent shock loads due to obstructions, springs are
provided. It is easy in construction, cheaper and easily repairable.

11.2.2 Shoe type furrow openers

It works well in trashy soils where the seed beds are not smoothly prepared.
They are made from two flat pieces of steel welded together to form a cutting
edge. It is specially suited for black cotton soil. Shoe is made of carbon steel
having minimum carbon content of 0.5 percent with a minimum thickness of
4 mm.
11.2.3 Disc type furrow openers: They are of two types (Fig.36);
(a) Single disc type and (b) Double disc type.
(a) Single disc type furrow openers: Disc type furrow openers are found
suitable where plant debris or trash mulches are used. It is a furrow opener
consisting of one concave disc and set at an angle while operating, shifts the
soil to one side making a small ridge. The disc is kept clean by two scrapers,
one toe shaped at the convex side and one “T” shaped at the concave side.

The disc penetrates well in the soil, cuts all the trashes and clods in the field.
It works in sticky soils also, but the discs are costly and maintenance work is
bit difficult.

Fig. 36. Types of furrow openers

(b) Double disc type furrow openers: In double disc type furrow opener,
there are two flat discs, set at an angle to each other. The discs open a clean
furrow and leave a small ridge in the centre. The seeds are dropped between
the two discs, providing a more accurate placement. It is suitable for the
trashy lands. Seed drills attached with tractors having high speeds, usually
have this type of furrow opener.

11.3 Calibration of seer drill and seed-cum-fertilizer drill

The procedure of testing the seed drill for correct seed rate is called
calibration of seed drill. It is necessary to calibrate the seed drill before
operating in the field to get a predetermined seed rate of the machine. The
following steps are to be followed for calibration of seed drill or seed-cum-
fertilizer drill.
Step 1: Determine the nominal width (W) of drill.
Where M is the number of furrow openers and S is the spacing between the
openers in metre and W is in metre.

Step 2: Find the length of a strip (L) having nominal width W necessary to
cover 1/25th of a hectare.
10000 1 400
L= m
W 25 W
Step 3: Determine the number of revolutions (N) the ground wheel has to
make to cover the length of the strip (L).
N rpm
Step 4: Raise the seed drill in such a way that the ground wheels turn freely.
Make a mark on the drive wheel and a corresponding mark at a convenient
place on the body of the drill to help in counting the revolutions of the drive
Step 5: Put selected seed and fertilizer in the respective hoppers. Place a sack
or a container under each boot for seed and fertilizers.
Step 6: Set the rate control adjustment for the seed and the fertilizer for
maximum drilling. Mark this position on the control for reference.
Step 7: Engage the clutch or on-off adjustment for the hoppers and rotate the
drive wheel at the speed N.
N= rpm
Step 8: Weigh the quantity of seed and fertilizer, dropped from each opener
and record on the data sheet.
Step 9: Calculate the seed and fertilizer, dropped in kg/ha and record on the
data sheet.
Step 10: Repeat the process by suitable adjusting the rate control till desired
rate of seed and fertilizer drop is obtained.

Problem 1: The following results were obtained while calibrating a seed drill.
Calculate the seed rate per hectare.
No. of furrow openers – 8
Spacing between furrows – 15 cm
Diameter of drive wheel – 1.5 m
RPM of the drive wheel – 600
Seed collected – 25 kg.

Effective width of seed drill = 8 ×15 = 120 cm = 1.2 m
Circumference of drive wheel = 1.5 m
Area covered in one revolution = 1.5 1.2 =5.66 m

Area covered in 600 revolutions = 5.66 ×600 = 3396 m2

Seed dropped for 3396 m2 = 25 kg
25 10000
Seed dropped/ha = = 73.6 kg
Seed rate = 73.6 kg

Problem 2: Calculate the cost of seeding one hectare of land with bullock
drawn seed drill of 5×30 cm size. The speed of bullocks is 3 kmph. Hire
charges of bullocks is Rs. 100/- per pair, hire charges of seed drill is Rs.200/-
per day and wage of operator is Rs.200/- per day of 8 hours.

Width of seed drill = 5×30 = 150 cm = 1.5 m
Area covered per hr = width × speed = 1.5 ×3×1000 =4500 m2 =0.45 ha
To cover 0.45 ha of area, one hour is required
To cover one ha of area, time requirement = = 2.22 hr
Time taken/ha = 2.22 hr
100 200 200
Cost of seeding/hr = = Rs. 62.50/-
Cost of seeding/ha = 62.5 ×2.22 = 138.75/-

Problem 3: A fluted feed seed drill has eight furrow openers of single disc
type. The furrow openers are spaced 30 cm apart and the main drive wheel
has a diameter of 110 cm. How many turns of main drive wheel would occur
when the seed drill has covered one hectare of area.

Circumference of drive wheel = 110 = 345.7 cm

Total width of seed drill = 8 × 30 = 240 cm

Area covered per revolution = 345.7 × 240 = 82968 cm2 = 8.29 m2
Number of turns per ha = = 1206.3

Problem 4: Maximum yield of maize is obtained with a population of 30,000
plants per hectare. The rows are 140 cm apart and an average emergence of
80% is expected. Find: (a) How many seeds per hill should be planted if hills
are 140 cm apart? (b) What would be seed spacing if crop is drilled?
Number of seeds per ha = =37500
Area covered per hill = 140 × 140 = 19600 cm2 = 1.96 m2
No. of hills per ha = = 5102
(a) No.of seeds per hill = = 7.35 rounded to 8
(b) Total length of row = = 7142.85 m
Spacing of drilled seed = = 0.19 m =19 cm.

11.4 Rice transplanter

Two methods are used for raising rice cop in India, namely upland cultivation
(direct seeding) and wetland cultivation (direct seeding and seedling
transplanting). Rice transplanting by hand is very tedious, expensive and
labour consuming operation. Many attempts have been made to develop
manual as well as self-propelled rice transplanter for transplanting of rice
seedlings in rice growing countries such as Japan, China, Korea and India.
The manual rice transplanter consists of frame, movable tray and seed picking
fingers (Fig.37). Mat type seedlings are placed in the inclined trays. Fingers
pick up the seedlings when they are pushed downward and place them in the
prepared soil. Plant-to-plant spacing can be controller by the operator.
Transplanters are available in 5-6 rows with comb type fingers. It‟s working
capacity varied from 0.3-0.4 ha/day and requires two persons, one for
operating the transplanter and other for filling the tray with mat seedlings.
The self propelled rice transplanter consists of air-cooled gasolines
engine, main clutch, running clutch, planting clutch, seeding table, float, star
wheel, accelerator lever, ground wheel, and handle and linkage mechanism.
Seedlings are grown in special seedling trays in controlled environment called
mat seedlings. When seedlings are 25-30 day-old, they are uprooted and
placed in slanting seedling trays. Power from the engine is transferred to
main clutch from where it is transferred to planting and a running clutch. The

fingers on four bar linkage mechanism catch 3-4 seedlings at a time separate
them from the mat and place it in the puddle soil. A float supports the
machine on the water while working in the field. There are two end wheels
that facilitate the movement of the transplanter. A marker is provided to
demarcate the transplanting width during operation. The machine maintains
row to row and plant to plant spacing. The planting capacity of the machine
is about 0.05-0.1 ha/hr. These transplanters are now commercially available
in India.

Fig. 37. Manual rice transplanter

Lecture No.12
Harvesting equipment – sickles, self propelled reaper, alignment and registration.
Combines, functions of combines.

12.0 Harvesting plants

The operation of cutting a plant is achieved by four different actions. (1)
slicing action with a sharp smooth edge, (2) tearing action with a rough,
serrated edge, (3) high velocity single element impact with sharp or dull edge,
and (4) a two element scissor type action. Generally, manual harvesting
involves slicing and tearing actions that result in plant structure failure due to
compression, tension or shear. The serrated sickle combines a slicing and a
sawing action. Sickles with serrated edges do not require the repeated
sharpening needed by smooth edge sickles.
Single element impact cutting is an economical method of cutting
unrestrained vegetation and has been widely used in rotary lawn mowers,
forage choppers, and some tractor mounted cutter bar. Usually a single
element, sharp edged blade requires a velocity of about 10 m/second for
impact cutting. A dull edged, single element blade requires a velocity of
about 45 m/second.
The two element scissors action is the most widely used for harvesting
agricultural crops. The reciprocating cutter bars that are commonly used for
harvesting paddy/wheat use this principle. The inclined angle between the
cutting edges is about 38 degrees. The serrated blades permit a larger
inclined angle because the plants can not easily slip between the two cutting
edges. Reciprocating cutter bars do an excellent job of harvesting but are
characterized by the high energy, losses, short dynamic imbalance, and
restricted operating speeds. Improvements have been relatively limited by the
high inertial and frictional forces involved in this type of mechanism.

12.1 Sickle
It is a simple harvesting tool. It is used for harvesting crops and cutting other
vegetations (Fig.38). It is essentially consists of a metallic blade and a
wooden handle. Blade is the main metallic part of the sickle. It is desirable to
make the blade of carbon steel. It is made in a curved shape. The tooth of
serrated sickle is made sharp for efficient working in the field. The handle of
the sickle is made of well seasoned wood. The forged end of the blade for
fixing the handle is called tang. The plain or serrated edge in the inner side of

the blade is called cutting edge. Protective metallic bush fitted at the junction
of the blade and the handle to keep the tang tight in the handle is called
ferrule. Harvesting by sickle is very slow and labour consuming device.

Sickle Indian sickles

Fig. 38. Various types of sickles

12.2 Mower
Mower is a machine to cut herbage crops and leave them in swath. The
conventional mower has the following main parts (Fig.39):
a) Frame to support moving parts
b)Power transmitting unit to receive and transmit motive force
c) Cutter bar to cut crops and separate it from uncut portion.
d)Wheels for transport and for operating the cutting mechanism
e) Auxiliary parts to lift and drop the cutter bar

The frame of the mower is a heavy casting which supports other parts and
provides openings for main axle, countershaft and crankshaft. It also provides
space for gears, clutch and bearings. The lever for lifting the cutter bar is
attached to the frame.

Power transmitting unit
In bullock drawn mowers, the power transmitting unit consists of main axle,
gears, crankshaft, crank wheel and pitman. The main axle receives power
from one of the transporting wheels. A spur gear mounted on the main axle
drives the spur pinion on one end of the countershaft in the gear box. The
crank wheel and the pitman are fixed on the outer end of the crankshaft. The
reciprocating (back and forth) motion is transmitted to the pitman, which in
turns operates the knife in the cutter bar. The knife is connected to the pitman
with a ball and socket joint. The knife makes about 1600 cutting strokes per
minute. In order to engage or disengage the driving unit, generally a dog
clutch is provided on the counter shaft so that the man can operate it by foot
from the seat.
The tractor drawn semi-mounted or mounted type mowers are operated
by the P.T.O. shaft. In this case, the cutting mechanism is driven
independently of the forward speed of the mower. A shaft is connected with
the PTO shaft, which drives a V pulley with the help of a universal joint. The
V pulley rotates another smaller pulley on the crank shaft of the machine and
reciprocating motion is transmitted to the cutter bar. Other basic components
of the machine are the same as that of bullock drawn mower with some
variations in size and minor accessories.

Fig.39 . Components of reciprocating type mower

Cutter bar
It is an assembly comprising of fingers, knife section, ledger plate, wearing
plate, knife guides (clips) and shoes (Fig.40). It is used for cutting grasses and
forage. It is made of high grade steel. It works like a knife. The knife is a
metal bar, on which triangular shaped sections are mounted. The cutting
edges of these knife sections are mostly smooth edges. The knife sections

move back and forth and cut plants in both directions. The section of knife
should always stop at the centre of the guard on each stroke. The length of the
stroke is 7.5 cm. Ledger plate is a hardened metal, inserted in a finger over
which knife sections move to give a scissor like cutting action. Knife clips
hold the knife sections down against ledger plates but allow it to move freely.
Knife clips are placed together with wearing plates to absorb the rearward
thrust of the crop to the knife. Wearing plate is a hardened steel plate,
attached to the finger bar to form a bearing surface for the back of the knife.
A badly worn wearing plate or a loose knife clip may allow the knife to bend.

Fig. 40. Components of cutter bar

Pitman is a type of connecting rod which is pinned to the crankshaft with the
help of a pin. It transmits reciprocating motion to a knife head. Wooden
pitman is commonly used for the mowers.
A shoe is always provided on each end of the cutter bar to regulate the height
of cut above the ground. The inner shoe is larger in section and is placed at
the inner end of the cutter bar. The outer shoe is placed at the outer end and is
smaller in section. The inner shoe has a larger area of contact with the ground
than the outer one. This results in smooth and easy sliding of the cutter bar on
the ground. Grass board is provided at the outer end of the mower, which
causes the cut plants to fall towards the cut material. The angle of the grass
board can be changed for different crops.

Early imported mowers had a pair of wheels made of cast iron with sufficient
width and number of lugs to develop better grip in the soil. Now pneumatic
wheels have been introduced. Because of the ratchet and pawl arrangements,
the transport wheels transmit power to the knife.

Auxiliary parts
There is a lever provided within the easy reach of the operator to enable him
to lift the cutter bar from his seat. In addition to this, all animal drawn mowers
are provided with a foot lift so that the cutter bar can be raised when turning
at corners or to avoid obstructions. A hand lever is also provided to adjust the
height of the cut.

Registration and Alignment

As the pitman arm moves the knife back and forth, the centre of the knife
section must stop in the centre of the guard on each stroke, when it is in
operating condition (Fig.41). This is called registration. It is essential for an
even job of cutting, and unclogging of the cutter bar. Adjustment is
commonly made by moving the entire cutter bar in or out with respect to the
On most of the mowers, the outer end of the cutter bar is carried a little
ahead of the inner end to overcome the pressure exerted by the standing crop
on the cutter bar, while it is under working condition. In general, the cutter
bar is set at about 88° to the direction of motion, i.e., inward lead of 2°. This
is called lead and gives better cutting. When the cutter bar is properly aligned,
the knife and pitman run in a straight line. The lead can be measured by
stretching a string parallel to the pitman up to the outer end. Generally, 2 cm
lead per metre length of cutter bar is adequate.

Fig. 41. Registration of mower

12.3 Combine harvester
Combine harvester is a machine designed for harvesting, threshing, cleaning
and collecting the grain while it moves over the land. All the five operations
are carried out in single operation of the harvester. The machine is versatile
and with minor adjustments can handle a variety of crops. The size of the
combine is indicated by the width of cut, it covers in the field.
Combine harvester in its primitive form was introduced in Germany
and U.S.A. in late 19th century and became popular in next decades. In India,

though a few tractor drawn combine harvesters manufactured by Minneapolis
Moline U.S.A, and self-propelled Russian combine harvesters were available
with some Govt. farms and landlords. However, between 1970-73
introduction of E512 GDR combine in Punjab, Haryana and M.P. was made
in a big way. This was another revolution in the farm mechanization sector.
Gradually indigenous production started with the manufacture of a Swaraj
8100 combine harvester in organized sector by M/s Punjab Tractors Ltd.,
which followed manufacturing of the machine in small sector in a small way.
Surprisingly in 30 years of its production on commercial scale in India
there are 60 more manufacturers with a production capacity of 5 to 150
combines per year. On an average about 800 combines are added every year
on Indian farms. All these manufacturing units are located in the state of

12.3.1 Functions of combine harvester

1. cutting the standing crops
2. Feeding the cut crops to threshing unit
3. Threshing the crops
4. Cleaning the grains from straw
5. Collecting the grains in a container

Lecture No.13
Plant protection equipment – types of sprayers, constructional features of knapsack
sprayer, hand compression sprayer, foot sprayer, rocker sprayer and power sprayer,
care and maintenance of sprayers.

13.0 Sprayers
Insect pests and weeds cause considerable damage to the commercial crops. If
not controlled in time, the entire crop gets lost and, therefore, farmers are
likely to suffer in many ways. Among the important methods of weed control
and plant protection systems, the following methods have been recognized as
the effective and economical ones under different situations:
a) Mechanical control
b)Chemical control
c) Biological control
d)Agronomical methods
e) Bio-physical methods
f) Fire as control
The mechanical control of weeds is most widely used in India and in many
developing countries due to the availability of farm labour at relatively low
rates of wages. Whereas, the chemical method of plant protection has been
universally accepted due to saving of time, labour and its effectiveness with
relatively low expenditure. In developing countries, combination of chemical
and mechanical methods of weed control has been successfully accepted. The
chemicals for protecting the plants from various injurious or organisms need
to be applied on plant surfaces in the form of sprays, dusts, mist etc. Sprayers
and dusters are available in many forms for this purpose.

13.1 Sprayers
Sprayer is a machine to apply fluids in the form of droplets. Sprayer is used
for the following purpose: (i) application of fungicides to minimize fungal
diseases, (ii) application of insecticides to control insect pests, (iii) application
of herbicides to remove weeds and (iv) application of micronutrients on the
plants. The main functions of sprayer are: (i) to break the liquid into droplets
of effective size, (ii) to distribute them uniformly over the plants, and (iii) to
regulate the amount of liquid to avoid excessive application

13.2 Desirable quality of sprayer
(a) The sprayer should produce a steady stream of spray materials in the
desired fineness of the particle so that the plants to be treated may be covered
(b) It should deliver the liquid at sufficient pressure so that it reaches all the
foliage and spreads uniformly over the surface of the plant
(c) It should be light weight, sufficiently strong, easily workable and

13.3 Sprayer’s classification

Based on power source, sprayers may be classified as:
(i) Hand operated machines – suitable for small holdings. They are operated
at pressure ranging from 1 to 7 kg/cm2.
(ii) Power operated machines – suitable for treating a large area. They are
operated at pressure ranging from 20 to 55 kg/cm2.
(iii) Air planes – suitable for large scale work.

Based on spray volume, sprayers may be classified as:

(i) High volume sprayer - More than 400 litres of spray liquid per hectare is
(ii) Low volume sprayer – Spray volume ranges between 5 to 400 litres per
hectare is used.
(iii) Ultra-Low volume sprayer – Spray volume less than 5 litres per hectare is

Based on working principle, sprayers may be classified as:

(i) Hydraulic energy sprayers
(ii) Compression sprayers

13.4 Hydraulic energy sprayers

In this category of sprayers, hydraulic pressure is thrust upon the liquid by the
hand operated pumps. As a result, the liquid is forced through the nozzle in
the form of a spray of droplets (diameter in the range of 300-400mµ).
Sprayers of this type are high volume, high pressure and suitable for complete
coverage of both ground and field crops.

13.4.1 Bucket type sprayer
It consists of a hand operated single or double acting pump (Fig.42), which
may be placed into any ordinary bucket containing spraying solution. Plunger
rod is hollow and serves as the compression chamber. Liquid is discharged in
both suction and delivery strokes, hence a continuous application can be
made. One hand operates plunger, while another hand keeps the pump in
stable position. This pump is mostly made of brass. It is very light and easily
handled and develops sufficient pressure to spray small gardens and low trees.
It develops a pressure of 4 -10 kg/cm2.

Fig. 42. Line diagram of bucket type sprayer

13.4.2 Knapsack sprayer

It is very common type of sprayer, is provided with a pump and a large air
chamber permanently mounted in a 9 to 22.5 lts tank. The handle of the pump
extending over the shoulder or under the arm of operator, which makes it
possible to pump with one hand and spray with other hand. Spray liquid is
delivered through the delivery system, consisting of lance and nozzle, which
is connected with the pump by a flexible hose. A uniform pressure can be
maintained by keeping the pump in operation. It is generally carried on the
back of the operator. It is quite useful for spraying small trees, shrubs and row
crops up to 2.5 m height. These sprayers are useful because of their simplicity
in operation, durability and for diverse use including spraying bushes of tea
and coffee (Fig.43).
One man can spray about 0.4 – 0.5 ha in a day, thus spraying about 90
lts of spray liquid. A pressure of 3 -5 kg/cm2 is maintained in the pressure

Fig. 43. Line diagram of knapsack sprayer

13.4.3 Foot - operated sprayer

It is also called pedal pump (Fig.44). It consists of a plunger assembly, stand,
suction hose, delivery hose and an extension rod with nozzle. One end of
suction hose is fitted with a strainer and other end with a flexible coupling.
Similarly, one end of delivery hose is fitted with a cut-off valve and other end
with a flexible coupling. An additional container is required to hold spray
fluid, as this sprayer does not have a built-in tank. Continuous pedaling is
required for uniform spray. It can develop a pressure of 17-21 kg/cm2. It is
easy to operate and can be used for spraying tall crops and fruit trees up to 4
m height. Sprayer can be used to spray trees up to 6 m height with additional

Fig. 44. Line diagram of foot operated sprayer

13.4.5 Rocking sprayer
This type of sprayer consists of a lever operated pump assembly which rests
on a wooden platform (Fig.45). Suction hose with a strainer is immersed in a
separate container containing the spray liquid. Delivery system consists of a
separate pressure chamber, a flexible hose, spray lance, and a spray nozzle.
The lever attached to the pump is operated by the rocking- forward and
backward movement of the handle. Pressure is developed in the pressure
chamber, which may attain pressure of 14-18 kg/cm2. Such sprayers are used
for spraying tall plants like coconut and arecanut trees, and sugar cane plants.
Uniform spraying can be done if sufficient pressure is maintained in the
pressure chamber. It needs two persons to operate the sprayer, one for
operating the pumping system and another for the application of spray liquid.

13.5 Compression Sprayers

In these types of sprayers, air is compressed into the container by the
compression air pump. When sufficient pressure is developed, then the
delivery system is operated to obtain spray in the form of fine droplets. The
compressed air forces the liquid through the nozzle and the desired type of
spray is achieved. For this purpose, the tank is usually filled to three fourths
of its capacity, leaving one-fourth volume for the compressed air. The air
pump is fitted vertically inside the container which acts as a force pump.

Fig. 45. Line diagram of rocking sprayer

13.5.1 Hand compression sprayer
The compressed air sprayer consists of an air pump, is fitted vertically inside
the airtight chamber. The outlet pipe is suspended in the liquid in the
chamber, the end running into the bottom of the chamber, the other end is
provided with a nozzle. The chamber is usually filled to three fourths of its
capacity, leaving one-fourth volume for the compressed air. Before spraying,
the pressure is developed by pumping air into the chamber and continued till
sufficient pressure is built. When sufficient pressure is developed, then the
delivery system is operated to obtain spray in the form of fine droplets. The
tank capacity is usually 14 lts. Frequent pumping must be done to maintain
the required pressure.

13.5.2 Hand atomizer

This is the smallest type of hand sprayer used to treat the plants in home
garden or nursery and to apply fly spray in the house.

13.6 Power sprayers

Power sprayers are operated usually with IC engines. The prime mower
capacity varies from 1 to 5 hp. The pressure pump is operated by a small
power unit ensuring a constant steady pressure. These sprayers are essentially
high volume sprayers and operated at pressure ranges from 20 to 55 kg/cm 2.
These machines are usually portable type. Sometimes, power sprayers are
operated by the PTO shaft of the tractor. Power sprayers can cover much
larger area, and do the job efficiently.
A power sprayer essentially consists of: (i) prime mower, (ii) tank, (iii)
agitator, (iv) air chamber, (v) pressure gauge, (vi) pressure regulator, (vii)
strainer, (viii) boom and (ix) nozzles (Fig.46).
Prime mower: Prime mower is needed to supply power to the power
sprayer. It is usually internal combustion engine. The power generally varies
from 1 to 5 HP.
Tank: Steel tank is widely used to prevent corrosion. Plastic tanks are also
getting popular due to freedom from corrosion and ease of moulding into
smooth shape. A covered opening, fitted with a removable strainer is provided
for easy filling, inspection and cleaning. A drain plug is provided at the
bottom of tank for draining the liquid.

Agitator: Agitators are needed to agitate the liquid in the tank. Propeller or
paddle type mechanical agitators are provided to agitate the liquid. Horizontal
shaft with flat blades rotating at about 100 to 200 rpm may be used. Paddle tip
speed in excess of 2.5 m/s may cause foaming.
Air chamber: An air chamber is provided on the discharge line of the pump
to level out the pulsations of the pump thereby providing a constant nozzle
Pressure gauge: It is provided on the discharge line to guide the operator
regarding spray pressure. It should be under specified limit.
Strainer: It is provided in the suction line between the tank and the pump to
remove dust, dirt and other foreign materials.
Boom: It is driven by a tractor, has a long boom in a horizontal plane on
which nozzles are fixed at specified spacing. The boom can be adjusted
vertically to suit the height of plants in different fields.
Nozzle: It is used to break the liquid into the desired spray and deliver it to

13.6.1 Care and maintenance of sprayer

(i) All washers and packings should be soaked in oil or water before use.
(ii) The ends of the nozzle should be unscrewed and cleaned before starting
the work.
(iii) When spraying is over, the sprayer should be operated for sometime with
clean water to remove sediments from the pressure vessel and the discharge
(iv) Special attention has to be paid in case of power sprayers for the
(a) Lubricating oil of the engine should be changed for every 100 working
hours unless otherwise advised by the manufacturers.
(b) Do not disturb the packing until a leak is observed.
(c) The spray pump should not be worked at more than recommended
(d) Oil level in the pump of the engine should be checked every time and all
grease points should be greased once in a day.
(e) Recommended oils and fuels should always be used in the engine.
(f) Nozzle should be thoroughly cleaned after use by blowing air through it.

Fig. 46. Line diagram of power sprayer

Lecture No.14
Dusters – hand rotary and power operated dusters, care and maintenance of dusters.

Duster is a machine to apply chemical in dust form. Dusters make use of air
streams to carry pesticides in finely divided dry form on the plants. A duster
essentially consists of: (a) hopper, (b) agitator, (c) feed control, (d) fan or
blower and (e) delivery nozzle.

14.0 Types of dusters

14.1 Plunger type hand duster
This machine consists of a chamber for the dust, outlet, a cylinder with piston,
piston rod and handle. Sometimes the dust chamber is placed below the
cylinder. By moving the piston back and forth in the cylinder, dust is forced
through the outlet. This type of duster is suitable for dusting a small area.

14.2 Rotary type hand duster

This type of duster (Fig.47) is provided with an enclosed fan geared to a hand
crank and a hopper holding the dust. It is equipped with an agitator to stir the
dust and a regulator to control the discharge opening. The duster is usually
fastened to the operator by means of shoulder strips. The right hand is used
for cranking and the left hand to guide the discharge tube. These dusters can
hold about 3.6 to 4.5 kg of dust and are large enough to treat 0.4 to 0.6 hectare
of cropped area in a day. Ordinarily they are not found suitable for dusting
over 3 meters height.

Fig.47. Line diagram of rotary duster

14.3 Power duster
The power duster of small capacity is generally mounted on the back of the
operator. It consists of cylindrical container, blower, high speed engine and
discharge hose pipe. The cylindrical container is provided with two
compartments, one for gasoline, and the other for the powder to be dusted.
The blower is directly mounted on the crankshaft of the high speed (4000
rpm) air cooled engine. The air pressure is utilized to agitate the dust in the
container in order to blow it through the flexible hose pipe. The direction of
the dust is regulated by a movable delivery spout suitably fitted with the unit.
The dust can be blown up to about 6 meters height. Such a duster can cover
about a hectare in a day. This type of duster can be converted into a sprayer
with little modifications. Portable type power dusters are also in use. They are
mounted on two wheel trolleys.

14.4 Care and maintenance of dusters

(i) Duster should be thoroughly cleaned before and after use with a suitable
(ii) The hopper should be filled with dust about half of its capacity.
(iii) The lid of the hopper should be closed during the operation.
(iv) In rotary dusters, the handle should be cranked at 30 to 35 rpm for
efficient performance.
(v) Before and after use of the duster, the dust from the fan box, suction pipe
and hopper should be thoroughly blown out.
(vi) Pieces of paper, gunny bag and other foreign materials should be
prevented from getting into the hopper.
(vii) The agitator parts and dust feed should be occasionally checked for
blockage by foreign matter.

Lecture No.15
Tractor mounted equipments for land development and soil conservation – functions of
bund former, ridger, and leveling blade.

15.0 Bund Former

It is used for making bunds or ridges by collecting the soil (Fig.48). Bunds are
required to hold water in the soil, thereby conserve moisture and prevent
runoff. The size of the bund former is determined by measuring the maximum
horizontal distance between the two rear ends of the forming boards. It is
operated by both animal and tractor. Bund former consists of: (i) forming
board, (ii) beam and (iii) handle. Forming board is made of mild steel of
thickness 1.6 mm for light soil and 2 mm for medium and heavy soils.

15.1 Ridger
It is an implement (Fig.49) which cuts and turns the soil in two opposite
directions simultaneously for forming ridges. It is also known as furrower.
Ridger is used to form ridges, for sowing row crop seeds and plants in well
tilted soil. The ridger is also used for forming field channels or furrowers,
earthing up and similar other operations. Ridgers are also known as riding
plough and double mould board plough.
A ridger consists of beam, clevis, frog, handle, mould boards, braces,
share, and sliding shoe. The ridger generally has V-shaped or wedge shaped
share, fitted to the frog. The nose or the tip of the share penetrates into the soil
and breaks the earth. The mould boards lift, invert and cast aside the soil,
forming deep channels and ridges of the required size.

Fig. 48. Bund former

Fig. 49. Ridger

15.2 Leveller
In irrigated areas, land leveling is an essential operation for farming. Level
fields receive uniform penetration of irrigation water with high efficiency.
The possibility of water logging and soil erosion is reduced considerably.
Land leveling is usually done in the slack season when the field is free from
Wooden logs or planks are the most common type of field levelers used
by farmers. They are operated in ploughed land to collect loose soil from high
spots and dump it into depressions. The other improved type of land leveler
which is used on the large farms, is called the leveling karaha (scoop) or

15.3 Animal drawn soil scoop

Soil scoop is used in excavating ditches, cleaning drains and moving soil over
short distances (Fig.50). The implement is pulled by a pair of bullocks. Two
men are needed to operate it. One man controls the bullocks and the other
man does the loading and unloading. It consists of: (i) blade, (ii) soil trough,
(iii) Hitching loop and (iv) handle.
Blade: It is made of high carbon steel with carbon content varying from 0.5 to
0.6%. The angle of the cutting blade varies from 12 to 15 0 only. The blade is
riveted or bolted to the soil trough.
Soil trough: It is made of mild steel sheet. It has two handles on the sides at
the rear end.

Hitching loop: Two ends of the loop are fitted to the side of the soil trough.
The loop is made of mild steel round.
Handle: Two handles, are usually made of timber or mild steel flat.

Fig. 50. Soil scoop

Lecture No.16
Farm mechanization – engineering intervention for production and productivity,
percentage share of different power sources, level of mechanization of different
operations (power sources).

16.0 Scope of mechanization

Agriculture is the most important sector of the Indian economy. Most of the
farming is carried out on small holdings. About 78% of farm holdings belongs
to small and marginal farmers, about 22% belongs to semi, medium and large
farm holders. Moreover, the Indian farmers have the lowest earnings per
capita because of the low yield per hectare from their holdings. Food grain
production is almost stagnant (2001-2002: 212.85 million tones; 2006-
2007:211.78 million tones). Whereas, population statistics shows that, India
population was 1.065 billion in July 2004, at present 1.128 billion and
projected population is 2 billion by 2101. Mechanization is the only solution
for increasing farm production per hectare to enable us to meet the food
requirement of growing population. There is a positive correlation between
application of improved technologies and the land productivity. The effective
mechanization contributes to increase production in two major ways: the
timeliness of operation and good quality of work
The requirement of power for certain operations like seed bed
preparation, cultivation and harvesting becomes so great that the existing
human and animal power in the country appears to be inadequate. As a result,
the operations are either partially done or sometimes completely neglected,
resulting in low yield due to poor growth or untimely harvesting or both. Yet
Indian agriculture lacks farm power which needs to be increased from 1.25
kW/ha to at least 2.0 kW/ha. Draft animals and farm workers are important
sources of farm power. Mechanization possibility is strongly influenced by:
(i) farm size, (ii) cost of farm labour, and (iii) availability of suitable
machines. The farming system continues to utilize manual labour, animal
power and tractor based technology in almost all operations.
The economic progress of a nation depends directly upon availability of
energy and its consumption for fruitful utilization. Increased energy input in
agriculture directly or indirectly increases the production of crops. In order to
bring more land under cultivation and to improve productivity, it is necessary
to introduce other sources of power like tractors, power tillers, oil engines,
self propelled combine harvester, electric motors and renewable energy

(specially wind mills for water pumping). The availability of power from
different sources has been given in Table 2.
Table 1: Availability of farm power in India
Year Total Sources wise, %
power, Animate power Mechanical Electrical
kW/ha (Human + animal)
1951 0.25 97.4 2.1 0.5
1961 0.31 94.9 3.7 1.4
1971 0.36 79.2 16.3 4.5
1981 0.63 48.2 32.3 19.5
1991 0.92 34.5 34.7 30.8
1999 1.25 21.0 44.2 34.8

Mechanization in India may have to be done at various levels. Broadly,

it can be done in three different ways:
1. By introducing the improved agricultural implements on small size
holdings to be operated by bullocks;
2. By introducing the small tractors, tractor-drawn machines and power
tillers on medium size holdings to supplement existing sources;
3. By introducing the large size tractors and machines on the remaining
holdings to supplement animal power source.

These machines will be helpful in providing power efficiently for good

seedbed preparation which is quite essential for maximizing the germination
of the seed. In addition to this, the mechanization of the following fields of
agriculture is equally essential:
1. Shaping and leveling of farm fields for even distribution of irrigation water.
2. Development of planting and fertilizing machines.
3. Spraying and dusting machinery.
4. Mechanization of harvesting, threshing, winnowing and drying operations.
Improved agricultural tools and equipment are estimated to contribute to the
food and agricultural production in India by savings in seeds (15-20%),
fertilizers (15-20%), time (20-30%), and labour (20-30%); and also by
increase in cropping intensity (5-20%), and productivity (10-15%).

There is a good scope of farm mechanization in India de to the following
reasons: (i) improved irrigation facility in the area, (ii) introduction of high
yielding varieties of seeds, (iii) introduction of high dose of fertilizers and
pesticides for different crops, (iv) introduction of new crops in different crops
of the country, and (v) multi-cropping system and intensive cultivation,
followed in different parts of the country.

16.1 State of mechanization

Agricultural system all over the world has undergone changes in terms of
cropping system, type of power sources used and application of inputs to
achieve high level of productivities. Even in India, mechanization of
agriculture has advanced considerably. In certain region, the level of
mechanization has gone far ahead of the average level in the country. Human
and animal power sources are no longer the predominant sources on Indian
farms. Presently, India is the largest manufacture of tractors in the world
accounting for about one third of the global production and more than 50
percent of tractors in <50 hp category. The country produced 3,45,172 tractor
units in 2007-2008 of which 43,553 units were exported. There are 20 tractor
manufacturers, 9 power tiller manufacturers and a number of agricultural
implement and machinery manufacturers. Table 1 shows status of farm
equipment manufacturing industries. Similarly about the hundred thousand
pump sets are being installed on Indian farms annually. On the basis of
annually critical review of the mechanization position, one observes that the
shortage of labour and high labour wages are the main factors which strongly
propel mechanization. Consequently, the more labour intensive operations,
such pumping of irrigation water, land preparation and threshing are the first
operations which are mechanized. Large amount of labour or draft power
which can be replaced through machines provides a strong incentive to
mechanize. Available mechanization technologies from the industrialized
countries have limited scope of introduction in the developing world. Hence,
indigenous solutions must be found for some of the mechanizations problems
particularly for paddy production system. Efforts have to make to develop
rice transplanter, rice harvester and appropriate rice milling machinery
appropriate to the location specific conditions of South and South East Asian

Table 1: Status of farm equipment manufacturing industries
Equipment Manufacturers in Equipment Manufacturers in
No. No.
Agricultural 20 Seed drills 2500
Power tillers 9 Ploughs, 5000
cultivators and
Earth mowers 3 Tractor parts and 546
Pumps 600 Earth moving 188
machinery &
Sprinkler sets 35 Diesel oil engine 200
Drip irrigation 35 Rice processing 300
system industry
Plant protection 300 Sugarcane 50
equipment crusher
Combines 48 Chaff cutter 50
Reapers 60 Dairy and food 500
Threshers 6000 Village craftsman 1 million

The engineering inputs in agriculture has helped the farmers in

effective utilization of inputs and thereby increasing the productivity and
adding value to the produce. The local farm industries have helped the
farmers to supply desired improved farm machinery and post harvest
equipment to modernize agriculture. To-day farmers use pumps, drip and
sprinkler irrigation, cultivators, disc harrows, rotavators, seed drills, planters,
pneumatic planters, power thresher, combine harvesters etc., manufactured by
local industries. To meet the future food requirements, the farmers may
require better production and processing technology such as precision
agriculture, drip and fertigation, micro sprinkler, greenhouse modern
processing and packaging technology for promotion of agri business and
commercial agriculture.


1. Nakra, C. P. 1986. Farm Machinery and Equipment. Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New
2. Klenin, N.I., Popov, I.F., and Sakun, V. A. 1985. Agricultural Machines. Amerind
publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Jagdishwar Sahay. 2006. Elements of Agricultural Engineering. Standard
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
4. Michal, A. M., and Ojha, T. P. 2008. Principles of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. I.
Jain Brothers, New Delhi.
5. Kepner, R. A., Roy Bainer, and Barger, B. L. 1978. Principles of farm machinery.
CBS publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
6. Jain, S. C. 2003. Farm Machinery - An Approach. Standard Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi.
7. Surendar Singh. 2007. Farm Machinery-Principles and Applications. Indian
Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.


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